Selection of the best tablets and anti-tick products for dogs in 2022, as well as drops, shampoos, sprays, collars

Composition and principle of action

The tablets are classified as systemic insectoacaricides. The composition directly depends on the manufacturer. Everyone independently determines which active ingredients will be present in the drug.

Active ingredients may include spinosad, milbemycin, sarolaner, etc. These additives are the most commonly used. According to their action, drugs can be aimed at combating internal or external parasites.

The principle of action of the tablets is that they block arthropod receptors. Usually they destroy parasites the first time, but for prevention it is advisable to complete the entire course.

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How to use flea medications correctly

Whatever product the owner chooses, the first step he must take before using it is to read the instructions. Even if the conditions for using the drug seem obvious, some manufacturers specify specific steps that not everyone can guess.

Important! If obvious signs of poisoning are observed, the dog owner should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Otherwise, the animal may die. Symptoms of poisoning are:

  • unsteady gait;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • excessive saliva production;
  • shiver;
  • hard breath;
  • rash on the skin;
  • change in color of the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Pet treatment technology

The following algorithm should be followed:

  1. Using a small buckle, securely secure the collar around your dog's neck. Before this, veterinarians recommend bathing the animal with flea shampoo, otherwise the parasites may remain on its tail and begin to spread throughout the body. Also, before putting on the collar, you should stretch it. The distance between the dog's neck and the belt should be between 1.5 cm and 2 cm. The excess part of the collar must be removed.
  2. When using drops, it is necessary to spread the fur on the pet’s withers and apply the amount of the drug indicated in the instructions. Over the next 24 hours, the active components of this product will spread throughout the dog's entire body.
  3. The powder should be applied evenly over the dog’s entire body, and after 3-5 minutes the hair should be combed out.
  4. The main disadvantage of shampoo is that it does not eliminate fleas, but only paralyzes them. After bathing the animal, the owner must comb it using a wide-toothed comb.
  5. To force an animal to take a pill, it must be hidden in food.
  6. Before using the spray, you must carefully read the instructions. The processing technology depends on the brand.

How to get rid of fleas and how to treat your dog at home, read more in the article here.

Frequency of treatment courses

About how often you need to use various means:

  1. The collar can be valid from a month to six months, depending on the information in the instructions. After the time specified in the instructions has passed, you need to purchase a new collar.
  2. The frequency of use of the drops should be indicated in the instructions.
  3. A treatment course using powder should be carried out once or twice every 7 days until the dog is completely free of insects.
  4. The effect that shampoo has on fleas lasts approximately 7-10 days. If the product does not work the first time, after the specified period, the treatment of the pet’s body must be repeated.
  5. The frequency of use of the tablets is indicated in the instructions. It is individual for each brand due to differences in ingredients and their quantities.
  6. After applying the spray, fleas begin to die immediately. This effect will continue for several weeks.

We use preventive measures

Most prophylactic products contain 2 active components: adulticides and pyrethrins. The first cope with the fight against adult fleas. The latter help prevent the appearance of harmful insects. Here is a list of flea preventive medications:

  • insecticides and repellents;
  • spray and aerosol;
  • tablets and solutions for injections;
  • bath liquids

Safety precautions and contraindications

Proper use of the medicine is completely safe for the animal. It is necessary to take into account all the doctor’s recommendations. You need to understand that each drug has an individual set of contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with them in advance. Typically, tick repellent tablets are prohibited for use if you have certain medical conditions. If you ignore the list of contraindications, the animal may experience complications that cannot be eliminated.

All drugs are prohibited for use if the dog has an individual intolerance to specific substances.

Particular care should be taken when choosing a medication if the dog has any chronic diseases, is in the pregnancy stage, is nursing, or has problems with the urinary system.

The dosage is selected individually. It is imperative to take into account the age and weight of the dog.

Important. Some medications are not recommended for use in young dogs and puppies.

If after taking the medicine such unpleasant signs as vomiting, lethargy, tremors, refusal to eat, or weakness appear, then you must immediately take the dog to the clinic. People must also observe safety measures. Immediately after contact with the drug, you should wash your hands thoroughly. The medicine is kept away from children.

Top 4. Inspector Quadro Tabs

Rating (2021): 4.25

Best price Inspector Quadro Tabs is the most inexpensive drug presented in the rating for comprehensive protection not only against ticks and fleas, but also helminths. He becomes the winner in the “Best Price” category.

Suitable for dogs weighing from 0.5 kg The drug is available in several dosages, including for small dogs and puppies weighing from 0.5 kg, for which the treatment will be effective and safe.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 710 rub. (2 tablets 160+80+4.8 mg for animals 8-16 kg)

  • Manufacturer: EcoProm (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: lufenuron + moxidectin + praziquantel
  • Dosage: 10+5+3 mg/kg
  • Duration of protection: 5 weeks

Inspector Quadro Tabs is a combined systemic drug against fleas, ticks and helminths. It has a broad spectrum of action against a total of 20 types of parasites, with a prolonged effect for up to 5 weeks. Dosage options are available for sale for animals weighing from 0.5 to 16 kg or more. Many of them are suitable for both dogs and cats, as well as kittens and puppies. Each package contains 2-4 tablets, which are noticeably cheaper than their analogues, and can guarantee no worse results. There are few reviews about this drug, but the available ones sound positive and confirm its effectiveness.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • 4 dosage options for cats and dogs weighing from 0.5 to 16 kg or more
  • Combined composition with complex antiparasitic effect
  • Suitable for puppies and kittens from 6 weeks of age
  • Beef flavor makes it easy to eat
  • Few reviews

Selection of products for dogs of different breeds and sizes

There are several important factors that must be taken into account. First of all, you need to decide on the form of the product. As mentioned earlier, tablets are the most effective option.

The age of the dog must be taken into account. Most standard medications are not given to puppies until they are 8 weeks old. It is also important to pay attention to weight. Some medications have restrictions on this parameter and are not used for dogs weighing up to 1.2 kg.

If the dog is an adult, then almost any drug will do. If a puppy needs treatment, it is advisable to give preference to shampoos. They are less effective, but completely safe for a small individual.

Breeds weighing more than 20 kg are given only tablets. Other options will not be effective. Otherwise, breed and coat type do not influence the choice of medication in any way.

Top 3. Simparica

Rating (2021): 4.54

397 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozon, IRecommend, Eapteka, Four Paws

Best value for money Simparica is not the cheapest drug, but, given the 3 tablets per package, it can provide long-term protection. Reviews about its effectiveness are mostly positive, which indicates an optimal price-quality ratio.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1221 rub. (3 tablets of 40 mg for animals 10-20 kg)

  • Manufacturer: Zoetis (Pfizer) (USA)
  • Active ingredient: sarolaner
  • Dosage: 2-4 mg/kg
  • Duration of protection: 35 days

Simparika chewable tablets can protect your dog not only from 9 types of ixodid ticks and fleas, but also from other parasites, namely ear mites, demodicosis and sarcoptic mange. The last three diseases are not only prevented with the help of this drug, but also treated. The manufacturer offers dosage options for animals from 1.3 to 60 kg containing the active ingredient sarolaner in amounts from 5 to 120 mg. A single dose will provide protection for up to 35 days. Simparika is quite expensive, but there are three tablets in one package, which will help prevent tick damage for more than 3 months. Animals eat liver-flavored product with pleasure. The medicine receives generally good reviews, although some dog owners note lethargy in their pets and indigestion.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Protection against fleas, ticks, treatment of demodicosis, ear mites
  • Dosage options for animals from 1.3 to 60 kg
  • One package contains 3 tablets
  • Work for 35 days
  • Dogs like the taste and eat with pleasure
  • High price
  • After taking it, some people experience lethargy and may experience diarrhea.

Anti-tick tablets for dogs

The tablets begin to act in the body almost instantly. The active substances are absorbed into the dog's gastrointestinal tract. When used correctly, side effects and complications are excluded.


This is one of the best medicines for ticks. Has some features. If used too frequently, the effectiveness of the medicine may decrease. This is the most significant disadvantage of this drug. Another important condition is regular use for both treatment and prevention. The medication has a cumulative effect.

Bravecto can be used not only to treat ticks, but also against ticks. The medication begins to act 4 hours after use. After just 8 hours, most of the parasites die.

Bravecto destroys ticks regardless of their location. Resistance is absent in ticks from all over the world.

Frontline NexGard/ Frontline NexGard

These are chewable tablets that taste good for dogs. They not only destroy parasites, but also protect against re-infection for 30 days. Dogs perceive this drug not as a pill, but as a treat.

Frontline begins to act 30 minutes after administration. Full protection against re-infection begins after 4 hours, which is a significant advantage. The effectiveness of the medicine against 8 types of ticks has been proven, which not all medicines with similar effects can boast of.

Frontline can be prescribed to nursing dogs. The main thing is to consult your doctor first, just in case. However, repeated bathing does not reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

NexGard Spectra

A drug produced in France, which has a fairly high cost and will cost the dog owner approximately 1000-1500 rubles. One package is enough for 3 months. The medicine is stored only for 2 years from the date of production.

The medicine acts on 8 types of ticks. Active substances are excreted in urine and bile. The medicine protects the dog for 1 month after use. During this period, the dog is not at risk of re-infection.


Simparica is a medicine that is used for treatment and prevention. The drug has a wide spectrum of action. The unique formula of the drug was developed by American scientists.

This is a systemic drug. After entering the stomach, the active substances are quickly absorbed. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved due to the fact that the active parts penetrate into all tissues of the body.

The medicine inhibits the activity of not only ticks, but also other external parasites. Active substances block receptors, which leads to the complete death of pests. The product has a cumulative effect. That is why the positive result lasts up to 35 days. A significant advantage is that Simparica is a low-toxic drug. The cost of this medicine is 800-900 rubles.

Comfortis/ Comfortis

Comfortis - tablets for oral use. The active ingredient of the drug is spinosad. After entering the pet’s body, the medication is absorbed in the intestines. After contact with ticks, the product disrupts nerve impulses between cells. As a result, the insect dies.

After 48 hours, 75% of the medicine leaves the pet’s body. A significant advantage is that the tablets have a slight beef flavor, which makes them easier for your dog to take.

Tsapstar / Capstar

This is a fast-acting insecticide. It blocks the nerve endings of parasites. The active substance is a synthetic additive. Studies show that the medicine destroys up to 99% of parasites within 3 hours after its use.

The manufacturer produces 2 types of tablets - with blue and green markings on the packaging. The first ones are prescribed to dogs weighing up to 55 kg. Larger dogs require the use of a drug with green markings on the packaging. This segmentation is a significant advantage. For large dogs, tablets contain a higher concentration of active substances.

Treatment with this drug is not safe for dogs weighing up to 4 kg. This is a minus that must be taken into account. Admission is possible only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Credelio Elanco

This drug is effective not only in treating mites, but also in eliminating allergic dermatitis, which is caused by parasite bites. The only available contraindication is individual intolerance to the substances in the composition. The main and significant disadvantage is the price. The cost can reach up to $100.

Rating of the best drugs intended for animals weighing from 4 to 10 kg

Bravecto (MSD Animal Health) for dogs 4.5-10 kg

Can be given to puppies that weigh more than 2 kg and are 8 weeks old from birth. The drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the active components of the animal.

In addition to ticks, it also has a negative effect on fleas. The effect of one tablet is designed for 90 days. After this time, you can repeat the procedure.

The tablet tastes good and has an attractive smell for the animal. Shelf life: 23 months. A package with one tablet costs about 1,200 rubles.

Bravecto (MSD Animal Health) for dogs 4.5-10 kg


  • Highly effective in the fight against ticks;
  • Long period of action.


  • Doesn't get rid of fleas well.

Zoetis (Pfizer) Simparica for dogs and puppies weighing 5.1-10 kg

Suitable for treating adults and puppies. After administration, it begins to have a negative effect after 8 hours on fleas and after 12 hours on ticks. The effect of one tablet lasts more than 35 days.

Easily eaten by a dog. The package includes the drug in the amount of 3 tablets.

Pregnant and lactating females should take under supervision or after the recommendation of a veterinarian. It is not advisable to give this drug to animals that are susceptible to allergic reactions.

The shelf life is 730 days, the price is in the range of 1200-1800 rubles.

Zoetis (Pfizer) Simparica for dogs and puppies weighing 5.1-10 kg


  • Long shelf life;
  • Effective against fleas and ticks.


  • Not detected.

Nexgard Spectra M for dogs from 7.5 to 15 kg

Suitable for medium-sized animals, not only adult dogs, but also 8-week-old puppies. The product is recommended for getting rid of ticks, fleas, as well as internal parasites such as helminths.

The duration of action of one tablet is 30 days, their quantity in a package is 2 pcs. This is enough for three months of continuous treatment. Having an interesting, attractive smell and taste, the dog perceives the drug as a treat and eats it.

The cost of this product is 1800 rubles, its shelf life is 335 days.

Nexgard Spectra M for dogs from 7.5 to 15 kg


  • Highly effective in the fight against ticks;
  • Gets rid of helminths;
  • It is quickly eaten by animals.


  • Not detected.

How to use the tablets correctly

Anti-tick tablets should be used monthly. The duration of treatment directly depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology, the number of parasites and the region of residence. Consultation with a doctor is required. Changing the prescribed dosage on your own may have a negative impact.

When taking the drug, be sure to take into account the dog’s age and weight. If there are individual characteristics, for example, pregnancy, then you must inform your doctor about this. Most often, tablets are prohibited for pets under 2 months of age. In this case, more gentle medications are needed.

Usually the capsules have a meaty taste, which makes treatment easier. Despite this, you need to make sure that the animal actually ate the medicine.

Other anti-tick products for dogs

Other means are less effective, but at the same time safer. Most of them can be prescribed to pregnant dogs or puppies. However, it is better to have your veterinarian select the most appropriate medication.


Drops are applied to the withers. 2-3 days before and after treatment, you should not bathe the animal. The medicine must be completely absorbed.

  • Frontline Combo. The antiparasitic agent is considered one of the best. It is often recommended by both veterinarians and breeders. The drug practically does not enter the systemic circulation. Active substances accumulate in epidermal cells. The drug disrupts the nerve impulses of the parasites, after which their death occurs. Drops can only be applied to the skin without damage. The downside is that the treatment must be carried out in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

  • Frontline Spot On. Frontline Spot It can be prescribed to both dogs and cats, which is a significant advantage. The drops are contained in convenient disposable pipettes, making them easy to store and transport. After application, the medication protects against fleas and ticks for 3-5 weeks.

  • Bravecto Spot On. The manufacturer produces Bravecto Spot On in 5-fold dosages. There are options for animals from 2 kg and more. The maximum dose in which the medicine is released is 1400 mg. It is prescribed to dogs weighing over 50 kg. This medication is potent, so you must consult a doctor before use.

  • Advantix. Advantix has one significant disadvantage. The drug is not suitable for all dogs and may cause signs of skin irritation. It should also be noted that many mites are resistant to the substances contained in the composition. Advantix is ​​best used in conjunction with other medications.

  • Advocate. Advocate contains moderately hazardous substances. When treating dogs, it is recommended to use the product for the prevention of parasites in cats that have been in contact with the dog. The disadvantages of the product include the inability to use on dogs under 7 weeks of age. It is also not used before or after infectious diseases.

  • Hartz Ultra Guard. These are drops that can be used to treat adults and puppies. The effectiveness of this drug is 99%. After the first use, the therapeutic effect lasts for up to a month. Thanks to its safety, the medication can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

  • Inspector. The inspector is a German development. The drug protects against infection by ticks for up to 4 weeks, and against fleas for up to 6 weeks. The medicine is completely safe if you carefully follow the dosage and other recommendations. A significant advantage of the Inspector is that it does not affect the pet’s immunity in any way.

  • Biospotix Spot On. This drug is completely of herbal origin, which makes it stand out from other medicines. The medication repels ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. Additionally, plant components have a good effect on the condition of the animal’s coat and skin.

  • Prac-tik / Prac-tik. The main properties of Prak-tik are insecticidal and acaricidal. Parasites are not resistant to the substances that make up the drug. Immediately after contact with the medication, pests stop reproducing and feeding. This is one of the most effective remedies that is applied to the withers.

  • Rolf Club 3D. The product can be used for dogs of different breeds. It is safe and highly effective. There are several drop options. The packaging of each indicates the weight of the animal it is designed for. One pipette will cost the owner 200-400 rubles. The main active ingredient is Fipronil. The medicine begins to act within 2-3 minutes.

  • Insectal. The main active ingredient in Insectal is the same as in Rolf - Fipronil. After using the medicine, the components block the transmission of nerve impulses in insects. As a result of this, they die almost instantly. The main advantage is the relatively low price. Drops will cost 80-100 rubles.

  • BEAPHAR - IMMO Shield Line-on. Drops are used to treat animals over 12 weeks of age. The main disadvantage is that the medicine is intended only for small breed dogs. The maximum permissible weight is 15 kg. All parasites die within 24 hours.

  • BEAPHAR - VETO pure. The main advantage of this product is that it is completely natural. These drops are used only for small breed dogs. They repel ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. The package contains 3 pipettes. Each contains 1 ml of product.

  • Leopard. There is Bars for small, medium and large dogs. The medicine is produced in Russia, so it has an affordable price. The active substance accumulates in the epidermis. It is important to consider the main disadvantage. The medicine is not used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

  • Dironet Spot-on. The medicine is prescribed to adult dogs and cats. Hypersensitivity to the composition and pregnancy are the only contraindications to the use of the medicine. Dironet can only be applied to dry and intact skin.

  • Delcite. The main feature of Delcit is that it is a concentrate. The product is not used in its pure form. This is due to the large number of active substances in the composition. The drug is used only in case of severe infection. This is due to the relatively toxic composition. It is also not recommended to store the product near feed and drinking water.

  • Zoetis. This is a drug that creates reliable protection for animals. These drops have a complex effect. There are options for both small and large breeds.


Collars are best used for prevention. They are put on immediately after the animal undergoes treatment. This will enhance protection against re-infection.

  • Foresto (Bayer). The length of this collar is 70 cm, which makes it possible to put it on a dog of any breed. The main advantage of such a collar is that it protects the animal from parasites for 8 months. The accessory is completely safe for the environment and the animal itself.

  • Kiltix. Kiltix provides long-lasting protection. It guarantees complete protection for 6 months. The product is completely moisture-proof, so its effectiveness does not decrease even after repeated use. The only drawback is that if the animal already has parasites, you will have to bathe it first.

  • Beaphar. Beafar protects the animal for 6 months from fleas and 2.5 months from ticks. Can be used for dogs weighing from 2 to 25 kg and above.

Important. In the first days of use, it is still possible for ticks and fleas to attach, but after a few days they disappear.

  • Bolfo. The length of these collars ranges from 35 to 70 cm. The product can be left on while the animal is bathing. This will not reduce the effectiveness of the accessory.

  • Veto Shield Bio Band. The collar contains a mixture of natural oils. They repel pests with their pungent odor. An additional benefit is that the collar improves the condition of the coat. Due to its natural composition, the collar is completely safe.

  • Dana Ultra. Dana Ultra is a budget product. The size of the collar ranges from 25 to 80 cm. The active substances are distributed throughout the body without being absorbed. Animals tolerate the use of the medicine well.


This is another option that is convenient to use as a preventive measure. There are types of shampoos that are used for both treatment and prevention.

  • Doctor Zoo. The manufacturer produces shampoo for both puppies and adults. The composition contains extracts of herbs and essential oils. The advantage is that shampoo not only gets rid of parasites, but also improves the appearance of the animal.

  • Phytoelite. This is an insecticidal shampoo. Developed based on medicinal herbs. It effectively relieves itching and irritation. This is a completely natural and safe product. Swimming pregnant dogs is not allowed.

  • Mr. Bruno. The Mister Bruno line includes shampoos taking into account the variety of dogs and their physiological characteristics. There are no preservatives or dyes in the composition. This shampoo has a dispenser that allows you to use detergent sparingly. This is a significant advantage over other means.

  • Leopard. Bars is a natural based product. The main additive is lavender essential oil. The main advantage of the product is that it has no contraindications. Shampoo prevents re-infection.

  • Lugovoy. Meadow shampoo is a product made in Russia. It has a beneficial effect on the animal's fur and skin. There are options for dogs with short or long hair. The product has a light pleasant aroma.

  • Celandine. All shampoos from the Celandine line contain permethrin. It is allowed to use the medicine not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes. The downside of shampoo is that it is advisable to use it in conjunction with collars.
  • Beafar Bio. Beafor is a shampoo that contains aloe vera. The main advantage is that the line contains a product that is intended for animals with white fur. It activates natural pigment.

  • Dana. Dana shampoo not only gets rid of parasites, but also helps to cope with the unpleasant odor from the dog’s skin. The product relieves unpleasant symptoms and prevents the development of invasion. Additionally, shampoo can be used to treat beds.

  • Bim. This shampoo contains only herbal ingredients. Bim has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and coat. The results from use last for a long time.

Aerosols and Sprays

The main advantage of aerosols and sprays is their ease of application. This method is indicated for unsocialized dogs.

  • Bolfo. This is an effective aerosol for large and small animals. Additionally, this product can be used to treat beds. Contains Proposcor. This is the main active ingredient. Do not treat sick or convalescent animals with Bolfo aerosol. Treatments are carried out no more than 1-2 times a week.

  • Frontline. Frontline accumulates in the epidermis. The product does not enter the bloodstream. One treatment provides protection for 2 months. The drug has low toxicity for animals. Frontline can be used from the first days of life. It is easy to use. Processing is carried out only in a ventilated area.

  • Hartz. The spray kills ticks and other parasites within 7 days. Immediately after treatment, they lose the ability to maintain their vital functions. After spraying, the animal is protected from re-infection for a month.

How do the drops work?

Flea and tick drops on the withers are a popular form of protection against parasites. They are prescribed for the prevention and elimination of insects if an infection has already occurred. The products are easy to use, they are moderately toxic, and when used correctly, they are safe for animals and people.

The action of the drops on the withers occurs due to the main component - the insecticide. In its role they use:

  • organophosphorus compounds (diazinon, fipronil, pyriprole) are the most toxic and can affect the well-being of your pet;
  • carbamates (bendiocarb, carbofuran, propoxur) – less toxic;
  • pyrethroids or phenylpyrazoles (phenothrin, etofenprox) are the least toxic of chemical insectoacaricides;
  • natural ingredients (essential oils with a pungent odor) are safe and well tolerated by pets, with the exception of animals with allergies to the active ingredients.

After application to the skin, the insecticides contained in the drug penetrate the sebaceous glands. Of these, substances are distributed over the skin along with fatty lubricants. When bitten, the poison penetrates the body of the parasites, paralyzes them and leads to death.

The products are complex and work against several types of blood-sucking parasites:

  • ticks – sarcoptoid, subcutaneous, ixodid;
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters.

Also, the drugs repel mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, and flies.

Not all drops work immediately. The effect is achieved within 2-5 days. But there are exceptions - a number of drugs work from the first hours.

Features of using various means

All types of anti-tick medications have their own characteristics of use. The tablets are mixed with food without crushing, if the instructions allow this method. The drug cannot be crushed. The safest option is to put the tablet directly into the mouth as close to the throat as possible. This can be done either manually or using a special syringe.

The collar is placed on the animal's neck. It is important to ensure that there is some free space between it and the wool. If necessary, the collar can be shortened using scissors. He shouldn't sit too loose either.

Shampoos are applied during bathing. It is important to moisturize the dog's fur first. Only after this can the product be applied. Soap suds after bathing are washed off with warm water.

Sprays are sprayed onto the animal's fur from a distance of 10-15 cm. There is no need to do this too close. It is important to ensure that the medicine does not get into the animal's eyes. This also applies to shampoos.

Why are ticks dangerous for dogs?

Ticks are often carriers of diseases. They can cause piroplasmosis, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis, and hepatozoonosis. All these diseases, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to the immediate death of the animal. They lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs. In most cases, it will be impossible to save the dog. This is why it is important to adhere to preventive measures. This can be done with the help of vaccinations and special medications.

Anti-tick tablets are an effective way to both treat and prevent pests.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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