The dog smells like fish or rotten meat from under his tail
Surely at some point you have noticed a terribly unpleasant odor coming from under your dog’s tail. This is very
lactation, or milk production in dogs
A dog has little milk: how to help and what is the right thing to do for a nursing mother
If a dog has little milk, then its puppies may die of hunger or fall behind
What is incontinence in dogs
Urinary incontinence in dogs: dangerous and non-dangerous causes, solution to the problem
When keeping dogs at home, various problems may arise related to the health of the animal and
Is it possible to feed dogs chicken?
Chicken by-products in the diet of dogs: what can be given and what cannot?
The benefits of chicken meat for dogs Feeding a dog chicken by-products is a double-edged sword,
How to stop an adult cat from biting and scratching: find the reason and solve it
What will you learn from the article Reasons why a cat bites How to stop a cat from biting What
At what age are British cats neutered - at how many months can the operation be performed?
9836Administration If the owner of a British cat does not want to have offspring from
Changes in urination in dogs. Acrid or pungent odor of urine
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. Among dogs, this is a common urological disease, a characteristic sign
Often Russian Railways employees themselves have conflicting information and cannot agree on the issue of transportation
Features of transporting animals on Russian Railways trains in 2022 - rules for cats (download laws)
I encountered the need to transport my cat Mars when moving. There was a train ride ahead
What to do if your toy terrier is wheezing and choking: symptoms of possible diseases and when to contact a veterinarian
Toy terriers, representatives of the class of decorative dogs, infinitely sweet and devoted creatures, will become family favorites and
A pet
How and what to feed a dog after giving birth and what to do if it refuses food or puppies?
Many dog ​​owners are familiar with the situation when the animal refuses to eat. Why is this happening? What
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