At what age are British cats neutered - at how many months can the operation be performed?


If the owner of a British cat does not want to have offspring from his pet in the future, then he should think about castrating the animal. And after carrying out this procedure, you can forget about the possible consequences of the marriage period. But first of all, you need to find out at what age British cats are castrated. This is necessary to protect your pet from side effects in case of late presentation to the clinic.

Another good reason to neuter your pet is the large number of individuals, not only British, but also Scottish Folds or representatives of other breeds. Therefore, many cat lovers decide to perform such an operation on their pet.

When should a British cat be neutered?

If the owner of a British cat does not want to have offspring from his pet in the future, then he should think about castrating the animal.
And after carrying out this procedure, you can forget about the possible consequences of the marriage period. But first of all, you need to find out at what age British cats are castrated.

This is necessary to protect your pet from side effects in case of late presentation to the clinic.

Another good reason to neuter your pet is the large number of individuals, not only British, but also Scottish Folds or representatives of other breeds. Therefore, many cat lovers decide to perform such an operation on their pet.

Why is castration necessary?

Carrying out this procedure will allow you to avoid many unpleasant moments that accompany ordinary pets that have not undergone sterilization. Also, when a British cat is neutered, he will turn into a calm and friendly, more playful kitten that gets along better with people.

And in particular, the owner can avoid this behavior of his cat and reduce the likelihood of:

  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • stop spraying urine;
  • the inability to pass on genetic abnormalities existing in a cat to the future generation;
  • extreme sexual activity in pets.

Due to these important factors, many owners prefer to castrate a British kitten rather than constantly fight with their cat so that he regularly marks his territory.


When is the best time to castrate a cat?

The most appropriate time to carry out this procedure is before the kitten reaches puberty. It is possible to castrate later, but it is better to do it early, since the pet will not be able to later show the worst side of its character during sexual activity.

Maturation of cats, as in principle of cats, occurs at 7-9 months. This depends on the breed and physiological characteristics of the kitten itself. And after this, your pet can freely engage in sexual activity.

But the optimal age for castration of a British cat is considered to be from 7 months to 1 year.

If the issue of searching for potential individuals of the opposite sex has not been resolved, then your Briton will use all possible methods to show his dissatisfaction.

He may meow constantly, his character will deteriorate, the structure of the coat and the general condition of the animal will change.

Features of the operation

A well-done castration of a British cat will help him avoid displaying aggressiveness towards others during sexual activity. Moreover, this is a simple operation, which in most cases is performed at home.

Many British, Scottish and other similar breeds that need to be neutered may have a congenital heart defect.

It can be determined by performing the necessary procedures on your cat in the clinic, namely ECHO and ECG of this organ. And only after such manipulations, if everything is normal, can the Briton be safely castrated. If any difficulties arise in your kitten, you need to notify your doctor before surgery.


How does castration work?

Your animal is given general anesthesia, after which you can castrate your British cat. The procedure itself takes place in several stages.

  • The doctor makes a small cut in the skin over each testicle and ties the spermatic cord.
  • He performs the same manipulations with nerves and blood vessels.
  • After this, the doctor cuts the cord and removes the testicle.
  • After the operation, he does not suture the incision so that the natural healing process of the wound occurs.
  • A British cat is placed on its side so that it recovers from anesthesia faster.

Having castrated the animal, the veterinarian provides the necessary instructions to the owner for proper care of the pet. So, in case of inflammation of the place where the incision was, it is recommended to blot it with a cotton swab with brilliant green. But in general, the wound should heal quickly and without complications.

Myths about castration of cats

Many opponents of the idea of ​​carrying out this operation believe that by doing it, the animal will quickly gain weight. The reason for this may be poor metabolism, which changes only after British cats are neutered.

They turn into indifferent and sedentary pets, which also stimulates obesity. Therefore, in their opinion, this procedure should not be carried out.

Especially if your British cat can turn into an excellent producer.


But in reality these beliefs are not justified. After all, first of all, you need to monitor the diet of your Briton, who has been castrated, so that he will not become obese. Especially if you feed your cat healthy food or food rich in vitamins and minerals.

Important aspects

Most owners are thinking about whether it is worth castrating a British dog at all. After all, many animals of this breed can easily do without this operation. Especially if you take into account the number of existing partners or the participation of your cat in the processes of mating with British cats in the nursery.

But individuals of this and other similar breeds differ in physiology and sometimes, without neutering your pet, you can complicate life not only for you, but also for him.

The reason for this is the frequent occurrence of a tumor in the testicle of an animal. Therefore, if the owner of a British cat consciously refuses to castrate a cat, then he should be aware of this possible unpleasant consequence of his decision.

How is castration of a British cat carried out?

The operation takes very little time, about 20-30 minutes. The veterinarian first administers anesthesia and waits for it to take effect. The cat just falls asleep. Next, the animal is placed on the operating table. The scrotum area is cleaned of hair, the skin is disinfected. This concludes the preparatory part, and then the doctor proceeds directly to the operation.

A small incision is made in the scrotum area through which the ovaries are removed. After this, external treatment and an antibiotic injection are carried out. Depending on the type of anesthesia, the cat can come to its senses quite quickly, within 10-15 minutes. after completion of the procedure or after 2-3 hours.

Regardless of the situation, slight disorientation will persist for another day. It is also completely normal if the cat refuses to eat over the next day. However, you need to make sure that the animal drinks enough water.

Recommended age for castration of cats.

Currently, in most countries of the world it is recommended to castrate cats at the age of 5 - 7 months.

. It is possible to castrate cats later, but this increases the risk that testosterone-dependent behavior problems may develop.

The reasons for castration at 5 - 7 months of age are mostly related to safety concerns of the procedure. Most veterinarians believe that general anesthesia may not be used

. This makes the operation much safer, since the liver and kidneys of small kittens are less developed than those of older animals. Younger kittens may be less able to tolerate the effects of anesthetic drugs and may be less able to metabolize and eliminate them from the body. Recovery time after surgery is longer in kittens, and with general anesthesia there is an increased risk of complications, particularly in the liver and kidneys. Based on these considerations, in order to avoid general anesthesia, many veterinarians recommend castrating cats no earlier than 5 months.

However, the success of the development of anesthesia has led to the fact that many veterinarians have serious doubts about its danger for kittens under 5-7 months. In other words, they consider it completely safe. The recommended age was established quite a long time ago, back in the days when anesthesia was not as safe for animals as it is now. It relied heavily on drugs, unlike modern ones, which carry the risk of suppressing the cardiovascular system and increasing the load on the kidneys and liver. To avoid complications, it was required that the kidneys and liver were sufficiently developed at the time of the operation. Since modern means of anesthesia are much safer than drugs of the previous generation, the minimum age for castration of cats in veterinary practice has noticeably decreased everywhere.

Are there any disadvantages

for castration at the recommended 5 - 7 months of age? Yes, just like castration at a very early age (see below), some disadvantages are also present with castration at a normal (5 - 7 months) age:

  • It is inconvenient for owners to wait up to 5-7 months;
  • There is a possibility that up to seven months a cat may be old enough to become the father of unplanned kittens, increasing the number of stray cats;
  • Owners who would like to microchip a kitten under anesthesia along with castration believe that the kitten may become lost while waiting to reach the recommended age;
  • Many behavioral problems typical of breeding cats may appear before the kitten is 5 months old (urine spraying, aggressiveness). Such problems, having appeared, can take hold and persist even after castration;

According to sources used in preparing this article, the ability to produce viable sperm and therefore fertilize cats before 30-36 weeks of age (i.e. 7 months) is considered unlikely for cats. Cats usually reach full sexual maturity between the ages of 18 months and two years. It is also unusual for cats to begin marking territory and starting fights over cats and to increase their status before reaching one year of age (usually 18 months to two years).

Optimal age for surgery

The owner must clearly decide on the time of castration of a British cat; there is no need to do it too early, but one should not be late either. It is unacceptable to castrate a very small British kitten.

After surgery, hormonal levels change, which affects the functioning of the genitourinary system. And if this is not so important for cats of other breeds, then British pets have a tendency to develop urolithiasis, which is difficult to cure.

It is also undesirable to castrate a British cat in old age. Firstly, the body of old cats does not cope well with anesthesia. Secondly, a pet that has already experienced the pleasure of mating with females will not change behavioral habits after surgery and will most likely continue to mark corners.

Castration of cats

It is acceptable to castrate a British cat later, but it is strictly forbidden to do this before 7 months of age. British kittens develop and reach puberty later than representatives of other breeds, and up to 7 months their body is still weak and fragile, and puberty has not completed.

British cats up to one year old easily tolerate anesthesia, return to consciousness after 10 minutes, and do not feel so much post-operative pain. Their wounds heal quickly, with virtually no suppuration or complications.

A young British cat who had no experience of close contact with cats before the operation will not mark, worry, or experience stress.

Sterilization of cats

The optimal age for sterilization of British cats is the same as for males – 7–12 months. At this age, the cat is already old enough to survive the surgical procedure, she quickly recovers from stress, and her wounds heal easily.

Her body is already quite developed, so physical changes associated with hormonal changes are impossible.

A sterilized British cat lives longer. The risk of developing cancer is reduced to almost zero.

You cannot spay a cat while she is in heat. An operation during this period can provoke an inflammatory reaction, which will negatively affect the further health of the genitourinary system.

If the castration period is missed

It happens that owners delay castration until the last minute: they feel sorry for the pet or do not think about the need to save the animal from “love” torment.

But the situation changes when the cat, which has already become sexually mature, begins to mark corners, filling the house with an unpleasant, pungent odor, and the cat begins to scream heart-rendingly, demanding a date with the cat.

The operation is also possible if the British cat is older than a year. It is permissible to castrate British dogs from one to 7 years of age. The risks are small. But it is not advisable to castrate a British pet over 7 years old: his body may not be able to cope with the load.

At an advanced age, cats are spayed and castrated only after the veterinarian examines the pet and gives permission for the operation. The veterinarian should definitely check the condition of the heart and vascular system of an elderly cat.

If the heart is weak and diseased, then the animal is highly likely to not survive surgery.

Postoperative period

As a rule, a British cat after castration quickly returns to its usual rhythm of life and easily recovers from anesthesia. Here are some recommendations:

  • Veterinarians recommend staying close to the animal while it recovers from anesthesia. Cats blink very rarely at this time, so sometimes the doctor prescribes drops for them to moisturize the surface of the mucous membrane.
  • Do not let your British cat lie on the bare floor; lay a soft, warm towel for them.
  • Protect them from jumping and do not allow them to climb heights. The fact is that the front legs begin to move much faster, while the mobility of the hind legs after anesthesia has not yet returned to normal - this can lead to an unsuccessful jump and injury.
  • Treat the seams with brilliant green. As a rule, they heal very quickly and heal on their own, but you can still help your pet.

Castration itself does not lead to negative consequences for the pet’s health, but some nuances are still worth paying attention to:

  1. Due to the increased content of calcium and phosphorus in the animal’s body, there is a risk of urolithiasis. (ICD)
  2. Excess weight. Another problem that owners of neutered pets may encounter. This problem arises due to the animal’s low mobility. The solution is quite simple - you need to reconsider your pet’s diet.

Myths that the procedure of castration or sterilization of cats of the British breed can be harmful to health have long been dispelled. If you follow the recommendations, monitor your pet’s diet and be attentive to its behavior, then you will become an ideal owner who will prevent problems with the health of your animal.

It doesn’t matter what kind of breed you have: British, Scottish Fold or Siamese cat - they all require attention, care and love from their owner. Therefore, the castration procedure is a safe operation that will allow you to avoid the appearance of cat marks on the furniture and prevent an unpleasant odor from appearing in the apartment. Well, if you want to enjoy the mischievous kittens in the house from your pet, that’s a completely different conversation.

>Useful video

Care in the first days after surgery.

>Castration of a British cat. 6 reasons why you need to castrate

Medical point of view

Experts highlight a number of advantages of this operation:

  • animals that have been castrated live several years longer;
  • this is the best method to wean your pet from marking its territory;
  • the cat stops screaming, asking to go outside and running around looking for the cat;
  • castration helps to avoid the appearance of prostatitis, adenoma and other diseases of the genital area;
  • prevention of breast tumors.

Despite the numerous advantages of the operation, you should familiarize yourself with all the disadvantages of this process, and only then take the kitten to the doctor. After removal of the testes, the cat becomes lazier, moves little, and because of this, the risk of excess weight problems increases, because the animal spends almost no energy. The British often have problems with the cardiovascular system, and after castration the risk of such diseases increases. Urolithiasis is also possible.

It is important to assess the risk and consult with a specialist about whether the animal will tolerate anesthesia. In the rarest cases, the operation entails complications, but with proper care and nutrition, everything will be fine with the pet.

Postoperative cat care

Caring for your pet after castration is necessary, as negative consequences of castration of cats may occur.

The animal suffers pain and experiences psychological discomfort, so you need to try to speed up the rehabilitation process:

  • You can pick up your pet from the clinic only after the anesthesia has worn off.
  • In the first 48 hours after surgery, it is not recommended to take the animal outside or place it in unfamiliar places. You should try to avoid drafts, sharp sounds and noise.
  • If possible, it would be good not to leave your pet alone on the first day after castration. It can rip off the postoperative bandage and stretch the stitches, causing inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  • The pet's bedding should be soft, it is better if it is made of natural fabrics. It will be difficult for the cat to get to the tray, so you need to change the litter several times a day.
  • After the operation, your pet will be drowsy and tired, you need to give him time to rest and recover. No need to bother the cat, and no need to pick him up.
  • It is not recommended to feed your pet in the first 24 hours after surgery. Access to drinking warm water must be constant. Due to weakness and the residual effect of anesthesia, it can be difficult for a cat to get up and walk to a cup of water; it is necessary that the bowl be standing nearby.
  • With the help of a veterinarian, you need to select specialized food for neutered animals that is suitable for your pet, and strictly adhere to the norm and diet.
  • During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to limit the cat’s movement on furniture, window sills and ledges in the walls, since, by unsuccessfully jumping or falling, the cat can damage the operation site.

Feeding a neutered cat

The portion size for a British castrated cat should be reduced by 25%, because after castration the metabolism deteriorates. You should not give your cat fish, because salts and minerals begin to be absorbed worse. It is important to feed your pet only specialized food for cats after castration. It is necessary to give food more often, but in small quantities. The animal should always have access to water.

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Surgery and aftercare

The operation takes 10-30 minutes. The dose of anesthesia is calculated based on the weight and condition of the animal. Sometimes young and strong cats are given an additional volume of the substance.

When they work, they move on to intervention. The animal is restrained so that a sudden awakening does not lead to problems.

They make a small incision and remove the testicles, stitch them up and wait for the anesthesia to wear off. After this, an injection is given with a substance that supports the heart. Re-administer after a few hours at home or in the hospital. It prevents pulmonary edema and cardiac dysfunction.

The cat recovers from good anesthesia within a few hours, but the depressed state can persist for up to 2 days. It is necessary to place the cat on a bedding that is on the floor and be close to him.

After waking up, they hardly blink, so the veterinarian prescribes drops to moisturize the eyes.

The Briton is protected from hills and jumps. They do not control the limbs, the front ones begin to move faster, and the rear ones still lack sensitivity. Injuries may occur when jumping.

There is vomiting or just the urge to vomit. The cat is fed only the next day, and in the evening is given warm and filtered water to drink. No other pets are allowed near him. A plastic collar is fastened around the neck.

The seams are periodically treated with a cotton swab and brilliant green. They overgrow quickly, but require constant monitoring and restriction of mobility.

Preparing for castration

Most representatives of short-haired breeds, such as "British" and "Scots", are in good health and can easily withstand surgery. However, they also have congenital ailments that are transmitted at the genetic level. Such diseases include heart problems and a predisposition to urolithiasis. That is why doctors recommend that owners prepare for surgery in advance in order to minimize the risks and dangers to the pet’s health.

Note! To check the functioning of the heart muscle, it is recommended to undergo an ECHO and ECG examination in advance. Both procedures can easily confirm or refute the owner’s fears

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which eliminates the occurrence of pain in the animal. Also, local anesthesia allows you to securely fix the cat, which will undoubtedly facilitate medical procedures.

If the pet's health is in doubt, the veterinarian may require preliminary tests. Long-haired and short-haired cats are shaved in the abdominal area before surgery.

Preparation begins with taking tests

Possible complications

The risks of surgery increase if the animal is elderly. At what age should a British cat be neutered? It is better not to delay this procedure, since older pets take much longer to recover from surgery than young ones.

We must not forget that using anesthesia is always a risk. Surgeries are especially dangerous for cats suffering from heart failure. After castration, the animal may bleed and the wound may become infected. Active cats sometimes have sutures that come apart.

What care does a cat need after sterilization?

After surgery in the clinic, transport the animal in a carrier with a hard bottom, covered with a diaper or towel. During the cold season, take care that your pet does not freeze, because after anesthesia her body temperature is already lowered.

How to care for a cat in the first hours

When you bring your pet home, put it on a bed, towel or blanket and cover it if it’s cool. The same should be done if the operation took place at home.

Do not place the animal on a sofa or other elevated surfaces, because after waking up from sleep it will not immediately return to its normal state and may fall. It is advisable that there are no sharp corners or other surfaces nearby that could easily cause injury. If the room is cold, take care of additional heating. But do not place your pet directly next to a radiator or heater.

Help your cat recover calmly after surgery. [email protected] /

Do not allow small children near your pet at first, so that they do not accidentally harm her. If there are other animals in the house, it is also better to isolate them from the sterilized patient.

When the cat comes to, do not leave it unattended. While the anesthesia is in effect and the pet’s eyes are open (they do not close under the influence of the drugs), periodically instill saline or boiled water into them until the animal begins to blink on its own. This will prevent the cornea from drying out, and getting out of sleep will be more comfortable.

How to care for a cat when she's awake

Having returned to consciousness, the animal will move uncertainly, stagger, and perhaps even fall for several hours. The cat may also show aggression, bite and hiss, try to climb somewhere or hide in a secluded place. At this time, under no circumstances should she be left alone. After all, acting unconsciously, your pet can simply harm itself.

If your pet is too active and does not calm down, you can even close it in a carrier to keep it safe. After some time, the cat will fully come to its senses - when exactly depends on the characteristics of the body.

Is it possible to do without castrating a cat?

Yes, of course you can. But if you don't want your cat to experience discomfort, you will need to look for cats for him. One mating will not be enough to calm the cat. Therefore, the cat, having become excited, will again demand communication with the opposite sex. Due to mating and the presence of a cat nearby, the level of hormones in the cat’s blood will be constantly high, he will make more marks and the smell of urine will be very strong

In nature, it is important for cats that the smell be as strong as possible, this is how the cat shows that he is the leader among other males. Thai and Siamese cats are no exception, your cat will try to make as many marks as possible to show how large his territory is, and communication with the cat and mating will only contribute to this process

Features of sterilization at different ages

Sterilization of cats

Sometimes owners at a veterinary clinic ask the question: “At what age should a British Fold cat be neutered?” First of all, the doctor usually explains that such a breed simply does not exist. Only the Scots have lop ears, the British do not. This confusion is due to the fact that many years ago interbreed matings were allowed, which are now prohibited. It was then that people had the wrong opinion about the British, although they have standard ears, the same as all ordinary cats.

Sterilization and castration of British cats and female cats

It's no secret that cats are quite fertile. Representatives of the British breed were no exception. As soon as the family pet reaches puberty, problems begin: heartbreaking “screams” at any time of the day for several days. And this happens more than once a year. In addition, attempts by a completely domestic animal to escape to find a mate. And, believe me, locking a loving individual at home is not a solution.

Therefore, there is a need for procedures such as sterilization and castration. It is worth knowing that these are completely different things, but by people far from medicine, they are often used as synonyms.

Behavior of an operated cat

A sterilized British cat will no longer go into heat. Otherwise, the character of the animal will remain the same with correction (changes) towards greater balance and obedience.

The Briton will continue to hunt, play and communicate with other pets and family members as before.

The cessation of sex hormone production leads to a gradual increase in appetite, resulting in obesity. You should consider a balanced diet for the animal, including specialized low-calorie food for castrated animals.

Is it possible to sterilize an already pregnant cat?

During pregnancy, a restructuring of all organs and systems of the cat's body occurs, and an operation to remove the uterus with fetuses (called extirpation of the pregnant uterus) can provoke complications.

In addition, the postoperative suture heals worse, since the incision is larger. There is a risk of bleeding, and the recovery period lasts much longer. If there is such a need, then veterinarians perform surgery on pregnant cats, having previously informed the owners about the risk of surgical intervention during this period.

But if the pregnancy is still very short, everything can go the same way as during sterilization of a non-pregnant pussy.

Methods for sterilizing a cat

There are three main methods of performing surgery to remove the genital organs of a cat:

Classic (along the white line). An incision ranging from one and a half to five centimeters in length is made in the central part of the abdomen below the navel. The peritoneal wall is incised between the muscles. After the uterus and ovaries are removed, the blood vessels are ligated with surgical absorbable suture. Sutures are placed on the peritoneal wall and skin. If no absorbable suture was used to place the stitches, they will need to be removed after two weeks. During this time, the animal must wear a medical blanket to protect the suture from infection.

Side cut. This method does not require complex postoperative care for sutures. It is used to sterilize stray cats, which are released into the wild immediately after surgery. Most often, only the ovaries are removed using this method.

The laparoscopic method is named after the instrument used for the operation. A laparoscope is a device for penetrating body cavities without traumatic damage to external tissues. To insert it into the body, you only need a tiny incision. The laparoscope is equipped with a video camera that helps the surgeon monitor the progress of the operation. To increase visibility during manipulations, the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide. The ovaries and uterus are removed through a small hole.

The advantages of this method include:

  • practically painless;
  • access to the abdominal cavity through a small puncture causes minimal tissue trauma;
  • visual control at all stages of the operation;
  • there is no possibility of infection;
  • no postoperative care is required.

Any of the surgical methods requires the use of general anesthesia.

Postoperative sutures in cats

After sterilization, a suture is placed on the incision. When suturing the peritoneal wall, use catgut or synthetic absorbable threads. Postoperative care of the suture consists of periodic treatment with a disinfectant.

Classification of seams:

  • The classic knot is reliable, but not flawless from an aesthetic point of view. Designed for a yard cat for which it is impossible to provide full supervision. Since she will try to remove the seam with her tongue, maximum strength is needed.
  • Continuous interrupted skin suture - the doctor removes it 10 days after surgery. It does not cause too much damage to the skin and resolves after a few months.
  • A continuous intradermal suture does not require removal. It is performed with a thread that will resolve (completely heal) a couple of months after the operation.


Castration of a cat lasts no more than five minutes. However, for humane reasons, any surgical intervention is performed using anesthesia. Surgeries are not performed without general anesthesia.

Types of pain relief:

  • non-inhalation;
  • inhalation;
  • local anesthesia

The listed methods are often used in combination.

Non-inhalational anesthesia. This type of pain relief is used most often. To achieve the effect, a combination of medications that inhibit pain sensitivity (ketamine) and muscle relaxants (xyl, meditin, etc.) is used. The duration and depth of the anesthetic effect depends on the dosage of medications and is calculated depending on the weight of the animal. This type of pain relief is used in clinics and when performing surgery at home.

Representatives of breeds predisposed to cardiac pathologies undergo a preliminary examination. This applies to the Don Sphynx, Kuril Bobtail, British Shorthair and Scottish cat breeds.

Inhalation anesthesia. A gas mixture of anesthetics (isoflurane, fluorothane, cyclopropane, nitrous oxide) is supplied to the animal’s respiratory system. This method is considered the least dangerous in veterinary medicine, since the medications enter and exit naturally. The intensity of drug administration is controlled by the cat’s body itself: when breathing is suppressed, the process is inhibited, reducing the dose of the substance entering the lungs. The kidneys are not involved in the process, so it can be used for older individuals. The disadvantage of this method is the need for inhalation equipment and high cost.

Local anesthesia. Novocaine or lidocaine is injected under the skin (into the spinal cord) of the cat. The method is rarely used, since the animal remains conscious, actively resisting the surgeon.

Combined anesthesia. For our little brothers, any anesthesia is a complex (scheme) of several methods. To prevent the patient from resisting the manipulations, he must first be put to sleep or his muscle reflexes inhibited.

Blanket on a short-haired cat

Late castration

Older cats can only be neutered for medical reasons.

It is recommended to castrate a British cat after a thorough examination to identify possible risks and prevent the possibility of undesirable consequences.

In what cases is surgery performed on adult animals?

There are medical indications for which an animal needs to be castrated:

  • testicular cancer;
  • problems with urination, urinary incontinence;
  • increased aggressiveness.

Possible negative consequences

Even with high-quality castration, adult British cats are likely to experience undesirable consequences:

  • slow healing of surgical sutures due to insufficient functioning of the immune system;
  • prolonged healing of wounds can cause infection, inflammation and suture dehiscence;
  • constipation due to dysfunction of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hernias due to tissue laxity;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Features of the procedure

The intervention is considered one of the simplest in veterinary medicine.

The cat is given high-quality anesthesia and the surgical site is treated with an antiseptic. Then the hair on the scrotum is shaved or plucked.

After this, an incision is made in the scrotum and the testes are removed from it.

The skin itself is not sutured for better drainage of wound contents and rapid wound healing.

At 2-3 years

If British cats are neutered at the age of 2-3 years, the health risk is minimal. The pet is usually in good health and the body is in excellent condition to cope with anesthesia. Complications such as constipation, hernias and heart failure are usually not to be feared.

At 4 years old

This age period is acceptable for castration of cats.

If owners observe increased aggressiveness in a 4-year-old pet, the need to constantly mark territory, hair loss, worse sleep and decreased appetite, then they should consider castration.

A cat that is in good health and has no congenital injuries or diseases will not be harmed by surgery.

At 5-6 years old

At this age, you can castrate a British cat. And it’s even necessary if the animal begins to intensively mark its territory and becomes aggressive. It tries to give vent to its sexual energy.

After the operation, the cat may not immediately stop making marks, but gradually this will disappear.

At this age, the cat is no longer young, but not yet old. And if you conduct a full examination and find no contraindications to intervention, then everything may well end successfully.

After 7 years

At this age, a British cat should be castrated only for medical reasons. Many animals already have chronic diseases. Castration is indicated for the following pathologies:

  • chronic prostatitis;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • chronic inflammation of the testicles and appendages;
  • oncological diseases of the urinary system;
  • sometimes - with urolithiasis.

Older cats need to be carefully prepared for intervention: blood and urine tests, and an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Possibly a chest x-ray.

If examinations reveal chronic pathologies of the heart, kidneys or liver, then you need to think about refusing surgery. If the cat is able to survive the manipulation itself, then general anesthesia may be a death sentence for him.

If a British cat still had to be neutered at a late age, he will need all the love and care of his owners at home. The animal's diet must contain balanced food for neutered cats.

The right time

It is not recommended to castrate your pet until 6-7 months of age. This is due to the fact that the cat’s urethra and body have not fully formed . The usual method of castration is also impossible because there may be testes in the area of ​​the inguinal ring or abdominal cavity.

Although, theoretically, a specialist can perform this operation at any age of the animal, the most optimal period is considered to be when the cat has not yet had a single mating, but is already old enough to undergo anesthesia. Therefore, if you are looking for an answer to the question of how many months to castrate a cat, then we will answer: it is best to do this after 7 months .

But veterinarians do not set restrictions on the age at which this is best performed, because at the request of the pet owner, the operation can be performed at any age of the animal.

ATTENTION! Each animal has individual developmental characteristics, and the British tend to mature later, so before deciding to undergo the procedure, you should consult with a qualified specialist. Only he can make the necessary verdict.

The following precautions should not be neglected when this operation cannot be performed:

  • Intolerance to anesthesia or other medications required during the procedure;
  • Reduced animal immunity;
  • Stressful situations for the pet;
  • Obesity of a cat;
  • Animal illness (we are talking not only about chronic diseases, but even about minor health problems at the time when you decided to have surgery).

Preparing for castration

Preparing a cat for castration is a necessary step. First of all, you need to make sure that the animal is completely healthy. To do this, you should show your pet to a specialist and conduct a series of examinations, as well as undergo biochemical and general urine and blood tests. Afterwards, the Briton is examined for the presence of hidden infections that enter the body through sexual contact. It would not be superfluous to show the cat not only to a therapist, but also to a cardiologist.

These procedures are carried out once every 3 months, but 10 days before castration they do unscheduled deworming. The exception is those cases when treatment for worms took place less than a month ago. In such cases, there is no need to reuse the drug.

It happens that an unvaccinated animal is registered for surgery. This is wrong, but in exceptional situations, doctors allow the procedure to be carried out after injecting the cat with a special substance that supports immunity for several weeks. In most cases, vaccinations are mandatory, because a vaccinated animal is much less likely to develop an infectious disease after surgery.

During castration, a dose of narcotic substances enters the animal’s body, the side effect of which is vomiting. An animal may vomit both during and after anesthesia. Therefore, it would be wise not to feed your pet before surgery. Refusal to eat begins 12 hours before surgery. The pet will not suffer at all from this.

How to prepare an animal for surgery?

To ensure the normal course of the operation, the veterinarian prescribes a set of preliminary tests: ultrasound, blood test, consultation with a cardiologist, vaccinations according to age. These measures are especially important for older animals, since the aging process leads to the accumulation of irreversible changes in the body.

The entry of food into the animal’s body before surgery should be excluded. The cat can be fed for the last time twelve hours before surgery, and given water no less than three hours before. The intestines must be empty at the time of surgery, otherwise the anesthesia will cause uncontrollable vomiting.


Food rating for the British:

  1. Orijen – 80% protein, 20% vegetables and fruits
  2. Acana – 70% protein, 30% vegetables and fruits
  3. Wildfield – 60% protein, 40% vegetables and fruits
  4. Farmina – grain-free food + probiotics, medicinal herbs
  5. Trainer – food for animals with sensitive digestion, kidney problems, etc. These foods help maintain health. Suitable for animals with gluten intolerance. Products for processing into feed are steamed.
  6. Science Plan (Hills) is a good food for everyday nutrition, well digestible, does not cause allergies, natural antioxidants and preservatives, a wide range of feeds, excellent distribution.
  7. Bosch cellulose and maize additives are harmful and can cause allergies.
  8. OK Passion – not suitable for sensitive cats
  9. Purina ProPlan - high in protein, rice is used as a cereal, but wheat flour is still added. Probiotics.
  10. Royal Canin (Royal Canin) - there is an everyday line and a medicinal one. Everyday series - a lot of preservatives (the Russian line of food is not recommended, it is better to give preference to the French one). The medicinal series is perfectly balanced and has good reviews from veterinarians and has a healing effect.
  11. Premil – additives and flavor enhancers. No gluten.
  12. Josera - Overall a good food, it rarely causes allergies, it contains corn gluten.

*All these foods contain minerals, vitamins, and beneficial additives.

Take proper care of your pets and choose the best food for them!

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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