Why does a puppy hiccup after eating: reasons and what to do

What is hiccups in dogs? This reaction of the body brings discomfort to your four-legged friend and quite frightens the owners. You cannot advise your pet to hold his breath; he physiologically does not know how to control such a process. In most cases, this effect does not pose a threat to the student. The main factor behind hiccups is compression of the diaphragm. The causes of hiccups in dogs can be simple stress, fear or rapid consumption of food. Sometimes this reaction appears in the morning, after sleep. Let's look at more detailed conditions, why does the dog hiccup?

Causes of hiccups in newborn puppies

There are quite a few reasons why a puppy hiccups often and, unfortunately, not all of them are harmless. Hiccups are divided into several types; they can be short-term or long-term.

Healthy playful puppy

The following factors can provoke short-term hiccups:

  • hypothermia;
  • rapid filling of the stomach;
  • binge eating;
  • the pet swallows food too quickly;
  • great physical activity;
  • consumption of dry industrial food, after eating which the pet becomes thirsty;
  • long games with the owner.

Note! Mostly short-term hiccups do not pose any threat, since they pass quite quickly and have no consequences.

The main provoking factors for prolonged hiccups:

  • developmental pathologies or diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • foreign objects entering the digestive system;
  • developmental pathologies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • complications after plague;
  • difolariasis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • worms.

Hiccups cannot be the only symptom of developing diseases, so it is important to closely monitor the dog's condition. Complete or partial lack of appetite, lethargy and refusal to play, restless sleep and nausea are good reasons to take your pet to the veterinarian.

. Puppy eating greedily


Hiccups in a dog can be caused by hypothermia. That is why most owners of Yorkies, dachshunds and other breeds dress their pets in warm clothes even at home, not to mention going outside.

Important! Decorative species should be protected from drafts and strong gusts of wind, and during severe frosts, the duration of walks should be kept to a minimum.


Involuntary and short-term hiccups after eating in puppies are normal and common in the first 6 months of life:

  • this phenomenon can be caused by overeating, since a full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, which irritates the nerve fibers;
  • Puppies hiccup frequently as they greedily and quickly absorb food along with large amounts of air.

Note! Feeding dry commercial food often causes hiccups.


Quite often, constant hiccups bother a puppy during active growth. Short-term and irregular phenomena during periods of active psychological and physical development are considered normal. The frequency and intensity of hiccups will gradually decrease as you get older. As a rule, dogs whose age has not yet reached 14 months face a similar problem.

Note! Many veterinarians also suggest that hiccups are a reflex phenomenon that has survived from the time puppies were in the womb. In this way, animals strengthen the muscles of the digestive system and lungs even at the development stage.

Frozen dog


After sleep, the puppy may begin to suffer from hiccups if he slept in an uncomfortable position, which resulted in pinching of the vagus nerve. Another fairly common problem is a startle after sleep or a sudden awakening. Such phenomena are not uncommon for active, active and hyperactive cubs.

Note! Your pet may hiccup frequently after sleep, provided that he always drinks a large amount of liquid or overeats before going to bed.

When to take your pet to the vet

Prolonged and frequent hiccups in dogs, which cannot be corrected and are accompanied by accompanying symptoms, require mandatory diagnosis. Due to the variability of possible causes, you will have to undergo a clinical examination and blood biochemistry, as well as undergo an ultrasound of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the high likelihood of complications such as heart attack and stroke, it is necessary to make an appointment with a cardiologist and neurologist. If nervous system instability is detected, your pet may be prescribed medications to reduce stress levels.

Natural and unhealthy hiccups - what's the difference?

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If the puppy hiccups frequently, the owner must determine whether it is natural or unhealthy hiccups. This may not be specific, but it is a physiological reaction. Each dog reacts to hiccups differently: some are calm, others try to lick or bark.

Unhealthy hiccups are a consequence of:

  • stomach ulcers, tumors in the digestive system, gastritis;
  • suffered serious illnesses;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetic surge);
  • acute infectious pathologies;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • after the use of narcotic drugs during surgical interventions;
  • damage to the central nervous system (encephalitis);
  • drug poisoning;
  • tumor formations in the area of ​​the vagus or phrenic nerve.

Dog sleeping in an unnatural position

Note! If hiccups appear rarely and go away soon on their own, then there is no cause for concern.

Is hiccups dangerous for dogs?

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In general, hiccups are safe for dogs. If this phenomenon is repeated frequently, then it is worth thinking about the development of more serious pathologies, the symptom of which is hiccups. Reasons that provoke safe and short-term hiccups:

  • hypothermia (mainly hairless and short-haired breeds are susceptible);
  • fright;
  • after active games;
  • physical irritation of the vagus nerve due to sleeping in an uncomfortable and unnatural position;
  • after waking up or resting (we are talking about choleric dogs, who open their eyes and immediately rush to God knows where), this may also be associated with a dry nose;
  • As mentioned earlier, Labradors, German Shepherds and any other breeds can eat and immediately begin to hiccup if they swallowed a lot of air with the food or ate the food greedily.

If the causes of hiccups are not related to “natural factors,” then you should immediately show the puppy to a veterinarian. To compile an anamnesis, the specialist will monitor the work of the following organs and systems:

  • Central nervous system – recent severe viral or infectious diseases (enteritis, meningitis, plague), tremors, unfocused gaze and loss of coordination.
  • Respiratory system - irritation of the mucous membranes, snoring, shortness of breath, severe cough that does not stop for a long time.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - blockage, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, worms.

X-ray of a dog's stomach

In puppies, a common cause is foreign bodies entering the stomach. If the dog has eaten part of a toy or any other object, an x-ray will be needed. Against this background, intoxication may begin in the body, inhibiting the functioning of the central nervous system. In addition to hiccups, the puppy may be bothered by blueness of the mucous membranes, vomiting, drooling, weakness and tremors.

Long-term hiccups are a sign of disease

The previous section revealed what diseases frequent hiccups can cause. But in addition to various pathological symptoms, it can be a sign of various damage from external sources:

  • There is a foreign object in the stomach. Just like puppies, adults can be very curious, which leads to them exploring things around them.
  • Worms. If this is the reason, you can see parasites in the burp.
  • Trauma to the body. There may be visual symptoms of bruises, etc.
  • It can start if your little brother suddenly jumps up and runs after sleeping or resting. After waking up, the dog may often have a warm nose. Choleric dogs, due to their irrepressible nature, experience prolonged or periodic hiccups. This manifestation is not dangerous; it characterizes the energetic character of the pet more.

The reasons why a dog often hiccups can be very serious. This reaction is a consequence of internal or external negative factors. Timely treatment is the key to your friend’s health.

What to do when you hiccup

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Having found out the main reasons why the dog hiccups, you need to familiarize yourself with the measures that will alleviate the condition of the baby. To overcome this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to remove the tension in the diaphragm and change the breathing rhythm. You can do this as follows:

  • Physical activity and changing posture (walking on your hind legs, playing with a ball or jogging) can help get rid of hiccups from lying down for a long time.
  • In case of hypothermia, any manipulations should be aimed at increasing body temperature (hugs, using a heating pad).
  • In stressful situations, the owner must take the following measures: take the pet to a quiet place, if the source of fear is animals, sharp and loud sounds, strangers; if the pet is sleeping, it should be woken up.
  • After eating, drinking warm water and massaging the abdomen helps get rid of hiccups. The solution to the problem is especially effective for puppies. A young mother licks her cubs' bellies from birth to reduce discomfort. Over time, a person can also massage their tummy.

Note! Episodic hiccups should subside within a few minutes of starting the procedures.

How to help a dog

Often pet owners do not know what to do if their dog hiccups and how to help it. In most cases, the phenomenon goes away on its own. If the process takes too long, there are several tricks to help stop it faster.

The first thing veterinarians recommend doing if a dog is hiccupping is to give it water. At the same time, you must ensure that your pet does not drink too quickly.

To normalize the condition, it is also recommended to give a hiccupping dog a light abdominal massage, after laying it on its back.

If the attacks continue for several hours, the hiccups gradually turn into wheezing, the animal should be immediately shown to a veterinarian.

Prevention measures

If the results of the examination did not reveal serious problems with the pet’s health, the veterinarian may prescribe medications that will effectively prevent the occurrence of hiccups:

  • Aminazine is an antipsychotic that inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system. Prescribed for pets with increased excitability and hyperactivity.
  • Seduxen, Tazepam are medications whose main task is to make the nerve endings not susceptible to irritation.
  • Cerucal is a receptor blocker that provokes spasm of muscle fibers.

Appearance of Cerucal packaging

To achieve the most effective results, the following standards must be observed:

  • Dogs under six months of age are prohibited from giving “crackers”. Pre-dry food must be soaked.
  • When feeding dry commercial food, it is important to ensure that your pet has access to an unlimited amount of clean water.
  • One serving should be appropriate for the size and age of the dog. Excessive quantities of dry food are especially dangerous. The fact is that they swell in the stomach, causing discomfort to the pet.
  • Food should not be hot when taken.

Volume of dry food for a puppy

Attacks of hiccups in animals are inevitable and a pet cannot cope with this condition on its own.

Important ! For congenital pathologies or diseases that provoke constant hiccups, doctors resort to surgical intervention.

General recommendations to prevent hiccups:

  • It is important to follow a daily routine and regimen, especially for a still small puppy with a fragile body.
  • At least twice a year, even in the absence of a good reason, the pet must be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination.
  • You need to feed your pet strictly at the same time.
  • Timely vaccination and deworming of the animal should not be neglected.
  • The owner must learn to correctly calculate portion sizes.
  • Try to protect your pet from drafts, hypothermia and, conversely, overheating.
  • You should not feed your pet shortly before or after physical activity.
  • Do not overfeed the dog.
  • The last meal should be approximately an hour before bedtime.
  • It is important that the diet is balanced and complete.

Dog and owner

Having a dog in the house is a big responsibility. If a pet is sick or its condition causes concern to the owner, you need to show it to a veterinarian, and not engage in amateur activities that can cause serious damage to the health of the animal.

Is there any reason to worry?

If your pet always hiccups only after eating, then this is not a reason to run to the veterinarian. It is necessary to reconsider the puppy’s diet and amount of food.

The reason for gobbling up food too quickly may be the presence of another animal in the house ; the baby is simply afraid that his food will be taken away from him. In such a situation, feed the baby in a separate room where no one will distract him.

In the case where there is only one animal in the house, the cause may be a habit from a previous family .
After all, at the breeder, the puppies most likely ate food together. If so, then divide the feeding into small doses and give in small portions. Continue to do this until the baby understands that no one is going to take his food away. Reference! A puppy must eat food per day that is a certain percentage of its body weight. This figure should be divided into at least four doses, and as they grow older, the number of feedings should be reduced.

The number of feedings depends on age

  • Puppies from one to two months old need five or six meals a day. The amount of feed should be 10-15 percent of body weight.
  • Two to three are reduced to five or four techniques.
  • From three to four months this figure is four or three. 20-30 percent by weight.
  • From four to six can be converted to two three meals a day. 40-50 percent of body weight.
  • After seven months, the puppy is considered an adult and is switched to two meals a day.

The food should be warm and moist; if you feed your pet dry food, soak it in water or low-fat chicken broth at first.

In order to help your pet cope with the problem, simply give him warm water . Another effective way in such a situation is to take the puppy by the front legs and put him on his hind legs, and the hiccups will go away literally within a minute.

But if your puppy hiccups for a long time after eating, you should think about his health.

Causes of prolonged hiccups

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminths;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the stomach;
  • complications after illness.

If the puppy hiccups for a long time and the above procedures do not eliminate the problem, you need to contact a specialist . A very long hiccup in animals can signal a heart attack.

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