Dwarf beagle: description and characteristics of the breed

Every person loves animals, and many of us even breed pets. The most popular are dogs because they are not only good guards, but also incredibly loyal and loyal friends. But which breed to choose, because today their diversity is simply amazing? Of course, it all depends on the personal preferences of each person, but experienced breeders recommend paying attention to the dwarf beagle. Photos of these dogs will pleasantly delight the heart of anyone who is crazy about cute animals. Let's talk in more detail about this breed and find out what its distinctive feature is and whether it is really worth having a pet in your home.

Historical facts

When exactly did the dwarf beagle appear on the territory of our country? For now it remains a mystery. However, the first descriptions of dogs, which in their characteristics and external appearance are very reminiscent of representatives of this breed, can be found in the chronicles of the reign of Empress Elizabeth I. The animals are distinguished by their playful disposition and good speed, so they were used by hunters to drive small game and even deer. In addition, beagles were given as gifts to foreign ambassadors and members of the nobility, as they personified attention and devotion. But despite all the similarities, it is impossible to be sure that historical documents are talking about this particular family of dogs. However, this is not of fundamental importance. What is much more interesting is that many people now choose beagles as pets.

Origin story

Historical finds indicate a very ancient history of hunting dogs. Many objects with images of dogs resembling dachshunds, hounds and other human assistants have survived to this day. There is a version that the ancestors of modern hunting breeds came to European countries from Ancient Rome and Greece. When crossed with local dogs, the same beagles appeared that today captivate us with their positive character and hunting qualities.

Over time, English culture began to acquire more and more specific distinctive features, and at the same time, the breeding of purely English dog breeds began. The beagle's ancestors, with their diminutive size, were very convenient for hunting hares, and their neat appearance was quite consistent with the strict tastes of aristocrats.

The first official mention of the Beagle breed dates back to 1475, and the name comes from the English word “small”. However, the French dispute the British origin of the breed, considering this dog to be from their country. To support this theory, they say that in their language there is a word "Begueule", which means "tinned throat", and this expression is quite applicable to the vocal beagle.

When, during a hunt, these dogs began to bark at their prey, the barking echoed throughout the forest. It was believed that this breed has a soft and not too shrill voice.

By the 16th-17th centuries, keeping beagles ceased to be the privilege of the nobility - they began to appear in the families of ordinary farmers. Thanks to this, beagle breeding has become more active. If these dogs remained exclusively pets of aristocrats, the population of the breed could be seriously reduced. In high society, taller foxhounds became increasingly popular, so they began to forget about the kids.

In the 19th century, a “Manual of British Sports” was published, which mentioned various subspecies of beagles: fox-hunting beagles, southern beagles with a heavier skeleton and active neat northern, dwarf, long-haired terrier beagles. In 1890, the Beagle Club was formed, and 5 years later the breed standard was determined. At the beginning of the 20th century, these dogs began to be forgotten, but in the 50s they became popular again, at which time a new standard was established.

General information about the breed

On the Internet you can find many advertisements for the sale of these pets. However, you need to be very careful, because if you look at the photo of a mini beagle, you will see a small dog about 20-30 centimeters high. But professionals say this is a hoax. The photographs are either photoshopped or depict a young specimen. On average, the height of a beagle's withers varies from 25 to 56 cm, which depends on the type of breed. If the animal is smaller in size, the commission will simply not allow it to participate in the exhibition. In addition, deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of any disorders in physical or psychological development.

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Small breeds of dogs are very popular because they are easier to maintain, they don’t eat much, and they are sometimes obscenely cute in appearance. In the race for demand, unscrupulous breeders often appear who do not seek to maintain and improve the breed, but use deviations from the standard for their own enrichment. Today, the problem of the popularity of mini-beagles is acute - many people want such a unique puppy, but the reality is not at all rosy.

Animal character

Let's look at this in more detail. Before you get a dwarf beagle, you must first learn about its temperament and behavioral characteristics. According to experts, all dogs behave the same regardless of the breed.

Among the main character traits are the following:

  • Activity and playfulness. Beagles are very cheerful and full of energy. They need a lot of physical activity every day, so if you got yourself this dog, then be prepared to walk it a lot. It is also not recommended to leave them at home alone for a long time, because otherwise the four-legged friend will find his own entertainment and turn the house upside down.
  • Observation and curiosity. Mini Beagles love to explore the world around them, so they are very easy to get interested in. They play with great pleasure both with their owner and with other dogs.
  • Compassion and optimism. Representatives of this breed understand people's moods well, so if someone is sad, the animal will try in every possible way to cheer him up.
  • Friendliness. Beagles never show aggression and make new acquaintances with great pleasure. Staying alone for a long time can lead to the development of depression in an animal, which will negatively affect its health.

Thus, if you need a loyal friend who will always cheer you up and never betray you, then the Dwarf Beagle breed is ideal for you. And if you have small children, then you don’t have to worry about them. These small dogs will never touch or scare kids, but will happily play with them.

Cheerful stubborn man

The Beagle's character can be described in one word - restless. The dog is interested in everything, he sticks his curious nose in everywhere and participates in all matters.

Beagle puppies are especially active. You can’t take your eyes off them: it may seem that the kids are gnawing on the bones, but no, they are already eating up pieces of linoleum.

Even an adult or elderly dog ​​does not lose activity and passion for exploration. This is not a calm and reasonable setter. From the first to the last days of life, beagles remain puppies - playful and inquisitive.

Most of all, the English Beagle loves company: people or dogs - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to have someone to talk to and play with.

The pet's character is open and good-natured. He is equally happy with the owners, guests and passers-by

Caution is needed: a stranger can lead the dog away by tempting him with a toy or treat

The dog is good-natured and not vindictive. It is extremely rare for a pet to bite – due to a threat or lack of upbringing. He enjoys playing with children, participating in their games and pranks. So a beagle and a child are a great combination.

The dog’s character can be considered golden, if not for one “but”. The breed is wayward. Like all hounds, the beagle tends to make its own decisions and ignore human orders.

An unpleasant character trait is that beagles cannot stand being alone. A puppy or an adult dog, left alone with himself, howls, whines, and destroys the apartment. There are three ways out of this situation: do not leave your pet alone, exhaust it outside before leaving, or get a second dog.

The English Beagle is a lover of barking. It is the rolling velvety tenor with tints that hunters appreciate. But the line is a problem in the city. The neighbors are clearly not going to be happy with the almost 24-hour barking.

Expert opinion

Although cheerful and playful, the dwarf beagle needs a firm hand. There must be a person in the house who acts as an authority, in whom the pet will see a leader and mentor. Otherwise, walking the dog will be quite problematic. She will not obey and will run far away from her owner. But if you can position yourself correctly and show who’s boss, there won’t be any special problems, since this breed, in addition to its good character, has many advantages.

Possible diseases

Life expectancy is on average 13 to 15 years. There were also long-livers. Generally speaking, the Harrier is a dog breed that has average health, and some problems are genetically transmitted. She may have epilepsy, and the frequency of seizures increases with age.

The photo shows a harrier as a child

There may be problems with the musculoskeletal system associated with damage to the intervertebral discs. The disease occurs due to an imbalance of water and salt in the body. Heart defects and ear infections cannot be ruled out. In addition, pets can be plagued by the so-called “cherry eye,” which requires surgical intervention.

Psychological characteristics of beagles

This aspect deserves special attention. If you have never had a dog before, this is the breed you should get. She has a lot of strengths that definitely need to be talked about. The main benefits relate to mental health. Among the main ones are the following:

  • friendly attitude towards people and other pets;
  • treats small children well and forgives them all their pranks;
  • is faithful to the owner and enjoys spending time in his company;
  • senses the mood of others and adapts to it;
  • perfectly adapts to any conditions of detention.

Despite the large number of advantages, the dog has a mini-beagle, a photo of which will please everyone, and certain psychological disadvantages.

Among the main ones are:

  • Can't stand loneliness. If the dog stays at home for a long time, then gradually its behavioral characteristics will begin to change for the worse. Your pet may begin to damage furniture or shoes. If educational measures are not carried out in a timely manner, then the behavior may become completely inadequate, and it will no longer be possible to correct it.
  • Stubbornness. Because of this quality, various training problems constantly arise.
  • Obsessiveness. If you don’t pay attention to the dog, then it will try in every possible way to be noticed.
  • Gullibility. Representatives of this breed easily make contact even with strangers, which is why dogs are often kidnapped.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the dwarf beagle is a dog that has good psychological characteristics. However, she constantly needs attention, and if there is a lack of it, she will feel bad.

How to choose a puppy?

After that. How did you decide on the class and gender of your future pet? It's time to go to the nursery.

After meeting the owner, check the following important points:

  • In what conditions are the bitches and puppies ? It should be a clean place without any traces of excrement or food debris. It is acceptable if dog toys are scattered;
  • what veterinary procedures were performed. This question is worth asking both about puppies and their mother, since many diseases are transmitted to offspring through mother's milk;
  • age of puppies. The optimal age for purchasing a puppy is 1.5–2 months. He is already physically stronger, knows how to feed himself and easily makes contact with people;
  • puppy's appearance. A healthy puppy is active and inquisitive. His coat is shiny, his eyes and ears are clean, his nose is cold and wet. The bite is correct, scissor-shaped. The paws are strong with slight seals on the knee joints;
  • color Beagles can be either two-color or three-color, but it is worth noting that until 2.5 months, the coat of most puppies appears black and white, with barely noticeable red tan markings.

Read more about how to choose a Beagle puppy here.

Physical Features of Beagles

So what do you need to know about this? Representatives of this breed are very easy to care for and maintain. This is due to the following:

  • animals love activity, so they constantly ask to go outside and never go to the toilet in the house;
  • they do not drool and do not have a specific dog smell, which is typical for some other breeds;
  • They practically do not shed, so you don’t have to constantly vacuum and remove hair from upholstered furniture.

However, there are also some disadvantages. Mini Beagles are prone to overeating, so portions should not be too large. If the owner does not control the pet's nutrition, he may develop obesity over time. Also, during walks, it is very important to ensure that the dog does not eat anything harmful or dangerous.


Beagle (dog): description of the breed, character

According to the standard, Beagle dogs can be of any color that is provided for hounds. The only exception is brown. At the same time, the American Kennel Club allows this shade, but the tip of the dog’s tail must be white.

The location and size of the spots are not given much importance. The main shades include black, white and red. Each of them can have a different consistency.


The name itself implies the presence of two colors. The main color is white, which is combined with red, chestnut and black. At the same time, a two-color Beagle dog with a combination of black is very rare.

Bicolor beagle - bicolor


Beagles of three colors are considered the most beautiful and are the most common. Today the following variants of the tricolor are officially recognized:

  • motley;
  • brilliant;
  • black-and-white

All colors, which according to the dictionary are called tricolor, have a harmonious combination.

Black and white

This color is considered one of the rarest. At birth, puppies, in addition to black and white spots, also have small brown spots around their necks. Over time, they disappear, and in an adult beagle the white color becomes milky.


This color is also called “broken tricolor” or open tricolor. The main shade is white, and there are spots of black with minor breaks.

Variegated color

This color is considered the most paradoxical. It includes three shades that are amazingly mixed together. Dogs of this color can be hare pied, lemon pied or badger pied.

Interesting! The most saturated and rare is the badger-variegated color.

Weakened color

Muted color is formed as a result of weakening of the color gene. In this case, the black spots turn gray or blue in the beagle.

Beagle tricolor color

Most common diseases

What do you need to know about this? Many breeders choose beagles because they have very good physical performance and good health. However, like any other animals, they are still susceptible to some diseases. Among the most common are the following:

  • obesity - develops due to the fact that the pet does not know the limits and eats everything that is given to it;
  • ear infections - they are caused by the special shape of the ears, which collect everything from the ground when the animal sniffs out something;
  • epilepsy - characteristic of all hounds;
  • hypothyroidism - due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the condition of the coat in animals worsens and a decrease in reproductive ability.

If you notice any health problems with your dwarf beagle, you should take him to the vet right away. Moreover, experts recommend taking your pet to see a specialist at least twice a year. This will allow you to detect diseases at the earliest stages and not only cure them quickly and without consequences, but also prolong the dog’s life.


The breed acquired the name “beagle” because of its small size, because it is not for nothing that the word Begle from ancient English is translated as “small”.


According to the current standard, beagles should be small in size (male: 36–41 cm and female: 33–38 cm). The head of animals is in clear proportions and regular shape. The bump on the back of the head is pronounced, but not massive. The forehead is round and voluminous, and its length from the back of the head to the transition is extremely equal to the length of the face.

In turn, the front part, as well as the forehead, has no folds. The lips emphasize the shape of the head and are not loose, thick or saggy. Teeth without noticeable defects, strong and erect. The nose is wide, preference is given to black.

Representatives of beagles with light coat color are allowed a brown nose, but the complete absence of pigment on it (pink or cream color) is regarded as a clear fault. The ears are soft, the ends are necessarily rounded, reaching the tip of the nose in length. The eyes should have a friendly and expressive look, with a color ranging from brown to hazel or amber.

Body size - considers the proportionality of the sternum in relation to height. While the dog is searching, folds of skin are clearly visible in the neck area, and when running, the nose is directed towards ground level, but the neck is in a slight bend. The paws are often round in shape, the toes are clearly bent, their pads are soft and covered with a thick layer of skin, and the claws are short. The beagle's tail should be strong and stand vertical to the ground, without bends or any defects, even, with a white tip. When at rest, it lies along the line of the back; when moving, it is in the “up” position, without bending into a ring.

Anything that differs from the current breed standard is considered to be a defect and vice.

Care and maintenance

Let's look at this aspect in more detail. This breed is distinguished by its undemanding and unpretentiousness, however, in order for it to be as comfortable and good as possible, it is necessary to follow some tips and recommendations on maintenance. Experienced breeders advise the following:

  • An animal must have its place in the house and know it. Never allow your pet into bed or onto the living room sofa. Set up a small bed or simply lay a rug in a place protected from drafts, and the animal will be very comfortable. If you don’t teach him order from childhood, then in the future the beagle will be wherever he wants.
  • You need to walk every day. Absolutely all hunting breeds need daily exercise. If they do not splash out energy, this will negatively affect their health.
  • Regular bathing. Hygiene is very important not only for people, but also for animals. Its absence can cause the development of various diseases and health problems. You should also clean your eyes and ears several times a month.
  • Training. You need to start training your mini beagle from the first days of being in the house. First, they teach basic commands, and then begin to learn more complex ones.

If you follow these tips, you will not have any problems with keeping and caring for your pet.

Where do dwarf beagles come from?

Today you can find adult beagles with small stature, significantly less than the lower threshold dictated by the standard. As described above, this is not a separate breed, this condition is a breeding marriage. An animal with reduced parameters cannot officially participate in exhibitions or breeding. However, unscrupulous breeders, taking advantage of the lack of awareness of buyers and their desire to get a mini version of a famous dog, use such animals, demonstrating to them that the puppies will also grow small. In fact, when the pet grows up, the buyer finds out about the deception: either the dog has a serious genetic disease, or it acquires normal sizes for the breed standard.

Causes of short stature

  • Pituitary dwarfism is an abnormal dwarfism that is caused by a lack of growth hormone. This trait is inherited in a recessive manner, so puppies will only get the disorder if both parents have the deformed gene. Beagles with this condition stop growing at approximately 4–5 months, have disproportionately short legs, do not lose baby teeth, stunting the growth of permanent teeth, and develop areas of hyperpigmentation or thinning of the skin. Dogs with pituitary dwarfism are diagnosed with serious health problems: heart disease (arrhythmia, heart failure);
  • allergy;
  • behavioral deviations, unreasonable fears and attacks;
  • megaesophagus (enlargement of the esophagus, due to which its function is disrupted and food does not reach the stomach).
  • Osteochondrodysplasia is an anomaly of bone development and growth, due to which the animal’s skeleton does not develop to its full size. Dogs with this problem have a disproportionately large head, short jaws, an irregularly shaped skull (with a rounded forehead), enlarged joints combined with short bones. The disease is autosomal dominant, so the offspring are likely to get the gene even if only one parent had the defective gene. The diagnosis is made by X-rays, but complete cure is impossible. Animals with osteochondrodysplasia often experience joint pain and are prescribed lifelong painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. The outlook depends entirely on the severity of the symptoms - in serious cases, the dog's quality and life expectancy are greatly reduced.
  • Features of feeding

    This is one of the most important aspects that you should pay attention to if you get a beagle. As has been noted many times before, this breed does not know moderation in food, which is why animals very often develop obesity. Therefore, it is better to give food little by little, but more often. It is recommended to divide feeding into 4-5 times and immediately accustom your pet to the regimen. There must also be a separate bowl of clean water so that the dog can always quench his thirst.

    Origin story

    There are several versions of the origin of the Beagle breed. The first is associated with the Romans, who first landed in the British Isles in 43. Subsequently, they took with them hounds, which mixed with local breeds and could well become the ancestors of modern beagles. Another version claims that the British, even before the arrival of the Romans, had their own special breed of white hounds.

    In the middle of the 18th century in England there were already two main breeds with which hares were hunted: the northern hound and the southern beagle. However, the immediate origins of the modern breed date back to the mid-19th century, when a pack of hunting dogs was introduced to spectators in Essex.

    In those days, beagles were different in appearance from modern ones. So, they were not so cute, but this did not upset the owners, who valued them for the excellent hunting qualities that the dogs showed in tracking and catching hares. In 1888, the National Beagle Breed Club was formed and the first working (field) tests of dogs took place.

    Beagle is a breed of hunting dog

    What to look for when choosing

    Buying a puppy should be taken very seriously. Please check with the seller the following aspects in advance:

    • living conditions for animals;
    • whether vaccination was carried out;
    • age;
    • physical state.

    Puppies must be kept in a clean kennel and must be physically strong and playful. Pay special attention to the condition of the coat. If it is of an unnatural color and falls out, then this is a clear sign of some health problems. It is better to refuse to buy such a puppy.

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