How to wean a dog from sleeping on the bed with its owner - 5 simple methods

Professional breeders and dog breeders know that it is extremely important to train and properly raise your four-legged pet from the earliest months. The little puppy remembers commands very quickly and is receptive to training. It is much easier to motivate a puppy to behave correctly, unlike an adult dog.

It is necessary to wean the dog from sleeping with the owner on the bed from the very beginning, just like eating from the table, keeping dirty paws on the bed and much more. By letting the dog into his bed, the owner undermines his authority as a leader and the animal may simply stop obeying his. In some cases, other behavioral problems follow.

Iron will - the best method to wean a dog from sleeping on the bed

Alas, the only sure way is an iron will and resistance to the puppy dog's gaze. If you don’t let your baby onto sofas and beds, then it won’t even occur to him that he can sleep on furniture. If the problem does appear, weaning it off will only take a few days.

Remember that a small puppy will not get rid of bad habits with age! If a cute puppy snorts next to you, then an adult dog will do the same. Only he will shed, bring sand from walks and fall apart on half the bed. Add to this drool, puddles and wild snoring. In addition, such a neighborhood is dangerous for the dog, as it can be injured if it falls or jumps.

Are you ready for the consequences? Everyone answers this question themselves. But what if you once couldn’t refuse a touching puppy, and now he’s taken over the bed? Fight!

Choosing a bed

First of all, it is necessary to properly equip a special place where the pet will sleep in the future. In order to choose and equip a place correctly, it is necessary to observe exactly how the dog behaves during sleep, what comfortable position it takes.

The selection of a bed directly depends on how the animal sleeps. Perhaps your pet likes to sleep stretched out to its full length. For such cases, it is necessary to choose a mattress that has a rectangular shape. For those animals that like to sleep curled up in a ball, the best sleeping place would be a round or oval-shaped lounger.

Note! It is more comfortable and healthy for older animals, as well as dogs with joint problems, to sleep on mattresses made of foam materials that adapt to the anatomical deflections of the body.

When choosing a bed for your pet, you need to pay attention to quality. Inexpensive dog beds of dubious quality will not last long. There are several types of dog beds:

  • Orthopedic – allowing to support the animal’s spine during rest and sleep. They are suitable for older animals and dogs with musculoskeletal problems.
  • Round loungers and pillows are a basket with small sides. This type of bed is suitable for those pets who prefer to sleep curled up in a ball.
  • Heated sleeping area - suitable for those animals that live in cold climates, as well as older dogs and small breed dogs (which find it difficult to warm up on their own).

Why does a dog want to sleep on the bed?

It is not always the owner who willfully drags the puppy onto the bed. Most often, the baby asks for it himself. Later, repeated actions turn into a kind of ritual. However, rarely is the problem entirely one of habit. Usually some other factor is mixed in with the cause.

Lack of personal space

One of the biggest mistakes of novice owners. The pet must have its own cozy corner, otherwise it will be forced to take over yours. In the shelter, the baby feels safe and rests. The personal space should be quite warm and comfortable. For example, if your dog stretches out when he sleeps, it might be wise to invest in a rectangular mattress.

Leader status

The higher a pack member sleeps, the higher his position. Most often, a companion begins to consider himself a leader after the formation of a habit. However, sometimes the desire for a high status is the root cause. The leader always eats first, goes ahead, can punish you for wrong behavior, etc. Watch your pet. Maybe this is the problem?

Loneliness and boredom

When we go to work, life comes to a standstill for our animals. They get bored. Pets are forced to occupy themselves. Most simply sleep, waiting for their owners to return. The bed is the place that stores your scent. Since scents are the main way dogs communicate, they may jump on the bed. To prevent your pet from feeling lonely, leave some of your things on his mattress. For example, a T-shirt or shirt.

How safe is it for the owner?

Often the human body reacts normally to a pet sleeping nearby. However, there are several circumstances that can make co-sleeping harmful. These include both fleas and the risk of catching an infection.

You should be careful if you have allergies

How to train a dog to stay alone in an apartment

An allergic reaction to animal fur is one of the reasons why you should give up your pet on your bed. As a rule, the body is more sensitive at night, and therefore sharing sleep will not bring pleasure and can trigger asthma. If you have allergies, it is recommended to remove your dog's bed from the bedroom. Linens should be changed more often and the house should be cleaned regularly.

Increased risk of getting meningitis

There is an opinion that if an animal sleeps on a bed, especially on a pillow next to the owner’s head, the latter risks its health. He can get meningitis, Chagas disease, staphylococcus, and various parasitic diseases.

Note! The presence of a dog on bedding is rarely likely to cause serious illness. The risk of contracting meningitis from a pet is less than becoming a victim of a shark.

Sleeping with a dog rarely leads to infection, but it's always worth remembering about hygiene

The problem needs to be dealt with comprehensively

You need not only to wean the puppy, but also to educate it and provide comfortable conditions. Set up a personal place for your dog: a crate with bedding, a bed, or just a cozy corner. Leave toys and some of your belongings there. Don't let the lead be taken over. Be a gentle but at the same time strict master.

It is important to educate the dog and offer it an alternative to the owner's bed. Between an unfamiliar bed and a soft, warm bed, the dog will choose the latter. How to drive away the “invader”?

Under no circumstances should you grab your pet by the limbs, pull him out of bed, or hit him. No violence! If your pet is already very spoiled, he will bite you. A quick escape from a hill is fraught with injury, and this is true even for large dogs. You need to make the animal jump down voluntarily.

Main reasons

If we think from a dog’s point of view, it’s hard to think of a better place to sleep than on his beloved owner. This behavior is dictated by instincts. Dogs are pack animals, and when settling down for the night, from time immemorial they preferred to stay as close to each other as possible. It's warmer and safer.

Having become domesticated, some did not abandon their wild habits. They may be forced to sleep on their owner by the cold or a feeling of insecurity. Observations have shown that the dog more actively seeks the company of its owner if some “irritant” appears in the house: a child, noisy guests or a new pet.

The company of the owner calms the dog. She feels especially good when she not only warms up and is under his protection, but also hears the beating of his heart. Moreover, once on a person, she seems to return to the time when she was a puppy, and people often took her in their arms to caress, calm and protect her.

It is also believed that dogs are a kind of “doctors”. They can not only diagnose the disease at an early stage, but also begin to “treat” it, acting like a biological heating pad. Therefore, if a pet obsessively lies down in the area of ​​the liver, stomach, or climbs directly to the head, this is a reason to go to the doctor.

The ideal option is a prohibiting command

It is extremely rare for pets to go against the will of their owners. After fulfilling the request, it is advisable to call the companion to his new place and give him a toy or treat and praise him. A shaggy friend should associate his dog bed only with positive emotions.

If you decide to take the issue seriously, be consistent. You weren't allowed to climb onto the bed? From now on, the path to the top is completely closed for the pet! The ward can be cunning, come to you at night, wake you up, be the most gentle and affectionate... Do not give in to persuasion. If you let it go even once, all progress will be reset.

Pets sense our mood. They know when we are irritated or very tired. Pets can use this. The dog will probably at some point try to board you: climb onto your bed when you come home from work tired. Your loved one understands perfectly well that you do not have the strength to fight. Here you will have to use all your willpower: drive your pet away until you are blue in the face. Hold on!

It is worth mentioning one more important detail. If you have several pets, you will have to prohibit everyone from climbing on the furniture. The dog simply will not be able to accept it if you give another dog or cat more privileges.

Other solutions and considerations

The way your dog lays on you can also tell you a lot about how he perceives your relationship. If you have established yourself as the leader of the pack, then his desire to be near you is simply a sign of affection and admiration. If your dog sets the rules in the house and doesn't listen to you when you tell him to stop doing something, then he probably thinks he's in charge. In the latter case, the picture of the dog lying on you can be a demonstration of dominance over you. If you feel this might be the case, don't let him have his way and send him away. Additionally, if your dog is misbehaving and unobedient, consider getting some training help from a professional dog trainer. Although it may not seem serious at first, dominant behavior can develop further and cause dangerous situations.

Dogs like to lie on their owner in different ways and for different reasons. However, as long as both parties feel comfortable and happy in the cuddle, there is nothing wrong with letting the dog lie next to its leader. This can make you both feel comforted, secure and loved.


What should you do if your dog sleeps on the bed when you are not looking?

Common situation! There are many options for behavior correction. All of them are based either on limiting the territory or on neutralizing interest.

Newspapers instead of a bedspread

The rustling paper will be enough to scare the most delicate pets. Just spread crumpled newspapers on the bed. When jumping, the dog will hit an “unpleasant” surface and will prefer to retreat. However, many will prefer to frolic and cause chaos.

Rustling polyethylene

Purchase durable film from a greenhouse store. Make the bed with it. The polyethylene rustles loudly and is unpleasant to lie on. In extreme cases, it will protect the surface from wool and dirt.

Kuznetsov applicator

One of the surest ways. The applicator is a small mat with plastic spikes. The device is used for health procedures, but with its help you can also get rid of a bad dog habit. The thorns will not damage the delicate paws, but will force you to go in search of a more comfortable place.

Scat mat

A small transparent mat that allows a light discharge of current to pass through when touched. Perhaps this method may seem cruel to some, although in reality it instantly stops the fight for furniture. The discharge is non-lethal and weak, solely for discomfort.

Closed door

Sometimes this is the only acceptable measure. It is not always effective, but with an integrated approach it can give results.

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