Why do dogs like to sleep with their owner on the bed and can this be allowed?

If your dog often sleeps next to your head, you may be wondering why he does this even though he has plenty of space next to the bed.

You should not worry too much because this post will do justice to this and other related issues that are bothering you.

So why does my dog ​​sleep next to my head? Because she feels safer, she is protective of you, she suffers from separation anxiety, he is a new puppy, he is eager for a pillow, and he is in search of a warm temperature. He also exhibits this character because you helped him develop it unconsciously.

There are many other factors responsible for your dog's behavior, but you can still teach him to break the habit. So, let's get to the action as we uncover all the reasons behind his actions and find out how you can stop him from falling asleep on your head.

What the researchers say

Despite the disadvantages of co-sleeping with a dog, researchers explain that so many owners do it because the benefits likely outweigh the disadvantages.

Research has shown many physical and mental health benefits for a pet owner, and co-sleeping increases the amount of time spent with that pet, potentially increasing these benefits.

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For example, co-sleeping can enhance the sense of comfort and companionship that your dog provides.

Risks of co-sleeping with a dog

It's true that there are some health concerns associated with co-sleeping with your dog. For example, a person's allergies may get worse.

There is also a risk of transmission of the disease from dog to human and from human to dog. However, such transmission is rare.

Sleep quality may also be affected. Previous studies have shown that owners who share a bed with their pet report more severe sleep disturbances than people whose pets do not sleep in their own bed.

One factor that may explain this difference is that dogs are polyphasic sleepers and have an average of three sleep/wake cycles per night hour, whereas humans are monophasic sleepers (one sleep period per 24-hour cycle).

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Dogs also remain alert for sounds even when sleeping, which can make them sleep easier than their humans.

How safe is it for the owner?

Often the human body reacts normally to a pet sleeping nearby. However, there are several circumstances that can make co-sleeping harmful. These include both fleas and the risk of catching an infection.

You should be careful if you have allergies

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An allergic reaction to animal fur is one of the reasons why you should give up your pet on your bed. As a rule, the body is more sensitive at night, and therefore sharing sleep will not bring pleasure and can trigger asthma. If you have allergies, it is recommended to remove your dog's bed from the bedroom. Linens should be changed more often and the house should be cleaned regularly.

Increased risk of getting meningitis

There is an opinion that if an animal sleeps on a bed, especially on a pillow next to the owner’s head, the latter risks its health. He can get meningitis, Chagas disease, staphylococcus, and various parasitic diseases.

Note! The presence of a dog on bedding is rarely likely to cause serious illness. The risk of contracting meningitis from a pet is less than becoming a victim of a shark.

Sleeping with a dog rarely leads to infection, but it's always worth remembering about hygiene

Precautionary measures

If your dog sleeps with you, there are some precautions you need to take:

  • Your pet must be vaccinated and treated against parasites.
  • After each walk (especially in the evening), thoroughly (with tar soap) wash your pet’s paws, belly, and butt. It is not necessary to wash the body with soap every time; simply wipe it with a damp palm.
  • From time to time, check your pet for fleas and skin infections that can be dangerous to humans (lichen, fungus). If something is wrong, you will immediately notice changes in the skin and coat (redness, hair coming out, etc.).
  • Be sure to maintain hygiene. Clean your animal's teeth, ears, and trim its nails.
  • Do wet cleaning of the room where you sleep more often.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

Well, if you still can’t get enough sleep when your dog sleeps with you, then you need to come to some kind of compromise.

Under the blanket

This doesn’t happen very often, but nevertheless, some dogs sleep under a blanket! And this despite the fact that our homes today are incredibly warm even in winter, and our four-legged animals are covered with a solid layer of fur. Most likely, the animal goes right under the blanket with you because it feels a lack of attention or the presence of the owner. Perhaps you work long hours and come home only in the evening, but your dog is bored all day long. She misses your smell, so she makes up for the lack just under the blanket with you.

How to get a dog out of bed

It is difficult to wean your pet from sleeping in bed, especially if he is no longer a puppy. The main thing is not to be cruel to the dog if it tries to lie down at your feet, not to hit it or scold it. The dog already experiences stress when it is not allowed to sleep in its usual place, and punishment only increases fear and worsens the relationship with the owner.

One of the most common methods, which have already become truly “folk”, is gradual accustoming to a couch. During the day, it is necessary to place treats in the bed, thereby encouraging the dog to stay here. If she falls asleep on the bed, you need to move her to her place.

It is also often advised to move your pet’s bed out of the bedroom. This way, the owner guarantees himself normal sleep and faster habituation of the dog to the place.

On a note! The first nights will be hectic, so it is advisable to do this during vacation or long weekends.

For some people, sleeping with a dog is pleasant and comfortable, while others, on the contrary, are against it. The decision remains with the owner himself, but in any case it is important to observe hygiene standards and protect yourself and the pet as much as possible from possible consequences.

Encouraging behavior

If you don't like your dog laying on you, or his affection ends up cutting off circulation to one of your limbs, feel free to move away or gently move it. However, not immediately, since this may be regarded by him as a refusal. To help your furry buddy feel calm and loved, let him stay next to you or lay on you for at least a few minutes. This way he knows that you are not rejecting him as a member of the pack, but simply changing your position.

On the other hand, if you enjoy the presence of your canine companion and don't mind him lying on your legs or lap from time to time, there is no reason to do so. On the contrary, if you allow him to be close to you, your connection will become much stronger and provide you both with a little comfort and warmth. Most importantly, it should be mutual, if you don't mind the extra weight, some furry cuddles won't hurt. If your dog doesn't want to lie down next to you or climb into your lap, don't be offended! He may just not feel it or be too hot to want to cuddle. In any case, don't force your dog to lie down next to you if he doesn't want to.

On the edge of the bed

Further than at the feet - on the very edge of the bed - representatives of large or fighting breeds of dogs most often sleep. Such pets always keep everything under control and consider it their duty to protect their owner, especially when he is sleeping. This is a faithful guard who is always on the alert, he is ready not only to warn you of danger, but also to actively protect you. The dog also chooses this place because it is quite large, and it is simply hot in blankets and pillows.

On the pillow

As a rule, the softest place, on the pad, is chosen by small and very tiny dogs. First of all, this is because it is softest there and the dog, due to its small parameters, fits. Plus, you put your face on the pillow, and the dog in this position is in the closest emotional proximity with you. If your pet chooses this particular place, it means that he loves you endlessly and is attached to you more than anything in the world.

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In the fetal position

Our four-legged pets often curl up into a “donut” and sleep in this position. We think that they are simply freezing or feeling a chill from somewhere, so this is how they protect themselves and warm themselves. However, if the dog curls up and lies in close proximity to you, or even clings to you, it means that he feels completely safe next to you. In this way she shows that she perceives you as a parent and as if she turns into a child again and again so that you take care of her.

Why do people sleep with their pets?

Once your furry friend has first found a place on your bed, it will be difficult for both you and him to stop sleeping together. Dogs provide companionship when you're alone or in a less-than-ideal relationship. They provide extra warmth on a cold night.

They give a feeling of security, this is especially true for children who are afraid of the dark. Sleeping together can even strengthen your bond with your pet. It is worth admitting that it is very difficult to refuse a warm and furry bundle of unconditional love.


Sleeping with your dog can also relieve anxiety and provide a feeling of safety and security. Your light sleeper will alert you to anything unusual so you can rest easy throughout the night.

Dogs also make ideal bed warmers, keeping you warm on a cold night.

The study found that while society may not currently view co-sleeping in the best light, due to the many benefits, there is no need for unnecessary care.

I think those of us who already share our beds and bedrooms with our dogs already know that any disturbance or inconvenience is worth the time.

What to do?

To become the “leader” of your pack once and for all and not lose control of your puppy, you must adhere to several rules:

  • Prohibit your dog from sleeping anywhere except in its bed, basket or bedding;
  • Accustom the animal to the fact that she will receive her portion of food after everyone has eaten;
  • All games must be controlled by a person, not allowing the dog to win;
  • The dog should enter the house after the person;
  • From a young age, teach your puppy to obey through commands.

The world from a tick's point of view

The German biologist Jakob von Uexküll made major contributions to the study of animals at the beginning of the 20th century. He suggested that those wishing to study the life of an animal first reconstruct its umwelt (German: Umwelt) - a subjective picture of the world.

For example, imagine the tiny black-legged tick. Those of you who have ever scrutinized a dog's body for a creature the size of a pinhead have probably already pictured it. And, most likely, they are not inclined to stand on ceremony with him. Von Uexküll, unlike you, tried to understand in what world the tick lives.

Sleeping nearby: pros and cons

Not all owners are happy when their pet climbs into their arms. However, this situation has a number of advantages:

  • Sleeping together is really warmer.
  • The presence of a dog in bed has a calming effect not only on the dog itself, but also on the owner: it takes up a place that for some reason was vacant. People are paired animals, and sleeping next to someone is natural for them.
  • Dog handlers describe cases where a dog, sitting on its owner at night, actually helped cure even the most difficult diseases.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • Hygiene. A dog that wants to sleep on its owner will have to be washed and combed more often.
  • Parasites. In close contact, a person can become infected with the same helminths. So you will have to monitor your pet’s health more carefully.
  • Discomfort. The dog does not understand that it can be heavy and cause certain inconvenience to the owner, lounging on his stomach.
  • Difficulties in personal life. Not every partner will like the furry “third” who finds himself in bed at the most inopportune moment.

The Root of Behavior

First, dogs are pack animals that are descended from wolves, who lie with their pack members for safety and warmth. Although it is not entirely necessary for the survival of the domestic dog, the evolutionary trait of self-preservation still persists in our canine companions. Just like wolves, dogs are born in litters and thus their behavior is reinforced from an early age. From the first days of life, puppies sleep in a place that provides them with the comfort and safety they need to grow up healthy and strong. Domesticated dogs may not have six or eight domestic siblings to cuddle with as they grow older, but they still have their own two-legged pack members to cuddle with. Because dogs consider their owners to be part of their family and pack, they like to rely on their owner to show them this and provide them with comfort and security, and gain it in the process. Relying on its owner is also their way of protecting what they love, even if there is no real threat or danger. This brings us to the second reason - attachment. Dogs will gravitate towards people they feel connected to or have a close connection with. Allowing your dog to lie next to you or on your lap strengthens the bond you share and is considered a sign of affection.

For almost all dogs, having a loved one around them is simply a pleasant experience that can calm them down, make them feel safe and make them happy. In most cases, the owner feels the same and enjoys the bonding experience. In short, many times our furry pals lie on top of us for companionship and cuddles. All dogs, regardless of breed, show their affection in one way or another. However, there are certain breeds that are said to be more affectionate than the average dog and demonstrate this by wanting to be in your space as much as possible. Great Danes and Labrador Retrievers are great examples of super-friendly family dogs that love nothing more than their owner's hands, despite their large size.

Is it time to say goodbye to your sleep partner?

Although the diseases listed above, such as bubonic plague, are quite rare, they are still worth thinking about. There is a much higher chance that you will become infected with something if you allow your pet to lick your face and your mouth, but co-sleeping also puts your health at risk. As for infants, small children, as well as people with impaired immune systems, they are strictly prohibited from sleeping in the same bed or even in the same room with animals, as this is too dangerous.

Light nap

A dog may nap during the day if it is bored or just resting. This is not a very restful sleep, and your dog may simply be waiting for something more interesting.

Keep an eye on your puppy's ears and see if they perk up with any movement or unusual noise. This probably means your dog is still quite alert and looking for something worth getting up for.

Maybe it's time to do something fun like go for a walk or play shopping.

This does not apply to well-mannered dogs.

For a well-adjusted, well-behaved dog, it is highly unlikely that sleeping in your bed or bedroom will do anything other than please your dog, comfort you, and strengthen the bond between owner and dog.

But if your dog is showing signs of aggression or any other problem behavior that is exacerbated by co-sleeping, provide your dog with a separate place to sleep while you consult with a professional trainer, behavior consultant, or your veterinarian.


When the twitching becomes excessive, it may be a sign of a seizure that requires immediate medical attention.

Try calling your dog by name and waking him up if you suspect his movements are abnormal. If they wake up, it might have been a bad dream.

If they do not answer your calls, continue to shake, or are stiff, seek medical attention immediately.

You should pay attention to your dog's normal sleep habits so you know the difference and can tell when something is out of the ordinary.

Is sleeping with dogs beneficial?

If the dog lies next to the owner under the blanket at night, this will cause certain inconvenience and trouble. But scientific research has proven that such co-sleeping brings not only discomfort, but also benefits from a psychological point of view.

In a dream, a person develops a close connection with a pet.
A home friend can relieve the owner of tension, stress, and make him feel safe. The pet's measured sniffing has a relaxing effect. This is a real sedative. American psychologists claim that sleeping next to a person is inherent in a dog at the genetic level. She acts as a security guard who will promptly warn about a fire or thieves breaking into the house. Important! Studies have shown that sleeping next to a pet can lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol in the blood.
There is an interesting fact. Experts have proven that if a person sleeps next to a dog, he is charged with energy and strengthens his immunity. This acts on him as a vaccine against inflammation, colds, and poisoning.

A night's rest with a pet has a relaxing effect on a person

Between masters

It happens that as soon as two lovers fall asleep, a four-legged miracle immediately emerges between them. The main reason for this is most often jealousy. If you previously lived only with a dog, and now you have a dear friend, most likely, the pet simply does not want to share you with anyone and shows the new person that here, first of all, they love him. If you have been together for a long time and got a dog, being already a couple, then this may simply be a sign that the dog adores both of you and does not want anyone to be offended that he lay down not next to him, but next to another the owner.

How do dogs sleep?

Large dogs are more relaxed when they sleep because they can fend for themselves

Each dog chooses its favorite sleeping position differently. But there are several standard positions in which animals sleep most often. They can usually lie on their side or stomach with their front legs extended forward. By the way, larger dogs relax more during sleep, because it is easier for them to defend themselves if something happens. Dogs during pregnancy choose a sleeping position from which they can quickly get up and defend themselves if a potential enemy is nearby.

As for puppies, they can sleep in seemingly the most incredible positions. You can often find them sleeping on their backs with their paws up. This is one of the puppy's favorite poses. The owner should not worry when his pet sleeps on his back if no grunting or gurgling sounds are heard. If they are present, you should carefully monitor the dog and contact a veterinarian.

At my feet

It is not uncommon for dogs (just like cats) to sleep at people’s feet. And most of us regard this position as the animal's utmost devotion. However, this is not entirely true. Indeed, your dog is very devoted to you, but by this he also wants to say that in your sleep you toss and turn too much. Its position at the feet is explained by the fact that if you make any sudden movement in your sleep, the dog will be able to quickly jump out of bed so that you do not crush it.

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