Like walking through a minefield. Why dog ​​piles on lawns are not only disgusting, but also dangerous

It may be disgusting, smelly, and unpleasant, but the color of your dog's poop can tell a lot of stories about your pet. It can tell you what it ate and even if your canine friend suffers from a certain disease or not. This is why fecal testing is often a routine procedure in many veterinary laboratory and diagnostic tests, as it can reveal a lot about what is going on inside your pet's body. So, what does the color of dog poop actually mean?

Journey through the dog's digestive tract

Since we're talking about feces, which is technically the end result of a physiological process known as digestion, we need to take a close look at the path of any given type of food through the gastrointestinal tract, since the color of a dog's poop depends on what happens somewhere along the way.

The digestive tract is a very long tube that starts in the mouth and ends in the anus. This is a contiguous tract, and between the esophagus and the duodenum of the small intestine there will be only one major outlet, forming a pouch-like structure known as the stomach.

When food enters a dog's mouth, it travels down the esophagus and into the stomach, where a whole bunch of stomach fluids try to chug, digest, and break down all the different food molecules into smaller pieces in preparation for final digestion and absorption in the small intestine. The food then passes through the duodenum—the first section of the small intestine—where it is filled with juices from the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas to ensure that all macromolecules of the food's nutrients are properly digested for absorption.

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The gallbladder secretes bile, a greenish substance that facilitates the processing of fat by various digestive enzymes. There are other enzymes and digestive fluids from the pancreas and liver, each of which adds additional color to the food. Food passes the entire length of the small intestine—the jejunum and the cecum—until it reaches the large intestine. By this time, water and other substances are constantly being reabsorbed by the body, forming a harder mass that we now call stool or feces. When nature demands, this stool is passed through the rectum and exits the anus.

A man has a dream

For a representative of the stronger sex, the plot of night dreams with dog shit promises wealth and new ways of earning money . In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is worth considering what day it was seen.

Let's consider 7 options at once:

  • Monday - changing jobs will help you become truly rich;
  • Tuesday – it is allowed to borrow money for the sake of financial development;
  • Wednesday – having received an offer for a new position, feel free to accept;
  • Thursday - a close friend will tell you where to earn extra money;
  • Friday – getting a large sum of money will be easy and simple;
  • Saturday - now is the time to set aside funds for future development;
  • Sunday - a new acquaintance will help you advance in your career.

Brown and well formed

This is generally considered a normal stool color in dogs. The brownish tint occurs due to the yellowing of bilirubin, a substance present in bile. This is the same substance that gives skin a slightly brownish to pinkish hue. Do not confuse this with jaundice, as this is due to increased bilirubin in the bloodstream. As long as your dog's brown stool doesn't show any additional colors, such as streaks of red or yellow, you should be happy that your pet is fine. In addition, it must be correctly formed. It may be brown, but if it is more watery than usual, that is also abnormal.

Versions of various dream books

The interpretation of the plots of night dreams with dog shit can be found in various popular dream books . Here is how the most famous of them interpret the dream under discussion:

  • Longo – it’s time to start saving, but only for a couple of months;
  • Nostradamus - spiritual uplift is expected in the near future;
  • Loff - listen to your parents' tips;
  • Tsvetkov - money in the bank will bring excellent interest;
  • Hasse – help a friend financially, but don’t expect gratitude.

Red or brown with red veins

Any reddish color to a dog's stool always indicates active bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract, usually limited to the large intestine, rectum, or even the internal structures of the anus. This is different from bleeding in the small intestine because this structure is actually several feet long. To give you an idea, a dog's small intestine alone can be 2.5 times the length of your dog's body. So if your dog's body length is around 50cm, you can expect his small intestine to be around 100cm in length. If the bleeding occurs anywhere in the duodenum, the time it takes to reach the rectum and anus will be long enough for it to harden or thicken. Since you see bright red streaks, the bleeding is occurring in the cecum or the colon itself. Other causes could be colitis, a colon tumor, a parasitic infection, or even an infection of the anal glands.

Prices for drugs for anthelmintic treatment of dogs

  • Agrovet protection Alben S, 6 tablets, from 100 to 110 rubles;
  • Milprazone, 2 tablets, from 297 to 315 rubles;
  • Api-San Prazicide-suspension Plus, 10 ml, from 145 to 150 rubles;
  • Novartis Milbemax, 2 tablets, from 530 to 540 rubles;
  • Drontal (Bayer) plus, 1 tablet, RUB 332;
  • Api-San Dirofen suspension – deworming remedy for dogs, 10 ml, 175 RUR;
  • Helmintal, 10 ml, from 280 to 300 rubles;
  • Cestal plus, 1 tablet, from 100 to 110 rubles;
  • Api-San Prazicide-suspension Plus, 10 ml, from 149 to 155 rubles;
  • Levamisole – anti-worm injection, 50 ml, from 50 to 75 rubles;
  • Euracon Pharma Kanikquantel plus XL, 12 tablets, from 1750 to 1900 rubles.
  • Advocate (Advocate), 1 pipette, from 350 to 370 UAH;
  • Caniquantel Plus, 1 tablet, from 30 to 32 UAH;
  • Procox – suspension, 7.5 ml, from 190 to 195 UAH;
  • Profender (Profender), 1 tablet, from 45 to 47 UAH;
  • Dironet, 6 tablets, from 99 to 105 UAH;
  • Prazicide Suspension Plus (Api-San), 10 ml, from 49 to 50 UAH;
  • Palladium GOLDEN DEFENCE, 1 pipette, 125 UAH;
  • Milbemax, 2 tablets, from 109 to 110 UAH;
  • Bioveta Kaniverm – for puppies, 1 tablet, from 28 to 29 UAH;
  • Levamisole – for injection, 10 ml, from 7 to 9 UAH;
  • Livisto Aniprazol (Aniprazol), 1 tablet, from 67 to 69 UAH.

Black or resinous

This is the opposite of the color of a dog's stool, which has bright red streaks. Black or tarry stool is always a sign of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, such as from a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Given the exceptional length of the small intestine, blood in the stool will take significantly longer to solidify. By the time it passes through the rectum and anus, it will already be significantly curled up and you will no longer see the red spots. One of the leading causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in dogs is the consumption of certain medications, such as aspirin. Therefore, it is important to always consult with your veterinarian about the medications you plan to give your dog.

Preventive actions

Puppies should be dewormed starting in the first months of life. The first time the procedure is carried out approximately in the third week after birth, after the same period of time the procedure is certainly repeated.

Prevention of helminthiasis in adult pets should be done once every three months. The anthelmintic drug is given to the dog during meals. If there is such a need, the procedure is repeated after 10 days.

An experienced veterinarian will tell you which medications to use for the treatment of helminthiasis in puppies or adult dogs. He will indicate the correct dosage and select a regimen for taking those medications, the price of which will suit the wallet of the animal owner.

You should not refuse the help of a specialist if you really care about the health of your pet.

White and chalky or brown with white speckles

If you see white specks in your dog's feces, these could be the eggs of certain intestinal parasites that have passed through the feces. However, if your dog's feces are whitish in color or perhaps even look chalky, then there is a high chance that your dog may be suffering from hypercalcemia, or a condition in which excessive amounts of calcium are released into the bloodstream. This can occur with bone fractures or any other type of bone injury because the calcium released by the bone matrix must be reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

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Ways of infection with worms

In the vast majority of cases, a dog becomes infected with worms by ingesting their eggs. But there is another way of infection - transmissible, through the bites of blood-sucking insects.

In addition, the parasite can enter through lesions on the animal's skin. Newborn puppies easily become infected from their mother, who is a carrier of helminthic infestation.

Helminth eggs can enter the pet’s body if:

  • the owner does not pay enough attention to the sanitary and hygienic side of the life of his four-legged friend;
  • the dog is not given preventive deworming;
  • the pet eats raw meat and fish;
  • the dog often walks unaccompanied (dubious “acquaintances” are possible, drinking from puddles, eating various leftovers, and so on);
  • There are other animals living in the apartment that have worms.

Under other favorable conditions, a pet can become infected even at home by sniffing the shoes of an owner who comes in from the street.

Note: no dog is immune from worms, but the risk group includes animals with weakened immune systems, puppies, hunting and yard dogs.

Purple or pink

If you see what looks like raspberry jam in your dog's stool or that there is an unusual amount of blood passing through your pet's rectum and anus, this is often a sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, or severe bleeding caused by inflammation of the small and large intestines. If you notice this type of feces on your dog, be sure to seek emergency veterinary care immediately. You must understand that thousands of dogs die every year due to hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, which can lead to massive blood loss, electrolyte imbalance, tissue hypoxia and death. However, with timely treatment, your dog can prevent disaster.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

Read further:

What do worm larvae look like: round and tapeworms, flukes

What worms look like in children: roundworms, pinworms, flukes and tapeworms

Worms for weight loss: are pills with worms dangerous for weight loss, reviews from those who have lost weight

Long worms in dogs: main types, description and methods of treating parasites in dogs

Milbemax against worms for cats and dogs: instructions for use, cost, reviews

Tapeworms in cats and dogs: symptoms, signs, medications and treatment tablets


Remember what we said about how the brown color of dog stool is a function of bilirubin found in bile acids? Well, if there is not enough bilirubin or bile salts, your dog's feces will appear pale or grayish in color. Because bile salts are produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, the absence of bilirubin or bile salts in the stool may mean there is a problem in the liver or gallbladder. However, the most common culprit is an obstruction of the common duct, which is where the ducts from the liver, pancreas and gallbladder meet as they go to the duodenum, which drains fluids and enzymes. In such cases, if an obstruction is suspected, surgery to remove the obstruction may be required.

Causes of helminthiasis

Initially, it is necessary to determine the correct age of the pet. Dogs of most small breeds remain puppies until they are six months old, and large breeds until they are one year old.

It is this parameter that is often decisive, because any helminths affect the health and general condition of a five-year-old dog and a three-month-old puppy very differently.

In addition, the oldest animals are able to more calmly tolerate treatment or so-called deworming, while in the smallest pets this procedure sometimes ends very tragically, even in death.

For this reason, you should remember the dangers of such internal parasites, as well as promptly diagnose their presence in the dog’s body and competently, as effectively as possible, get rid of helminthiasis.

Important! The main routes of infection for a dog are represented by living carriers of the disease in the form of contact with sick animals, ticks or fleas, as well as the pet visiting places where there is a high risk of contact with objects heavily contaminated with helminths or their eggs.

As numerous studies show, only periodic and competently carried out deworming of a pet can be the key to a dog’s well-being and full development, regardless of its main breed qualities or age characteristics.


If you notice that your dog's poop has taken on a greenish tint, there's a good chance that he just likes your grassy lawn. Dogs are known to eat grass, especially if they have an upset stomach. So don't be surprised if you see greenish poop on your dog. Unfortunately, eating grass is not the only reason why your dog's poop may turn green. In some cases, this may be due to rat bait poisoning, a parasitic infection, or other gastrointestinal problems. The only thing you can do to identify grass-related green poop is to look for telltale signs of undigested grass or leaves. If you can't find one, then you'd better take your dog to the vet.


You might think that yellowish colored dog stool is a sign that they ate too much carrots or pumpkin, but in fact it is a possible indication of gallbladder or liver problems. There may be too much bilirubin in the stool, causing it to appear more orange than normal brown. However, most often, orange-colored stools are watery, reminiscent of diarrhea. Therefore, if you see stool of this color in your dog, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Carrying out diagnostics

To determine the cause of the illness and the condition of the internal organs, the pet will have to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. It includes the following research methods:

  • stool analysis, which helps detect toxins or other dangerous substances;
  • urine analysis to determine problems in the genitourinary system;
  • a blood test necessary to detect deviations in baseline indicators;
  • Ultrasound, detecting inflammation, neoplasms and stones;
  • X-ray showing pathological changes in internal organs;
  • liver biopsy, determining the presence of malignancy of the tumors found.

With timely treatment, all of these diseases can be treated. Even cirrhosis turns out to be reversible, but only at an early stage - when only a small part of the hepatocytes is damaged.


If you notice a yellowish-orange color in your dog's stool, there is a chance that it is due to bile duct or liver problems, as we mentioned above. The only way to be sure of a possible connection with liver or biliary problems is to compare it with other clinical data. For example, if you also notice yellowing of your dog's conjunctiva, as well as the mucous membranes of the eyelids and the inside of the lips, then there is a possibility of liver disease, possibly hepatitis. This leads to an abnormal accumulation of freely circulating bilirubin in the blood, which eventually ends up in the stool, giving it a bright yellow or orange hue.

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However, if yellowing of the stool cannot be confirmed by other clinical signs, and the stool itself is quite watery or slimy, you may be dealing with a food intolerance. Again, you must correlate this with other manifestations, as food intolerance in dogs almost always manifests itself as vomiting and abdominal pain.

latest comments

  • 4-May-2021 Polina I dreamed that a red dog was eating shit and that it was a strange dog, which I was seeing for the first time.
  • 27-Apr-2021 Nina I dreamed of a lot of dog feces in the yard. I clean, but I can’t clean.
  • 3-Feb-2021 Svetlana I dreamed of dog shit that I wrapped on sticks and wanted to carry across the highway to throw it away, and a small white dog was running next to me, I don’t know whose it was and was bothering me.

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Greyish with a greasy appearance

If your dog's stool is slightly grayish in color and really slimy, oily, or greasy, then your dog may have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. They call it exocrine to distinguish it from the endocrine function of the pancreas, which is mainly its ability to produce and secrete insulin and glucagon to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and other substances in the body. The exocrine function of the pancreas is directly related to its ability to produce and secrete digestive enzymes such as lipases, amylases, and proteases, which digest fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, respectively.

We mentioned above that as food passes through the duodenum, it fills with fluids from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. The gallbladder secretes bile salts into food so that the fat in food can be adequately coated. This makes them relatively easy to digest by pancreatic lipases. If there is a problem in either of these two mechanisms, or even both, then the fat contained in food is not digested properly and is not absorbed into the blood. Instead, these fats will pass through the intestines, rectum, and anus, causing oily or greasy stool.

Some of the most common conditions that can cause exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs can include pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis, and even chronic pancreatitis. If the underlying problem is the release of bile salts, then possible causes may include gallstone formation and extensive liver damage.

Other potential canine conditions that can cause steatorrhea—fatty feces—include intestinal malabsorption secondary to giardiasis, inflammatory bowel disease, overgrowth or harmful bacteria, and even celiac disease, although the latter condition is very rare in dogs.

Interpretation of the plot depending on the color of shit

red feces foretell the end of an unpleasant situation at work. She strained the sleeping man for a long time and did not allow him to relax. Now the troubles will be left behind.

Black dog stool is a symbol of a large sum of money that the dreamer has never held in his hands before. It is difficult to say where it will come from, but it will be completely unexpected and exciting for a person. There will even be a desire to give up money. You shouldn’t do this, feel free to improve your financial situation in any way that comes your way

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