Our Brand is a domestic premium dog food

Several years ago, a new premium product was introduced to the Russian market of dry pet food - Nasha Marka. The manufacturer of this brand of food is the large agricultural holding JSC Gatchina KKZ, whose history goes back about 75 years. Our Brand food recipes are fully balanced in terms of nutritional value, taste and digestibility. They are suitable for pets at different stages of development and with different lifestyles.

Review of cat food "Our Mark"

Nowadays, cats are an integral part of our lives. A responsible owner sometimes thinks more about the diet of his beloved pet than about his own. And, as a rule, he prefers one or more brands of food. Along with widely advertised animal products, there are other dry food and canned food, the name and manufacturer of which is not always known to a wide range of consumers. Such food is the product of JSC Gatchina KKZ Nasha Marka, where since 2006 only dry food has been produced, and since 2013, canned food for cats and dogs. In this difficult time for most citizens, many have increasingly begun to turn their attention to Our Brand products. I would like to understand what the pros and cons of this food are. Let's look at the example of cat food from JSC Gatchina KKZ.

"Chicken and Vegetables" for medium breeds

For small dogs, we offer a menu based on tender chicken meat. It promotes animal vigor and prevents excess weight. For the beauty and gloss of wool, linoleic acid is included in the composition. Calcium and phosphorus help you stay in good shape. All ingredients are strictly balanced, supplemented with the required vitamin complex, which contributes not only to activity, but also to the complete removal of hunger.

Composition of cat food "Our Mark"

Manufacturers of Nasha Marka cat food claim that their dry food contains protein from natural fish, poultry, lamb, beef, and rabbit. To produce the product, natural sources of minerals and biologically active substances were used. If you independently examine the packaging of the “Nasha Marka” food, you can identify the main components of this product using the example of the food “For adult cats with beef and vegetables”: corn, poultry meal, vegetable protein extract, rice, sunflower oil, mineral supplements, hydrolyzed liver, beef liver, dried vegetables, sugar beet pulp, brewer's yeast, vitamins, antioxidant.

It should be noted that all the food of the presented brand has a similar composition, where corn and poultry meal make up a significant part of the Nasha Marka food. If we talk about canned food, then the first place in the composition is still meat and animal products, although in a small percentage ratio with other plant components, vitamins, and mineral supplements.

Let's look at the composition of kitten food using the example of "Persian kitten" (for Persian kittens): Dehydrated poultry meat, rice, animal fats, corn, vegetable protein isolate, hydrolyzed animal proteins, vegetable fiber, beet pulp, yeast, fish oil, minerals , soybean oil, fructooligosaccharides, psyllium husk and seeds, yeast hydrolysate, borage oil, marigold extract (source of lutein).

The wet food contains the following ingredients (food "KITTEN instinctive" - ​​for kittens from 4 months to 1 year): Meat and meat by-products, cereals, protein extracts of plant origin, by-products of plant origin, milk and its derivatives, oils and fats, minerals substances, yeast, carbohydrates.

The next category is food for adult animals (over 1 year and older). There are also dry and wet food available here. There are foods designed for specific breeds: Siamese, Persian, Maine Coon and Sphynx. There is also food for sterilized cats, for couch potatoes up to 7 years old, for long-haired cats up to 7 years old, for active cats, for those who are picky about the taste of food, the aroma, the composition of food, for cats with problematic digestive systems, for adult cats, suffering from tartar, for overweight cats, to prevent the appearance of hairballs in the stomach, to maintain healthy skin and coat, to prevent urolithiasis. In addition, you can purchase food for older animals over 12 years of age (wet in jelly and sauce and dry, including for sterilized older cats).

The composition of ROYAL CANIN food for adult cats is similar to the composition of food for kittens, with the exception of the following ingredients (consider dry food “STERILIZED 7+” - for sterilized cats over 7 years old): rice, hydrolyzate from crustacean shells, hydrolyzate from cartilage.

The third category of food is a veterinary diet for cats. These products contain those special components and in those quantities that are necessary for animals with diseases and developmental features. The choice of medicinal feeds is quite large. You can choose dry or wet food for the following diseases: obesity, urolithiasis, kidney failure, anorexia, food allergies, indigestion, diabetes, stress, liver disease and other diseases. The use of such feed for food must be agreed with a veterinarian, based on the animal’s disease and its condition. Since there are quite a few medicinal foods of the ROYALCANIN brand, and each contains special components, we will not examine each dietary food, because advice on its use should be given by a specialist. It is only worth noting that veterinarians highly appreciate these medicinal foods for their quality and approach to various cat diseases.

Table: norms for consumption of wet food by adult cats and kittens

There are certain standards for the consumption of wet food for cats and kittens. It is important to correctly calculate the appropriate dosage so that the animal is full, but does not overeat. Information can be seen in the table:

Kitten, g/dayFor kittens weighing up to 1 kg per day, 100-150 g is enough. For a baby weighing from 1 to 2 kg, up to 220 g will be required. For kittens weighing from 2 to 3 kg, up to 330 g is required.
Adult cat, pack/dayFrom 3 to 4
Pregnant individual, pack/dayFrom 3 to 4
Nursing cat, pack/dayFrom 4

New food should be added to the diet gradually, especially for kittens, so as not to provoke the development of allergic reactions.
Important! The amount of food must be selected individually for each pet, taking into account its needs and characteristics.

There are also certain products for castrated and sterilized animals

Disadvantages of Nasha Marka cat food

  • The downside of the food is a very small amount of meat and offal; most of it consists of plant components and various additives. It is no secret that those components of the product that the manufacturer lists first are, as a rule, if not the basis, then a significant part of the product. Therefore, the question arises why the food has such a name “For adult cats with beef and vegetables”, because there is no beef itself, and vegetables are almost in last place. In this case, many cat owners may refuse to purchase at all, preferring other food. But we must remember that many manufacturers of animal products indicate almost the same set of ingredients as in the “Our Brand” food, sometimes changing the names of the components. Sometimes the most elite brands of cat food use natural meat, which makes up a significant part of them, and the price is high.
  • Your beloved Murka will receive just a few vitamins and minerals. The manufacturer does not include a detailed description of all nutrients and vitamins, often only drawing the buyer’s attention to the taurine it contains, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, vision, and cardiac activity. At the same time, such a substance must be contained in meat, and there is not so much meat in Nasha Marka food. Vitamins A, E, D are also indicated. It should be noted that minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium are useful for cats, the content of which in the food is kept silent.
  • Few food advertisements. “Our Mark” is not available in many stores. Often, a buyer will take in a store what he sees on TV, on the Internet, or in newspapers. In this regard, of course, Nasha Marka food will not be in first place, because there is a huge number of products that only the lazy have not heard of. In addition, not every buyer has the opportunity to visit specialized pet stores and large hypermarkets, and in convenience stores you can sometimes find only 2-3 types of food from the most famous brands.
  • Corn content. Most likely, the manufacturer uses corn in its feed because of its low cost, but it is quite harmful to the health of our little brothers. Many cat owners complain that eating food containing corn leads to allergic reactions and problems with the animal’s fur.

Menu for large dogs

If the pet is particularly large in size, then it requires special nutrition. Chicken food is basically thought out to the smallest detail. It provides calories to the animal, gives it strength and provides it with essential minerals.

The composition includes glucose, which is responsible for joint mobility. Selenium, zinc and vitamin E promote healthy vigor and activity. Biotin and polyunsaturated acids prevent a popular disease of large individuals - disorders of the urinary system.

The food has a high energy value. Therefore, when receiving the daily dose recommended on the package, the pet does not feel hungry. To facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the diet is enriched with fiber.

Large breed dogs are in dire need of additional vitamin supplementation. The menu is designed with this feature in mind.

Advantages of Nasha Marka cat food

  • Low cost of feed, the price-quality ratio is normal. Of course, you can choose either dry or canned food for your beloved cat, based on your financial capabilities. It is worth remembering that the cost of a truly excellent product is often high. In this regard, I would like to stand up for the products of “Our Brand”. This manufacturer offers a product that may not be of super-premium quality, but also does not hide the composition, does not use GMOs, and such food can be purchased, perhaps, at one of the lowest prices. So we can say that Our Brand food will not harm the animal, unless we mean cats prone to allergies and those with serious health problems.
  • Attractive packaging. Restraint colors and not the brightest designs are sometimes liked more often than aggressively flashy packaging. In addition, on the back of the food there are written words that are quite simple and understandable to every cat lover.
  • Domestic is produced in the Leningrad region. Since many buyers trust Russian products, this will be an advantage when choosing products for cats.
  • The product is packaged in both small and large packages. Since the number of pets can vary from one to several individuals, sometimes even ten, often more, this is very convenient. One cat - buy a small package, many cats - buy a large package.

Table: ratio of nutrients in different types of product

Different Our Brand cat foods contain different amounts of nutrients. This can be seen in the table below:

Phosphorus0,6 %
Calcium0,8 %
Cellulose2 %0,3 %0,5 %
Ash7 %2,5 %2,5 %
Fat9 %4 %7 %
Protein28 %7,5 %11 %
Humidity9 %81 %80 %

Note! As you can see, the presence of some elements is characteristic only of a dry product. In addition, croquettes contain more nutrients.

Reviews of cat food “Our Mark”

On one of the well-known sites, Sofia left her review of the cat food “Our Mark”: “When I went to the pet store, I couldn’t find the food that I buy for my cat all the time. The seller recommended purchasing “Our Brand”. I chose Nasha Marka dry food with salmon. I opened it at home and the smell was more reminiscent of smoked herring. I didn’t like the composition of the food, and neither did the cat. My pet ate this fish delicacy poorly, so I had to buy the usual food the next day.”

But a product buyer named Boris wrote a review about the “Our Mark” kitten food: “I have three cats, and they have been for a long time. Therefore, they tried many different foods. I want to say that for two years now my pets have had no problems with stool, they are cheerful, their fur is shiny. Cats eat it with great pleasure. I think that the food can be called high quality and good, and the low price is an additional bonus when purchasing. I advise those who complain about “Our Brand” to feed animals not only with dry food, then there will be no problems, because you don’t eat only one dish every day!”

Medical line

Unfortunately, animals can get sick, or their health is compromised due to their advanced age. For such pets, a special line has been developed that helps maintain immunity and helps to recover.

Among the presented assortment you can find food:

  • helping in the fight against urolithiasis;
  • helping to prevent renal failure;
  • developed taking into account the health characteristics of castrated animals;
  • hypoallergenic.

Particularly distinguished is the food “Lamb and Rice”, which is hypoallergenic. All its components are selected in such a way that the animal does not have skin manifestations and other problems associated with indigestibility of food.

If the animal reacts in the form of watery eyes or frequent scratching, then it is recommended to pay attention to this type of food. It not only provides balanced nutrition, but also helps relieve symptoms and treat their manifestations.

Lamb meat guarantees high nutritional value and provides the diet with animal protein. It is rich in useful substances, is well absorbed, but does not cause allergic reactions. The addition of minerals and vitamins makes the food completely balanced.

Is it worth purchasing Nasha Marka cat food?

You can find a lot of reviews on the Internet, rely on the opinions of friends and sellers. There are both positive and negative opinions. Since the cat cannot tell us why she likes this food or vice versa, the owner must make his choice independently. In fact, the food is at a low price and contains very little meat, but the manufacturer does not deceive the buyer; the food does not contain any dangerous substances. In difficult times, when many people do not have enough money, it is quite possible to buy such food for your friends at home. But carefully monitor the behavior and appearance of the cat; if ailments, problems with stool, or urination appear, you should replace the food, and perhaps consult a veterinarian.

How to store it correctly

To prevent food from spoiling, it is important to follow fairly simple storage rules. Dry food can be poured into a glass jar. If moisture does not get into the container, the shelf life of the product will be quite long. When moisture penetrates, the food swells and becomes completely unsuitable for consumption.

After opening the package, wet food is left in the refrigerator, but not for a long time. You should try to calculate the portion of food so that the cat eats everything at once.

Wet products are also available in different types

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