It's not just about protection: why small dogs are more aggressive than big ones

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Many dog ​​lovers notice that miniature companions are angrier than giants. Children more often rush at other people and animals, behave noisily and can even show aggression towards their own family. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

  • 2 Problems in raising small dogs
  • 3 Lack of mutual understanding


Recent studies have found that the dachshund is one of the most aggressive breeds in the world. These dogs were bred for hunting, so they have a vicious temperament that sometimes comes out.

A dachshund cannot seriously harm a person, no matter how hard it bites. But these dogs are known for their hatred of strangers, and may lunge at him for no apparent reason.

Dachshunds are smart animals, but they have complex personalities. The dog will not immediately rush to follow the command. Sometimes she can even attack her own owner.

Napoleon complex

One theory is that small dogs behave more aggressively to protect themselves. This idea has not received direct scientific confirmation, but in nature this is observed everywhere. For example, sparrows can attack crows, and cougars can attack bears. In the wild, predators prefer to avoid collisions, since even a small wound can cause death. In addition, sometimes a small animal is capable of causing severe injuries due to its flexibility and dexterity. For this reason, overt aggression can compensate for small stature: noise and growling can drive away larger dogs.


Despite their small size, these dogs are naturally fearless. If a Chihuahua feels threatened by themselves or their owner, they are capable of attacking a dog several times their size.

The character of this small dog breed is extremely unbalanced. They are capable of biting simply out of fear. Chihuahuas are very jealous.

They are vigilant and careful, so they instantly react to strangers, unfamiliar surroundings or sounds.


Lighter dogs tend to be much more reactive in their movements. And this is understandable, because for tiny breeds, much in the world around them is dangerous, so they are forced to defend themselves. The desire to bite is often observed in Jack Russell Terriers, Chihuahuas, and Dachshunds. Small dogs with short legs often show anger. They are afraid of unfamiliar animals, so they demonstrate their aggression, showing with all their appearance that they are ready to protect both themselves and their owner.

Jack Russell Terrier

This breed was intended for hunting, so their hostile disposition is passed on from generation to generation genetically.

With a lack of communication with other dogs and people, the Jack Russell exhibits aggressive behavior. They will bark at passersby and other animals. These dogs need mental and physical activity.

Without training and education, the Jack Russell can become very aggressive. Dogs of this breed do not tolerate rough treatment, so you need to watch out for children who may play harshly with the pet.

Problems in raising small dogs

Many owners treat small dogs in a special way. Some allow them more and forgive all misdeeds, others see in the crumbs something completely defenseless and in need of help. Companions are very sensitive to the emotions of their owners and understand perfectly well where the boundaries of what is permitted are located. As a result of promiscuity, the pet becomes a kind of domestic tyrant: he considers himself the leader and himself educates the household and those around him. This may take the form of growling, biting, and generally aggressive behavior.

Some miniature dogs bite because they were simply not weaned off this bad habit in childhood.

Overprotection is another common problem. Some owners don’t even allow their dogs to walk in peace: they always carry them in their arms or carry them in a bag. As a result, the pet adapts poorly and becomes dependent. He simply doesn’t know how to behave with other animals and people, so he’s afraid. Fear often breeds aggression: the dog tries to avoid a collision.

Another extreme is a complete lack of education. Many owners think that a small dog, in principle, does not need to be trained. She can’t seriously injure those around her, and the leash doesn’t pull very hard. An undisciplined pet becomes uncontrollable. This in itself is not dangerous: even without knowing the commands, the dog can behave adequately. However, if there are other problems, the situation gets worse. Basic commands (“Sit!”, “Lie down!”) help calm the pet and speed up its adaptation, so you need to raise and train a small dog in the same way as a large one.

Continental Toy Spaniel

These decorative and charming dogs seem calm and good-natured, but in fact they bite very hard.

Dogs of this breed are owners. They aggressively protect their owners, which can lead to attacks on strangers.

The Continental Toy Spaniel, also called the Papillon, is very irritable. They will not tolerate being treated poorly.

Papillons can be very aggressive towards children or even their owners, as they will never tolerate bullying.

Causes of anger and aggression in dogs

The most common causes of dog anger:

  • Keeping a pet in poor conditions.
  • Incorrect training.
  • Bullying of a dog by children and other stronger animals.
  • The pet lacks human communication.
  • Excessive punishment (or, conversely, rewards).
  • Breeders' mistakes.

Almost all causes of anger can be eliminated with the help of long and persistent training, as well as work with a zoopsychologist.

German Jagdterrier

The German Jagdterrier is a hunting breed of dog. Despite their small size, they are hardy and fearless. Jagdterriers have a rather complex character: they are unyielding, with a stern disposition.

These dogs treat strangers with extreme caution. They are infinitely devoted to their owner and will defend him and their territory at the cost of their own lives.

Jagdterriers can get along with children if they are not offended or bothered with excessive attention.


Doberman / Photo:
The breed was developed at the end of the 19th century. For more than 100 years, Dobermans have faithfully protected their owners and served, for which they were created. The animals have a lean, muscular build, quick reactions, and also develop high running speeds.

Energetic dogs require meticulous proper training. But even in this case, experienced breeders try to keep them on a leash. Otherwise, the Doberman's waywardness will not be long in coming - the dog will rush at others indiscriminately, which threatens them with wounds and injuries.


These cute and cute pets can take care of themselves. Cocker spaniels perfectly protect their owner and their territory, but do not show excessive aggression.

Despite being a hunting breed, they are very friendly towards both other animals and people. They especially love children.

However, due to a genetic condition, some spaniels are prone to displaying vicious temperaments, resulting in uncontrollable rage syndromes. If this dangerous disease is present, such a dog is capable of unexpected attacks on its owners.

TOP 10 most evil dogs

It is believed that the most evil dog breeds are fighting and hunting breeds, in which aggression is deliberately brought up. Much depends on the innate temperament of the animal. The top 10 dangerous breeds include large dogs known for their vicious nature. The owner must understand the reason for the dog’s aggression in order to successfully rehabilitate it.

Pitbull breed

The first place in the ranking of the most evil dogs is occupied by the pit bull (American pit bull terrier). Within this breed there are two varieties: terriers and bulldogs. They can be very different from each other in appearance: some animals have a flat and round head, while others have a slightly more elongated head. The coat color can be any. Dogs of this breed grow to medium size: their weight varies from 12 to 36 kg.

This breed is considered a fighting breed: many years ago, pit bulls were bred for dog fighting.
This is what made the dogs evil. Possessing incredibly high reaction speed, tenacity, courage and strength, pit bulls have become indispensable for fighting competitions and for rescue searches. Attention! Now dog fighting is prohibited in almost all countries of the world, so dog handlers strive to cultivate kindness and patience in pit bulls.
Pit bulls are very temperamental and can be aggressive. Breeding and keeping this breed is prohibited in the European Union and is strictly limited in many other countries. Very rarely they are allowed to serve in the police: these dogs help search for explosives, weapons and drugs.

Raising and training such a serious dog will require a lot of patience.

  • The owner must be strict, but not cruel.
  • It is necessary to clearly explain to the dog what can and cannot be done.

If pit bulls are raised correctly, they will become affectionate and loyal family dogs. They will love their owners and can be welcoming and friendly with guests. But they do not like small animals (cats, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters) and consider them their prey, so it is best to keep the pit bull as the only animal in the family.

Interesting fact! Pit Bull Terriers became the ancestors of Amstaffs (American Staffordshire Terriers).

Pit bulls are the most famous fighting breed


Because of their harsh and brutal appearance, Dobermans seem angry and ferocious. In fact, these dogs are extremely intelligent and subtly sense the mood of their owner.

This is a beautiful, graceful, loyal, intelligent dog. By temperament she is choleric with sanguine traits. These dogs are very devoted to their family, love children, and can be playful, affectionate and shy. Only those dogs with which they have not been trained show aggression.

As a rule, bad behavior in Dobermans is a sign of a lack of physical and mental activity; this dog needs to be walked for a long time (1-2 hours). These dogs have a hard time with loneliness and separation from their owner.

For reference! The creator of the breed, F. L. Doberman, dreamed of breeding an ideal guard dog. Its ancestors were various breeds of herding dogs.

At first, the new breed was called the Thuringian Pinscher, then it was named after the founder. Contrary to popular belief, Dobermans are considered not a fighting breed, but a working breed.

Doberman - elegant, strong and smart

Dobermans managed to take part in the battles of the First World War, serve in the police and in the security services of Nazi concentration camps. Because of this, they gained a bad reputation. It later turned out that these dogs were not suitable for police service in cold climates because they did not have undercoat.

If a Doberman Pinscher feels a threat to its beloved owner, it begins to bark loudly, shows its teeth, but does not attack. He prefers to intimidate his opponent rather than fight him.

When raising a dog, it is important to fully control its behavior and correct it in time. For example, if a Doberman displays aggression towards cats encountered on a walk, you need to strictly tell him: “You can’t!” and pull the leash slightly. The owner must show the dog that he does not approve of aggressive behavior.

“Why was I so angry before? Because they didn’t walk me enough.”

Chow chow

Fluffy chow chows look very cute, but you shouldn't joke with them. These are excellent guards, always ready to defend their owner and their territory.

In addition, Chow Chows may growl and become angry before feeding. Strict upbringing and long walks with active games will soften the complex character of this dog.

Chow chows can get angry too

Hungarian Kuvasz

The herding dog, originally from Hungary, is famous for its pure, snow-white fur. Despite his pretty appearance, this dog can be direct and irritable.

The Hungarian Kuvasz is a dog with character. She has ideally developed security qualities, she is ready to selflessly protect her owners. Kuvasz are smart and react very sharply to encroachment on their territory.

There are numerous rumors that the evil white dog is very aggressive and bites. These behavior problems are a consequence of cruel upbringing and treatment, as well as indifference on the part of the owners.

In general, these dogs have a balanced character. Kuvasz will be affectionate and friendly if he is raised from childhood not only in severity, but also in affection and love.

Attention! The owner must be the undisputed leader for the kuvasz.

Hungarian Kuvasz - snow-white beauty

Bull Terrier

One of the most vicious dogs is the bull terrier, a distant relative of the English bulldogs. It's a delusion.

The Bull Terrier has a cheerful and cheerful disposition, so it requires walks and games in the fresh air. He cannot stand loneliness.

This is a hardy, curious, active dog that becomes angry due to improper upbringing. It is necessary to explain to the puppy what is allowed to do and what is prohibited. The baby is introduced to others and taught commands.

Bull Terriers are very active

Pakistani Mastiff

The Bully Kutta or Pakistani Mastiff is a fearless, proud and independent dog with a penchant for leadership. From puppyhood she must be taught discipline.

Bully Kutta or Pakistani Mastiff

Attention! If you don't pay enough attention to training, puppies grow into fearsome dogs that can become angry and irritable.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is very popular. This is one of the smartest breeds in the world.

The smartest and most obedient dogs are German Shepherds

German Shepherds are easy to train, but education must be constant and training must be systematic. The shepherd has a calm, balanced character. At the same time, this dog is courageous and will selflessly protect its owner’s family.

An angry shepherd is always the fault of the trainer who failed to raise it correctly. These amazing animals work as guides, serve in the police, and participate in search activities.

Tosa Inu

The very rare Tosa Inu breed is considered a national treasure in Japan. Initially, it was bred for fighting, so cruelty was brought up in these dogs.

By their nature, Tosa Inu are distinguished by an even and calm character, but they rush to protect their puppies, owner or territory with lightning speed. Raising a Tosa Inu is hard and painstaking work.

If not treated harshly, this dog will be an excellent companion and guard.

Tosa Inu is a faithful friend of the samurai


A large dog with a strong and complex character needs to be treated responsibly. Training a Rottweiler will take a lot of time and effort.

  • These are energetic, resilient, hardworking dogs who do not like to sit still and do nothing.
  • They are incredibly smart and easy to train.
  • The Rottweiler needs to be given many interesting tasks and exercise.
  • Without the attention of the owner, without education, without work, games and movement, the Rottweiler becomes angry and uncontrollable.
  • A powerful and strong dog is very attached to its owner and needs constant communication with him.

To develop a puppy’s sociability, you need to introduce him to people and animals. The baby must see as many strangers as possible, otherwise he will grow up shy. Under no circumstances should you hit the puppy: the baby must be treated calmly and affectionately. The Rottweiler must sense a leader, a “leader” in its owner. You should only walk your dog on a leash, otherwise the dog will become uncontrollable.

People who are not ready to spend time raising a Rottweiler should not get such a serious dog.

Attention! At the age of 1–3 years, the Rottweiler can growl at others, even at loved ones. This is a transitional age. The owner should reprimand the dog, but not punish it.

Raising a Rottweiler is a real art

Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier, called the Amstaff for short, is a descendant of the American Pit Bull Terrier. He has a slight physical resemblance to the German boxer.

The description of the breed must begin with its complex character. These dogs are made of contradictions: they can be kind and feisty, playful and serious, persistent and submissive.

Amstaffs are hardy and love active walks. If trained correctly, they will not be aggressive towards people, but they are almost always aggressive towards other animals. The Amstaff should not be left unattended while walking.


Pit bull / Photo:
Pit bull is a fighting breed. She was brought to the USA specifically for contractions. The result was dogs with muscular builds, massive chests and necks, and strong legs and jaws. Such an animal, even with a height of half a meter, poses a danger to others.

But the dog does not attack if it is raised and socialized in a timely manner. It is vitally necessary to demonstrate that the owner is the unconditional master, otherwise the pit bull at a certain point in its development will try to take the position of the leader itself, showing aggression and disobedience.

Cleaner for windows and mirrors

What you will need:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • ½ cup white or apple cider vinegar;
  • ¼ cup rubbing alcohol (70 percent solution);
  • 1-2 drops of orange essential oil (optional).

Mix all ingredients and pour the mixture into a container with a spray bottle. This product should not be used on a hot and sunny day - it will dry out too quickly and leave streaks on the windows.

To clean mirrors, apply a small amount of cleaner to a paper towel or soft rag and wipe the surface.

Refreshing kitchen cleaner

What you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of soda;
  • a little less than a liter of warm water.

This simple mixture will help refresh the kitchen - clean different surfaces and even the inside of the refrigerator. To remove odors from your trash can and sink or bathtub drain, you can take just baking soda and pour it straight from the box, then rinse off the residue with water.

If you need to clean something made of stainless steel, it is better to mix the ingredients to a paste, use a damp cloth and gently rub the mixture in the direction of the metal texture, then immediately rinse with water and let the surface dry.


Boxer / Photo:
Already from the name of the breed it becomes clear what to expect from it. Fighting dogs originally from Germany have long been ranked among the most dangerous in the world. There are dozens of known cases of them attacking people. And at a minimum, such incidents end in serious injuries.

Freedom-loving and energetic dogs are hired to serve as police or security guards. In this case, you cannot do without competent training - the dog must be made to understand that the owner is in charge and will have to obey him. Otherwise, the animal will try to take a dominant position.

Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier / Photo:
Amateur and professional dog breeders unanimously say that the most evil dogs in the world are bull terriers. They constantly occupy leading positions in such ratings. And there are a number of reasons for this.

The most evil dog in the world - the bull terrier - does not look as intimidating as large breeds. The creature reaches 56 cm at the withers. But the short dog is a born hunter, this instinct is clearly expressed in him. And although a dog rarely shows open aggression, it is better not to tease it, even for its owner.

Bull Terriers do not tolerate other animals around, but they get along well with children. But their joint games have to be constantly monitored so as not to miss the moment when the excited pet shows intemperance. Constant attention is generally extremely important for this breed, otherwise it becomes uncontrollable and dangerous.

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