Detailed characteristics of the Alabai dog breed. Why should only active people get this dog?

The Central Asian Shepherd is the oldest breed associated with natural selection. This dog is considered a devoted friend and guardian for people and their property. Let's take a closer look at who the Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai) is, characteristics of the breed and reviews. The origin goes back to mastiffs - its ancestors, who were domesticated in Central Asia 3-6 thousand years ago. The inhabitants were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, so they needed strong, courageous and hardy helpers for hunting and guarding livestock.

The dogs were bred very carefully. One person was responsible for each animal. They put forward strict requirements for breeding - cowardly, aggressive and weak individuals were discarded. The pets walked calmly between houses and did not rush at people. If you study the history of the breed, it is known that when men went into battle or hunting, Alabai guarded women and children.

Brief characteristics of the breed Amenable to training:

Gets along with animals:

Dirt in the apartment:

Puppy price:

Immunity and health:

Attachment to the owner:

All about the breed

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (also known as Alabai) evokes a feeling of respect and fear. The size of an adult dog is impressive, they have a look that pierces right through. If a person comes to the house with bad intentions, the alabai will understand this.

Animals have a difficult character, so proper training is necessary. In order to protect housing, both female and male representatives should be accommodated. Girls are distrustful, careful, and bark if they sense danger at a distance. Males are usually more reckless and aggressive. Bitches are better at following commands, they are obedient, flexible, but cunning.

If an Alabai boy appears in the house, it is necessary to immediately show who is boss. Otherwise, difficulties will arise. Proper training and behavior will allow you to raise a loyal and obedient friend, a full-fledged member of the family. The girl should not be left unattended - care and affection are important to her. If you see her only as a signal and not as a living being, she will be sad.

Central Asian Shepherds are unpretentious when it comes to food. They have a good appetite, so you need to watch it to maintain physical fitness. For security purposes, several Alabai boys should not be used. They are unlikely to make friends because they will always strive for leadership. Girls will not behave this way, but it is better to have representatives of different sexes, as they complement each other. The female will feel threatened, will notify the phlegmatic male, and will push him to action.

Turkmen Alabais have almost all possible coat colors. Only brown, blue and sable are not recognized. The last two colors indicate the presence of German Shepherd or Great Dane blood. The prohibition of liver color is difficult to explain, because in the habitats of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs there are brown representatives of the breed.

There are varieties such as Tibetan, Caucasian, Turkish and long-haired Alabai. The latter is not officially recognized and is considered on paper to be a mongrel.

Origin story

The age of the rock ranges from 3 to 6 thousand years . This is one of the most ancient animals, the characteristics and appearance of which have undergone virtually no changes over time. A confirmatory example is a terracotta figurine of a dog, similar in appearance to an Alabai, which was found during archaeological excavations of a Bronze Age settlement.

The ancestors of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog are Mesopotamian dogs that participated in dog fights, as well as the most ancient Tibetan shepherd dogs that accompanied nomadic tribes. Family ties can be traced with various breeds, such as:

  • Mongolian Shepherd.
  • Tibetan mastiff
  • Shepherd dogs of Iran and Afghanistan.
  • Anatolian Karabash.
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
  • Spanish Mastiff.

Due to the fact that the primary formation of the breed took place over a significantly vast territory, ranging from the Southern Urals and the Caspian Sea in the north and west to the Pamirs and the foothills of the Dzhungar Alatau in the south and east, differences in the name appeared. So, Central Asians are called:

  • Alabay - in Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.
  • Tobet, Kazakh wolfhound - in Kazakhstan.
  • Buribassar - in Uzbekistan.

External data also differs slightly depending on the country of origin.


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The name of the Central Asian Shepherd dog breed in every country remains the same to this day, as has been customary since ancient times.

The translation of names from different languages ​​is interesting.

Alabai - “ala” means heterogeneous color, with spots and “bai”, which emphasizes the typical variegated color of the dog Buribasar - translated as wolfhound. Tobet - “tobe” - top, hill, hill and “it” - dog, literally “dog on the top of the hill”.

The State Agricultural Industry of the Turkmen USSR also approved the breed standard “Turkmen Wolfhound” in the summer of 1990, but this name is not recognized internationally.

In 1989, the national standard united all types of dogs into a single breed - the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. This is how the breed is registered today.

Initially, the descendants of Asians were bred exclusively for herding and guard work . Nomadic tribes had an urgent need for a dog that would have impressive strength, fearlessness, unpretentiousness and endurance. It was all these features that were embodied in the gigantic animal, endowed with graceful, almost cat-like movements and a proud look.

The spread of the Central Asian Shepherd beyond the geographical boundaries of its habitat and factory work with it began approximately in the 30s of the twentieth century.

For a long time, the breed performed the following functions:

  • livestock protection;
  • protection of owners;
  • participation in hunting wild animals;
  • escort and protection of caravans;
  • draft power;
  • participation in dog fights;
  • hunting wild animals.

Currently, Alabais are purchased as guard dogs for private properties or industrial facilities.

Characteristics of Alabai

According to official data, Alabai appeared in the USSR and regions of Central Asia. The breed standard was published on May 23, 2003. The dog has a harmonious build, great height at the withers, and an elongated format. He is roughly built, the muscles are well developed, voluminous, but not prominent. It has thick, fairly elastic skin. It is mobile relative to the muscles, so during a fight the animal is less vulnerable.

Males are much larger than females. Dogs are fully formed by the age of three. Height for boys is no less than 70 cm, for girls no less than 65 cm. Representatives of the breed weigh from 40 to 80 kg. Ear and tail docking often occurs.

Dogs have a proud and balanced character. May show distrust of strangers. Animals are brave, hard-working, hardy. They have a guardian instinct. In battle with large predatory animals they are fearless.

What an Alabai should look like - description of the breed:

  1. Head. Large, in proportion to the body. In the cranial region it is deep, close to a rectangular shape. The occipital protuberance is developed, but not very visible due to the developed muscles.
  2. The forehead is flat, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not very pronounced.
  3. Muzzle. Voluminous, large nose, brown or black.
  4. Eyes. Pronounced and rounded. They are dark and far from each other.
  5. Ears. Hanging, low set, small. They have the shape of a triangle and are often stopped.
  6. Frame. He is powerful, his neck is short. The chest is wide and deep, the ribs are rounded. The back is quite large, the croup is almost horizontal and muscular, the belly is slightly tucked.
  7. Paws. Strong, the bones are well developed. Articulation angles are average.
  8. Tail. It is often docked. It is located relatively low and has a saber shape.
  9. Wool. Straight, rough and tough. There is a thick undercoat.

Let's look at how long Alabai live. Their lifespan is usually 12-15 years. For non-purebred representatives of the breed, this period is reduced by 20-30 percent. It is influenced by lifestyle and compliance with care rules.

Wolf Power

When wondering who is stronger - a wolf or an Alabai, few people specify which type of predator the breed should be compared with.

There are a lot of wolves. There are those that reach a maximum weight of 10 kilograms. Alabai will definitely defeat such small animals. But they will not be able to defeat the polar subspecies of wolves. These are very large and strong animals. And maybe nature did the right thing by keeping them away from people: the range of polar wolves is the Arctic, tundra, except for areas covered with ice. Wolves live in vast polar regions and adapt to any kind of food. These animals are capable of not seeing sunlight for months and can withstand severe frosts. Polar representatives are up to 93 cm high at the withers, weighing up to 85 kg. To survive in such conditions, the predator needs a lot of large prey, which is why they hunt reindeer and musk oxen. In search of food, animals can walk up to 2 thousand square meters. km.

Features of keeping a Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Keeping an Alabai is quite difficult. It is better to choose a large enclosure with a comfortable booth. It should be located 10-15 m from the owner’s house. The area will need to be compacted, unnecessary objects removed, and a slight slope made for drainage. The area should be sunny and dry.

The minimum size of the booth is 100x90x80 cm, the manhole is 40x50 cm. It should be built from wood with a flat sloping roof. Don't forget about insulation. To prevent water from entering the house, you need to place it on small blocks. On the contrary, a wooden shield is installed, the dimensions of which are 100x170 cm. You will need a dug-in post with a ring. The dog is tied to it if necessary.

They begin to walk with their pet at the age of three months. The animal must get used to the muzzle and leash. The process takes place away from other animals and people. Its duration is approximately an hour. Adults should be walked twice a day, children – 3-4 times a day. For harmonious development, pets need to walk several kilometers every day.

Removing the leash is permitted only in places designated for this purpose. These are areas with high fencing or metal mesh.

It is necessary to clean the area where the dog lives. It is required to periodically get rid of debris, shake out, vacuum, wash, update the bedding, and monthly treat the booth from the outside and inside. Twice a year you need to completely disinfect the area using special products.

Dog hygiene procedures should also be regular. Basically, they are carried out once a day in the morning before walking. First you need to examine the mouth, nose, limbs, eyes, and coat. If there are no problems, you will need to comb your pet with a fine-toothed comb.

The ears are treated with a damp cloth at intervals of 10-15 days. In case of intense contamination, cotton wool is used, previously dipped in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. If ticks appear on your ears, they must be carefully removed immediately. Usually the dog scratches his ear and shakes his head. If dark brown or black discharge with a strong unpleasant odor is observed, you will need to show your pet to a specialist.

Scratches and wounds on the extremities also require peroxide treatment. If paint, fuel oil or similar substances appear on your paws, you need to use cotton wool dipped in a solvent. Afterwards you should wipe them with sunflower oil. It is worth making sure that nothing gets into the pads.

Claws are trimmed using a special nail clipper if they have grown excessively. It is important not to touch the vessels. Afterwards you should go through with a file to reduce the sharpness. If the nails are not trimmed, the limbs may become deformed.

When your nose gets dirty, you need to treat it with a soft cloth, previously dipped in warm water. No fluid flows from the nose of a healthy dog; it is cold and wet. It will only be warm after waking up.

Discharge from the corners of the eyes is removed with gauze and chamomile infusion. Do not use strong tea or boric acid solution. Your pet needs teeth cleaning twice a month. You can use cotton wool or a simple toothbrush for this purpose. Toothpaste is replaced with chalk mixed with citric acid (there should be a little of it). Baking soda will also work. If there are small objects (pieces of sticks, bones) between the dog's teeth, immediate and careful removal is required.


It doesn’t matter where the dog is kept, in a private house or apartment, caring for an Alabai is a labor-intensive process that requires attention to the quality of walking and nutrition. An apartment is not the best place to stay, since from the very beginning of the breed, its representatives have become accustomed to the vastness of the Central Asian steppes. There won't be enough space for her in the apartment.

The ideal place for an Alabai, if you decide to have one, is a spacious enclosure. Proper care should begin when the Alabai is still a puppy.

Combing and washing

Dogs with long hair require regular brushing. Having removed the dirt in advance, you need to comb it with a brush in the direction of hair growth. In order for an animal to become a fan of this procedure, it must be taught from childhood. The frequency of brushing should be increased during shedding.

Washing is required if the dog is very dirty, but not more than once a month. After walking, you can only wash your paws. Special shampoos are used for washing. Swimming in warm weather is a real pleasure for your pet, so provide him with this opportunity.

Eyes and ears are parts of the body that should not be forgotten. If there are signs of inflammation in the eyes, wiping with a cotton swab dipped in strong tea leaves will help. Ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab and disinfectant.

Walks and meals

If you need a dog to walk along the alley on a leash, then the Alabai is definitely not suitable. The physical characteristics of the dog require great stress. In order for him to grow strong, resilient and harmonious, he needs constant loads in the form of jogging, descents and ascents. For Alabais kept in an apartment and suffering from a lack of space and physical activity, many hours of double walks in the fresh air is a way out of the situation.

Both natural and factory-made food are acceptable for feeding the Central Asian Shepherd. If you prefer to feed your pet with ready-made food, then you should give only premium products. With a natural diet, you need to balance the supply of nutrients, so the diet should include lean meat, boiled sea fish, cereals, vegetables, some offal, kefir, and cottage cheese.

How to properly train a pet at home?

Raising and training a pet should begin as soon as it appears at home. His self-confidence requires the support of his owner, because the puppy is vulnerable, and during this period his character is formed. You need to learn basic commands, such as “no”, “sit”, “fu”, “lie down”. The baby should understand them from 2 months. At three months of age, he needs to know the command “near”.

The fastest method of developing contact is a joint walk with a small Alabai. If he falls to the side, squeals and turns his head away, this should not be taken for cowardice. This is a special manner of Central Asian Shepherds, which helps prevent aggressive behavior in adults. It usually occurs in puppies that have been raised free-range with adult dogs. The pack always controls babies and young animals.

Until six months, puppies in the pack are allowed almost everything. The adult shepherd turns away and grumbles quietly when the baby takes the bone from her. The leader allows himself to be dragged by his limbs and cheeks. If he gets tired of it, he leaves the playing area and hides from the little Alabais.

After six months, their training becomes strict. The loudest and most insolent puppies receive a spanking and squeal loudly to prevent punishment. In one year, the dog becomes a border guard who notifies adults with a loud bark about dangers in distant areas of their territory.

If you understand these features, you can easily imagine the behavior of the puppy’s owner. Thanks to joint walks, the baby realizes who his leader is, because he chooses the direction and knows the way. If the pet goes astray or finds itself in the territory of another pack, the owner will help him. If there is danger, you should sit down, fold your hands in a ring and take the dog. This way he will feel protected.

Long walks without a leash over rough terrain help the pet track its owner. Once contact has been established, it is easier to teach walking on a leash, laying down, sitting, standing and trotting.

This will prevent situations where the baby begins to growl at a person. This problem will not arise with girls; with boys it will occur much less often. The animal's behavior should be changed with the help of a trainer. He will also teach the dog not to bite.

Among Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, food eaters are not often found. They eat unfamiliar food with distrust. The main thing when training is voice and mechanics. The easiest skills for the breed are shrinking and holding. The most difficult ones are laying down and walking on a leash. Many pets easily learn to stand still to guard objects.

Walking representatives of the breed in the city should be given special attention. Just walking your dog on a leash is not enough. Her constitution requires intense physical activity.

Thanks exclusively to a large number of movements, the Central Asian Shepherd becomes a strong and graceful dog. The owner needs to provide the pet with regular exercise. Descents, ascents and running strengthen the dog's bones. But for agility it is not the right size.

If your pet lives in an apartment, you need to walk him every day. The duration is determined by the owner, taking into account that the walk should last several hours. This is especially necessary if the animal has not moved actively during the day.

Wolf Hunt

Wolves are considered skilled hunters. They know the weak points of the victim, know how to identify them and always attack in a pack, but lone wolves are rare. An example of the ability to obtain prey by any means is moose hunting. Wolves understand that a direct attack can have a detrimental effect on their health, since moose have sharp antlers and very heavy hooves that can cause fatal injury. Instead of straightforward action, wolves starve their prey to death. The flock pursues prey, and such a drive can last for several days. As a result, weakened moose become easy prey.

If the flock has nothing to eat, then hungry animals can launch an attack without a corral. Predators attack deer in packs and easily bite their throats. The same thing happens with wild boars and other animals, including bears. What can we say about the Alabai - not a single dog can stand against a pack of wolves. After all, wolves are wild animals; they train, hunt, and know how to assess a situation all their lives.

And who is stronger - a wolf or an alabai, if there is a one-on-one fight? Wolves rarely go hunting alone, but if it happens that there is only one wolf, then it is better not to get caught. Loners are very strong, usually larger than their counterparts. Their enormous size is due to the fact that such animals consume more food, which they obtain themselves, without the help of other predators. The height of wolves can reach a meter at the withers or more, and their weight can be 80 kilograms or more. Such dimensions, combined with sharp teeth and strong paws, extensive hunting experience, make the wolf the most dangerous forest killer.

How to properly feed an adult?

You can create a menu for alabai yourself. It should be remembered that the diet must be chosen in accordance with the dog’s lifestyle. There should not be a lot of carbohydrates, especially at a young age. If your pet begins to recover quickly, it means that the diet requires changes. Otherwise, obesity may occur.

  • Natural menu. The Central Asian Shepherd has historically preferred natural food. It is allowed to eat meat, grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. If she does not want to use the latter, then there is no need to force her. You can also do without fish in your diet.
  • Feed. Artificial food is also allowed for feeding Alabai. For babies and elderly people, you need to buy a diet from the “super-premium” segment. “Premium” is also suitable for young pets. Lower grade food is highly discouraged.

With a natural diet, you should buy vitamins that correspond to the age of the dog.


When a puppy appears in the house, it is advisable to immediately decide whether to feed him dry food or natural food. In the latter case, you need to include the following products in your diet:

  • Lean meat (veal, beef).
  • Offal. It is better to offer them not very often, 1-2 times a week.
  • Soup with vegetables or cereals in meat broth.
  • Sea fish. It is important to clean it from seeds.
  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat, rolled oats).
  • Milk products.

It is necessary to observe your dog's eating behavior to accurately determine the portion size. If your pet eats at a fast pace, completely licks the plate and leaves, the selected amount is suitable for him. If he leaves, you need to give him less. The puppy has eaten all the contents and licks the empty bowl for a long time - you should increase the portion. Alabai usually eats twice a day.

How to prepare for the arrival of a puppy

Before an Alabai starts living in an apartment or private house, you need to carefully study the features of caring for this dog and plan a balanced diet. It is very important to build an enclosure with a booth in advance, because the puppy must live in its kennel from the first day.

As for choosing a pet, it is best to contact special nurseries for this purpose. Firstly, the animals are kept there in decent conditions. Secondly, the nursery workers are always ready to help: you can ask them for all the details regarding feeding the baby and the necessary vaccinations.

Hereditary diseases and pathologies

Purebred representatives are not prone to diseases; only in old age do articular dysplasia sometimes develop. Then they will limp on their hind legs. The following pathologies may occur in artificially bred breeds:

  • Joint problems. The most common reason is a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, an unbalanced diet, the preparation of which the owner paid little attention to.
  • Arrhythmia and heart attack. These ailments also occur due to a lack of activity during the pet’s life in urban conditions.
  • Excess body weight. Obesity is also observed for the above reasons and with overeating. Therefore, it is important to walk often and for a long time with Alabai.

In addition, there are genetic diseases such as:

  • Hypothyroidism. Faded coat, decrease in its thickness.
  • Eye diseases. Faded color of the organs of vision.
  • Infertility. The bitch does not allow the male to come near her when she is in heat.

Impact force

So who is stronger - a wolf or an alabai, what is the impact force of these animals?

The success of a wolf in hunting is not only the ability to hunt, assess the situation, dexterity, but also the power of its jaws. During the strike, the predator cuts the victim with its teeth, and does not tear or bite through it, like dogs. Because of this, you should not underestimate the predator. After all, the injuries he inflicts bleed profusely, weakening the enemy. And if we ask who is stronger - a wolf or a dog, then it is worth remembering how a predator kills its prey. Often it only needs to bite the victim once for death to occur. No animal bites in this manner, not even closely related dogs. When Alabai bites, they pull at the withers, trying to squeeze the victim with their jaws. And if there is a fight between a wolf and an alabai, then at the first opportunity the predator will bite and move aside, waiting for the dog to weaken. If necessary, he will attack again, although usually wolves cut vital vessels the first time, causing severe bleeding.

How much does a Central Asian Shepherd puppy cost and how to choose the right one?

If there are small children in the house, it is better to choose Alabai girls. Boys are suitable for home guarding. A puppy should be purchased at 1.5-2 months. Before purchasing, be sure to carefully study the papers and make sure that vaccinations have been done.

Main features to consider when choosing a pet:

  1. Number of puppies in the litter (no more than five).
  2. Mother's age (no more than 8 years).
  3. Baby's activity and mobility.
  4. Appetite and appearance of the dog.
  5. The coat should be in good condition, there should be no bald spots, and hair should not fall out much.
  6. Compliance with breed standards.

The baby should have a scissor bite, a powerful and large head, a flat forehead, oval limbs, thick lips, and a high tail. Usually tail and ear docking occurs on the 4th day after birth. You should not buy dogs that are too thin or overweight. Also, there is no need to choose individuals who are sneezing, coughing, or with watery eyes.

The average cost of alabai is from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. Sometimes the price is higher or lower. It is influenced by the rarity of the coat color, class, age, and the status of the kennel where Central Asian Shepherds are bred.

Shepherds versus predator: reality

Many people ask, if Alabai fights against a wolf, who will be stronger? Here it is worth listening to stories from life. In many villages, residents have repeatedly seen wolves attack dogs, including tearing apart Alabais. Hunters have more than once opened up dead wolves and discovered bear fur inside.

Shepherds say that Alabai can protect the herd, but only if the wolf sees a person or is not very hungry. In other situations, predators tear apart dogs and take grazing animals.

At different times, wolves attacked people. Most often they kill children and women. Rarely does any beast attack men, perhaps because it understands who is defenseless and weak, and who can fight back or cause serious injury.

Examples of names for puppies

You can name a dog based on its country of origin. It is important to understand the exact translation so as not to give your pet an offensive nickname. Among the nicknames for boys, Aikol (noble), Aylaker (agile), Palvon (hero), Demir (iron), Kamtar (modest), Yenish (victory) are suitable. They select the names of mythological characters, warriors, gods, such as Spartacus, Achilles, Caesar, Hercules, Mars, Zeus, Amon.

The girls also look menacing, so you shouldn’t call them too affectionately. Suitable nicknames are Kira, Beta, Kessie, Alva, Edba. Among the Central Asian words they choose Orzu (dream), Kadama (armor), Tara (peace), Ai (moon), Vepa (loyalty), Shagga (quickly). The names of goddesses and nymphs are also suitable for females - Hera, Nike, Gaia, Daphne, Cyrene, Dike, Eirene.

Education and training

Alabai and the children usually get along great. The dog will play with pleasure with the child. However, you have to seriously work on establishing psychological contact between you, the owner, and the puppy from the first days. It is very important to show your pet who is boss in the house. To do this, do not allow disobedience.

Another key point: try to take the dog for walks in unfamiliar places, take him in a car and public transport. He will be confused and confused, and therefore he will internalize and take your leadership qualities for granted.

What type of people is this breed suitable for?

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is not suitable for every person. She needs a firm hand and a unique approach to training. If the owner does not seriously engage in education, it will not be possible to achieve the respect of the Alabai. It is important to understand that many of his character traits are innate, so they are not easy to change. But a competent approach will help manage the dog’s energy. Then she will be a reliable home guard and friend for all family members.

The best dog owner will be an active and athletic person. It is important that he can cope with such a large dog. If you have no experience in dog breeding, you should not buy a Central Asian Shepherd.


Below are photos showing the unique appearance of the Alabai. For thousands of years, nature and folk selection have purposefully honed the characteristics of these dogs from Central Asia. In modern times, they inspire admiration for their strength, power, and endurance. Meet the Central Asian Shepherd, whose photo will help you understand: you really want to become the owner of this dog. After all, being the owner of an alabai with his fierce desire to protect his loved ones and his territory is an honor. It is necessary to gain the respect of this proud and self-confident animal. Only in this case will he obey unquestioningly.

The relationship between a person and an Alabai is not only the work of training a dog, it is, first of all, high demands on the owner and his discipline, because without it it is impossible to raise the right dog.

Is it dangerous to have an Alabai if there are children in the house?

Experts advise taking into account the following nuances before purchasing a Central Asian Shepherd if there is a child in the apartment:

  • It is better to choose a female, she has a calmer character. It should be understood that during pregnancy her behavior changes. Therefore, during this period it will be necessary to limit their communication.
  • To form the right upbringing, you need to purchase a puppy. If you have no experience in dog breeding, it is worth attending a training course.
  • When purchasing, it is important to contact trusted nurseries and breeders. It is necessary to study all the papers and take the baby to the doctor so that he can identify hidden infections.
  • It's better to keep the dog in the yard. You should provide him with physical activity every day. Otherwise, in a cramped room, the dog may accidentally push the child.
  • You should not leave your dog with children unattended.

In general, Alabai treats children calmly and keeps his distance. Over time, he begins to protect the kids - he forbids talking to strangers and leaving the yard without their parents.

Reviews from owners about the relationship of Alabais to children

Experienced dog owners, who have raised several generations of Alabais, speak quite well of their pets:

Alexey, 34 years old:

“The dog gets along with children, but does not like it when his peace is disturbed.”

Nikolay, 41 years old:

“They get along fine. The child does not force itself on the dog, it does not touch it.”

Maria, 54 years old:

“The dog lives in an enclosure. They explained to the children that she might bite if you get too close to her. They live peacefully."

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • A good guard.
  • There is no pronounced aggressiveness in character.
  • There is a shepherd instinct.
  • Calm attitude towards children and puppies.
  • Mind.
  • Endurance, low maintenance.
  • Not susceptible to diseases.
  • Easily tolerates heat, cold and life in a booth.


  • Large size, which requires special skills from the owner.
  • Daily physical activity is necessary.
  • Early socialization is important.
  • Can be unfriendly with other dogs.
  • Obedience and training are a little slow.
  • Heavy shedding in spring.
  • Difficult to keep in an apartment.

Video: Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai): characteristics of the breed and reviews.


Central Asian Shepherds, the price of which depends on purebred, can be purchased from private breeders or in nurseries. The cost of purebred individuals varies from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

The question of the price of Alabai puppies interests everyone who plans to connect their lives with this breed. The cost of alabai depends on a set of evaluation criteria:

  • The appearance (exterior) of a puppy, which can be excellent, simple, very simple.
  • The presence of plembrac, manifested, for example, in malocclusion, non-standard color, etc.).
  • Color (practice shows that a completely white puppy will be bought faster than others).

For a price above 45 thousand rubles you can buy very promising puppies.


The Alabai Shepherd is a dog with a stable psyche and a slow reaction to external stimuli. She is smart and sensitive to changes in the owner’s behavior, often showing independence in decision-making. Against the background of fearlessness, endurance, mercilessness towards enemies, there is no causeless aggression towards strangers.

Video “Caring for an Alabai puppy”

From this video you will learn how to care for an Alabai puppy.

Related article: To what age does an Alabai dog grow?

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Character and appearance of Alabai

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs of a large breed have a powerful, proportional physique, are distinguished by streamlined shapes and voluminous, but without pronounced relief, muscles. Despite their size they are very mobile. They have well developed security and protective qualities. A feature inherited from their ancestors - activity at night - makes them invaluable watchmen.

The presence of strength, endurance and courage, developed mental abilities and independence allow representatives of this breed to make the right decisions in different situations. The Alabai's character is stubborn, so it is important to pay attention to training.

In their family, dogs are playful and friendly. With the right approach to teaching, they are affectionate towards children. In general, shepherds are friendly, but they are wary of strangers. They are also characterized by aggression towards relatives with whom they did not grow up.

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