Dog food Pedigri - analysis of the composition, reviews from owners and veterinarians

Feed ratings:

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Completeness of the composition

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4 reviews and comments

Main characteristics
Feed class:Economy
  • Dry food Pedigri 0.6 kg - from 84 rubles;
  • Dry food Pedigree 2.2 kg - from 250 rubles;
  • Dry food Pedigri 13 kg - from 1230 rub.

Manufacturer information

Pedigree is one of the most advertised and well-known foods among amateur dog breeders . It is made in the USA by the well-known company Mars. Production began in 1934 , and the food came to the Russian market in the 90s. The low price immediately made it extremely popular.

On the official website, the manufacturer states that each of the offered feeds is balanced and complete. at the Waltham Research Center .

Raw materials for products are ordered exclusively from proven suppliers, factories meet quality standards for the production of food for people, and each stage of product creation is subject to careful control.

Puppy ruler

Often it is the large selection and adaptation for each specific age that is noted in the reviews. Pedigri food for puppies is divided into three breed categories: for small breeds, medium and large. Each of them also differs in age:

  • For babies aged three weeks and older.
  • For menstruation and two months.
  • Six months old.
  • For teenagers aged 8 months.
  • For juniors, 12 months.

Each composition should be optimally suited to the tasks of a particular age. It is assumed that the puppy does not need to give anything else; inside the package there is everything that is needed for its development.

Feed range

Dry and wet food are offered for dogs . Diets are divided primarily according to the age of the pet.

Pedigree offers 3 different options for feeding puppies:

  1. for babies of any breed from 2 months of age;
  2. for puppies of small breeds;
  3. for large puppies from 6 months of age.

The entire line is made from chicken, the size of the granules takes into account the size and age of the babies. Contains an increased amount of calcium for the growth of teeth and bones, as well as a complex of vitamins for proper development. The cost of puppy food ranges from 300 to 400 rubles per bag weighing 2.2 kg.

For adult pets, Pedigri has developed several options for food with beef:

  • a diet suitable for pets of any breed;
  • for miniature dogs;
  • for pets of small breeds;
  • for large dogs.

The cost of dry food is 250-350 rubles per 2.2 kg.

In addition to dry food, the American manufacturer offers wet canned food:

For babies of all breeds from 1 month, the food is presented in two versions:

  • with lamb flavor;
  • with beef.

For adults, the amount of wet diets is much larger. Canned food suitable for any breed is offered in the following flavors :

  • lamb in jelly;
  • veal and liver in jelly;
  • chicken;
  • rabbit and turkey;
  • beef and lamb;
  • beef.

For adult pets of small breeds, separate options have been developed:

  • beef in sauce;
  • lamb in sauce;
  • with beef;
  • with Chiken.

These foods are packaged in single serving bags weighing 100 grams. The price of one such package is 14-15 rubles.

In addition to dry and wet food offered as the main food for dogs, it is worth noting a special product in the Pedigri assortment - DentaStix treats, designed for dental care and cleaning. They are made in three versions for different size breeds:

  1. from 5 to 10 kg;
  2. from 10 to 25 kg;
  3. over 25 kg.

The manufacturer claims that thanks to the special shape and texture of these sticks, they remove food debris, clean teeth and massage gums. The price for a package of DentaStix 110 g is 100-130 rubles.

The Pedigri food line is not very diverse, but includes not only dry, but also wet food, developed to meet the main differences in the needs of dogs of different sizes and ages. The manufacturer has also developed a special unique product for cleaning pets’ teeth.

The beginning of time

Today we will talk about feeding puppies. The period of active growth, which begins at one month of age and lasts until about a year, is a defining stage in the life of the animal. Making sure your puppy gets enough protein, fats, vitamins and minerals will determine how healthy he grows up. A lack of any important element in the future will result in a chronic disease that will have to be treated long and difficult. Therefore, it is not so important whether you decide to give your puppy meat and cereal or commercial ready-made food. Does Pedigree puppy food meet these criteria? Reviews suggest that most veterinarians do not agree with this.

Feed composition overview

The composition of all Pedigri dry food begins not with a meat ingredient, but with cereal components - rice, wheat and corn. This indicates a small amount of protein component. In addition, corn and wheat are among the most useless ingredients that do not provide any benefit to the body, are almost not absorbed, and sometimes cause food intolerance in pets.

The composition does not indicate full-fledged meat at all; only meat flour made from offal and partly from meat is indicated.

Beet pulp is considered a controversial ingredient among experts. Some say that it is a cheap, useless product, while others point out that it is designed to regulate sugar levels and is good for intestinal function.

The food also includes a complex of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

The composition of wet food starts with meat ingredients - meat and offal, and only then comes grains and oils. However, the percentage of protein is not encouraging - only 6-7%. But the moisture content is stated to be 85%. The rest is fats and beneficial microelements.


Disadvantages can be considered:

  • Contains not meat, but flour from meat products, which may contain various parts of the animal, including the remains of meat production;
  • The content of ingredients in percentage terms, as well as the presence of antioxidants, is not indicated.

Advantages and disadvantages

After a detailed analysis of the line and composition, it is possible to identify the pros and cons of feed produced by Pedigree.


  • Among the advantages, the first place is, of course, its low price, thanks to which the food has earned great popularity among amateur dog breeders.
  • The second advantage is that you can buy food not only in pet stores, but also in almost every grocery store. This is especially true when a forgetful dog owner urgently needs to buy a bag of pet food late at night.
  • Availability of dry and wet food for different ages and breeds, as well as a unique offer - sticks for cleaning teeth.
  • A good marketing policy, thanks to which the name of the Pedigri brand is on everyone’s lips.


There are quite a few disadvantages to these feeds.:

  • Poor feed composition with a minimum amount of meat ingredients;
  • A large number of cheap products that are useless for the dog’s body;
  • Almost complete absence of pure meat, which is replaced by offal of unknown origin;
  • Lack of offers for dogs with diseases or individual characteristics.

Daily feeding rate

When feeding Pedigri food, you need to follow several principles:

  • The recommended daily intake is divided into 2 doses;
  • feeding standards are developed for active dogs; if the animals are inactive, the amount of food should be reduced by 10%;
  • the diet needs to be regulated if the pet additionally receives treats or dental products;
  • the diet should contain less than 10% treats other than food.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers about the food

Dog owners and veterinarians often share their opinions about the pet foods they use.

Owner reviews:

  • Ekaterina, breeder of Chihuahuas and Pomeranians:

“Unfortunately, Pedigree food has a bad reputation, which makes it difficult to sell puppies to buyers who have read custom articles on the Internet. I feed my dogs this food and they are all healthy and happy. In this price range there is not even approximately the same quality of composition.

I am glad that for such a small price I can buy quite high-quality food that has been proven by many years of experience in use. For me, the main criterion for choosing food is the health of the pets!”

  • Mikhail, owner of two huskies:

“While the dogs were small, I fed them Royal Canin, but as they grew older, they needed more and more food, so I started looking for cheaper options. I tried Pedigree, the dogs didn’t like the reaction to it, they became lethargic and had problems with stool.

After talking with other husky owners who said the quality of the food was poor, he quickly abandoned it. After some time, the pets’ former activity returned, and the problems with going to the toilet disappeared!”

Reviews from veterinarians about the food

  • Maria, veterinarian, 13 years of experience:

“There are myths among dog owners about the poisons contained in Pedigree. However, after careful examination of the ingredients, no toxic substances were identified. The composition of the food is poor, it contains neither vegetables nor fruits, but for a cheap economy class 20% protein is a good indicator. I would advise owners not to skimp on pet food and choose food with the best composition. If the owner feeds Pedigree, he must definitely add a multivitamin complex!”

Reviews from dog owners from thematic forums:


The price of Pedigri dog food depends on the type of product and its volume.

For example, dry mixtures weighing 600 grams cost the owner from 80 to 105 rubles. And for a pack of 2.2 kilograms you will have to pay around 280-300 rubles. A package of 13 kilograms costs about 1,300 rubles. It is quite possible to purchase a pack of wet mixture weighing 100 grams for 15 rubles.

Thus, the Pedigree brand is known to absolutely all dog breeders today. Once upon a time this food seemed to be the pinnacle of quality, everyone talked about its usefulness. But a lot of time has passed since then. And today there are other brands that are superior to Pedigree in a number of ways.

Reviews of Pedigri brand food are quite contradictory. There are both positive and negative statements. Veterinarians consider this famous brand a good choice. Although this food cannot be called high-quality and complete. Some advise owners to switch their dogs to premium diets.

"First feeding"

This is dry food that can be given to babies starting from the third week of life. In most cases, puppies cannot yet chew crackers, so it is recommended to soak them in warm water. In rare cases, you can replace water with milk, but you need to monitor your bowel movements.

The weight of the package is 600 g, and in the first stages it is used very economically. Doctors recommend starting to offer puppies literally one granule at a time. The food is created taking into account the digestive characteristics of puppies of this age. By alternating it with cereals and fresh minced meat, you can create an optimal diet that will allow you to smoothly transition from breast milk to solid food. This is very convenient for the owner, because you don’t have to prepare a small amount of fresh porridge every time.

How much water do you need

In order for the dog’s body to fully absorb all the nutrients from the food it eats, it must be given water every day. It is the basis for proper metabolism and normal digestion.

Recommendations for calculating the required volume of water:

  • the daily water intake is calculated depending on the weight of the pet;
  • For approximately 1 kilogram of the weight of an adult tailed cat, 40-60 ml of water is required;
  • small puppies need more water - 80-110 ml per kilogram of body weight;
  • if the dog eats only dry food, then it may need more liquid;
  • if the ambient temperature is less than 25 degrees Celsius, then the dog may need less water per day.

Note! When calculating the required amount of liquid, it is worth taking into account not only ordinary water, but also the presence of liquid in the food the dog eats - cereals, soups, vegetables, meat, dairy products.

Photo pedigree

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Universal option

There is a good food "Pedigree" for puppies of all breeds. These are delicious chicken-flavored pieces. The food is specially created for puppies aged two months and older, taking into account the needs of your pet. It includes meat, vegetables and grains. Its composition is as follows:

  • chicken meal;
  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • beet pulp;
  • corn;
  • meat flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • animal fat;
  • additives, brewer's yeast, minerals and vitamins.

Thanks to this, the food promotes healthy growth and harmonious development of your puppy.

Release forms

Pedigree food comes in 2 forms: dry and wet. This makes it possible to make the dog's diet more varied. There are special food options for dogs with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts. Dry food contains the components listed above, with corn predominating. Despite this, the energy value is higher than that of wet food. They are gluten and flavor free.

Dry food is packaged in packages of 600 g, 2.2 kg, 13 kg. Wet canned food is produced in tin cans of 400 g and bags of 100 g.


The company's products are represented quite widely on the domestic market. These feeds include corn, vegetable fats, bone meal, and meat by-products. In addition, they also contain brewer's yeast, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. Despite the rather poor composition, many owners prefer this particular product.

The question arises: “Can Chappy dry dog ​​food be used as a complete diet?” Reviews from veterinarians give a clear answer - no. Sometimes it can be used as a camp lunch or snack. Veterinarians sadly joke that as long as people buy food of similar quality for their pets, they will not be left without work.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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