Fospasim for dogs – a mild homeopathic remedy for anxiety and stress: Review + Video

Composition and pharmacological properties

Fospasim has a calming effect, relieves anxiety, restlessness and fear, prevents the development of involuntary movements, hyperactivity, motor and oral stereotypy in dogs, normalizes the psyche and emotional state of the animal, improves learning ability and reflexes.

Fospasim contains:

  • phosphorus (Phosphorus) – works as a tranquilizer
  • bitter ignatia (Ignatia) – to normalize the psyche
  • pharmaceutical aconite (Aconit) – to relieve inflammation
  • black henbane (Hyosciamus) – against spasms
  • red and white passionflower (Passiflora) – for better sleep quality
  • secretion of the Siberian musk deer (Moshus) – to stabilize blood pressure
  • platinum (Platina) – has a positive effect on the nervous system.

As well as excipients such as sodium chloride and distilled water - if this is a solution for injections; or ethyl alcohol and purified water - for oral administration.

Personal hygiene rules

There are no special precautions. It is enough to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, namely:

  • After contact with medications, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • if the substance gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water;
  • if a person develops an allergy when in contact with Fospasim, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor;
  • Do not use empty containers of the drug for household needs.

Indications for use

Fospasim is indicated for dogs for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with neuroses, anxiety, aggression and phobias, adaptations and other types of stressful situations. Such factors include: fear of various noises (fireworks, thunderstorms, gunshots, etc.), exhibitions and various new places, change of owner or separation from him, separation of very young puppies from their mother, moving, traveling and associated transportation of dogs, adaptation, the appearance of other pets, the arrival of guests, chronic fatigue syndrome in dogs in service, a visit to the veterinary clinic, etc.

What usually happens in such situations? A pet that is frightened or overly excited may constantly run in circles, make strange sounds, gnaw on objects unsuitable for food, or imitate that it is digging a hole. It happens the other way around: he lies motionless on his stomach, refuses entertainment, food and water, and walks.

How does Fospasim work? It reduces anxiety, nervousness and aggression, normalizes behavior, improves the adaptation process and perception.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to consult with a veterinarian or dog trainer before using the medicine in order to correctly understand the motives and reasons for the occurrence of certain behavior in the dog.

Mode of application

  1. Drops: For puppies – 5-10 drops For small breeds – 10-15 drops For medium breeds – 20-30 drops For large breeds – 30-40 drops Take – 1-2 times a day (at the same time if possible) until the clinical signs of the disease pass. Course duration is 1-2 weeks. Repeat the course if necessary, but with a break of several months. Give with food or a small amount of water.
  2. Solution: Subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The dosage is selected based on the weight of the animal – 0.1 mg/1 kg, but not more than 4 ml at a time. Apply 1-2 times a day (at the same time if possible) until the clinical signs of the disease subside.

Course duration is 1-2 weeks. Repeat the course if necessary, but with a break of several months. If the medicine is administered as a prophylaxis against stress, the injections are given one day before the expected “stressful” event.

Side effects and combination with other drugs

Fospasim has no side effects or complications. Based on the intensity of its effects, Fospasim is classified as a low-hazard drug; the components of the drug do not have a cumulative effect in the body of animals and are not addictive. But for positive dynamics in the disease, small doses of these substances are needed.

ATTENTION! If you take individual extracts and extracts, this can be dangerous for your pet's health. An individual allergic reaction to individual components of the drug is possible. In this case, it is necessary to give your pet an antihistamine (intolerance is determined by itching, severe shedding, and digestive disorders).

Overdose does not cause serious complications, which is due to the minimal amount of active ingredients. But still, the dosage must be taken seriously. Fospasim can be used with other drugs, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

NOTE! According to the recommendations of veterinarians, Fospasim is contraindicated in: pregnant and lactating dogs, puppies up to 6 months old, with kidney and liver failure in dogs.

Release forms

Forms of release of Fospasim:

  • Sterile solution for injection - packaged in 10 and 100 ml glass bottles.
  • Solution for oral use - packaged in 10, 50, 100 ml bottles made of polymer plastic.

Note! The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the form of release. The veterinarian prescribes a suspension or injection based on the patient’s medical history and condition.

Price and analogues

The rather high price tag can be attributed to the disadvantages of this drug. On average, the price of Fospasim for 20 ml drops ranges from 330 to 500 rubles. A bottle for injections with a volume of 100 ml can be bought in the range from 800 to 1000 rubles.

The following sedatives can act as analogues:

  • “Stop stress” - from Russian. The main component of this sedative drug is phenibut. It improves blood circulation in the brain, which helps normalize the ongoing processes of excitation and inhibition. A complex of various medicinal plants has a sedative effect.
  • The antidepressant "Fontek" is necessary to regulate the behavior of dogs with high anxiety or aggression. Requires a long course of treatment. The dosage is calculated individually for a particular dog, and the first results will be visible only after a few days.
  • Also in pet stores there are collars that are saturated with the aroma of medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect. These herbs, but in dried form, can be purchased in pharmacies. As a drink, you can use decoctions of valerian, chamomile and motherwort.

What can I replace the drops with?

“Fospasim” can be replaced with “Stop-stress”. It contains phenibut, and therefore the effectiveness may be higher.

But it already has contraindications: it is not recommended for pregnant or lactating dogs and puppies under one year old, as well as animals suffering from diabetes and diseases of the genitourinary system. Available in the form of oral drops.

The drug "Cat Bayun" contains only herbs, and therefore is well suited for those owners who want to start therapy with something as easy as possible. Available in tablet form and as oral drops.

A good option are Sanal Relax tablets. Their active ingredient is L-tryptophan, which activates the synthesis of the hormone serotonin. The latter has a calming effect. In addition to the calming effect, they reduce the likelihood of motion sickness on the road.

Storage conditions and safety measures

Fospasim should be stored in a dark and dry place, out of reach of children and animals, at a temperature of 0 - 30 ºС, separately from food. Shelf life with proper storage is 3 years. If the seal of the bottle is broken, there is cloudiness or changes in color, various impurities, the expiration date has expired or storage conditions have not been met, the drug is not suitable for use.

Fospasim is a low-hazard drug. But you need to be careful when working with it. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene; while using the drug, you should not smoke, eat or drink. After injections, do not forget to wash your hands with soap.

IMPORTANT! Empty containers cannot be used on the farm. They must be disposed of along with the packaging. Only products that have not been sealed can be stored until the expiration date.

Composition of the drug

Fospasim is a homeopathic medicine for pets. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of behavioral disorders.

Composition of the drug:

  • Active ingredients: Phosphorus, Aconite, Hyoscyamus, Passiflora, Moshus, Ignatia and Platina.
  • Excipients: water and ethyl alcohol in the drinking solution, sodium chloride and water for injection in the injection solution.

Fospasim is a low-hazard substance, does not irritate the intestinal walls, and should not cause inflammation after injection. The active substances do not accumulate in the body.

Important! When working with Fospasim, you must follow safety and personal hygiene rules.

Customer Reviews

Tatyana: “A year ago we got a dog, a teenage dog. An emotional and active guy. He’s so affectionate, but he starts up half a turn and gets nervous. I noticed that he even sleeps restlessly: uneven breathing, rapid heartbeat. She jumps up at the slightest rustle, and also tries to gnaw on her paws... At one of the doctor’s appointments, she told us about our problem.

The veterinarian prescribed us medications aimed at supporting the heart and the oral drops Fospasim. The doctor said it was homeopathy for pets. I don't really believe in homeopathy, but I decided to follow the doctor's orders. I bought medicine. Plastic bottle 20ml in a cardboard box with instructions. This product is also available for injections.

Indeed, there was a result! Our dog became calmer and his sleep also improved. And this is in comparison with other drugs, from which the pet became frankly inhibited. The effect of Fospasim became noticeable literally from the first days of taking it. A few days later, the dog finally stopped trying to chew its paw and tail, which were clear signs of neurosis.

True, the dog’s behavior on the street remained unchanged. Most likely, this can only be corrected by training, which is what we are now focusing on. Of the minuses, the maximum is that it is not a very convenient bottle. The medicine needs to be measured out in drops, but as soon as you press on the bottle, a stream flows out, not droplets. But, as we understand, the pet likes the taste. We drank the entire course. We came to the conclusion that the effect of Fospasim turned out to be better in comparison with a stronger and, moreover, chemical drug.”

Nikita: “My dachshund gets water from trips to the veterinary clinic. And therefore, a couple of days before the examination or vaccination, I start adding Fospasim drops to her food. They make the dog less agitated, more obedient and calm.”

Veronica: “My husband and I adopted a pet from a shelter. But even after a month, the dog was still afraid of us, flinching from sudden movements and loud sounds. The doctor recommended giving the medicine Fospasim in drops. At the moment, the dog feels calmer and trusts people more.”

Lyubov: “Renovating the house really scared our dog. Loud and pungent smells and sounds affected the dog’s behavior even during walks and while sleeping. A friend advised me to give my pet Fospasim in drops. Alas, the effect was never noticeable.”

Oksana: “I am a volunteer and help to rehome homeless animals. We have a variety of dogs at our shelter with all sorts of problems, and absolutely all of them experience varying degrees of stress. And we use the drug Fospasim very often. I am absolutely sure that the medicine provides good help to our poor pets in dealing with problems and adapting to new conditions. If there were more funds, I would give a course of Fospasim to all the animals that come to us.”

Characteristics of Fospasim

First of all, we note that this remedy is homeopathic. It is intended to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. The drug, unlike “official” sedatives without prescriptions, is sold in veterinary pharmacies. It acts gently, without additionally loading the kidneys and liver.

The manufacturer produces Fospasim in the form of a solution for oral administration (drops) and a solution for injection. The medicine is not available in tablet form, so do not buy counterfeit!

For home use it is convenient to use drops. Their volume is 20 ml. If injecting medicine into your dog is not a problem for you, then buy an injection solution with a volume of 100 ml.

The homeopathic medicine reduces the aggressiveness of animals and their fearfulness. It allows you to rid your dog of behavioral perversions, for example, eating inedible objects under stress. Fospasim can be used as an aid to facilitate training. This is important for dogs that are difficult to train.

The advantage of homeopathic medicine is that, unlike sedative analogues, it is not dangerous for dogs, does not tend to accumulate in the body, and therefore can be used for a long time. The drug is prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of neuroses caused by severe stress, for example, fireworks, thunderstorms, change of owner.

The advantage of Fospasim is that it has no side effects. But this does not mean that its dosage can be exceeded. The veterinary product also has no contraindications.

What are the components of the drug? The first is a platinum compound. The noble metal has a beneficial effect on the body of animals, stimulating the growth of healthy tissues and preventing the development of cancer cells. The second component of Fospasim also has miraculous properties. Herbalists use the musk of the Siberian musk deer as a component of medicine both for colds and in the treatment of advanced forms of cancer.

Homeopaths claim that this substance activates the immune system and forces the body to independently resist even the strongest external influences. The third component of the drug is edible passionflower or passionflower. The plant has restorative and sedative properties; it is an essential component of the well-known medicine Novo-Passit. The homeopathic remedy also contains extracts of vines of the genus Strychnos. Dangerous poison in small doses has a sedative effect. It perfectly relieves spastic muscle contractions. Black henbane in the composition of the drug also has a similar property. Blue aconite is a medicinal plant that has long been successfully used in homeopathy to treat neurological seizures of various etiologies and phobias. As you can see, almost all the components of this veterinary drug are poisons. However, in homeopathic doses and in the above combination, they become an effective medicine.

The auxiliary components of both forms of the drug are purified water and glycerin.

Reviews from veterinarians

Ivan Anatolyevich, veterinarian, 12 years of experience: “For me, Fospasim is a modern medicine, ranking first among drugs that are used for behavioral disorders in pets. Its advantages are the absence of contraindications and various side effects, applicability for dogs of all ages and good compatibility with other products. At first I was skeptical about the properties claimed by the manufacturers, but soon I was personally convinced of its effectiveness.”

Alexey, veterinarian: “Fospasim is effective for mild behavioral problems. But, like all homeopathic medicines, it is not effective for every case. For severe and serious illnesses, I see no point in prescribing it. In my personal practice, I use it when any surgery is planned for hyperactive pets.”

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