What does the Pakistani Mastiff Bully Kutta look like: a description of the pet's character and reviews from owners

Mastiffs are a name that unites a large group of breeds, which includes the English, American, Spanish, Brazilian and Major varieties, as well as the Bullmastiff and Boerboel.

The Pakistani Mastiff or Bully Kutta is also included in this group. This is an oriental dog breed.

Not officially accepted by any world association.

But this does not make the breed less popular.

Since these animals are considered good defenders and guards.

The dog is loyal and very brave.

History of the Origin of the Pakistani Mastiff or Bully Kutta

There are many theories about the origin of this breed.

One of the more logical ones is that during the conquest of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent by Great Britain, English soldiers crossed bull terriers with local mastiffs, widely used for hunting and guarding.

The purpose of breeding the breed was to create a reliable guard and fighter.

From the Punjabi language (a dialect of the Punjab province in Pakistan), “buli” is translated as “heavily wrinkled.” "Kutta" means "dog".

Thus, the name of the breed translates as a highly wrinkled dog, which quite describes the appearance of the Pakistani Mastiffs.

History of the breed

The Bully Kut breed is very mysterious regarding history, origin, and ancestors. It is absolutely impossible to say where this species appeared, how its formation took place, and what breeds participated in it. So we have to build on existing versions and assumptions voiced by scientists and historians.

The homeland of Bully Kutta is India and Pakistan, hence the names of the breed: Pakistani, Indian Mastiff. According to one of the existing theories, the Bully Kutta originated in the Sindh province, which is why it is sometimes called the “Sindh Mastiff.”

The beginning of the history of the Bully Kuta breed is lost in the distant past, during the time of the Persians. These huge dogs were used in military battles and as guard dogs and bodyguard dogs.

In 500 BC, Bully Kutta were brought to Europe. To be precise, this type of animal came to Greece as part of the army of Xerxes.

The ancient ancestors of modern Pakistani mastiffs differed significantly in appearance. The breed has changed as a result of breeding work. When the British conquered India, they brought dogs from their homeland to the occupied territories. These were English mastiffs, English bull terriers and several hunting species.

Indian mastiffs were crossed with the English breeds listed above. Breeders had to improve the breed as much as possible. As a result, the exterior changed, physical capabilities increased, and attachment to the owner increased. But the Bully Kutta remained a dangerous, powerful, aggressive dog that required strict control and management.

To date, no association in the world has officially recognized the Bully Kutta breed.

Representatives of the breed are not widespread; their main population is found in India and Pakistan.

Description of the breed and what it looks like in the photo

The Pakistani Mastiff is classified as a Molosser. This is a large dog, has a well-developed chest, powerful skeleton and strong muscles.

The height of representatives of the breed ranges from 76 to 112 cm, weight ranges from 65-90 kg . Therefore, if during games an animal jumps on its owner, it is almost impossible to withstand it.

Regardless of the general color, they have a black muzzle, although the presence of pigmentation on the tip of the nose is considered normal . The tail is long, gradually narrows, and is lowered when at rest.

During excitement, the tail never lies on the back.

It has long legs and strong joints, the latter due to its large size . There is excellent shock absorption power, manifested in the form of wide, round feet with hard pads. The coat is short and hard.


Like other mastiffs, the Pakistani is very massive and is valued as a fighting dog; no attention is paid to its exterior. When these dogs were hunters and guards, they were larger in size.

To add agility and endurance, breeders reduced the height at the withers from 90 cm to 71–85 cm, and the weight to 64–95 kg.

The head is large, with a wide skull and a muzzle, the length of which is half the length of the head. Small, erect ears are located high on the head and give it a square shape. The eyes are small and deep-set, attentive.

The coat is short, but double. The guard coat is hard and thick, lying close to the body. The undercoat is short and dense.

The color can be any, since breeders do not pay attention to the exterior, focusing only on the working qualities of the dogs.

Character traits

The main features of the Pakistani Mastiff are considered to be the following::

  • courage;
  • devotion;
  • great willpower.

But, despite these positive features, animals are quite difficult to control, so training is carried out from an early age.

If you get a Bully Cutt, he will need to prove who is the boss in the house, only then will the pet be able to look at his owner as an equal, and not down on him.

The main purpose of representatives of this breed is protection, so the animal is sensitive to any noise and can show aggression towards strangers.

If the Pakistani Mastiff lives in the city, then during walks he must be kept on a leash and equipped with a muzzle. Otherwise, there is a risk that the animal will misperceive city noise and come to the owner’s defense right on the street.

In situations where other pets live in the house, the Pakistani Mastiff most often treats them neutrally, but if aggression is shown towards him, the dog can easily injure another pet.

The dog is considered patient and calm, but it is characterized by sudden mood swings, so having this animal in a house where children live is not the best idea.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Pakistani Mastiffs not only have an impressive appearance, but also a dominant behavior; they are too proud. They are absolutely fearless and ready to protect their owners from any danger. The breed is intellectually developed, so Bully Cutts almost never act on instinct alone. Very loyal and dedicated.

Signs that disqualify a breed

Since there is no breed standard, it is difficult to judge traits that are not typical for the Bully Cutta. But scientists still highlight two features:

  • phlegmatic behavior at an early age. If the puppy is inactive and differs from others in its docile character, then it is immediately discarded. On the streets of Pakistan, discarded bully cutta puppies that do not match the breed are quite common.
  • tail lying on the back;
  • overbite (bad bite).

As a rule, the Bully Cutta has floppy ears, but dogs that take part in fights have them cropped.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pakistani Mastiffs have a number of advantages:

  • fearless;
  • loyal to the owner;
  • have a balanced psyche;
  • good guards and defenders.

But against the background of these advantages, the breed also has several disadvantages.:

  • independent - in the absence of timely training, they will not perceive the owner as an equal;
  • do not get along with children;
  • Due to its large size it is difficult to keep in an apartment.

Pakistani Mastiff, Bully Kutta, Sindhi Mastiff, Bully


Bully Kutta is an Indian dog breed, one of the 4 strongest dogs on the planet, which is also common in Pakistan. These are, one might say, legendary animals that existed hundreds of years ago; moreover, they are believed to be the closest to a common ancestor (with many other breeds) - the ancient Molossian dog.

Due to many similar traits, many believe that the Bully was crossed with the Sind and the Molosser Alaunt breed. The name of the breed itself comes from the word “Bohli”, which translated from Punjabi (one of the Hindi dialects, also derived from Sanskrit) means “very wrinkled”. Of course, this is due to the specifics of the skin around the neck, since in this place it gathers into folds. Most likely, such a distinctive feature appeared in the process of evolution, as a protective measure against the bites of opponents. The word "kutta" in turn means "dog".

In addition, there are other names for this breed, and there are quite a lot of them:

  • Indian Alangu Mastiff;
  • bully Kutta;
  • alangu mastiff;
  • Indian Mastiff;
  • Indian Alangu Mastiff;
  • sind or sindhi mastiff;
  • Pakistani hooligan;
  • South Asian Mastiff;
  • Talla Bulli;
  • Desi Bully;
  • Bongai Bully;
  • Pakistani Mastiff.

Traditionally, these animals performed several functions at once, being quite versatile dogs with great strength and power. Their innate qualities have been developed by humans over the centuries, making dogs ideal for guarding, protecting and hunting.

Hunters used Bulli Kutta when going after large game, such as bear, tiger, water buffalo, cheetah and even lion. Moreover, they were confident that the dog would not be afraid and would not retreat in front of an enemy who was significantly superior to it in size and strength. In addition, since ancient times this breed has been used as fighting dogs in dog fights. Even in modern India and Pakistan, such battles are not uncommon, although now they are carried out secretly, underground. In 2018, the Indian police arrested one of the organizers of such battles, which is, in fact, an isolated incident, although battles are held everywhere.

The Indian Bully Club does not recognize all dogs of this breed, since many Indian and Pakistani breeders cross their dogs with other breeds in order to better adapt them for underground dog fighting. The official criteria and standards are quite strict.


The Bully Kutta dog is large in size, has a powerful, athletic build and well-developed muscles. The neck is powerful, with folds of skin, the head is streamlined, the ears are small and, as a rule, cropped. The chest is wide, the limbs are long and muscular. The coat is short. Color can be white, brindle, brown and black.

Is it suitable for living in an apartment? On the street?

It is not advisable to keep representatives of Pakistani Mastiffs in an apartment, since such conditions can become a real test for the animal.

These dogs need personal space and daily exercise; walks should last between 2 and 3 hours..

An animal can be kept outside the city by providing it with a free enclosure and access to a yard. The pet feels great in the enclosure even in the winter season.

Reproduction and lifespan

It is extremely rare for Bulli Kutta to live to be 12 years old. On average, they live no more than 8-9 years. If a dog is well and properly cared for, it will serve its owners faithfully. Large dogs are bred when they are at least 2 years old.

Previously, it was impossible. It is also not recommended to breed mature dogs over 7 years old. The best time for mating is the 3rd day from the day the female starts estrus. If she happens to a male during this period, she will probably become pregnant.

How to properly care?

Representatives of the Bully Cutta breed are quite picky in grooming, and are quite capable of taking care of themselves..

Pakistani Mastiffs are short-haired animals, so there is no need to trim them. Occasionally, you can only clean the coat with a brush with hard bristles.

These dogs are almost never bathed, using wet towels as an alternative . If the dog itself wants to splash in the water, then there is no need to stop it, this will not bring any harm to the pet.

The ears, eyes and teeth of Pakistani Mastiffs are not particularly looked after. The dog's ears are small, so they are almost never exposed to diseases; they only need to be cleaned of wax with cotton swabs every few months.

And eye care consists only of timely removal of secretions.


Due to biological resistance to disease, the teeth of this breed are also in good condition. They can be cleaned every few months using a special dog paste.

Bully Cutts need regular daily walks, during which the pet owner should always walk in front, showing the dog which of them is the leader.

Maintenance and care

Keeping a Pakistani Mastiff in an apartment will result in a difficult ordeal for both the pet and its owner. Such large, wayward and aggressive dogs are not meant to live in a house, much less an apartment. City life is not suitable for a mastiff.

The ideal conditions required for Bulli Kutte are a private country house with a garden plot. On the site, build a spacious enclosure and a large insulated booth for the mastiff.

It is important that such a dog receives sufficient physical activity. Daily walks are required in the morning and evening, with a total duration of at least three hours.

Caring for a bully cutta does not take much time, the main thing is to do everything correctly and on schedule:

  • Once every 7-8 days we comb the coat of the Sind Mastiff with a brush, cleaning and removing dead hairs.
  • Instead of bathing, it is recommended to wipe your pet with a damp towel. A towel or napkins will also be needed to wipe the Pakistani's face and chest, as he tends to drool a lot.
  • To clean teeth, we buy special bones at a veterinary pharmacy or give them hard fruits. You can use a brush and paste, but it is difficult to accustom your pet to this procedure.
  • The nails usually wear down on the road surface; if this does not happen, you need to trim them with a nail clipper designed for large dogs.
  • We clean our ears once a week and examine them. If we notice signs of infection or injury, contact a veterinarian.

To maintain a pet like a bully cutta, you will need to spend quite a lot of money. Not only is a puppy of this breed very expensive, but then you will have to buy food in fairly large quantities for a large, active dog.

If the feeding method is artificial, we buy high-quality food from trusted sellers. At the same time, the dog drinks a lot of water; the drinking bowl must be filled constantly.

With a natural feeding method, 65-75% of the Bulli-Kutta’s diet is protein food. This includes meat, offal, eggs, cottage cheese, fish (sea), kefir. The remaining 25-35% of the diet is porridge, vegetables, and fruits.

It is recommended to feed adult mastiffs 2 times a day. It is important to calculate portions correctly so as not to overfeed or undereat.

Nutritional features - what is best to feed?

Not everyone can afford to buy a Bully Cutt puppy, as this entails high food costs.

This is explained by the fact that the main diet of puppies consists of protein foods, including:

  • beef and pork meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • sea ​​fish.

The consumption of these products has a positive effect on the puppy’s immune system and strengthens its musculoskeletal system..

An adult representative of the breed needs even more food than a puppy. During the day, the Pakistani Mastiff should be fed 2-3 times.

The diet includes:

  • various cereals;
  • flour products;
  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • fresh meat.


The average lifespan of a bully cutt is about 10-11 years. By nature, Pakistani mastiffs are blessed with good health; they have a strong immune defense of the body. Therefore, they rarely get sick.

The predisposition of these dogs to the following diseases has been noted:

  • Dental problems – tartar, caries, periodontal disease. Regular brushing of teeth and sufficient amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements will help to avoid such problems.
  • Hip dysplasia - at the first stage it manifests itself with pain, lameness, at the last stage it threatens complete immobility and unbearable pain.
  • Allergic reactions - most often occur to dog care products, food allergies are less common.

In order to detect the disease in time, approximately once every 3 months you need to take your Pakistani dog to a veterinarian for preventive examinations. Routine vaccination, deworming and treatment for skin parasites are also required.

How to choose bulli kutta?

The opportunity to purchase a Bully Kut puppy is available only in India or Pakistan; in other countries this breed is not available for free sale.

Recently, Great Britain has also started breeding Pakistani mastiffs, so this breed of dog will soon be available for purchase in the territory of this country..

When choosing a puppy, you should make sure that it is healthy, although diseases in this breed are quite rare. The dog must be at least 2 months old.

It is recommended to purchase from shelters or nurseries, where a guarantee is given that it is a purebred representative of the breed..


There are very few purebred representatives of this ancient breed in Russia. In the vast majority of cases, breeders pass off bully mixes as purebred mastiffs, and they ask for a decent amount of money for them, from 50 thousand rubles.

If you want to purchase an absolutely healthy and “correct” dog of this breed in all respects, we advise you to go for it to its homeland, that is, to Pakistan. There they will ask for at least 30-40 thousand for it. The price of bulli kutta in other countries of the world can reach 60 thousand rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Loyalty is one of the main advantages of the Bully Cutt.
Before buying puppies of this breed, you need to familiarize yourself with their main advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of these dogs are the following:

  • devotion to his master;
  • high endurance;
  • ease of care;
  • strong immunity.

Bully Kutta dogs, like other breeds, have a number of disadvantages. These include the following:

  • difficult to train;
  • difficult character.

Additional Information! Disadvantages also include the high financial costs of keeping such a dog at home.

Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts about the Bully Cutta breed that you should familiarize yourself with:

  • this breed is in fourth place in the ranking of the strongest dogs;
  • such dogs are regularly used in combat;
  • Breeding Bully Cutta is prohibited in the Netherlands and England.

Bully Cutta is a popular breed that is often used to guard a summer cottage or private home. Before purchasing such a dog, you need to familiarize yourself with its description and how to properly care for it.


The Rottweiler is a breed of domestic dog that ranges in size from medium to large to huge. It originated from Germany and in German this dog was called “butcher” because it is the most dangerous. Historically, Rottweilers were needed to protect herds of livestock and meat carts in markets. The name of the breed comes from the German city of Rottweil, where it was first described.

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List of potentially dangerous breeds published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2022

At the moment, a new list has been proposed, corrected by dog ​​handlers. It included 10 breeds and 2 subcategories, defined as mestizos and hybrids:

  1. Akbash (Turkish national breed intended for livestock guarding);
  2. American Bandog (an unrecognized breed, a mixture of the Neapolitan Mastiff and Pit Bull Terrier);
  3. Ambul or American Bulldog (guard dog, unrecognized breed);
  4. Bulldog Campeiro or Brazilian Bulldog (unrecognized breed);
  5. Bully Kutta or Pakistani Mastiff (an unrecognized guard and hunting breed);
  6. Bandog (obvious repetition of Bandog);
  7. Wolfdog;
  8. Gul-dong (Pakistani bulldogs);
  9. Pit Bull Mastiff;
  10. North Caucasian dogs;
  11. Mestizos of these breeds;
  12. Hybrids of these breeds.

The official resolution, which was approved by Dmitry Medvedev dated July 29, 2019, can be studied or downloaded in PDF format by following this link.

Before the edits, the list included 69 positions, among which there were distorted names and repetitions (Akabash-Akbash, Karelian and Korelian bear huskies, Walnut Shepherd Dog, Bandog, South Russian Shepherd Dog). Experts considered it incorrect to include large breeds intended for hunting, because such animals do not have the aggression gene. The pact has been edited, but not officially changed.

Where can I get a real Gul Dong and how much do puppies cost?

There are no kennels for breeding Pakistani bulldogs. Since there are no clear standards, when buying secondhand, you also cannot be completely sure that this is a Gul Donga puppy (especially since the puppies will be identical in appearance to the Gul Terra and Billy Kuta puppies). The characteristic differences of the Pakistani Bulldog appear as they grow older - when it becomes clear that the dog is fierce, and its jaws are stronger than those of its related breeds.

Gul dongs grow quickly, this dog is only 8 months old, but he looks like an adult dog

In Russia, America, and Europe there is no statistical data on the number of Pakistani bulldogs living here. A real Gul Dong can now be bought only in countries where this breed is bred en masse - in India and Pakistan. Puppies here cost around 4600–11700 rupees (2000–5000 rubles). By the way, adult trained dogs will cost more than puppies (sometimes the price of a large dog that has won battles reaches 30,500–40,000 rupees, which is a fabulous sum by the standards of Pakistan).

The largest number of gul dongs live in Pakistan.

What is it for?

Indian maharajas saw the giant dog as an assistant for hunting large predators. And when the Maharajas chose to use cheetahs instead of dogs, Bulli-Kutta was transferred to the “position” of watchmen and security guards. Their size, ferocious disposition, power, extreme aggression and desire to start a fight to the death have led to the fact that they began to be used in dog fights.

Today there is a worldwide ban on fighting, but the Pakistani Mastiff is still used by Pakistanis in underground and illegal bloodshed tournaments. Indian owners keep animals exclusively as watchmen, guards or bodyguards.

General information

The Pakistani Bulldog is not suitable for the role of a companion; it is intended for hunting, guarding or guard duty. Of course, there are few of these dogs around the world for the reason that most people are simply afraid to have them. They can be dangerous not only for strangers, but even for the owner himself.

History of Pakistanis

As the name suggests, these dogs originated in Pakistan. Presumably, their ancestors are English dogs and Dogo Argentino. While breeders were working on the breed, these dogs were crossed with various powerful breeds. The goal of the specialists' work was to obtain a huge, powerful, aggressive, fearless, fast fighting dog. The result of successful work was dogs of the Gul Dong breed. They make the best gladiator fighters, receiving speed and strength from their ancestors.

People who owned dogs of this breed used them to fight large predatory animals or dogs. At the same time, they won considerable sums of money for victories. In addition, with the help of these dogs, the house was always protected, and you can also hunt big game with them.

The cost of a purebred representative is quite high. People could still afford to buy a gul dong puppy, but an adult dog that participated in battles and won there could only be bought for a lot of money. Only wealthy people could afford it.

Description of the breed

To date, this dog breed has not been recognized by any cynological association. Therefore, there is no official standard for it either, just as there is not a single official nursery breeding this breed.

Of course, there are breeders in Pakistan who breed Ghoul Dongs. They also have a breed standard.

Representatives of the Gul Dong breed are very similar in appearance to Dogo Argentino. They are very similar to each other, not only in appearance, but also in character. However, they differ in the size of their paws. In Pakistani Bulldogs they are thinner and longer.

The appearance of Pakistanis is very similar to the Bully Kutta breed. In appearance, it is almost impossible to distinguish them, however, the gul dong is more aggressive and has a more powerful jaw grip.

The dimensions of Pakistani bulldogs are as follows: height at the withers is from 78 to 116 cm, their body weight can be from 68 to 97 kg.

They have a huge head, which immediately catches the eye, and a powerful, long neck. These dogs have drooping ears, but they are cropped so that during fights the enemy cannot grab them. They have dark, small, almond-shaped eyes. Medium sized black nose. The tail of the gul dong is long and thin, hanging low. The tail also needs to be docked if the dog will participate in fighting. The paws of these dogs are muscular, long and smooth.

Pakistani Bulldogs have a short and coarse coat. Its color is most often white with various markings of grey, brown or black. Such pets are more valuable. In addition to them, there are also representatives of this breed of gray, brown, black or brindle color.

General information and breed standards: color and appearance

White color is the most common color of mastiffs.
The breed standard has the following distinctive features:

  • Dimensions. You can distinguish Bully Kutta from representatives of other breeds by their size. The height of such pets reaches 100-110 centimeters. At the same time, they weigh 85-95 kilograms.
  • Wool. The Indian Mastiff has fairly short hair. It is hard to the touch and not very pleasant.
  • Color. The most popular color is white. However, sometimes there are dogs with dark spots on the surface of the coat.

Additional Information! The coloring of the Bully Kutta varies. There are dogs with red, brown, black and even tiger fur.

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