Characteristics of beagle puppies, how to choose a dog and how much does it cost?

Small beagle puppies are similar to each other, so first of all you must decide why you are buying a baby: for hunting, exhibitions or as a pet. Then you need to decide who exactly you need: a boy or a girl. From this article you will learn about what features of a puppy you need to pay attention to first and how much a beagle puppy of a particular class costs.

What to do before purchasing

Before purchasing a dog of this breed, you need to resolve several issues.

First, you need to prepare a place to keep it. Consider whether you can create the right conditions for keeping a beagle.

Thanks to their compact size, beagle puppies can easily get along in an apartment. But you need to prepare a place where the dog can frolic to his heart's content. Be sure to remove all unnecessary items. This will not only free up space, but also protect them from damage.

If you live in a private house, then the beagle will have room to roam. If you plan to let your dog walk in the yard without a leash, then you will need to strengthen the fence to avoid possible digging. The gate should close well. In case of bad weather, the puppy should have a kennel where there should always be clean water, food and plenty of toys.

Secondly, estimate how much time you can devote to your beagle - these dogs cannot stand being alone. They just need attention and affection, daily physical activity and frequent long walks. Especially if you live in an apartment.

All upbringing and training will fall on your shoulders, since without proper training the beagle will become uncontrollable.

If you and your family can provide all the necessary conditions for a dog of this breed, then Beagle puppies are a good choice. Otherwise, it’s not worth taking on, because a dog is not a toy; with poor care and upbringing, you will ruin the life of both yourself and her.

For what purpose are you getting a puppy?

Before purchasing a puppy of this breed, you need to answer the question: what exactly do you need it for? You can buy a puppy for the following purposes:

  • for an exhibition career;
  • for competitions and hunting;
  • for breeding;
  • as a "house" dog.

Whatever goal you pursue, first of all, you need to consider whether you have all the necessary capabilities: time, patience and money for the purchase. How much a Beagle puppy costs depends on several characteristics:

  • on the quality and quantity of litter;
  • from the floor;
  • from the titles that the puppy’s parents have;
  • from complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • from the price for mating;
  • from the fame of the nursery;
  • depending on the age of the puppy;
  • from the cost of maintaining the litter.

All beagles can be divided into three types: pet class, breed class, show class. If you plan to take part in any hunting competitions or exhibitions, then a show class puppy is just for you. This dog is the most expensive - it costs about one thousand seven hundred dollars.

But here it is necessary to take into account one important nuance. A dog bred specifically for hunting is not suitable for exhibition. Such animals are extremely active and cannot stand in one place for a long time, which is a prerequisite for any exhibition.

In general, a beagle of any class is suitable for hunting. The main thing is that he fits the mental and physical parameters.

In any case, you need to choose an elite kennel whose dogs regularly participate in exhibitions or competitions. But remember that champion parents are not a 100% guarantee that their puppy will also have all the necessary characteristics to win.

If you are going to breed beagles, purchase a breeding grade puppy. Such a puppy costs about a thousand dollars. It is necessary to take into account that in this case, a female beagle will cost more than a boy. After all, a female dog has more opportunities to bring profit to her owner, while a male dog will require investment in his advertising.

If you just need a family friend, then you can get a pet-class puppy. Such a dog costs six hundred to eight hundred dollars. The main thing for a domestic puppy is that he is mentally and physically healthy - small deviations from the standard will not become a problem.

Beagle color

The standard allows for different tones. The only exception is the white tip of the tail and fur. There is a saying that a good hound has no bad colors. What is more important is the internal qualities of the Beagle breed.

Accepted base colors:

  1. Bicolor. The coat combines white with red, lemon, and red. Bicolored individuals have a dark, flesh-colored, liver-like nose. By scarlet we mean mahogany. The lemon-white version has cream-colored spots. Acceptable, but a rare black and white color.
  2. Tricolor. Most often this is a black, red and white version. Puppies are born black and white, and with age their heads and paws turn red. The dog's nose is only dark.
  3. Muted. Black can be greatly weakened, creating a blue tone. Puppies are gray and white at first. The nose is often grayish.
  4. Spotted. Torn black and red spots are visible on a light background.
  5. Speckled color. The color, complete with dots, is common, especially in puppies 6-8 weeks old. It persists if it appears in the baby at 4-5 days of life. Usually found in working dogs, although not officially considered a fault.
  6. Motley. Causes a lot of controversy and contradictions. In England, the color is prescribed as a standard. White has a creamy tint. On the main background, the spots consist of a mixture of hairs of silver, black, and red tones. The line from white to another color is blurred. The nose is dark along the edges and light in the center.

It is easy to get confused in color, which depends on the age and hormonal background of the animal. The documents indicate one of two options for a dog: bicolor, tricolor.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The chocolate tone is not recognized as a standard, but is very beautiful. Black color changed to brown, liver, lilac. In America, individuals are admitted to exhibitions and receive well-deserved awards.

Deciding on gender

Having decided on the class of the puppy, you need to choose its gender. Both males and females are suitable for hunting, since hunting instincts are in their blood. If you are getting a dog for other purposes, then you should pay attention to this issue. To make it easier for you to choose between a boy and a girl, below we have collected the advantages and disadvantages of a female and a male Beagle.

Beagle male

A boy of this breed is more impressive, he is larger than a bitch and will look impressive both during a walk and at an exhibition. Also, by choosing a beagle boy, you will never encounter heat, pregnancy and childbirth.

But the male dog has a number of disadvantages. He is more stubborn and independent than the female of this breed. He is more difficult to raise and train, he is prone to constant escapes not only after the victim, but also after the bitch who is in heat.

Also, a boy can start a quarrel over a bitch with another same-sex dog. Males will have to be walked longer as they need more time to go to the toilet.

Beagle bitch

Girls of this breed are more flexible and affectionate than males. They are smarter and smarter, and it is easier to get obedience from them. For breeding, a female is the best option.

But the bitch has several disadvantages. Owners of female dogs will have to deal with periodic estrus, during which it is necessary to constantly drive away male dogs in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. You will also have to additionally buy special panties or constantly wipe away random droplets of discharge from furniture and carpets if the dog lives in the house.

If you decide to breed dogs of this breed, you will have to deal with pregnancy and childbirth. There is also a risk of various diseases of the genital organs.

Photo and video review

The Beagle breed is not suitable for owners who work all the time. For lovers of travel, hunters, and active people, the dog will be an ideal companion. The photo clearly shows what a girl looks like with different colors.

Where to buy puppies

In order not to make a mistake with your choice and purchase a purebred beagle, you will have to spend more than one day searching for a dog. You can ask your acquaintances, friends or local veterinarian. Perhaps they can suggest a reputable breeder. You can also communicate with dog breeders at competitions or exhibitions.

Advertisements for the sale of dogs of this breed can be found in newspapers, magazines or on the Internet. Whatever method you choose to find a dog of this breed, you must remember that there are different breeders. Some care about their clients because quality is important to them, while others care about profit.

Therefore, you need to carefully examine the place where the beagle puppies live. The enclosure or enclosure where the babies live must be clean and dry. There should be clean water and lots of toys. When talking to you, the breeder should be confident and answer all your questions knowledgeably.

He himself should ask you whether you are ready for such a purchase, whether you have all the necessary conditions for a small beagle. A dog owner who respects himself and his children will always worry about the future of the puppies. And the question of how much the dog of this breed you have chosen costs will not be in his first place.


  • The main character traits of a beagle: female or male?
  • Beagle character
  • Basic commands
  • Raising a dog

In this article you will learn what features of character and behavior are inherent in the beagle. By studying this information about the temperament and disposition of beagles at different ages, you will get an idea about the breed. Find out how the character of a bitch differs from the behavior of a dog. We hope our article will help you figure out which gender of puppy is best for you.

Basics of making the right choice


After you have finally decided on the gender and class of the beagle puppy and have chosen a suitable place to buy it, you need to choose the baby itself.

To begin, ask the breeder to show the parents of the offspring from which you are going to purchase a puppy and, if possible, immediate relatives. After all, puppies are in many ways similar to their parents, not only in appearance, but also in character.

If the breeder cannot show the father of the puppies, then ask to at least show his photograph. If you thought that the mother of the babies looked bad, then do not worry that the puppy will look the same. The bitch gives this impression only because she has not yet recovered from pregnancy, childbirth and feeding. The main thing is that she shows love for her babies.

Behavior of puppies in the litter

Now carefully examine all the puppies. Each pet should be healthy and well-fed in appearance. Pay attention to the toilet - the stool should not be liquid. Otherwise, this indicates that the babies have health problems, possibly worms.

Observe their behavior - how the puppies communicate with each other, with their mother. Who likes to play, who started another fight, who hid behind a bitch. Judging by the puppy's behavior, you can determine how he will grow up - kind and active, or cowardly and evil.

Now come close to the puppies. Mentally healthy puppies will be interested in you and quickly run up to meet you, cheerfully wagging their tails. They should not limp or throw out their legs. Each puppy should confidently stand on straight limbs and have a flat back. By ten weeks, babies should look like a smaller copy of an adult dog of this breed.

Choose the puppy that you think is most attractive. Ask the breeder for permission to pick him up. Now it's time for a more thorough inspection.


The Beagle puppy's coat should be clean and shiny, without any hairless areas that indicate the presence of parasites or skin disease. The puppy's eyes should not have any discharge, damage or obvious defects such as cataracts. The look should be confident and clear. The nose should be damp and cool to the touch. The dog should not wheeze or cough - this could be a sign of respiratory disease.

Carefully examine your puppy's teeth. They should be even and clean and have a scissor bite. An undershot or overshot bite can cause you a lot of trouble, even leading to surgery.

The ears of a dog of this breed also deserve a separate examination. They should be covered with fur on the outside, and there should be no shedding or scratching on the inside. If they are present, there may be health problems for the puppy, such as ear infections. Occasionally, bites or scratches may be found, possibly from fights with siblings.

Place the baby on your legs, belly up, and feel him for the presence of an umbilical hernia. The tummy itself should be soft, without any bloating, and covered with clean hair. Count how many toes he has - five on his front paws and four on his hind paws. There shouldn't be any profit.

If your choice falls on a male of this breed, then check the number of testicles - when you feel them, there should be two. They should be developed according to the puppy's age. Bitches should also have their genitals examined for the presence of discharge, indicating possible sexually transmitted infections.


When purchasing a purebred beagle puppy, the breeder must present all the necessary documents: pedigree, birth certificate, veterinary passport, puppy inspection certificate, application for registration in the club. Each puppy must have a mark confirming its noble origin.

How did you choose a beagle puppy? Share with us in the comments.

Maximum parameters

Cynologists distinguish three subspecies of the breed: European (English), American and French. The latter option did not take root in the Russian Federation. “American”, compared to his relatives, is greater than others in all respects:

  • Beagle height - up to 41 cm;
  • weight - 18 kg.

The American variety has an angular head type, while the European variety has a rounded head.

Important! How much does an adult female beagle weigh: from 14 to 17 kg. Large individuals must maintain proportions; the ideal appearance is achieved under conditions of normal development, sufficient physical and motor activity.

Dimensions difference

Beagle breed standard: distinctive features of the pet and how to choose the right puppy

The Beagle is a hunting dog that originated in Great Britain.

It is distinguished by long floppy ears and a muscular body.

As befits hunting breeds, they have a very good sense of smell. These dogs are kind, smart and loyal. The advantages of this breed are also endurance and unpretentiousness.

Previously, in medieval England, beagles were used to track down deer and roe deer. They were also excellent at hunting hares.

Nowadays, few people use beagles for such purposes, but they become excellent friends and lovely pets for their owners.

Behavior - skills and abilities

To characterize the beagle, it is important to note its excellent sense of smell. It’s not for nothing that hunters and customs officers fell in love with the dog. A study was conducted in the middle of the last century. The subjects found mice by smell. The beagle managed to complete the test in less than 1 minute. Having smelled the smell, pets go considerable distances from the owner.

Hounds tolerate any climate well. The Beagle is tireless and artistic, which is why dogs are featured in films. The Beagle breed was used in the films: “Star Putt”, “Superdog”, “Shiloh”, etc.

Breed standards

Beagles are judged using the standards of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

This is an organization that works in the field of dog breeding development. The Federation provides high standards for purebred dogs at the international level.

FCI group standard for beagles:

  • Anatomical features of the muzzle. The length of the head between the back of the head and the tip of the nose is divided in half by the stop very symmetrically. The height to the elbow is approximately equal to half the height at the withers. At the same time, the dog’s head is powerful, without folds or wrinkles, and the skull is dome-shaped and of medium width; a small bump appears on the back of the head. Beagles have a wide, black nose. The lips droop, but not much. They are characterized by powerful jaws with a scissor bite. Beagles' eyes are large, dark brown, and shallow-set. The ears should be rounded at the ends and, if extended, they will reach almost to the tip of the nose. The slightly curved neck has a slight dewlap.
  • Case features. The topline should be straight and level and the loin should be short but strong and well balanced. The chest falls below the elbow as standard, and the ribs have good bend and volume. The hemline doesn't have any extra lift. As for the tail, it should be straight and not droop, that is, not curl over the back. At the same time, he is strong, with thick hair.
  • Forelegs. There is no tension in the shoulders, they are laid back. There should be no unevenness in the forearms, they are vertical under the hound and do not taper towards the end. The elbows are strong and have no curvature. Pastern short. The pads on strong paws are tightly packed.
  • The hind limbs of the breed are also distinguished by their strong structure. The upper thighs are muscular, the knees bend at a distinct angle. The short metatarsus are parallel.
  • Gait. She also has her own standards. When moving, the dog's back does not hunch. The beagle should walk freely, without jumping and raising its paws far forward. The gait is confident.
  • Coat type. By standard it is short and thick. It is also waterproof.
  • Standard shade and color. A combination of two or three colors: combinations of white, black, badger motley, blue, red, red, lemon. Or the beagle may be solid white. The tip of the tail is also white.

It is desirable that the minimum height at the withers of the breed be 33 cm, and the maximum - 40 cm.

Read more about beagle sizes here.

It is worth keeping in mind that any deviation from these accepted norms is a defect or shortcoming, based on the degree of severity. You also need to remember that there is no breed of mini-beagles - it is exclusively a breeding marriage with problematic health.


The standard describes the European dog. There is also an American version, which is slightly larger in size and color.

The variety includes the mini-dog, known even under Elizabeth I. Individuals had all the qualities necessary for hunting; the dogs were placed in a bag on the saddle. Aristocrats gave small hounds to ladies. The dog's height at the withers did not exceed 29 cm; the dog was called dwarf.

It is officially believed that the height of a healthy dog ​​is from 33 cm. Lower values ​​may indicate congenital diseases in the dog.

There is a separate type of breed, distinguished by its large size. The French pet was bred by Baron Gerard. The dog at the withers is 45-51 cm, weighs 19-21 kg. The Beagle has a muscular, proportionally built body, a large head, a long neck, and high-set ears. The breed's hunting qualities and friendliness have been preserved.

Distinctive features

Of course, it’s worth knowing them to be sure of his thoroughbred:

  • Firstly, the dog must have a beautiful head: big eyes, clear gaze.
  • As noted earlier, the body structure is necessarily athletic.
  • Also a characteristic distinguishing feature is the black border around the eyes.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the character of the dog, because thoroughbred is determined not only by appearance. One of the qualities of the breed is its friendliness. A Beagle can definitely be a wonderful companion for you. In addition, they are unpretentious: they do not need a lot of space, they will not run and rush around the house, having fun only on the street. But this breed loves walks because it needs movement, because it is a hunter.

But there is also a big minus in the character of beagles - his manners.

Raising beagles is not easy because they are very naughty.

This is evidenced by the fact that the breed is at the bottom of the list of dog trainability. Therefore, you definitely need to keep an eye on your beagle during a walk.

A dog can easily get lost because it will play or run away. And she most likely will not respond to the call. So think carefully about whether you can handle such a dog.

You should also pay attention to the fact that he does not like loneliness. But this can be solved: you can get a second dog like this, then they won’t get bored together.


Owners note that the beagle, as an energizer, does not let you get bored. The dog is suitable for active people, large families with small children. Owners often forgive their pets' pranks because of their good disposition and beautiful appearance.

The owners highlight the stubbornness of the dog, which does everything at its own discretion. The beagle's gaze remains kind and pleading.

People like that the dog gets along well with all pets and does not show aggression. The beagle misbehaves only out of boredom when left alone for a long time.

How to choose a purebred pet?

Naturally, potential owners of this breed are concerned with the question: how to choose the right purebred beagle, because he will not find himself.

The first thing you need to do is to understand: responsibility for the pet falls entirely on the owner, he must care for the dog and constantly pay attention to it.

Moreover, the future owner should be well informed about the care and character of the animal.

To get a general idea of ​​the type of purebred pet, it is recommended to visit exhibitions and communicate with beagle owners. By talking with them you can gain valuable experience and knowledge about caring for your pet.


You need to choose a puppy based on the main characteristics of the breed, as well as its origin and health.

So, where can you buy a beagle?

There are several options that you can use when choosing a beagle puppy, it all depends on your goals:

  • If you want to have a friend who will be loyal and cheerful, then you should turn to good producers and buy a healthy puppy.
  • In this situation, when you plan to take your dog to shows, you need to look for a beagle with the qualities of a hunting dog. To do this, you should choose it in nurseries that specialize in raising worthy representatives of this breed.
  • You can also seek help from breeders who specifically breed show dogs or beagles that are used for hunting. It is important to know that the main document to confirm the origin is the dog’s pedigree. If they give it to you, it means that you have a 100% purebred beagle, which can be used for procreation if desired.

You need to choose your dog carefully:

  • The future owner should pay attention to the conditions in which the beagle was kept, how her health was taken care of, and whether the necessary veterinary procedures were performed. It also wouldn’t hurt to inspect the entire litter and inquire about the parents. If the parents are in good health, then the kids have no problems.
  • Heredity also plays a significant role. Some character traits, behavior and psyche are passed on to cubs by their parents, so it is worth making inquiries about them. If the puppy's mother is aggressive or has health problems, it is better not to take her cub. In no case should the beagle's parents be closely related. Therefore, it would be a good idea to carefully review your parents’ documents. Do not neglect the presence of awards - they indicate the capabilities of the offspring.
  • It is also important to know how old the beagle is. One and a half to two months is the most suitable age for purchasing a puppy, because the sooner you start raising a pet, the greater the chances that you will grow up to be an exemplary dog. In addition, by this age the beagle will not be weak, it will learn to eat on its own, and adaptation to a new place and owner will occur faster.
  • You can take note that puppies that are 45 days old are assessed by a dog handler and a possible breeding defect is identified. Small beagles are branded and all the information about them is filled out in special cards or metrics. When the dog is six months old, they are replaced with a pedigree at the club.
  • It was mentioned above what colors purebred beagles come in, but you need to know that up to 2.5 months, puppies are black and white, and red markings are slightly visible on their faces. But this is typical for dogs whose fur will later have three colors. Two-color puppies are light-colored at birth.

These are the criteria you should consider when choosing a beagle.

Although you can simply rely on your feelings and what your heart tells you. Sometimes, just by looking at a puppy, it becomes clear that this is your pet.

Basic commands

You will use some commands more often, others less often. But they will still come in handy to easily interact with your beagle and even keep him safe in various situations.

  • Aport. One of the most difficult teams. Many people perceive it as very easy and simple, but with many dogs you will have to work hard. This skill is used for other exercises: searching, searching, selecting an item and many others. Usually they are all used in service. When working out a command, “Aport” and “Give” are used, and a gesture is also used.
  • Give. On the command “Give” the dog must give up the object.
  • Lie. A connecting command that needs to be learned for other commands. In addition, it will not interfere at home or on the street.
  • To me. You will need to use this command quite often. So start with it immediately after your beagle puppy has learned his name. Never call the dog to punish, and do not scold if it comes on its own, even after mischievousness before it. This behavior on your part may alienate the animal.
  • Place. A puppy or an adult dog must clearly know where his place is located. He can sleep anywhere, if you allow it, of course, but he must know this command. You can use it outside the home, marking the place with a leash or your favorite toy.
  • Near. It is possible to teach your pet the “Near” command at any age, be it an adult dog or a small puppy. When you move to a new home, you should immediately think about training your puppy.
  • Sit. One of the very first commands that a beagle puppy should learn.
  • Stand. The command is useful in everyday life, for example, for combing a dog.
  • . The prohibiting command is one of the most mandatory and taming it begins from the first day the puppy appears in the house. Requiring the command “Fu!”, “No!”, “No!” - immediately stop the unwanted action.
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