Acana dog food for small breed dogs

The products are manufactured by the Canadian company Champion PetFoods. The popular Akana food for puppies has become one of the best dry foods for animals, satisfying all their nutritional requirements. They provide the body with vitamins and microelements, helping the pet grow healthy, strong, and full of energy.

Composition of Akana dog food

The company's products combine several types of meat and protein. There are no antibiotics in the composition and the animals whose meat is used to produce feed are raised free-range. Almost all the ingredients are of such high quality.

The feed combines several types of meat components. The manufacturer takes into account that dogs now require fewer calories, so the composition is balanced. It contains a lot of proteins and few carbohydrates, so the pet will not gain weight if fed for a long time.

All dogs come from the gray wolf and the DNA of any breed is the same. All of these animals are carnivores, so their digestive tract is adapted to consume protein and fat. The company's products contain more protein than varieties of brands from other companies. The food contains a lot of meat. It is important that your dog's diet is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. From a large amount of carbohydrates, the dog will quickly acquire diabetes and put on extra pounds.

Akana food contains a lot of vegetables and fruits. Apples used in production contain fiber and natural antioxidants. Cranberries are used to prevent and treat urinary tract infections. This berry contains anthocyanins, which prevent cancer. Alfalfa in the feed contains many useful substances, for example, magnesium, carotene, and vitamins.

Some foods contain algae. Fucus and brown algae contain vitamins and minerals. They remove toxins from the large intestine. Additional calorie content of the feed is provided by sunflower oil. Thanks to it, the dog's coat becomes shiny and healthy.

Following his instincts, the dog, while walking, eats plants and grass growing in the yard. They treat themselves with them. The manufacturer introduces phytocomponents into dog food to remove toxins and waste. They stimulate liver function, tone and improve the condition of internal organs. With the help of chicory, you can soothe the irritated intestinal mucosa and lower the level of insulin in the blood.

Many dogs suffer from liver pathologies, so you need to eat plant antioxidants. This measure allows you to protect the organ and improve its functioning. Fennel and chamomile have a similar effect on the digestive system and liver. They relieve inflammation and eliminate itching.

Some brands contain peppermint and sea buckthorn. They saturate the body with useful substances. Plants strengthen the body and cleanse it of toxins. These components improve the animal's appetite and contain many vitamins. Blackcurrant, which is part of the feed, provides the body with fatty acids. Potatoes are a source of vitamin C. They contain potassium and iron.

Manufacturer and official website

Acana food is available in a wide range, but all production is “subordinated” to the brand’s philosophy. Acana has built a reputation for many years as a biological food, that is, a diet “as intended” for wild dogs. The manufacturer and official website ( present the food briefly, concisely and informatively. The main slogan of the brand: “Predators should eat meat.”

Each Acana diet is formulated based on your dog's weight, activity level or individual needs. One of Acana's features is WholePrey technology. In nature, a wolf or other wild dog does not eat fillets, peeled vegetables, etc. The prey is eaten whole, which is taken into account when preparing Acana diets.

Only fresh meat is used in the feed. Is it good or bad? Fresh meat is definitely better than meat and bone meal or frozen raw materials. However, during the production process, the meat dries out, loses water and decreases in volume by about 2/3. Almost all feeds, except fresh meat, use dehydrate - already dried, crushed carcasses with bones and entrails.

To preserve beneficial properties, gentle dehydration is used in the production of Acana feed - low drying temperature.

Akana food series

Acana brand dog food is divided into four large groups, differing in composition and purpose. The food has several lines: “Classic”, “Regional”, “Single”, “Heritage”.

Acana Classics

The composition contains up to 45% raw poultry meat. This includes turkey, chicken and other poultry. 20% of dog food consists of vegetables and fruits. Acana Classics contains organ meats, oats, poultry fat and eggs. The manufacturer recommends this diet for active dogs that move a lot and animals that lead a sedentary lifestyle. Pets should be fed the product up to three times a day. The price of an Acana Classics package starts from 250 rubles.

Acana Heritage

These products contain a large amount of protein (up to 70% of the total composition). They do not contain starch or grains. The remaining 30% comes from fresh vegetables and fruits. Heritage contains small amounts of fish. This line is suitable for overweight or diagnosed obese animals. It can also be fed to other dogs using Acana Heritage as the main diet for animals. This food is a little more expensive and its price starts from 300 rubles per package.

“Regional” contains duck, turkey, and chicken meat. This is 70% of the main team. The remaining 30% complementary to the product are vegetables and fruits. “Regional”, like “Heritage”, is recommended for obese and overweight pets. But it is used for a more advanced form of obesity. The price of the “Regional” brand is from 310 rubles per package.

Acana Singles

The composition of the “Single” food is similar to “Classic”. It consists of 50% meat and 50% vegetables. The manufacturer supplements the composition with rose hips, burdock and lavender. This is food for pets that lead a sedentary and active lifestyle. Price per package from 370 rubles.

Feeding tips

Portions and frequency of feeding depend on the individual characteristics of the dog, its age and weight, activity level, as well as on the food itself, its composition and energy value. Akana dog food belongs to the “holistic” class (the highest level of quality) with high nutritional and energy value (360-450 kilocalories per 100 g). Thus, it turns out that the amount of food of this class a dog needs is less than any other industrial food.

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Adult dogs

The number of stages of feeding adult dogs depends on the weight category of your pet, as well as the degree of its physical activity. Dogs are considered adults when they reach one year old; their average weight at this age is approximately 30 kg. Of course, these indicators may differ in dogs of different breeds, as well as the dynamics of their vital functions. So, for example, dogs weighing 30 kg with an active lifestyle (if the dog performs physical activity for at least an hour throughout the day) must be fed so that the total weight of food per day is about 390 g . Otherwise (with a low level of activity) 240 g per day will be enough.

If the dog’s body weight has reached 40 kg, then a physically active dog should be given 480 g, a calm dog - 320 g, calculated for 24 hours. The daily allowance for energetic dogs weighing from 50 to 60 kg is from 560 to 640 g, respectively. Representatives of the same weight category who do not perform active physical exercise will need a product weight of 360 to 420 g per day.

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All dog breeders know that puppies need to be fed more often than adult dogs. At an age of 30 to 60 days, the nutritional regime should include about 5-6 meals of dry food. When the puppy reaches two months of age, you can reduce the amount to 4-5, and starting from three months of age, you can give food to the baby 3-4 times a day.

It is necessary to switch to an adult feeding scheme after the dog reaches one year, and before this time (from six months of age to the first year), three meals a day is mandatory. And only after the puppy turns one year old, you can feed him twice a day: once in the morning, the second in the evening.

Did you know? The tallest dog in the world, reaching a height of 109 cm, and standing on its hind legs 220 cm, is the German blue dog George from Tucson (USA), listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Next, we will look at the general daily nutritional requirements for a puppy, taking into account its age and weight:

  • if the total body weight is 2 kg at the age of one month to six months, then the daily food intake should be 150 g, from six months to a year - 120 g;
  • with a weight of 5 kg, the daily norm is set depending on the limits of a certain age: (1-3 months - 300 g, 4-6 months - 270 g, 7-9 months - 210 g, 10-12 months - 180 g);
  • body weight of about 10 kg provides the following standards: 1-3 months - 450 g, 4-6 months - 420 g, 7-9 months - 360 g, 10-12 months - 270 g;

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  • if the puppy weighs approximately 15 kg, then it should be fed as follows: 1-3 months - 600 g per day, 4-6 months - 540 g, 7-9 months - 480 g, 10-12 months - 390 g;
  • if the puppy weighs 20 kg at the age of one month to six months, the normal value is 690-630 g, from six months to a year - 570-450 g;
  • body weight of about 25 kg provides the following norms: before reaching the age of six months - 780-690 g, and from six months to a year - 630-510 g.

Pros and cons of brand feed

Acana is a high quality product, but like any brand, it has its advantages and disadvantages.


This food is universal and suitable for any breed, age and health status of the pet. The food contains a lot of high-quality products (meat, fruits, vegetables). With this diet, the dog receives a lot of vitamins. The food does not contain many carbohydrates. It contains no chemical dyes or harmful preservatives. With constant use, the dog sheds little. He has virtually no allergies. The pet always eats Acana with gusto.


This diet is not recommended for dogs that have been neutered. The dog quickly gains weight, which is difficult to get rid of. The food is very healthy, but expensive. There is an opinion that a dog, if he wants to switch to another cheaper brand, switches to a new food reluctantly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Acana products belong to a high class of animal nutrition. And this is not surprising, because they have so many advantages.

We list them below:

  1. In their preparation, only natural ingredients are used, the quality of which is at the highest level.
  2. Big choice. Thanks to the wide range, you can find the one that suits your pet. Whether it's a large adult husky or a small Pekingese puppy, everyone will benefit from their own dry food.
  3. There is Acana food that takes into account the needs of dogs with food allergies, as well as young and elderly animals.
  4. Any food from a Canadian company always contains a lot of protein and practically no carbohydrates, which are so harmful for four-legged faithful friends.
  5. Made in Canada, which means it meets all necessary quality standards.
  6. Another important advantage is that it is easy to buy. You can find these products both in pet stores and on the Internet. Moreover, when ordering a product on the Internet, you can arrange delivery to your home. This is very convenient for breeders who purchase large amounts of food for their pets.

There is only one negative point, this is its price. It is high compared to manufacturers of the same class, but from other companies. This price is formed based on quality characteristics, and also takes into account production and transportation to our country. But whatever the price, for the sake of the health of their beloved four-legged friend, caring owners are ready to make sacrifices.

For animals that do not lead an active lifestyle, feeding standards should be adjusted, since the food is very high in calories.

Feed line

Acana Prairie Poultry

The pellets contain a large amount of poultry meat. They make up half of the granules. The second half of the granules includes fruits and vegetables. The manufacturer introduces herring oil into the feed. There are no potatoes or genetically modified products in it. Acana Prairie Poultry is suitable for both young dogs and adult dogs.

Acana Wild Coast

It contains a lot of fish ingredients. It is fed to any dog, and is also suitable for digestive problems and stomach diseases. Thanks to the content of oats, the pet's blood sugar is regulated. This component prevents dogs from gaining weight.

Acana Pacifica and Grasslands

Contains a lot of protein. Acana Pacifica has a lot of fish and seafood. Instead of the usual meat composition, the food contains seafood (herring, sardines, flounder). This product is suitable for dogs who love fish. The food also includes legumes (chickpeas, peas, lentils). Acana Grasslands has a lot of meat components (turkey, lamb, duck). The remaining composition comes from herbal ingredients.

Food for active dogs

The opposite situation occurs with dogs that lead a very active lifestyle. Food for such pets should contain a lot of protein, which will help keep the dog’s body in good shape, prevent the animal from getting tired too quickly and saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins.

Akana food for such dogs consists of seventy-five percent fresh and dehydrated chicken, turkey, poultry entrails, herring, and whole eggs. Another thirty-five percent are fruits and vegetables.

Acana ranges with fish, pork, duck or lamb

This is a one-component line with a single type of protein. It is convenient for the owner to choose such food for a dog when the animal is allergic to some type of meat. Acana Yorkshire Pork is half high quality pork. For production, only fresh, not frozen meat is used. The food is supplemented with legumes, algae and other ingredients.

Acana Pacific Pilchard is based on sardine. Additional food components: several varieties of pumpkin, legumes. Acana Grass-Fed Lamb contains lamb meat or offal. It is given to dogs with sensitive intestines. The food saturates the animal's body with vitamin D. The basis of Acana Free-Run Duck is duck meat. The composition is complemented by pears and rose hips. This is a rather unusual composition of food for dogs.


The best replacement would be food from the same manufacturer - Orijen. This line is represented by the following products:

Orijen Tundra, which includes:

  • meat of wild boar, duck, deer, goat and their offal;
  • mutton and lamb;
  • fish: arctic char, rainbow trout, mackerel, sardine, blue whiting, cod;
  • legumes: green and red lentils, chickpeas, yellow and green peas, beans;
  • fruits and berries: apples, pears, blueberries, cranberries, rose hips, juniper;
  • turmeric;
  • vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, kale (leaf), parsnips, carrots, spinach, beet and turnip tops;
  • brown algae;
  • roots: marshmallow, sarsaparilla, chicory.

Note! This food is for all breeds and ages.

Orijen Fit & Trim is available for overweight cats. Its composition:

  • chick;
  • eggs;
  • mackerel;
  • turkey and its offal;
  • Pacific hake;
  • flounder;
  • pollock;
  • sardine;
  • herring;
  • lavender flowers;
  • peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans, navy beans;
  • berries of serviceberry.

Orijen food is a good alternative to Akana food

Thus, Akana food, although not without certain drawbacks, is much better suited for feeding domestic cats than the cheap options sold in every store. It is available for purchase in many stores, but is quite expensive.

*Prices are as of October 2022.

For adults

For adult dogs over the age of two years, Adult Small Breed, Adult Large Breed, Acana Adult Dog are suitable. Pets like them and have many useful ingredients in their composition. For active animals you should choose Sport & Agility. It has a lot of protein. For animals with extra pounds, choose a lighter diet, for example, Light & Fit. It contains chicken and turkey meat. For older dogs you need to buy Senior. It is low in carbohydrates, but high in healthy protein.

What veterinarians say

Reviews from doctors about Acana food are mostly positive. Many owners, due to the high amount and content of protein in the food, consider it harmful. This is wrong. Such a myth is beneficial to manufacturers of cheap types of dog food, because the low price of the product does not allow adding natural ingredients to the composition and producing them without preservatives. Such food is less healthy than Acana, which is suitable for regular consumption and makes the dog healthy.

This brand is suitable for feeding small breeds of pets. The owner may not even feed the dog additional mineral and vitamin complexes. The food contains few carbohydrates, so the dog does not gain weight and remains in good shape. The consumption of such food is small. No more than two kilograms of food are consumed per month for two dogs. But veterinarians also say that allergies can occur to some species.

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Reviews from dog breeders about the food

Many dog ​​breeders are satisfied with this food.
Lily. My parents bought a Yorkshire Terrier who is now 11 years old. This breed is characterized by frequent food allergies, so in the process of searching for suitable food, the choice fell on Acana Lamb & Okanagan Apple. There is no chicken meat or other allergens in the composition, and only natural tocopherols are used during preservation. The food was ideal for our Yorkie: the food is well digested, the stool is good and formed, and the pet is playful and looks better than ever. The food itself intoxicates with a very pleasant aroma without unnecessary harshness

Andrey. I currently have a Dogue de Bordeaux growing, he is now 7 months old. For four months they fed him inexpensive food, which he ate in huge portions, and his fur looked unhealthy. We decided to change the food to a more expensive one, hoping for better quality, and settled on Acana Sport & Agility dry food. For our dog, this diet turned out to be a godsend: a high-quality natural composition, over time the coat became very soft and shiny, the stool improved, and the daily feeding rate was also pleasing. Immunity improved and our dog stopped getting sick. The food also has its downsides - the price is tough on the pocket, but it corresponds to its high quality.

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