Akana dog food: Reviews and detailed composition of holistic-class nutritional mixtures

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The Canadian manufacturer presents the Akana brand - dog food, reviews of which from veterinarians and owners indicate its quality and balance.

Fresh ingredients are used to make it.

This mixture, which belongs to the holistic class, is not cheap, but it provides the dog’s body with all the necessary substances.

Wide range of feed available

  • 2 Composition
  • 3 Pros and cons
  • 4 Specifics
  • 5 Reviews
  • 6 Conclusion

Feed overview

Akana food has been produced since 1975, the composition was developed with the participation of professional veterinarians.

It belongs to the super-premium class, and more precisely, it stands out as a separate holistic line (like Grandorf ).

Only natural ingredients are used in production, including meat, fish, chicken, eggs, fruits and berries.

There are separate mixtures for large and miniature breeds , as well as dogs of different ages.

The line includes hypoallergenic food (symptoms and causes of allergies in dogs may vary).

To bring the animal’s nutrition closer to its diet in its natural environment, herbal infusions are added to Akana dog food.

In the compositions of various mixtures you can see alfalfa, peppermint, lavender, chicory root and other plants and their parts.

Your dog's diet should include vegetables, including carrots.

Important! According to the analysis of the composition of Akana dog food, the meat content is in the range of 60-80%.

Acana dog food has been developed according to the WholePrey principle. It is designed for different breeds .

The product contains, along with meat, cartilage and entrails, but in natural proportions.

According to veterinarians, thanks to its balanced composition, the dog will receive all the necessary nutrients without adding special additives to the diet.

This way, optimal care will be ensured, but you will also need to take care of grooming , haircut and washing.

This article will tell you how to care for a dog's fur using a furminator.

Mix specifically for miniature dog puppies

Food for different breeds and all ages

If the dog does not have a specific breed, and its size does not exceed the average, then it does not need any specialized food. Her body itself produces the necessary amount of energy to maintain her tone.

But this does not mean that there is no need to purchase high-quality food for mongrel dogs. Their body, like any other, is susceptible to disease. Therefore, based on reviews of Akana dog food, we can come to the conclusion that the company has taken care of creating proper nutrition for medium-sized dogs.

The food for such pets consists of seventy percent chicken and turkey meat, as well as eggs, fish, and so on. The composition includes vegetables and fruits necessary for dogs. Worth has created several types of food for medium-sized dogs with a variety of flavors.


You can consider the composition of food for Akan dogs using the example of hypoallergenic food with lamb and apples for animals of all breeds and ages.


  • dehydrated lamb meat;
  • boneless meat;
  • lamb liver;
  • lamb fat;
  • lamb tripe;
  • lamb kidneys;
  • lentils;
  • apples;
  • peas;
  • seaweed;
  • green beans;
  • canola oil;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • chicory root;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm.

Lamb is the key source of protein in this diet.

Thanks to the content of apples, pumpkins and carrots, the mixture is rich in microelements and vitamins.

The herbal mixture stimulates digestion.

Feed packaging with lamb and apple

Acana Lamb Apple Dog Food does not contain potatoes, grains or tapioca.

These products are sources of fast carbohydrates.

Types of Acana dog food

The leaders of the Akana brand care about those for whom they make all their food.
The company's motto is love and care for animals, which is why they are constantly improving diets and increasing the range of manufactured products. For puppies, adults, the elderly , for sedentary and active ones, and juniors of any size and breed, you can choose food to suit your taste. And if your dog prefers a certain type of meat, or, on the contrary, does not like something, among the many different flavor combinations you can choose what the animal will like.

The specialized menu of this manufacturing company is classified as follows:

  • Features of the breed (medium, large, miniature, giant).
  • By age (juniors, puppies, aged, adults, lactating and pregnant).
  • Lifestyle (sedentary or active).
  • State of health (digestion or other internal organ systems).

Based on fish or meat, animals with sensitive skin or stomach, grain-free food for healthy dogs , a complete diet with Acana is very easy to choose. Thanks to the Canadian company Akana, it is possible not to skimp on quality, but also not to overpay large sums.

Unlike all other foods, according to consumer reviews, Akana’s food is completely and entirely hypoallergenic and natural . The method of preparing diets for pets is also different.

Everything is produced using steam at a temperature of approximately 90 degrees. The company takes a responsible approach to the production of food for dogs and tries to comply with all sanitation rules. In this case, we can confidently and accurately say that food for Akana dogs is a wonderful and excellent option.

Composition of Acana dog food

As mentioned above, the composition is absolutely hypoallergenic and natural. In the first place are chicken or meat, as well as fish products, which are distinguished by their absolute freshness.

At the same time, dry food contains natural fruits and vegetables , for example, cranberries or apples. The Akana company also did not refuse grains, as well as eggs, which are selected with special care, taking into account the age of the dog. According to consumer reviews, this is a rather pleasant bonus in dry food.

Advantages and disadvantages

You can hear a lot of positive reviews from veterinarians and owners about Akana dog food.

To decide whether to purchase this food for your pet, it is worth considering its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the food include:

  • use of natural high-quality ingredients;
  • content of vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities;
  • predominantly protein components;
  • low carbohydrate content;
  • a wide variety of mixtures for dogs of different breeds and ages;
  • compliance with quality standards is guaranteed;
  • Availability – can be purchased at most pet supply stores or ordered online.

Food should be selected taking into account the breed and size of the dog

This line has much fewer disadvantages. Worth mentioning:

  • quite high price;
  • If your pet has problems with the liver, kidneys or gall bladder, food should be given strictly in the recommended amount, due to the high protein content.

Description of the packaging of Akana Heritage food for large puppies

The pack of food is made in contrasting colors - here black and white are combined with orange and yellow. As with all other Acana bags, on the front side you can find a lot of interesting information about the features of the food. So, the manufacturer brings here what he believes are the key components of the feed - chicken, flounder and greens. Interestingly, each of these components has its own “story”. It is known about the chicken that it is raised in free-run chicken, the origin of the flounder is emphasized by the word wild, and the greens for food grow strictly in the Frazer valley greens.

The traditional Biologically Appropriate™ mark is also found here - a patented characteristic not only of Acana Heritage Puppy Large Breed Grain Free food, but also of all food of this brand. It emphasizes the biological compliance of this nutrition with the requirements of the dog’s body as a species. As for the Wholeprey™ inscription, it reflects another concept of the manufacturer and is translated as “whole prey” (that is, the composition includes whole pieces of prey - with entrails and cartilage). This approach allows the manufacturer to avoid a lot of additional balancing additives.


The Akana brand offers a wide range of food for animals of different breeds and ages.

You can learn how to choose a first dog for novice dog breeders from the article

The composition includes various fruits and vegetables, for example, apples, pears, kale, pumpkin, carrots.

Herbs are also selected in the diets, in particular lemon balm, alfalfa, chicory root, marshmallow root, and mustard leaves.

The manufacturer also adds berries - blueberries and cranberries, rose hips.

  1. Dry food Acana Lamb&Okanagan Apple with lamb and apple. Designed for dogs of any breed and age, suitable for sensitive digestion. Hypoallergenic food contains only one type of meat. Lamb is a source of protein, and the fruits and vegetables included provide the body with vitamins and natural fiber. The composition includes 22% dehydrated lamb meat, 15% boneless meat, tripe, lamb liver, seaweed, peas, fruits, vegetables, herbs.

The ratio of ingredients in Akana food with lamb

  1. Acana Adult Small dry food for adult dogs of small breeds such as Russian Toy Terrier, Papillon, Petit Brabançon and German Spitz . The composition is selected taking into account the high physical activity of miniature pets. Akana food for dogs of small breeds has a small pad size, so it will be convenient for kids to eat them. The balanced composition replenishes energy costs, but does not contribute to the appearance of excess weight. Ingredients include: dehydrated chicken, boneless meat, chicken fat, herring oil, flounder, chicken liver, pea fiber, egg, fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs.

Diet for small breeds

  1. Dry food Acana Adult Large Breed for adult dogs of large breeds (for example, Tosa Inu, Newfoundland, Great Dane ), weight from 25 kg. 60 percent of the mixture comes from meat components. Large dogs require a lot of protein to maintain a strong skeleton and healthy muscles. Fruits, berries and herbs are added as a source of vitamins and fiber. They stimulate metabolic processes. The food does not contain potatoes, grains or other ingredients that promote rapid weight gain. The following are some components of the mixture: dehydrated chicken meat 12%, boneless meat 13%, turkey meat, chicken liver, chicken fat, flounder, herring oil, egg, cartilage, lentils, pea fiber, herbs, berries, fruits and vegetables.

Diet for large breeds

  1. Dry food Acana Puppy Small Breed for puppies of small and indoor breeds (for example, dwarf and rabbit dachshunds, Yorkshire terriers, Biewer Yorkies ), adult weight up to 9 kg. Designed to meet the special needs of a growing body. It is important for a puppy to consume enough proteins and animal fats, so the volume of meat components has been increased to 70%. The remaining 30% comes from fruits and vegetables, which are a source of vitamins and minerals. Contains the following ingredients: dehydrated chicken, boneless chicken, turkey, chicken fat, chicken liver, egg, red lentils, flounder, herring, herring oil, berries, herbs, fruits and vegetables.

Diet for small breed puppies

  1. Acana Senior Dog dry food for dogs over 7 years old. The diet is created taking into account the needs of older animals: they require a mixture with a lower content of carbohydrates, which cause excess weight and the development of diabetes. Therefore, protein ingredients here make up 65%, the remaining 35% are fruits and vegetables. The composition is completely free of grains and potatoes, which contain fast carbohydrates. Main ingredients: dehydrated chicken meat 15%, boneless chicken meat 16%, turkey, chicken liver and cartilage, herring, green beans, brown algae, berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs.

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Diet for older dogs

We feed large dogs

Dogs differ not only in breed, age, lifestyle and habits. Each of them has a different height. And the food that is ideal for small dogs may not appeal to large breed pets. Therefore, I developed a special food for puppies and adult dogs, designed for large breeds. Reviews of Akana dog food are almost entirely positive. Owners note that their furry pets eat their portion with gusto. And the high energy value allows dogs to be satisfied for a long period.

Food for puppies consists of chicken meat, chicken entrails, herring, flounder, turkey - about seventy percent in total. Everything else is vegetables and fruits that are healthy and necessary for normal growth.

As for adult dogs that belong to large breeds, sixty percent of their food consists of eggs, flounder, chicken and turkey. And, of course, forty percent are fruits and vegetables.


Below you can read owner reviews about Akana food:

Elena, Yekaterinburg: “When a puppy appeared in our house, the question arose: should we feed him food from our table or buy food. On the advice of the veterinarian, we chose the latter. But due to the fact that the puppy was often treated to food from the table by guests and relatives, he refused dry food. Finding one he liked was not easy. As a result, we decided to offer an Akana mixture. Our bulldog really liked it, over time we noticed that his coat became better, he even gained a little weight. Although the food is quite expensive, we settled on it, and besides, a large package is more economical.”

Olga, Perm: “Although we always tried to feed the dog with high-quality food, she began to develop stomach problems. We tried switching to Acana. We’ve been feeding her for several months now, and the situation has improved.”

Tatyana, Ryazan: “I bought different types of Akana food for my two dogs. Now we eat the mixture with lamb and apple. After the chicken diet, this one is eaten with great success, so you have to control the portion size.”

What affects the rating of Acana Heritage Puppy Large Breed

We calculated the diet points based on the first five ingredients, the basis of the feed. Component No. 1 (16%) - fresh chicken meat (sometimes called chicken in Russian translations). The following are dehydrated chicken (15%) and turkey (14%) - in industry terminology, dehydrated meat is also called dehydrated. It is noteworthy that in English they are designated by the word meal - “flour”, but on the manufacturer’s official website the process of producing such flour is specified, and it is indeed more reminiscent of the production of dehydrates (firstly, the exact raw materials are known, and secondly, its grinding into flour and heating occurs at a temperature of only 90 degrees Celsius right at the Acana plant).

This flour is not at all similar to the rendered meat meal that many other food manufacturers use, so we do not feel the need to deduct points for using flour rather than dehydrated meat in the base of the food or criticize the translator for the inaccurate Russian names of these ingredients on the packaging .

The next two components of the top five are legumes. These are red lentils and green peas. Despite the fact that their exact percentage is not indicated, it can be calculated that the share of each of them can be no more than 14%.

Additional Ingredients

In addition to the first three ingredients, animal protein is also present in a number of small meat and fish supplements. It is also worth mentioning the presence of 2% fresh chicken cartilage - it contains natural glucosamine and chondroitin, substances that are extremely beneficial for the joints of growing animals. Fruits, vegetables and berries added to food (by the way, mostly fresh) are essentially fiber necessary for good digestion in dogs.

As an analysis of Acana Heritage Puppy Large Breed food shows, it contains a useful prebiotic additive, as well as probiotics themselves - dry fermentation products of enterococci. We couldn’t help but notice that the formula of the food is very similar in composition to the diets of the same line for adults and for older dogs. We will not dwell in detail on additional additives to this diet - if you wish, you can read about them in this card.

Surprisingly, in the English list of ingredients there is one more component - there we found Tocopherol rich extract of natural origin. This is a natural antioxidant, a complex of extracts rich in tocopherols. Its translation was not found in the Russian-language label, and we took the liberty of adding it to the card - now it ranks number 40 in the list of ingredients.

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