ProPlan food for small breed dogs: composition, opinions of veterinarians, pros and cons of the product

Pro Plan (Pro Plan) - premium dog food. They are produced by the American company Purina (Nestle Purina PetCare Company) at its own factories in France, Italy and Russia. In addition to this brand, the organization also owns the One and Dog Chow lines for dogs, as well as Felix, Friskies, Cat Chow, Gourmet, One and Pro Plan for cats.

Purina ready-made pet food is in great demand on the Russian market. Dried and canned food is easy to find even on supermarket shelves, and the variety of lines allows you to choose a diet taking into account all the needs of your pet. But is Pro Plan really as good as advertised?

In the review, I: examined in detail the types and composition of the proplan, indicated its positive and negative aspects, and provided real reviews from dog owners. At the end you will find feeding recommendations as well as a list of better diets for less money.

History of the Pug Breed

The roots of this decorative breed go deep into the history of Ancient China. Pugs were kept in the imperial palace. Images of the rock that have survived to this day date back to the 6th-4th centuries BC. The Chinese saw a special meaning in the folds on the forehead because they resembled hieroglyphs. Therefore, this feature was specially fixed in the breed during breeding.

Not everyone could afford to keep such a breed, only courtiers close to the ruler. The little pugs were given royal conditions with their own quarters and royal food. They were assigned not only security, but also servants who took care of the imperial animals.

During the times of great geographical discoveries, trade relations actively developed. In addition to silk and spices, Chinese dogs “Lo Jie” were brought from the East to Europe in the 15th-16th centuries. They were first called the "Chinese Mastiff" and later renamed the "Pug".

The breed gained particular popularity in Holland during the war with Spain. The pug woke up King William when the enemy began to attack the sleeping city. The owner remained alive, and the pug became a symbol of the royal family. The breed began to spread throughout the kingdoms of Europe. After a couple of centuries, the popularity of pugs subsided, and there were fewer and fewer dogs.

In 1864, Queen Victoria of England had difficulty finding the last pug dog. This became the starting point for the creation of a club dedicated to breeding pugs. Thanks to this, the breed was preserved, began to improve, and in 1888 acquired a unified standard. Therefore, it is believed that modern pugs are of English origin.

Kitekat and other felines

It has long been known that cats are great gourmets, unlike dogs. To satisfy the whimsical tastes of cats, manufacturers often achieve enhanced taste with various additives. This is why canned cat food is extremely attractive to dogs.

However, veterinarians strictly do not recommend giving them to pets. The different chemical composition of the food and the different needs of animals of these species make canned cat food actually poisonous for dogs.

Long-term use puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver; they are simply unable to cope with the increased work and begin to fail. Also, inexpensive food may contain dyes that cause an allergic reaction in dogs.

If a pug accidentally eats canned food, it is necessary to monitor the reaction and, if necessary, give a sorbent or an antihistamine in case of an allergy.

Official pug standards and main appearance characteristics

The peculiar appearance of the pug is recognizable even among those who are not very knowledgeable about dog breeds. Pugs live on average 12-13 years. Familiarize yourself with the breed standards before purchasing a puppy to identify possible defects and ensure the purity of the breed. This is especially important if you plan to participate in exhibitions.

  • Pug appearance

Key Characteristics of a Pug's Appearance

: stocky, emphatically square, compact shape. It is important not to confuse developed muscles with excess weight.

Acceptable height for a male: 30-35 cm, weight: 6-10 kg, Acceptable height for a female: 25-30 cm, weight 6-8 kg.

Pug colors: silver, apricot, beige, black.

If the color is light, then there must be a contrast between the mask, belt and the main color. The belt is the line from the back of the head to the tail. There may be marks on the forehead and cheeks. All markings should be as black as possible, including the muzzle, ears and belt.


The pug is soft, thin, smooth. Adheres tightly to the skin. Should not be hard or fluffy. The length is approximately the same throughout the body.

There are three types of breed


  • The Terrier type
    is the most attractive type with a slightly elongated neck and a straight torso.
  • The bulldog type
    is distinguished by a wide torso and obliquely set, but muscular paws. The head is quite heavy, reminiscent of a bulldog.
  • Shar Pei type
    with numerous folds that hide the shortcomings of the breed. Looks like an overweight dog.
  • Features of the structure of the head and muzzle


Pugs are round in shape and large in size. The muzzle is blunt, short and square, not upturned. There are pronounced symmetrical wrinkles on the muzzle. The lower jaw is wide, so there is a slight overshot. The nasal fold should not cover the eyes or nose.

The Pug's muzzle is short and flattened with a small nasal cavity. This feature affects the pet's breathing. This is where the characteristic pug “grunt”



large and round, but not bulging, dark color. The squirrel should not be visible when the dog is looking straight ahead. The pug's eyes are clear, clean, shiny.


can be of two types:

  • “Rose” - the ear is folded, but does not cover the ear canal,
  • “Button” - the ear closes the ear canal, because The tip fits tightly to the skull.

With any type, the ears are soft, small, thin.

  • Features of the structure of the body and limbs

The body is short and stocky with a straight topline. Characterized by a wide chest.


should be twisted into a tight ring and pressed to the body. The tail is set high. The double curl is especially appreciated.


short, thick, strong, but slightly longer than the neck of a bulldog.


Pug dogs are straight and very strong. The hock joints of the hind legs are well developed. The toes are clearly separated, the claws are black. During movement, the front legs are under the shoulder, the pasterns are straight. Movement of the hind legs with a good strong drive. The movements are light, rolling, confident.

The best of the inexpensive ones

When choosing inexpensive food, you need to look at the composition and recommendations of the manufacturer. Some of them recommend mixing canned food with cereals, which means that canned food is not a complete diet. You should also avoid those that do not detail the ingredients used.

One of the most inexpensive foods is Organics food .

There are different flavor and age ranges, the composition is described in detail, the grain content is no more than 2%. At the same time, the food is quite high in calories; a pug weighing 8 kg requires only 200 grams of food per day.

Another economical option is Frank's ProGold food .

At approximately the same price as Organix, the composition contains very general data. There is much less meat and its components (only 80% versus 98%). In this case, the daily norm is 800 grams for a pug weighing 8 kg.

Food Nero Gold.

The price level is the same as the previous two. The composition is even less detailed than Franks's. Calorie content and percentage of ingredients are not indicated. The daily norm is also 800 grams per 8 kg pug.

The character and habits of the pug

Dogs of this breed are very friendly

. They will make excellent companions and devoted family members. They allow themselves to be picked up and stroked. Pugs are calm with children, even if they are not treated very carefully.

At a young age, Pugs are active and love to play. This lasts for approximately three years. As dogs grow older, they acquire a calm character, and gatherings with their owner become their favorite pastime. The pet becomes very attached to its owners and does not like being alone

. It is not recommended to leave your pug alone for a long time.

One of the pug's character traits is stubbornness

. Pugs love to get their way and don't really like being forced to do anything. You should be careful when training and not raise your voice at the animal, otherwise you may develop a dislike for following commands. If your pug suddenly doesn’t want to go home, perhaps because he’s tired, you’ll have to pick him up.

Good-natured pugs

They are happy with strangers, as well as dogs and cats.
You can safely leave them with your neighbors during your vacation. Dogs of this breed love attention
, but at the same time they will not attract it with barking and other whims. If the pet wants affection, it will come up to the owner and sit next to it.

Disadvantages of Proplan food

There are also a number of disadvantages, due to which not all veterinarians recommend buying food for decorative dogs and puppies:

  • presence of flavorings and flavor enhancers;
  • similarity of composition in all food lines;
  • a small portion of meat.

It is also important that the small percentage of meat content suggests that the food cannot be classified as premium, although the manufacturer himself gave exactly this definition of the line.

How to choose a pug puppy

If you have made the final decision to get a dog, then you can start looking for a puppy. It is better to start this process by choosing a suitable nursery. To buy a purebred and healthy puppy, it is better to contact professional breeders of this breed.

How to find a breeder and what to look for:

Documents for a puppy

Along with the puppy you will be given a package of documents. This is a mandatory requirement for all dog owners. Check if all documents

you have in stock:

  • Veterinary passport
    . It contains notes on vaccinations and treatments against parasites from birth. When purchasing a puppy, it is important to know what vaccinations have already been completed and when you are due for the next one.
  • Brand registration
    . In officially registered nurseries, a brand must be required. It is placed in the groin or on the inside of the ear.
  • A puppy card
    or puppy certificate is the first document certifying the origin of a dog. On its basis, a pedigree will then be drawn up. Data about the nursery, information about the breeder and owner are written down on the card, and the club’s seal is affixed. The following are also recorded: breed, date of birth, details of the puppy’s parents, brand series and number, nickname, color, special markings.

The most important thing is that mutual sympathy arises when meeting a puppy: the puppy likes you, and the puppy likes you.

Interesting video

A story from a dog owner about what she feeds her pet.

Popular brands

It is impossible to say in advance what specific food your four-legged friend will like. Dogs, like people, have different tastes and reactions to food. For pugs with their characteristics, the following foods are recommended:

BrandCountry of originClassCompoundNote
Eukanuba ( Eukanuba )USApremium30% natural meat,
grains, fiber,


fish oil, mineral supplements

( Hills )
European countries
premiummeat and meat flour,

potatoes, beets,

vitamin supplements

For Pugs [Symbol]
Hills Science Plan Puppy Small & Miniature
Acana ( Akana )Canadaholistic60% natural meat, rich mineral complex,


fruits, vegetables and berries, medicinal herbs.

There are no by-products or flavorings. Holistic and therapeutic diets.
FirstMate ( Fest Mate ) _Australia, Colombia, CanadasuperpremiumThree types of meat, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, minerals and vitamins, amino acids.The meat included in the feed belongs to the Human Grade category
Canidae ( Kanide )USAholisticmeat and meat flour, offal, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, minerals and vitamins.


Holistics contain high quality ingredients. For example, meat of the Human Grade category, i.e. suitable for human consumption and subjected to minimal processing.

The food is supplemented with amino acids, prebiotics, seaweed extracts, and herbs. The price is the only drawback of these feeds.

However, the holistic composition eliminates unwanted reactions to dry food. This is the ideal food for pugs.

content in holistic products reaches 80% . Vegetables, fruits and berries serve as a source of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

There are many brands that produce holistic products, here are some:

  1. Now Fresh or Now Natural holistic.
  2. Go! Natural Nolistic.
  3. Applaws.
  4. Golden Eagle.
  5. Orijen.
  6. Grandorf.
  7. Velcand.
  8. Savarra.
  9. Pronature Nolistic.
  10. Taste of the Wild.

How to care for pugs

Pugs are one of the breeds that do not require extreme attention and special care. Owning this breed is recommended for those who want to buy a dog for the first time. But there are still some recommendations that should be followed to make the dog feel comfortable.

  • Walk your dog regularly

The frequency of walks depends on the age of the dog. Pug puppies are walked 3-4 times a day. Walk an adult dog at least 2 times.

  • Take care of your pug's fur

Be prepared for seasonal shedding; the fur will have to be removed frequently. During this time, brush the coat frequently. It is not recommended to bathe pugs too often, so as not to disturb the protective fat layer on the dog's coat. After a walk, wipe your paws with a damp cloth.

  • Clean wrinkles on the face

Food particles and dirt get into the folds on the pug's face during walks. Therefore, they need to be looked after especially carefully. Wipe the folds to avoid inflammation.

  • Limit physical activity

Walk with your pet for about an hour and a half at a leisurely pace. The pug's respiratory system will not withstand long active runs. The pug gets tired from the load.

    Avoid cold and heat

The pug's short coat cannot protect him during severe frosts. Therefore, take care of special warm clothes for your pet and limit the time you walk. Heat also has a negative effect on the pug. During hot summers, try to keep the animal in a cool room.

How to raise and train a pug

Dogs of this breed are sociable and loved by all family members. But due to the stubborn nature, difficulties may arise with upbringing. Therefore, you should not delay the start of the education process and teaching commands. Start training your puppy without waiting for him to grow up.

What is important to remember during education and training


  • When the puppy first appears in the apartment, let him get comfortable and get used to the new place.
  • The puppy should have a designated place to rest and an area for a food bowl.
  • If the puppy is ready for a walk (all vaccinations have been done and treated against parasites), immediately teach him to go to the toilet outside.
  • Be sure to reward your puppy if he follows the command correctly: praise him and give him a treat.
  • Do not hit the dog or raise your voice at it.
  • It is forbidden to tease a pug. A dog's rage leads to death due to heart attack or suffocation.

If your puppy doesn't respond quickly to training, don't despair. Stock up on treats and patience. Try again! Do two classes a day.

Rating of the best dry food for pugs

In order for pugs to develop quickly, grow healthy, and live long, they must be provided with a balanced diet. It is better to choose a well-known and high-end brand for dogs, even if it is not the cheapest. The holistic class is preferable because it contains only high-quality products, but you can buy premium and super-premium granules.

The top 5 brands include:

  1. Acana Heritage Adult Small Breed Grain–Free – holistic from quality meat, protein content - 31%, fat - 17%.
  2. Wellness Core Healthy Weight is a super-premium class, created using a grain-free formula, with turkey meat and plant ingredients.
  3. Guabi Natural Adult Dog Mini is a super premium class, containing chicken, rice, plus 33 natural ingredients.
  4. Grandorf Adult Mini 4 Meat & Brown Rice Hypoallergenic is a premium hypoallergenic food for adult pugs, containing four types of meat, brown rice.
  5. Royal Canin Adult Pug is a premium class, designed specifically for pugs, contains 23% proteins, 14% fats, vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

What to feed a pug

The issue of pug nutrition should be approached with particular seriousness, because this breed has sensitive digestion. Pugs are prone to obesity and cases of allergic reactions are common among them. It is important to maintain a strict diet, avoid snacking between meals and not give food from the owners’ table.

How often should you feed your pug? Focus on the dog's age. The older the pet gets, the less frequent the meals should be:

1.5-2 months: the puppy is fed 6 times a day, 3-4 months: 5 meals, 4-5 months: 4 times a day, 6-12 months: 3 meals, After a year the dog can be switched to 2- x one meal.

You can start feeding your puppy at the age of one to one and a half months. If at the time of purchase the puppy was already fed additionally, find out what to do so as not to dramatically change its diet. To fully saturate the growing body with all the necessary substances, you need to add vitamins and minerals to your food.

There will be significantly less worries about nutrition when choosing ready-made food for your pug. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the composition of your pet’s diet. All necessary substances, vitamins and minerals are already included in balanced feed. The food is developed by specialists taking into account the size and age of the dog. It is easy to calculate the feeding portion. The packaging always contains recommendations on the amount of food depending on the weight of the pet.

For example, Purina® PRO PLAN® Small and Mini food for small dog breeds is suitable for feeding a pug. If your pet has weight problems, use Purina® PRO PLAN® products to reduce excess body weight.

When feeding commercial food, make sure your dog always has access to drinking water. Consider the recommendations for the amount of food for each meal, try not to violate the feeding schedule.

Pro Plan dog food prices

The price of Pro Plan dry dog ​​food will depend on the weight and composition:

  • Purina Pro Plan 0.7 g – about 341 rubles (120 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 1.5 kg – about 636 rubles (315 UAH);
  • Purina Proplan 3 kg – about 1157 rubles (575 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 7 kg – about 2250 rubles (1100 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 10 kg – about 3,760 rubles (1,600 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 14 kg – about 4,770 rubles in Moscow (1,500 hryvets in Kyiv).

Official website –

Features of pug health and illness

Unfortunately, diseases in pugs are not uncommon. There are both congenital diseases and those acquired during life. The most common diseases of pugs:

  • encephalitis,
  • epilepsy,
  • eye diseases,
  • respiratory system disorders,
  • allergy,
  • obesity.

Pugs have difficulty withstanding heat and cold. Active walking runs are not recommended for dogs of this breed.

Remember that in case of any ailments, you must immediately take your pet to the veterinarian.

Super premium class


This food is complete and fully satisfies the dog's nutritional needs. The composition includes chicken meat (at least 30%) and offal. Also available is food for dogs prone to allergies based on herring and for puppies.

One of the advantages of this food is that no additional nutrition is required. The disadvantages include a small number of flavors and the presence of beets in the composition. Pugs of light colors may have pinkish fur.

Almo Nature

A great option for picky pugs. Excellently balanced in composition, available in different flavors and types (pouches with soup, canned food with large pieces, pates, jellies). Contains at least 50% meat. Suitable for both puppies and adult dogs. According to owner reviews, no cons were noticed.

Bozita super premium

Available in canned form and pieces in jelly. It is a complete food. It does not contain vegetables, which is a disadvantage and can cause constipation in pugs. Another disadvantage will be the presence of chicken and rice in all products, and this is a potential allergen. On the plus side, it does not contain soy or flavorings.

How much does a pug puppy cost?

The cost of a puppy depends on the kennel and the class to which the puppy belongs. A professional breeder can determine the class of a puppy by about two months.

What classes are there and how much do puppies cost:

  • Show class
    - top class puppies, which, as a rule, are purchased by those who plan to attend exhibitions and seriously engage in dog training. The cost of puppies is from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.
  • Breeding class
    - puppies may have minor flaws, but retain the character and appearance characteristic of the breed. They are often used for breeding. The cost of such puppies is 20-30 thousand rubles.
  • Pet class
    - healthy puppies that have no exhibition or breeding prospects: with disqualifying defects or significant deviations from the standard. Their price is the lowest: 8-15 thousand rubles.

The cost of a puppy is also influenced by the rarity of its color and the popularity of the kennel.

Pug puppies are playful and active; by the age of three, adult dogs become calm and balanced. Pugs easily adapt to new conditions and adapt to the owner’s lifestyle.

Types of dog food Pro Plan

Proplan dog food is produced by the Purina company, it belongs to the premium class and is available in different versions.

Types of feed:

  • dry food - 0.7, 1.5, 3, 7, 10 and 14 kg;
  • wet food (canned food, 400 g pouches).

In total, the line includes about 20 food options, which are designed for adult pets or puppies; there is also hypoallergenic food. If dry food gives a boost of energy and supports the immune system, then canned food will help fight indigestion and make the coat silky.

Wet and dry food Proplan from Purina is divided into several categories:

  • for puppies;
  • for small and medium-sized dogs;
  • for large and fighting dogs;
  • for digestive problems, inflammation and for old dogs.

Few people know, but recently a new line of Pro Plan Duo Delice has appeared, which is suitable for every type of dog.

The main component of the feed is chicken or beef, from 15 to 70%. There are also other natural ingredients:

  • egg white;
  • corn;
  • cellulose;
  • beet juice;
  • gluten;
  • fish fat;
  • minerals and vitamins.


Purina Pro Plan dog food has received the following reviews from pet owners:

Ksenia, Moscow: “My Toy is five years old. The dog has very sensitive digestion and therefore for a long time I could not find the right food. Friends advised me to try Proplan. After feeding the food, the pet’s allergies went away and his fur began to shine.”

Maria, Saratov: “ProPlan was recommended to us by a veterinarian, who said that this is a good food that many owners feed their pets. I give it to my dog ​​only sometimes, as a reward, he eats it on both cheeks. But mostly I prefer to feed the animal “naturally”.

Angelika, Samara: “I have a Yorkie dog. Before choosing food for her, I read many reviews on the forums. ProPlan received more positive comments in its category, so we chose it. The dog eats it with pleasure and feels good and cheerful.”

Endless product lines for any dog

The number of varieties of Purina food is difficult to count. The company's veterinarians are constantly developing new foods and formulations, constantly improving and improving them.

The dog owner can always choose food in any form:

  • dry granules
  • wet food.

Products are produced in series that meet the needs of the animal. When forming nutritional compositions, everything is taken into account:

  • pet's age
  • his state of health
  • presence of chronic or cured diseases
  • other factors that arise during the life of the animal.

For any combination of a pet’s individual characteristics, the owner will always be able to choose the most suitable food so that the dog is always happy and cheerful.

Food for a pug with allergies

An allergic pug can be recognized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • skin itching, forcing the pet to itch frequently and intensely;
  • severe dry skin;
  • dandruff;
  • bald spots;
  • sweetish odor from wool and leather;
  • wetness in the armpits, chest area and dewlap area;
  • lacrimation;
  • ear problems;
  • bad breath.

Such reactions are due to:

  • cereals, especially wheat, rice, corn;
  • soy protein;
  • poultry meat;
  • egg;
  • tropical fruits;
  • artificial additives.

These components may be contained in dry food, so if you have allergies, you need to buy hypoallergenic food. They are quite high in calories, but they do not contain provoking foods. The most popular brands are:

  • "Akana";
  • "Bosch"
  • "Brit"
  • "Origen";
  • Royal Canin;
  • "Hills."
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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