American Akita - breed, characteristics, price and varieties of dog (95 photos and videos)

Origin:homeland - Japan, country of development - USA
Usage:companion dog
Dimensions:height at withers 61-71 cm, weight 50-65 kg
Lifespan:10-12 years

After the appearance of the famous film “Hachiko”, the Japanese Akita Inu breed became known to many. But not everyone knows that the American Akita exists. These are independent and strong-willed dogs that only a person with a strong character can handle. If you put in the effort, your puppy will grow into a loyal and reliable friend.

Origin story

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The history of the American Akita breed is closely intertwined with the process of formation of the Akita Inu. Animals have common ancestors. It is believed to be a northern husky and an ancient mastiff dog.

Some people mistakenly call the breed "Akito". However, the dogs were christened in honor of Akita Prefecture, located on the island of Japan. Honshu.

Since the beginning of the 17th century, Akitas have participated in dog fights. Later they were crossed with the Tosa Inu and the Mastiff. They became more massive and lost the characteristics characteristic of Spitz dogs. At the beginning of the 20th century, fighting was banned, but dogs continued to be bred.

The history of the American Akita breed experienced a turning point in the middle of the 20th century. After the war, dogs were practically exterminated. But animal lovers were able to save several animals. To restore numbers and further selection, the German Shepherd began to be used.

Some of the dogs were exported to the USA. Breeding and the work of local enthusiasts led to the formation of a new species. Soon a club for fans of the breed appeared, and 16 years later it was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

In canine catalogs, the breed was previously listed as a large Japanese dog (LJD).

The Japanese had no contact with the AKC, so the dogs were not registered in their homeland. As a result of isolated development, it was possible to obtain animals that differed from their Japanese relatives in appearance and temperament.

Breed standard

The American Akita and the Akita Inu share some common traits. However, the large Japanese dog is distinguished by its large dimensions, massive body and variety of colors. Since 2000, the breeds have been officially recognized as independent.

The American Akita looks impressive - proportionally built, big-boned, muscular, with a powerful chest. The weight of an adult dog reaches 60 kg, while the Japanese Akita weighs only about 45 kg. Even from the photo it is clear that this is an extremely strong and resilient animal.

Description of the American Akita breed (FCI standard No. 344):

  • the head is wedge-shaped, large, but looks harmonious;
  • nose - black, depigmentation is acceptable in white animals;
  • jaws are powerful. A scissor bite is preferred, but a straight bite is also possible;
  • the eyes are quite small, brown, almost triangular. The animal has a devoted and slightly sad look, which is noticeable even in the photograph;
  • ears – erect, slightly tilted forward, wide at the base, rounded at the ends;
  • the body is large, massive. The neck is thick, widening as it approaches the shoulders. The chest is wide. The belly is tucked in, but not dry. The height at the withers is slightly less than the length of the body. Optimal proportions are 9 to 10 for males, 9 to 11 for females;
  • the tail is fluffy, set high, curled 3/4 into a ring. The American Akita holds it over its back or turns it slightly to the side;
  • limbs – strong, straight. Paws point straight.

Dogs have double coats. The outer hair is straight, rough to the touch, and slightly away from the body. The undercoat is soft and dense. The longest fur is on the tail, the shortest is on the limbs, head, and ears.

The American Akita can be white, piebald, fawn, red - the breed standard allows for a variety of colors. A mask or a notch on the head is possible. If there are stains, they should be evenly colored and stand out clearly.

There is a long-haired dog called the long-haired Akita. Their appearance is the result of a genetic failure. Breeding such animals is prohibited.

You can evaluate the exterior from the photo. Despite the heavy bones, the dog’s movements are confident and energetic - strength and power can be read in them. She doesn't fuss, doesn't pull on the leash, doesn't pay attention to other animals and people.

Disqualifying faults:

  • tendency towards aggression or cowardice;
  • violation of nasal pigmentation;
  • drooping ears;
  • malocclusion;
  • sickle-shaped tail;
  • too short.

Animals with obvious physical or mental disabilities are subject to disqualification.

Differences from Japanese

Japanese Akita Inu.
The main differences between American Akitas:

  • the standard allows any coat color and the presence of a mask on the face;
  • representatives of this breed are larger than Japanese Akitas;
  • they have a softer undercoat and hard outer hairs.

Also, “Americans” are distinguished by pronounced leadership qualities and a tendency to fight.


Characteristics of the breed will be incomplete without a description of temperament. Since ancient times, the American Akita was used to guard and hunt large animals. Modern representatives of the breed have retained some features of their ancestors. In order for an animal to grow up calm and obedient, its upbringing must be led by a competent trainer with a strong hand.

If a person is getting a dog for the first time, it is better not to buy an American Akita puppy. It will be difficult for a newcomer to find an approach to her and become an undisputed leader in her eyes. Having taken a dominant position, the dog will become very capricious. He will try to establish his own rules, not considering it necessary to listen to a person’s opinion.

With proper upbringing, the character of the American Akita is friendly and peaceful. She is indifferent to strangers, but sincerely loves and is deeply attached to her owner. The dog cannot stand loneliness and needs regular communication, walks and games together.

The big Japanese dog does not bark over trifles. If she raised her voice, it means something happened.


Ryukyu is a medium-sized dog: weight varies from 15 to 20 kg, weight - from 46 to 55 cm. The breed looks intimidating and resembles a wild dog. In fact, they are loyal, affectionate and obedient companions. Although, like all “Japanese”, they are freedom-loving and willful.

Ryukyu love their owner and family very much. But they are wary of strangers, sometimes aggressive. And their hunting instincts do not allow them to get along with other animals.

The breed originated on the Ryukyu island archipelago. It almost disappeared during World War II. Restoration began in the 1980s. But even today representatives are rare: there are only about 1,000 dogs.

The color of the Ryukyu is usually brown, less often brindle with a predominance of red, black or white.

It is better to keep Ryukyu in a country house with a large fenced area. If you keep them in an apartment, you will need daily walks lasting at least 2-3 hours. The rest of the care is simple: weekly brushing, as well as cleaning the ears and teeth.


Nowadays, the American Akita dog breed most often acts as a companion. However, it was originally bred for hunting. Two adult animals are capable of holding off a moose or a bear. Thanks to their wide pads, they can walk through deep snow, track and bring back game. They have an excellent sense of smell and keen eyesight.

The American Akita can be trained to be a good guard dog. But she will act quite interestingly - she will let a stranger into the territory and will carefully observe his behavior. If the dog feels threatened, the uninvited guest will be in trouble. However, few people would have the desire to test the reaction of such a large animal.


Socialization of puppies begins as early as possible. Kids must get used to interacting with dogs and people, otherwise problems will arise in the future.

A properly raised American Akita and children get along well, especially if they grew up together. Reviews from owners and breeders confirm that she allows the child to do a lot - touch the tail and ears, take toys, even ride on herself. The dog happily runs around with the teenagers, throwing out pent-up energy. On the Internet you can find many photos of such joint games. But it is better not to leave her alone with a very small child - the animal may accidentally injure or frighten him.

Children should be taught about dog body language, safety and communication rules. Then the risk of an accident will be reduced to zero.

The American Akita is a dominant breed. She will only get along with a dog that recognizes her as a leader. It perceives small pets, such as cats, rodents, birds, as objects for hunting.

How to choose a puppy

American Akita puppies are cute teddy bears. Healthy babies are cheerful, active and curious. They have shiny fur, a tail curled over their back, and clear eyes and ears. Lethargy and apathy are the first signs of the disease.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions in the future, consider the puppy’s exterior features. At 7-8 weeks you can objectively assess:

  • backbone;
  • head shape;
  • addition of the front and hind limbs;
  • tail;
  • wool.

You definitely need to meet your mother and father. If dogs are prone to aggression or cowardice, it is better to refuse the purchase. Temperamental deficiencies are inherited.

Puppy sizes by month

American Akita puppies grow very quickly. After 6 months the process slows down, but does not stop.

The table shows approximate parameters of babies that meet the breed standard. Minor deviations in one direction or another are acceptable.

Age (month)BoyGirl
Height (cm)Weight, kg)Height (cm)Weight, kg)

By the age of 1.5 years, an American Akita puppy reaches the height of an adult dog, but continues to grow in width - gaining weight, becoming more massive and stronger.


Jomon Shiba are the smallest among native dog breeds: height - 32-40 cm, weight - 6-10 kg. Their ancestors accompanied people a thousand years ago, in the so-called. “Jōmon period”: hence the name of this Japanese breed.

Unfortunately, the breed was lost for a long period. Until the Nippo organization began reviving it based on the Shiba Inu in 1928.

The Jomon Shiba has a more “wild” and ferocious appearance than the Shiba Inu. Externally, the dogs are similar to the extinct Japanese wolves. In addition, they are more difficult to train: dogs are stubborn, willful, fearless, and often aggressive towards other dogs and people. They need a special approach and early socialization.

The small size of jomons allows them to be kept in an apartment. But long walks are needed: at least 2–3 hours a day. And the fur sheds a lot, so the fur coat is combed at least twice a week.

On topic: Dogs for keeping in an apartment

Features of maintenance and care

Caring for and maintaining a dog will not cause much trouble. Akita behaves quietly in an apartment and does not require much space. The thick undercoat protects it from severe frosts, so it can live in the courtyard of a private house.

The American Akita cannot be kept on a chain. Alone, she becomes sad and angry.


The American Akita's coat requires attention 1-2 times a month. Frequent brushing is only necessary during shedding. To prevent the house from becoming covered with fallen undercoat, they go over the skin with a slicker every day.

Once a week, pets' eyes and ears are wiped. Nails are trimmed as needed. Every 2-3 weeks it is recommended to brush your teeth with a special veterinary paste.


The American Akita's fur is practically odorless. If the dog does not roll around in the mud, it is enough to arrange bath days a couple of times a year.


An American Akita in an apartment should be provided with 2-hour walks twice a day. She doesn't like to run; it's best to walk with her at a brisk pace.

Animals kept in the yard need more communication with the owner than active walking. The owner should devote time to games and activities with the pet every day.


American Akitas are given natural food or premium and super-premium food. In the first case, the diet includes:

  • raw meat (only lean varieties);
  • fish and seafood;
  • rice;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • boiled eggs.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are selected after consultation with a veterinarian.

Representatives of this breed love fruits. They can be pampered with a piece of apple, banana or pear.

Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day at the same time. The American Akita has a sense of proportion - she does not overeat. To avoid problems with digestion, she is not allowed to run or jump after eating.

Who is the dog suitable for?

The American Akita is a dog with a serious character, so it is not suitable for a beginner . Her upbringing requires constant monitoring until the desired behavior is fully consolidated. However, they remember commands easily, and Akitas quickly get used to life in society. They are popular among active people and avid hunters. They need to be taxed mentally and physically, making it difficult for older people to cope with the wayward nature of Akitas.

They behave decently in the family if they know their place in the so-called pack. They stand up to protect property. American Akitas are found in families with children, but due to their large size, it is better to limit their interaction with children for a while.

Hunting sense and working qualities are often the reasons for fights with other dogs , especially of the same sex. They can attack cats, birds, rabbits and domestic rats, thinking about prey. To go outside, prudent owners purchase a muzzle .

The best housing for an American Akita is a private house with a large yard and free range. They are also kept in enclosures, subject to regular exits outside the site.

Representatives of the breed often live in apartments, but for city walks you need to take the upbringing and socialization of your pet seriously.

Can become an excellent security guard . These dogs have a developed sense of smell and are wary of strangers. After guard training, the American Akita will be able to correctly detain or bark an intruder who has entered the owner’s territory.


The American Akita dog breed is strong and hardy. With proper care, the average life expectancy is 10-12 years. However, the health of animals must be monitored. You should visit a specialist at least once a year, and if the first signs of discomfort appear, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.


American Akitas are more likely than other breeds to suffer from the following diseases:

  • retinal atrophy;
  • volvulus;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • allergic reactions and dermatitis.

The large size of an adult dog also causes problems. Due to high weight, there is a high likelihood of developing joint diseases.


The first vaccinations against rabies, enteritis and distemper are given by the breeder during the first 12 weeks of the puppy’s life. At 6 months the vaccination is repeated. Thereafter, annual revaccination is required. Treatments against worms, fleas and ticks are carried out regularly.

A dog should not be vaccinated if it has a fever or any other symptom of illness.


The new breed is not yet two centuries old, and although it resembles an Akita, it is believed that its ancestors were Chow Chows. Sanshu has an unusual structure of the skull and muzzle, a strong neck, developed muscles and powerful paws. An adult dog weighs about 25 kg, and in good conditions it is a real long-liver - up to 17 years.


Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)


American Akitas become sexually mature at 8 months. But mating is carried out no earlier than 1.5 years. The animal's body must be fully formed in order to bear viable and healthy offspring.

Dogs are introduced several weeks before the start of heat so that they get used to each other. At the appropriate time, the bitch is brought into the dog's territory.

On average, pregnancy lasts 60-62 days. If there are few puppies, the period may be slightly shortened. A litter usually produces 6-8 babies.

Mating of American and Japanese Akitas is prohibited.

Choosing a nickname

If the puppy was purchased from a kennel and has the necessary documents confirming its pedigree, it already has a name. Breeders give official nicknames to each puppy in the litter, based on the rules of the club. So, most often the nickname begins with a letter corresponding to the serial number of the litter, reflects a certain theme and contains the name of the father or the name of the club. This nickname is used, for example, at exhibitions.

At home, the puppy can be called any name you like. The main thing is that it matches the dog’s character and reflects its characteristics. Often, owners strive to emphasize the pet’s roots by choosing a Japanese nickname, which not only sounds beautiful, but also carries a certain meaning:

  • Aki – born in autumn;
  • Yoshiko is a good child;
  • Keiko – beloved;
  • Kyoka – happy;
  • Takara is my treasure;
  • Fuku – lucky;
  • Akina - spring;
  • Yume is a dream;
  • Hana – flower;
  • Toshi – reflection;
  • Chico – swift as an arrow;
  • Miki – flower stem;
  • Katana is as dangerous as a Japanese sword;
  • Sakura – cherry blossom;
  • Ichigo is a strawberry.

Also popular are nicknames such as Adam, Bonnie, Willie, Hector, Jerry, Zeke, Kevin, Lyon, Morty, Nikki, Oscar, Patrick, Robbie, Sims, Teddy, Phoebus, Hugo, Charlie, Athena, Bertha, Vicky, Gabi, Dina , Irma, Carla, Lara, Mirta, Nika, Pixie, Runa, Santa, Tora, Frida, Sherry.

How much do American Akita puppies cost?

How much an American Akita puppy costs depends on breeding value and exhibition prospects:

  • the cost of a pet-class dog is 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • for a breed-class animal you will have to pay 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • the price of a show-class puppy is from 50 thousand rubles.

Too low a price should be a concern. Perhaps there is something wrong with the puppy. To confirm the breed, it is better to seek help from independent experts.


There are not many American Akita lovers in Russia; Japanese Akitas are much more common. However, there are nurseries in many cities. In the Moscow region they work:

  • “Tomo No Kimi”
  • “Beautiful miracle”

Reliable nurseries always have their own website, where photos of American Akita puppies, their parents are presented, current standards and characteristics of the breed are indicated.

The American Akita has pros and cons. She is easy to keep, smart, loyal and clean. But the owner will have to work hard to achieve mutual understanding. A dog should not be owned by beginners, gentle people or older people. For others, she will become a loyal and reliable friend.

Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu is the most popular of the six native Japanese breeds. Declared a national treasure in 1936.

Despite its small size (7–13 kg and 36–40 cm), the Shiba Ken is an ancient hunting breed. Her ancestors hunted birds, wild boars, bears, and deer. Today the dog has retained its hunting instinct. But years of selection and popularization have turned the pet into a loving and faithful family member.

However, the Shiba has not lost its inherent “Japanese” features. She is freedom-loving, unobtrusive, reasonable. Her trust and respect must be earned. The Japanese believe that raising a breed is akin to making origami: it must be soft and consistent so as not to spoil the dog’s delicate psyche.

The Shibu Inu has many amazing traits. For their cleanliness and independence, dogs are often compared to cats. But the most unusual feature of the breed is its penchant for contemplation. Dogs can spend hours admiring the flow of the river or the sunset.

The Shiba Ken is usually a red dog. But black and tan, white or zone suits are also found. Grooming is standard: occasional bathing, periodic brushing, teeth and ear cleaning.

Shiba is another legendary dog. A dog of this breed led rescuers to the house of its owners after an earthquake in 2004. The events are depicted in the film “The Story of Marie and Three Puppies.”

Detailed description of the Shiba Inu breed.

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