American Bully. A young dog breed that is rapidly gaining popularity in the world. When you meet him, you involuntarily feel anxious. It's hard to believe his peaceful attitude. Once you talk to a dog - the bodybuilder of the canine world - for a few minutes, your mood changes. Behind the stern appearance lies a friendly, cheerful creature with a noble dog's heart. It’s hard not to fall in love with the muscular, beefy guy. Nobody remains indifferent to him.

History of the breed

In the early 80s of the last century, American breeders began to think about breeding a new ideal breed of dog for the family, which would combine a formidable appearance and a good-natured character.

We set a goal and got down to business. The family dog ​​began to be formed by crossing several breeds of dogs that were never known for their peace-loving and docile nature: the American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Some breeders added the blood of American, English, Old English and French bulldogs to this explosive mixture. For breeding work, breeders selected non-aggressive individuals.

According to the idea, the dogs were supposed to inherit from their ancestors a strong bone structure, a stocky and muscular figure, and a heavy look. Appearance was the only thing that should have connected them with their ferocious relatives. Representatives of the new breed were conceived as companion dogs, friendly and cheerful, which would easily fit into families with children.

Dozens of American breeders worked to solve this problem. They did not share their work with each other. As a result, the first bullies were too different from each other in appearance. They had different build types and sizes, more than a dozen colors. There was a need to summarize the experience of breeders, develop standards for the breed, and popularize it.

To solve these problems, the American Bully Club (ABC) was created. In 2004, this organization registered a new breed of dog - American Bullies.

Until this point, many breeders registered their pets as pit bulls. Subsequently, this caused a little confusion with the identification of breeds and caused a flurry of discontent among supporters of fighting dogs. They considered the new breed of dogs worthless. In their opinion, “bullies” are inferior to their favorites in working qualities and in appearance. And external similarity supposedly compromises fighting breeds.

American bullies are still not recognized internationally. In 2022, preparatory work began for the recognition of the breed by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

In contrast, the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) has already adopted breed standards. Therefore, bullies can participate in All-Russian canine exhibitions and claim the title of Russian champion. However, entry to International exhibitions, even those held in Russia, is still closed to American hooligans. They cannot claim the title of international champion.

At the same time, the number of fans of the breed is growing in many countries of Latin America, Asia and Europe. Russian dog breeders also did not remain indifferent to American four-legged athletes.

Bully description

The breed can be described with a florid expression: “A sunny soul in the body of a bodybuilder.”

  • Those people who come into contact with American bullies for the first time are struck by the contradiction between appearance and internal content. It really is there. The appearance of a fighting dog is combined with a good-natured and peaceful character.
  • Phlegmatic in temperament. Emotionally and psychologically stable. Unperturbed. They react calmly to various stimuli, including loud noises and claps. They never bark idlely.
  • Feels great in the apartment. Do not require complex care.
  • They do not tolerate cold weather well.
  • They do not have good security and protective abilities.
  • They inherited low sensitivity to pain from their ferocious ancestors.
  • Breeders claim that they are perfect for those people who are getting their first dog in their life.
  • Requires professional training.

Pros and cons of bully

The advantages and disadvantages of a dog are a rather subjective topic. What may be a plus for some owners may be a minus for others. However, we have selected several features that can be classified as positive or negative.

A wonderful companion

good nature

Gets along well with other pets

Loves children

High price

Leaves you drooling

At an early age it is difficult to determine what size a puppy will grow up to be.

Types of American Bullies

According to their height, American Bullies are divided into three varieties:

  1. American Bully Pocket. It is also called mini or pocket. Height at withers for males is 36-43 cm. For females – 33-40.
  2. Classic and standard. Boys are 43-51 cm tall. Girls reach 40-48 cm at the withers.
  3. American Bully XL or Super Large. 51-58 cm and 48-56 respectively.

The standard and classic bullies are the same height. Moreover, the first one is heavier in weight. He has a wider body and a deeper chest, heavier bones, more massive muscles.

Interesting fact

The same mother can produce different types of puppies. At a tender age, it is impossible to determine which variety they belong to. This will become clear only when the dog reaches 9 – 12 months.

Breeders are allowed to breed dogs only with representatives of their own or the closest variety in height.

American bully exotic dog breed

There is another type of American bully - Exotic. He is still not recognized by any organization, including the American Bully Club. The reason is exterior and health.

Exotics are the smallest species of American Bully. At the same time, it is the most desirable and in demand on the market.

In turn, exotics are divided into three types:

  • exotic – height at withers up to 36 cm in males and females;
  • exotic micro – height up to 32 cm;
  • exotic extraordinary - the smallest.

The dogs have a large head, a very pumped up muscular body, and strong short legs. The appearance of exotics leaves no one indifferent. Some people admire them. Others compare them to monsters. Despite the formidable appearance, the character of the American Exotic Bull is friendly and peaceful.

The trouble is that little athletes do not have good health. They have serious problems with the heart and joints. It is for this reason that bully exotics are not recognized even in their homeland.

Differences in breed varieties

Varieties by height:

  1. Pocket (“pocket”).
  2. Classic size and Standard (the height is the same, but there are differences in massiveness and muscle development).
  3. XL (“EXL” or “super large”).

With the same height at the withers, the Classic is somewhat lighter in weight with a less wide body and less open chest in relation to the Standard, which is heavier, wider, with more massive bones and muscles.

A high degree of development and bone density, prominent muscle expression, their density and tone are important for all varieties of the breed.

Height and belonging to one of three varieties are established after the dog reaches the age of 9 months.

Since height and weight must be proportional to the build and degree of physical development of the dog, there are no special weight requirements.

Matings are allowed only between representatives of the closest height varieties , for example, between pocket and classic (standard), or between classic (standard) and XL.

Interesting Facts

Novash (Novas) Elena

Editor-in-Chief of the site, yoga instructor and big animal lover

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The breed standard very clearly defines sizes by ambulatory class. For Pocket dogs, males below 34 cm and females below 31 cm are disqualified, for XL - males above 60 cm and females above 58. But breeders have their own unofficial classification: Micro - dogs below 31 cm and XXL - above 60 cm. Thus, Each bully has its own class. According to the rules, these species should not participate in breeding work.

American Bully breed standard

The American Bully only superficially resembles its ancestors - pit bulls and Staffordshire terriers. They have a stocky build, a strong body, and are compact. Unlike their long-legged “relatives,” hooligans have short legs. They are inferior in agility and speed to their fighting relatives.

Ambully is a medium-sized breed.


Clearly defined. Gives the impression of being massive and heavy. Square shape. Middle length. Proportional to overall physique. Wide cheekbones stand out.

The color of the nose and lips should match the color of the coat.


Wide and short. A third of the length of the head.


Wide set. Triangular or almond shaped. The iris can have any color except blue and cyan. It is important that the eye color is in harmony with the coat color.


Form a scissor bite. However, snacking is not advisable. However, it is common in individuals with bulldog blood. The lower jaw is more powerful than the upper.


Not big ones. Set high, slightly directed forward. Both natural and docked are allowed. The owner can choose one of four forms:

  • show crop or exhibition,
  • battle crop - fighting,
  • short crop - short,
  • long crop - long.


Wide and muscular. The scruff is pronounced.


Gives the impression of being massive. At the same time compact, square format.


Hooked or straight. Low set. Length - up to the hock joint. Tapers from base to tip.

When moving, bullies raise their tail. Then he continues the topline. In a calm state - lowered down to the hock joints. When excited, they throw it behind the back.

It is not permissible for ambullies to curl their tail in a ring.


Placed parallel to each other. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body. Paws with wide wrists. Relief muscles appear on them.

Hind limbs

Strong. Slightly extended beyond the body. The thighs are muscular. The hock joints are well drawn. The toes are short and the pads are thick.


Light and confident. Ambullies move freely, with a proud look.


The coat is short. No undercoat. Fits tightly to the body. Shiny.

American Bully colors

Differ in variety. Black, blue, purple, various colors of red with combinations of tan and white are allowed. Dogs with tricolor coats look impressive.

Only one color is prohibited - merle. It is also called marble. The fur on the body is unevenly colored. In some places it turns into lighter or darker shades. Experts believe that this color indicates a genetic mutation. As a result, dogs have worse immunity and a high risk of mental disorders.

In the USA, bully lovers prefer black and chocolate colors. In Europe - beige, smoky gray and red.


  • Cowardice and aggressiveness;
  • marble color;
  • deafness;
  • albinism;
  • pink or red eyes.

American Bully character

Bully is a family dog. Builds smooth, good relationships with all family members. From among them he chooses the main owner, who is an authority for him. She always tries to please him in everything.

Subtly captures the atmosphere in the family. With funny and harmless pranks he knows how to extinguish conflicts and quarrels, and cheer up family members.

Loneliness is hard to bear. Even if it lasts a couple of hours. He always wants to be with his loved ones and family.

Loves affection and attention. At the same time, he is unobtrusive and unfussy.

Gets along well with children. Loves to play with them. I am ready to endure their hugs and pokes. Does not bite little “tormentors” and does not growl at them.

Passable guard, but poor defender. If a stranger appears at the door, he will bark until he crosses the threshold of the apartment. And then he rushes to greet the guest.

Does not show aggression towards animals.

Easily makes contact with people.

Care and maintenance

Bullies feel great in an apartment. However, to maintain good physical shape they need full walks. Their duration should be at least one and a half hours a day. The ideal option is when they include walking with the owner, running, playing with peers, and elements of training. Physical activity should be moderate. Bullies have a large muscle mass, so they are susceptible to ligament and joint injuries.

American bullies can only be kept in enclosures during the warm season. They have no undercoat. Therefore, they are not adapted to Russian winters. They do not tolerate frost well.

The American Bully's coat does not require complex care. It is enough to comb it once a week with a coarse bristle brush. During the molting period, the frequency of procedures should be increased to twice a week. Then the wool will not fall on the floor. And this period will pass almost unnoticed for the owners.

You can wash your dog as often as necessary. If the dog lives in an apartment or in a warm house, this will not affect its health in any way. An alternative to a bath is a wet towel or dry shampoo. The first thing you can do is wipe your pet's body after a walk in wet weather. The second one cleans the “fur coat” and removes oily shine. Using dry shampoo is easy. It should be applied to the coat, rubbed in, and then combed out with a comb.

Dogs' short fur dries quickly. However, after the water procedure, it is better to dry it slightly with a hairdryer. If a wet dog is exposed to a draft, he may get a cold.

It is necessary to regularly examine your pet's ears and eyes.

If dirt and wax have accumulated in your ears, apply special lotion to them. And then, when the wax softens, carefully collect it from the auricle with a cotton swab.

If the eyes are red or there is discharge, consult your veterinarian. Take your time to wash your eyes with freshly brewed strong tea. Discharge from the eyes can be the first symptoms of a number of diseases.

The owner must keep the bully's teeth clean. They are prone to the formation of tartar. To prevent this, it is enough to brush your dog’s teeth 1-2 times a month. For this purpose, there are special toothbrushes that fit on your finger. They and toothpaste can be purchased at a pet store.

If tartar has formed on your teeth, do not try to remove it yourself. You risk damaging your pet's teeth. Contact a veterinary clinic.

American Bullies need a manicure. Nails need to be trimmed regularly as they grow. If the dog knocks them on the floor, proceed with the procedure. If you don’t want to do this yourself, turn to specialists. A pet salon or veterinary clinic can help you tidy up your pet's claws. This is not a fashion statement. During games or a walk, the dog can knock out a long claw and get seriously injured.

In winter, roads are sprinkled with chemicals. They cause irritation to the skin on the paws. To prevent this from happening, lubricate your pet's paw pads with greasy cream or Vaseline before going for a walk. A modern solution to the problem is boots. However, not all pets enjoy wearing shoes.


The owner decides what to feed the American Bully. The diet must be selected taking into account physical activity, the condition of the dog and its preferences. Many owners insist on natural nutrition. If you are one of them, remember that dishes from the owner’s table are not suitable for dogs. They require special preparation.

The American Bullie's diet should include:

  • lean meat (beef, lamb, turkey);
  • fish (sea)
  • offal (heart, liver, tripe);
  • cereals (rice and buckwheat);
  • vegetables (carrots, cabbage);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt without fruit additives and sugar);
  • a little vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, corn or sunflower).

Dogs should not be given raisins, grapes, or legumes. These foods cause bloating. They have a bad effect on the physical condition of the animal.

Many breeders recommend feeding dogs industrial food. They say that pets live longer on them. There is a wide selection of food in different price categories on the market. Preference should be given to premium or super premium products. Quality commercial food has everything your dog needs.

Whatever diet you choose, your pet should always have access to a cup of clean, fresh water.

Meal schedule

Puppies under 3 months of age need to be fed 6 times a day. And then gradually, as they grow older, reduce the number of feedings. From 3 to 5 months - 5 times, from 5 to six - 4. By the age of one year, the dog should switch to an adult diet - eat 2 times a day.

Thanks to compliance with the diet, the animal’s body will better absorb food.

Cheerful bullies have a good appetite. Tend to gain excess weight. To prevent your dog from becoming fat, control portion sizes. Don't forget to provide her with physical activity every day.

Features of feeding and diet

The anatomical features of the breed require a carefully thought-out diet. A deficiency in certain substances can cause irreparable harm not only to the appearance, but also to the internal state of the animal.

Both industrial food and natural diet are suitable for feeding the American Bully. This is entirely the owner's choice. The undeniable advantages of the first type of food are considered to be complete balance. Indeed, the formulation of purchased food contains all the nutrients, microelements and vitamins necessary for the development of a pet.

By using high-quality industrial feed such as super-premium and holistic, the owner will not have to additionally introduce vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet. This applies to dry food and canned food.

Supporters of a natural diet use lean meat and offal to feed ambulli. The best cereals are rice and buckwheat, as well as millet. They can be used separately or combined.

Twice a week it is beneficial for your pet to eat low-fat fermented milk products. It is good to add vegetable oil to cooked food. A dog should consume no more than one tablespoon of oil per day.

To enrich the diet and increase the amount of fiber, boiled or raw vegetables and fruits are added to food. Dogs are strictly prohibited:

  • sweets;
  • River fish;
  • full fat milk;
  • citrus fruits and berries;
  • onion and garlic;
  • bakery;
  • spicy and smoked products.

Ambulli puppies begin to be fed from one month old, using low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, and viscous porridge. Babies are fed 5 times a day, adolescents and adults no more than 2 times - in the morning and in the evening. You can’t feed the ambully with food from the owner’s table to avoid obesity or allergic reactions to food.

Photo of American Bully

Education and training

The training of an American Bully must begin from the first day he appears in the house. With a caring attitude, win the trust of your four-legged baby. The owner must be the leader of the pack for his dog. If this does not happen, sooner or later the owner will face difficulties and disappointments.

Do not allow your baby to do things that you would scold an adult dog for. Otherwise, the dog will subsequently consider that you are infringing on his interests. He will stop trusting you.

It is important to accustom your puppy to a collar or harness, leash, and muzzle from an early age. Every city dog ​​needs these things.

When the puppy learns to walk on a leash, expand and change walking routes. Walk with it not only on quiet streets, but also on large traffic and crowded streets. It is important to teach your dog to respond correctly to noise, unfamiliar sounds and smells.

Give your puppy the opportunity to meet other dogs. The American Bully should not be aggressive towards people or other animals.

Take your pet's General Training Course. The best age to start classes is 6 months. It is better to practice under the guidance of an experienced dog handler in a group. The dog will learn not only to follow the owner’s commands, but also to work on the same site with other tribesmen.

The training and education of the American Bully should be based on positive emotions. The puppy must be rewarded for well-executed commands. For example, give him a treat or toy. Praise.

If the dog doesn't listen, be patient. Ensure that the command is carried out. Do not hit her under any circumstances.

The purpose of the American Bully is to be a companion dog. Dog handlers do not recommend taking a Protective Guard Service course with him, so as not to awaken aggression and make him angry.

Character and habits

The American Bully is a friendly breed, but some of its representatives are quite capable of defending their owner if necessary.

Character Traits of Boys and Girls

  • ♂︎ Bully males, especially during puberty, are prone to fighting for leadership. They will try to prove their dominance to the owner. The methods are simple: disobedience, stubbornness, self-will. It is the boys who are ready to fight with another dog on the street.
  • ♀︎ Bully bitches are more affectionate and cunning. Where the male acts with pressure, the girl will prefer a roundabout maneuver. At the same time, girls are prone to mood swings that negatively affect their work. Boys are always ready to work for the benefit of their master.


From the family in which the bully finds himself, he will choose a leader, to whom he will be selflessly devoted. Towards other family members there is constant friendliness. The bully will follow its leader to the ends of the earth, follow its tail, and show affection and tenderness. Fulfilling all the owner’s wishes so that he is happy is the goal of a bully’s life.

The dog will steadfastly endure the owner’s absences from work, but a representative of this breed should not be left unattended for a long time: if the owner is constantly away from home, the dog becomes sad and can express negativity through damage to the environment .

Bully loves company and cannot stand quarrels. Seeing heated arguments, he will try to attract attention to himself. For example, “accidentally” dropping a Bohemian crystal wine glass. It is not for nothing that experts consider the American Bully one of the best family dogs.

Bully is friendly towards family friends and guests, quickly gets used to it and strives to communicate. He has no aggression towards people, but he has a craving for new information.

The American Bully usually does not show aggression towards other animals . But during puberty, males can begin to sort things out with other males.

The breed standard also states that aggression and anger are not typical for these dogs, and who would doubt it, just look at the pictures of a smiling bully.

Gallery with smiling bullies

Attitude towards children

Bullies are ready to play with children for hours. Restless, curious dogs consider children suitable company and are ready to tolerate even crushed paws and tails. A bully will never hurt a child. The only problem is the dog’s powerful build. She can push the baby completely by accident.

Expert advice

Suvorova (Stanis) Helen

I am a practicing veterinarian and an expert on the project

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It is not recommended to leave a small child alone with a puppy or teenage dog. In this case, both parties do not know how to behave correctly: the puppy may accidentally push the child or use its teeth during play, and the baby may unintentionally hurt the dog without calculating the force. Adults must explain to both one and the other what is acceptable to do and what is not.

Security qualities

Bully Watchman lacks aggressiveness. The appearance of an athletically built dog and its large mouth will frighten any burglar, but the bully himself will do little for this.

In the role of a bodyguard, the bully looks very organic - a powerful physique, an amazing mouth and a menacing appearance. But this is rather more of an appearance, bullies can defend their owner, but if you need a bodyguard, then you should choose a different breed.

American Bully Diseases

The breed is young and not fully studied. Therefore, even breeders do not yet know everything about pets’ ailments.

It is generally accepted that in general they have good health and strong immunity. However, this breed has weaknesses. American Bully dogs are prone to the following diseases:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • optic nerve atrophy;
  • cataracts;
  • demodicosis;
  • dental diseases.

Dogs must be regularly vaccinated against infectious diseases. The first two vaccinations are usually given by breeders in the nursery. Dogs then need to be vaccinated once a year. A simple procedure will help you stay healthy.

Key facts

This is a young breed that has become popular with many dog ​​breeders. Description of the American Bully breed has four officially accepted types: standard, classic, pocket (pocket) and XL.

The threatening appearance of the dog and its aggressive grin should not mislead people. Behind the mountain of muscles hides a very gentle disposition. The characteristics of the American Bully breed indicate the good nature of the strong guy. He is ideal for families with small children or other animals because he is gentle with everyone.

Pets can be good guards, but they practically do not show aggression towards strangers, scaring away well only with their appearance. The breed is not recommended for novice dog breeders, as education and training require experience and the ability to dominate.

The lifespan of an American Bully depends on its size and living conditions and ranges from 8 to 12 years. Other names for the breed are ambully, bullypit, and American bully pit.

Photos of American Bully puppies

How much does an American Bully cost?

In Russia, the price of American Bully puppies varies from 60 to 250 thousand rubles. It consists of several factors. The most important of them are compliance with breed standards, the steepness of the pedigree, the geographical location of the nursery and demand.

Puppies of the same class are cheaper in Siberia than in Moscow. Bitches are more expensive than males.

Where to buy an American Bully

The breed is gaining popularity and becoming fashionable. The demand for puppies is high, prices are high. In such a situation, you should not buy bullies from random sellers. Most likely you will be deceived.

If you want a purebred American Bully puppy, contact a professional kennel. The baby's pedigree is a guarantee that you have purchased a purebred animal.

American Bully Kennels

In Russia, several dozen professional kennels are engaged in breeding dogs of this breed. They are located in different parts of the country: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar Territory, and on the Crimean Peninsula.

Since 2022, the Novosibirsk nursery “Black Rossi” has been breeding American bullies. The breeder Natalya Viktorovna Kirillova enjoys well-deserved respect among dog handlers and dog lovers in Russia and abroad.

Natalya Viktorovna Kirillova

Breeder. Owner of the Black Rossi nursery

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For a quarter of a century, we have been breeding service dogs - black terriers. I wanted to add one more breed to them - the sofa breed. For hugs and affection. However, neither breed caught on until they were introduced to the American Bully. They won me over from the first minute. I felt that this was the breed I wanted to pursue. These dogs have an amazing character that is completely human-oriented. Cheerful, affectionate, funny. I call them “anti-stress dogs”, “cartoon dogs”. They know how to defuse the situation in the family at the right moment with a sweet prank and relieve tension from a tired owner. You can't help but love these dogs. Today we have several high-breed females in our kennel. We have already received offspring. I am proud to inform all lovers of the breed that on November 1, 2022, puppies from the legendary Hardy were born in the kennel.

Who is Hardy?

This dog was once imported from the USA, from a famous kennel. Currently lives in St. Petersburg. Carries the blood of the leading American producers of exotic bullies. At the same time, Hardy himself is a proven manufacturer. He passes on to his children a bright breed type, powerful bones, and excellent character. Mother of puppies according to the pedigree Be my lack Delia. Pocket type.

Can fans of the breed buy a puppy from this litter from you?

Yes. Children of the legendary Hardy can be bought in Novosibirsk, in the Black Rossi nursery. We are proud of this. We offer puppies for sale. As long as there are boys and girls. The colors are tricolor blue and tricolor lilac. Price is negotiable. You can contact us by phone 89137491874

American Bully Exotic Hardy American Bully Pocket Be my lack Delia

Buy an American boule in Novosibirsk

Are you dreaming of an American Bully puppy? You can buy it today. Take a closer look at the photographs below. Perhaps you will see your future pet on them. It is possible to deliver puppies to other regions of Russia and the country. All questions about babies can be asked by phone +79137491874

SibBulli Anika

SibBulli Amazon

SibBulli Adele

SibBulli Altai

SibBulli Adamant

SibBulli Atlant

How to choose a puppy

Be sure to tell the breeder why you are getting the puppy. For breeding or as a pet. The price of the baby depends on this. The breeder will offer you candidates that are right for you.

The mother of the puppies will show you. He will tell you about her merits and achievements.

Please understand that no breeder can accurately determine what type of American Bully your puppy is. Parents can be Pocket and children can be Standard or XL. This is the peculiarity of the breed.

American Bully puppies are active, cheerful, and inquisitive. Your appearance in the nursery will not go unnoticed by them. Choose the puppy that touches your soul.

Every breeder wants their puppy to be in good hands. To be needed in the family and loved.

Once you have made your choice, sign the purchase and sale agreement. It regulates the rights and obligations of both parties: the buyer and the breeder. Before signing, carefully read all its clauses. You must realize that you are not taking a toy, but a living being. You are responsible for it.

Along with the puppy at the kennel, you will be given a veterinary passport with vaccinations indicated by age, and a puppy card. You will later change it to a pedigree.

How to choose a puppy

Buying an American Bully can be a test in the spirit of the Indiana Jones treasure hunter: in Russia there are only a few nurseries that specialize in breeding the breed. They are mainly concentrated in the vicinity of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities.

Unscrupulous breeders often sell pit bulls and amstaffs under the guise of bullies: in puppyhood, these breeds really look alike. To avoid becoming a victim of deceivers, contact European and American breeders who have established themselves as conscientious specialists. If there is no opportunity to purchase a “foreign” bully, it is worth using the services of an expert dog handler who has dealt with fighting breeds of dogs and can easily distinguish them from each other.

However, do not be upset: the relatively small number of the breed indicates that specimens with good genetics are participating in the breeding program. First of all, decide on the type of American Bully: standard, classic, pocket or XL. Animals look the same when they are puppies, so if you are looking for a specific breed class, pay attention to older dogs (from six months and older).

The placement of puppies begins at 1.5-2 months, when they no longer need maternal care. Healthy babies show activity (sometimes excessive) and curiosity about the world around them, they look well-groomed and tidy. Does your favorite puppy cowardly tuck its tail between its legs and hide in a secluded corner? Avoid purchasing one: there is a high risk of acquiring a sick pet, with whom visits to the veterinary clinic will become a tradition.

Once you have chosen a dog, ask the breeder to provide a passport with initial vaccination records. It is recommended to first clarify the point regarding the living conditions of the animals. At first, it is advisable to recreate an atmosphere as close as possible to a kennel, so that your four-legged friend quickly adapts to life in a new family.

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