The American Pit Bull Terrier is a devoted companion and brave fighter.

The Red Nose Pit Bull is a type of American Pit Bull Terrier. These terriers were originally bred to work on farms, but later became used as fighting dogs. Widespread information about pit bull attacks has given this breed a negative reputation. Today, these dogs are often associated with aggression and bad behavior. However, if a dog is socialized and raised correctly, it will not show aggression towards people, and especially towards children.

Breed standard and characteristics

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a breed not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, so there are no strict standards.

Height at withers: 43-49 cm Weight: 14-28 kg, but there are representatives weighing 36 kg.

Color: any except merlot (marble).

  • The coat is short, smooth, close-lying, there is no undercoat.
  • The pita's head is the “calling card” of the breed. In a pit bull it is large, but at the same time proportional to the body, shaped like a wide wedge.
  • The muzzle is massive, with strong jaws, cheeks with developed muscles.
  • The ears are set high, cropped at the owner's request or hanging on cartilage.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped and widely spaced. Any eye color except blue.
  • The color of the nose is any color that is in harmony with the color.
  • Legs are strong and muscular. The hips are wide and the muscles are clearly visible on them.
  • The tail is of moderate length, thick at the base and tapering towards the end, hanging down when calm.

Differences between the Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier

Those who are familiar with the breed only from the outside confuse the American Pit Bull Terrier with the Staffordshire Terrier. It is difficult to distinguish them, because these breeds are relatives (the pit bull terrier is the “dad” of the Staffordshire).

The breeds split at a time when dog fighting involving pit bulls was banned. Pit breeding has become illegal. Then the division into pits and staffs appeared. At the same time, they tried to preserve pit bulls as working and sports dogs, and staffs are show dogs, pets and companions.

Externally, pitas differ from staffs only slightly: the former are taller, but look lighter. According to the standard, Staffords have a black nose, they are stockier and wider in the chest than pit bulls. By and large, staff is a “beautiful” show pit.

Psychologically, the American Staffordshire Terrier is more balanced and peaceful than the Pit Bull Terrier. The American Staffordshire Terrier is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.


A purebred Red Nose Pitbull is usually completely reddish in color. A small amount of white or cream may be present on the chest and paws. They have distinctive coppery noses, red lips, red toenails, and red or amber eyes. These dogs are stocky, muscular, agile, and typically slightly larger than standard pit bulls. The head is shaped like a brick, with a flare between the cheeks (to accommodate large, powerful jaws). The muscular neck extends into a deep, dense, and broad chest. The ears are usually cropped, although this is not mandatory. The coat requires minimal grooming as it consists of short and shiny hairs. The average weight of an adult male is about 35-65 kilograms, with females weighing slightly less.

History of the breed

The homeland of pit bulls is America. The age of the breed is 300 years. Pete's ancestors are Old English bulldogs and white terriers , who lived in England and Ireland. Bulldogs were used for bull baiting and resembled the modern pit bull in appearance. By crossing these breeds it was possible to obtain the ideal fighting dog , because dog fighting was wildly popular at that time. The resulting “hybrids” - bull-and-terriers, pit dogs or half-and-half, received strength and aggressiveness from the bulldog, and speed and “tenacity” from the terrier.

After some time, settlers from the Old World went to America and brought fighting dogs and puppies with them. Dog fighting has become popular in America. At that time there was no strict selection for the appearance of pit dogs; the main selection criterion was victories in battles - only champions were allowed for breeding.

In 1835 in England, dog fighting was banned, and the number of fighting dogs there began to rapidly decrease. But in America, where fighting was not so strict, bull and terriers became popular, eventually receiving the name pit bull terrier or American bull terrier.

Over time, dog fighting was banned in America, and a ban on breeding fighting dogs appeared. But enthusiasts did not allow the pit bull terrier to be destroyed as a breed - they found another use for it. Today, pit bulls, thanks to their loyalty to humans, are companion dogs, pets, search and rehabilitation workers, and athletes .

Training pit bulls to behave aggressively is prohibited!


American Pit Bull Terriers are one of the healthiest purebred dogs. They benefited greatly from their large gene pool, and they were created as a working, strong dog. Of course, they are not immune from hereditary genetic diseases, but they suffer from them less than other breeds.

Moreover, the life expectancy of pit bull terriers is 12-16 years, which is longer than other breeds. What you should pay attention to is their behavior, since they have a high pain threshold and suffer many diseases without showing them.

The two most common diseases that pit bulls suffer from are hip dysplasia and demodicosis. Dysplasia causes changes in the joints that cause the bones to fit together incorrectly.

This causes discomfort, pain, lameness. There is no universal recipe for treating dysplasia, and in any case you need to go to the veterinarian.

Demodectic mange is caused by the development of an opportunistic mite, the acne gland, which is present on the skin of all dogs. It is transmitted from the mother while feeding the puppy and in normal cases does not cause problems. But sometimes immune reactions and inflammation begin, and again, you need to consult a veterinarian.

Behavior and temperament

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a cheerful, active, gentle and loyal friend.


  • smart;
  • brave;
  • friendly;
  • confident;
  • playful;
  • affectionate;
  • hardy and hardworking.


  • early socialization required;
  • prone to dominance;
  • an ill-mannered pit bull is dangerous;
  • without exercise they become hyperactive;
  • prone to fights with dogs.

Pit bull terrier and man

A pit bull terrier as a pet is suitable for a self-confident and active person - an athlete who loves long walks, a tourist. This is an energetic dog that requires attention and constant employment. Disabled people, children, people who lack self-confidence should not have pit bulls - a pit bull loves to show character, and a child or a weak-willed person cannot cope with it.

In the city he feels good with long walks and activities. Pitas are friendly and will not cause trouble to their housemates.

The pit bull terrier is affectionate and gentle with children and will not offend a small child. These are good family dogs. But due to their “past”, pit bull terriers have difficulty getting along with other pets, perceiving them as rivals. An exception is if the dog grew up with a cat or other dog from puppyhood. It is not recommended to keep two dogs of the same sex - conflicts cannot be avoided.

How to choose a puppy?

To avoid the risk of purchasing a crossbreed or a puppy that has developmental anomalies or hereditary pathologies, you should purchase it from a specialized nursery, where breeders monitor the health of dogs, including conducting tests to determine genetic diseases.

Signs of any illness in the puppy:

  • dandruff;
  • rashes and irritations on the skin;
  • increased lacrimation and suppuration of the eyes;
  • unpleasant odor from the ears;
  • nasal discharge;
  • lameness;
  • overweight or exhausted.

A pit bull puppy must behave actively, show curiosity and goodwill; aggressive behavior is unacceptable.


You should choose the gender of your future pet based on the purpose of its acquisition. If you plan to participate in exhibitions, it is better to choose a male dog, remembering that they are more stubborn and more willful than females. You need to buy a girl when there are plans to participate in breeding the breed.

Is a Pit Bull Terrier really that dangerous?

At one time, the media was full of headlines with the following content: “Aggressive pit bull terrier attacked a child”, “An elderly woman was the victim of an attack by a dog of the Pibul breed” and so on. Thanks to such articles, ordinary people have the opinion that pit bulls are bloodthirsty killers, ready to grab the leg of a passerby or attack the owner.

In fact, APBT is no more dangerous than a Doberman or German Shepherd. The opinion of them as terrible monsters was formed due to their “combat” past and the huge number of irresponsible owners who got dogs of this breed as a toy or, from puppyhood, purposefully instilled in the animal aggression towards humans, breaking the psyche.

In such conditions, even a Maltese dog can become aggressive.

Pitbulls are friendly and affectionate. Previously, they were trained to be aggressive towards other dogs and animals, but never towards humans . For many years now, in many countries, pit bulls have been used in rehabilitation centers, helping sick children and the disabled to believe in themselves. They are frequent visitors to nursing homes.

Dogs of this breed have repeatedly saved people . In 2012, a dog named Lilly saved her owner when she fainted near the railroad tracks. Lilly managed to drag the owner to safety, but, unfortunately, she herself was hit by a freight train. Lilly survived, but became disabled. The son of the dog's owner said that thanks to Lilly, his mother stopped drinking alcohol.

A pit bull named Hades saved a child from a swarm of angry bees. The boy Jesse and his friends were playing on the river bank when disturbed bees flew at them. The other children ran away, but Jesse didn't make it in time and received about 30 insect bites. The dog was able to pull the child out of the bee cloud in time and take him to his mother, who called an ambulance. On the way to the hospital, Jesse was injected with adrenaline twice. Fortunately, everything worked out and the boy was soon released home. The bees also managed to bite Aida, but nothing happened to the dog.

Owner reviews

American Pit Bull Terriers are a breed that still causes active controversy among dog breeders. Many cannot come to their senses at the thought that the ancestors of this breed killed animals while performing in gladiatorial fights. Many also remind everyone that these dogs are nothing more than edged weapons that can fire at any moment.

Those owners who defend this breed are trying to prove that gladiatorial dog fights are a thing of the past, and modern breeders reject animals that are too aggressive.

In fact, everything is not so and the nature of the animal’s behavior depends almost 100 percent on its owner. Many are sure that this dog understands who is boss in the house, and the animal’s irrepressible energy can be kept within bounds through intense physical activity. In addition, the animal understands that it is treated with love and understands when it is not.

Important to remember! This dog should not be kept by outright lazy people, as well as by people who work a lot, since they will not be able to give the dog enough useful attention. As a result, the energy accumulated in the animal can splash out even on the owner himself.

It follows from this that the American Pit Bull Terrier needs to be seriously addressed, both in education and in providing physical exercise.

Maintenance and care

Pit bulls are only suitable for keeping in a city apartment - the dogs do not have an undercoat, and outside in the cold the dog will freeze and die. There are no problems with this breed in an apartment; the main thing is to walk the pet and keep it busy with something useful.

In hot weather outside, the dog should be able to go into the shade - running around in the sun can lead to heat stroke.

An adult pit bull should be walked at least 2 times a day , one of the walks should last at least an hour. While walking, play with your pet, let it run around and spend the energy accumulated during the day.

Include foods that have high energy value in your pit bull's diet. But you shouldn’t feed raw meat alone: ​​add grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and fish to your dog’s food.

Dry food is also suitable for pit bulls. Representatives of the breed are prone to allergies, so exclude those foods that cause your dog to develop acne, dandruff, or discharge from the eyes or ears after consuming them. You can feed an adult pita 2 times a day, a puppy - from 3 to 6 times depending on age.

Grooming is simple : brush with a rubber glove a couple of times a week. Claws are trimmed if they do not grind down on the ground during walks. Inspect your ears once a week and clean them as they become dirty.


Families with children should engage in early socialization so that puppies understand that other children are welcome. Although pit bulls love children, they can mistake their play for aggression and confuse running and noise with danger.

These dogs often develop boredom and depression if left unattended for long periods of time. As already mentioned, at such times they can become destructive and your apartment may suffer.

Always remember about aggression towards other animals. Even the calmest dogs will never refuse a fight, and if they start one, they must finish it. If during a walk you see aggression towards your dog, it is better to leave there. It is also not worth mentioning that any pit bull needs to be walked on a leash.

Socialization should begin as early as possible; introduce the puppy to new people, situations, places, animals, otherwise he will react warily to unfamiliar actions in the future.

In general, these are good-natured, good dogs, and their fame was due to the fault of people.


Petes are intelligent and people-oriented, and training is a pleasure for the owner. Representatives of the breed are prone to displaying character and self-will, so be persistent and achieve the command.

Puppies require early socialization and interaction with other animals. Pits are suitable for experienced dog owners.

Pitbull is an athlete , he loves to work and is ready to please the owner. Among dog sports suitable for pits are weight pulling, agility, freestyle, and dog tracking.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of American pit bull terriers.

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