Is it worth buying a cage, and, if so, how to choose and how to train it?

Disadvantages of keeping a dog in a crate

A dog cage... This phrase sounds like something from the realm of torment or torture. This is probably where all the disadvantages of the cage end.

A cage is a unique tool for educating and correcting the behavior of four-legged friends. Exactly the same “tool” as a leash, for example. After all, no one says that a leash is “evil.” But even with a leash you can “finish” an animal like that... Or you can pull it with such force that the cervical vertebrae crunch...

Any “tool” must be used correctly. Only then will it really be useful.

Benefits of Caging

Well, we’ve sorted out the “cons”. Now let's look at the benefits of keeping a dog in an apartment crate.

Why is a cage so good, since in recent years many owners of four-legged animals have increasingly begun to use this item for keeping their four-legged animals indoors?

Cage as a guarantee of safety

A puppy has appeared in your house. Like all kids, he wants to explore the world and try everything. By leaving your baby alone at home, you give him complete freedom of action. And don’t be surprised if when you come home you find damaged wires, eaten shoes or a gutted sofa. And it’s good if, while trying everything out, the baby doesn’t get hurt, eat a foreign object, or get an electric shock.

A cage-trained pet will not damage shoes or furniture in your absence. When you return home, you won’t have to get angry and scold the prankster for his misdeeds.

A cage is not only a guarantee of the safety of things in the house and a guarantee of mental balance for both yours and your four-legged friend. The most important thing is that the crate helps to protect the dog and control the pet’s movements around the house.

Cage as psychological protection

Vanity in the house, children's party, guests. Sometimes it's a little annoying. Every living creature, from time to time, needs to retire, hide from prying eyes, in order to relax and be alone. And the cage is a great option for this. Equip your pet with a cozy “nest” in which he can safely hide from everyone. Place a soft bed on the bottom of the box. And it will be even better if you cover the top of the cage with a thick cape.

For dogs who are insecure, a crate is also a psychological protection from the outside world, from their fears and phobias. A place where the animal can calm down.

Cage as a delimitation of space

In everyday life, there are often times when guests, a courier or a pizza delivery person come to you. And when you are cleaning, you can put the dog in a crate so that it does not interfere and does not get underfoot (this is especially true for puppies).

But when visiting an exhibition, you can also protect your pet from contact with other animals. This will save him from unnecessary worry and protect him from the possibility of catching some kind of canine virus (for example, kennel cough).

Cage as a box for transportation

If you are traveling with your pet, a crate will help accustom your four-legged animal to being in a confined space. After all, the only means of transportation for dogs in transport are boxes. If the dog is already accustomed to boxing (crate), then he will feel much more comfortable and confident when traveling.

A crate as a way to train you to walk on a schedule

As a rule, tailfish do not defecate where they sleep. This means that the animal will tolerate being taken outside. Of course, this applies to a greater extent to dogs older than 8-10 months, but not to babies. Puppies should be walked every 2-3 hours. Therefore, it is not recommended to lock babies in a cage for a long time.

The cage is the key to cleanliness

When used correctly, a crate will help teach your dog cleanliness. For example, on a walk the dog got very dirty. To prevent the dog from walking around and spreading dirt throughout the house, you can lock him in a crate while you change clothes.

It also disciplines. Over time, after a walk, the dog will independently learn to wait at the door when you call it to bathe.

Undoubtedly, everything described above is relevant only if you choose the right size and format of the cage and correctly train your pet to stay in it. The cage should not become a punishment for the dog, a kind of prison. The pet should fall in love with this place and associate it with its home, a kind of den.

Yes, the cage is not a magic tool and not a panacea for the problems and phobias of a four-legged dog. But if used correctly, it will become one of the most effective methods of correcting or shaping the behavior of your furry friend.

Types of cells by material of manufacture

Barrier for dogs: partition to the apartment

Various materials are used to make large and small dog crates. You can find any type of design depending on your preferences and financial situation. They come in metal, wood and soft.


A cage made of metal is a classic and versatile option. It is most often chosen for your pet. If necessary, it can be disassembled and adjusted in height and width. For example, a cage for a beagle in an apartment should be 50 cm in height. For dogs of large breeds, metal cages “Midwest” are used, reaching up to 1 m in height.

The metal structure is assembled from several modules - rods. It is different:

  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care.

Metal structure from

Note! A plastic tray is included with the enclosure. It can be easily removed and washed. This enclosure is equipped with doors on both sides. It can be placed against the wall from any side. This product is worth taking for animals with thick coats that suffer from heat. A metal enclosure is the cheapest and most useful thing.

Among the disadvantages of metal enclosures is weight. On average, such enclosures weigh 7-15 kg. Because of this, they are not suitable for long-term hand carrying. Another drawback is noise. Dogs that are restless can cause metal bars to rattle.


Cages made of wood are considered the most environmentally friendly. To create such enclosures, coniferous wood is most often used. Before purchasing, you need to make sure that it is well sanded. The cage coating is treated with a tinting varnish, which is intended for children's furniture and toys. The walls have grilles that provide good ventilation and all-round visibility for the pet. Using the built-in door hook, you can securely lock your pet while you are away.

The door is made in such a way that it can open both outward and inward. Wooden dog kennels are suitable for small and large breeds. They can fit into any interior. Such products are considered expensive.

Important! It is worth considering that an animal can chew on a wooden lattice and injure itself on the wood chips. You can avoid this by ordering a wooden cage with internal metal coatings.


A crate with a rigid frame covered with dense fabric is another good shelter option for a dog. It can be folded into a flat square and, when folded, takes up virtually no space. For its manufacture, durable synthetic fabric is used, which is safe and easy to clean. The cage lifts up easily. Light weight allows it to be moved freely. The design has good ventilation and protection from drafts.

A similar dog house has:

  • external pockets;
  • doors;
  • wide panoramic windows covered with a thin mesh;
  • bottle holders.

Soft folding option for a dog in an apartment

Both windows and doors are equipped with zippers. Such folding cages are taken for home use, exhibition events, trips to nature in the car and to the veterinarian. These products of various sizes are produced by the domestic company Triol. If necessary, you can find a soft cage for large dogs or for small ones. The cost varies depending on the size of the enclosure and the material. The only disadvantage of a tissue cage is that it is not suitable for overly active animals. They can chew and tear it.

What kind of cell should it be?

So what should a dog’s cage be like so that the pet feels “like a fish in water” in it? In my opinion, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • It is best if the apartment cage is made of stainless steel rods. It should not have sharp corners that could cause injury. The rods will provide excellent visibility and good ventilation.
  • It should be of such size that an adult animal can freely stand up in it and lie down, stretched to its full height.
  • At the bottom of the cage there should be a soft and cozy bed. Don't forget to put a water bowl in the cage.

  • If you have a small puppy, do not immediately buy a crate that is too large. If the house is very spacious, as they say, “for growth,” the baby can do all his business in one corner and go to sleep in another. If you are teaching your puppy to have a routine and a scheduled walk, choose a crate with an adjustable fence. This way you will gradually adjust the desired size of the cage’s internal space, gradually increasing it as needed. Plus, you will also save a lot of money on this, because you will not have to change cages as the dog grows and matures.
  • The cage should not be placed in the middle of the room or on a walkway. To ensure maximum comfort for your dog, it is better to place it in a corner or against a wall.
  • To make your pet feel protected, you can put a thick cape on the roof and on two of the four sides of the cage. Moreover, the remaining two sides must be completely open and create an excellent overview.
  • If you go to work and lock your little dog in a cage, don’t forget to leave treats and favorite toys.

Criteria for selecting a device

It will be much easier to train your dog if the new design does not cause discomfort and he immediately likes it. To do this, it must meet the following criteria:

  1. Suitable size.

    You should not use models that are too small to hinder movement. Make sure the animal can stretch to its full height and stand comfortably on all four paws.

  2. Reliability and convenience of fastenings.

    In stores you can find plastic boxes, standard metal structures and products without a floor. They all have their pros and cons, which you need to familiarize yourself with before purchasing.

  3. Safety.

    Avoid sharp corners and poor ventilation.

Genderless products are strictly for babies. Large animals can move or overturn them.

Don't try to save money by buying a device for growth. Too much space can lead to separation of zones. In this case, the puppy will use one part for sleeping and the other for toileting.

We accustom a four-legged animal to a crate

The process of getting used to the cage usually takes several weeks. You need to get used to it gradually, step by step. There is no need to rush in this matter. As the famous saying goes, haste is only needed when catching fleas. Remember, the four-legged animal should perceive the cage as its cozy home, and not as a place of punishment.

Ten main points, the implementation of which will allow you to accustom your dog to a crate:

  1. It is advisable to start accustoming your ponytail to a cage (box) from an early age.
  2. Before and after being in the crate, the dog needs to be given a good walk.
  3. Do not force the animal into the cage, much less push the animal there without its desire. Even if during the first few days the furry one only comes inside for a couple of seconds. Even if he doesn’t show interest at all. Be patient.
  4. To entice your pet, try placing a treat inside the box. The cage should evoke only positive associations.
  5. At first, the cage door must be kept open. Let the tail get used to being in it. As soon as the watchdog begins to calmly fall asleep there, you can move on to the next stage.
  6. You can lock the doors while you sleep. But at this time you must be nearby. As soon as the little ear wakes up, immediately unlock the doors, praise him and give him freedom of action.
  7. When the four-legged dog calmly learns to be in a locked cage in your presence, begin to leave the room. First for one or two minutes. Then, longer and longer. But don't leave home completely. They went out, came back, praised the dog, and gave him a treat. And so on step by step.
  8. Under no circumstances should you run to open the cage or return to the room if the watchdog starts barking. This way he will quickly understand how to manipulate you. Return to the room only when the barking stops. And praise, praise, praise the little dog. This is the only way he will understand: only a quiet stay in the cage contributes to the speedy arrival of the owner.
  9. Well, when the four-legged animal can calmly stay in a locked cage in your presence, then you can start leaving the apartment. At first, also for a short time, and then gradually increasing the time of absence.
  10. During training, it is even recommended to feed the Barbosik and give him treats in the cage. All the most delicious and enjoyable things should happen inside the box.

Main mistakes

Here are some mistakes that dog owners often make when training their pets to crate:

  • You can't send your little eared dog into a cage as punishment.
  • You cannot forcibly push a dog.
  • Don't lock your furry friend in a crate as soon as you get one. Accustoming should take place gradually, without putting pressure on the four-legged psyche.
  • Don't leave your dog in a crate for long periods of time. The animal should not be in the cage for more than 6 hours at a time.
  • You cannot keep a four-legged animal in a cage all the time and only let it out for a while.
  • If the dog is inside a crate, it should not be wearing a collar.
  • Do not cover the bottom of the cage with diapers. Boxing should be associated with a place of relaxation, not a toilet.
  • You cannot leave a dog in a crate without water.
  • When returning, you cannot make leaving the cage an important event. Everything should happen calmly.

To summarize, I would like to note the following. If the need arises, don't be afraid to use a cage. In the end, an apartment is the same cage for a dog, and a leash and collar are the same restriction of “freedom”.

When used correctly, it is an absolutely humane, and in most cases, a necessary tool for shaping or correcting the behavior of your furry friend.

Average prices for finished products

Aviary for a dog in an apartment: home fencing

Dog crates can be found in pet stores. Prices for the most popular cells from various manufacturers:

  • Spanish from - 6000-7000 rubles;
  • American from - 4,800-15,000 rubles;
  • Belgian from the Savik brand - 5,500-19,000 rubles;
  • Russian from - 5,500-10,000 rubles;
  • Finnish ones from the “Vip” brand - 4900-12,500 rubles;
  • Italian from - 6000-7000 rubles;
  • Russian from - 2000-5000 rub.*

Note! Domestic manufacturers mainly produce cages aimed at small representatives of various breeds of dogs. Cages from Finland, USA and Belgium are suitable for larger dogs. For example, you can find a suitable specimen for a Labrador retriever among foreign products.

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