English dog breeds: classification, characteristics and many photos

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The British love dogs! More than 50 breeds were developed in Great Britain, and some of them were developed by the royal family. Since they are extremely careful about the purity of blood, the pets retain a unique temperament. What breeds are English?

  • 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • 3 Clumber Spaniel
  • 4 English Bulldog
  • 5 English Foxhound
  • 6 Scottish Setter
  • 7 Labrador Retriever
  • 8 Sealyham Terrier
  • 9 Sheltie
  • 10 Corgi

#3 Clumber Spaniel

Although the Westminster Kennel Club calls the breed a "dignified buffoon", the largest of the spaniels, the Clumber Spaniel is an excellent hunting dog, especially for hunting in lowland and rough terrain. The name of the breed comes from the name of the estate of the Earl of Newcastle. Complete aristocracy!

Labrador Retriever

Labrador is an intelligent dog. She is good-natured and makes contact easily, but will not impose herself. Labradors are distinguished by their balance and high intelligence, so they are often used as guide dogs. Representatives of this breed get along well with children and sometimes play the role of nannies, but they should not be left alone with children, like any other dog.

The Labrador was originally bred as a hunting breed, then began to be used as a rescue dog, and eventually became a faithful companion.

№4 English Bulldog – English Bulldog

Being naturally good-natured and friendly, Bulldog dogs are very popular. At one time, a breed of stocky and well-built dogs was bred for the cruel entertainment of bull baiting, baiting bulls with dogs. Perhaps the most popular bulldog of our time is “Handsome Dan,” the mascot of Yale University.

Scottish Setter

Scottish Setters are stubborn and independent, so owners may have problems training them. But they are wonderful companions and love to be around people. Representatives of this breed perfectly recognize the mood of others and can act as silent home psychologists.

White Bim belonged to this breed, but in appearance he looked more like an English setter

Review of English dog breeds with photos and names

The British people's favorite pet is the dog. This is one of the oldest animals that was domesticated many thousands of years ago. Scientists believe that the first dog breeds began to be bred in Britain. Targeted breeding work began to be officially carried out there already at the beginning of the 19th century.

A huge number of breeds were bred in England, which can be divided into three categories:

  • shepherds;
  • hunting;
  • decorative.

Less common are service and guard dogs. Below is a detailed overview of the breeds whose homeland is England, with photographs and names. They are all very different, both in appearance and in character, but equally noble, intelligent, loyal and devoted.

Popular breeds from England

Among the huge number of English dog breeds, there are several of the most popular and widespread ones. They have firmly won the love of breeders all over the world. Most breeds bred in England are hunting breeds, and this is no coincidence. Since ancient times, the main occupation of the British was hunting, and hunting using driven and burrowing dogs. The list of English breeds includes charming small dogs and large, serious hunters and watchdogs.

Yorkshire Terrier

This small English breed was born in Yorkshire at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. She was the result of crossing the Waterside and Skye terriers, as well as the Cairo, Paisley and Clydesdale terriers. The Yorkshire breed has always been extremely popular in its homeland, but dogs entered Russia only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Yorkies have very miniature sizes (height about 20 cm, weight 2.5-3 kg), but they have a courageous and fearless character. Dogs are distinguished by incredible devotion to their owner, readiness to protect him in any situation. They are playful, intelligent and easy to train.

Learn more about small Yorkshire Terrier dogs.

English cocker spaniel

This is a typical English hunting breed, extremely sociable and inquisitive. Dogs are attached to their owner, cannot stand loneliness, get along well with any pets, and love children. They are easy to train, but you need to start training a puppy as early as possible.

The breed is known as the best hunter of game birds (ducks, hazel grouse, partridges). Due to their small size, they are ideal for apartment living as a family companion dog. Hunting instincts require daily jogging and walking, and physical activity.

Full characteristics of hunting dogs of English origin - English Cocker Spaniels.

Jack Russell Terrier

This lively and playful breed was born more than 200 years ago and is still considered the best burrowing dog used in hunting badgers and foxes. Despite its small size, the dog is incredibly strong, active, resilient and dexterous.

Needs increased physical activity and training. The breed is very lively and energetic, brave and fearless. Jack Russells are smart, but difficult to train due to their difficult, willful disposition.

We offer you to read a complete review of the Jack Russell Terrier dog breed.

Golden retriever

The breed was originally bred to hunt waterfowl. But recently the dogs have acquired the status of a family breed. Retrievers are very friendly and calm dogs, easy to train and loyal to their owner. They cannot stand rough treatment, loneliness or loud noises, they hardly bark, they adore children and are friends with any pets.

The dogs are balanced, kind, excellent companions and friends, perfect for apartment living.

Everything about raising and maintaining Golden Retriever dogs.

English Setter

It is rightfully considered one of the best pointing hunting breeds in the world, bred in the 19th century for gun duck hunting. Thanks to its unique sense of smell, it can accurately find and serve shot game to its owner.

The English Setter is distinguished by its intelligence and nobility, it is very friendly and affectionate, therefore it is not used as a guard. Loves children, is considered an ideal family dog, is easy to train, but requires good exercise and jogging.

Read the full article on the English Setter dog breed.


Brutal dogs. They have a massive head and a rather narrow pelvis. Brachycephalic dogs (short-faced, with a depressed nose and eyes). The circumference of the head is equal to the height of the dog at the withers.

Medium sized English Bulldog.

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Bitches are noticeably smaller than males. Height at the withers for males is 36-41 cm, and for females - 30-35 cm. Weight for males is 20-25 kg. Bitches are 4-5 kg ​​less.

The head is large, the muzzle is wide, slightly curved upward. The frontal part is flat. There are folds of skin around the head and on the forehead. A distinct hollow runs from the stop to the top of the skull.

The jaws are wide and massive.

The lower jaw protrudes forward. The fangs are widely spaced. Bite – snack. When viewed from the front, the lower and upper jaws are parallel.

The eyes are round in shape. The color is very dark. Located low and at a great distance from the ears.

High set ears. The inner edge of the ear is located on the top line of the skull. The ears are small and thin.

The best form option is “roses”.

Hanging on cartilage, curved towards the back. The external passage must be fully or partially open.

The nose is large and black. Located deep from eye level. The nostrils are wide. A small “groove” runs through the middle of the lobe.

The jaws (lips) are drooping and thick. Completely cover the lower jaw.

When the mouth is closed, no teeth should be visible.

The neck is medium in length. It should be in harmony with the size of the animal’s body and head.

The English Bulldog has a unique “collar”.

This is a double chin made from folds of skin hanging around the throat.

The chest is voluminous and deep.

It gives the dog a stocky appearance.

The ribs are convex. The stomach is slightly tucked.

The back is short and strong. It is very wide at the base of the neck, tapering towards the tail. The upper line of the back is peculiar. Immediately behind the withers there is a small hollow, then a slight rise to the lower back. Then again towards the base of the tail - a smooth decline. In this case, an “arch” is formed.

This is a structural feature characteristic of the English Bulldog breed (the “sail” back).

The tail is straight or corkscrew, short, set low. It is thick at the base, tapering towards the tip.

The limbs are short and muscular.

The forearms are well developed. Wide paw set. The elbows are located at a short distance from the body.

The hindquarters are strong and well muscled. They are longer than the front ones.

Therefore, the bulldog's loin is located slightly higher than the withers.

Medium sized paws. Fingers are compact and arched. The front legs are usually pointed forward. Hind legs - in size.

The gait is unusual for dogs.

The English Bulldog walks on its toes.

The steps are short but fast. The hind legs shuffle a little when walking.

The wool is silky in texture and pleasant to the touch. Smooth, fits tightly to the body.

The color is very varied.

Brindle, red, piebald, white and white-brindle. The color of the coat should be rich.

Black color is not acceptable.

Any deviations from the exterior standard are considered defects.

Sealyham Terrier

The Sealyham Terrier was bred to hunt badgers. Since the destruction of the latter is currently prohibited, the need for this breed has disappeared. Now they are kept exclusively as brave and courageous companions. A small pet can become a good friend and protector for a child. Terriers are sensitive to danger and will vocalize if they see a threat.

Despite their unique appearance, Sealyham Terriers are on the verge of extinction and may soon disappear


Before purchasing a puppy, consult with reliable breeders, read the literature, and visit a dog show. You should buy a purebred dog only from professional nurseries, and not on the market. When purchasing a puppy, consider the following indicators:

  • The puppy should have clean, shiny, good-smelling fur.
  • The chosen one must be active and have a good appetite.
  • Test your baby's hearing by dropping something loud and metallic nearby.
  • The eyes should be clean and shiny, the nose should be moist.
  • Be sure to read the issued pedigree; the documents reflect the varying degrees of parental relationship. Close kinship is not at all desirable.

The price of an English Shepherd depends on the eliteness of the line. If you are going to buy a dog to participate in exhibitions and various competitions, the cost with documents will be about $1,500. Although some “purebreds” can cost an “exorbitant” amount – $15,000.


Veterinarians advise giving pets super-premium or holistic food.

If your English Bulldog is on a natural diet, it is important not to overfeed him. The diet must be balanced. He is a lover of food.

This can result in obesity.

Experts recommend sticking to a protein diet. The amount of carbohydrates should be limited.

White bread and sweets are completely excluded.

An adult dog should receive 250 g of lean meat per day. And a puppy - 60 g of meat per kilogram of weight.

Care and maintenance

The English Bulldog has a very delicate coat that begins to shed early. From the first year of life, it will need to be combed regularly with a special comb. During this procedure, blood flows to the dog's skin, causing fur renewal to occur faster.

Advice! Dogs that are passive by nature, including the one in question, do not mind when the owner removes dead hair from their body with a vacuum cleaner.

In summer, these dogs often suffer from the heat. To improve their well-being, it is recommended to use a wet towel for drying. Take your ward in your arms and wipe him with moisture all over his body. His condition will improve immediately. You can do this several times a day. In winter, the dog practically does not freeze, but in severe frosts it is better to give her a blanket and offer to wrap herself in it.

Standard skincare tips:

  1. Wash your bulldog every day.
  2. Give him medications for fleas and helminths.
  3. Keep his nails trimmed.
  4. Clean his ears and teeth.

Such a dog is completely unsuited for street life. Yes, he, like any other four-legged human friend, needs walks in the fresh air. But he cannot constantly be exposed to rain, wind or scorching sun. The best option for a bulldog is to live in an apartment with its owner. We recommend giving him a noisy soft toy that he can clap from time to time to cheer him up.

It is necessary to carefully and daily wipe the folds on the bulldog's face

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

These small but massive pets periodically develop skin problems. The most common of them is dermatitis. Usually in this case, medicinal ointments help, having an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect on the skin. English Bulldogs also often suffer from cataracts or luxation of the eye lens.

In this case, they can only be helped under veterinary conditions. Well, the last ailment to which they are predisposed is food allergies. From improper feeding, dogs develop itchy skin and a feeling of nausea. In this case, they must be shown to a doctor.

The Queen's opinion: Britain's canine pride

English dog names for boys and girls

According to Queen Elizabeth II, the best British dogs are the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, also called the Royal Corgi. The monarch was fascinated by these dogs from early childhood, and after ascending the throne, she provided maintenance for more than 30 representatives of the breed.

The British Queen truly loved her restless pets

However, in 2015, Elizabeth decided not to get dogs. Being at an advanced age, she was worried that after her death the pets would be left without an owner. The Queen's last corgi died in 2022. She hasn't had any dogs since then.

These are the most interesting and beautiful breeds of British dogs that feel great in Russia and are ready to become faithful helpers and companions.

German Shepherd

The breed, renowned for its service in the police, military, security guards and as guides, is also increasingly prone to serious disabilities.

Their low, sloping back, large size, and passion for vigorous physical activity make them susceptible to serious complications. This dramatic result of what was an overall fine dog can be attributed to extreme aesthetic and utilitarian preferences - rather than a focus on health - throughout the breed's development.

German Shepherds used to be a slimmer, more canine and athletic breed bred for service. Over time, show standards created pressure for dogs to have a heavier build, with an extremely sloping back being a trait considered desirable for the further development of the breed.

With their great popularity came great costs in the form of sky-high levels of vulnerability to obesity and musculoskeletal diseases, especially the notorious hip dysplasia, arthritis and inappropriate aggression. German Shepherds have acquired an abnormally expanded shape and become larger. These results were published in the journal Canine Genetics and Epidemiology.

Hunting with a pointer

Pointers are highly specialized pointers, ideally working with their upper, long-range sense. This means that the dog detects and identifies the scent of potential prey, which travels through the air along with other field scents. Having discovered the object of pursuit, the dog must signal this to the owner by making a stance. The next stage of the hunt is to line up and lift the bird onto the wing, that is, the animal must get close to the feathered game and scare it away so that the person fires the most accurate shot.

An important nuance of hunting with an English pointer is being true to your instincts. It happens that the dog makes a mistake and makes a stand in the place where the bird was sitting (the location where the game was hiding earlier and from where it managed to fly away) or mistakes non-game birds for prey. In addition, the breed is characterized by a quick search, during which the dog explores the entire area of ​​the field.

To fully work with a pointer, it is necessary to practice the skill of shuttle running - when the pointer rushes ahead of the hunter, crossing his path by moving along parallel lines. In this case, the distance between each two such parallels should be at least 10 meters if the hunt takes place in flat terrain.

Formally, pointers are not focused on feeding shot birds, but in practice, some individuals are capable of doing this. Of course, the dog will have to be taught to enter the water and swim for prey, but if you approach the process competently, it will not take much time to develop the skill. The only difficulty is the breed’s heat-loving nature, due to which swimming in November ponds and swamps may not have the best effect on the dog’s health.

For your information: it is better to train young pointers on snipes, which have a habit of moving short distances. Among upland game, white partridge is suitable for the first training experiments.

In pursuit of wild trophies, one should not forget about the elitism of the breed’s image, which developed back in the 19th century.

Pointerists themselves call hunting with the descendants of Spanish braques “ballet” and focus not so much on the result, but on the aesthetics of the process. In this regard, attempts to retrain the pointer into a universal hunter with the makings of a hound cause a negative attitude from specialists. It is believed that this approach devalues ​​the breed, since the working characteristics of the pointers were formed over several centuries not to be changed due to the momentary desires of the owner

It is believed that this approach devalues ​​the breed, since the working characteristics of the pointers were developed over several centuries not to be changed due to the immediate desires of the owner.

As for the duration of the hunt, it can be different at the beginning and end of the season. If a pointer goes out into a field or forest after a long break, it does not yet have sufficient endurance, which means you can work with it no more than 3-4 hours a day. Moreover, if the Pointer is young enough, he needs to take 15-minute breaks during the entire period of work. By the end of the hunting season, the dog becomes stronger and is able to work longer, so the timing of trips for game can be increased to 4 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. It is also unacceptable to take your pet out hunting for more than three days in a row - during the season, even the most tireless dogs require a time-out of a couple of days.


These overweight dogs love to eat. But they should not be allowed to overeat. The worst consequence of food abuse is allergies. We recommend feeding your English Bulldog wet or dry food with healthy minerals. Thanks to this, you can be sure that he receives a supply of the necessary substances.

An English Bulldog puppy should eat differently. Firstly, he needs to eat meat, secondly, milk, and thirdly, fruits and vegetables. You can give:

  • Chicken.
  • Turkey.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Bananas and apples, etc.

The main thing is to never treat your pet to sweets or raw pork. He is also forbidden to eat bones, because they can injure his mucous membranes as they pass into the stomach.


Sheltie has a good-natured disposition and is perfect for those who have not yet owned dogs. Representatives of this breed do not have a strong tendency to dominate. Their coat requires grooming, but due to their small size it does not take much time. Sheltie weight is only 6–7 kg. These pets are very gentle towards children and forgive them even familiar treatment.

The Sheltie is a miniature copy of the Collie: the same long hair and similar color

Education and training

It is not easy to find an approach to a lazy and straightforward dog. He often refuses to obey, especially if he was offended by something the day before. Is it important to initially earn his trust? How to do this? Of course, with business. Dominant dogs are suppressed as early as childhood. Prove your superiority to her. Follow these tips:

  1. Take meat away from your baby bulldog while he is eating. Show him that he can eat food from you. This is the basic rule of earning a dog's respect.
  2. Teach him to walk on a leash by holding the leash firmly and close to you.
  3. Defend if attacked by a larger dog. This will show him your protection.

Do not allow your dog to relieve itself in the apartment. She should have her own litter box. At first, praise her for defecating in him, so that she correlates this action with the joy of the owner.

English Bulldogs are strong and powerful dogs.

An English Bulldog should not bully other pets or people in the house. If he does do this, lightly spank him on the head or back, cursing him. The animal must know the command “No”. Say it every time it does something forbidden.

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