TOP 10 dog breeds with black fur – names, photos and characteristics

Many of us love dogs because they are one of the best animal companions. Although they cannot speak our language, dogs are often a great source of love and care. We love them for their courage, devotion and high energy. Among the various breeds, there are dogs that always stand out due to their mystical black color.

This article describes 10 dog breeds that have black coats, but some of them can be found in other coat colors.


The Affenpinscher is one of the smallest dog breeds, originally from Germany. In addition to black coat color, the Affen is found in tan, silver, gray and red colors. This is an active, strong dog that is agile enough to catch rats and mice. The Affen has a monkey-like facial expression with long eyebrows and a beard, which gives it a comical appearance.

The Affenpinscher lives up to its name - "monkey pinscher" - both in appearance and in behavior. The Pinscher is always busy, inquisitive, cheeky and stubborn, but he is also playful and mischievous. He gets along quite well with other dogs and pets. This small dog is best suited for a family that loves fun and has a very good sense of humor.

Varieties of colors

Coat color is an important feature in determining the breed. When filling out documents for a pet, it is mandatory to indicate the color. This can be either a one-color solid version or two-color or three-color combinations.

The black dog is a truly mystical creature

Traditionally, there are four main colors - black, white, brown and red. The full coloring of a dog is made up of skin and hair color. The combination of main hair and undercoat is also important. In general terms, a dog's coat can be one color or multi-colored.

Interesting! It is not uncommon for a coat of one color to have a white patch in a specific location, most often on the chest, muzzle, neck, or tip of the tail.


The Barbet is a rare medium-sized dog breed native to France.
It has the characteristic beard that gives the breed its name, as well as a wiry coat that provides effective protection from cold and wet conditions. The accepted colors of the breed are black, chocolate, white, dark gray, pale fawn, but the most common are black or chocolate. The Barbet is described as a friendly, joyful, obedient and intelligent dog. This breed is a quick learner and needs ongoing obedience training. They are great with children, families and seniors. The Barbet is bonded with his family and prefers to always be in the same room with people. He needs daily exercise to stay healthy. Since it is a water dog breed, the Barbet loves water, and its coarse coat allows it to swim in any weather.


The hero of music videos and cult films of our time, this dog is known to many. Smooth shiny coat, famous pointed ears, stern eyes, clear movements and magnificent stately growth (males reach 72 centimeters at the withers) - all this is the Doberman dog breed. Originally bred as a guard dog, it is now used as a police and service dog.

The breed is stubborn in training, but after special canine courses it shows incredible mental abilities. There is an opinion that the Doberman is an aggressive breed, but any breed is aggressive if it is not raised correctly. Yes, an ordinary dog ​​breeder should not have such a dog, but in experienced hands, a Doberman can reveal all its potential. Conventionally, this is a breed of large black dogs, but not all Dobermans are black, often they are black and tan or brown and tan.


The Groenendael is a type of Belgian Shepherd. This medium-sized dog originated in Belgium, where it was used to herd flocks of sheep. The Groenendael later became a police dog, and today the breed's versatility makes it an excellent choice for many types of work and sports.

The Groenendael combines the versatility of a working dog with the gentleness of a family companion. Of all the characteristics of this breed, high energy is the most pronounced, which is why the dog needs constant physical activity. In addition, the Groenendael is a very smart dog, which needs to be given a variety of tasks so that it does not get bored. The breed is not suitable for people who work long hours and will not be able to exercise their dog during the day. The dog will feel great in a home with a fenced yard. This versatile dog has many great characteristics, but is probably not suitable for first-time owners. The Groenendael is a loving, loyal and energetic dog, but he can also be shy, sensitive, and strong-willed.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a large dog breed that has been highly prized in Italy for many years as a companion, guard dog and hunting dog.
This breed is easy to train. As a large and athletic dog, the Cane Corso needs a lot of exercise. In order for this dog to become a worthy member of society, it requires significant socialization and training from an early age. The Cane Corso is not very good at being entertained throughout the day and therefore requires a fenced yard for adequate exercise. These dogs are affectionate with their owners and bond closely with children and family. Corso requires a significant investment of time and owners who understand the breed.


The Mudi is a medium-sized herding dog native to Hungary. It has a wedge-shaped head, erect ears and a compact body. The muzzle and front legs are covered with short, smooth hair, while the rest of the coat is somewhat longer and very wavy. Mudi comes in a wide variety of colors.

It is a versatile dog that can hunt, kill rodents, and act as a capable herding dog. It is great for protecting your home and family. Mudi is an intelligent, energetic, active dog, very attached to its owner and family. She learns quickly, both good and bad. Moody can be distrustful of strangers and early socialization is recommended.

German dog

The Great Dane is a huge dog that can grow up to 90 kg. This German breed combines large size and strength with elegance. It is square and well balanced. His gait is strong and powerful, with long, light steps. These features are necessary for the dog to overtake, and then for a super-powerful and fast attack. Its coat is short, thick and glossy and comes in a variety of colors.

The Great Dane is a gentle, loving, calm and sensitive dog. He is generally good with children (although his friendly hugs may be harmful to a small child) and is usually friendly with other dogs and pets. This is a powerful but sensitive animal that is highly trainable. A properly raised Great Dane makes an excellent family companion.

Norwegian Black Elkhound

The Black Norwegian Elkhound is a typical Spitz dog breed, originally from Norway. It has a short compact body, dark eyes, erect ears and a curled tail. The breed is distinguished by its rich coat, glossy black in color. This is an all-weather hunting dog, and its coat can withstand the heavy autumn rain in Scandinavia and withstand cold weather, which is very important.

The Black Norwegian Elkhound is a very strong and resilient dog. He needs continuous physical exercise and mental stress. This is a wonderful hunting dog that loves to be in the forest. The Black Norwegian Elkhound does well with children and loves to play with them all day. However, he should not be raised harshly, as this may lead to overly aggressive behavior. Because this breed has a strong will, owners must understand the dog and learn to subdue it without being harsh. This is an excellent hunter, and will also entertain all family members with its activity and funny behavior.

How to choose a puppy that is completely black

French bulldog (black and blue): description of the breed

Once you have decided on the breed of your puppy, it is very important to purchase it from a professional breeder. It is advisable to visit the kennel on your own, to get acquainted with the conditions of keeping the dogs there and with the parents of the offspring. This way you can reliably understand what the black dog will become in the future when it grows up.

Not all puppies look like their parents at a tender age

Breeders must draw up a purchase and sale agreement and write down all the conditions there. You must also be provided with documents for the puppy. A metric indicating the breed, date of birth, gender and parents is a mandatory document.

Important! Puppies do not always look like their parents and adult representatives of the breed. The change of puppy coat occurs in dogs after a year. Therefore, determining the breed from a puppy is a very difficult task, and only experienced dog handlers can do it.

You need to be very conscious when choosing a dog breed and its color. Strangers are more wary of black dogs than light dogs. Something mystical, mysterious and at the same time noble is felt in this color.

When purchasing a puppy, it is worth remembering that it requires attention and care from the owner. It is love and proper training that determine what a baby will become when he grows up.

Portuguese water dog

The Portuguese Water Dog is a robust, medium-sized dog bred in Portugal.
This is a strong and muscular animal, capable of performing tasks both in water and on land. This dog has thick fur that repels water. The Water Dog's expression is steady, insightful and attentive, reflecting his energy. The Portuguese Water Dog is an obedient and intelligent dog that happily and readily follows any instructions from its owner. He has an energetic, courageous and independent character, and is resistant to fatigue. The breed is characterized by excellent eyesight and excellent taste.


The Great Canadian breed has a fluffy and curly black coat that tolerates regular exposure to water. Large dogs grow up to 70 centimeters at the withers, are endowed with a gentle character, and are used as rescue dogs, guards and sometimes hunters.

The ancestors of the breed were Viking dogs, hence their good health, lack of fear of cold water, and also hunting instincts. It is interesting that it is difficult to imagine a modern Newfoundland in a fight with a bear, but this is exactly the type of hunting that was practiced with this breed. Now the breed has become a real favorite of large families, because a well-mannered representative of the breed is also a nanny for older children, capable of not only monitoring the child’s movement in the permitted territory, but also dragging him by the collar when trying to escape.

The breed is phlegmatic by temperament, which contributes to the formation of excess weight. To improve the health of this big guy, it is recommended to regularly take the dog for long walks and teach him to play active games from childhood.

Swedish Lapphund

The Swedish Lapphund is a breed of Spitz-shaped dog originally from Sweden. His body is slightly smaller than average. It has a proud expression and a black coat that is resistant to harsh weather conditions.

The breed is very receptive to training and is willing to work hard. Like all Spitz dogs, he needs to be given regular mental and physical exercise. As a working dog, the Lapphund demonstrates its versatility in a variety of areas. The Swedish Lapphund is a playful, energetic and affectionate dog that gets along well with children. He is also very friendly with other pets.


The large dog, up to 70 centimeters tall at the withers, is so huge and wide that it instills fear in strangers just by its appearance. The homeland of this black big guy is Germany, where the breed has been used for a long time as a cattle drive with guard functions. Gradually, the role of the guard began to prevail, and the dog became aggressive and ferocious. Now Rottweilers are still used to guard private houses, but they still try to cull aggressive dogs.

In crowded places, this short-haired black beauty behaves warily even after completing a course of special canine training, so owners are advised not to neglect wearing a muzzle on their pet. Even if this measure is preventive, it will allow those around you to feel less tense around such a huge dog, and you will be sure that even in an unforeseen situation the dog will not harm anyone.

In everyday life, a well-mannered Rottweiler is very affectionate, he becomes strongly attached to his owner and is ready to protect all entrusted family members, as well as participate in all household chores, not at all embarrassed by his size - watch TV and he is with you, everything is in the kitchen and he needs it, even if do not beg, then be with your family.

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