Miniature Australian Shepherd: description of the breed, character, photo

History of the Australian Shepherd breed

Despite the fact that more than half a century has been devoted to the study of the Australian Shepherd, experts have still not reached a consensus on its origin. It is believed that the breed was developed in the USA, but the history of the appearance of Aussies still goes back to Australia and is associated with the name of Eliza Forlong, the founder of Merino breeding and the production of high-quality wool on the southern continent.

Australian Shepherd

In the thirties of the 19th century, she and her family settled near Campbell Town, a small town in the east of Tasmania (Australia), where she emigrated from Scotland with her husband and two sons. Here the family founded the Winton farm, where they began to raise sheep purchased in Germany and brought with them. Josef Pabts was hired as a caretaker of the flocks, who followed the Forlongs along with their herding dogs - Tigers, which are now called old German shepherds. This is a confirmed version of how the ancestors of the Aussies ended up in the “Upside Down Country”.

According to another theory, the ancestor of the shepherd is the Australian coolie, which is most similar to the modern Aussie. Farmers and breeders attempted to breed the ideal four-legged shepherd by crossing the Australian Kelpie and the Cattle Dog. In addition, Tigers and Border Collies took part in the creation of the breed. As a result of selection that exceeded all expectations, the ideal shepherd dog was obtained. The animal had strength and endurance, and was able to independently assess the situation during its work and make decisions without waiting for instructions from the owner. One of the important positive qualities of the Aussie was the lack of aggression towards livestock.

At the end of the 19th century, the intensive development of the American wool market began. The main emphasis was on Australian sheep, which were brought by ships from Australia. Along with them, they also brought a herding breed of dog, which amazed local cattle breeders with its abilities. These gifted animals quickly gained popularity in the western states, where sheep breeding was most developed.

America is the birthplace of the Australian Shepherd. The first officially registered breeder is considered to be Juanita Eli, who exported Merino sheep from Australia. Along with one batch of sheep, a shepherd arrived with a bluish dog. This was the first Australian Cattle Dog purchased by Juanita Ely, who made a huge contribution to the further development of the breed.

Aussie puppy

Australian Shepherds owe their increase in popularity among the population to Jay Sisler, a rancher in Idaho. The man was an avid participant in rodeo competitions. Usually there were shows in between. Jay Sisler entertained the crowd with performances featuring his Australian shepherds Queenie, Stubby and Shorty, which won the admiration of audiences not only in the United States but also in Canada. The Walt Disney Company invited furry artists to participate in the filming of two films. All this greatly contributed to the popularization of the Aussie breed, since many wanted to get such a smart and cute four-legged friend.

The history of the development of the breed is also connected with three generations of American farmers - the Hartnagles. While breeding sheep, they also looked for a suitable assistant among herding dogs. Their choice fell on the Australian Shepherd, which impressed with its working qualities. By the way, two puppies – Badger and Goody, purchased from Juanita Eli – were “nephews” of Queenie, Jay Sisler’s famous dog. Goody gave rise to such famous lines as Wood and Flintridge. The Hartnagles rank alongside Juanita Ely and Jay Sisler on the list of famous Australian Shepherd breeders.

Australian Shepherds finally acquired their current appearance relatively recently - in the first half of the 20th century. In 1957, a shepherd named Panda appeared on the list of the National Herding Dog Registry with official rights. This was the first significant recognition of the Aussie as an independent breed. In 1962, the American Australian Shepherd Club was registered, although in fact it existed five years earlier. In 1970, the first nurseries were organized - Maywood and Las Rocosa, and soon their number reached twenty-six. The breed standard was first registered only in 1977. According to the official version, which has been repeatedly questioned by experts, the Australian Shepherd was bred as a result of crossing the Pyrenean Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dog and Collie.

Australian Shepherd is black in color with black and tan markings.

Aussie merle color

Aussie appearance

Australian Shepherd herding sheep

The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized breed with gender differences in the size of individuals. The height of males ranges from 52-58 cm, in females it usually does not exceed 46-53 cm. The weight of the dog can vary from 18 to 30 kg.

The body is somewhat elongated in length, but the overall dimensions remain balanced, so that the dog does not look squat. In comparison with males, females look more elegant and graceful, but without a hint of fine bones.

Head and skull

The head is quite large, but at the same time it seems neat and light. Proportional to the body, with a slight rounding of the skull. The forehead is slightly rounded or flat. In the occipital region, the presence of a small tubercle is acceptable. The curve separating the forehead and nose is quite well defined. The line of the cranial vault is parallel to the bridge of the nose.


The Aussie's tapered muzzle tapers from the base to the bridge of the nose. Length – average, corresponding to the length of the posterior cranial part (or slightly shorter). The nose is pigmented depending on the base color. Black color is found in merle blue and black dogs, brown – in merle red and red dogs. At the same time, the marbled base color allows for small inclusions of pink color, provided that their total area does not exceed 25% of the entire nose in dogs one year and older.

Australian Shepherd puppy with blue eyes


The ears are of medium length and have a triangular shape with slightly rounded tips. Most often, a high location is noted (but not too far), but a lateral position is also acceptable, provided the following condition is met: the tip of the ear is “broken” and looks forward. The ears are semi-erect and raised when alert. Prick ears or completely drooping ears are considered a serious fault. They don't stop.


The Aussie's gaze is very expressive and intelligent. They will carefully examine the stranger, but a certain wariness in their gaze is almost always accompanied by friendliness. The eyes have an almond-shaped cut, set moderately obliquely, not too deep, but not bulging either. There are different colors of the iris: amber, blue, greenish, brown. There may be some marbling in its color interspersed with various colors. There are even individuals with different eye colors, which is not a disqualifying fault. Black and merle-colored dogs usually have black rims around their eyes. Reds and marbled reds have a brown edging.

Jaws and teeth

I want to play

Aussies have strong jaws and a scissor bite (a pincer bite is also acceptable). Overshot and underbite of more than 3 mm are considered disqualifying faults. The teeth are strong, white, and presented as a complete set. The complete formula has 42 teeth, of which 20 are located on the upper jaw, and 22 on the lower jaw. All teeth must be present, but the absence of some due to injury will not be punished by a reduction in the score at exhibitions.


The Australian Shepherd's neck is of moderate length and has a slight bend at the nape. Strong, muscular, well set on the shoulders.


A strong body has developed muscles. The back is wide, in a natural dog stance it has a straight top line from the withers to the pelvis, continuing further into a slightly sloping croup. The front part of the body is equal in width to the back. The moderately deep chest has a pronounced relief. Its lowest point reaches the level of the elbow joint. The long ribs have a regular oval shape. The belly is tucked in, with a moderate curve from the chest to the groin.


Puppy with a short tail

The Australian Shepherd has three possible tail lengths: long, naturally short up to 10 cm long (when the puppy is born with an already short tail) and docked. When docking the tail (unless prohibited by the laws of the country) of an adult, it should also not exceed 10 cm.


The flat shoulder blades of the Aussie are distinguished by their close location to the withers. Their tilt angle is 45 degrees. The humerus corresponds in length to the scapula and is located at right angles to its axis. Strong paws are more reminiscent of an oval in cross-section than a circle. The elbow joint occupies a mid-position between the ground and the withers of the animal. The forearms are positioned perpendicular to the surface on which the dog is moving. The pasterns are of medium length and slightly inclined. The fifth (dewclaw) toes are removed at the owner's request. Oval feet end in curved and compactly gathered toes. The paw pads are elastic and have thick skin.

Hind limbs

The angle between the femur and the axis of the pelvis forms a perpendicular. The knee joints are clearly defined, and in the hock area the limbs are moderately curved. When looking at an Australian Shepherd from behind, its shins will be perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. They turn into short metatarsals. Normally, the posterior dewclaws are absent. Oval feet are compact, have curved toes that end in thick, elastic pads.

Movement style

Two handsome men

Aussie movements are smooth; characterized by speed, lightness and freedom. Despite her swing, her stride is well balanced. Both pairs of limbs move parallel to the central axis of the body. The dog's paws move closer to the projection of its center of gravity when the animal accelerates its pace. The line of the back remains straight while running. The Australian Shepherd, which has extraordinary agility, has the ability to quickly change direction and manner of movement.


The Australian Shepherd's coat is coarse, of medium length and of moderate density. Can be straight or slightly wavy. The coat consists of a longer outer coat and a short soft undercoat, which is completely replaced twice a year. Its density is directly dependent on climate conditions: the cooler it is, the higher the density of the undercoat. During the periods between changes of undercoat, moderate shedding is observed.

The head, ears, forelimbs, and areas under the hocks are covered with short, smooth hair. On the back surfaces of the forelimbs and on the buttocks, the hair forms so-called feathers - longer in the area of ​​the hind limbs. Shepherd dogs have a moderately developed mane and collar, which are more pronounced in males.


Despite the fact that among Australian Shepherds there are individuals with a variety of colors, and the breed itself is famous for its uniqueness, only four types of color are recognized as the official standard: black, marbled blue (Aussie is most often associated with it), red and marbled red.
In all cases, the presence of white areas is acceptable, but without excess. Please note that the eyes should be framed by color. As they get older, the fur darkens a little. There are also sable, graphite, golden and brindle colors, but they are not officially recognized.

Rock defects

Almost any deviations from the above standard can be considered rock defects. The most serious and common shortcomings include:

  • hanging or fully erect ears;
  • atypical coat.

Disqualifying faults are:

  • behavioral deviations manifested by timidity or excessive aggression;
  • deviations in the bite in the form of underbite or overbite of more than 3 mm (non-closure of the incisors due to their shortness is not regarded as malocclusion);
  • incomplete dental formula (their loss as a result of injury is not taken into account);
  • white points on the back in the space between the base of the tail and the withers, as well as on the lateral surfaces between the limbs;
  • undescended testicles into the scrotum (cryptorchidism).

Character and habits

The Aussies have not lost their herding and guarding skills. Even if kept in an apartment, the pet will closely monitor whether anyone has strayed from the “herd”.

The independence and intelligence that Australian farmers sought adds headaches to the owner: the dog, seeing the owner open the gate, can repeat the same actions and go for a walk.

Unconditional devotion and love for the owner also has a downside: these dogs do not tolerate loneliness well and require a lot of attention. . The irrepressible energy and inexhaustible hard work of Australian Shepherds require reward with the kind words of the owner, which for Aussies is the best reward.

Character Traits of Boys and Girls

  • ♂︎ Male Aussies are jealous of protecting the borders of “their” territory and are prone to fighting for leadership.
  • ♀︎ Girls are softer and more prone to compromise. They will not get into a quarrel again.

But, according to reviews from breeders, boys are honest and straightforward, while girls are prone to cunning and tricks.


Aussies are friendly and do not like quarrels. If family members are arguing, the Australian Shepherd will run from one to the other, trying to sort things out. The dog's reserves of good mood are enough for the whole family. She is attentive, responsible, and has a keen sense of mood.

An Aussie will not show aggression towards strangers coming into the house, only wariness . But after getting to know each other, the dog will treat family friends as “one of their own.”

The herding nature of the Australian Shepherd excludes aggression towards animals. Dogs, cats, hamsters, parrots - all pets are regarded as family members. Aussies will not only not harm other animals, but will also look after them.

The attitude towards unfamiliar animals is even. The Australian Shepherd will not provoke quarrels or get involved in fights while walking. It’s another matter if a stranger encroaches on the protected territory. The attitude immediately changes: the shepherd dogs treat “their own” with reverence.

Attitude towards children

Children are an Aussie's weakness. The shepherd can spend as much time as he wants with them, not paying attention to the inconvenience of squeezing and hugging. The Aussie feels great as a nanny . A responsible dog can look after children for several hours without being distracted by other matters, protecting them from danger.

It is still not recommended to leave small children alone with the dog - the activity of the Aussie can lead to random jolts, and the usual shepherd's "pinch" can cause pain and leave marks for those who are especially restless. But teenagers can't find a better companion to spend time with.



Security qualities

The guard qualities of the Aussie are excellent. The dog will definitely warn about the approach of a stranger with a ringing bark . And an invasion of a protected area is unlikely to end well for the intruder - if necessary, the shepherd will demonstrate muscle strength and jaw strength.

It is natural for an Aussie to protect its owner and his family. Without a reason, a dog does not show aggression towards people or animals. But, feeling a threat to the owner, he will immediately come to the defense. It won't be good for either your relatives or people.

Poll: What's your Aussie personality like?

It is a well-known fact that each dog is individual; much depends on heredity, temperament, upbringing, care and other factors. We have prepared a short survey for Australian owners to get to know these dogs better.

Attachment to the owner

Independent, can play, but in general, likes to spend time without me.


Neutral, calmly remains alone while I am busy and always enjoys spending time together.


She follows me like a tail and suffers a lot when I leave her alone even for an hour.


Voted: 13

Protective and security qualities

He protects both me and his territory.


It may begin to bark when strangers approach, but this is where the protection ends.


Safety and security is not about us.


Voted: 19


A hurricane of feelings and emotions, it seems to me that the dog never gets tired.


There is a switch that turns on mostly when going for a walk in “tornado” mode and turns off when you get home.


Regularity and calmness are about us.


Voted: 18

Photo of an adult Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd personality

Cheerful, affectionate, quick-witted and agile - this is how you can describe any Australian Shepherd. By the way, this is one of the few breeds whose representatives, in a good mood, can “smile” with all 42 teeth and wag their butts at the same time. By nature, they are born shepherds, who are called upon to monitor the herd and return stray animals in time. This trait can also be noticed when walking with your pet: he will constantly make sure that no one lags behind the company and gather everyone together. Despite the constant desire to follow the owner’s commands, the dog in an emergency situation can make independent decisions.

Marble blue Aussie puppy

Aussies are very friendly and easily get along with both their relatives during walks and with other domestic animals - be it a cat or a hamster, a cow or a domestic goose. It seems that the words from the famous song: “He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, doesn’t rush at passers-by” were written about the Aussie. The dog behaves well at shows among barking brothers, on the street and at home. The Australian Shepherd is never the first to bully, but in case of unfriendly behavior of relatives, as well as in case of a threat to the owner or family members, he will always be able to give a worthy rebuff. For this, the animal has everything: developed muscles and strong teeth.

Aussie simply adores children and will become a tireless companion for them during outdoor games. The dog will be happy to accompany its owner while jogging or cycling, and will take an active part in various competitions or hiking trips. Representatives of this breed find it unbearable to sit all day in a confined space. They simply need physical activity to maintain muscle mass, good health and mood.

basic information

  • Breed name:
    Miniature American Shepherd
  • Official name:
    Miniature American Shepherd
  • Country:
  • Year:
    Late 1960s
  • Maintenance in the apartment:
    only if there is a physical person. loads
  • Life expectancy:
    13 to 15 years
  • Height of males:
    about 36 cm
  • Bitches height:
    from 33 to 43 cm
  • Male weight:
    from 9 to 14 kg
  • Weight of bitches:
    from 8 to 12 kg
  • Owner experience:
    suitable for beginners
  • Categories:
    active, for children, for beginners, long-lived, small, independent, herding, watchdog, quiet, smart

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The Miniature American Shepherd is a breed of herding dog of medium height and strong build with a soft, medium-length coat. The ancestors of the Miniature Australian Shepherd, as it is also called, are Australian Shepherds, from which it inherited a pronounced herding instinct and corresponding skills. It is worth noting that in this matter it is not inferior to its larger brothers. In addition, miniature Australian Shepherds have proven themselves in many types of canine sports.

Education and training

Being naturally born guards, Aussies can, if not properly raised, sometimes show excessive aggression when defending their territory. This point needs to be given special attention. Since Australian Shepherds are very friendly by nature, aggression, as well as cowardice, are behavioral deviations.

Mistress, we are listening to you carefully

From the very first days of the puppy’s arrival in the house, it is necessary to explain to him the basic rules of behavior and to allocate a territory, which will help the baby quickly adapt to the new place. It is important that the dog knows who its owner is. Otherwise, the animal will strive to take a dominant position in the house.

The Australian Shepherd is very smart and talented, easy to train and easy to train. It is believed that she is able to carry out commands after 30-40 repetitions. Of course, you should start at home from the first days the puppy is born, learning simple commands that will ensure his safety during walks: “Ugh!”, “Near!”, “Come to me!” Motivating your pet is an important point in training, so always reward your baby when he follows commands correctly. Aussies are gourmands, so you don’t have to think long about how best to do this.

After completing basic commands at home, you should move on to outdoor exercises in order to learn new ones and consolidate acquired skills in the presence of distractions. It should be remembered that before starting training, it is recommended to let the dog take a short walk and do all its “business”, so that nothing subsequently distracts the animal. An incentive-motivational approach should become a fundamental method in learning commands. You should not be rude to your pet or punish him: this can make the dog timid and fearful. The help of a canine instructor allows you to quickly consolidate the course of general training. Often, an Australian Shepherd can get away with just a few activities.

Everyone has bad shots...

Got it!

How to properly raise and train a dog

Miniature Shepherd puppies are easy to raise, train and train. They are naturally inquisitive and have a sharp mind, which is why most breeders do not have problems with keeping them.

Animal training must be approached in a demanding, but at the same time gentle, manner, maintaining consistency and repetition. Animals of this breed cannot be trained using harsh and demanding commands. After the training session, you should reward your pet with a treat.

By their nature, they are sporting animals that are endowed with good inclinations. Primarily due to their light weight and size, they have the ability to quickly pick up speed and jump high. In addition, they are extremely durable.

The most suitable sports disciplines for shepherds are:

  • freestyle,
  • agility,
  • dog-puller,
  • Frisbee dog.

Care and maintenance

The Australian Shepherd is not a dog that likes to lie quietly on the couch. Being very active animals, Aussies need long walks - at least 2-3 hours a day. In the summer heat, it is better to reduce them or use cooler times of the day for this - morning and evening. Of course, if you have a country house, this is not a problem: the shepherd dog itself will find something to do with itself on the site. Owners of a city apartment, however, will have to devote a significant part of their time to the dog, walking the pet. Aussies enjoy running after a stick, a ball, plastic discs, or along an obstacle course.

Who is our fashionable boy here?

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about training your dog while walking: the Australian Shepherd will happily follow the owner’s commands. During such activities, monitor your pet's behavior. A workaholic by nature, the Australian is ready to work until he literally collapses from fatigue, which, of course, is undesirable.

When keeping an Australian Shepherd in an apartment, it is necessary to provide it with a separate place away from drafts and heating devices, equipping it with a bed. The dog must realize that this is its territory. Buy your pet a few toys that he can enjoy playing with. Place a drinking bowl nearby and make sure there is always clean water in it. The room in which the dog is kept must be ventilated periodically. The air must be fresh and sufficiently humid, otherwise the coat will constantly shed.

Aussies feel great in a city apartment, provided that they walk with them for a long time and play active games. If you lock an animal in an apartment, it may develop behavioral problems in the form of moping, barking for no reason or howling, and unspent energy will result in chewed shoes and furniture. In a private home, the pet can be kept in an enclosure, but this is undesirable, since the Aussie needs the attention of the owner and constant communication with him. Otherwise, you can end up with an aggressive or, conversely, timid animal. It is strictly not recommended to keep representatives of this breed on a chain.

Australian Shepherd with short tail

The Australian Shepherd has semi-long hair with a thick undercoat and needs brushing 2-3 times a week, and daily during the shedding period. In the absence of this procedure, the development of dermatitis, the formation of tangles or the appearance of skin parasites is possible. It is best to comb the wool with a metal brush with large, sparse teeth and a slicker brush or a special furminator. It is recommended to bathe your dog no more than once every two months, using special pet shampoos.

A dog's nails wear down naturally, but if he often walks on grass or soft ground, this does not happen. So, using a special nail cutter, they are trimmed twice a month, because long nails negatively affect the gait and cause discomfort in the paws. In this case, one must try not to damage the pulp, which contains the nerve and blood vessels. If this happens, you should treat the wound with an antiseptic solution or iodine.

Aussie puppy one month old

It is also necessary to monitor the health of your Aussie's teeth using special tools and devices - brushes, pastes, artificial bones to remove plaque. In advanced cases, you may need a scaler - a dental spatula to remove stones. Before and after the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the instrument and oral cavity using a solution of peroxide or furatsilin.

One of the conditions for properly keeping a pet is rubbing the eyes using special medical solutions, regular tea leaves or chamomile decoction. The dog's ears need to be wiped 1-2 times a week, using ear swabs and cotton pads. To remove excess wax, you can drop a 3% peroxide solution into the ear canal and then let your pet shake his head to his heart's content. Decoctions of various herbs are used to wipe the ears with cotton pads.

Aussies are very unpretentious eaters. They can be fed both natural food and various feeds. For an adult pet, porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) and meat (chicken, turkey, beef and lean fish) are suitable. It is advisable to add cottage cheese mixed with kefir, as well as quail eggs, to the puppy’s diet. If milk is needed, start with small quantities. Australian Shepherds happily eat both raw and cooked vegetables and fruits: apples, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips. In winter, the Australian Shepherd's diet must be enriched with plant and animal fats, which will allow it to better withstand the cold.

Aussie muzzle

If you decide to use dry food, you should choose premium products. Try to buy one that contains less protein.

It is strictly forbidden to give your dog the following foods:

  • raw eggs (except quail);
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee;
  • fried food and “food from the table”;
  • small tubular bones;
  • fruits with seeds;
  • raw river fish;
  • candies and chocolate;
  • raw meat and bones;
  • mushrooms and nuts;
  • fat meat;
  • citrus.

How to care for your pet

The tail can be docked
Caring for a mini Australian Shepherd is not that difficult. As with other long-haired pets (such as Spitz), careful brushing is required. To do this, it is preferable to use a brush with stiff bristles.

Important! It is not necessary to bathe mini shepherds often. Moreover, this should not be done unnecessarily.

Mini Shepherds lose their undercoat 2 times a year. When seasonal shedding occurs, you need to brush the animal more often. This will shorten the duration of this period and prevent hair from spreading throughout the house.

Australian Shepherd Health and Diseases

With proper care, proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity, Aussies are in good health. To prevent diseases such as rabies, canine distemper, Lyme disease and others, it is necessary to carry out vaccinations in a timely manner according to the vaccination schedule.

Like many herding breeds, Australian Shepherds are at risk of developing juvenile cataracts. Among the most common diseases inherent in this breed are:

  • autoimmune diseases (thyroiditis, allergies);
  • hip dysplasia;
  • optic nerve dystrophy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • demodicosis

Individuals of the merle color are predisposed to problems with the organs of vision and hearing. This is due to a recessive gene responsible for merle coloring, hearing and vision. In an effort to avoid such a genetic combination and a manifold increase in the risk of developing the diseases mentioned above (up to complete deafness and blindness), the crossing of two merle-colored dogs is prohibited.

Varieties of colors

The following colors are allowed by the standard:

  • Black.
  • Blue Merle (blue merle).
  • Red.
  • Red Mer (red marble).

How to choose a puppy

Before purchasing an Australian Shepherd puppy, visit exhibitions of this breed, talk with the owners to decide whether such a dog is suitable for you in terms of temperament and activity. If you have made a final decision, it is advisable to visit several nurseries. Once you have decided on a breeder, find out what examinations were carried out on the dog and the bitch. A conclusion is required about the absence of pathology of the visual organs (retinal atrophy, cataracts) and the musculoskeletal system (dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints).

Only after this do you start choosing your future pet. A healthy, stuffed-toy puppy will be curious without being shy. Clean wool should not have tangles or bald spots. Examine the abdomen (there should be no rashes on the skin), make sure there are no hernial protrusions. The nose should be moist and cool. Give the puppy a walk to make sure there are no club feet. If you are satisfied with everything, all that remains is to agree on the price.

Photos of Australian Shepherd puppies

How much does an Australian Shepherd cost?

The Australian Shepherd is quite rare in Russia: only about fifty individuals are registered. The parents of almost all of these dogs are representatives of the champions of the breed, with exceptional working qualities. If you decide to purchase such an Aussie puppy from a nursery, be prepared for the fact that it will not be cheap – from 60 to 85 thousand rubles. However, if you are not going to take part in exhibitions or breed dogs, then you can save on your purchase by purchasing a puppy with disqualifying defects (usually this concerns color). In any case, you will get a cute and smart four-legged friend.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Australian Shepherd is not for everyone who is impressed by its beauty and pleasant personality traits.

The advantages include beauty, activity, cheerful disposition, efficiency, lack of aggression, ability to train .

The disadvantages include an increased need for movement , which is not suitable for homebodies and those who are constantly busy at work. It is also not suitable for unbalanced people, as it does not tolerate shouting and rough treatment.

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