How to diaper your Yorkie at 2, 3 or 4 months

Photo: A new four-legged friend is not only a joy, but also a huge responsibility. Problems especially begin when an adorable puppy leaves not-so-cute puddles all over the apartment. With cats, this issue is solved with a tray, but what to do with a dog? The same! You just need to accustom the puppy to the diaper so that he does not follow all the rooms. We'll tell you how!

What not to do during toilet training

Walking with a Yorkshire Terrier
You should not expect that the baby will understand what is required of him from the first attempts. A fully successful training result should not be expected until months later. The owner must be consistent and adamant in achieving the goal; encouragement and treats will help consolidate the result.

It is unacceptable to poke the puppy's muzzle into the wrong place where he relieved himself.
It is useless to punish the dog and wait for the correct perception; rather, the baby will be afraid in the future, trying to hide traces of the “crime”. You cannot scold a puppy, much less beat him if he has gone in the wrong place - until he is six months old, he does not know how to tolerate it. And the dog will not associate its mistake with the owner’s dissatisfaction if the puddle is discovered after some time. The owner must be persistent in training, but always remain friendly. Attention! Puppies up to 4 months of age have an accelerated metabolism, so they defecate every 2 hours.

Choosing a toilet

First of all, it is important to prepare the room for the arrival of the puppy. For the first time, it is recommended to remove not only carpeting, but also small expensive items from the floor. Yorkies are active at a young age and can accidentally damage interior elements.

Future owners should determine in advance where the dog will go to the toilet.

Should your Yorkie go to the toilet outside or in the litter box?


On the one hand, it can be trained to correct its needs in an apartment, on the other hand, like other animals, it is important for a Yorkie to mark its territory on the street and show its presence. This rule especially applies to boys.

This is interesting: How to create a diet for a Yorkie?

If the owner of a Yorkie has definitely decided that he is ready to take his pet outside several times a day in any weather conditions, then organizing a home toilet is not necessary. For mini breeds, it is worth considering the option of walking in an apartment.

Recommendations for arranging a place for bowel movements:

  1. The diaper or tray should not be placed on the walkway part of the apartment.
  2. The place must be accessible to the dog.

Many people place a litter box or diaper area where their Yorkie sleeps. This is acceptable, since in the first months of his life he does not know how to endure and pees as soon as he wakes up. But usually the toilet for a Yorkie puppy is organized where the dog himself wants.

This is interesting: The most common mistakes in the process of accustoming to a diaper

Toilet for a small dog - tray, newspaper, diaper

A cat litter box is not suitable for a home toilet; it is too large for a baby. If the pet cannot overcome this barrier, the conclusion is obvious - he will relieve himself in places more convenient for this.

The tray should be made of high-quality material and equipped with a grid on the bottom to protect the baby’s paws from contamination. The container is selected with low sides, and either a disposable diaper or a napkin (newspaper) is placed on its bottom. For male Yorkshire Terriers, trays with posts are sold so that they can mark their territory.

Tray with a post for a dog

Since Yorkshire Terriers do not tolerate dirt, they will not go to dirty places. Pet stores sell disposable diapers, the top layer of which remains dry. It is not prohibited to purchase diapers for children in regular pharmacies. The main thing is that it is unacceptable to use wet rags.

Selecting and preparing a place

The issue of organizing a toilet space must be approached in advance, even before purchasing a puppy. It is best to form a small enclosure where the dog will spend most of his time. You should also put a bowl of water there and put toys for your pet. There should be a special diaper nearby where the baby should relieve himself.

If the puppy moves throughout the apartment, then the place for the toilet should be in the corridor (bathroom or restroom), i.e. where there are no drafts and direct sunlight. Most importantly, your Yorkie must have constant access to the toilet, and the door to the room chosen for the litter box/diaper must not be closed.

Toilet training outdoors

In order for the dog to get used to relieving himself outside the house, it is necessary to go outside with the puppy 5-6 times a day, immediately after feeding him and after sleep. The walk begins with walking or light jogging. You cannot start any games, much less go home with the puppy, until the goal is achieved. The puppy must understand why he is taken for walks in the first place.

At the initial stage, it is normal if the dog, after walking, sometimes continues to do things at home. After all, it will take the pet some time to understand that its relatives are doing everything on the street and to follow their example. Regular walks will help your puppy realize that it is more convenient for him to defecate outside.

When to diaper your dog

A very tiny puppy needs to be trained, because for them it is not a whim of the owners, but a necessity. Veterinarians do not recommend active street walks for unvaccinated children. And it is the diaper that becomes the salvation. And for small breeds it will be quite suitable in the future!


How to train a kitten to use a litter box in an apartment: quickly and easily

Methods for training a Yorkshire Terrier to use a diaper or litter box

Before accustoming your Yorkie to a diaper, you need to remove all carpets (rugs, floorings) from the room. If the pet goes on the carpet even once, the smell cannot be eliminated and the dog will again and again use the wrong place for his own purposes. Hard-to-clean areas behind the sofa, under the bed and others should be “barricaded”, fenced off, they should not become places for the puppy’s needs.

Pet training begins without delay, since a Yorkie can be accustomed to a diaper as early as 2 months. Even at this age, the terrier begins to understand where it is permissible to go and where it is prohibited.

To begin place training, you need to limit the puppy’s movements around the house by fencing off a certain area of ​​3-4 square meters. Moreover, this territory will guarantee the safety of such a little thing as a Yorkshire terrier puppy, who has a tendency to always get under one’s feet. A half-meter-high fence can be purchased in a store or made with your own hands. The pen should contain a sleeping mat, toys and a tray (diaper).

Yorkshire terrier puppy in the palm of your hand

Important! The use of an aviary is unacceptable. The pet will perceive everything located outside its territory as a street. As a result, he will relieve himself behind the enclosure on the territory of the apartment, and not in the tray.

It is possible to use 3 main methods on how to teach a Yorkie to wear a diaper. Within a quarter of an hour after eating or after sleep, the owner catches the moment when the pet begins to show signs and takes it to the tray (diaper). This requires repeated repetition for the puppy to learn the lesson. If the moment is missed, you need to wipe up the puddle and put a napkin in the tray to fix the smell in the right place.

The second method is based on locking the puppy in the “toilet” several times so that he has no other choice but to relieve himself in the litter box.

Another possible method is to cover the entire pen with newspapers that the puppy can walk on. The pet will initially choose only certain places (newspapers). Gradually, the covered area is reduced, removing newspaper after newspaper, and in the end what remains is the toilet area, which is the pet’s favorite area. The disadvantages of this method are that newspaper does not absorb odors well, so frequent cleaning is required.

After the Yorkie has done his business, it is important to praise him. The litter tray (diaper) area must be kept clean; this breed is very clean.

Yorkshire Terrier on a diaper

Installation and maintenance of the tray

The Yorkshire Terrier's toilet at home should be in a non-public place where the pet has 24-hour access. Usually it is placed in the bathroom or toilet. When choosing an item, pay attention to:

  • for the material - they use thick plastic, it is easy to wash, it is durable;
  • the height of the sides is comfortable for small breeds;
  • a nozzle on them - prevents the filler from spilling.

A cat litter box will also work. Puppies are first bought a product with low sides or taught to walk in a diaper. It is better to use fillers. They have advantages:

  • absorb moisture and odor;
  • prevent paws from getting dirty;
  • It is more comfortable for your pet to go to the litter tray several times.

The type is chosen according to personal preference. They speak well of silica gel and wood. It is changed as needed.

What to do if your Yorkshire Terrier doesn't like the litter box

A dog may refuse to do its business in the right place due to stubbornness, or also because the terrier does not like the litter tray:

  • The tray should not be placed in a place where it interferes with the free movement of household members.
  • The tray should be well lit and accessible to the dog at any time of the day.
  • Veterinarians consider a cat litter box unsuitable for a Yorkshire cat if it has sides that are too high for the puppy and therefore is perceived by him as a second bed.
  • You cannot use sand or pet litter as a tray filler; this creates additional dirt that is carried by the dog’s paws or hair.

Just crumbs

After a puppy appears in the house, the issue of placing a tray is especially acute. How to accustom a Yorkie puppy to a diaper from the first days of life? As a rule, at the beginning of training, the most successful place is considered to be near the sun lounger. The puppy is the first to explore its surroundings and quickly settles into a small radius. A tray in close proximity would be ideal.

Young puppies have a high need for sleep; they can spend a significant part of the day and night doing this activity. The bladder capacity is small, so going to the litter box after sleep is necessary without delay. In this case, a tray with a warm and dry diaper will be an excellent compromise between the needs of the animal and the cleanliness of the house.

How to teach a puppy to pee on the diaper when the house is big? If a Yorkie lives with its owners in a large house, then it is necessary to place several trays in places where it is most frequently visited.

Common mistakes to avoid

Like all children, puppies are often physiologically unable to endure and run to the allotted place. As your pet grows, it is necessary to place newspapers in several places in the apartment so that he can use them if he does not have time to get to the tray.

It is strictly forbidden to take a small terrier outside until the end of quarantine. Usually this is the age of the dog 3-3.5 months, but it is better to discuss this issue with your veterinarian.

Walks must be done on a leash to avoid unpleasant incidents. In cold seasons, the baby needs to be dressed warmly, after walks the paws should be checked for damage, washed with warm water and dried with a towel.

Reference! No dog will relieve itself where it eats. It is enough to move your pet’s bowl to a forbidden place so that he stops going there.

It is very important to accustom your puppy to order in a timely manner. When purchasing a baby, you should pay attention to its parents and the breeder’s living conditions. If the mother was clean, as a rule, the litter will be easily accustomed to the rules.

Changing diapers, places

How to train a dog to go to the toilet in a diaper when there is no time to go for a walk or the weather is bad?

It is necessary to replace the cover for the tray when it becomes dirty; do not delay the change, otherwise an unpleasant odor will appear. However, this fragrance also has a positive function. A dog's sense of smell is highly developed; a puppy can easily find the toilet by smell. To avoid mistakes at the beginning of training, it is necessary to leave a piece of the old one on the new diaper.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning when changing the position of the tray. Small particles of feces can attract the dog to do its business in the old place, where there is no longer a diaper.

There are special drops on sale with the smell of dog feces, in a smaller dosage, so the unpleasant sensations for humans are reduced. However, there is a lasting effect on the dog's correct location. Drops should be used when changing the diaper in the tray and when changing the position of the tank itself.

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Basic principles of training

How to toilet train a puppy in an apartment quickly

To accustom your four-legged friend to wearing a diaper, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists, which are listed below.

  • Developing a habit. The Yorkie must be systematically put on a diaper; it is especially important to control the dog’s behavior. As soon as she starts fussing and looking for a place to go to the toilet, you need to take her to the litter box as soon as possible.
  • As soon as your Yorkie wakes up or finishes eating, you need to transfer him to a diaper.
  • Limiting space is an important stage of training, which allows you to monitor the dog’s behavior. The entire area can be covered with diapers, then the Yorkie will have no choice, and he will have to do all his business on it.
  • Encouragement is the main rule of training. When your Yorkshire Terrier puppy goes to the litter box or diaper, you need to praise him and give him treats.
  • Position the pot correctly. The diaper tray should be in an accessible area where your four-legged friend can get to without human help. At first, it is better to lay out diapers in different places in the room so that the pet chooses the most convenient place to relieve itself.

Potty training is not an easy process.

Possible problems and their solutions

In some cases, problems arise with potty training a puppy. Often the Yorkie simply refuses to go into the litter box. In this case, it is necessary to understand the reason and, if necessary, replace the pot. If the dog does not want to go into the diaper because the plastic tray is cold, it is worth moving the toilet to a warmer room.

It is also worth paying attention to whether the plastic emits an unpleasant odor that repels your pet. If the aroma is pronounced, you will have to replace the pot with a new one. It is important to be affectionate after buying a four-legged friend, because the first thing is to tame him, and only then achieve obedience.

Training a puppy to go to the toilet in a diaper is not such a simple process. The most important thing is not to show weakness and monitor your pet’s behavior, systematically putting him on the potty. The demonstrated patience and perseverance will soon bear fruit, and the Yorkie will delight you with his obedience, relieving himself in the litter box.

Should you punish your dog?

If a Yorkie refuses to go to the diaper or litter box, then the dog should under no circumstances be hit, poked with its nose, or shouted at. This will only worsen the situation, because... the pet will simply get scared and will continue to do its business in secluded places. Most importantly, if you notice that the dog has gone past the toilet, then it must be punished in a timely manner. If you miss this moment, it will be late and ineffective.

Dog breeders consider punishment with a rolled up newspaper to be the best way. As soon as you catch the puppy “in flagrante delicto,” you can lightly slap him on the nose or reprimand him in a stern voice. It is unlikely that your Yorkie will understand the first time, but with persistence, you will achieve a positive result.


1. Choosing an accessory and a place for it 2. Some tips for training a dog to use the litter box 3. Why did the dog stop going to the litter box?

When choosing a dog and planning to purchase it, carefully study its habits, habits and characteristics of the breed. If it is small in size, then it is likely that you will have to train the dog to use the tray. This process is difficult and painstaking, but fundamentally important. With a competent and adequate approach, it will not take much time, and the result will be guaranteed.

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