English bulldog in Russia, puppies and dogs

brief information

Breed nameEnglish bulldog
Country of originGreat Britain
Time of appearance of the breedXIX century
Breed typeCompanion dog
Adult dog weight18-23 kg (females), 23-25 ​​kg (males)
Height (height at withers)31-40 cm (females), 31-40 cm (males)
How long do they live?8-10 years
Popular nicknamesAlan, John, Jesse, Roxy, Gloria


It is believed that English Bulldogs have common roots with the Great Danes of the Caucasus, the ancient Roman Mastiffs, the Molossian Dogs of Greece and the Celtic guard dogs.
History is silent about how exactly the genes of all these dogs were mixed, but it is known that the ancestors of modern English bulldogs appeared in England in the 16th century. The name of the breed comes from the English “bull” - bull: the breed was bred specifically for baiting bulls with dogs - a common pastime for the population of England. In 1835, baiting was banned, and the breed was on the verge of extinction. The remaining purebred animals became the founders of the English Bulldog breed. In the 18th century, dogs of this breed were used for hunting wild boars and bears, as well as for dog fighting. The first exhibitions with the participation of English bulldogs began to be held in the 19th century. At the same time, the first club was created and breed standards were approved. Later, in the 16th century, dogs of this breed came to America, where they became the unofficial symbol of the American Marine Corps. In the Soviet Union, English bulldogs were secretly banned. In Russia, this breed began to gain popularity in the 1980s–90s.

The average lifespan of English Bulldog dogs is 8-10 years.

How much does an English bulldog cost?

This breed is relatively inexpensive. It is possible to find a bulldog without documents for 2.5 thousand rubles. Awards, titles, pedigree, vaccination of the puppy and some other factors automatically increase the cost of the animal.

The basic price of a puppy is influenced by its exterior. The cost in nurseries is determined by a special independent commission. The final price includes associated costs associated with the birth.

An English bulldog born in a club or kennel costs from 8 thousand rubles. (pet class). If the owner does not plan to attend exhibitions, on average the baby will cost 10-15 thousand rubles, while for a show class they can ask for up to 60 thousand rubles.

Undoubtedly, it is preferable to choose a puppy from a kennel with a good reputation. In this case, you will have guarantees regarding the health and breed of the bulldog. A thoroughbred specimen with an excellent pedigree ranges from $430 to $1,400.

Size, weight. Appearance

The height at the withers of English bulldogs is from 30 to 40 cm. The weight of a male usually does not exceed 25–26 kg, for a female – 22.5–24 kg.

The English Bulldog is a strong, stocky dog ​​with a powerful body on short legs and belongs to the group of brachycephals.

The head is huge relative to the body, the pelvis is narrow. The skull is flat and wide, the eyes are small, spaced, slightly protruding. The lower jaw protrudes forward and exposes the teeth. The muzzle is greatly shortened, the nose is turned up. Pronounced nasolabial and frontal folds of skin, developed jowls. The folds on the muzzle were needed to prevent blood from pouring into the eyes during the battle. The ears are small, hanging, pressed to the head. The neck is powerful, wide, skin folds and feathering are developed. The folded skin helped the dogs in battle - even if the enemy grabbed them, they still retained maneuverability. The chest is very wide, the chest is barrel-shaped. The back is straight and strong, the croup is raised. The abdominal wall is tightened. The tail is short from birth.

The coat is straight, short, hard, close-lying. There is no undercoat. Color: white and red, white and fawn, white and brindle. One-color solid color can be fawn, red, golden chestnut, always with a black mask.

Character and appearance of the English Bulldog

Not so long ago, many people bought wonderful English bulldog puppies for themselves, paying tribute to fashion or to improve their financial situation (if they were breeding). However, subtleties of character, a certain selfishness, coupled with poor health forced the owners to lock the poor animal in a separate room, limiting communication with everyone. Raising an English bulldog is everyday work and developing the character/habits of not only the pet, but also working on yourself. Busy people should not adopt a puppy of this breed, as a bulldog requires increased attention. These animals become attached to family members and are very reluctant to change their owner.

The friendly nature of the English Bulldog attracts children. Puppies enjoy playing together with their little owner. By imitating the owner's behavior model, the dog is able to raise a child if he has witnessed the child's upbringing by parents.

Note. The English Bulldog is positioned as very strong, so it is not suitable for slow walks with a child or a sedate elderly person.

The modern bulldog has common sense and prudence; for its owner it can become a comrade and a devoted friend. Meanwhile, enviable willfulness is considered one of the main traits of this breed. If your pet doesn’t want to do something, then it’s very difficult to force him.

As for the appearance of the English Bulldog, it is quite severe. Teeth and jaw protruding forward, a wide torso and a large head can scare even an experienced dog breeder. This can be explained by the historical purpose of this breed, since initially the bulldog, or “bull-gnawer,” was much more aggressive. Along with a large head, such a dog is distinguished by a disproportionately narrow pelvis, which significantly complicates the birth procedure. Without resorting to the help of a qualified veterinarian, it is quite problematic to cope with such a case. An adult dog at the withers is 40 cm and about 23 kg.

The English Bulldog is one of the most sickly and weak breeds. In this regard, many people are wondering how long this dog lives? Unfortunately, the bulldog is not a long-livers and will be able to please its owner for about 10 years.

Character and habits

The English Bulldog is a homebody with a calm temperament and balanced character. Dogs of this breed are smart, easy to train, active, but at the same time they are often lazy and love to sleep. English Bulldogs are fearless and unwavering, difficult to frighten, and have a sense of self-respect and typical English reserve. They are distinguished by tenacity, sometimes bordering on stubbornness. Bulldogs are favorites of the whole family, including children. They are incredibly loyal to their owner and are very sad when separated from him. Dogs of this breed require reasonable training and a supply of chew toys; they love to chew on various objects.

What else you need to know about the English Bulldog

The breed is considered a highly intelligent animal. It is not at all difficult for a student to remember 3 hundred words, and during training he will not show extreme interest. The culprit here is clumsiness and laziness.

To have a well-mannered dog next to you, you need to be persistent and patient.

  1. The dog must know who is in charge in the house and what the rules of behavior are.
  2. It is important to build training/education through a reward system.
  3. Any lesson is based on systematic repetition. There should not be a long break between workouts.
  4. Your sincere delight in your pet's success is important in training. For his part, he will delight the owner, showing all his best qualities.
  5. Even a sedentary dog ​​requires communication with his fellow tribesmen. Sometimes he needs to play. Such feelings need to be encouraged.
  6. During training, the animal easily finds understanding with children. The latter can and should be involved in raising bulldogs, because this will benefit everyone.

At home, the English Bulldog behaves like a true aristocrat. Keeping a pet will not cause a lot of trouble. The main thing is to create a comfortable corner where he can dream and pamper himself.


English bulldogs are adapted for living in apartments and private homes. They require daily but not very long walks, socialization and information loads. These dogs are contraindicated for long-term active physical exercise, as well as exposure to the sun and stuffy rooms.

In cool weather, English Bulldogs are advised to wear overalls.

Grooming is not difficult. Washing when dirty, wiping the coat with wet wipes and combing out with a brush. It is necessary to keep your eyes and ears clean. Regularly wipe the skin folds on the head.

Disease susceptibility

English Bulldogs may be genetically predisposed to elbow and hip dysplasia. They often have inflammatory eye diseases, chronic conjunctivitis, entropion, and dry eye syndrome. Skin pathologies may occur - allergic dermatitis, otitis, inflammation of skin folds. Bulldogs are susceptible to problems with the cardiovascular system: the so-called “respiratory distress syndrome”, insufficiency of the right chambers of the heart, and cardiomyopathies with rhythm disturbances may develop.

In puppies, aortic stenosis and ventricular septal defect may be detected. You should be wary of overheating and heatstroke.

All of these diseases will not necessarily occur in your English Bulldog; the main thing to remember is that you must visit your veterinarian at least once a year for medical examination and monitoring of the animal’s health.

If you are determined to buy an English bulldog, we recommend that you contact professional kennels that specialize in this breed. In them you can find out how much a puppy costs and what its price depends on, as well as get acquainted with the history of the breed and its advantages.

English bulldog in Russia, puppies and dogs

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