English Bulldog: owner reviews, breed characteristics and care recommendations

When you see an English bulldog, you get the impression that this stocky, sturdy man is the embodiment of majesty, steadfastness, strength of character and fearlessness. He is an aristocrat to the core and manages to look down on the world around him, despite his short legs. But at the same time, this dog is very loyal to its owner and is able to detect any changes in his mood. Numerous reviews from English Bulldog owners only confirm this fact. The number of people who want to get a dog of this breed not only does not decrease, but is constantly growing. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the character, characteristics of upbringing and care in advance before purchasing this strong guy.

Appearance description

According to reviews, the English Bulldog is a squat, broad-shouldered dog with a wide chest and a massive head. With his entire appearance he speaks of confidence and strength. The height of an adult dog when measured at the withers reaches 35-40 cm, and the weight varies about 22.5 kg.

Despite its unusual appearance, the English Bulldog has a harmonious build, all parts of its body are proportional to each other. A distinctive feature is the characteristic gait. It seems that the dog is waddling, and slightly sideways. But despite this, all his movements are free and relaxed.

The head and muzzle of a bulldog are covered with folds, the lower jaw is curved upward with an undershot, on both sides of which there are jowls. If the dog's mouth is closed, the teeth are almost invisible. According to the standard, the English Bulldog breed is distinguished by a short muzzle, which is turned up. The nose is black and large, and the nostrils are wide.

The bulldog's head has a square outline due to the flat part of the skull between the cheeks and ears. The hollow on the muzzle, which begins between the eyes and extends to the top of the head, bisects the bulldog's flat forehead.

To determine the correct structure of the dog’s skull, you need to apply a ruler from the chin to the forehead. If the nose also rests against it, then it is considered that all 3 main points are at the same level, and this indicates the correct structure of the skull.

According to reviews from owners, the English Bulldog has small eyes that are located low at a great distance from the ears. The whites hide the eyelids, but the rich black tint of the pupils gives the dog an expression of deep thoughtfulness and understanding of everything that happens around him.

It is important that the ears of a purebred dog are formed correctly. They should be small in size, with thin cartilage and have a “rose” shape facing backwards. The “bud” shape of the ears, as well as those turned forward and fleshy, are unacceptable for a purebred dog.

The folds of skin on the English Bulldog's massive neck form a double dewlap that ends at the chest. A voluminous body, a wide chest and a toned stomach - everything in combination is in perfect harmony.

According to descriptions and reviews, the English bulldog is characterized by strong front legs, the elbows of which are directed to the outside. The hind legs are also strong and muscular. In addition, they are longer than the front ones, so the loin is higher than the withers. The front legs are wider than the hind legs.

According to reviews and descriptions of the breed, the English Bulldog has dense, close-fitting, short hair. Its color can be solid or spotted, ranging from brindle to yellow-brown and white. The spots on the coat are located symmetrically, and monochromatic representatives of this breed have a mask on the face.

Interesting Facts

The English Bulldog is a dog with an unusual and unpredictable character.

There are many interesting stories about the English Bulldog, here are some of them:

  • The British are the cartoon characters Sturdy from PAW Patrol and Spike from Tom and Jerry. These dogs also appear in the films “Hotel for Dogs”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” and others.
  • In Daugavpils, Latvia, there is a monument to the former mayor and his bulldog.
  • Winston Churchill was often compared due to some qualities and external similarities with dogs of this breed; you can even find the nickname Churchill. But the prime minister's favorite breed was poodles. He himself spoke of this dog as beauty brought to the point of absurdity.
  • The ancestors of modern Englishmen are considered to be the couple Rose and Criba; their names were included in the stud book in 1817.

Character of the English Bulldog

The menacing appearance of the English Bulldog gives the wrong impression of its aggressiveness. On the contrary, this dog breed is very friendly towards both people and other animals.

The balance of character and friendly disposition makes the dog a family pet. At the same time, he gets along well with small children. Patiently endures all pranks towards him and actively takes part in children's games.

According to reviews and descriptions of the breed, the English Bulldog is devoted to its owner and is ready to accompany him everywhere. But this breed is not suitable for prolonged physical activity, and also suffers from overheating and hypothermia, so when traveling together, you cannot leave the dog in the car for a long time.

Relaxing on the sofa next to the owner after a short walk is this dog’s favorite pastime. When the dog lives together with other pets in the house, he will easily make friends with them.

According to reviews and descriptions of the breed, the character of the English bulldog is stubborn, which causes certain difficulties in education. Therefore, when training, it is worth being smart, since it will be difficult to force the dog to do something that is not included in his plans. But by finding an approach to this English “gentleman”, you can achieve the desired results.

English bulldogs have a very reverent attitude towards their offspring. They are wonderful mothers who show care, tenderness and attention to their babies. Moreover, if you give them someone else’s puppy, they will happily accept it and show it all the love and affection as if it were their own.

According to reviews and character, the English Bulldog is a self-sufficient dog. Intrusive caresses and loud barking are not his style. But if he senses the owner’s playful disposition, he will happily respond to any affection and games, as he is able to detect any change in mood.

History of the breed

It is not known for certain when the breed appeared, but experts are inclined to believe that mastiffs are among the ancestors of English bulldogs.

In old England, tastes for entertainment were uncivilized, and bulldog ancestors were engaged in bullbaiting - bull baiting. If hunters of bloody entertainment bred dogs, they cultivated in them the traits necessary for combat.

- Let's relax!..

At the beginning of the 19th century, bullbaiting was banned by law, and most bulldogs were left out of work. In dog fights (they were not prohibited), dogs could not compete with faster, larger opponents. Therefore, the old English Bulldogs, the baiting dogs, became extinct, but their genes remained in the modern English Bulldog.

Bulldog lovers have repeatedly made attempts to preserve the breed and create clubs. Things did not always go well, however, by the end of the 19th century there were already certain breed standards, and there were recognized favorites for breeding.

Priority was given to such qualities as the dog’s bright appearance, its self-confidence, and equanimity. As a result of selection work, a breed of companion dogs appeared. Now the English Bulldog Club is the oldest single-breed kennel club in the world.

Care and maintenance

When deciding to purchase a puppy of this breed, you must take into account that its presence in the house means additional troubles and inconveniences. Therefore, before taking this step, you should familiarize yourself with the basic care requirements.

Keeping an English Bulldog means:

  • timely vaccination;
  • periodic cleaning as the coat and skin folds become dirty;
  • preparing a balanced diet;
  • education, training.

For your pet, you should prepare a comfortable bed or mattress for medium breeds. According to reviews, the English bulldog loves to lie on the sofa next to the owner. This habit should be stopped at an early age, as later it will become his usual activity.

According to reviews, the English Bulldog is not suitable for kennel keeping, since its coat is not capable of keeping the dog warm in winter. Therefore, for walks in cold weather, you should purchase a special suit that warms the dog, since the English bulldog is susceptible to colds.

During outdoor activities, you should monitor the dog’s condition, as excessive physical activity is contraindicated. It is best to walk at a slow, imposing pace, which will allow the dog to keep up with the owner. At the same time, you must be prepared for the fact that at any time the dog may decide that the walk is over, and his decision is unchanged.

Caring for an English Bulldog is not difficult. It involves wiping the skin folds on the face from dust and dirt, which helps prevent the development of infection. It is also recommended to comb the coat 2-3 times a week with a massage mitt or a comb with frequent teeth of medium hardness. This procedure is especially important during molting.

If your pet gets dirty during a walk, you need to wash the contaminated areas in the shower. It is necessary to completely bathe an English Bulldog 3-4 times a year, using a special dog shampoo. The water temperature should be at 34-36 degrees. It is best to carry out this procedure at night before bed, after which the dog should be wiped dry. And by the morning the pile will be completely restored, which will allow you to take your pet for a walk without fear for its health.

Based on the structural features of the skeleton, English bulldogs experience difficulty during childbirth, since the puppies' heads are not able to pass normally through the birth canal. Therefore, for a successful delivery, you have to resort to caesarean section. Therefore, you should worry in advance and call a veterinarian for help.

Dog care

Approximately once or twice a week, use a brush to remove accumulated hairs and other skin deposits. You need to bathe your pet once every few months. A wet dog is afraid of drafts. In hot weather, water procedures are carried out more often, but due to their short legs, bulldogs swim poorly, and the dog needs supervision in open waters.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the skin between the toes and around the tail. These areas need regular cleaning or irritation will occur. When eating or drinking, food, dirt and excess liquid get trapped between the folds of skin on the face. It is necessary to clean the skin on the face every time after feeding.


The diet should be balanced, since the bulldog does not suffer from a lack of appetite, which leads to overeating and gluttony. This is due to the slow metabolism of this breed.

According to dog reviews, the English Bulldog is susceptible to allergies and dermatosis, so you should not feed it food from your table. His diet should also not consist of raw meat alone, as this contributes to the development of urolithiasis.

A nutritious diet includes high-quality meat and dairy products, and should also contain greens, boiled vegetables, offal, and vegetable fats. Eggs can be given to your pet no more than once a week. According to reviews, food for an English bulldog should be varied and fresh. And next to food there should always be a bowl filled with clean water.

In addition to basic nutrition, we must not forget about mineral supplements and vitamins, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. But their use must be consistent with the development and age of the dog, so you should first consult with your veterinarian.


Due to the tendency to obesity, it is necessary to feed the English Bulldog with low-calorie food. You can feed the animal both dry food and homemade natural food, but you cannot mix food.

For dry food, you need to choose only a premium brand that contains natural ingredients. Feeding dry food to an animal is very convenient; it contains all the vitamins, minerals and special additives necessary for a dog; the only disadvantage of such food is its high price.

With natural food, the owner will spend more time preparing it, but its cost is much lower. A bulldog's diet must include foods such as chicken, beef, meat, dairy products, vegetables, various cereals, and eggs. Meat can be boiled or given raw, cereals are cooked only in water, eggs are given two per week. An adult dog should be fed twice a day without overfeeding.

Education and training

According to reviews, the English Bulldog is a quick-witted and intelligent dog that can be trained. But the education process must be carried out taking into account the dog’s willfulness. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient, since this breed is distinguished by a fine organization of the psyche: before starting to complete a task, the dog must comprehend it well.

You can achieve the desired result in training if your pet has complete trust in you. Therefore, shouting and threats will only anger the dog. It is necessary to build the educational process so that the pet is interested in completing the assigned tasks.

It is necessary to start mastering a new task only after the previous one has been completed. At the same time, the pet should be praised and given a small piece of treat so that he understands that a reward follows the performance.

It is necessary to teach your pet to behave correctly from an early age.

Basic commands

You will use some commands more often, others less often. But they will still come in handy to easily interact with the English bulldog and even keep him safe in various situations.

  • Aport. One of the most difficult teams. Many people perceive it as very easy and simple, but with many dogs you will have to work hard. This skill is used for other exercises: searching, searching, selecting an item and many others. Usually they are all used in service. When working out a command, “Aport” and “Give” are used, and a gesture is also used.
  • Give. On the command “Give” the dog must give up the object.
  • Lie. A connecting command that needs to be learned for other commands. In addition, it will not interfere at home or on the street.
  • To me. You will need to use this command quite often. So start with it immediately after your English Bulldog puppy has learned his name. Never call the dog to punish, and do not scold if it comes on its own, even after mischievousness before it. This behavior on your part may alienate the animal.
  • Place. A puppy or an adult dog must clearly know where his place is located. He can sleep anywhere, if you allow it, of course, but he must know this command. You can use it outside the home, marking the place with a leash or your favorite toy.
  • Near. It is possible to teach your pet the “Near” command at any age, be it an adult dog or a small puppy. When you move to a new home, you should immediately think about training your puppy.
  • Sit. One of the very first commands that an English bulldog puppy should learn.
  • Stand. The command is useful in everyday life, for example, for combing a dog.
  • . The prohibiting command is one of the most mandatory and taming it begins from the first day the puppy appears in the house. Requiring the command “Fu!”, “No!”, “No!” - immediately stop the unwanted action.

Puppy selection criteria

When purchasing a puppy to participate in exhibitions or as a pet, you need to pay attention to compliance with the breed standard and its health.

Main criteria to consider:

  1. The puppy should have a neat appearance, its coat should be shiny. The dog's eyes should be clean, without signs of inflammation or nitrous oxide. It is best to inspect the room in which he was previously kept.
  2. Skin folds cannot be excessive, as this will subsequently lead to complications in care.
  3. The puppy should not be tall or short. Everything should be proportional, that is, he looks strong with strong paws gathered into a ball.
  4. Difficulty moving, lameness, loose fingers are signs of joint disease and muscle weakness. But they should not be confused with the characteristic gait inherent in the English Bulldog.
  5. The shape of the ears at the age of 1.5-2 months should already correspond to the breed standard.
  6. A kink in the tail is a characteristic feature of the English Bulldog, but it must be free to move. An ingrown tail or lack thereof is unacceptable.
  7. The puppy must have a document confirming its purebred. Otherwise, expectations may not be met.

How to glue ears?

The current breed standard allows only one type of ear shape - the so-called “rosette”. For many puppies, as they grow older, their ears themselves take on the desired shape. However, not everyone is lucky - some puppies are in no hurry to “fold” and remain hanging, which is unacceptable for a show dog. In such a situation, owners resort to a specific procedure known as “gluing” the ears.

It should be noted that this procedure is purely cosmetic - it does not improve any characteristics and is not required for ordinary, non-show dogs. Gluing is necessary only for owners of exhibition and future breeding animals.

Ear shaping is done when puppies reach three to four months of age. For this you will need:

  • adhesive plaster in a roll on a cotton basis;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment".

The process diagram looks like this:

  • the hair along the outer edge of the ear is cut (it is cut, not shaved, since otherwise irritation may appear on the skin);
  • a piece of adhesive tape is cut along the length of the ear;
  • the edge of the ear is glued with adhesive tape, the excess is carefully trimmed with scissors;
  • the outer side of the patch is smeared with Moment glue;
  • Next, the puppy’s ear must be pulled up, carefully bent in the right place and folded in the shape of a “rose”;
  • press the edges of the ear with your fingers and hold for at least 10 minutes;
  • For the first half hour after gluing, you should not allow the puppy to shake its head or scratch its ears.

The puppy quickly gets used to the glued ears, and within half an hour after the procedure he can no longer be controlled.

The adhesive is kept for 1 to 4 weeks, regularly checking the condition of the ears.

In recent years, special glue has appeared in veterinary stores to seal the ears of dogs. This glue is non-toxic, absolutely harmless and guarantees reliable fixation of the desired ear shape. It dries in just three minutes, there is no need to cut six on the dog's ear, and you can remove the glue after fixing the shape using baby oil or a simple comb with thick teeth.

Possible health problems

Veterinarians identify a number of diseases that are inherent in this breed of dog. This is directly related to the anatomical structure of the animal and the tendency to allergies:

  • hypothermia, overheating;
  • atopic, interdigital dermatitis;
  • third eyelid adenoma;
  • obesity;
  • bilateral cataract;
  • brachycephalic syndrome.

You can prevent many dog ​​health problems by following all the rules of care and maintenance. When the first alarming symptoms appear, you should call a veterinarian.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Before making the final decision on choosing a puppy of this breed, you should consider the pros and cons of the English Bulldog.

According to owner reviews, the main advantages are as follows:

  • kindness towards adults and children;
  • friendliness to other pets;
  • does not require much space;
  • does not bark without a serious reason;
  • has a fierce appearance that scares off intruders;
  • does not require special care.


  • independence, which makes learning difficult;
  • laziness;
  • increased appetite that needs to be controlled.

This breed has not lost its popularity among those who want to have a companion dog.

Character and temperament

An English Bulldog can lie on the couch all day

The English Bulldog has long been transformed from a pure fighting dog into a companion, which is reflected in its character. These are reserved, calm dogs, extremely devoted to their family. Although they are phlegmatic, they have a tendency to dominate. Therefore, puppies should be immediately accustomed to who is boss in the house.

These pets become very attached to the family, becoming its members, and suffer when their owners change. Their intelligence is well developed; dogs are able to quickly understand what is wanted from them. They make friends not only with people, but also with other four-legged inhabitants of the apartment. When communicating with children and elderly people, they are extremely patient, but this should not be abused, trying to make them participants in long, dynamic games. This behavior is not typical for a sedate and leisurely dog.

The slowness of bulldogs is not an indicator of laziness or stupidity. They tend to think about the command first. They are rather phlegmatic thinkers and excellent companions on long journeys. Traveling in public transport does not tire them, but brings them pleasure.

Early training of puppies is very important, otherwise the pet may express some aggressiveness. Even so, some uncastrated males may be unfriendly, so in families with children it is advisable to keep females.


The opinions of dog breeders about the breed agree that despite its ferocious appearance, the dog is very friendly and loyal. But the English Bulldog breed, according to reviews from owners, is not suitable for outdoor enthusiasts who expect a quick reaction from their pet. In this case, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​purchasing this puppy, since his sedateness will irritate them.

True reviews about the English Bulldog breed indicate that the dog quickly adapts to new conditions, so it needs to be shown right away who’s boss. Otherwise, shortcomings in upbringing may later turn out to be a serious problem. Therefore, you should not be lazy to instill in your dog a sense of respect and obedience from an early age; only in this case will he become a reliable protector and faithful friend.

History of the origin of French bulldogs

The French Bulldog belongs to the Molosser family. Although dogs in this family share common ancestors, the French Bulldog is a fairly young breed. It was developed by humans only in the second half of the 19th century.

Not all experts agree on the breeds that were likely crossed to create the French bulldog. It is believed that these were English bulldogs brought from Britain by weavers who settled in Normandy.

Bulldogs were used to entertain people in dog fights. Their name literally means "bull dog". This is because they were also forced to fight in bullfights, where the bull was released in the middle of several mastiffs. After these brutal battles were banned, the history of bulldogs took a different turn and they then became domestic dogs.

Pugs also played a role in the history of the French Bulldog. In 1880, the first cynological association of France was created in Paris. When a few French bulldogs returned to Britain in the late 19th century, they were considered English bulldogs due to a lack of proper standards and were ridiculed for their large ears. In 1888, the breed received its own standard; the famous founding father of the breed was the male “Loopy”, who appears in almost all pedigree books.

Today, French bulldogs are popular in many countries, and even some celebrities have fallen in love with these adorable four-legged companions. For example, American actor Hugh Jackman, who has posted many photographs online of his two French bulldogs Dali and Peaches, shows that these dogs are a joy in everyday life - even when they are sleeping peacefully next to their owner, who is sweating on a bodybuilding machine. Singer Madonna also cannot resist the charm of little bulldogs, and she treats her dog, Gypsy Rose Lee, as her own daughter.

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