Mom is a French bulldog, dad is a mongrel, what will the puppies be like?

Recently, it has become fashionable to breed so-called “designer” dogs, which, in fact, are the result of crossing representatives of two different breeds. Breeders claim that mixed breeds are healthier than purebred dogs, and their appearance and character embody the best qualities of each of the two breeds. French bulldogs are also often the subject of interbreeding experiments, which result in the birth of puppies with a unique and, at times, very unusual appearance.

External signs and character of the dog

According to the international standard, the normal weight of a French bulldog is 8-14 kg, the normal height is 25-35 cm .

In addition to the power combined with its small stature, the square, massive head of the French Bulldog is impressive.

Its muzzle is considered snub-nosed due to its upturned nose.

The breed is characterized by erect ears with rounded ends, bulging eyes, developed cheekbones, black lips, strong jaws, the lower of which is slightly protruded.

The short, strong neck has a slight arch. Back muscles are well developed. The stomach is tucked, the croup is rounded. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs, the tail is straight and short. The velvety coat fits tightly and shines.

The color of dogs is divided into 4 main types :

  • brindle, when the main color is red, but there are black hairs, or the main color is black, and the hairs are red;
  • fawn - coat color varies from red to light red;
  • white is the rarest of the colors, representing perfectly white smooth fur;
  • piebald, or, as it is also called, spotted, is often a white color with brindle or fawn splashes.

There are 3 dominant qualities in the character of bulldogs - friendliness, kindness, energy.

There are also possessive tendencies. A representative of this breed can truly be called a “best friend.”

These animals love attention, frisky games and communication.

Read more about French Bulldogs here.

How to distinguish a German Shepherd puppy from a crossbreed

Mixed husky and shepherd, pit bull, wolf, malamute, pug and others

There are international standards for adult dogs. There are also certain rules when choosing a puppy. First you need to study the parents’ documents and check for the presence of a mark. Next, you should check whether the puppy meets the standard of appearance:

  • almond-shaped eye with a distinct white stripe of whites when turning the head;
  • the color of the iris is from deep yellow to dark brown (sometimes they are blue until two months of age);
  • 28 milk teeth (without fusions);
  • correct bite;
  • skull proportional to the body;
  • forehead smoothly transitioning to the crown;
  • absence of glabellar furrow;
  • black oval nose;

Mixed-breed puppies

  • lips in the color of the tip of the nose;
  • medium length neck;
  • strong compact back;
  • high chest (does not fall below the bend of the paws);
  • long straight tail;
  • large paws;
  • black color (sometimes there may be a white mark on the chest without spots inside).

For your information! The behavior of a purebred puppy is immediately noticeable: he is not afraid of a person, but tries to interact with him. This property is passed on from generation to generation and occurs on a subconscious level.

Similar breeds

There are breeds that, when compared with the French bulldog, reveal many similarities.

English bulldogs

The normal height of a dog is 30-40 cm, and it usually weighs 22-25 kg.

There is aggressiveness, which is not at all characteristic of the French bulldog. These two breeds are similar in that their head is massive in relation to the body. Both representatives do not tolerate heat well.

The English Bulldog is a reliable dog, its bond with its owner is very strong .

Ears that are wide at the base, intelligent eyes, and a teeth-opening jaw are other characteristics of the English Bulldog.

American Bulldogs

The largest species of the bulldog family.

They usually reach a height of 50-68 cm and weigh 28-58 kg . The large square head has semi-erect ears. The eyes are brown and rounded. Black lips with pink accents.

The dog looks powerful and stocky.

Athletic build: muscular neck with a curve, moderately wide back, strong hind legs.

The American Bulldog combines strength and agility and is an excellent hunter. In addition, he is loyal to his owner, and his protective instinct is very well developed. This is a smart dog with a strong character.


A decorative breed that originated in China.

There are folds on the body, the fur is soft and short, the head is decorated with expressive, intelligent eyes and small ears . The muzzle is short, not upturned.

The tail is tightly curled. By nature, these dogs are kind and sociable.

Pugs tend to learn quickly, although they have a stubborn disposition .

They are quite brave, always ready to help their owner. They get along well with children and love affection and care.

German boxers

These dogs deserve universal love for their intelligence and devotion. They prefer to spend their time actively, playing and frolicking. But they also don’t mind lying down next to their owner, cuddling them, because they really like to spend a lot of time with him.

Malamute-like dogs


This is an umbrella name for several breeds known as sled dogs. It originates from the distorted word “Eskimo”: dogs were and remain faithful companions of the northern aborigines. Having become more widespread, Eskimo and Siberian began to be distinguished. Within the latter there is a conditional division into groups.

Workers are used to transport goods over long distances, are characterized by endurance and unpretentiousness and fully comply with accepted official standards, while the rest are considered deviations from the standard. The distinctive features of racing cars are speed and grace. Exhibition animals are cute and artistic, but are less adapted to life in harsh winter conditions and work.

These animals are very friendly and have extraordinary and independent thinking, which practically excludes the possibility of training as service animals. You should not get them for hunting either: the hunting instinct is quite strong (you should remember if there are small animals in the house), but exclusively for their own food.

Attention! Suitable for apartment living, but you need to take into account increased activity, which requires regular physical and mental activity.


The general name of northern hunting breeds, universal for hunting both large animals and fur-bearing animals, and birds. They have a quick reaction and well-developed sense of smell, vision and hearing, which allows them to be good watchmen and security guards, although in general they are not aggressive towards people and, with proper upbringing, make excellent companions. They can act as shepherds and sled dogs. There are groups of European, Russian factory and aboriginal ones.

Attention! Space and active work are important to them, so some are completely unsuited to living in an apartment.


Also known as the Samoyed dog or Laika. It includes seven standards: English, FCI, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South Africa. Laikas were originally bred by northern tribes: there is a version that the Samoyeds tamed and domesticated the wolf.
Samoyeds are very energetic and at the same time calm and confident. A good disposition and a close emotional connection with others are indicative; animals feel like part of the family and try to attract attention to themselves. They get along well with children and help with housework: they have developed guard, hunting, and shepherd skills, as well as sledding, although the latter is not accepted among the aborigines .

Attention! Noisy and highly active, loving space and freedom - they need to live in nature and at the same time be in constant interaction with people. Grooming is not difficult, but the coat needs to be carefully combed daily.

Differences from other sled dogs

The Alaskan Malamute is designed for carrying heavy loads, but not for racing competitions: its speed is low compared to others, but it is capable of covering enormous distances, including in difficult weather conditions. Hardy, larger and heavier than the others, with strong massive paws and powerful muscles, due to its athletic build it seems a little clumsy.
Recognized standards of appearance are quite strict: gray-white color, eye color must be brown, tail not curled. It has a very good-natured, cautious and balanced disposition, much calmer than that of its mischievous and active relatives. He does not know how and does not strive to be a leader; he needs attention, but does not draw it onto himself.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the French Bulldog breed:

Recently, it has become fashionable to breed so-called “designer” dogs, which, in fact, are the result of crossing representatives of two different breeds. Breeders claim that mixed breeds are healthier than purebred dogs, and their appearance and character embody the best qualities of each of the two breeds. French bulldogs are also often the subject of interbreeding experiments, which result in the birth of puppies with a unique and, at times, very unusual appearance.

Popular types of mestizos

Already in ancient times, interbreeding was widely practiced by breeders interested in obtaining a high-quality and healthy stock of their dogs. Most modern breeds, in fact, are descendants of those same mestizos.

And later, when it was necessary to improve the working qualities of dogs of a breed that had already managed to form, specialists also resorted to interbreeding.

Malamutes have been bred in Eskimo tribes for a long time and the purity of their blood has been respected since ancient times. Strong, hardy dogs, designed to transport sleds with heavy loads, were necessary for local residents and they were not interested in in any way changing the exterior or working qualities of Malamutes by crossing them with other dogs.

However, after the breed was officially recognized and these dogs began to be used in sports, there was a need to improve the speed qualities of Malamutes, for which they were actively crossed with dogs of other sled breeds, but with a faster gait.

As a result, such a breed group as, for example, Alaskans - mestizos of Malamutes and Huskies - was born. These dogs, having the same endurance and almost not inferior to purebred Malamutes in strength and endurance, are at the same time distinguished by an incomparably faster gait, which makes them universal sled dogs, suitable for both moving heavy loads and racing at speed.


The popularization of Malamutes and their use as companion dogs has led to the need to improve their watchdog and security qualities.

To achieve this, Malamutes were crossed with service breed dogs, such as the German Shepherd .

In addition, attempts have been made to improve the hunting qualities of Malamutes, since, despite their innate instincts, these dogs hunt only for themselves and only when they themselves want it. In order for the Malamute to become a faithful hunting assistant, attempts were made to cross it with various breeds of husky.

Lately, so-called designer dog breeds have been gaining popularity, in which the purpose of interbreeding is, first of all, the unusual appearance of mestizos.

Of course, the beautiful appearance of a purebred Malamute cannot leave anyone indifferent. However, some breeders began to think about how to make these dogs even more unique and original in terms of appearance.

For this purpose, Malamutes were crossed with breeds such as Chow Chow , and, indeed, such mestizos became the owners of a very interesting and unusual appearance.

Chihuahua mix

The main characteristic feature of such dogs is a short, wide and flat muzzle, as well as expressive, dark brown eyes. The skin on the head is covered with shallow folds. The lips of mixed breeds are more raw than those of Chihuahuas, forming jowls typical of Great Dane breeds. The ears are large, but narrower than those of the “French” and not so strongly rounded at the ends. This mixed breed looks more like a Chihuahua, except that it is stockier and more muscular. His head is not as large and domed as that of a bulldog, however, his cheekbones are much better defined than those of a Chihuahua.

One of the main advantages of mixed breeds with Chihuahuas is a richer palette of colors than French bulldogs.

And, what is also important, crosses between a French bulldog and a Chihuahua have a rather elongated and less upturned muzzle, which allows the animal to feel more comfortable in the heat and makes it less susceptible to respiratory diseases.

Husky and pitbull

The mix of husky and pit bull was called Pitsky. Mestizos turn out to be quite tall - from 50 to 55 cm at the withers. However, they are light-boned and graceful in build.

The ears usually stand high on the head, but most owners prefer to crop them in early childhood.

The pigmentation of the iris can be anything - brown, ocher, blue. Crossbreeds with heterochromia (different eye colors) are often found.

The coat is short or medium length. It can also come in different shades. The face usually has a light mask, like a husky. The lower part of the body is often lightened.

Pitskis are friendly, active, hardy and sociable. At the same time, they are stubborn; many crossbreeds have a pronounced hunting instinct.

Mixed pit bulls do not get along well with their relatives. And if husky blood predominates in their veins, then they have a tendency to run away, dig tunnels and pick up everything they see on the street.


Due to the unusual color and long hair, such a mixed breed looks quite unusual. Having inherited from the bulldog a shortened muzzle, a large head covered with folds, expressive, large eyes and a stocky build, he looks like a representative of one of the typical molossoid breeds. However, its longer, softer coat and floppy ears make it resemble the long-haired pug that once existed in ancient China.

It is the unusual “antique” appearance of these dogs that makes them popular among lovers of “designer breeds.”

By nature, this dog can be quite stubborn, selfish and somewhat arrogant. But the sociable, friendly disposition of the French bulldog, of course, should smooth out these traits, thanks to which mixed breeds with Pekingese grow up to be quite affectionate, albeit somewhat independent pets.

Living conditions and health

You can keep an Akita in an apartment. She hardly barks, so she will not create any inconvenience to either her owners or her neighbors. The breed is clean - there will be no unpleasant smell in the house.


Coarse wool does not require complex care. It is enough to comb the wool 1-2 times a week and bathe it when it gets dirty (but not more than once every 3 months). Representatives of the breed intensively shed their undercoat and fur, so in the autumn-winter period it is necessary to comb the hair up to 2 times a day. Care for eyes, ears, claws and teeth is required.


This mestizo resembles a hunting dog: he has rather long drooping ears, and his physique is more graceful than that of a “Frenchman”, but more powerful than that of a beagle. He also has a rather massive head with a convex rounded skull and a pronounced transition to a slightly elongated muzzle. The eyes, like those of a bulldog, are large, expressive, with a kind and friendly expression. The color is most often two-tone or brindle-white. However, depending on how the genes are formed, the coat color can be anything typical for representatives of each of the original breeds.

Some of the beagle mixes resemble dwarf German boxers in build, head shape and color.

Such dogs can be recommended to those people who would like to have a boxer, but for some reason cannot afford to keep a large dog in the house. In this case, a cross between a French bulldog and a beagle will be an excellent solution, especially since his character will also resemble a boxer. Such crossbreeds are friendly, courageous, playful and quite hardy.

Choosing an American Akita puppy

purchase a puppy only at the kennel . The breeder should check the following information:

  • availability of documents and vaccinations for the puppy;
  • merits and health of parents:
  • disposition and behavior of the pet.

Before purchasing, you must meet the puppy in person. The pet's temperament must match the character of the future owner. Contact must be mutual on both sides. A healthy baby's ears and eyes are clean, the coat is shiny without visible damage. A healthy puppy does not itch, does not have a bloated belly or twisted joints.

Undervaluation indicates deviations from the standard or deficiencies.

The puppy's thoroughbred quality is guaranteed by the kennel. Buying a healthy and purebred pet reduces the risk of developing diseases in the future.

American Akita

Dachshund mix

A cross between a “Frenchman” and a dachshund looks quite funny. From the bulldog, this dog inherited a muscular, rather powerful physique and a more rounded head shape than that of the dachshund. Also, a mestizo may have folds on the forehead and a somewhat shortened, but almost straight muzzle. His ears can be either drooping or erect, but at the same time they are larger and softer than those of the French bulldog. The color is usually brindle, often complemented by elegant white markings. The tail is elongated, without the typical “Frenchman” bend.

A mixed breed with a dachshund can inherit hunting instincts from its ancestors, which sometimes creates difficulties when keeping it in a house with cats, as well as small rodents and birds.

Photo of mestizo.

This dog has a friendly and moderately curious character. He is good-natured, sociable and playful, but during walks you need to carefully monitor him so that the pet does not go off to explore some trail that interests him and does not get lost.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's highlight the pros and cons of French Bulldog vs Pug to compare the four-legged dogs. Each breed has advantages and disadvantages, which are best known in advance.

French bulldogs

The advantages of the breed are:

  • “compactness”, ease of keeping in an apartment. There are no difficulties with transporting your pet, you can take it on trips;
  • savvy dogs capable of learning many different commands;
  • do not bark without a reason, they do this rarely;
  • not aggressive towards children and other animals. However, it is not advisable to leave a Frenchman with a very small child.

If we consider the shortcomings of the French, we can find the following:

  • The dog is quite stubborn. She won't do anything she doesn't like. To prevent such behavior, the owner is required to be persistent and strict;
  • the pet snores quite loudly;
  • tendency to obesity due to love of food;
  • In most cases, the female cannot give birth naturally, so childbirth is carried out by caesarean section.

Pug cubs

The advantages of pugs are as follows:

  • “compactness”, ease of maintenance in an ordinary apartment. There are no difficulties with transporting the dog, you can take it on trips;
  • a loyal and deeply attached pet to people;
  • easy to train if you start training in a timely manner;
  • safe for small children, able to easily get along with them and play.

The disadvantages of pugs are:

  • trust in strangers;
  • they know how to manipulate people when they want to achieve something. For example, a pug may pretend to be sick in order to lure a treat from its owner or to avoid training lessons;
  • periodically become stubborn and self-willed. If you do not train your puppy from early childhood, he will grow up to be aggressive and obstinate;
  • gluttony. Moreover, the pet will not figure out whether the object in front of it is edible. He'll just eat it;
  • tendency to obesity as a consequence of gluttony.

Chinese Crested

It is difficult to find a dog with a more original and at the same time slightly frightening appearance than a cross between a French bulldog and a Chinese Crested. This dog inherited from the bulldog a muscular and strong physique and a large, convex head with a short, upturned muzzle. At the same time, he is almost completely devoid of hair, except for a tuft of hair in the form of a comb on the top of his head, a semblance of a mustache and beard, and barely noticeable pubescence on his paws.

If the crossbreed was bred from a downy variety of "Corydalis", then it will have a longer and fluffier coat than a Bulldog, however, the shape of the muzzle, head and body structure will also be more typical of a Molosser than of a Chinese Crested dog. The skin is grayish-brown with pinkish spots and covered with folds located on the neck, under the lower jaw and at the top of the tail. The ears are large, semi-dropping or erect, but with slightly sagging tips.

Staffordshire Terrier and Pitbull

A cross between a Staffy and a Pitbull, it is a medium-sized dog with a height of 43-49 cm and a weight of 15-30 kg. In the exterior, the characteristics of one breed predominate, or the traits of both are equally manifested.

On a note. Since the Stafford is a close relative of the pit bull, unscrupulous breeders often pass off mestizos as purebreds.

This crossbreed does not show aggression towards people, but it is characterized by stubbornness and intolerance towards other four-legged animals.

Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull mixes require strict education and training. Only with this approach can you get a balanced dog that can live in a family with children.

Toy - terrier

This mestizo looks quite fit and even graceful. He has a muscular body, but not as stocky as a bulldog's, and his head is narrower and not as cheeky. However, the characteristic shape of the ears, which makes the dog look like a bat, was inherited by this mestizo precisely from the “Frenchman”. The muzzle is quite narrow, wedge-shaped and not upturned. And a small undershot, if present, is almost invisible when viewed from the front.

The eyes are not as large and protruding as those of a bulldog , they have a narrower set and are set relatively shallowly. The paws are elongated, the tail is also long and without bends. In general, such a mixed breed looks harmoniously built, and its appearance is devoid of some grotesqueness inherent in French bulldogs.

Toy terrier crossbreeds are energetic, playful and agile; they are very affectionate and devoted to their owners.

However, their psyche may be less stable than that of bulldogs. In addition, toy terriers, like the “French,” are sometimes quite cocky towards other people’s dogs and courageous to the point of recklessness. Therefore, it is very important to prevent conflicts between such a pet and other dogs.

Mom is a French bulldog, dad is a mongrel, what will the puppies be like?

We took them without documents, moreover, she didn’t give them any vaccinations and our miracle Bonya is growing with us)) I have never regretted that such a gentle girl took her. We saw mom live and dad in the photo. But the breeder honestly said that dad is a mix of Frenchman and Stuff. Our beauty is very good. So if you just need to find good and honest breeders for your soul.

You know, it's easy to make a mistake. They may show you the mother of a Frenchman and a photo of supposedly the father, also a Frenchman, who may not turn out to be the father at all. Taking puppies from amateur carriers is also dangerous in the sense that no one will bother checking their pedigrees for kinship. After. Be sure to read the breed standard of what a Frenchie should look like. Because after you have seen what proportions they should have, when you go to Avito you will see that they sell dogs: with a long body, with short hind legs and high front legs, with a small head, an elongated nose... and most often you can find owners of such half-French and cross them. The range of diseases is difficult to even predict. For the 15 thousand that you save, you will pay a huge bill to the veterinary clinic in the future. Hemorrhoids with the selection of food, because the puppy will be allergic. Dry eyes, joint dysplasia, some kind of crap with the spine. Therefore: take it for 30 with documents. You'll only benefit! Then buy good dog food and you will be happy!

I also think that saving money when buying an animal is the last thing. Another thing is that sometimes they can sell... so-so dogs for a high price. And at the same time advertise it as an exclusive super show. As a result, she brought herself a cat halfway across the country and had him neutered. But I have a beautiful breed animal with a good character. For some reason I didn’t recognize my friend’s cat as the same breed as ours. But they didn’t recognize ours as having the same color as theirs. Apparently it’s not for nothing that I’m so inattentive, there was something else there... But the character of my friends is also a very worthy animal. And in reviews about the breed there are so many about animals with problematic characters.

Well, then someone bragged about a cat of the same breed as ours. But the cat is significantly different. The ears are huge. I reviewed the standard and photos of decent representatives of the breed. No, the standard ears are small or medium, at worst. Like ours. We’re not going to an exhibition, but I want a problem-free animal that’s pleasing to the eye. That's why I didn't get them cheap. Only the first dog, but it’s a very decent one, just bought during the aftermath of the crisis. And so she won decent competition at shows and gave wonderful puppies. There are also adults of the Grand Champion level. And the little ones have only grown to junior age. And by the way, documents for dogs and puppies are generally pennies compared to their food and vaccinations. No documents - usually one of the parents is not allowed to breed. Either due to incompatibility with the breed, or due to serious illnesses such as dysplasia, or due to their character, they were disqualified. It depends on the breed. So choose which of these defects is closer. I prefer to pay the full amount and check for these defects. By the way, with documents, but there are also many things cheaper. They save on pair selection, feeding, etc. You can tie it to a sick person all over your head, but to a beautiful male dog who lives nearby. And then the owners suffer.


Shih Tzu

Outwardly, it resembles a French bulldog with a long, soft and rather silky coat. The shape of the head and muzzle are reminiscent of a bulldog, the ears, like those of the “Frenchman”, are erect, triangular and rounded at the ends. The muzzle is short, with a small beard and mustache. Eyes with a friendly and gentle expression, typical of a Shih Tzu. The color is most often two-tone with a predominance of white. This dog looks funny and cute at the same time. Long hair gives it a unique charm and makes it unique and amazing.

If the owner does not want to bother with the pet’s long hair, he can cut it, having first chosen one of the many hairstyle options suitable for a mestizo. The best way to do this is to go to a salon, where professional groomers will tell you how best to cut a dog with such an unusual and unique appearance.

Shih Tzu mixed breeds are distinguished by their special affection for their owners; they are incredibly affectionate, playful and simply adore children.

Malamute dog mixes

Shepherd mix

Utonagan is translated from one of the Indian dialects as “wolf spirit”, because outwardly it repeats many of the characteristics, but is smaller in size and with fluffy fur. Bred in the UK by crossing an Alaskan Malamute, a German Shepherd and a Siberian Husky in the 80s of the 20th century. Good-natured, affectionate and cheerful, he wonderfully plays the role of a family dog, has watchdog, security and hunting skills, happily lives in the yard, and is not afraid of the cold.

Important! If you are not careful about your diet, you will tend to become overweight.

The second related branch of the crossbreed is the Northern Inuit, the breeds are bred separately.

Crossbreed with huskies

Hybrids are larger and tougher than ordinary huskies. They are bred to improve driving qualities. Outwardly they are distinguished by their somewhat increased massiveness, but their character remains typical for these breeds: calm and friendly. This type of mating can produce a unique coloration.

Husky mix

Alaska. In fact, this is a group of mestizos that were bred as a result of interbreeding of northern sled dogs. Suitable for sports and as companions. These dogs are beautiful, smart, extremely strong and resilient, with a good disposition and are more like huskies. They treat household members and other pets well.

Crossbreed with a wolf

Wolamuth. Bred at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century by crossing a timber wolf and a malamute. Very active, home keeping is allowed in a spacious enclosure with high fences. Appearance characteristics are variable and depend on the litter.

Important! Wolf heredity, as a rule, makes him not aggressive, but makes him treat strangers with increased caution, but can cause imbalance, irritability and, as a result, unpredictability and attacks.

Who can you cross a Malamute with?

The difference between mestizos and mongrels is that the former clearly display the characteristic features of the breeds between which the mating took place.
The predominance of one or two of them is not important in this case; the puppy is considered a hybrid in any case. It is usually not possible to predict external characteristics; it is especially difficult to guess the size. Mixing genes eliminates hereditary diseases and not always, but often leads to good health and good immunity. Purposeful interbreeding is called “designer” crossing.

In addition to the above, there are known cases of crossing Malamutes with the Canadian wolf, Caucasian Shepherd and other large breeds. As a result of such matings, individuals are obtained that are very large in size, with long hair and a thick undercoat, predisposed to life in nature, with a characteristic deep attachment to people.

Rottweiler and pitbull

The Pitweiler is a cross between a Rottweiler and a Pitbull. This is a large dog weighing up to 40 kg with a massive body and wide chest.

The head is large, proportional to the body, with developed cheekbones and pronounced stops. The ears are moderate in size and have a “rose” shape. The jaws are strong, but not as wide as those of Rottweilers.

The body of the animal is covered with short and shiny hair. The most common colors are black and brown with tan and white markings.

Properly raised and socialized crossbreeds grow up obedient and loyal. They are fearless and wary of strangers, so they can be used for protection. However, mestizos often conflict with their relatives and do not get along well with other pets.

For your information. This crossbreed tends to be dominant. It must be led by a person of strong character.

Labrador and pit bull

A cross between a Labrador and a pit bull, or Labrabull, the Labrador is an intelligent, loyal and active dog. The animals grow quite large, but have light bones.

Mestizos have ears that are completely hanging or raised on cartilage, a cone-shaped head, and a kind and attentive look. The body is covered with short and thick fur.

This pit bull mix can be any color acceptable for both breeds. The most common:

There are white markings on the body.

The character of animals is usually dominated by the traits of Labradors - kindness, openness, devotion, sociability.

Labraboulls are rarely stubborn and never refuse to play. Thanks to these qualities, they have become popular all over the world.

Pit bull and bull terrier

Pit bulls and bull terriers belong to the terrier group, but there are significant differences between these breeds. The latter are dense and stocky animals with an ovoid head and a drooping muzzle. Their ancestors were Dalmatians, Old English and English bulldogs. The differences are very clearly visible if you put the dogs side by side.

Pit bulls also have the blood of English bulldogs, but they are mixed with some other terriers. What exactly remains a mystery. This is the reason for the differences in appearance.

Pit bull and bull terrier are fighting species that previously participated in dog fights. However, with proper upbringing, they make loyal companions.

The same can be said about crossbreeds. They grow stockier than pit bulls, but the shape of their heads no longer resembles bull terriers.

A pit bull crossed with a bull terrier is fearless, disciplined, cheerful and stubborn. People with leadership abilities should get such a dog, otherwise it will grow up uncontrollable.

Where do mestizos come from?

Mixed breeds are dogs that are born by crossing parents of different breeds. Moreover, even if one of the dogs is of pure, elite blood, and the other does not represent any value in cynological circles, then the puppy born from such a tandem will be considered a mestizo. A representative of the fusion of several breeds will also be a mestizo. With any crossbreeding, the dog will be a hybrid outside the standards.

It is never possible to predict in advance what a puppy will be like.
He may inherit the appearance of one of his parents, or he may have characteristics of both to a greater or lesser extent. The character of the mestizo also remains a mystery to the last. It has already been proven that mestizos, whose ancestor was a small breed, are often very cowardly. A crossbreed with a large elite may be excessively aggressive and difficult to train. But the main percentage of mestizos often have a friendly disposition and flexible character. They are loyal and devoted no less than purebred parents and surprise with their sharp mind. On a note! The health of mestizos is always excellent.
As a rule, they do not inherit genetic diseases from their ancestors. Such dogs can have any color, sometimes even to the point of absurdity. Mestizos, who do not have obvious signs of admixture of any breed, are popularly called “mongrels.”

Half-breeds are much cheaper than titled parents. And puppies born from random crossing are given free of charge into good hands.

Half-breeds are much cheaper than titled ancestors

Alabai and pit bull

A cross between an Alabai and a pit bull grows slightly smaller than a Central Asian Shepherd Dog. The body of the animals is covered with dense wool, thanks to which the mestizos tolerate the cold quite well.

The color can be any:

These are strong, hardy and efficient dogs with good guard potential. In order for a dog to grow up balanced and adequate, early socialization and competent training are necessary.

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