BShO white Swiss Shepherd dog. Description, care and price of the breed

October 28, 2022 babies of the Rus Pride N… litter were born, 3 boys and 5 girls! From a beautiful, titled long-haired mother and a long-haired, titled dad. Both parents successfully passed the test for psyche and the presence of a shepherd's instinct, both with health checks, grandchildren of World Champions in beauty among the best White Swiss of Central Europe, great-grandchildren of one of the best sports BShO in Europe !

1 girl available for sale, gorgeous anatomy, cheerful and friendly character, excellent play and food instincts! For an active and loving family, exhibitions, training and breeding, upon request :)

More information in the Puppies section.

We are ready to answer any questions via WhatsApp, Viber and phone. +79163305243

August 25, 2022 babies of the litter Rus Pride F... were born, 2 boys and 4 girls! From a beautiful, titled short-haired mother and a long-haired, titled father. Both parents successfully passed the test for psyche and the presence of herding instinct, both with health checks, grandchildren of World Champions . More information about the litter in the descendants section. All puppies are in their families.

May 25, 2022 babies of the Rus Pride U litter were born, 3 boys and 1 girl! From a beautiful, titled long-haired mother and a short-haired, titled father. Both parents successfully passed the mental and herding test, both with health checks. More information about the litter in the descendants section. All puppies are in their families.

January 30, 2022 9 beautiful puppies were born. 3 boys and 6 girls. Mom has passed OKD training and canistherapy (dog therapy). Engaged in trick training, regularly works in canitherapy with children with disabilities, hospices, rehabilitation centers, excellent stable nervous system, correct anatomy, beautiful, titled, with all health checks. Our favorite dad Lucky, the son of a pair of World Championship winners, a multiple winner of many major exhibitions in Europe, successfully passed the Finnish character test, a male with a wonderful nervous system and anatomy! All puppies are in their families.

June 20, 2022 two litters R & S were born! From the best short-haired and long-haired breeders of the nursery. Babies of all coat types are expected - medium hair, long hair and short hair. All puppies are in their families.

November 22, 2022 We had children from a very beautiful couple, our Umka and a beautiful male brought from Portugal!

6 kids, 4 girls and 2 boys. Mom, the daughter of a pair of winners of the World Specialty Championships, Champion of several countries, has passed the test for herding instinct, has an excellent stable nervous system, correct anatomy, with all health checks. Dad is a very beautiful male from Portugal, the son of the winner of the Veteran class at the World Specialty Championship, winner of many exhibitions, a male with a wonderful nervous system and anatomy! Reservations for puppies are now open. Details in the Puppies section

July 15, 2022 babies were born from our pet Lucky and the beautiful canis therapy dog ​​Yera!

3 boys and 4 girls were born from a wonderful couple - Mom has passed training in OKD, canistherapy (dog therapy). Engaged in trick training, regularly works in canitherapy with children with disabilities, hospices, rehabilitation centers, excellent stable nervous system, correct anatomy, beautiful, titled, with all health checks. Our favorite dad Lucky, the son of a pair of World Championship winners, a multiple winner of many major exhibitions in Europe, successfully passed the Finnish character test, a male with a wonderful nervous system and anatomy! All puppies found their owners. Details in the Puppies section

November 7, 2022 Vanessa gave birth to babies from a double litter from Lars! The first litter gave the world only 2 boys, but the babies turned out to be so wonderful and successful that we decided to repeat the combination.

3 boys and 1 girl were born from a wonderful couple - Mom is a dog, the largest international and special-breed exhibitions in Europe, dad is the Young Champion of Europe and the winner of the largest international European exhibitions! All puppies are sold.

September 1, 2022 On the day of knowledge, our Umochka gave birth to children!

2 boys and 2 girls were born from a wonderful couple - Mom is the daughter of World Champions, the largest international and specialty shows in Europe, dad is the Young Champion of Europe and the winner of the largest international European shows! All puppies are sold.

April 19, 2015 Our beloved Kristochka gave birth to babies!!!

5 boys and 1 girl were born from a pair of World Champions of the largest special breed shows in Europe!!!

Details in the Puppies section

04/04/2015 Our founder of the nursery, my beloved girl Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf, is 6 years old ! Congratulations to the owners of Christina's brothers and our breeders!

Crystal is the most fantastic dog in the world and I am very happy that we are together!!!

03/22/2015 Our son Rus Pride Brave took part in a dog show for the first time in his life. , the largest exhibition in Russia “Eurasia” was chosen On the first day we went outside the ring to train, and on the second day we appeared for the LIZ-BETH C LILJEQVIST (Sweden) examination. Our results: Great prospect, Best puppy of the breed!

03/06/2015 Congratulations to the owners of our puppies RUS PRIDE A.. Happy Birthday to their beloved pets!

03/01/2015 Rus Pride Always First took part in the junior class for the first time. Our results V1, JCAC, BOS

02/23/2015 All dogs of our kennel have successfully passed testing for the presence of herding instinct

Rus Pride Brave - “The shepherd instinct is expressed”

Rus Pride Always First - “The shepherd instinct is available”

Daina Moon Siberian pride - “The shepherd instinct is available”

Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf – “The shepherd instinct is expressed”

Our nursery congratulates everyone on the beginning of the winter holidays!

We wish everyone a happy New Year and Christmas!

12/20/2014 Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf took part in the SHOW of Champions “Golden Collar 2014”. In a very worthy competition, Crystal became BOS and received another title in the treasury “Best Champion of Breed 2014”, judge Ole Stauskjaer (Denmark).

October 23, 2014 Our dogs took part in the most prestigious exhibition in Europe EuroDogShow-2014 in Brno (Czech Republic).

Rus Pride Always First - BP1, LSSH, PUPPY WINNER EURO DOG SHOW-2014 !!!

Rus Pride Argenti- BP2, RezPUPPY WINNER

Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf – V3 (Champions)

October 18-19, 2014 We visited Poznan at the largest international exhibition in Poland (2*CACIB).

Rus Pride Always First — BP1, Best Puppy, Best Puppy (10/18/2014)

Rus Pride Argenti- BP1, BOSCH, Best Puppy (10/19/2014)

Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf — 2*CAC (Champions), 2*CACIB, completed the title Champion of Poland!

All our dogs survived the long trip perfectly and showed excellent results!

We feel special joy for our children RUS PRIDE A...!

07/15/2014 A new baby has arrived in our nursery!

RUS PRIDE BRAVE - a boy from the beauty Daina and the athlete Homer!

May 06, 2014 Another wonderful girl has appeared in our nursery!

RUS PRIDE ALWAYS FIRST is a daughter from a pair of World Champions of the largest special breed European shows!

April 04, 2014 Today the founder of our nursery, the smart and beautiful Kristochka, turned 5 years old!

March 06, 2014 Our beloved Kristochka gave birth to babies!!!

3 boys and 1 girl were born from a pair of World Champions of the largest special breed shows in Europe!!! Details in the Puppies section.

June 2, 2013 Kristochka won the Specialty Show in Russia for the second time!

Under the judging of A. Zhuk, Chris became BOS (receiving the 2nd PC title) and BOB!

With this exhibition she won the title of Champion of the National Breed Club !

Our Chris became the first in the history of the BShO breed to win the title of National Club Champion and Grand Champion of Russia !!!

from April 26 to May 22, 2013 We left Moscow for the Euro Tour to the largest exhibitions in Poland, Germany, Croatia and the main event of the trip was the all-breed and special-breed World Championship 2013, taking place this year in Hungary!

The girls' results on this trip exceeded all my best expectations!!! Results of the tour of the 10 largest exhibitions:

1. POLAND, OPOLE, 04/28/2013 CLUB SHOW OF NON-POLISH HERDING DOG BREEDS, (17 BShO, 10 females) Our Results: Daina Moon Siberian Pride - CAC (Open class), Candidate for Champion of Poland Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf - CAC (Champions) , BOS, BOB, BIS-2, Candidate for Champion of Poland

2. CROATIA, ZADAR, 01-5.05.2013 . 4 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS CACIB, (6 females) Our Results: Daina Moon Siberian Pride - 4*CAC (Open class), RCACIB, Champion of Croatia Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf - 4*CAC (Champions), 3*CACIB, 3*BOS, 3*BOB, 3*BIG-1, Champion of Croatia

3. GERMANY, DORTMUND , (30 BShO, 20 females) VDH-Europasieger -Ausstellung 10. Mai 2013 Our Results: Daina Moon Siberian Pride - V3 (Open class) Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf - CAC (Champions), Candidate for German Champion

Internat. Ausstellung 11. Mai 2013 Our Results: Daina Moon Siberian Pride - RCAC (Open class) Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf - CAC (Champions), CACIB, Candidate for German Champion

4. HUNGARY, BUDAPEST , 05/15-19/2013 CACIB Dog Show, 05/15/2013 (29 BShO, 19 females) Our Results: Daina Moon Siberian Pride - V4 (Open class) Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf - V3 (Champions)

World Dog Show , 05/19/2013 (125 BShO) Our Results: Daina Moon Siberian Pride - V3 (Open class, 14 females) Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf - RCAC (Champions, 14 females)

FBBSI WINNER CUP — WORLD CLUB SHOW , 05/18/2013 (50 BShO, 26 females) Our Results: Daina Moon Siberian Pride — V3 (Open class) Baltic Beauty Crystal Siberian Wolf — CAC (Champions), BOS, BOB, Candidate for Hungarian Champion , WORLD CLUB WINNER 2013

Thus, my girls came from the tour as Champions of Croatia and candidates for Champions of Poland.

And Kristochka became the Winner of the Club World Championship 2013, the reserve winner of the champion class at the multi-breed World Championship 2013, a candidate for Champion of Germany and Hungary!!!!

April 19, 2013

We received official certificate No. 14779 of registration of the breeding nursery “RUS PRIDE”

We waited a whole year after submitting documents... and finally the dream came true!

All children of the nursery will have the RUP mark

April 4, 2012 My beloved Kristochka is 3 years old! We already have worthy exhibition and sporting achievements behind us, but we think that this is just the beginning! There are still many unconquered peaks ahead that are worth striving for! Follow our achievements, we are only at the beginning of the star journey... My favorite clever girl

April 1, 2012 Our Dainochka at the All-Russian exhibition under the judgeship of Repina became JCAC, Best Junior, BOB and in the best of the first group BIG-3

March 31, 2012 open competitions in military all-around with dogs were held. In tough competition with participants from various structural divisions, Crystal and I took 1st place in the women's competition and 2nd overall!!! You can read more in the “Training” section.

March 3, 2012 Official competitions in skier towing and dog sled racing took place. In an unequal competition, Krista made it into the top 10 best towers, showing an excellent time and setting a personal record for covering 3.8 km in 11.47 minutes. You can read more in the “Training” section.

February 21, 2012 Congratulations to all our puppies on their magical First Bone Day! Thank you very much to the owners for your patience, time, love and care that you gave during the most difficult first year of life! I wish all children strong immunity, excellent health, lots of skills, dexterity and beauty! Thanks to all the owners who have already embarked on the path of winners and good luck to everyone who is just about to start a long and happy path of great achievements!

All children in the “Our Descendants” section now have personal pages! Welcome.

In February, our daughters Shaini and Daina showed for the first time in the Junior class. Shiny received an excellent description, won her first JCAC and received the title of best female in the breed. Daina made her debut at the show and also received an excellent description, took her first JCAC, beat her competitor from the open class and became Best of Breed and Best of Breed. In the best of 11 shepherd dogs, Daina climbed to the podium BIG-2, and in the best of juniors from the 50 best juniors of the exhibition she became JBIS-3.

For a long time there was no news about our achievements. This does not mean that nothing is happening here. Our babies Dana and Shiny successfully started their show careers in the baby and puppy classes, received their first judges' descriptions, scores - great prospects and gained excellent experience. The girls are actively involved in obedience training and handling.

August 21, 2011 Congratulations to all our puppies on their first half year of life!

June 21, 2011 Happy Birthday to all our puppies! Today the babies turned 4 months old! I recommend that the owners of our children start visiting training grounds and sign up for an obedience course. Working in a group, in the presence of a lot of irritants and distractions, under the strict guidance of a training master, will make your relationship with your dog even more interesting, enjoyable and harmonious! (Photo by your sister Daina)

June 18, 2011 The first gathering of our descendants living in Yekaterinburg and Tyumen took place! I am very happy that the owners of our puppies maintain friendly relations, visit each other, meet and exchange experiences. Thank you! You can see a photo report of the meeting in the gallery, in the “Descendants” catalog

June 17, 2011 A mini meeting of White Shepherds in Krasnoyarsk took place. It was attended by: long-haired male Arcturus, medium-haired male Antey, Krista and our little Dainochka! You can see a photo report of the meeting in the gallery, in the “Walks” catalogue.

May 24, 2011 The last boy left our house, the Turquoise puppy went to a wonderful family in the capital of Russia, Moscow, now he lives with a very caring mother, nice girls, a small dog and 2 cats. Two weeks earlier, the Green Male left us for distant Vladivostok. He also settled with a family with children, and his best friends and mentors will be an energetic male Husky breed. Well, a week before it, my beloved girl Golden Ribbon left us. She also ended up in a large family, and her mentor will be a very cute mongrel dog. Thanks to everyone, the best owners in the world, for choosing our descendants and so carefully raising wonderful white shepherds!

April 21, 2011 Our babies are 2 months old! The average weight of puppies is 10 kg. 2 wonderful boys, long-haired and short-haired, still looking for the most caring and loving owners!

April 17, 2011 The puppies are 56 days old today and three of our white stars have gone to their new families. Red Girl and Olive Boy now live in families with wonderful children and caring owners. The blue boy lives in Tyumen, with a very active and purposeful young couple. Good luck to the children in their new life!

April 16, 2011 There was a re-check using the Kembel test and a final photo session of the whole family. You can see photos in the “whole family” topic and in personal photo albums in the gallery.

April 13, 2011 All puppies received their first vaccination.

April 11, 2011 Our babies are 7 weeks old today, the average weight of the puppies is 7.5 kg, height 30cm, length 40cm. Yesterday, all puppies successfully passed certification and received brands, and passed a nervous system test using the Kembel test.

April 04, 2011 Our Kristochka is 2 years old today! Congratulations to my most wonderful dog in the world and her brothers on their second bone!

April 03, 2011 Our children's first photo shoot took place! Photos of puppies on their personal pages!

March 31, 2011 An official conclusion has arrived from the RKF on the analysis of Crystal’s dysplasia. We were confirmed to be in excellent health and completely free from this disease. Official result HD AA, ED 00!

March 22, 2011 — Personal photo pages of puppies have appeared in the gallery.

Origin story

The White Shepherd comes from its German counterparts. In the early 20s, Swiss shepherds used dogs of this breed to walk their sheep. In the mid-30s, the canine community began to believe that the light coat gene was the cause of all the defects of German shepherds. Because of this, white dogs were banned from participating in exhibitions.

In Canada and America, local dog handlers appreciated this breed. In the 60s, a new subspecies of shepherd dogs was developed, which was very popular. Then the world standard was adopted.

In the late 80s, the Swiss began to be in demand in European countries. In 2002 they became recognized as an IFF club.


It’s worth noting right away that this breed, due to its youth, is not yet very well known in Russia. But its popularity is growing every year, and more and more people want to buy BShO in the country. The cost of Swiss Shepherd puppies ranges from 15 thousand rubles to 40 thousand rubles. However, this price is relevant for animals without a pedigree. It should be understood that there are no high guarantees for the preservation of all breed data.

White Swiss Shepherd puppies on a walk

For professional breeders, the price of a White Swiss Shepherd can be significantly higher. But purchasing a BShO from specialized nurseries is the key to obtaining a healthy, purebred dog, which often has the right to take part in exhibitions.

Moreover, very often breeders accompany the new owner with advice on raising and maintaining the animal. When choosing a seller, you should be careful and check the documentation for authenticity.

If a dog is purchased from a licensed kennel, the BShO must have a puppy card (or pedigree), as well as a veterinary passport. In addition, if it is included in the RFK register, then the inner side of the ear or groin must contain the corresponding mark.

Characteristics and standards

The average height of a white shepherd is 580 mm, weight is 37 kg.

Appearance characteristics, according to the description of the breed:

  • the skull is of standard size, proportional to the body, wedge-shaped;
  • nose of medium size, dark;
  • the muzzle is round, the bottom is straight;
  • lips black;
  • the jaws have a scissor bite;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • ears are erect, oblong;
  • the neck is muscular;
  • the body has a flat back, sloping towards the back of the croup;
  • the tail is saber-shaped, fluffy, thickened at the base;
  • skin without folds, dark in color.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Swiss are good-natured and only become aggressive when the owner is in danger. They quickly become attached to their owner and are wary of strangers, but not aggressive.

White Shepherds learn quickly and do all the tricks. They are inquisitive, responsive to affectionate treatment, and get along well with children. These dogs are sociable and get along with almost any animal. Their hunting instincts are highly developed, which is why they are excellent guards for private homes.

The disadvantages of the breed include the fact that its representatives bark often and loudly. Also, it is unlikely that a Swiss can be turned into a “fighter”, since this shepherd is not prone to aggression.

The Swiss color is only white. Any deviation from this shade may be considered by judges as a violation of the breed standard.

Conditions of detention

A small dog is ideal for keeping both in the yard (spacious enclosure, not chained) and in an apartment. It won’t take up much space, the main thing is its own corner. Wherever you keep a Welsh Shepherd, you must not forget about the need for walking and physical activity - without this, the dog will wither away, and its life expectancy will be reduced significantly (in normal conditions and with proper care, these dogs live from 12 to 15 years). Grooming is simple, you need to regularly comb the fur, bathe it as needed, trim its claws, clean its ears and teeth. Buy special dog shampoo, toothpaste or a bone.

Character and appearance

These dogs perfectly adapt to being in any climate and can live in an apartment or enclosure. Behavioral features of the white shepherd include:

  • absence of causeless aggression;
  • protection of the owner in the event of danger;
  • obedience;
  • love for children;
  • inability to bear loneliness.

These representatives of the breed are muscular and well built. The body has smooth outlines, a saber-shaped tail, and brownish eyes. The nose is dark. Coat color is white.

How to choose a puppy

You should buy a puppy through a kennel club or from reputable breeders. When purchasing, in order to avoid troubles and not be deceived, you need to:

  • Ask about the documents of the puppy and parents. To confirm the pedigree, this is a necessary condition.
  • Don't rush to choose a pet. It is important to observe his behavior for some time. White Shepherds show mobility from an early age. Hyperactivity and aggressiveness are weaknesses.
  • Check to see if the breeder has an X-ray of the puppy’s spine and a BEAR test to confirm the absence of congenital deafness.
  • Learn about the inbreeding test. If there have been inbreedings in the family, the puppy may exhibit character traits that are not typical for this breed.

In the photo you can see that the white Swiss Shepherd puppies are without tan marks or additional shades. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing.

Since the babies do not have distinctive features confirming the purity of the breed, documents are required.

Maintenance and care

The thick coat is easy to clean with a stiff brush. There is no need for frequent bathing, as the Swiss remove impurities from their bodies themselves. When washing, it is advisable to use a product that does not leave a yellow tint on light wool.

Pets need frequent exercise. They need to be walked daily, run and play. This is required so that the bones and ligaments of the shepherd develop correctly. You need to have your teeth, ears, claws examined weekly, and vaccinated in accordance with the prescriptions of veterinarians.

Dogs with long hair need to be brushed once every 3 days (during shedding - every day). Animals with short hair need to be brushed once every 7 days (during shedding - 3 times a week).

If a White Swiss Shepherd puppy lives in an apartment, you need to make a non-slip coating on the floor surface. Puppies up to 3 months old have loose paws on parquet and linoleum floors. This can cause abnormal skeletal development.

In order to keep a dog of this breed, the owner needs to buy:

  • two 2.8 liter aluminum bowls with stand;
  • a lounger, rug or other place to sleep;
  • care devices (combs);
  • leash 2.5 meters long;
  • collar;
  • muzzle;
  • toys;
  • vein bone;
  • medications to provide emergency medical care to animals;
  • premium food (if you plan to give your pet dry food).

When your pet turns 9 years old, you should start monitoring his vision. The eyes of old animals are highly sensitive to dust particles and wind gusts. They should be wiped daily with chamomile infusion or weak tea. The shepherd's ears need to be cleaned with a special stick.

Possible diseases

The White Swiss Shepherd is distinguished by good health and longevity (with proper care - at least 13 years). All preconceptions about problems caused by coat color are wrong. But, like any breed, some ailments are also common to the “Swiss”.

Among the most common disorders in BSH: joint diseases (dysplasia and osteochondrosis), eosinophilic myositis (problems with the masticatory muscles, more often in young animals), intussusception and allergies (to food, parasites and the like, but most often also manifest in young animals) .

Hereditary diseases of BSH include heart defects, deafness and unusual character traits, such as aggressiveness, phlegmaticity, or, conversely, increased activity. Such dogs are not only not allowed for exhibitions, but are also recommended not to be used for breeding in order to minimize the birth of animals with such disorders.


Puppies need to be fed at least 6 times a day. After they reach 6 months of age, the number of meals should be reduced to three times a day. An adult animal needs to be fed 2 times a day.

Diet recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to feed the dog lean varieties of beef, chicken, and boneless fish.
  2. It is recommended to give buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet porridge. You can add vegetables and fruits to them.
  3. White Shepherds love raspberries, apricots, zucchini, and dill.
  4. Eggs should be given in 3-4 pieces. in Week.
  5. It is necessary to supplement the menu with curd and cheese products.

Under no circumstances should you give your shepherd:

  • cookies, white bread;
  • bones;
  • sweet;
  • sausages;
  • bones;
  • smoked products.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

The animal must be fed on a schedule. When feeding on a schedule, food will be better absorbed by the body.

The animal also needs to be given access to clean water and changed every day.


Females reach sexual maturity by one year. However, early mating can have a negative impact on health, since the body is not yet strong enough and mature enough for pregnancy and childbirth. The optimal age for mating is 2 years.

Mating is carried out on the territory of the male. But first you need to introduce the dogs on neutral territory, for example, while walking together on the playground.

It is advisable to consult experienced dog handlers or breeders on how to choose the right partner for a BShO.

Diseases and life expectancy

The average life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 30 years. Light colored shepherds are prone to the following diseases:

  1. Dysplasia. When buying an animal, you need to request x-rays from the seller, which confirm the absence of violations.
  2. Deafness.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. Mental abnormalities (overly timid/aggressive).

Reviews of the Welsh Sheepdog

Now this breed is still taken by people for the soul, and not, as before, for grazing livestock. There is not a single negative review about the Welsh Shepherd. They write that this is a sweet, kind, very inquisitive and active animal, whose appearance seemed to increase the light in the house. The dog does not let you get discouraged, but also does not get bored if it feels that the owner is not in the mood to play or even just communicate.

An intelligent breed: does not bark at people, cats, or other dogs during walks. Walks calmly, does not break from the leash. He carries out all commands with pleasure and remembers them the first time.

Choosing a puppy

It is better to buy an animal in special nurseries. It is necessary to select a baby who is active, has a normal weight, with shiny eyes and fur. The puppy must be energetic, balanced, and not afraid of people and brothers.

From the seller of the white shepherd you need to request:

  • pedigree;
  • X-ray;
  • acts: veterinary and BAER;
  • conclusion with the results of the Campbell test.


Character traits and temperament allow the Swiss Shepherd to be used in the work of rescue services and the police.

BShO is one of the most active service dogs.

The dog is highly sensitive, human-oriented, and clearly perceives commands. She subtly senses people's moods and reacts delicately. At home, he is a faithful companion and friend.

In medical institutions in Europe and America, the White Swiss Shepherd is used as rehabilitation therapists. They also develop the skills of guides. For blind people, BShO is a faithful assistant.

Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts associated with white Swiss shepherds:

  1. Representatives of the breed are called “talkative”, as these shepherd dogs have a wide range of vocal signals. The owner gradually gets used to them, but such sounds seem strange to strangers.
  2. It is believed that the breed originated from the American male Lobo, who was born on 03/05/1966. His descendants and other light-colored dogs that were brought from America and Canada continued the Swiss lineage in Europe.
  3. The white shepherd served as the prototype for the main character of the cartoon "Volt".
  4. Several light-colored shepherd dogs were pets of the Rockefellers. In addition, the writer Neil Gaiman and the artist Eva Soul liked this breed.

Breed characteristics and character

“Canadian White Shepherd”, “American-Canadian Shepherd”, “German White” - this is all the name of one young, but very beautiful breed of dog - BShO. It was first registered under the name “White Swiss Shepherd Dog” by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 2003 by breeders from Switzerland (FCI No. 347).

White Swiss Shepherd age 1 year

However, the pedigree dates back to the end of the 19th century, when in Europe they began to breed a breed specifically for sheep farmers, which eventually became the German Shepherd. An integral characteristic of the BShO is the white color of its coat.

BShO is a companion dog. Its key purpose is to be loyal to its owner, which is why it is ideal as a family pet. Individuals of this breed are easy to train, so they are often chosen as guide dogs, rescue dogs, guard dogs and service dogs. Given the history of origin, this breed is also used as a herding dog.

BShO owners on the forums say that this is one of the most cheerful, intelligent and non-aggressive dogs. She coexists peacefully with other pets, and when communicating with children she takes on the role of a supervisor and guard. The main character traits of the BShO: discipline, loyalty, sociability and intelligence.

White Swiss Shepherd dog frolicking in the meadow

An easygoing disposition, responsiveness, courage and, of course, appearance are only part of the many advantages of the BShO. The only disadvantages of this breed are the need for careful care of the coat, especially during the molting period, which happens twice a year. Also, the BShO dog is a “talkative” breed, so singing and frequent stories cannot be avoided by its owner.


Tatyana: “I fell in love with this breed right away. When I brought the puppy into the apartment, no one objected. He instantly established a friendly relationship with my cat. They are still comrades, and when I trim Murka’s claws, the dog watches carefully. Worried about his best friend."

Andrey: “It’s funny to walk your dog and hear that it’s an albino German shepherd. I know that this is a special breed that loves people and cannot stand being alone. Even my loved ones were convinced of this.”

Ilya: “An amazing animal. The dog understands perfectly well when it is necessary to be friendly and when the owner needs protection. For example, one day a drunk stranger accosted us on the street. The shepherd immediately became alert and began to growl aggressively. It’s good that the bully was smart enough to leave.”

If you want to get a companion dog, the White Swiss Shepherd will be an excellent choice. Representatives of this breed will never be the first to show aggression, however, if the owner is in danger, they will protect him. If you want to know what other white dogs there are, read the article.

Breed standards

The exterior of the BShO in the photo is very reminiscent of the appearance of its German relative. Although the body size of both dogs is almost the same, the “Swiss” is stockier. The height of the male is on average 63 cm, and the weight is from 30 kg to 40 kg. Females are correspondingly smaller: height - no more than 61 cm, weight - approximately 25-35 kg.

According to FCI No. 347, the standard proportions of the BShO are 12:10 (the ratio of the length from the humeroscapular joint to the ischial tuberosity). Main features of appearance: medium body size, developed muscular skeleton and elongated body.

The White Swiss Shepherd is not afraid of water and happily gets into it.

Representatives of this species have clearly defined withers and chest, and a tucked belly. If the dog is not excited, the tail hangs freely down. Its tip can be straight or saber-shaped. The BShO has a wedge-shaped head, with a rounded skull and correct proportions to the body.

The length of the muzzle is approximately half of the head. The dog's nose is black and of medium size, while pigmentation and spots on it are considered minor faults. The dog's lips should be dark black and dry, and the jaw should be strong.

The main feature of the ears of BShO representatives is that they resemble an equilateral triangle, but with a non-sharp tip at the top. In general, the ears are straight and erect, pointing forward.

The eyes of dogs of this breed are not very large, almond-shaped and slightly slanted. The color palette is brown. In the BShO standards, blue eyes are not allowed, as is heterochromia (different shades of the right and left eyes).

White Swiss Shepherds on a walk in spring

As originally stated, white fur is a key characteristic of a Swiss Shepherd. BShO is a long-haired dog breed. Typically the fur is longer on the hind legs and neck, and the ears, front legs and muzzle are also short. BShO shorthair is also found, but less frequently.

The back, top of the ears and tail of a smoky or light yellow hue are not considered to be too much of a deviation from the breed characteristics. It should be noted that in addition to the indicated unacceptable qualities of the nose and eyes, defects of the breed are considered to be indirect ears, square-shaped muscles, a donut tail and curly soft hair.

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