Smooth-haired dog breeds, their characteristics, types and photos

When you get a dog at home, you want it to be a loyal friend and a favorite for the whole family. Smooth-haired dog breeds are ideal for this; caring for them does not take much time; most often they are medium-sized and peaceful in nature. Although among them there are also short-haired hunting dogs that are ready to protect and guard you.

Italian Greyhound

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 5 kg. The height at the withers is up to 38 cm. Looking at Italian Greyhounds, you begin to understand what true grace is. These miniature cat substitutes look very elegant and sophisticated, but have a rather playful character.

Their behavior is unpredictable: today the Italian greyhound is a model of love and affection, devotion and obedience, and tomorrow a little imp breaks through, who, in a fit of unbridled delight, completely forgets that he is supposed to listen to his owner.

The whole point of an Italian greyhound's life is constant contact with humans. She will not put up with the fact that you want to spend the evening in quiet solitude. The attention of an Italian greyhound is pleasant, but sometimes too intrusive. However, these dogs are too smart, they will not bother you for hours, but will find something else interesting to do.

For example, they will chew the owner's slippers or organize a hunting season for a guinea pig. If rodents or birds already live in your house, then it is better to refuse to buy an Italian Greyhound - its hunting instincts break out every now and then. But Italian greyhounds live peacefully side by side with cats and other dogs, showing no signs of aggression or jealousy. These naughty creatures also get along well with children.


You need to start training a Fox from puppyhood, so that in the future stubbornness and willfulness do not interfere with raising an obedient pet. The teacher must be fair and strict - these two qualities must be balanced. There should be no place for aggression, since the terrier will respond in kind. Training should begin at home, and commands should be given in the form of a game so that the baby moves a lot - this will be clearer for him.

The first command is getting used to the nickname. Then the puppy must learn where the toilet is, a place to rest, and get used to the collar, without which walking will be impossible. On the first walk, you need to teach the terrier to walk next to the owner, not to run ahead or to the side and not to trail behind. When the dog grows up, you can teach it to walk next to you without a leash. Then comes the turn of static commands: “sit”, “lie down”. The Smooth Fox Terrier must be praised for doing it correctly and treated to something delicious.

If the owner likes to ride a bike, you can train the puppy to run alongside while riding. It would be useful to teach how to overcome various obstacles. The main thing is that learning should arouse interest and enthusiasm, and not be boring. Foxes have a good memory, they quickly learn the material, but they do not want to consolidate it due to their willfulness and great activity. Undoubtedly, the owner must be persistent.

You can approve the correct execution of commands by reinforcing the praise with a treat at first. Then the dog will feel satisfaction, self-confidence, a taste of victory, and that will be enough.

Estonian hound

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 25 kg. The height at the withers is up to 52 cm. In the ranking of medium-sized smooth-haired dog breeds, the Estonian hound takes pride of place. These handsome guys are increasingly acting not as hunters, but as companions and family pets.

But at the same time, they retain a very active character, so if you are not ready to start every morning with a jog, reconsider your choice of breed. For lovers of active recreation and a sports lifestyle, the Estonian hound will become a real talisman, a faithful and devoted friend, and a partner in sports.

An aggressive hunter, the Estonian has only tender feelings for people. This is especially true for the owner, with whom the dog chooses only one family member. For her, everyone else is her family, so everyone will get a portion of affection.

Estonian hounds show amazing patience towards children, even the most persistent and mischievous ones. But it’s not worth getting other pets if a dog of the above-mentioned breed already lives in your house. A hound has normal contact with animals only if they have grown up together.

If you plan to go hunting with your hound, teach it to this from puppyhood. For example, before feeding, blow on a hunting horn to develop a reflex in the dog to understand this sound. You can take an Estonian dog hunting at the age of seven months.

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu is a dog breed that originated in Japan. Due to its small size and amazing maneuverability, it was used in the past as a bird and deer hunting dog.

Its height in adulthood reaches about 40 cm, and its weight rarely exceeds 15 kg. Females appear slightly smaller.

This is a sociable, active and playful dog, but quite resistant to training. Its owners often turn to a specialist for help.


The maximum weight of an adult dog is 3 kg. Height at the withers is up to 23 cm. Small, smooth-haired dog breeds are a good solution for a small-sized city apartment. Alternatively, consider purchasing a Chihuahua - these little ones have the big heart of a lion.

They clearly have no complexes about their own size; even with large dogs, Chihuahuas behave on equal terms. And if the big dog also lives with the little one in the same territory, he will constantly be jealous, fight for the attention of the owner and show truly knightly courage.

A big plus of this breed is comfortable transportation. If you are going on vacation, then you no longer need to urgently look for someone to leave your pet with - almost all pet hotels easily agree to have a Chihuahua in the room.

It is easy to train dogs to travel in a handbag, where they fit wonderfully and feel very comfortable. But don’t forget to give your baby the opportunity to run and frolic - this is important for his harmonious physical development.

Chihuahuas come in long-haired and short-haired varieties. The length of the coat does not affect the character in any way. They are distinguished from other pocket dogs by their enviable calmness, restraint of emotions and more developed intelligence. The owners prefer not to engage in serious training, but the Chihuahua is quite capable of remembering the simplest commands and unquestioningly following them.

Coat types

A dog's coat is a means of protecting the animal's skin from seasonal weather conditions. But this is also one of the most important characteristics of the exterior.

It is believed that the original coat of the ancestors of domesticated dogs was smooth , of different lengths (longer on the croup and tail, shorter on the head and limbs). During the selection process, certain breeds have developed wavy, twisted or curly hair with varying degrees of stiffness and density.

Depending on the length of the coat and the presence of undercoat, dogs are divided into three groups:

  1. short-haired (no undercoat);
  2. long-haired (undercoat is well developed);
  3. naked (bald).

At the same time, smooth hair is most often found in short-haired breeds precisely because of the absence of a second layer (or weak development), which makes the entire hair coat feel stiff to the touch.

Read an interesting article on the topic: “Review of dog breeds with short hair: selection with photos.”

miniature pinscher

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 6 kg. The height at the withers is up to 30 cm. Despite its small size, the miniature pinscher is distinguished by increased conceit and disobedience. Its training is a primary task for the owner, because a poorly socialized dog can cause real mayhem at home, and then not feel the slightest remorse about it.

Representatives of the breed are very active, they can hardly be called homebodies - in order to throw out their ebullient energy, miniature pinschers enjoy spending time outside. Outdoor games, jogging and agility are what the owner needs to provide for such a pet on an ongoing basis.

Under no circumstances should you keep rodents in the same apartment as miniature pinschers. The breed is famous for its irreconcilable hatred of rodents: mice, hamsters, rats, including decorative ones.

Even if you place the cage at a height inaccessible to the miniature pinscher, the dog will sooner or later find a way to get to the defenseless rodent. Miniature pinschers get along well with school-age children, but they can respond to obsessive petting by children with overt aggression.


The graceful English Greyhound occupies an intermediate position between the large Greyhounds and the small Italian Greyhounds. The height of whippets is 44 – 51 cm, body weight is up to 13 kg.

Owners see pure merit in their pets. Whippets are clean, do not smell, rarely bark, and are well trained. They behave friendly at home and get along with children.

Whippets are natural runners. In a straight line they reach speeds of up to 70 km/h.

French Bulldog

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 14 kg. Height at the withers is up to 35 cm. The charming French bulldog is a bright representative of smooth-haired dog breeds for apartments . He is simply not adapted to life on the street. Although the ancestors of the French bulldog were fighting dogs, this breed is more of a decorative dog.

Frenchies get along well with other animals as long as they do not show aggression. They also get along with children. A companion dog can easily become a full-fledged member of the family if you are willing to put up with frequent shedding and increased salivation.

French Bulldogs are very intelligent but equally stubborn. It is imperative to train such pets, otherwise you risk getting a leader dog who does not value his own owners at all and considers himself the head of the pack. But if you engage in socialization in a timely manner, you will get a loyal and playful friend who dotes on your household.

These dogs do not tolerate loneliness very well, so they are not suitable for people who disappear at work. Frequent separations from the owner make the bulldog aggressive and hooligan; he will easily cause chaos in the apartment.

Features of short-haired dog breeds

Short-haired dogs tolerate cold less well. If you keep them outside (in the house, for example), then bring them indoors in the winter. For winter walks, buy a small jacket and shoes. Short-haired breeds require less grooming—they don't need frequent bathing or brushing out tangles to keep them looking nice. These breeds leave less hair behind when they shed, so you will need to clean the floor less often.

Attention! Dogs with short hair can also cause allergies in case of individual intolerance.

Smooth-haired dachshund

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 12 kg. The height at the withers is up to 35 cm. Looking at the smooth-haired dog breeds in the photo , you will probably recognize a dachshund. The peculiar appearance of the breed: a long body and short legs, has long become the calling card of dachshunds. Initially, the breed was bred for burrow hunting, hence the amazing proportions. But the dachshund is also perfect as a decorative pet.

During the training process, do not force the dachshund to stand on its hind legs; at home, make sure that it does not jump down even from the height of the sofa - this can result in injury. The spine of dogs is very fragile and vulnerable, this should never be forgotten. During a walk, the dachshund actively turns on its hunting instincts; it is interested in everything that moves. Therefore, never let her walk without a leash - the pet may get lost.

Another important feature of the dachshund is the need for a balanced diet. Dogs are prone to obesity, so their diet must be prepared with special care. It is better if a veterinarian takes care of this.

The dachshund has a developed sense of self-esteem, but this trait does not spoil this breed at all. Pride does not prevent dachshunds from being obedient and loyal. If a dachshund does not want to follow a command, this is not out of harm, the dog is simply confident that it has understood the situation better than its owner. Such independent decision-making is necessary for the dachshund when hunting, where it enters into battle with a fox without the owner’s prompts or commands. Be lenient with your Dachshund's stubbornness.


To successfully breed a pet, you need to follow some rules:

  • The age for breeding a fox terrier is no earlier than 18 months;
  • Females can be mated no more than once a year, so she will have time to restore her body;
  • After reaching the age of seven, breeding dogs is strictly prohibited.

For assistance in the correct selection of a pair and the mating process, it is recommended to contact the nursery where the dog was purchased. Professional breeders will give valuable advice and warnings to the Fox Terrier owner, and will also help in finding a match for the dog.

Before mating, it is advisable for the couple to take a good walk together to allow the dogs to get used to each other and it is advisable not to feed both of them the day before.

It is better to conduct acquaintance in advance on neutral territory. The mating itself is done only on the territory of the male. It is better to obtain more detailed information on mating, pregnancy and childbirth from experienced breeders who have been dealing with the breed for a long time.

English Mastiff

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 75 kg. Height at the withers is up to 80 cm. Large, smooth-haired dog breeds are becoming increasingly attractive in the eyes of dog breeders around the world. Their maintenance is quite expensive, but they do not require any special care. The whole formula for success lies in competent training and timely socialization.

A striking representative of large short-haired dogs is the English Mastiff. Calm giants, homebodies and unusually affectionate pets - this is how breeders speak of English mastiffs. But, despite their friendly disposition, the dogs are completely unsuitable for novice dog breeders - their natural stubbornness makes the training process very difficult.

Mastiffs are not suitable for families with small children due to their impressive size and some clumsiness. Without meaning to, the dog can injure the child. It gets along well with other animals, but there are rare moments when dogs try to dominate pets of the same sex.

The dog has well-developed security qualities, but it cannot live permanently in the yard. The favorite pastime of English mastiffs is to cuddle with their owner on the sofa. Properly socialized animals have a calm, good-natured character. But achieving obedience will not be easy. Mastiffs mature late psychologically, so a huge dog can behave playfully and unpredictably, like an unreasonable puppy.

Pros of short-haired dog breeds

Dogs with short hair have many advantages - here are the main ones:

  • Nice view. Short-haired breeds look elegant, you can go on a visit with them. They often take part in exhibitions.
  • They have good strength and endurance. Such dogs often take part in competitions, taking prizes, which makes their owners happy.
  • Minimum problems with wool. Such dogs do not form tangles and do not need to be combed, so it will be easier to care for them.
  • Beautiful shine. In order for the dog to maintain its natural shine, it does not need to be bathed often - the shine of the coat is formed naturally.

Dogo Argentino

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 45 kg. The height at the withers is up to 65 cm. White dogs of the smooth-haired breed have an intimidating appearance, but are distinguished by their good-natured character. Gentle Danes, however, love to show leadership qualities in everything.

This also applies to other pets and even owners. Like other large dogs, Great Danes must be trained from the first day of their appearance in the family. The owner must let the dog know that his leadership position is not being challenged. Once this happens, the Great Dane turns into a sweet and obedient animal, loyal to its family.

The level of aggression of the Great Dane towards strangers is quite high, so its protective qualities are beyond doubt. But at the same time, the Dogo Argentino will never bark for no reason or behave inappropriately in society - dogs are characterized by natural aristocracy.

Tactile sensations are very important for the snow-white big guy. He obsessively demands constant stroking, readily lies on his back and exposes his belly to his owner. He puts his head on his knees with pleasure and waits for you to scratch his forehead. If you don’t do this, the dog will feel very unhappy and abandoned.

Welsh Corgi

The Welsh Corgi is a miniature shepherd with a big heart. He has a strong and compact body with a slightly elongated and weighted shape that literally makes him tremble with every step.

The Welsh Corgi is now known throughout the world for being the favorite dog of Queen Elizabeth II. After all, this is a dog with a cheerful and lively character, who manages to conquer everyone with his inexhaustible enthusiasm. Corgis are on average 25 and 30 cm tall and weigh between 12 and 14 kg, although females can be shorter and weigh slightly less.


The maximum weight of an adult dog is 45 kg. The height at the withers is up to 72 cm. The black smooth-haired Doberman dog . This unique animal is very easy to train, but the intervention of a competent dog handler is desirable. The Doberman looks very serious: black or brown shiny fur, erect ears, muscular body and unusually intelligent eyes.

The Doberman is always on the alert. If he or his owners are in danger, the dog will rush into battle without hesitation. He perceives his family as something “his own.” The Doberman rides in the car in “his” seat, plays with “his” children, sleeps in “his” place.

A balanced character is a consequence of many years of selection, because initially Dobermans were raised as service dogs, endlessly loyal to their owners and unjustifiably cruel to strangers. Today, devotion has been preserved, but cruelty has been replaced by intelligence and common sense.

The owner must make an effort to become a real authority for the Doberman. Without this, you will never achieve 100% obedience even from such a trainable breed. While still a puppy, a Doberman must see its owner as a like-minded person and best friend, so never scold the dog “after” for chewing a doorframe or other pieces of furniture or clothing. Teach and prohibit for the future, and not after the “crime” has been committed.


Chug is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pug. This is an adorable little dog, widespread especially in the UK. There is no official standard by which weight or height can be determined with certainty. The Chugh usually has a round and pronounced head, like a Chihuahua, with large, protruding eyes, like a Pug. Character is difficult to predict. Chihuahuas are mischievous and temperamental, while pugs are phlegmatic and a little lazy. Who the puppy will become is unknown. The Chug is still a rare and little-known breed in Russia. But puppies can already be purchased if you wish.


The maximum weight of an adult dog is 32 kg. Height at the withers is up to 62 cm. Possessing one of the most extraordinary colors, the extraordinary and tireless Dalmatian is the choice of many families. But not everyone was ready for the fact that this beautiful dog had such great potential. Whether it will be creative or destructive depends only on the owner.

Contrary to existing stereotypes, Dalmatians are not the best choice for families with small children. No, the breed is not distinguished by excessive aggression or dislike for children, but rather by a violent, uncontrollably cheerful disposition.

Sweeping a baby off his feet and licking him is a Dalmatian's favorite thing. Not every parent agrees to put up with such behavior. The ebullient energy of Dalmatians is constantly looking for a way out; the owner’s primary task is to channel this energy into a peaceful channel.

Therefore, the breed is not recommended for homebodies. Daily long walks, a well-designed training program and mandatory physical activity will protect your home from destruction by this restless beauty. Unlike most other breeds, Dalmatians do not choose one person as their owner. They love all family members equally and try to participate in their lives.

Miniature Bull Terrier

The origin of the Miniature Bull Terrier is English.

The breed is easily recognizable due to its special head shape. The dog has a cheerful disposition and can be taught discipline. Calm and positive training is required. He is an energetic dog, loves movement and games, and is an excellent companion for children. However, sometimes he shows his stubborn nature.

Average life expectancy: about 11 years.

In size, an adult miniature bull terrier can reach 36 cm in height and weigh 16 kg.


The maximum weight of an adult dog is 8 kg. The height at the withers is up to 32 cm. The pug is a very popular dog breed in modern society. The red, smooth-haired muzzle with black tan evokes affection just by its appearance. Brown round eyes, a snub nose, cute folds and a ringed tail are what make pugs stand out from other breeds.

The dogs are ideal for indoor keeping by inexperienced owners. They are absolutely devoid of aggression towards people and other animals. They do not need long walks; the older the dog gets, the less active it is, although pug puppies do not mind running and frolicking.

Among decorative dog breeds, you rarely find such a calm and even slightly phlegmatic representative as the pug. Dogs by nature have a completely healthy psyche, but long-term loneliness can provoke depression and melancholy. Even your neighbors can look after your pug—a representative of the breed willingly makes contact with strangers.

Pugs are perhaps the biggest treats in the canine world. For their favorite treat, they are ready to hypnotize the owner with their gaze for as long as desired. But it would be a big mistake to succumb to the pug’s charm and give him a piece from the master’s table.

Firstly, Pugs are prone to obesity, so their diet must be carefully balanced. Secondly, if you give in once, be prepared to watch the beggar during every meal.

Pugs are definitely not suitable for people who sleep very lightly. These babies are snoring champions. And when they are not sleeping, pugs grunt, sigh and make any sounds except the usual barking. They begin to bark very rarely, in moments of particular emotional instability.


Terriers were bred to hunt in burrows and catch rodents, which affected their temperament. Despite all their diversity, they share common features. These are restless, hardy, stubborn, passionate, brave dogs. Of the more than 30 types of terriers, there are 5 breeds that fit the definition of “medium smooth-haired”.

Parson Russell Terrier

The closest relative of the Jack Russell Terrier. Both breeds were bred by the English priest and passionate hunter John Russell in the 19th century. In 2001, they were separated and separate standards were published.

The ideal height for female Parson Russell Terriers is 33 cm, for males 36 cm.

Dense, thick wool comes in two types: smooth and hard, shaggy. Colors – solid white or with colored spots.

Hunters value Parson Russell Terriers for their speed of reaction, endurance, and tirelessness in work. Domestic dogs need regular walks and exercise. Parson Russells rarely get sick and live an average of 15 years.

Manchester Terrier

The oldest officially recognized breed from Great Britain.
Manchester Terriers were bred at the turn of the 18th – 19th centuries specifically for rodent extermination tournaments. The fast, agile dog could destroy a hundred rats in 6 minutes.

Now the Manchester Terrier is a loyal, friendly house companion. The ideal height for girls is 38 cm, for boys 41 cm. The only color is blue-black with rich tan. Manchester Terriers became the ancestors of English Toy Terriers.

Smooth Fox Terrier

A strong, agile dog originally from Great Britain. The maximum height of fox terriers is 39 cm, weight – up to 8 kg. The smooth short coat is colored solid white or with colored inclusions. The literal translation of the name of the breed is “fox terrier”.

Fox Terriers have retained their working skills. Temperamental dogs are bred for hunting and as domestic companions. Smooth Fox Terriers became the ancestors of the American Toy Terriers.

A famous representative of the breed was Admiral Baird's fox terrier Igloo. The dog accompanied the owner on an expedition to Antarctica. He became famous as the only dog ​​to survive in such extreme natural conditions.

Rat Terrier

American Pied Terriers, registered in the USA but not recognized by the FCI. The height of standard rat terriers is 33 – 46 cm, but the breed includes mini dogs with a height of 25 cm.

Rat terriers are bred not only for home keeping. In the USA, they work in hospices and nursing homes as psychotherapy dogs. They serve as sniffers for prohibited items in the police: it takes less than 3 weeks to learn how to search.

In the 70s of the 20th century, based on Rat Terriers, a new hairless breed was developed - the American Hairless Terrier.

Brazilian Terrier

The breed was formed at the beginning of the 20th century and received international recognition in 2007. Height 33 – 40 cm. Color white with brown, black, blue spots.

Energetic, cheerful Brazilian terriers are famous as skilled burrow hunters of small animals, vigilant watchmen and faithful companions. The breed is rare, but its popularity is growing.

Cane Corso

The maximum weight of an adult dog is 50 kg. Height at the withers is up to 68 cm. One of the most popular guard breeds is the Italian Cane Corso. The Cane Corso will protect the territory in which it lives from any uninvited invasion, and in case of danger it will rush into battle without hesitating for a second.

Cane Corsos are descended from gladiator dogs, their character is the golden mean between kindness and aggression. Simply put, Cane Corso packs show love, patience and loyalty towards their own members, and show an extreme degree of justified aggression towards strangers. Please note that it is reasonable.

That is, a Cane Corso is unlikely to rush into a fight without a reason. But if he senses signs of danger, he won’t wait for further confirmation. What is noteworthy is that Cane Corsos are not at all jealous or selfish. They are calm about the fact that the owner can devote more time to the household than to the dog.

Cane Corsos do not strive to become leaders, are not stubborn during training, and then unquestioningly follow the commands of their beloved owner. These giants are very easy to train, but the period of “childhood” is extended over time. Young Corsos are so playful that in a fit of reckless fun they may simply not hear the command, and then they repent so sincerely that it is impossible not to forgive them.

Adult Cane Corsos are inactive, so they can easily live even in a city apartment. If you can provide your dog with daily physical exercise while walking, then the Corso will behave completely calmly at home. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to his health - Cane Corsos often suffer from congenital hip dysplasia.


Widely used in the past and still used today in small game hunting. The Beagle is a fairly ancient breed. Already in the thirteenth century it was mentioned in some poems. It was the favorite breed of Elizabeth I, and due to its brilliant characteristics, the breed was bred in many European countries with excellent results.

This is an affectionate and very energetic dog who loves to play outdoors without getting tired. He barks a lot, so he can act as a “little watchman.” Beagles have a strong temperament. Due to its small size, it can also stay in the apartment if you find time for long walks. The dog's weight ranges from 13 to 17 kg, and its height is from 33cm to 40cm.

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