How to avoid becoming a victim of deception: do mini-beagles exist and who are they - an official subspecies or a defect of the breed?

The active, restless and adventurous beagle has long been a man's faithful friend, accompanying him through life and helping him in the hunt.

Cynology specialists distinguish five varieties of the breed - English, American, French, Irish and European.

Some breeders claim that there is also a Mini Beagle breed. But is this really so?

Let's try to find the answer to this question.

History of appearance

The first information about mini-beagles can be found in chronicles from the reign of Elizabeth I. There was a description of dogs that closely resembled beagles, but they were so small in size that hunters placed them in a special bag attached to the saddle of a horse. These kids did an excellent job of chasing hares, foxes and deer.

These miniature dogs were also often presented to royalty as a special sign of attention and a symbol of devotion. However, there is no direct evidence that these dogs were actually related to beagles.

Where to buy a purebred puppy

Purebred animals can be found from private breeders with good reviews on beagle fan forums. If you have large nurseries in the country within reach, then it makes sense to consider them. Such establishments are:

  • Rare Breeds Club;
  • Jolie Voice;
  • SKOR;
  • Popular breeds club;
  • Hunter Valley.

If you buy a dog there, it will come with a brand and all the necessary accompanying documents. It can be taken to exhibitions and used for mating. But in this case the price will be the highest, since these nurseries sell puppies that even participate in world championships.

Marriage or breed?

Wanting to get a miniature copy of the beagle, people turn to unscrupulous breeders who claim that such a breed really exists.

Most often they show retouched photos or photos of teenage beagles, whose height does not exceed 20-30 cm. This is nothing more than a lie and a trick to sell a standard beagle , which will definitely grow to 33 or 56 cm at the withers, depending on the type of breed.


There is no such breed as the Mini Beagle!

Height below standard is a disqualifying sign, meaning that the dog will not be allowed to further breed and participate in exhibitions. Moreover, dwarfism is fraught with problems of physical and mental development.

Character of dogs

Before you get a beagle, you should familiarize yourself with its basic character traits.

They are the same regardless of the breed type:

  • activity and energy. The Beagle is full of vital energy and, like no other breed, needs activity and physical exercise. Get ready for long walks, get toys in advance that your pet will occupy himself with while you are not at home. He shouldn't be bored. Otherwise, he will find something to do for himself, opening cabinets, turning things over and chewing furniture;
  • observation and curiosity. Beagles are very attentive and easy to interest. They engage in games with other dogs, children or their owner with all adventurism;
  • compassion and an optimistic attitude. Dogs of this breed subtly sense the mood of their owner. They know how to amuse and make people laugh by deliberately doing something stupid;
  • lack of aggression and friendliness. Beagle likes to make new acquaintances; he happily greets guests, allowing himself to be petted. He is the first to make contact and has an extremely difficult time tolerating ignorance and loneliness.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Dogs of this breed need authority. It is very important for them to see a leader and mentor in their owner, so only an experienced breeder can cope with the beagle’s character. This is a very active and inquisitive breed that needs physical activity and training.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of representatives of this breed can be divided into two categories - mental and physical.



  • not aggressive towards people and other dogs;
  • loves children and playing with them;
  • attached to the owner and loves to spend time with him;
  • feels the mood and knows how to cheer up;
  • adapts to any conditions, be it an apartment, a country house or an outdoor enclosure.


  • cannot stand loneliness. If you are constantly away from home and leave your beagle alone, his temperament will quickly deteriorate. He will start chewing furniture and shoes. If the situation is not corrected in a timely manner, his behavior will remain inadequate;
  • stubborn and overly independent. Because of this, problems with training constantly arise. Can go quite far from home, following the trail of a mouse or squirrel;
  • may be intrusive and try to draw attention to himself when he sees that the owner is passionate about someone or something else;
  • trusting and easily makes contact with strangers. He will easily follow strangers if they call him. Because of these qualities, he will not be able to become a good guard and defender.



  • loves physical activity and walking, which makes him a good companion for sports enthusiasts, travelers and tourists;
  • clean and does not drool, and also does not have a specific dog smell;
  • practically does not shed and leaves no traces of fur on furniture.


  • tends to overeat because he doesn’t know the norm. Often has problems with excess weight;
  • does not get along well with cats and rodents due to its hunting instincts.


Be extremely careful when walking your beagle! Dogs of this breed often pick up dirty and missing food from the ground, which can lead to poisoning and inflammation.

What to look for when buying beagle puppies

Before purchasing an active and cheerful beagle, it is important for you to understand that you are taking on a huge responsibility. Ideally, over time, the puppy will become your family member. Beagles are distinguished by the following features:

  • weight ranges from 8 to 11 kg;
  • girls’ height is 33 cm, and larger boys’ height is 40 cm;
  • the coat is smooth and thick, short;
  • so that the dog could hunt, nature endowed it with a muscular body;
  • Beagles' tails are short, wide and always have a white tip.

By nature, representatives of this breed are leaders, but at the same time they get along well with children and are calm towards strangers. They are good companions for humans, patient and friendly. They are easy to love for their cheerful disposition and attractive appearance. With good care they live up to 13-15 years.

There are some tips for those who are planning to buy a beagle:

  1. If you want to have not only a friend, but also attend exhibitions, then purchase an animal from a nursery.
  2. The pedigree and passport will prove to you that the puppy is purebred. His behavior will be predictable. Pay attention to his parents, he will inherit his character and behavior from them.
  3. Before purchasing, check the conditions in which the dog is kept, and ask what medical services were provided to it before it was handed over to you.
  4. Appearance and color in nurseries are checked by dog ​​handlers when the puppy reaches the age of 1.5 months. At this moment, he is given a brand and official registration is carried out. If you are offered to pick up the puppy earlier, then it is likely that this is a marriage.

In general, purchasing a beagle is no more difficult than purchasing a dog of any other breed. If it is important for you that the exterior conforms to certain parameters, then it is best to make the purchase in a nursery, and not according to advertisements on the Internet.

Dimensions and weight

According to the standard, the height of adult dogs of this breed varies from 33 to 56 cm, and weight from 13 to 27 kg.

The smallest representative of the breed is the European Beagle, and the largest is the Irish Kerry.

Most common diseases

Despite the fact that beagles are distinguished by good physical health and good endurance, some diseases are more common in them than in representatives of other breeds.

For example:

  • obesity – occurs due to the fact that the dog uncontrollably absorbs food;
  • ear infections - appear due to the specific shape of the ears, which often drag along the ground when the dog sniffs something;
  • epilepsy - often occurs in representatives of hound breeds;
  • hypothyroidism - expressed by deterioration of the coat, swelling and problems with reproductive function.


You need to show your pet to the veterinarian at least twice a year, even if visually everything is fine with him. Catching diseases early can save your dog's life.

A dwarf beagle is a dog shorter than 33 cm at the withers. This phenomenon is a pathology, not a variety.

Such a defect can be identified even in puppyhood - by a pronounced transition from the forehead, bulging eyes, a pointed and slightly upturned muzzle, unhealthy bones and crooked paws.

Care and maintenance

To make both you and your pet feel comfortable, adhere to the following five rules of keeping :

  • The dog should have its own place. No matter how much you would like to take the puppy into your bed or warm it up under a blanket on the sofa, you shouldn’t do this. Set up a cozy place for him, laying bedding away from drafts and heating devices, and train your pet to rest there. Otherwise, the dog will sit and lie wherever it pleases;
  • Walks and physical activity are required every day. Beagles need to run and play outside every day to satisfy their hunting enthusiasm and burn off their energy;
  • don't forget about hygiene! Despite the cleanliness of the breed, do not forget to periodically clean your pet’s ears and eyes, and also wash your paws after walks. Bathing procedures are carried out no more than 2–4 times a year using special dog shampoo;
  • visit the veterinarian! To maintain health, it is necessary to carry out timely vaccination and deworming. The dog must be treated for worms three times a year, for ticks - twice. The first procedures can be performed at the age of 3-4 months;
  • training from the first day as a guarantee of peace. As soon as your pet has crossed the threshold of your home, start training. Start with the basic commands “can”, “cannot” and “place”, gradually adding more and more new ones.

What determines the cost of a dog?

The region where the breeder is located affects the price less than other factors:

  1. The price is reduced if the color, bite, size or quality of the puppy’s coat does not meet the standards. Traditional color options are two-color - red and white, single-color - red, white, black. The color of an individual depends on its subspecies.
  2. Girls are more expensive than boys. Their price may be reduced after sterilization.
  3. The number of puppies in the litter, if there are few of them born, the price becomes higher. This is due to the fact that the period of waiting for offspring required investments from the breeder, and they need to be recouped. This also includes the cost of mating; if you had to travel to another city or country for it, then the costs will be included in the cost of the pet.
  4. Parents. If they regularly participate in exhibitions and have awards, then the price of their offspring will increase. The same thing happens with the reputation of nurseries. The more famous the breeder, the more expensive the dogs are sold.

The price may be reduced by the fact that a potential buyer previously refused it. At the same time, some breeders sell dogs over 3 months of age a little more expensive, as the costs of their maintenance increase. Closer to six months of age, the price is reduced again. It is optimal to buy an animal at the age of 3-3.5 months. These puppies are definitely healthy, examined by a veterinarian and already vaccinated.

How to feed?

As mentioned earlier, the beagle is prone to overeating and gaining excess weight, so the owner must tirelessly monitor his diet. The daily norm should be divided into 3-5 meals, adhering to the regime.

It will be easier to train your pet to eat on a schedule if you remove the bowl each time after the dog has eaten his portion.

The dog should have separate bowls for food and water, preferably made of stainless steel. To prevent your dog from experiencing physical discomfort during meals due to neck stretching, buy a special stand and adjust it as the puppy grows.

You need to feed your dog strictly after walking and training for two reasons:

  • having eaten, she will lose enthusiasm for following commands;
  • The dog loves to run and jump during street games, which means... that the risk of volvulus increases.

Price range

Since the Mini Beagle does not officially exist as such a breed, we will tell you how the price for representatives of this breed as a whole is determined.

There are only 3 classes into which purebred dogs can be divided:

  • pet (pet);
  • brit (for breeding);
  • show (for exhibitions).

The latter are the most expensive.

In the CIS countries, prices for beagles vary from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles.

What affects the cost

The cost of dogs depends on several factors:

  1. Class. There are three indicators: for home breeding - pet, for breeding - breeding, for exhibitions - show.
  1. Tribal marriage. The price of beagle puppies is reduced if color, size, and bite formation do not meet the standards.
  1. Floor. A girl is worth more than a boy.
  2. Number of pups per litter. Paying for breeding dogs of different sexes, caring for animals, and the waiting period for offspring requires significant investments. It turns out: fewer babies are born, their cost is higher.
  3. Age.
  4. Parents. If the dogs have participated in exhibitions or have awards, the price definitely increases.
  5. Reputation. When sales are made from title nurseries, this quality results in high fees.
  6. Mating price. Outdoor mating is more expensive than domestic mating. The first requires investment.
  7. The conscientious attitude of the nursery owner towards the brood.
  8. Consumer. The price decreases if the ordered puppy is rejected by the future owner.

How to choose a puppy?

After that. How did you decide on the class and gender of your future pet? It's time to go to the nursery.

After meeting the owner, check the following important points:

  • In what conditions are the bitches and puppies ? It should be a clean place without any traces of excrement or food debris. It is acceptable if dog toys are scattered;
  • what veterinary procedures were performed. This question is worth asking both about puppies and their mother, since many diseases are transmitted to offspring through mother's milk;
  • age of puppies. The optimal age for purchasing a puppy is 1.5–2 months. He is already physically stronger, knows how to feed himself and easily makes contact with people;
  • puppy's appearance. A healthy puppy is active and inquisitive. His coat is shiny, his eyes and ears are clean, his nose is cold and wet. The bite is correct, scissor-shaped. The paws are strong with slight seals on the knee joints;
  • color Beagles can be either two-color or three-color, but it is worth noting that until 2.5 months, the coat of most puppies appears black and white, with barely noticeable red tan markings.

Read more about how to choose a Beagle puppy here.

Tips for buying a beagle

Before getting a puppy, owners are advised to understand the responsibility they are taking on. The animal automatically becomes a member of the family and requires special attention.

When making a choice, you should consider:

  1. If a beagle is purchased to attend exhibitions or hunt, then the best solution is to select an individual from nurseries engaged in breeding.
  2. Availability of a pedigree passport.
  3. Conditions for keeping dogs, what medical services are provided to them.
  4. Who were the beagle's parents? A mentally stable state, character traits, and behavior patterns are formed in the womb of the female.
  5. A purebred beagle, whose pedigree matches the ideal data, is purchased at 1.5 months. Upon reaching 45 days of age, the litter is examined by a specialist dog handler, and at the same time the subject of breeding marriage is examined. Animals are officially registered and branded.
  6. Appearance. The puppy's coat should be shiny, without dandruff or bald spots.
  7. Color. A good indicator is the black and white color of the pile with red spots on the face.
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