Types of Chihuahua dogs. Longhair, mini, dwarf and other types

Nowadays, more and more people are getting Chihuahuas. These cute and kind pets will not cause you any trouble or trouble.

Chihuahuas are classified as decorative dogs and participate in various competitions and exhibitions.

This article will help you understand the types of Chihuahuas and understand the difference between standard and pseudo breeds.

Origin of the breed

The Chihuahua is the oldest breed, as experts say that dogs resembling short-haired Chias were discovered in the Paleozoic period in Mexican territory. They were small dogs with or without hair and were considered sacred.

Dogs were kept in temples, they were sacrificed to the gods and buried with the owner, because they believed that this type of dog helped to find the way to another world.

After the Spanish conquered Mexico in the sixteenth century, unique dogs were mentioned many times in chronicles. They were no longer sacred; the Aztecs called them yard dogs and prepared dinner from them.

After the destruction of the temples, the animal population fell sharply, many fled from death in the jungle and became wild. In the nineteenth century, Europeans began to revive the breed, naming it after the Mexican state in which the dogs were discovered.

In 1923, they founded the Chihuahua Club in America and created the first standard description, according to which the animal could only have short hair. After 31 years in Great Britain, individuals with long hair were also recognized as purebred.


Two opposite personalities coexist in dogs. One - kind, cheerful, affectionate, calm - is intended for the owner. The second - distrustful, aggressive, arrogant - is demonstrated to strangers.

The owner of the Chihuahua is adored. Dogs are real “tails”. They always accompany a person and “help” in all household chores. They love attention, persistently demand it and find hundreds of ways to attract interest.

Such devotion often develops into problems. Dogs do not like to be left alone; they bark for hours in the absence of their owner. Plus, they are jealous: try to pet another pet or spend more time with children - the miniature owners will immediately be offended and may even bite their “competitor.”

You shouldn't get dogs if you have kids. They don’t like the company of little ones: if they don’t like the treatment, they’ll bite you. Dogs will get along with children over 10 years old if you explain to the children how fragile pets are and how to behave with them.

Dogs are wary of strangers. They will definitely bark at a friend of the owner who approaches them on the street, and they will ignore guests or send them out of the house with growls and bites.

They enjoy playing with other miniature pets. But large dogs are often provoked into aggression, which ends in injury or death to the little brave one. If you see a large dog on the street, do not let your pet get close to him.

Dogs are ideal partners for those who are often at home, lonely, elderly, and people with disabilities. The chihuahua's perky disposition, affectionate character, and desire to constantly be near its owner will brighten up the days.

Additional Information! Breeders point out an interesting feature of the breed - Chihuahuas love to make improvised “nests” out of clothes and blankets. They, like cats, wrap their heads in a shirt or blanket.

Breed Features

Any variety of the Chihuahua breed is characterized by certain features: for males, a square body is preferable, and for females, elongation is preferable. Both sexes have a rounded head that tapers towards the nose and erect, triangular ears on top of it.

The animal's eyes are large and round, and only brown is acceptable. The nose can be black or colored to match the coat. The baby's neck is long and thin, and the back is straight, sloping only in the croup area.

Chia limbs are straight with a characteristic parallel set. The tail of representatives of this breed cannot be docked, because it is already small and set high. As a rule, only long-haired individuals have long hair.

The largest in the world

A six-kilogram Chihuahua named Tatay is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest representative of his breed. The reason for such a large weight was the dog’s love for chocolate.

There are a huge number of Chihuahuas in the world. These are small and energetic dogs that respond to their owners with love and devotion. You are required to be attentive and caring. Don’t forget that a dog is not a toy and when buying a pet, you are responsible for it just as you are for a full member of the family.

Varieties according to body shape

The varieties of Chihuahua that are bred on the basis of this breed are not recognized by any cynological organization in the world. The names of additional types of chia are not indicated in official documentation, but are used by amateurs and professional breeders.

Marketers argue that the distribution of additional species can only affect the final cost of the puppies.

Any deviation from the norm indicates the presence of congenital or acquired pathologies, genetic diseases, incorrect crossing, or closely related matings in babies. Sometimes unscrupulous breeders forget what Chihuahuas are like, because, trying to get the maximum benefit, they cross them with other dwarf dogs.


This word translated from English means “strong, stocky.” Representatives of this species are characterized by distinctive features that can significantly affect their content:

  • the body section is strong;
  • the chest is wide;
  • enlarged skull located on a small neck;
  • ears are small but wide at the bottom;
  • large round eyes, without signs of bulging;
  • small muzzle;
  • toned stomach;
  • muscular paws;
  • thick coat with thick undercoat;
  • sickle-shaped thick tail.

The dogs are characterized by a confident gait with energetic kicks and a calm temperament without the slightest signs of aggression. Cobbies with long and short hair have many fans and are a valuable type because they attract attention with their classic appearance.


This body type is called a “deer”; representatives of the Dir are characterized by sophistication and sophistication. They have a small but narrow head and high-set ears. The dog has practically no wide parts, it is not powerful and far from muscular.

The limbs of this type are thin, elongated and less muscular than those of its previous brother. The animal is distinguished by a thin tail that does not touch its body. The baby runs easily, smoothly, there is no force in his movements.

Traditional dishes for adults

A natural diet is definitely a great way to keep your pet healthy and happy. It is important to remember that the traditional menu must include vitamins and mineral supplements.

Example menu for one day:

  • first meal – boiled cereal with vegetables and lean fish;
  • second meal - boiled vegetables and raw meat.

Example of a weekly diet for a Chihuahua:

  • Monday – raw rabbit meat, boiled rice, fermented baked milk and boiled cauliflower;
  • Tuesday – boiled hake, boiled egg, millet porridge and apple puree;
  • Wednesday – boiled buckwheat and pollock, yogurt, chopped raw carrots;
  • Thursday - beef, semolina porridge, banana puree and boiled pumpkin;
  • Friday – chopped offal, stewed carrots and applesauce;
  • Saturday – chopped kidneys, fermented baked milk, boiled rice, vegetable oil and boiled zucchini;
  • Sunday – raw chicken, oatmeal, cottage cheese and peach puree.

An adult pet is fed twice a day, so the daily food intake is divided into two meals. The break between the first and second feeding should be about 12 hours. Dinner should be served no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Varieties by coat type

According to the officially recognized breed standard, Chias are either long-haired or short-haired. The remaining types of Chihuahuas are classified as defective and do not have a separate standard.


In such animals, the fur is smooth and short, thick and fleecy, it is almost invisible, since it fits tightly to the body. The dog's guard hairs are silky but hard, and there is practically no undercoat.

On the tail and neck parts the hair is long, thinned out under the throat. Smooth-haired representatives of the breed are combed every 7 days using a rubber glove or a massage comb with soft bristles.


They are distinguished by long but thin hairs, they can be slightly wavy. Curly hair is not allowed; it is considered a defect in appearance. Dogs of this type have a fluffy and well-developed undercoat.

The longest hair is found around the ear, tail, and hind legs; feathering often forms in the collar area. To prevent the formation of tangles, the dog must be combed with a massage brush once every two days. If the animal sheds, a slicker is used daily, in addition, long-haired animals will have to be cut from time to time.


There may be chias of a transitional type, their hairs are longer than those of their smooth-haired counterparts, but shorter than those of long-haired ones. There are two standards for purebred individuals, and a similar type is a breed defect. This animal will not be allowed for mating or dog shows.


Chihuahuas may be hairless. Similar creatures have been encountered since the beginning of the breed, but they are considered culled. An animal without fur looks strange because its skin is beige, gray or blue. It is so smooth that the dog looks like a porcelain figurine.

The peculiarity of bald chia is that it requires careful care. If the dog is mini or micro in size, then you need to be more careful about its health.


Based on the description of the breed, the maximum weight of the animal should be 3 kg, the minimum – 500 grams. Ideally, the figure varies from one and a half to 2.5 kg. Girls are usually taller than males. The developers of the breed independently established an unspoken standard for the individual: specimens less than two kg should be 17-23 cm at the withers, if 3 kg, then 25 cm.

There are 2 types of Chihuahua coat:

  • long – straight or slightly wavy (not curly). There is a dewlap in the area of ​​the dog's tail and collar;
  • short and smooth, fits tightly to the dog’s skin.

Types by size

Before you understand what types of Chihuahuas there are, you need to clarify that only the standard is recognized at the official level. Micro or mini subtypes refer to anomalies at the gene level, so they are not allowed for reproduction.


  • Free picture (Chihuahua smooth) from https://torange.biz/chihuahua-smooth-5130

The weight of a classic-sized Chihuahua does not exceed three kilograms. A pet of this species lives longer than all representatives of this breed, as it is characterized by excellent health. Babies can travel in a carrier with their owner, live in a small apartment or even in a small room.

Standard dogs should not show any signs of dwarfism. The fact is that to obtain the standard class, breeders did not consider the possibility of reducing the size of the Chihuahua.


A representative of the above type weighs no more than one and a half kilograms, but in physique they resemble their classic counterparts. He sometimes exhibits signs of dwarfism, although the animal is in excellent health. Babies are prone to injury and require additional care.


The smallest dogs, whose weight cannot be less than 500 grams. As a rule, the animal’s body weight does not exceed a kilogram. The small size of the baby is associated with his predisposition to various diseases, including hydrocephalus. Micro chias have a very fast metabolism and cannot tolerate hot or cold weather.

You need to pay attention to the fact that it will not be possible to get offspring from such babies. Mini, and even more so micro-sized girls are not capable of bearing offspring. Childbirth and the feeding process can lead to the death of mother and babies.


A dog's daily food intake is calculated depending on its weight. The calculation formula is 70 grams of food per 1 kg of animal weight. That is, if it weighs 2 kg, then it should eat about 150 grams of food per day. It is not recommended to overheat the animal. Firstly, this will harm his health, and secondly, it will lead to disqualification at the show exhibition, since only slender representatives of the breed are allowed by the standard.

A Chihuahua puppy should eat 5 times a day, at the same time of day and evening. It should be fed with low-calorie and high-quality foods, such as:

  • Yogurt.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Chicken.
  • Skimmed milk.
  • Cereals cooked in water without salt.
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes.
  • Apples, cherries, raspberries.
  • Greenery.
  • Beans, broccoli.

Thanks to eating the above foods, his body will quickly form and his immunity will become stronger. We recommend switching an adult dog of this breed to wet food. This product is perfect for him. In addition, the owner will not have to waste time preparing food for his pet.

Important! If your pet is overly active, he will need more carbohydrates, so giving him food alone is not enough. Feed your energetic dog nuts, such as walnuts, and bone cartilage. This will allow him to remain perky throughout the day.

Basic colors

These small dogs are characterized by a wide palette of colors. You need to pay attention to the fact that a purebred dog’s eyes and nose should match the color of its coat. If the chia's fur is fawn or cream, then a dark spot in the form of a mask may form on its face. A continuous mask may be absent or located in different places on the muzzle. It can be black and occupy a place at the tip of the nose or reach the forehead.

The most popular dogs for many years have been those painted in the following colors:

  • white;
  • chocolate;
  • sable;
  • black;
  • wolfish;
  • ginger.

Puppies look luxurious if their fur combines two or even three shades. Breed connoisseurs choose the rare chia with blue hairs because his eyes look like rubies.

General principles of feeding Chihuahuas

The Chihuahua is an excellent companion that makes the life of its owners more colorful and fun. The quality of life of a dwarf dog directly depends on the products included in its diet. To ensure your pet develops well and enjoys good health, follow a few rules:

  • Always have your daily meal in the same place;
  • Serve food at room temperature (not hot or frozen);
  • Do not feed your dog food intended for people;
  • remove the bowl after eating;
  • do not feed your Chihuahua after 19:00;
  • provide constant access to clean water;
  • When feeding using the traditional method, serve only freshly prepared food.

How to choose a puppy

After it has become clear what types of Chihuahuas there are, you need to decide where to buy a puppy. You should only purchase a pet from trusted breeders or nurseries with an excellent reputation. It is imperative to pay attention to the appearance of the animals. If they eat low-quality food, they will not be able to bear healthy offspring. It is imperative to inspect the cages; the presence of feces or scraps of fur in them is regarded as a possibility that the baby may develop parasites or intestinal disorders.

A good breeder will have no secrets from the buyer, so upon first request he will provide the baby’s pedigree and all the documentation for him. If the customer is interested in this, the chia's parents or one of them will be presented and their documents shown. A veterinary passport with vaccination notes must be issued for the baby.

There should not be more than 5 puppies in the litter, since the pet will be weakened. If a person wants Chia to take part in dog shows, then he needs to purchase a nine-month-old puppy. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the initial character of the dog does not change throughout its life. If you want to train a dog, it is better to pay attention to the one that follows the movements of its fingers; it is distinguished by attentiveness and purposefulness.

Chihuahuas can be purebred and pedigree, or have some deviations from the standard. It is worth remembering that even a dwarf animal without a pedigree can become an excellent friend for its owner. In order for chia to live long, you need to take into account all its features and take proper care of it. Each animal is individual, so you need to decide what types of Chihuahua breeds there are in order to clarify their characteristics, but they will all respond with loyalty and boundless love.

Health and popular diseases

If you care for, maintain or breed the Chihuahua breed incorrectly, pathologies appear, the most common of which are described in the table.

Description of the diseaseSymptoms
Keratoconjunctevitis and other eye problemsThe pet blinks frequently and tries to scratch its eyelids with its paw. Discharge is noticeable, the corneas turn pale, inflammation and ulcers appear
Joint problems and dislocations (occur due to heavy loads, careless jumps, falls and excess weight)The dog clenches his paws, limps, and experiences pain when walking
Breathing (problems appear with improper physical activity, and there are also birth defects)Wheezing, coughing, choking, shortness of breath, or rapid breathing

Diet for pets prone to allergies

Common allergens include chicken, eggs, seafood and red vegetables. The cause of problems is not only traditional dishes, but also dry food that contains the listed components. If signs of an allergic reaction appear in pets eating according to the traditional method, they are transferred to a diet consisting of turkey and rabbit meat, rice, zucchini and cabbage. If your four-legged friend is allergic to dry food, you need to replace it with a hypoallergenic variety.

Diet menu

Chihuahuas are prone to obesity, which leads to poor health and decreased activity of their four-legged friend. If you become overweight, be sure to contact your veterinarian to create a diet menu. A diet for a plump dog looks something like this:

  • the total amount of daily food is reduced by 15-20%;
  • treats are replaced with vegetables;
  • reduce the calorie content of dishes;
  • cereals are cooked only in vegetable broth;
  • change the usual dry food to low-calorie varieties.

Helpful tips for creating a traditional menu for an adult dog

When choosing a traditional feeding method, adhere to the following rules:

  • do not make minced meat products - it is better to serve meat and offal chopped into pieces;
  • Grind hard vegetables on a coarse grater;
  • do not serve boiled bones – raw ones are better accepted by the dog’s body;
  • include some fermented milk products in your menu every day;
  • Boil porridge in meat or vegetable broth;
  • Cook semolina porridge in low-fat milk.

Foods that can be given to toy dogs:

  • cereals - oatmeal, rice and buckwheat, cooked in broth in a ratio of 1:3, as well as semolina porridge in milk or water;
  • fish – capelin, hake, cod and boiled sea bass;
  • vegetables - zucchini, carrots and pumpkin, boiled or stewed with the addition of vegetable oil.
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