Are there dog breeds similar to the pug: their description, character and care features + photos of pets

What breed is this fluffy pug? Dogs similar to pugs have both common and individual properties unique to them. What is the list of breeds of small and medium-sized dogs? What are the rules for keeping them?

Pugs captivate with their cute faces and friendly nature. But, in addition to the standard one, there are quite a few similar breeds that have their own characteristics.

Types of pug dogs

Dogs that look like a pug have both identical characteristics of appearance and character, as well as distinctive features that are unique to this breed. They belong to decorative breeds and require increased attention, but they all stand out for their extreme devotion.

Mini Pugs

A variety of pugs that differs from the original only in smaller size. They are characterized by short limbs and a disproportionately large head.

Quite often, breeders offer the smallest and weakest puppies from the litter, which were artificially fed, as dwarf dogs.

When choosing a mini-pug, you need to remember that such dogs are predisposed to frequent illnesses.

In addition, they have low immunity and a shorter lifespan than representatives of the regular breed, but, in turn, dwarf pugs are very smart.

The dog does not need a lot of space, it quickly learns to go to the tray and does not need daily walks, 2-3 a week is enough for it. The babies are brushed several times a week because they shed a lot.

The folds must be cleaned with damp wipes to avoid inflammatory processes, but bathing once every six months is sufficient. Food for small dogs is good for nutrition.

A cross between a pug and a Chinese Crested

Animals with a peculiar appearance, which are classified as “designer” breeds. The dog's body is without fur, but has many folds. Hard, straight hairs are present only on the head and then only in the form of a small strand.

The muzzle is the same as that of pugs, but without hair.

Despite their unusual appearance, dogs have a well-developed intellect and instinct and do not tolerate loneliness very well.

They are not too demanding in terms of care; they do not need to be combed, but they should be bathed with special shampoos. After bathing, the dog should be wrapped warmly. They can be walked infrequently; they need fresh air.

Ears, teeth and eyes also need cleaning, and nails need to be trimmed.

American lo-shi

Belongs to a small breed; at the withers the dog reaches up to 21 cm. The animals are very good-natured and calm, ideal for the role of a companion. They are similar in appearance to the pug, but are characterized by significantly short legs and a wide variety of colors.

The coat is soft, although quite short.

The dog is unpretentious and does not require significant space.

They don’t particularly like to go for walks; they are litter trained without any problems. They are indiscriminate in their food, but they eat extremely sloppy, so you need to clean the folds on the face after each meal. High-quality food for small breeds is good, but you need to remember that with low activity, dogs are prone to obesity.

The coat should be brushed with a hard brush once a week and bathed as needed.

Shar Pei

Belongs to medium-sized dogs. His head is large with a slightly elongated muzzle, his body has well-developed muscles. By nature, the animal is quite capricious, with a complex character, but is distinguished by its devotion to its owner and cleanliness.

Shar Pei needs physical activity to stay in shape; active games or jogging are perfect.

The dog also needs daily walks.

Skin care involves inspecting the folds and drying them thoroughly after bathing. The general condition of the skin depends on the dog’s diet - if it is properly selected, problems with the coat do not arise, but if it is disturbed, the condition of the coat is the first to suffer.

Shar Pei ears require careful care: cleaning and frequent inspections. The choice of food must be taken seriously, since dogs are prone to allergies.


Belongs to one of the most ancient decorative breeds. It was brought out specifically to order for the Japanese emperors. These touching animals with crooked paws and long hair need constant affection and care; they consider themselves the main ones in the family.

The dog does not like long walks; a quiet time in the apartment is more suitable for her.

The Pekingese's coat is very delicate and quite brittle, so you need to comb it carefully, avoiding the formation of tangles.

Bathing your dog is not recommended; instead, it is better to use powdered dry shampoos. The nasal fold and ears also need cleaning.

The eyes are a problem area for Pekingese; you need to frequently wipe the eyelid mucosa with herbal lotions, and also avoid injuries to the eyes and head, as well as sudden movements with a leash. Often the result of such actions is the loss of eyeballs in Pekingese. The dog's diet should be balanced.

French Bulldog

It is characterized by a very strong similarity with a pug, but is distinguished by its activity and stubborn disposition. He loves to be the center of attention, but he will not impose himself.

The dog is able to guess the mood of the owner and, if necessary, even support.

The breed is lazy and does not like frequent walks.

Ears, eyes and folds need regular cleaning. Brush the dog about once a week, and bathe it when dirty.

Chihuaps or chops

A cross between a pug and a chihuahua, it is a fairly new breed that does not yet have established standards. The chop differs from a regular pug in its body proportions, especially its large head. Despite these parameters, dogs cause complete affection, in addition, they are very gentle and good-natured.

Excellent health can also be considered among the characteristics of the breed.

Caring for your dog involves timely cleaning of the eyes, ears and folds, as well as trimming the nails. The wool is combed with a soft massage brush.

Petit Brabançon

A well-built dog with a flat muzzle, large eyes and high ears. The coat of this breed is hard and short. The dog has a complex character; it is quite friendly, but can be aggressive towards strangers. Courage, cunning and stubbornness are combined in this animal.

Petit Brabançon owners need to remember that dogs cannot tolerate cold.

The breed is very energetic, so it loves active walks.

It is enough to comb the coat once a week, and bathe once every 2 months.

Representatives of the breed need to pay special attention to the eyes and teeth. It is enough to clean your ears once a month. The Brabançon is very picky about food, he will not eat what he does not like.


A dwarf dog with a short muzzle and a strong build. The color is black, the coat is medium, rather hard. The animal has a serious character, despite its excessive activity. Affens have all the qualities of working dogs and can be used in this role.

These dogs, unlike their relatives, can climb fences, so when letting him out into the yard, you should not forget about this.

Affen loves long walks; long distances are not a problem for him. A dog needs a balanced diet, and if food is premium, it should be premium. The wool is combed out 1-2 times a week, and the loose clumps are carefully untangled; if necessary, a haircut can be done.

Ears, teeth and claws also need regular care.

Boston Terrier

Belongs to medium dog breeds and is excellent as a companion. He is very energetic and strong. The animal has a square body, squat paws, and a low, short tail. The head, like the jaw, is square. Large eyes and small, straight ears stand out well on the head.

The color comes in several colors.

The breed is valued for its excellent watchdog properties, although the dogs are very good-natured by nature.

Short hair does not require special care; it is enough to periodically treat it with a stiff brush. The muzzle should be cleaned every day and bathed as needed.

The eyes are the weak point of the breed and therefore require regular examination.

Tibetan Spaniel

Good both as a watchman and as a companion. It is small in size, with long hair and a delicate build. The breed belongs to the decorative breed - the head is set high, the back is straight, the touching muzzle is slightly flattened, with an expressive dark mask. The paws are graceful but strong, the tail is rounded. The wool has a silky shine.

Spaniels are distinguished by a fairly high level of intelligence, independence and fearlessness.

The breed requires some care, especially the coat. It needs to be combed well several times a week; for this purpose, special brushes are used to lift the coat and comb the undercoat first.

Ears and eyes are examined once a week and cleaned as needed. Food for a spaniel should be selected very carefully, since dogs are very sensitive to poor quality foods.

Japanese Chin

A decorative breed with a very capricious character. The owner of this dog must have a strong will and self-control, otherwise the animal will turn into an uncontrollable dog and will not listen to anyone. The character and appearance of the Chin is similar to the Pekingese. Representatives of the breed have a square-shaped body with correct proportions. The dog's face is flat, with expressive eyes.

The Japanese Chin's coat is long and silky, and can be white and black or white and red. The dog has a white spot on its forehead in the shape of the letter V, which is why a spectacular mask appears on its eyes.

The breed is not suitable for families with children, as its representatives do not like noise and games.

The dog's beautiful long coat needs regular brushing. Chins are very clean; they are bathed extremely rarely, once every 3-4 months.

Ears and eyes need to be examined frequently as they tend to become inflamed frequently. They easily learn to go to the litter box without creating unnecessary problems for the owner. The dog should be taught proper nutrition and try not to overfeed. The Chin does not like walks that are too long.

You can learn everything about the dog breed from the video.

Petit Brabançon

In appearance, this dog can be mistaken for a pug: it has the same flattened muzzle and large eyes. This breed is cunning and stubborn, and has a rather complex character. He is suspicious and aggressive towards strangers, but once you gain his trust he will be a good companion. The Brabançon's coat is short and harsh. The dog loves active walks and games.

The history of the appearance of small pugs

Mini-pugs, or Lo-Shi, descended from Tibetan mastiffs, their homeland is China, from where the dogs were brought to Holland. In Europe they quickly won the love of the nobility. Representatives of the breed arrived in England in the mid-19th century, where breeders began to seriously breed them. In 1885, toy dogs were brought to America, by which time they began to lose their miniature size.

The breed was revived by Rebecca Mance. She crossed Pugs with Pekingese and, in the late twentieth century, created the short American Pugs, or Lo-Shi, which were soon recognized as an official breed by the American Kennel Club.


Pugs have a bright appearance and a good-natured character, they are calm and do not cause much trouble to their owners, which is why representatives of this breed are often used for designer selection.

According to veterinarians and geneticists , mestizos acquire a number of positive qualities compared to their parents:

  • less prone to genetic diseases;
  • resistant to other diseases;
  • smarter and easier to train;
  • they have an unusual appearance.

Disadvantages of crossing breeds:

  • it is impossible to predict the size, appearance, character of the offspring;
  • possible nervousness and aggressiveness of mestizos.

The result is more or less predictable when breeds similar in quality and size are taken for crossing.

Here are some designer breeds that are created by crossing a Pug with other types of dogs.

Crossed with Husky

The dimensions of the husky are much larger: height 50 - 60 cm, weight 16 - 23 kg. The breeds are not very similar in appearance and character.

Huskies are not decorative dogs; they need physical activity and jogging.

Hug - this is the name given to a rare mestizo.

He was born to a mother, a Chinese pug, and a father, a Siberian husky. Dad gave the puppy color, blue eyes, good-natured character, mom gave him external features and body structure. These breeds are not specifically crossed.

What types of mini-pugs are there?

Lo Shi are funny and attractive. Due to the variety of colors of dwarf pugs from black to white, they are often not alike, which allows you to choose a puppy to suit every taste. As a result of selection, varieties and types appeared, obtained from crossing short pugs with other breeds:

  1. Shar Pei - bred as a result of mutation and genetic failure, it is rare, a distinctive feature is a large number of folds on the skin.
  2. Hairy – with unusually long hair.
  3. Terrier – attractive, with a high neck.
  4. Bulldog – has a wide chest and a powerful body.

Breeders are working on breeding mini-dogs with different characteristics and have already received mixed breeds from crossing with Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds, and French Bulldogs. Decorative dogs are very attractive, but have not yet received official recognition as a separate breed.


The Pekingese belongs to the ancient ornamental breeds bred for the Japanese emperors. Unlike pugs, the animal has long hair, but the same flattened muzzle and button eyes. Representatives of the breed need constant attention and affection; in the family, the animal considers itself to be the main one and requires appropriate behavior. A peculiarity of the breed is considered to be a problem with the eyes, so special attention should be paid to caring for them from puppyhood.

Description of the breed

There is no officially recognized worldwide standard for dwarf pugs, but breeders strive to ensure that the appearance meets certain parameters. Miniature size, short hair, folds on the muzzle, and a special bite are characteristic of the small representative of the breed.

Dimensions and weight

Among the many decorative dogs, dwarf pugs are considered the largest, however, their size is quite miniature. A puppy weighs 1 kg at three months, and from 2 kg to 5 kg per year. Height at withers – no more than 21 cm.

Ears, teeth and eyes

Mini pug ears are set high. There are three types of form:

  • “button” - the triangular part covers the auricle, bends along the cartilage;
  • “Rose” - slightly raised on a break in the cartilage and slightly opens the ear canal;
  • “false rose” - hangs high, the auditory opening is completely open.

Sometimes a small pug has different ears, in which case it is necessary to carry out a correction in time.

The dog's bite is incorrect, the upper jaw protrudes. The teeth are straight and white. The eyes are round, slightly protruding, sensitive. Color – from light to dark.

Wool, color varieties

The short American Pugs' coat is short, soft, shiny, and plush to the touch. The undercoat is small.

In addition to traditional colors (beige, silver, black, apricot), red, white, brindle, two- and three-color colors are acceptable for mini dogs.

Paws and tail

The limbs of a micro dog are quite strong, powerful and durable. Their length corresponds to the size of the body, which allows you to confidently stand on your paws and move beautifully. The tail is high, curled twice into a ring, and lies on the back.

Chihuaps or chops

This is a fairly new breed that was created by crossing a Chihuahua and a pug. The dog evokes very pleasant emotions; it has a disproportionate body, a large head and cute furry ears. Chops is very friendly, sociable and has excellent health. Like all dogs with folds, they require care.

Care and maintenance of a dwarf pug

Caring for short pets is not difficult, but certain rules must be followed. Mandatory hygiene procedures include:

  • nail care;
  • examination of ears, eyes, teeth;
  • treatment of skin folds;
  • bathing;
  • combing wool.

A mini-pug is a dwarf dog that will find somewhere to frolic even in a small area. It is not necessary to take him for a daily walk; it is enough to take him outside two or three times a week. Tray training is easy. There are no problems with food. The main thing is that it is regular, high-quality and balanced.


Although mini pugs are unpretentious in food, a diet with a high calcium content is selected for them in order to maintain their teeth and bones in good condition and reduce the risk of developing joint dysplasia. Dogs eat sloppily - they dip their faces deep into the food, and it remains in the folds of the skin. After eating, you need to clean them of food debris using cotton pads or napkins. Otherwise, inflammation may develop.

Puppies are prone to obesity, so the diet should not include a lot of fatty foods; the best option is high-quality dry food. Clean water must be available at all times. It needs to be changed regularly and the bowl washed thoroughly.

Character, behavior and upbringing

Dwarfs are good for those who do not like active recreation - they will happily take a walk, but then they will spend time on the sofa with their owner. Small dogs are an excellent choice for a large family. They treat adults and children equally equally, are not aggressive, become attached to their owner, and get bored when apart. Pugs are safe for children, they don’t bite, and they behave calmly around older people, they don’t have to ask to go outside, they go to the litter box.

Pets are quite trainable, but during walking they can show an animalistic interest in other dogs and get into fights. Despite the fact that outwardly they look very small, they can bark and howl quite loudly, but their calm nature and proper upbringing do not allow them to do this often.

Life expectancy and diseases

Like most Pugs, the American Pugs are prone to eye diseases, cataracts, and retinal atrophy. It is important to recognize them in time, since pathologies develop slowly and imperceptibly.

The diet and daily dose must be monitored due to the tendency of pugs to become obese.

Small representatives of the breed, just like large ones, are characterized by joint dysplasia, which develops especially rapidly with a lack of calcium. The cause of frequent inflammation of the respiratory system and severe snoring during sleep is due to defects in the structure of the nasopharynx.

With proper care and health care, dwarf dogs live at least 12-15 years.

Teeth and coat care

The teeth and gums of pugs are regularly examined to see if there is any inflammation. From the age of two months, puppies are taught to clean their mouths. Use a special brush and paste. If signs of inflammation of the gums or stains on the teeth are detected, contact a veterinarian.

At least twice a week, the coat is cleaned of dirt, combed with a brush with natural bristles, and dead hair is removed with a grooming glove or cloth.

Hygiene procedures and combing

The number of baths depends on how often the pet is walked outside. If he is at home most of the time, once every six months is enough; with frequent walks, he is bathed once every three months. The procedure is carried out in a draft-free room, using warm water and special shampoo, making sure that soap does not get into the animal’s eyes and ears. It is washed, dried and combed. This is done more carefully during the molting period.

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is very similar to the Pug, but has a stockier build and a stubborn personality. Owners of French bulldogs claim that the dog can guess the owner’s mood and even support him in a difficult situation. The folds on the dog's skin need constant cleaning. The French Bulldog is lazy and does not like long walks. The dog loves to be the center of attention, but does not impose itself.

Suitable nicknames for dwarf pugs

Among a huge number of nicknames, each owner chooses the one that matches the character and appearance of the small pet.

Nicknames for mini-girls: Iris, Agatha, Bianca, Cherry, Gabi, Donna, Cleo, Kim, Liona, Maya, Nikki, Princess, Pepper, Samantha, Tess, Fifi, Florence, Chelsea, Heidi, Elzy, Utah and others.

Nicknames for mini-boys: Buster, Woody, Harry, Justin, Zuf, Zephyr, Leo, Mojo, Nikki, Oscar, Pepe, Steve, Titan, Fabio, Hitch, Sheriff, Shrek, Chaco, Eric, Jupiter, Yantar and others.

American lo-shi

This is a small dog no more than 21 cm tall at the withers. This is a good-natured and calm animal, very similar in appearance to a pug. The difference lies in more varied colors and shorter legs. Lo-shis do not really like long walks and active games, so they are often trained to use the toilet in the house. Dogs of this breed are a little sloppy and clumsy, but this cannot help but touch them.

How to choose a decorative pug puppy?

Finding a kennel that breeds mini pugs is not easy since all the official breeders are based in the USA.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to several features:

  • weight no more than 400 g;
  • the back and body are short;
  • does not differ in activity;
  • there is a non-standard bite;
  • We have official documents and a veterinary passport.

All the puppies are cute and beautiful. They choose one that suits the character of the future owner, looks healthy, and meets standard requirements.


Some, in search of a pet similar to a pug, pay attention not only to dogs, but also to cats. This is understandable, because cats are more self-sufficient and independent, which means they can easily tolerate separation from their owner while he is working.

Among cats there are also representatives with a flat face, an upturned nose and round eyes. For example, Persians and exotics.

They are sedate, lazy, moderately playful, and despite their strong, muscular and square body, they are graceful like a cat. An adult weighs from 4 to 7 kg. Life expectancy is about 15 years.


There is no need to feed fatty foods in large quantities. It is better to limit its use altogether. Raw beef will do. You need to give it about 200 grams in the morning and evening. And during the daytime, the dog will feast on ready-made food, rich in substances important to him. Dry ones can be alternated with wet ones. Premium food is recommended (not lower).

Dogs of this breed will not refuse fruits, vegetables, butter or milk and dairy products. You can cook porridge with meat and vegetables. Cereals strengthen teeth.

The following are strictly prohibited in the diet:

  1. Sweets. In rare cases, limit yourself to one candy per 30 days;
  2. Rolled oats porridge is contraindicated;
  3. Products from the table. It is fraught with serious digestive problems.

To strengthen the skeleton, puppies are given cottage cheese every day. Remember: place a bowl of water next to your dog's food.

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