How and what to feed a Jack Russell Terrier: recommendations for a healthy diet and reviews from owners

Jack Russell Terriers are hunting dogs with great energy, a lively character and a love of active pastime.

That is why feeding is one of the main stages of proper care for these dogs.

They need a special diet.

It must fit their lifestyle and replenish vitality.

Let's figure out what is best to choose for your pet.

Natural food or dry food?

Natural food or artificial food?

Jack Russells are unpretentious and do not require complex care or special conditions of detention, but the choice of diet must be approached responsibly, the health of the pet and its life expectancy depend on it.

The menu for representatives of this breed can consist of both natural products and ready-made food; the main thing is to choose and stick to one type of feeding and remember that food should be nutritious and balanced .

The main advantage of natural nutrition is variety.

At the same time, it requires effort and time from the owners to create a diet and prepare food, while ready-made food is produced taking into account the balance of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, and all that is required is to select the appropriate food.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

As a rule, professional breeders feed both adult dogs and puppies with ready-made industrial food - such a diet requires minimal labor input and contains everything necessary for the proper development of animals. However, the new owner, if he deems it necessary, can switch the pet to natural food. It is important to do this gradually, and when creating a diet, take into account that Jack Russells are hunting dogs, and their menu should be as nutritious as possible. You also need to remember that it is necessary to cook separately for the dog - feeding leftovers from the common table is unacceptable.

Top 5. Probalance Immuno Small & Medium

Probalance Immuno is the most popular product in the ranking. Its success is due to its low cost (it is 3 times cheaper than competitors) and excellent quality - professional breeders recommend it as a balanced premium product.

Probalance food attracts many buyers with its low cost. However, despite this, the products belong to the premium class and have a good composition. For Jack Russell Terriers, the Small & Medium line is suitable for small and medium breeds. These are complete, balanced diets high in vitamins and minerals. Judging by the reviews, Probalance Immuno is well absorbed and strengthens the dog’s immunity. There are some drawbacks: the manufacturer does not specify what kind of meat, oil and additives are used in production. There are also too many grains, that is, carbohydrates that the animal does not require in such quantities.


General recommendations for healthy feeding

Jack Russell Terriers are carnivores and their diet should be based on animal products.

Vegetables, fruits and cereals are also necessary, but this is only an addition to the main diet.

To keep your pet's diet healthy, the owner needs to follow the basic recommendations.:

  • the menu should be complete, the products should be of high quality, the portions should be moderate;
  • You need to select food taking into account the age and health status of the dog;
  • food should be at room temperature or a little warmer - this promotes its normal absorption;
  • the ingredients should be cut into small pieces, especially when it comes to feeding a puppy;
  • the bulk of the products must be thermally processed.

Due to the Jack Russell's tendency to overeat and become obese , it is necessary to follow a feeding schedule and control portion sizes .

Useful video

Getting a pet is not difficult if you are armed with information on its care and feeding. The main thing is not to violate the recommendations of veterinarians and follow all the rules for keeping dogs.

Visual perception of information is more beneficial. Therefore, the video material will be useful not only for novice dog breeders.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the fact that natural food is varied and does not get boring for the dog, it has a number of other advantages:

  • the owner independently selects the products, monitoring their freshness and quality;
  • the food contains no preservatives, artificial flavors, dyes or flavor enhancers;
  • in case of an allergy to one of the products, it can easily be replaced with another;
  • proteins, fiber, fats and carbohydrates included in a dog’s diet are of natural origin.

This type of nutrition also has some disadvantages.:

  • Preparing food for a dog and preparing a balanced diet requires a lot of time;
  • natural feeding involves additional intake of a vitamin-mineral complex;
  • You need to cook for your dog every day.

In addition, natural feeding is problematic and inconvenient for those who are used to traveling with a pet.

Authorized Products

A balanced diet for Jack Russell Terriers with a natural diet should include:

  • boiled or raw (in this case, necessarily pre-frozen) lean meat - beef, veal, chicken fillet;
  • boiled offal - heart, liver, kidneys;
  • boiled sea fish without bones;
  • rice, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge;
  • fermented milk products – cottage cheese, cream;
  • raw vegetables - pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, beets;
  • greenery.

To keep the coat beautiful and shiny, you should give your pet the yolk of a boiled egg several times a week.


During the change of teeth, you can give the puppy bread crumbs.

Slightly sweet fruits, such as green apples, and low-fat cheese are suitable as treats.

What is strictly contraindicated

Products hazardous to the health of puppies and adult Jack Russell Terriers:

  • broccoli, potatoes, legumes, onions, garlic, mushrooms, raw eggs, corn - their consumption in unlimited quantities can lead to anemia, gastrointestinal problems, as well as make the coat dull and the skin dry;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries, millet – cause the development of allergic reactions;
  • grapes and raisins - negatively affect kidney function;
  • freshwater fish - its consumption, due to the large number of small bones, can cause wounds in the larynx and stomach;
  • pork, smoked and sausage products are the cause of pancreatitis;
  • tubular bones - injure the stomach;
  • pickles, marinades, spicy and fried foods - lead to disturbances in blood composition.

You should also not give your dog popcorn, avocados, nuts, or pomegranates.

Chocolate is the most dangerous for Jack Russells - even a small amount depresses the heart in a few minutes, causing a heart attack, epileptic seizures or internal bleeding..

Prohibited foods

The list of undesirable dietary components includes:

  • prepared sausages;
  • salted, smoked, fried foods;
  • seasonings, spices, mayonnaise and sauces;
  • fatty meats;
  • confectionery, sweets;
  • pasta;
  • raw fish and chicken;
  • exotic fruits and vegetables.

Important! Onions and garlic are strictly prohibited. Legends about their benefits have spread from rural areas, where it is believed that with their help you can solve the problem of helminths, cure colds, etc.

For pets, introducing onions or garlic into the diet can result in gastroduodenitis, indigestion, and in the worst case, gastrointestinal ulcers.

If you follow the rules of care, you can raise a healthy, active and playful dog. Each pet has its own characteristics; feeding strictly according to the instructions will not give the expected results. It is necessary to constantly monitor the well-being of the four-legged dog and the condition of its coat.

Industrial feed

Like natural food, industrial food has its pros and cons.

Among the obvious advantages of this type of feeding are::

  • balanced composition, including all necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements;
  • no need to cook;
  • hygiene and ease of use;
  • indication on the packaging of the daily rate of feed consumption;
  • long shelf life;
  • ease of use at home and while traveling.


The modern market offers a wide range of food, allowing you to choose a menu for your pet in accordance with age, activity and health status. There are also foods specifically for pregnant bitches.

In addition, a special composition covering dry food granules helps cleanse teeth of plaque and tartar.

Disadvantages of ready-made feeds:

  • the likelihood of containing meat and offal of poor quality;
  • the risk of an allergic reaction when feeding the wrong food.

Cheap ready-made food also contains dyes and flavor enhancers.

Industrial food can be not only dry, but also semi-moist and wet (pates) – they already contain liquid, which has a beneficial effect on the Jack Russell’s gastrointestinal tract.


In addition, they have a shorter shelf life - open packaging can be stored in a cool place for a maximum of 24 hours.

Ready-made feeds can be of different classes, which depends on their composition and quality of manufacture.:

  • economy - made from low-quality ingredients, possibly containing soy, dyes, flavor enhancers, beans;
  • premium - the composition is based on meat and offal with the addition of vegetables, but the presence of vitamin and mineral supplements is not guaranteed;
  • super-premium – made from the most carefully selected ingredients, enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Also, almost every manufacturer has a line of hypoallergenic food, which contains rabbit, lamb, pike perch or salmon meat, and instead of grains, vegetables and rice, and holistic foods - the composition of which, according to the manufacturers, is as close as possible to natural nutrition.

Dry food

Premium, super-premium and holistic foods are suitable for feeding Jack Russells.

Royal Canin food manufacturers have released a separate line designed for Jack Russell Terriers: Jack Russell Terrier Junior (for Jack Russell puppies up to 10 months) and Jack Russell Terrier Adult (10 months and older) .

These foods contain an adapted amount of proteins and fats, a complex of antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the shape of the granules is designed taking into account the jaw structure of these dogs.

More versatile food lines that are popular among owners of hunting breeds:

  • Acana;
  • Orijen;
  • Hills;
  • Probalance;
  • Now Fresh;
  • Optima Nova;
  • Artemis Maximal Dog;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Canidae

Purina also produces food suitable for Jack Russells.

This manufacturer offers various lines adapted for puppies, adult and elderly dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as dogs with health problems.

Taking vitamins

Vitamins and minerals should be taken in courses, because Continuous consumption can cause hypervitaminosis, which is no less dangerous than a lack of vitamins.

The best option for Jack Russells is probiotics, fish oil, natural yeast, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium individually or in combination of 3-7 substances.

Pet stores and veterinary pharmacies offer a large selection of vitamin and mineral complexes; the most popular among dog breeders is Lifepack for puppies and adult dogs.

You should not use supplements that contain more than 40 components - this is just a marketing ploy.

Feeding the puppy

AgeDaily menuNumber of feedings
Up to 1 monthFor 2-3 weeks after birth, the puppy eats only mother’s milk, then complementary foods are introduced in the form of semolina porridge or milk7-8
1-2 monthsMilk, broth, dry food soaked in water7
2-3 monthsBoiled lean meat, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, porridge6
4-5 monthsMeat (200-300 g), vegetables (200 g), dairy products (100 g), cereals (150 g)4
6-12 monthsMeat or fish (0.5 kg), vegetables (200 g), dairy products (50 g), cereals (300 g) + 1 boiled yolk twice a week3

Breed Features

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small breed, capable of digging holes and being used as a companion. Dog:

  • active;
  • strong;
  • brave;
  • frisky;
  • energetic;
  • without fear and aggression.

The weight of an adult dog rarely exceeds 6 kg, and its height is 30 cm. The elastic, muscular body has a harmonious, streamlined shape. The puppy grows quickly and by the age of 2 months he can gain 2 kg of weight. The growth rate depends on both feeding and genetic data. So, at 4 months a puppy can weigh 3 kg, or maybe 4-4.5 kg, and this will be normal.

For optimal weight gain, the puppy requires balanced feeding.

What does an adult dog need?

When your pet reaches 1 year of age, he should be switched to two meals a day.

The finished food should correspond to the age of the dog, and the serving size should correspond to the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging.

With a natural type of diet, 75% should be animal products and 25% plant foods.

A Jack Russell aged 1 to 7 years should consume at least 550 grams of meat or fish, 50 grams of dairy products, and 300-350 grams of pasta per day.

After 7 years, the diet should consist of 80% protein foods, and the amount of grains and dairy products should be reduced.

Regardless of the diet chosen, it is necessary to adhere to the feeding regimen.

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