16 combs for dogs: details about each of them

Grooming your Labrador's coat becomes important if the dog lives in an apartment. You can brush the hair daily, but your pet continues to shed hair. During the shedding period of a retriever, fur is everywhere in the apartment, despite daily cleaning.

Photo. Labrador coat care at home.

Features of the coat

The Labrador's coat consists of wool and undercoat. The wool has a dense structure, which gives the impression that it is tough. Straight hairs are of medium length. The Labrador's undercoat is soft but very dense. This feature allows the dog to survive the winter and swim in cold water without discomfort.

It is believed that the characteristics of a Labrador's coat directly depend on its color. Thus, black and chocolate dogs have thicker and thicker hair. Also, Labradors with dark coats have active glands that secrete natural lubricants that protect the coat from drying out. This is the reason why it shines. Fawn Labradors have less coarse and thick hair.

One of the characteristics of the Labrador breed is shedding, which occurs several times a year. During the molting period, the dog's fur falls out rapidly. At the same time, the thickness of the “fur coat” remains the same. In female dogs, hair loss is caused by hormonal changes observed 1-2 months before estrus. In males, shedding is associated with the change of seasons.

Shedding creates a lot of trouble for Labrador owners, especially if the dog is kept in an apartment. However, proper care of your pet's fur will shorten the shedding period and reduce the intensity of hair loss.

Video “Care for a Labrador”

In this video you will learn how to properly care for your Labrador.

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A healthy dog ​​of this breed has an almost imperceptible smell of fur. However, excessive accumulation of natural lubricants mixed with dirt and dust particles can cause an unpleasant odor. Bathing a dog using a special shampoo allows you to thoroughly clean the coat of dust and dead skin particles.

When analyzing such a component of grooming as bathing, you first need to consider how often it is necessary to thoroughly wash your Labrador. To keep your dog's coat clean and beautiful, one or two baths every 3 months is enough. Excessive use of this hygiene procedure will lead to the leaching of the natural lubricant secreted by the skin, causing your pet's coat to become too dry and dull. In addition, frequent use of shampoo leads to peeling of the skin, which can cause itching in the dog.

To properly wash your Labrador's fur, you need to purchase a special shampoo at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Preference should be given to products for large straight-haired breeds, which include Labrador. There is an opinion that representatives of this breed are prone to allergies, so when choosing a shampoo you need to purchase a hypoallergenic hygiene product. Shampoo is used in accordance with the instructions.

After bathing, the pet's coat should be dried naturally, thoroughly blotting it with a terry towel. After the procedure, make sure that the dog is not in a draft.

If bathing does not help solve the problem of unpleasant odor in your dog's fur, you need to discuss the problem with your veterinarian. Perhaps the dog's bad odor is associated with fungal skin diseases or vitamin deficiency.

Outdoor content

Labradors are a domestic breed, and it is highly undesirable for them to constantly live outside.

This especially applies to puppies, who are sociable and affectionate creatures. Labradors living in a private home are the luckiest of all, because they are provided not only with cozy housing, but also with an excellent playground. As in the apartment, an enclosure for the dog is being built in the yard, in which the place of the bed should be taken by a full-fledged kennel on an elevated island. A Labrador's kennel must be large and strong so that the dog can fit in it completely and comfortably. Standard kennel sizes for this breed are 110 cm in length, 90 cm in width and 80 cm in height.

In addition to the booth, there should be a feeding area with bowls filled with fresh water and food, a canopy that creates shade, and toys. When letting the puppy out of the enclosure, make sure that he does not come across trash in the yard or food waste. In addition, Labradors are capable of digging, so the fence and walls of the enclosure must be strong.

Similar article: What types of Labrador mixes exist in nature?


Despite the fact that the Labrador has a straight coat that does not tangle or tangle, it still needs to be brushed regularly. For this procedure, purchase two special combs:

The Furminator is a comb equipped with a long handle and a special attachment that delicately removes dead hair that has fallen out during the shedding process. The use of a furminator allows you to achieve the following goals:

The Furminator is used 1-2 times a month. This device is used only after bathing.

A comb with metal teeth is also a must-have for your Labrador. It is used to comb out thorns, dirt and insects, in particular harmful mites.

Is it possible to cut a Golden Retriever's hair?

Shorthaired Golden Retriever

- a real handsome man and the pride of his owners.
Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you plan for your dog to participate in exhibitions or not,
will still have to cut it Otherwise, the dog will look more like a furball than a proud and dignified animal.

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Vitamins and microelements

To maintain the health of a Labrador's coat, a full range of vitamins and microelements is required, obtained from the food that the pet eats daily. The diet should be enriched with vitamins A, E and PP, as well as calcium and magnesium. A large amount of these biologically active substances are contained in such products as beef, buckwheat, sea fish, carrots, vegetable oil, and cottage cheese. If you feed your pet dry food, then this product should be enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the health of the fur.

Multivitamin complexes for a Labrador should be prescribed by a veterinarian if the animal’s body has a need for additional biologically active substances.

Do you need clothes? Harness or collar, muzzle - which is better?

The Labrador has a dense coat and undercoat. Thick wool protects against sudden changes in temperature and allows you to comfortably endure minor frosts.

They do not need clothes for walking . A raincoat or a thick raincoat for a walk in the forest in the off-season will provide additional protection for the dog from ticks and thorns. Will keep your wool from getting wet when it rains.

A small puppy is taught to walk on a leash with a harness . You can start with a leash. The advantage of the harness is that it reduces the strain on the neck thanks to the straps on the chest. The pressure is on the powerful body. The harness is a great option for jogging.

In the city you need to learn to walk on a leash with a dog . Through it, the dog feels every movement and twitch more intensely.

Warning signs

If you notice patchy baldness, dandruff, or a strong unpleasant odor emanating from the dog’s fur, your pet should be immediately taken to the veterinarian. These symptoms indicate skin diseases that have a negative impact on the growth and condition of the coat.

Taking care of the beauty and cleanliness of the coat is an essential component of your pet’s hygiene. If you have any questions regarding coat care, consult a specialist.


Who to entrust the process to

Grooming dogs whose fur is not very long may seem simple, but it really isn't. If the dog owner does not have experience in working with animals in this matter, and has never held a clipper in his hands, it is better for him to seek help from a professional groomer for a haircut. Without knowing, you can not only ruin your Labrador’s exterior, but also injure and frighten him. It will be difficult to persuade a dog that has an unpleasant impression from the haircut to undergo a repeat procedure.

Important! The main task of the groomer is to give the animal's appearance a harmonious and aesthetic appearance. In addition to the haircut, the specialist can wash and dry the dog’s coat. Also, the groomer must be able to trim animals' nails, clean teeth, ears and eyes.

What are they?

To make your pet look well-groomed, you need to brush it regularly. During this procedure, dust, dirt and dead hairs are removed from the fur. Combed fur looks much more elegant than uncombed fur, and the procedure itself, if done correctly, is also a massage for the pet’s skin. And during the molting period, combing becomes a necessary procedure, since otherwise the whole house is strewn with fallen hair.

Dogs with different coat types require different care: for some, brushing with a massage brush once a day is enough, while others need long and thorough combing, as well as complex haircuts and grooming.

To achieve a good result, you should buy only high-quality combs for dogs, and this is best done in specialized stores.

The best shampoos for dogs against parasites

Insecticides are used only in emergency cases to get rid of parasites. It is not recommended to use them on an ongoing basis.

Biograd Mr. Bruno "Insecticidal"



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Swiss shampoo for the rapid destruction of ectoparasites helps get rid of fleas, lice and lice. The composition includes a mild conditioner that cares for the coat, smoothes it and gives it shine. The formula relieves irritation and dry skin. Use is permitted for puppies over 1 month old.

Immediately after washing, the pet looks a little disheveled, but after some time the fur smooths itself out, becomes soft and shiny. The product is available in 400 ml bottles with a convenient dispenser. It allows you to squeeze out shampoo with one hand and regulates the flow.


  • economical;
  • convenient packaging;
  • quickly kills parasites;
  • cares for skin and coat;
  • suitable for puppies.


  • the price is above average (about 300 rubles per bottle);
  • You can't buy it everywhere.

After using the shampoo, the manufacturer recommends using an insecticidal collar, drops or spray from the branded line.

Good Neem Plus Antiparasitic BIO



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Shampoo-conditioner for dogs and puppies based on herbal ingredients. The composition of clove, lavender, citronella, eucalyptus, rosemary, and tea tree oils repels most blood-sucking insects and soothes irritation or itching.

Indian neem tree oil gives the product antifungal and antiviral properties, makes the coat softer, gives it shine, and also relieves itching from insect bites and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Aloe vera soothes and disinfects your pet's skin and stimulates cell regeneration. Vitamin B5 has wound-healing properties, and citric acid provides mild peeling and relieves inflammation.

The composition foams well and washes wool of any length, effectively copes with parasites and removes them after the first wash. It is sold in a black 250 ml bottle with a convenient dispenser that ensures low product consumption.


  • rapid insecticidal action;
  • cares for skin and coat;
  • heals wounds;
  • acts as a fungus prevention;
  • convenient packaging;
  • low consumption.


  • high price (670 rubles per package);
  • specific smell.

To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to repeat bathing the animal after 2-3 weeks.

Biosphere "Biovax"



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Biovax is an inexpensive flea and tick shampoo for dogs. The active component is Korean chrysanthemum extract, which kills external parasites and nourishes the epidermis. Tea tree oil helps against lice and lice, and is also a natural antiseptic, relieves inflammation, and prevents dandruff in animals.

The formula easily whips into a rich foam and rinses the coat. The smell of the composition is pleasant and remains on the pet for a long time after washing. The shampoo is available in 250 ml bottles.


  • nice smell;
  • effectively copes with parasites;
  • cares for the skin;
  • dandruff prevention;
  • affordable price (130 rubles per bottle).


  • no detailed instructions.

The manufacturer does not indicate whether one application is sufficient to completely remove insects or whether the procedure must be repeated. This will have to be determined experimentally, depending on the degree of infestation of the animal with parasites.

Views from photos

For combing wool

Long, fluffy hair is an adornment of many breeds. But in order for it to look perfect, the dog must be thoroughly combed. This procedure will not harm wire-haired dogs and even pets with short and smooth hair.


This modern device replaces a number of dog grooming procedures. It looks like an instrument with a wide base and one row of straight and closely spaced teeth. The Furminator can quickly remove loose fluff in one go.

How to use a furminator for dogs: you need to gently and without excessive effort run it over the dog’s body, collecting fallen hairs. As necessary, the furminator is cleaned of combed wool.

This tool has many advantages. In addition to the fact that it is reliable and durable due to the strength of the teeth, the furminator has another advantage: when combing, it does not cause anxiety to the dog; on the contrary, pets like this procedure.

The Furminator is suitable for both long-haired and smooth-haired breeds. The only condition for its successful use is that the dog has undercoat, which is removed with this tool.

For long-haired dog breeds, a furminator with longer teeth is needed, and for short-haired dogs, one with shorter teeth. For a medium-haired pet, you should choose an intermediate option.

Perhaps the only serious drawback of the Furminator is its price. It is quite large and ranges from $30 for a small model to $70 for a large one.


Before the invention of the furminator it performed its functions. But if furminators of different models are suitable for a variety of dog breeds, then only furry animals with a rich undercoat can be combed with a slicker brush.

What is a slicker? This is a rectangular comb-brush with curved wire teeth, which can easily be used to pick up loose undercoat and remove it.

How much does a slicker cost : its price does not exceed 800 rubles. There are also very cheap models: for 100-200 rubles. Professional slickers for groomers are more expensive, their cost reaches 1,500 rubles, but they are of better quality.

When choosing a slicker, pay attention to the size of the tool itself, as well as the length and stiffness of the wire “bristles”: all these parameters must correspond to the size of the dog and the length and thickness of the coat.

It is desirable that there are metal, rubber or plastic balls at the ends of the “bristles” of the slicker brush. Otherwise, there is a risk of injuring the dog.

A brush with a drop is the best and most “gentle” option!


Necessary for the final combing of long-haired dogs, such as Spitz, to remove loose hair that the slicker can no longer capture. Even from a pet’s fur that seems perfectly combed at first glance, it will pull out some more fallen fluff, which, if it had remained in the fur, could have become tangled. Only a comb can comb thick wool well, and it also lifts the hairs at the roots, creating visual volume.

The comb is suitable for: Samoyeds, all Spitz dogs, huskies, malamutes and other dogs with an “arctic” type of coat, that is, one with a thick undercoat and rough outer coat.

A comb for dogs is chosen based on the size of the animal, the length and thickness of the coat, but it is better to choose a model with teeth of different lengths: such a comb will comb both the guard hair and the undercoat. It is recommended to use a comb for daily grooming of your dog's coat.

The cost of a high-quality comb for dogs does not exceed 1000 rubles, but there are cheaper models.

Massage brush

There are several types. The two most common ones are in the form of a brush with a handle and one that is put on the hand and secured with straps. The bristles can be either natural or made of plastic or metal; in the latter case, it is desirable that there are droplet-shaped balls at the ends of the “bristles”: they will prevent injury to the pet’s skin when combing.

The main purpose of this brush is not so much to comb, but to style and even smooth the dog’s fur, while simultaneously providing a light massage. It is suitable for dogs with smooth and short hair, since it will not be possible to thoroughly comb long fur with a rich undercoat.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the quality, length and frequency of the bristles. A massage brush that fits on your hand allows you to comb the fur in hard-to-reach places better than a brush with a handle.

The price range for such combs is wide. The cheapest ones can be purchased for 100 rubles, but there are also expensive ones, up to 2000 rubles or more.


Designed for combing smooth-haired dogs . It looks like a mitten, complete with spikes. Often the “spike” pad is made of rubber, less often it is plastic. Some combs of this type have a pad that looks like a metal or plastic massage brush. It’s easy to use: you just need to put the comb-mitten on your hand and run it through your pet’s fur. Dogs favor this procedure, as it is also a good massage for them.

You can use this comb every day: it does not injure your pet’s skin or fur.

Suitable for short-haired and smooth-haired breeds with almost no undercoat, such as Great Dane, Boxer or Pinscher.

When choosing a mitten, you should focus on the hardness of the spikes: they should be neither too hard nor too soft. Also, the mitten should “sit” comfortably on your hand.

The cost of this comb is not too high: it ranges from 200 to 800 rubles.


Its functions are similar to a comb-mitten, the only difference is that its spines are smaller and located over the entire surface, even on the fingers. The outer side is made of thick fabric, it is equipped with a Velcro fastener, thanks to which the glove fits perfectly on the hand.

Its advantage is that it can be used to comb the hair not only on the back or sides of the dog, but also in more delicate places.

This glove is suitable for long-haired and medium-haired breeds. It collects dead hair well from the entire surface of the pet’s body without causing him any disturbance.

The cost of such a comb is small: 150-200 rubles.

Rotating tine rake

It looks like a rectangular brush with teeth. The peculiarity of this tool is that each of the teeth is not fixed in the socket, but rotates freely. This allows you to collect more dead hair when combing, which reduces the amount of wool on the owners’ clothes, carpets and furniture.

You need to comb your dog with it as with a regular comb, both according to the growth of the coat and against it. This comb is used as needed. Suitable for medium-haired and long-haired dogs with a thick undercoat: such as Malamute, Keeshond, Samoyed, Caucasian Shepherd or Collie.

For combing out fleas

It is a plastic base into which fine metal teeth are inserted. Designed to completely rid the dog of external parasites. Thanks to the minimum distance between the teeth, it combs out those insects that could not be removed during washing.

Suitable for all breeds of dogs, but when choosing, you need to proceed from the size of the pet and do not take a small flea comb for a large dog, as it will not comb his fur, and it is not comfortable to use. A small dog should also not be treated with a large “comb”: it is inconvenient to use and besides, it can easily injure a small dog.

The cost of such a tool is relatively low: in online stores you can buy one for 500 rubles or a little more.

For haircut

When grooming dogs, a comb is used to comb the hair, divide it into several parts, and use it to trim the edge of the dog’s “hairstyle.” There are also comb-trimmers, which, in fact, are more like clippers.


It is a comb with teeth of the same length. It is needed as an auxiliary tool when grooming dogs; its task is not to comb the hair, but to divide it into strands and smooth it. Using a long metal comb is convenient for smoothing the hair along the bottom of the “skirt” of dogs such as Yorkshire or Maltese.

Needed by owners of grooming dog breeds , such as poodle, bichon, yorkie, and bedlington terrier. But it can also be useful for those whose pets are dogs with long hair, such as Shih Tzu or Pekingese.

When choosing a metal comb, you need to focus on its size and frequency of teeth: for dogs with undercoat, a more frequent metal comb is needed, and for animals with long, straight and smooth-lying hair, less frequent, so as not to damage the coat.

The cost depends on the size of the instrument and its quality and ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles.


Externally, trimmers are similar to dog clippers. They come in several types: rotary, vibration, pendulum and battery. When trimming animals, rotary or cordless trimmers are usually used. Vibrating ones are used less often because they are low-power and the knives in them are difficult to change. Rotary ones, as the most reliable, are used when grooming dogs with thick hair.

The trimmer kit usually includes several metal comb attachments, differing in size and with teeth of different lengths. It is not difficult to work with them, but at first it is unusual, especially for a person who has taken such a tool in his hands for the first time.

Trimmers are suitable for those breeds of dogs that require a haircut, and the owner wants to tidy up his dog’s fur himself.

The price of a trimmer depends on the quality of the tool and the materials from which it is made. The type of trimmer also plays a significant role in pricing. On average, their prices start from 1200-1500 and reach 3000 or more.

You need to choose a trimmer so that it suits the size of the dog and the length of its coat. And one more thing: it is better to avoid overly cheap models, since this is exactly the case when the stingy pays twice. A low-quality trimmer bought on the cheap will soon break and need replacement. Of all types, it is better to give preference to rotary or battery.

For trimming


It looks like a rectangular brush, but in fact it consists of several blades connected together and mounted on a wooden handle. Stripping is used to quickly and easily remove lost hair.

There are several types of strippers, differing from each other in the size, length and shape of the blades. They are mainly used for trimming wire-haired breeds , such as most terriers or schnauzers. But there are also strippers for dogs with soft and slightly wavy hair, such as cocker spaniels.

Strippings are chosen based on the pet’s coat type and size. Preference should be given to models with blades made of high-quality steel, otherwise there is a risk that the tool will quickly break.

The process of stripping a dog is similar to regular combing. Only in this case you need to properly pull the fur so as not to accidentally injure the dog.

Strippers should be used only when necessary, during trimming . There is no need to use them to simply remove lost hair: there is a risk of either removing excess hair or injuring your pet.

Prices for strippers are not too high, they start from 1000 rubles for small models to 1500 for large ones.

Metal with wooden or plastic handle

Before processing the wool by stripping, as well as during the trimming process, the dog’s fur is combed in order to better see the result of the treatment, and at the same time to remove the hair combed out by stripping.

For this procedure, you can use any convenient wide-toothed comb.

This comb is used both as an auxiliary tool during trimming and for daily combing of the dog.

The cost of a metal comb mounted on a plastic or wooden handle is low: about 100 rubles.

For grooming


Can be metal or plastic. The main distinguishing feature is a narrow long handle, similar in shape to a rapier blade with a sharp, tapering end. Using this comb, you can simultaneously comb the dog with the toothed part while grooming, and use the end of the handle to make partings or twist the hair onto it, then placing it in curlers or making a top note.

Suitable for most “hairdressing” breeds that receive complex haircuts, and, first of all, poodles.

The price range for these combs is wide. An inexpensive model can be purchased for 200-250 rubles; for a more expensive one you will have to pay about 1000 rubles.


The groomer comb looks similar to a stripper and also has the appearance of several blades gathered together and attached to a handle. The groomer differs from the stripping comb in the shape of its blades: while the stripping comb has Y-shaped blades, the groomer's blades look like hooks curved downward.

Necessary for cutting and combing neglected, matted wool. This tool carefully cuts off small tangles and combs the fur along with the undercoat.

Suitable for long-haired and wire-haired breeds. Treat animals with it as needed; it is not suitable for frequent use.

When choosing, pay attention to the quality of the material from which the blades are made. The cost of a grooming comb is approximately 1000 rubles.

Colt cutter

Anti-matt comb. It looks like a fine-toothed comb with a handle, but instead of teeth this comb has blades. This tool is designed to gently untangle and cut tangled wool.

Used for professional grooming of long-haired dogs.

When choosing a tangle comb, you should give preference to models with a high-quality stainless steel blade with a comfortable handle.

The cost of such a tool depends on the quality, manufacturer and materials from which it is made; it starts from 400-500 rubles and above.

With blade

It looks like a regular comb with a blade inserted inside it. Designed for thinning wool when cutting and partially shortening it.

It is used when grooming dogs of those breeds whose standard requires thinning the coat, that is, this tool can be some kind of alternative to more expensive stripping.

The cost depends on the model; the simplest combs with blades (though not dog combs, but rather universal ones, suitable for both people and animals) can be bought for less than 100 rubles.

Which one is the most professional?

The best of professional combs can be considered stripping . It not only quickly removes dead undercoat, but also allows you to very quickly form clear lines when cutting and trimming dogs.

Also a very good and truly necessary tool for a professional groomer is a knitting comb , without which it is impossible to make a beautiful top note or parting.

grooming combs are most suitable for professionals .

Which one to choose for home?

At the moment, the most universal tool, suitable for both professionals and ordinary dog ​​breeders, is the furminator . It allows you to very quickly rid your pet of the undercoat that has fallen out during shedding, and therefore is a true salvation for many owners. The Furminator can be selected for almost any dog, both long-haired and short-haired, which is also its undoubted advantage.

The best anti-itch shampoos for dogs

Dermatological shampoos are aimed at eliminating redness and itching in dogs. They contain antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and wound healing components.

Pchelodar "Antibacterial" with chlorhexidine 5%



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Pchelodar “Antibacterial” has a prolonged effect. The composition kills bacteria and microbes on the pet’s skin and prevents dermatological diseases. The effect is visible after the first bath, itching and irritation in the pet are reduced.

Propolis extract provides an antifungal and analgesic effect, and also relieves inflammation and itching. Provitamin B5 has a wound-healing effect, allantoin moisturizes and softens the skin and coat. A complex of herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle) soothes and stimulates cell regeneration. Seaweed extracts deeply nourish and restore skin immunity.


  • sold in all stores;
  • quickly copes with skin irritation;
  • reduces itching and redness;
  • heals wounds;
  • improves the condition of the coat.


  • the price is above average (460 rubles for 250 ml);
  • inconvenient application.

The manufacturer recommends applying the composition to the wool and leaving it for 10-15 minutes. Not all dogs manage to survive this period.

Api-san "Antimicrobial" with chlorhexidine 4%



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Antiseptic medicine for dogs and cats is used as prescribed by a veterinarian. Chlorhexidine has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. The shampoo washes the hair and skin well, relieves irritation, redness and itching after the first wash. The bactericidal effect lasts up to 24 hours after the procedure. For the best effect, bathing should be repeated after 3-5 days.

Pet owners note that the fur becomes soft and fluffy. The consumption of the drug is small - you need 1 ml of the composition per 1 kg of animal weight. Use is allowed for puppies from 3 weeks of age. The product is produced in plastic bottles of 150, 200 and 250 ml in cardboard packages. Detailed instructions for use are included in the kit.


  • prolonged bactericidal effect;
  • relieves itching and irritation;
  • quick effect;
  • rinses well;
  • suitable for puppies from 3 weeks;
  • economical.


  • high cost (from 330 rubles per 150 ml);
  • not sold everywhere;
  • doesn't foam well.

The formula acts on bacterial spores only at elevated temperatures. That is, for maximum effect, you need to wash your dog with warm water.

Goodman Doctor with climbazole



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Therapeutic shampoo for dogs, recommended for dermatitis and other skin diseases of pets. The main active component of the composition is climbazole, which fights fungus on the skin. Willow bark extract contains salicylic acid, removes germs, exfoliates dead cells, relieves itching and inflammation.

The product has a light honey tint and a mild scent. There is little foam when washing. The drug is sold in small 200 ml bottles with detailed instructions inside.


  • removes fungus;
  • helps against dandruff;
  • natural composition;
  • washes away complex stains well;
  • unobtrusive odor;
  • relieves inflammation and itching.


  • you need to strictly follow the instructions;
  • may cause allergies.

Veterinarians note that getting the composition into the animal’s mouth or eyes is extremely undesirable, and recommend washing dogs in a special collar.


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Playful and cute Labradors are known to many people - it is simply impossible not to pay attention to them on the street. This dog's kind look and friendly character have made the breed very popular. If you decide to make such a friend, you should know how to properly care for him. And we will answer most of your questions about keeping a Labrador.

How to clean your ears?

A healthy animal has clean ears; there is no need for frequent procedures. The only thing you need is to regularly examine your Labrador's ear to assess its condition.

An unpleasant odor and discharge are a sign of infection . Frequent ear cleaning disrupts the natural microflora, reducing protective mechanisms.

To carry out the procedure, soak a cotton pad in warm water and roll it inside the ear. If there are barely noticeable traces of earwax, yellow in color, there is no need for cleaning. Excessive brown earwax discharge requires its removal.

Before the procedure, the dog must be calmed . To stroke the area of ​​the ears at their base. This massage will relieve tension and soften wax in the ear canals.

Cleansing products may vary:

  • powder;
  • medicinal lotion;
  • drops.

Under no circumstances should you clean your Labrador's ears with hydrogen peroxide . It can cause a burn to the eardrum.

Labrador's ears are floppy. The outer and inner areas should be carefully wiped, without sudden movements, without twisting the ear. A bandage soaked in cleanser or warm water is suitable for this.

Special cotton swabs for dogs will help gently clean the ear canals.

How to toilet train a puppy?

Puppies go to the toilet immediately after sleeping and eating. You can teach them to relieve themselves in a specific place using a diaper or tray. It is necessary to monitor the puppy and put him on a diaper prematurely. When he does his business, they reward him with a treat.

You need to gradually teach your dog to relieve himself outside . Up to six months, the puppy can always ask himself. Therefore, you should not remove the diaper, but you should try to make the dog learn that this should be done outside.

To do this, you should go out with him more often, after eating..


Nail trimming is an unpleasant but necessary procedure for a Labrador dog. You need to accustom your pet to nail hygiene from the first months of life. A puppy's claws grow quite quickly, causing the dog's toes to become splayed, which interferes with the formation of healthy limbs.

To trim the puppy's cat, use manicure clippers designated for dog hygiene. The procedure must be performed very carefully, cutting off only the “hook” of each claw. If the owner accidentally cuts off the part adjacent to the puppy’s finger, this will lead to bleeding and severe pain, after which the animal will be afraid of the nail trimming procedure for quite a long time.

Adult Labradors, whose limbs are properly formed, sharpen their claws during walks. But do not forget that dogs have a fifth toe, the claw of which does not grind off on a hard surface. It is this claw that needs to be trimmed using a nail clipper purchased at a pet store.

A puppy should be taught to brush its teeth from the age of one. For the procedure, purchase a special toothpaste and brush for dogs. When brushing your teeth, try to thoroughly clean your back teeth, as a lot of plaque accumulates on them.

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