All the features of the Welsh Corgi diet: what to feed Pembroke and Cardigan

If this topic interested you, then most likely you considered yourself the proud owner of a corgi. And now is the right time to find out what this breed eats, what is included in its main diet and what you can treat them with. The dog is very energetic, cheerful, kind, and will be a true friend and companion for any family member.

How to properly feed a Corgi puppy?

For the first 2 months of life, a Corgi puppy is fed only with its mother's breast milk. If the mother stops giving food, you should buy dry milk formula, dilute it according to the instructions, and give it to the puppy. You can purchase the mixture at a pet store; here you will find a large assortment from various popular food manufacturers.

Next, there are 2 ways - transfer to dry feeding or natural nutrition. Dry food without premium or super-premium additives is suitable for your dog’s main meal. If you are going to feed your dog natural food, then you will need to say food and carefully select the products. Raw meat, in this case, will form the main diet of the corgi, but it is better to feed meat in the evening.

The main rule is a balanced and fortified diet! It is necessary to track your pet's weight in order to understand at what point he gained weight. In this case, you need to switch to lighter feeding. The second rule is not to give food to the Welsh Corgi from the master's table! And you need to get used to this from early childhood.

Recommendations for feeding a puppy include the following:

  1. Small portions of food at strictly allotted times. The dog has not finished eating - remove the bowl until the next meal; does not want to eat - remove the bowl, do not leave it with food; wants and asks for more - don’t give it, don’t see her provoking her. Failures and violations of the regime will lead to obesity.
  2. There must always be water. Renew the water before feeding, and do not forget that your dog may become thirsty during the day or night. The bowl of water should be small, the optimal volume is 200 ml.
  3. Fasting days. In the hot summer, dogs' appetite is dulled, so it is necessary to have a fasting day once a month.
  4. Do not interfere with natural food and food. The thing is that these two types of food have different digestion times. Mixing leads to problems with stool, digestion and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. It is recommended to feed with food on the advice of the breeder. This way the move will be less painful for the dog and will help him adapt.
  6. No fatty foods. We completely exclude from the diet anything that can lead to disorders and obesity.
  7. Feeding after a walk. Physical activity after eating is bad for health, so food should be given after the dog has jumped, run, or played.

Dog Obesity Table

What to feed during pregnancy and after childbirth?

During pregnancy, Corgis require special nutrition and care. You need to feed your dog much more densely. The norm is increased starting from the 30th day - until this time physiological changes in the body are insignificant.

For your information. If the Corgi eats dry food, he is given products from lines for pregnant and lactating dogs.

The proportion of protein in the diet is increased at the expense of meat and dairy products, and the amount of cereals is reduced so that the expectant mother does not gain excess weight.

The dog is fed 3-4 times a day in small portions. The daily amount of food is increased weekly by 10%.

From the 9th week, the frequency of feedings reaches 7 times a day - the fruits already put very much pressure on the stomach and other internal organs, so the dog cannot eat a lot of food at once. Corgis give more fish. Like meat, it contains protein, but is better absorbed.

After giving birth, the dog continues to be fed heavily. Portions are reduced when puppies begin to eat solid food on their own. With the end of lactation, the mother is given a fasting day, after which she returns to the usual menu.

How much food should I give my Corgi puppy?

It all depends on the type of food chosen. For dry food, on the packaging the manufacturer indicates the number of grams required for consumption. The gramming may differ for each brand. Feeds vary in composition; more nutritious ones have a lower dosage.

How much does a corgi eat per day?

Puppies need to be fed more often than adult dogs. The table shows the values ​​according to the puppy's age.

Corgi ageNumber of feedings per day
2-4 months5
4-6 months4
6-8 months3
Over 8 months2

Rules to follow:

  • Do not feed the dog during breaks, only the number of times indicated.
  • Buy food according to age;
  • Do not change feed frequently;
  • Do not mix food and natural products.

Puppy refuses food

A food dog like the Corgi Cardigan will never just turn away from food, but there can be many reasons for this behavior, for example:

  • Moving;
  • Changing the bowl;
  • Poor quality food;
  • Feeding constantly liquid food;
  • Change of feeding place;
  • Spoiled food;
  • Change of food;
  • The water is not fresh;
  • Stress and old age.

Don't scream or get angry if your pet doesn't want to eat. But if this behavior continues for several days, there is a reason to contact a veterinarian, as this may be a consequence of an illness.

List of permitted and prohibited products

Feeding a corgi has its own peculiarities and there are also foods that are allowed for feeding, and there are those that are best excluded.

Allowed products (for adult dogs):

  • Lean beef;
  • Breasts, but only turkey breasts;
  • Various fermented milk products without additives;
  • It is allowed to give zucchini, apples and carrots even raw;
  • Rice and buckwheat;
  • For offal, give beef stomach.


Prohibited foods are divided into two groups - those that can be fed occasionally and those that can be completely avoided, as well as those that should not be given at all.

The first group includes:

  • Other by-products;
  • Cheeses;
  • All other vegetables;
  • Boiled fish and chicken;
  • Lenten broths;
  • Cookies and crackers;
  • Cartilage.

Products of the second group:

  • Sweet, smoked, fatty, fried;
  • Bakery products and pasta;
  • Sour cream, milk;
  • Other porridges, especially millet and semolina;
  • Raisins, nuts, grapes;
  • Berries;
  • Onions and rhubarb;
  • Various fruits (except apples);
  • Bones that are easily cut into splinters.

How to switch a corgi to natural food?

This desire usually appears among owners who believe that dry food is the wrong food, that it does not provide adequate benefits and vitamins to the dog. If you decide to do this, get ready to buy fresh food, prepare food for your dog every day and buy vitamins and various supplements necessary for a good diet. They are present in dry food, but not in natural food.

As a rule, owners who switch to natural food, abandoning dry food, feed their pets incorrectly, do not provide the required amount of nutrients, and do not follow portions, which leads to excess weight.


  1. About 70% of a dog's total diet is meat. Raw liver, sea bass, beef, lamb, horse meat and veal are the same low-fat foods that your pet needs. Before doing this, you need to soak it in boiled water for a few minutes, or boil it. Calculation – 20 grams/1 kg of corgi weight.
  2. Fermented milk products take 2nd place in importance. Kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk are also included in the list of daily products. Calculation: cottage cheese – 20 grams/1 kg of weight; liquids – 500-100 grams per day.
  3. Porridge - improves digestion. It is worth feeding your dog rice or buckwheat porridge. Calculation: from 1⁄4 to three glasses, depending on the age and weight of the dog.
  4. Fruits and vegetables. Give every day (a source of vitamins), wash and chop finely.

Pros and cons of natural food


  • You know the composition and quality of the food you give your pet;
  • The food contains no flavoring additives, dyes, preservatives or emulsifiers;
  • If the dog develops an allergy, the product can be easily replaced;
  • The food contains natural carbohydrates, proteins and fiber;


  • You will have to spend quite a lot of time cooking;
  • You will create a balanced diet yourself;
  • Natural feeding requires vitamin supplements;
  • It will be difficult to travel with a dog, because you will have to look for a separate place to cook;
  • In terms of price, natural food is more expensive.

Dry food for corgi

The easiest and most suitable way for the owner. It already contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements, according to age. You have to cook the food, heat it up, just pour it into a bowl and you’re done.

Your veterinarian can help you choose food for your Pembroke Corgi. It must be reminded that they eat exclusively premium food. Budget food can cause gastrointestinal problems, and it is also not adequately equipped with vitamins.

Any food is convenient because the packaging always indicates how much food a dog should eat per day, in proportion to months - for puppies, and weight - for an adult dog.


  1. Weight and lifestyle are the main indicators when selecting food.
  2. Check expiration dates.
  3. Choose food according to the type of dog (puppies/young/old/nursing).
  4. Dogs on dry food do not need vitamin supplements.

Vitamin supplements

They must be included in the animal’s diet, both through natural feeding and when fed food prepared under production conditions. Ready-made supplements are easy to purchase at a veterinary pharmacy. Compliance with the dosage is necessary - an excess of vitamins has the same negative effect on pets as their deficiency.

Any specialized forum dedicated to Welsh Corgis contains information on which brands of vitamin supplements are optimal for this breed. It is important that the dog receives sufficient amounts of:

  • vitamin A. Has a beneficial effect on the skin, protects the body from infectious diseases and promotes growth;
  • vitamin D. Necessary for strengthening the bones;
  • vitamin E. Needed to maintain normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • vitamin K. Ensures normal blood clotting;
  • B vitamins. Participate in metabolic processes, stabilize the nervous system, and are necessary for hematopoiesis.

How to determine if a corgi is overweight

The breed standard for the Pembroke Corgi is 13 kilograms. Obesity is excess weight exceeding this norm. Excess fat means a metabolic disorder in your pet, which all boils down to a number of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. With excess weight, any disease occurs with complications, even mild malaise and colds. Don't let your dog become obese; take it more seriously if you don't want health complications. Weigh your dog regularly, feed your dog strictly according to the schedule, and give your dog physical exercise.

Description of the breed

Corgis were originally bred as herding dogs. This little guy could handle a whole flock of sheep without human intervention. The dog alone could fight off the herd from wolves or kidnappers.

For your information! There was a law in South Wales that ordered the person who killed or injured this dog to pay damages to the owner in the form of a cow or bull.

The Welsh Corgi is a small, squat dog with an impressive, massive body and short legs. The dog's muzzle resembles that of a fox. The ears are erect, the nose is exclusively black. The dog's color is red. Dark gray with red tan markings are allowed.

The Welsh Corgi is a cheerful dog that may be obese

Breeding and keeping a representative of this breed usually does not cause any difficulties, but special attention should be paid to the corgi’s nutrition. If your dog's diet is disrupted, health problems cannot be avoided.

Diet of older corgis

Your pet is considered elderly if it has lived 2/3 of its entire lifespan, which is 5-6 years old. Metabolism slows down, less energy is spent, activity decreases. Nutrition should be appropriate, containing fewer calories, protein and fat. If the diet is natural, it is recommended to replace meat with fish and milk. It is also necessary to take dietary fiber so that the dog does not suffer from constipation, which they suffer in old age. The percentage of natural food ration is as follows: Meat/fish/milk – up to 50%; porridge – up to 40%; fruits/vegetables – up to 20%.

With dry food everything is simpler - buy a special line marked “for older dogs”.

A pet is your responsibility, not a cute toy. You need to carry it confidently and until the very end. Diet is the most important part of a dog's healthy and carefree life, where every little detail matters. Any mistake leaves typos on the future fate. Be healthy!


You should choose vitamin supplements together with your veterinarian. When you take your puppy for routine vaccinations, be sure to consult with your doctor about what food to feed your Corgi. The veterinarian will give recommendations taking into account established practice and select the dosage, focusing on the dog’s age and state of health.

If you independently decide to enrich your corgi’s menu with vitamins, be sure to follow the dosage of the drug recommended by the manufacturer. Exceeding the dosage is just as dangerous as a deficiency of substances necessary for the healthy development of a dog.

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