Jack Russell Terrier - a small but very reliable friend

The Jack Russell Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds. It was bred for hunting, but this small dog has now become a devoted companion for active owners. This funny, playful dog will be a family favorite. Jack Russell Terrier is ready to have fun and run all day long. Because of his energy, efficiency and fearlessness, he attracts many dog ​​owners. This is a suitable pet for keeping in an apartment, but it will not become a sofa lap dog. To understand whether it is worth getting a Russell, you need to study its description, character traits, pros and cons of its content.
  • History of the origin of the breed
  • Exterior features of the Jack Russell Terrier breed
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Jack Russell Terrier coat and colors
  • Varieties
  • Description of the character of the Jack Russell Terrier breed
      Education and training
  • Caring for Jack Russell Terriers
  • Diseases
  • Nutrition
  • How to buy a Jack Russell Terrier puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed card

    • Famous names of the breed: Jack Russell Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier
    • FCI breed number: 345
    • Jack Russell Terrier breed standard on the FCI website: link
    • Height at withers: males - up to 30 cm, females - up to 25 cm
    • Weight of an adult dog: males - up to 5 kg, females - up to 4.5 kg
    • Color options: white with black or red markings
    • Life expectancy: up to 15-20 years
    • Puppy cost: from $700
    • Size: 2 out of 5
    • Learning ability: 5 out of 5
    • Attitude towards children: 5 out of 5
    • Shedding intensity: 4 out of 5
    • Protective and guard qualities: 5 out of 5

    Prices for Jack Russell Terriers

    The cost of a puppy of this breed may vary. The range of prices will definitely surprise you. It can be either 10 thousand rubles or 100. The cost is influenced by several factors:

    • Blood and ancestry. If the dog has titled ancestors in the family, then the price of the puppy will not be low;
    • Exhibition potential and breed standard. The cost of show-class puppies, which are purchased for further breeding and going to shows, can be the highest;
    • Place of purchase. Well-known nurseries sell the best representatives of the breed, so the price for them will be appropriate. You can find inexpensive puppies on the market or in online advertisements, but no one can vouch for their pedigree and health.

    Breed characteristics

    Jack Russell Terrier description is a hunting breed of dog that appeared in England and spread throughout Australia. Initially, small dogs were used for burrow hunting for rats. The character of the dogs is cheerful and very active. There is only one common name and the breed received it on behalf of the English priest John-Jack Russell from the county of Devon, who was an excellent rider and a passionate fan of hunting foxes with dogs.

    From 1873, he participated in the development of a breed of miniature fox hunters, which became terriers. However, he himself did not demonstrate his pets, since he loved wire-haired terriers, and they were not in fashion. Before 1900, Jack Russell Terriers were considered Old Style Fox Terriers.

    FCI breed standard: No. 345

    The characteristics of this animal suggest a strong and active body of medium length and increased flexibility. The terrier is very passionate and efficient. His movements are expressive. The Terrier needs little time to recuperate. He is always ready for games and walks. Tail docking is not mandatory. The posture is proud, and the coat can be variable (smooth, hard or mixed). Visually, the Jack Russell Terrier appears small and slightly stretched out, while its taller and broad-shouldered “relatives” have separated into the “Parson Russell Terrier” group. Both varieties of the breed are distinguished by their developed intelligence.

    Size, weight and height of the breed

    Externally, the dog seems stretched in length, not in height. The depth of her body from the withers to the chest should be equal to the length of the front paw from the middle to the ground. The circumference behind the elbows should be approximately 40 cm.

    The Jack Russell Terrier is the best choice for those people who are looking for a reliable guard with small dimensions. This is an “apartment dog” with the instincts of a real hunter.

    The terrier has a penetrating, intelligent look and a calm and cheerful disposition. This is a very trusting pet that can be easily deceived by its owner. At the same time, terriers do not remember evil, and, once they fall in love with a person, they always treat him friendly. The Jack Russell Terrier is brave and fearless. With all his appearance, he expresses readiness for active action, a desire to act and catch up.

    • The standard assumes that the dog has a flat, moderately wide skull, tapering towards the eyes and jaws.
    • The nose is black, and the length of the muzzle is quite short.
    • Lips fit tightly to teeth and may have black pigment
    • The teeth are very strong, deep and wide. The dog has a scissor bite
    • Small dark eyes should not be bulging, and the eyelids should not close. The edges of the eyelids are pigmented black. The eyes are almond shaped
    • Very mobile ears of the Jack Russell Terrier are slightly raised on the cartilage or hanging
    • The cheek muscles are very developed
    • The neck is strong and wide, allowing you to carry your head with dignity
    • In general, the Jack Russell Terrier gives the impression of a muscular and strong dog, which is true. He has developed muscles on the shoulder blade, angular shoulders, straight forearms
    • The front legs are round and firm, and the hind legs are very muscular.
    • The dog's gait is free and springy
    • The dog’s coat reliably protects it from bad weather, so the purebred individual does not need suits and overalls in winter. But this is in Euro winter conditions. In our region, in the harsh winter, the dog will need additional protection. Terriers do not tolerate slush well and can catch colds

    In an adult Jack Russell Terrier, the height at the withers reaches 25 - 30 cm. In this case, the weight is determined by the equivalent of each kg to 5 cm of height. Thus, a dog 25 cm tall should weigh about five kg.

    Any deviation from the described standards may be considered a fault or disqualifying fault. In particular, these include lack of balance, sluggish movements, aggression or excessive shyness, as well as obvious physical or behavioral abnormalities.

    Possible colors

    Hair can be smooth or coarse. The standard assumes a white color with black or tan markings. However, red markings may vary.

    Puppy weight by month

    Little puppies quickly grow stronger and gain weight. Moreover, recruitment is directly proportional to growing up.

    • at 2 months - about 2 kg.
    • at 2.5 months - about 2.5 kg.
    • at 3 months - about 3 kg.
    • at 3.5 months - about 3.6 kg.
    • at 4 months - about 4 kg.
    • at 4.5 months - about 4.5 kg.

    Females may be slightly smaller, but there is no major difference.


    Dogs of this breed have good health, since during breeding much attention was paid to this factor, as well as physical endurance, and not beauty. In good conditions, terriers live up to 15 years. Centenarians can exceed the “20” bar. Of course, a lot depends on heredity, living conditions and past diseases.

    Diseases common to this breed include ataxia. This is a motor disorder with impaired coordination of movements. The disease manifests itself at an early age and progresses rapidly. Individuals with this disease rarely survive beyond two years.

    Eye diseases often manifest themselves - lens displacement and cataracts.

    For small puppies, it is recommended to limit movement on uneven surfaces.

    For example, it is better to carry puppies under one year of age outside in your arms, since going down stairs can lead to crooked paws. Also, you should not hang with your teeth for up to a year. These are clear prerequisites for malocclusion.


    The mini terrier is distributed throughout the world. In England it continues to be used for hunting foxes and badgers. The latter is left alive, taking care of the population of the species.

    Many birds and animals are caught with a male dog:

    • hares;
    • muskrats;
    • roe deer;
    • ducks;
    • deer.

    On farms, these dogs are used as a rescue from rats. They have proven themselves to be excellent orderlies in big cities back in the last century.

    Their attractiveness and energy make them good companions. But it is suitable for people who know the basics of training and lead an active life.


    Terriers do not pose a particular danger to allergy sufferers, especially since their hair is relatively short. The animal may grow a beard and eyebrows. You will have to carry out the trimming procedure and comb the dog in a timely manner. During trimming, those dead skin particles that cause an allergic reaction are also removed.

    If you are prone to allergies, the optimal choice for a pet would be a Jack Russell Terrier with a “gesture” or “broken” coat. And if you are not afraid of shedding, then the smooth-haired Jack Russell Terrier is for you.

    Health and treatment

    The dogs are agile, active, and clean. They don't have a "dog" smell. It is important that the animal has the correct gait. If your pet's paws are slanted, X-shaped, or sideways, his lungs will develop abnormally and problems with the hip joints will arise. Monitoring is carried out for up to 18 months.

    The dentist should regularly examine your teeth and clean them from tartar.

    Common diseases include hip dysplasia and Legg-Perthes disease. Congenital deafness and a vision problem called “collie eyes” occur.

    Expert opinion

    Anna Abramenko

    An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

    Ask a Question

    But preventive measures will protect your dog from most diseases if vaccinations are done in accordance with the calendar.

    History of the breed

    Fox Terriers of the beginning of the century were almost no different from modern Jack Russell Terriers. The priest John Russell acquired the first dog (the founder of the breed) while studying at Oxford. She was a white girl with coarse fur and red-brown spots on her head and tail. She was slender and well-built, as tall as a fox. Russell carried out numerous crossings of this individual with solid and colored terriers, trying to achieve improved hunting qualities. Appearance was not taken into account as an important factor.

    Russell's idea stemmed from his passion for fox hunting. It was a popular pastime in Europe at the end of the 18th century. The animal was chased until exhaustion, and when the fox managed to scurry back to normal, the distant ancestors of modern Jack Russell terriers came into play. The miniature dogs traveled on horseback throughout the hunt, in the hunter’s bag. Only at moment X were they released and sent to the hole. A couple of minutes solved the matter and the fox jumped out of the hole straight into the hands of his pursuers.

    Physical characteristics that were a priority made us forget about the dogs’ unattractive appearance. They were stocky and broad-shouldered. Everything changed in 1859, when people became seriously interested in exhibitions. Gradually, fox terriers became elegant and attractive.

    In just ten years, the breed became very popular and accounted for one fifth of exhibitors. Terriers acquired a deep chest and straight shoulders, and their heads became narrower and longer. True, they could no longer get into the holes, they lacked dexterity, but at the exhibitions the dogs attracted attention.

    The Jack Russell Terrier is a breed of rat-catching dog. And today they confirm this title by destroying rodents. But the record holder made history back in 1977. It was a Vampire terrier from Great Britain, which killed a ton of rats in a year.

    Photo and video review

    You can evaluate the Jack Russell variety at exhibitions. The best individuals that meet the standard are presented there. They take place in large cities, so not everyone can visit them. You can figure out the subspecies from the photo.

    Attitude towards children

    Jack Russell Terrier and children get along great. This dog is very friendly and loves children wholeheartedly, especially if they grow up together. But Russell can show aggression towards other dogs, which is why early socialization is so important for this breed.

    The Russell Terrier does not get along well with small pets due to its strong hunting instincts. The cats will get it too. Accordingly, if there are a lot of small toys at home, then it will be difficult for them too.

    For children, Russell is an excellent companion, protector and friend. In games, he will always be nearby and will not let you sit idle. This dog always needs to be active, otherwise it will get bored.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The miniature size misleads many people. They buy a pet as a companion, but then they realize that the pet does not obey. The breed is not suitable for lazy, slow people.

    The reason lies in the pros and cons hidden in the character traits of the animal.

    Russell's sonorous voice and hunting habits make him an excellent watchman.Individuals are overly mobile, active all the time, and out of boredom they destroy the surrounding interior
    Dogs can remember many commandsAnimals can only live in the house
    This breed requires minimal groomingTerriers are cunning, resourceful, looking for weak points


    This breed of dog can be safely kept both in a country house and in a city apartment. But in the city there will not be enough physical activity. Walking in the city will be complicated by the fact that the Russell needs to be kept on a leash near highways and noisy gatherings.

    Need for physical activity

    When walking with your Russell, you need to play, let him run around and keep him company. The dog is highly active and curious. In areas with questionable coverage, it is better to use a muzzle. You need to walk for at least two hours and at least twice a day. This is not even necessary to cope with natural needs, since the Russell can be tamed to use the toilet. Walking is necessary to maintain the dog's physical health.

    Appearance care

    The coat of an individual can clean itself, so you need to bathe the dog as it gets dirty. Smooth-haired animals shed twice a year, while wire-haired ones need to be combed and trimmed. After the haircut, it is recommended that the dog walk around in clothes for a couple of days to get used to it.

    Girls must be bathed after the end of their heat. The dogs are also bathed before each show.


    There are no special nutritional requirements, since the breed was formed with an emphasis on endurance and performance. The main condition is maintaining a balanced diet, taking into account large energy losses. It is better to make a choice in favor of high-quality food or a special diet for active dogs. If you feed with natural food, then the main recommendations will be the words of the breeders.

    You can also read the full nutrition article for this Jack Russell Terrier.

    Jack Russell training at home

    These dogs are quite easy to train. Hunters obey the owner and quickly understand what is required of them. They react normally to the monotony of commands and carry them out even without treats.

    Representatives of the breed regularly become agility winners. Such competitions are similar to hunting, so they are perfect for them. The owner should understand that this is a working dog. It is important to constantly provide him with activities.

    To do this you need:

    • train a pet;
    • engage in sufficient physical activity;
    • take part in competitions;
    • long walk with the dog.

    If you don’t take your pet outside, he will begin to damage furniture and parquet floors, bark loudly, make crap, and stop listening. Jack Russell training is a must. It will allow you to control him in the most unpredictable situations and strengthen relationships.

    You can read more about training a Jack Russell in our article.

    It is easier to toilet train if you walk your pet after waking up and 10 minutes after eating. Until all vaccinations are completed according to age, the pet wears a diaper.

    To stop biting, you need to demonstrate your leadership. In addition to the desire for dominance, the dog may have other reasons for this behavior. This is the desire to develop the jaw, changing teeth.

    If a child or an elderly person walks with the dog, problems may arise. The pet will begin to explore everything around, eventually breaking out of the leash. Then he will run away and it will take a long time to catch him.

    Typical diseases of this breed

    The health of a pet and its physical development greatly depend on the person, his attitude and conditions of detention. But the puppy’s heredity, vaccinations and the reputation of the breeders matter.

    Among hereditary diseases there are:

    1. displacement of the eye lens
    2. progressive retinal atrophy
    3. ataxia - loss of coordination and loss of balance
    4. There are also cases of luxating the kneecap, von Willebrand disease and Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.


    Representatives of this breed are quite unpretentious in care. As mentioned above, Russells differ in the type of coat, and therefore the care of each type has its own characteristics.

    Smooth-haired dogs are the easiest to care for, but they also shed more heavily than their wire-haired counterparts. The coat is brushed once a week with a coarse bristle brush. You can also use a special massage glove to improve blood circulation and relaxation. Wire-haired dogs need trimming - plucking out mature hair that does not fall out easily on its own. The procedure is quite labor-intensive and requires certain skills, so it is often entrusted to a specialist. It is recommended to carry out water procedures as needed, approximately once a month. Most of the Jack Russer Terrier's coat is white, but it always remains clean as it has the ability to self-clean.

    It is also recommended to pay attention to dental health, especially if the dog eats natural food. It is necessary to provide it with special cleansing bones

    You should also use a special paste and brush to clean your teeth, and this should be done at least 2 times a week. You should clean your ear several times a month. This can be done using special sanitary napkins and sticks.

    Buying a puppy

    The only difficulty that arises when choosing this cheerful and active dog is the price. From a good breeder with documents, it can start from $700. Moreover, the upper limit is limited only by the seller’s imagination. A puppy without distinguished ancestors can be bargained for $500, but for many dog ​​lovers even this amount is unaffordable. For 100-200 dollars you can buy a puppy second-hand, but there is a high risk of purchasing a sick animal. More money will be spent on treating the puppy.

    It happens that puppies of this breed are found even in dog shelters. This is a rarity, which only means that the former owner could not get along with the original and cheerful animal. Such a “refusenik” can be obtained for free, but again there are risks. The shelter dog experienced betrayal and could enter a neurotic state. Then the new owner will have to show care and patience, and perhaps turn to a dog trainer to establish contact with the pet.

    The conclusion is this - the Jack Russell Terrier is a dog for active and easy-going people who prefer sports, travel and long walks. Any child will be crazy about such a playmate, but elders will not stay away from raising a pet. Jack Russell Terriers help people with disabilities adapt to society. There is a special treatment with the help of four-legged animals - canistherapy. Within its framework, Russell helps treat depression. They become real hormones of joy for children with cerebral palsy, autism and other disorders of the central nervous system.

    Nutritional Features

    When feeding Jack Russells, you need to follow 2 rules - the diet must be balanced and you cannot mix natural food and ready-made food.

    With a natural diet, the dog's diet should consist of 60% meat and the remaining 40% from dairy products, vegetables and cereals.

    Products allowed for Jack Russell:

    • lean boiled meat;
    • boiled lean sea fish without bones;
    • boiled offal;
    • dairy and fermented milk products;
    • vegetables;
    • rice and buckwheat porridge.

    It is forbidden to give:

    • fatty meats;
    • tubular bones;
    • freshwater fish;
    • spices and herbs;
    • corn, beans, potatoes;
    • fried, spicy, salty, sweet and smoked foods.

    With a natural diet, it is necessary to give your pet additional vitamins and minerals.

    In case of feeding with ready-made food, it is necessary to buy only super-premium or holistic food.

    Most popular brands:

    • Artemis Maximal Dog;
    • Innova EVO;
    • Royal Canin;
    • Hills;
    • Bosch;
    • Artemis.

    Your pet should always have free access to clean, settled or filtered drinking water.

    Due to the tendency of these dogs to become obese, it is important to follow a feeding schedule and control portion sizes..


    A prerequisite for mini-dogs is the predominance of white color.

    The most common dogs are bicolor - when the dog has white fur with red spots. But recently, tricolor wool (black, red and white) has become popular. Some animals of this breed are white and red in color and have a darkening on their muzzle, but this color cannot be classified as a tricolor, nor is it considered a flaw.

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