Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed standard – FreiWind – breeding kennel for German Shepherds, Malinois and Pembroke Welsh Corgis

Today we will talk about such a wonderful breed of dog as the Welsh Corgi. These are very active, loyal, strong and obedient dogs, one of those that the powers that be of humanity preferred to keep. This breed is the smallest of the herding dogs, which quickly become members of large families and get along well with children of all ages. We will talk about how to choose the right puppy and tell you about two representatives of this breed - the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan. We hope that this information will help our readers make the right and quality choice.

Features of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed

If you start reading the description without external data, it may seem that we are talking about a shepherd dog. And this turns out to be not far from the truth. In the classification of dogs - the “shepherd” section.

The peculiarity is that this is a short and short-legged breed: only 25-30 cm. The Pembroke has a fox face, for which they love him. Such a distinctive feature. For example, you forgot the name “Pembroke Welsh Corgi”, then you say: “I want a short dog, with short legs and a fox-like muzzle”, it’s immediately clear who you mean.

It was previously thought that Pembrokes did not have a tail, but in fact it is either stubby or docked. There are four colors in the breed, but most prefer red and white, which makes it even more similar to a fox. The corgi's coat is the same as that of the shepherd, both in length and to the touch.

Boy or girl

girls and boys corgis have their pros and cons . Be that as it may, the most important thing is the health of the pet. If the dog is completely healthy, there will be no difficulties in keeping either the female or the male.

The Welsh Corgi has no obvious sexual superiority. Both of them do not show aggression and get along well not only with the child, but also with other pets living in the house. As the puppy grows and develops, it is necessary to devote the maximum amount of time to it. A busy dog ​​will not cause problems associated with its upbringing.

The advantage of an adult male Corgi is that he is more impressive in appearance; he is physically stronger and appears more powerful than the female. A male dog does not go into heat, and “suitors” do not run after him. However, the corgi girl makes no less impression with her appearance and physique. She is more controllable, easier for everyone to get along with, even small family members - this is their main advantage.


It doesn’t matter who you have - a girl or a boy corgi , because with a stable psyche, good upbringing and timely training, dealing with an intelligent and sociable dog will be easy and simple.


There is no significant difference in behavior, except that males more often conflict with dogs of the same sex, and like to “hit on girls.” Girls are easier to deal with. They are more affectionate and prefer the attention of their owner to the company of other dogs.


When choosing between a boy and a girl corgi, consider the fact that for males, procreation is a physically important basic instinct. For a bitch, this question is not so relevant; for proper development, a bitch should give birth only 3-6 times in her entire life.

If you have a corgi girl and have documents that allow breeding, then finding the best partner is possible through the breed club. When mating, a bitch may be inferior to a male in conformation, but a male is not inferior to a female.

If you have a Corgi boy, you must not only have documents confirming an excellent pedigree, have successfully completed training courses, but also have prizes received at exhibitions,

What to do if you do not want the offspring of your beloved dog to continue? A girl will most likely tolerate the lack of mating with indifference, and a loving boy requires increased supervision so that he does not run away after the female he likes on a walk. If the owner does not wish to breed, there is an option to sterilize both sexes. This procedure, performed by professionals, will not harm the dog’s psyche or health.

What to look for when purchasing

The main thing you need to know before buying a puppy: the Pembroke Corgi breed is definitely expensive and difficult to breed. To obtain high-quality offspring, many conditions must be met. 80% of the quality depends on the female. The mortality rate during childbirth, both for puppies and for the mother, is enormous, and it is impossible to do without qualified help. Therefore, we are looking for a dog in a good kennel.

IMPORTANT! The nursery must have good reviews and recommendations, be known for many years for its quality puppies and specialize mainly in this breed.


When buying a puppy, it is important to examine not only the puppy itself, but also to see what the parents, at least the mother, look like. It is the mother who transmits the main qualities of the breed. If her appearance alarms you, for example, she is too long-legged, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

Ask the breeder to show the baby in all respects. First look into the eyes, they should be dark. No light or blue shades! Pay attention to the bite, it should be like a shepherd’s – scissor-shaped. If you mentally draw a line from the tip of the nose to the tips of first one ear, then the other, and again to the nose, you should get a fox triangle.

IMPORTANT! A small puppy’s ears may not stand up, it’s not scary - after some time everything will return to normal.

If the puppy is placed in a stand, then the paws should have angles of 90 degrees. Pay attention to the evenness of your back.

If we talk about choosing a color, it is impossible to know for sure what the color will be as an adult. For example, you choose a sable-white color, and after a few months your pet will run around like a red fox.

Examine your baby's ears and fur. If there is an odor from the ears, and the fur is in a suspicious condition, then the maintenance of dogs leaves much to be desired.

On character

In this breed, it is very important to choose not only by appearance, but also by character. As experienced “korgov breeders” advise, the puppy should be very active and show increased interest in what is happening.

If you extend your hands, he should not shy away, but rather rush towards you and explore. He even needs to be somewhat intrusive, forcing him to draw attention to himself. This is one of the key characteristics of a dog. It is the puppy’s character that will help you choose his nickname.

IMPORTANT! If a puppy is timid or aggressive, he will remain that way.

Tips for choosing

First of all, you need to make sure that the Welsh Corgi is your dog. This breed has several characteristics that may not be suitable, so before you give money, you should find out as much as possible about the dog - talk to the owners, analyze the most common health problems, possible hereditary diseases, and also carefully study the breed standard.

The recommended age of the puppy at the time of purchase is from 8 to 12 weeks. Observing a puppy of this age will provide enough opportunities to find out its health status and individual character traits. A shy and timid puppy will likely remain so as an adult dog. The same effect can be observed with an overly aggressive dog. This breed today is chosen not to herd livestock, but more as a companion dog, so excessive dog aggression in a family with children is absolutely useless.

It is quite possible for an untrained person to determine the presence of an unhealthy dog ​​of this breed. You should be most careful when examining the head. The gums should be pink and the teeth should be white. Welsh Corgis often inherit metabolic deficiency, which primarily affects the quality of tooth enamel. Last but not least is anemia, which manifests itself as pallor of the mucous membrane of the gums.

The corners of the eyes should not be red or puffy, and there should be no signs of dry crusts. The ear canals are clean and odorless. A buildup of earwax or dirt can be a sign of an ear infection or ear mites, which are common in dogs of this breed.

If the puppy is male, both testes should be clearly visible. The coat is shiny, the hair is firmly held in the hair follicles, otherwise a metabolic disorder can also be suspected.

One of the most favorable signs is the puppy's attention to its potential owner. If a dog shows positive emotions from the first minutes of contact, you should pay attention to it - friendship will definitely work out. We wish you good luck in your choice!

How does it develop day by day in the first month?

1-5The baby is completely helpless; during this period he does not know how to empty himself and needs additional heating, and also cannot hear or see.
6-8The puppy experiences intense weight gain and the first reflexes begin to appear.
8-9By this time, the weight of the newborn doubles.
10-15The baby's eyes begin to open. In this case, the pupils react to light, but at the same time the puppy is still poorly oriented, since the retina of the eye is still in the process of development.
16-18By this age, the Welsh Corgi puppy begins to activate its own thermoregulation. The baby gradually learns to cope without additional heating.
19-21The puppy reacts to the sound and gradually begins to hear.
22The first teeth erupt and the baby begins to try solid food.
23-24The puppy already knows how to bite and chew. At the same time, his sucking reflex gradually fades away. During this period, the baby Welsh Corgi actively explores the world.
25-30The baby begins a period of primary socialization, he already responds to a nickname, can leave the nest for a short time, actively moves and plays.

Vaccination schedule. Which ones are needed?

The first vaccinations for Welsh Corgi puppies can be given no earlier than 8-10 weeks of age.

Vaccination schedule:

  1. At 8-10 weeks, a comprehensive vaccination against leptospirosis, paragippus, distemper, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, adenovirus infection, and rabies is given.
  2. At 12-15 weeks, revaccination against the same ailments is given.
  3. At the age of 6-7 months, the procedure is repeated.
  4. At 12 months of age they do the same.
  5. Every year the dog is vaccinated against diseases such as distemper, rabies, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, adenovirus infection. In this case, it is very advisable to use a vaccine from the same manufacturer.

What traits to look for in a purebred dog?

Before choosing a purebred Corgi, decide on the Corgi breed that you like. Since the standards are somewhat subject to individual interpretation, there are usually several styles within each breed, and each of them is still correct.
This should not be confused with type, as there is only one correct type in the breed. Determining the desired qualities of a dog is done through research - looking through books, magazines and newsletters, and collecting reference books from relevant clubs. Dog shows are a wonderful way to see the ideal representatives of the breed you like. I usually recommend buying a show catalog and writing down the numbers of the dogs' paw bands you liked best during the show, and then you can contact the owner of that particular dog.

Education and training

Corgis need to be raised from a young age. By nature, these animals are not characterized by dominance, however, if the owner in the process of training and education shows rudeness, inconsistency and aggression, they will not obey him. If a puppy, out of excess emotion, bites the legs of the household members playing with it, such behavior must be stopped immediately. In this way, the dog can herd the “herd” (a couple of household members or children in the yard) into a single mass.

Considering that these animals need physical activity, training can and should be combined with play form. For example, pets quickly master commands and learn various tricks if freestyle, agility, and obedience become the form of training. However, the breeder will have to use all his imagination during training, since dogs do not like to play the same game for a long time.

They may lose interest, and therefore the animal becomes bored of doing the same thing over and over again. He needs to move forward both in games and in his development. Training is structured as a sequential game in which exercises are constantly changed, and a quiet and gentle voice is chosen as the basis for tactics. It is useless to shout at your pet and demand something from him; you cannot beat him or scold him with harsh words for not following a command. The owner's voice should be firm, so the dog listens better.

At the same time, teaching an animal of this breed obedience in everyday life can be difficult in some cases. This may be due to selective hearing. For example, a dog perfectly hears the sound of a falling bread crumb located at a great distance from him, but if the owner nearby shouts at him while he is interested in some object, the pet may not hear the scream. This dog is always ready for behavior correction, and if the owner does not cope with it, the dog handler will correct the shortcomings of upbringing in a short time.

You can reward your animal with all sorts of goodies for completing commands and tricks. Dogs love it and are ready to serve their teacher in order to enjoy something tasty. From time to time they need communication with their own kind.

What do newborn puppies look like in the photo and when do they open their eyes?

Newborn Welsh Corgi puppies are almost completely helpless; the only thing they can do is crawl in a circle and suck.

Babies are born blind, deaf, and dependent on an external source of heat.

Among other things, newborns are not able to defecate on their own; their mother helps them by licking their belly. Puppies' eyes open 10-15 days after birth.

Care and necessary equipment

Things for the animal are selected taking into account age, level of activity and lifestyle. For example, if the owner likes to travel, you can purchase for the pet not only a standard set (muzzle and leash), but also a cage. It is used during air travel. If the dog is accustomed to it from childhood, he will not cause his owner any trouble during the trip. The collar is selected according to age, the leash may vary in length. As a rule, the first accessory should be longer; as training progresses, its length decreases.

In order for the animal to quickly understand the rules established in the house and learn to follow them unquestioningly, it must have its own place and utensils. A pet's bed is selected taking into account its age: for example, it will be difficult for a puppy to get into its house or bed if it has high sides. The inner part of the lounger can be detachable, moderately hard or, conversely, soft. To prevent the baby from gnawing and dragging it around the house, it is preferable to first choose an option that will not slip on the floor covering.

Having your own bed will eliminate the possibility of your dog perceiving the owner’s furniture as his own. In addition, she will know that this is her place, which no one will touch. As the bed gets older, you can replace it with a new, larger one. If there are high sides, the dog will be able to store his favorite toys in it. By the way, he considers all kinds of balls to be the best toys; he is able to play with them for a long time, including during walks and training.

The animal should have its own dishes, made of moderately heavy material, so that the dog does not drag it around the house, licking leftover food. He should have at least three bowls: for food, water and sour milk. In this case, the dog needs a small bowl so that a portion of food can fit inside about half the volume.

Often, caring owners buy clothes for their pets. Today, you can find various elements of dog outfit in the assortment of specialized stores. For example, these can be all kinds of vests, overalls, as well as sweaters and sweatshirts. Some products have hoods, others are made of waterproof textiles, which allows you to walk or go to the toilet in bad weather.

Products differ in seasonality, some of them are suitable for autumn and spring, others are designed for winter walking. Other options are designed more for photo shoots than for regular wear. As a rule, such products include themed costumes (for example, Santa Claus, New Year's reindeer, princesses). Some breeders purchase paw pads for their pets to prevent contamination and cracking of the paw pads.

You need to care for your pet daily, remembering to pay attention to examining it after each walk. This will prevent the spread of fleas or inflammation from tick bites.

It is also important for assessing the condition of the paw pads. From time to time, the puppy and adult dog should be taken to the veterinarian for routine examinations.

Their frequency is selected individually, taking into account the genetics and general health of a particular individual.

Considering that dogs of this breed often love to chew something, this behavioral trait can be used for dental hygiene. You can buy edible toys for your pets to help clean their teeth. In addition, they must have their own brushes for cleaning their teeth, as well as pet brushes. Those used by people are completely unsuitable for dogs and can cause harm to health if ingested.


  • To comb your hair, you need to purchase a furminator and a soft massager. The first one will be urgently needed during the molting period, when it will be necessary to comb out the undercoat, tangles and various debris. A massage will help you take care of your hair on normal days. The Furminator should not be used on a regular basis.
  • The Corgi needs to be brushed constantly, as this dog's medium-length coat is quite capable of getting tangled. This happens especially often when various debris gets in. Some owners take care of their pets' hair every day, but this is not necessary. Once every 3-4 days is enough.


Feed adult dogs a high-quality food. Follow these guidelines, but take into account the general activity of the animal:

  • Weighing 9 kg or more – from 129 to 176 g.
  • Weighing 10 kg or more – from 139 to 189 g.
  • Weighing 11 kg or more – from 149 to 196 g.
  • Weighing 12 kg or more – from 159 to 209 g.

Feed twice a day: the first time in the morning and the second in the evening. Do not overfeed your pet, no matter how much he asks. Excessive amounts of food lead to obesity and shortened lifespan of individuals.

Older Corgis should be fed food that suits their needs at this stage of life. It is important to choose the right food. Below is the approximate amount of necessary substances for an elderly dog:

  • Protein from 14 to 21%.
  • Fats less than 10%.
  • Fiber less than 4%.
  • Calcium 0.5-0.8%.
  • Phosphorus 0.4-0.7%.
  • Sodium 0.2-0.4%.

What to feed for the first 3 months?

A Welsh Corgi puppy can be fed both natural food and kibble. The main condition is not to mix them.

Products that must be included in the diet:

  • Lean meat.
  • Good quality porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice).
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Offal.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Vegetables (fresh or boiled).

You can give cheese or dog biscuits as a treat..

Pros and cons of a dog

Characteristics of advantages:

  • This is a playful, active, athletic dog that will always enjoy exercise.
  • Loving and faithful.
  • Has short coat, easy to care for.
  • The dog is polite with strangers, but at the same time is a good watchman.
  • The pet gets along well with other pets.
  • This is a relatively healthy breed that rarely suffers from hereditary diseases.

Characteristics of minuses:

  • In the absence of mental and physical stress, pets will chew and destroy objects in the house.
  • The dog has territorial aggression towards animals he does not know.
  • The dog sheds heavily in the fall and spring.
  • One of the bad habits of some individuals is to constantly bark.
  • Animals love to chase everything that moves.
  • This is an expensive breed, especially if the puppies are elite.

How does it develop from 1 to 12 months?

Development of the Welsh Corgi from 1 to 12 months:

Age (months)DescriptionSize(cm)Weight
1The newborn period, in the first two weeks the puppy is absolutely helpless, blind and deaf. Starting from the third week, the baby’s eyes open, and a little later he begins to hear. By the end of the first month, the puppy switches to solid food and is actively interested in its surroundings. 8-12 (newborn). 14-16 cm (by the end of the first month) 300-600 g (newborn weight). 1.1-1.8 kg (puppy weight by the end of the first month).
2The puppy's first baby teeth appear, he plays with toys, and is actively learning communication skills.16-202.1-2.9 kg
3The baby Welsh Corgi goes through a period of socialization and continues to grow. The puppy continues to study the laws of the pack, dominant and weaker individuals begin to clearly appear. 20-222.8-4.1 kg
4By this age, the baby’s teeth change and their own immune system begins to form.22-244.1-5.4 kg
5 — 6The puppy enters adolescence, restructuring occurs in his body, and hormonal levels change. It is during this period that teenage dogs begin their first sexual games. The dog's behavior during this period may change not for the better. 20-285.6-8.5 kg
7-9During this age period, Welsh Corgi bitches begin their first heats, they are active, excitable and already quite capable of fertilization. Males enter this stage a little later. 28-307.2-8.5kg
10 -12Completion of puberty. By this age, the dog has already reached puberty. Growth stops, the animal begins to gain strength. 28-309-15 kg

How to care?

Dog hygiene is an integral criterion for its health.

It is important to monitor the condition of the ears, eyes, teeth and claws. In addition, it is necessary to comb out dead hair that prevents the growth of new hair.

During shedding, the frequency of brushing is 2 to 3 times a week. The rest of the time, it is enough to comb the dog’s coat once every 7 days to prevent the formation of tangles.

You can’t wash your corgi too often, as this breaks the layer of natural protection, washing it off the hair and skin. Using pet shampoo too often can cause changes in the hair structure, and if the shampoo is not suitable for the dog, it can weaken the hair follicles. It is imperative to wipe or wash your paws after every walk. And the point here is not so much about saving the house from dirty paws, but about the hygiene of paw pads.

Claws should be trimmed as they grow, cutting their length by no more than 1 mm. Some dogs don't need this at all because their nails wear down. If you notice an unpleasant odor from your ears, redness or inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor. The same rule applies to the eyes: at the slightest hint of inflammation, it is necessary to show the animal to a specialist. Antiparasitic treatment must be carried out according to the vaccination schedule.

How to train correctly and what should training be like?

Usually training begins with setting the correct intonation. A commanding and playful tone is the best option for a Welsh Corgi. After all, the puppy perceives training as a game.

The first stage is to accustom the baby to his nickname . Then you can start learning the command - “come to me”. To do this, say the nickname loudly and then the command. If your pet understands what is required of him, give him a treat.

The next command is “place”, pronounced in a stern voice and repeated as many times as necessary.

Another important command, “fu,” is given whenever the dog takes prohibited actions. After the command “fu” the treat is not given.

The “fetch” command is perfectly accepted by the puppy and he carries it out with pleasure. It is usually practiced on the playground.

Whenever your dog has followed a command correctly, give it a treat. This way you can reinforce the skill.

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