Welsh Corgi Pembroke (Welsh Corgi Cardigan) - features and description of the breed, photo, character, content, everything about the dog from A to Z

Welsh Corgis have become famous for their interesting appearance and friendly character. They look very touching, but in terms of courage and intelligence they are not inferior to German shepherds. However, the character of the corgi has its own characteristics.

The breed is not suitable for every person, despite many positive qualities. Therefore, before you get a charming Welsh Corgi, you should learn more about him and soberly evaluate all the pros and cons.

Basic moments

According to the classification of the International Canine Federation, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi belongs to the group of cattle and herding dogs. A representative of similar size is the Schipperke Shepherd Dog.

Corgis are similar to shepherds in many ways. Being a dwarf representative, it deftly maneuvers, dodging the animal’s hooves. Despite its size, the dog is powerful and strong. Short paws firmly and firmly hold their owner.

Pembroke is a developed, talented dog. He is able to become a guide for a person with limited abilities. He has successfully proven his ability to influence the recovery of patients within the walls of hospitals.


The breed also has disadvantages, but they are quite few and obvious . Welsh Corgis do not have pronounced guard qualities; they are not capable of staying in one place for a long time, much less sitting on a chain. The guards among them are also very mediocre. Dogs of this breed, of course, are able to protect their owners, but this is not their purpose.

The main disadvantages of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi:

  • Sometimes they are hyperactive . They are not suitable for people leading a sedentary or recumbent lifestyle. Representatives of this species love sports and various outdoor games.
  • They require mandatory and thorough training . Otherwise, dogs become obstinate and lose almost all their positive qualities. Fortunately, the training itself goes without problems, since representatives of the breed are easy to train.
  • Tend to overeat . Therefore, dogs of this breed must have fairly strict owners. Corgis know how to beg for food in the most cunning ways.

These disadvantages are completely insignificant. Pembrokes really cause practically no problems to their owners, but they emanate endless positivity.

History of the Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) breed

It is considered one of the oldest breeds.

The history of origin is shrouded in various secrets. During excavations of settlements of the 8th century, scientists discovered the skeleton of a small dog, similar to the modern Welsh Corgi. The most common version is that the breed appeared in England, thanks to the Vikings. The official homeland is the Welsh county of Pembrokeshire.

For a long time they served as shepherds. They had the skills to herd herds without people, to protect livestock from wild animals. Dogs are known to accompany poultry (geese, ducks) to city markets. With their help, the goods were delivered without loss.

In 1892, Welsh Corgis attracted attention thanks to their participation in exhibitions. Showcasing the best representatives of the breed contributed to the rapid growth of popularity throughout the world.

Queen Elizabeth II prefers only the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Her father gave her and her sister a puppy when they were children. Since then, animals have taken pride of place at court, gaining enormous popularity.


Representatives of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed are not characterized by poor health. With proper care and timely vaccinations, dogs are unlikely to have problems with the immune system, bones, hearing and teeth. Improper nutrition will quickly lead to diarrhea and obesity, as well as general malfunctions of the body. Dogs do not have enzymes to break down any food. Accordingly, unhealthy food that gets into the stomach leaves behind a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Dogs of this breed are characterized by the occurrence of pathologies of vision, digestive and nervous systems, and skin.


  1. Many experienced breeders recommend vaccinating corgi puppies the moment they reach 2 months of age. About 10 days before the first injection, you need to give your pet an anthelmintic. Initially, Vanguard DA2PI or CPV-L is used as a vaccination drug. After the first vaccination, you need to wait a certain amount of time, usually 2-3 weeks . During this period, the puppy should be at home, in warm and comfortable conditions.
  2. For the second injection, the Vanguard 5/L vaccine is often used. Drugs may vary, since the final decision regarding their choice is made by the veterinarian or breeder.


Corgis often develop allergies to certain foods. This usually happens because the owner feeds the dog too often or does not approach the diet correctly. It is optimal to switch dogs with a weak digestive system to specialized dry food.

List of diseases:

  • Eczema . As a preventive measure, you need to constantly inspect your pet’s skin and comb out the fur very carefully. An improper diet can also affect the development of pathology.
  • Eye diseases . Representatives of the species have a natural predisposition to such pathologies. Common eye diseases in Corgis include glaucoma and cataracts, as well as corneal ulcers.
  • Epilepsy . A disease that occurs against the background of a disorder of the nervous system. In most cases, it is inherited by the dog, but sometimes it occurs as a result of injury.

The pet should be taken to the veterinarian regularly and examined. Monitor your stool, the condition of your coat, teeth, nails, as well as your mood and appetite. Almost all diseases can be identified in the first stages of their development.


Thanks to external data, the dog immediately wins over you.

Created to give bright emotions and positive mood. The structure of the dog's muzzle looks so that you might think he is smiling. Outwardly it resembles a fox.

The elongated body, with a small stature, is emphasized by short legs.

Breed varieties

They are divided into two types: Pembroke and Cardigan.

Externally, both breeds are similar to shepherds. Upon closer examination, clear differences emerge.

There are also long-haired corgis - fluffy. They have long hair with poor thermoregulation. They are not identified as a separate species and are not allowed to participate in exhibitions. In all other respects they are no different from Pembrokes and Cardigans.

Head and skull

The head is shaped like a fox's. The skull is quite wide, tapering closer to the nasal part of the muzzle. The nose is exclusively black.

Jaws and teeth

They have a regular scissor bite. The jaws are powerful.


Medium size, rounded. The iris is brown. The color of the coat always harmonizes with the eyes.


Has large ears extended upward. The tips are slightly rounded.


The chest is egg-shaped, quite voluminous and deep. The body is slightly lowered between the front legs, making the movements more harmonious.


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has a docked tail.


The front and hind legs are short, but strong and powerful. Movements are smooth and free. Moves quickly.


Fluffy and quite thin, medium length. A tousled effect is created.

Popular Welsh Corgi colors

There are two main colors: white and red. The option of mixing colors is possible: white, black, red. There are many combinations. It was not possible to breed a single-color corgi. It turned out that due to the stable genetic code, the appearance of a dog in one color is excluded.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan. What is the difference.

  1. Bred in different districts. The mountain range divides the Welsh county into the districts of Permbrokeshire and Cardiganshire. The development of the two species took place separately.
  2. Bred from different breeds. There was also no interbreeding between them.
  3. The main visible difference is the tail. In the 1930s, the Pembroke's tail was docked, but the Cardigan's tail was left long and bushy.
  4. Significant deviations in the weight category make cardigans larger and more massive, when their neighbor is lighter and more proportional.
  5. The presence of blue eyes and inclusions of this color is a distinctive feature of cardigans. Also, in addition to the main three colors, their coat color is brindle or blue merle. In these shades, the Cardigan's face resembles a German Shepherd rather than a fox.
  6. The breeds also have different temperaments. Cardigans are not intrusive, they love peace and sleep more. They are more focused, which shows on the court. Focused on the owner's commands. Pembrokes are less collected and may be distracted by birds flying past or road noise. They love to play and run.

Historical reference

Today, Welsh Corgis have two varieties: Pembroke and Cardigan, and now both of them are independent breeds. However, this was not always the case, and even before the second half of the 19th century the breed was unified. Corgis can boast of a centuries-old history and a very beautiful legend about how two children picked up a couple of puppies while grazing livestock. The children presented their new pets as an elf gift.

Residents of Scandinavian countries classify Corgis as pre-Camlundenhunds, which are Spitz dogs. Most likely, modern corgis were brought to Great Britain by the Vikings in the 10th century. It is worth noting the external similarity of the Swedish Vallhunds with the Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Dogs were of particular value to shepherds because of their qualities. When people moved to Pembrokeshire, located in the south of Wales, they brought with them dogs similar to Spitz dogs; they played a significant role in the development of the breed.

Modern researchers have concluded that the following dogs can be attributed to the direct ancestors of the Pembroke:

  • Norwegian Lundehunds;
  • Samoyeds;
  • Keeshonds;
  • Schipperke.

If we talk about the name “corgi”, then there are several options for the origin of this word. From some you can hear that it is formed from the English variant observation or collection, as well as dogs. By this we can understand that the dog is a shepherd and monitors the livestock.

Another version of the name of the breed is translated as “crossbreed” or “evil dog.” No less popular is the version that the first half of the word means “gnome”, and when adding the second half of the name, the result is “dog - gnome”.

Today, it is impossible to determine the exact date of the division of the Welsh Corgi into two independent breeds; one can only accurately name the century before last. There are some differences in the phenotype of dogs, which indicates different regions of breed formation.

The first time both varieties were demonstrated in Great Britain in 1925, and until 1934 they were always exhibited together. But from that moment on, the English Kennel Club decided on the independence of the breeds, and a breeding program had to be drawn up for each.

Interesting facts about the Corgi breed

  • Despite their short limbs, they run quickly and dodge obstacles well.
  • Participate in sports competitions, taking prizes.
  • Participate in animal therapy programs. Helps patients recover after long-term treatment.
  • The Royal Court of Great Britain contains several dozen representatives of the Corgi breed.
  • Thanks to their connections with shepherds, they can manifest themselves in working with police officers. Thus, in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, the corgi Ryzhiy works for the benefit of society. Participates in special operations to search for drugs in hard-to-reach places.
  • Having experience in shepherd service, they love to bite family members on the heels. This is due to the fact that in the past, they had to drive sheep into the herd.
  • Corgis can be trained to do special dances to music. There is a competition called dog freestyle. This is the name of the dances performed by the dog. They often become winners.

Typical diseases

Representatives of the breed are strong dogs with a strong immune system and without any special hereditary pathologies. But nevertheless, corgis have a predisposition to periodontal disease and the formation of tartar.

Pets should be taken to veterinarians regularly, offered chew bones, and have their teeth brushed. Other typical diseases include: a tendency to gain extra pounds, epilepsy, glaucoma, raw eczema.

Character Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

There are no more funny and cheerful creatures.

Has a soft, flexible character. Good nature and affection are literally everywhere where the corgi is present. They enjoy playing with children. At the same time, they are smart and quick-witted.

Capable of learning and training. They recognize the emotions of others well and adapt to the mood of the owner. They are talkative and know how to sing sounds. For this they developed their own language. We learned to grunt, grunt and bay. Sensitive and charming. Dogs with boundless energy in a small body.

Possible diseases

Dog handlers characterize the breed as resistant to diseases. However, there are a number of diseases that are specific to these dogs. Epilepsy is classified as a nervous disorder. Among the endocrine diseases, the most typical is obesity. This is why it is highly recommended not to overfeed your dog. Endocrine diseases also partially include difficult childbirth in Welsh Corgi females.

Eye diseases are also common, the most popular of which are glaucoma, ulcerated corneas, lens luxations and retinal atrophy. Skin diseases of the breed include weeping eczema, so aggressive household chemicals are excluded when caring for the animal.

Features of behavior

  • Not aggressive towards others. However, in the presence of negative situations, they can stand up for themselves and their owner.
  • Not cowardly.
  • They are friendly to their relatives and various pets, including cats.
  • They have an interesting feature of acting. They make faces, trying to make the owner laugh. They take unimaginable poses, for example, lying with their paws stretched back.

It is very difficult to fall into depression with such a pet.


On average, female Welsh Corgis reach puberty at six months of age . It is not recommended to pair a female dog with a male dog when she is in her first heat. First, the dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian to, at a minimum, make sure that its body is ready for mating and bearing offspring. The first mating should be carried out during the second estrus. In this case, the cable must be at least 15-17 months old. The dogs may not like each other, in which case it is almost useless to try to bring them together again.

Mating is usually carried out 3 times. A smaller number of matings may not give the desired result, and a larger number is simply not necessary.

The knot and the cable must match each other in pedigree and health. Otherwise, the offspring will not be strong and will not be suitable for further breeding and sale.

Who is not suitable for the Welsh Corgi?

People with busy work schedules and business trips should not get such a puppy. The dog requires a lot of attention and work. He finds it difficult to sit still all day alone. As a representative of shepherd dogs, it requires competent training. You need to take time to establish rules, teach commands, and stop pranks.

Not suitable for protecting a territory, private home or yard. The dog is too affectionate and friendly for this job. It is better to have dogs belonging to the fighting class as guards.

If you are a homebody or like silence, think about it. They are very energetic. They love walks and active games, meeting other animals and people.

The owner of such a dog will have to spend time brushing. In spring and autumn, heavy shedding will cause him to lose a large amount of fur. Be prepared for temporary pollution in the apartment.

It is important to know that childbirth in Corgi dogs is extremely difficult. Due to the large weight of the fetus, females undergo cesarean section. They often die in childbirth. Please pay attention to this if you are adopting a puppy with plans for further breeding.

Interesting and funny things about corgis

According to ancient legend, Pembrokes were sled dogs for fairies. Because of this, they have a saddle-shaped spot on their back.


Before mating, the health of the individuals is checked. This is especially true for genetic diseases. It is not permissible to breed long-haired, nervous and biting dogs.

Dogs are bred when males are 24 months old and females are 20 months old. Although the first heat in girls occurs at 7-8 months. Females over the age of nine years are not allowed to become pregnant.

The girl is prepared for mating in advance: vaccinations are given, prophylaxis against parasites, the condition of the heart, joints, and thyroid gland is checked.

Before the procedure, the individuals are introduced: they are walked together or left in a room for communication.

The bitch's pregnancy lasts from 2 to 2.5 months. As a result, from 3 to 8 puppies are born. Be sure to ensure that a specialist is present at the birth. Your pet may need a caesarean section.

Education and training

When choosing a training strategy, dog experts recommend focusing on German shepherds.

The psychological development of dogs is similar. Before a puppy arrives at home, prepare the area in advance. Remove expensive items, carpets, shoes. Prepare specialized toys that the puppy can chew on for the first time.

Start by understanding the commands: “you can”, “you can’t”. The main thing in training is not to back down. Be categorical and consistent. What is prohibited should not be permitted in the future.

Don't forget to teach your puppy to respond to his name. Talk and play using the name. All family members must also be addressed by their nickname.

Change your tone of voice when saying certain commands. Give emotional coloring to words.

Praise your pet for its hard work, even if the training process is difficult and slow.

With a little patience and love, you will get a good result in the end.

After four months, the puppy can be sent to special training courses. Work with professionals to develop new skills and abilities.

Interesting and funny things about corgis

The Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) is the favorite breed of the British Queen Elizabeth II. The future queen was given her first puppy when she just turned 7 years old. During the entire period of her reign, 14 generations of corgis lived in Buckingham Palace.

Features of feeding and diet

Pembrokes are unpretentious eaters. They are ready to eat anything, which is not always good. Experts recommend feeding your dog premium food, which contains all the necessary substances. But feeding with natural products is also allowed, the main thing is to provide a balanced diet.

In the second case, the diet should contain proteins (meat, boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese) and carbohydrates (buckwheat porridge, rice), as well as fiber in the form of vegetables. Fruits are allowed in small quantities.

Pork, fresh meat, bones, lamb, as well as milk, potatoes, legumes and citrus fruits are undesirable.

Puppies are fed small meals 5 times a day. As you get older, the number of meals is reduced and the serving size is increased. The water should be changed regularly, 2-3 times a day.

Reproduction and lifespan

Life expectancy depends on health status and living conditions.

The average life cycle of a Pembroke Corgi varies between 12-15 years. Centenarians are also found, their age reaches 19 years.

A male dog reaches sexual maturity at 4-5 months. Experts advise breeding animals no earlier than 2.5 years. During this period they are most ready to reproduce. A few months before mating, the bitch must undergo examinations and check for vaccinations.

Prevention of parasites is carried out twice a year, in spring and autumn.

Around the age of two, the dog’s eyes, joints, and cardiovascular system are checked.

Before mating, animals should not be fed and must be walked.

What you need to know about colors

Breed standards apply not only to the appearance of animals, but also to their coloring. You can learn more about the colors of Cardigans and Pembrokes in the following table.

Suits according to standard

black with stripesblack with red tan
black and blue
blue merle

Both breeds are allowed to have markings, regardless of the main color, but the predominance of white is a defect.

Pembrokes are characterized by the presence of elastic and elastic guard hairs. The undercoat does not get wet, has a dense structure and may be darker than the coat itself. The wool should not be excessively soft or harsh. The length depends on hereditary characteristics, gender, and the conditions in which the dog lives.

Cardigans have a semi-long coat that fits tightly to the body. The undercoat is not too thick, but well developed. Tails with noticeable feathering (long decorative hairs).

Care and maintenance

Welsh Corgis are freedom-loving dogs. The best solution would be to settle him in a village or village. Having experience in shepherd work, he will be an excellent assistant in protecting livestock from wild animals.

When keeping a dog in an apartment, spend time in nature more often. Long walks in the fresh air will benefit your pet. While walking, try to play outdoor games and practice on special playgrounds. Take your children and toys with you.

Dogs are not too picky when it comes to grooming. It is necessary to monitor the condition of teeth and claws. Brush the coat several times a week with a special brush. Comb your little friend to avoid getting old fur on furniture in your apartment.

To protect against infections, take care of your ears and eyes. Rinse your eyes with running water after walking and eating. Clean your ears with cotton swabs. Avoid excessive contamination of open ears.

Special brushes for cleaning teeth will help maintain oral hygiene.

You can trim the claws yourself with scissors. In modern conditions, you can go to a salon for procedures.

Pay attention to nutrition. It is advisable to feed fractionally, in small portions. Meals can reach up to 6 times a day. Food must contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain bones and muscle skeleton. Gradually switch to dry food while growing up. Introduce raw meat into the diet, up to 200 grams per day.

Avoid eating fatty sausage, meat and fish bones. Consumption of sweets and baked goods is contraindicated.

An incorrectly selected diet can lead to stomach and dental diseases in this breed.

Is it possible to keep a Welsh Corgi outside?

The thick undercoat protects from cold and bad weather. This feature is convenient. There is no need to wear specialized dog clothing in frosty weather.

However, dogs are not meant to live outside full-time. Due to their character, they are very attached to the owner and home comfort. Therefore, they need to be indoors most of the time.

Is it possible to keep a corgi in an apartment?

When living with a pet in an apartment, be prepared to take into account its freedom-loving nature.

Allow plenty of time for outdoor exercise and play. Set up a corner, a special place in your apartment. You can buy a house at a pet store or make it yourself from pillows and pillowcases.

For the first time, it is convenient to use waterproof disposable diapers, as for newborns. They will help keep your apartment clean while you are toilet training your pet.

Dog character

The pet loves to be close to people. This breed is known to want constant interaction with the entire family. They may suffer from separation anxiety when left alone for long periods of time.

As a companion, the Corgi is protective of its family and will warn of any strangers. Animals need to be socialized at an early age to know how to behave around people they don't know.

Dogs are suitable for children and the elderly. When Corgis become agitated, they may bite their heels in response to play. This is due to their original job of being shepherds.

Pets are known to bark a lot if they are not trained. However, they are easy to train due to their high intelligence. The dog loves to be constantly busy. During training and training, use gentle methods, as the dog does not tolerate roughness.

The dogs get along well with other dogs and pets.

Some Pembrokes love to swim, especially in hot weather. However, if your pet doesn't want to go into the water, never force him. This can frighten the dog and cause him stress.

Health and disease of the Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

Corgis are not dogs that get sick often. Follow your veterinarian's instructions. Purchase a vaccination passport and follow the vaccination schedule. A full course of competent vaccination will protect your puppy from numerous diseases.

Health conditions have their own characteristics. Diseases that may occur:

  • Narcolepsy Typically occurs in early childhood. The puppy suddenly falls asleep. At this moment, it is necessary to ensure that there are no loud sounds.
  • Eye and ear diseases Schedule preventive visits to the veterinarian to keep your hearing and vision under control.
  • Stomach diseases Control your diet and monitor the amount of food you eat. Find out how much your pet weighs at veterinarian appointments.
  • Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease. From early childhood, pay attention to the condition of your joints.
  • Problems with intervertebral discs Having a long body and short legs, the back is at risk. Protect your pet from any jumping, especially from high surfaces.

Pros and cons of a dog

Characteristics of advantages:

  • This is a playful, active, athletic dog that will always enjoy exercise.
  • Loving and faithful.
  • Has short coat, easy to care for.
  • The dog is polite with strangers, but at the same time is a good watchman.
  • The pet gets along well with other pets.
  • This is a relatively healthy breed that rarely suffers from hereditary diseases.

Characteristics of minuses:

  • In the absence of mental and physical stress, pets will chew and destroy objects in the house.
  • The dog has territorial aggression towards animals he does not know.
  • The dog sheds heavily in the fall and spring.
  • One of the bad habits of some individuals is to constantly bark.
  • Animals love to chase everything that moves.
  • This is an expensive breed, especially if the puppies are elite.

How to choose a puppy

To get a healthy and strong puppy that meets the standard, pay attention to the following points:

  • Do not purchase a puppy from the poultry market or dubious sites on the Internet.
  • Choose professional breeders, well-known nurseries.
  • The mother must meet the standards and have no problems with health or appearance.
  • Look how much a small corgi costs. The price can't be too low. Most likely, they want to deceive you.
  • Take a close look at the kids. Playfulness, activity and some obsession are their calling cards.
  • The purebred dog has a veterinary passport and a puppy card.
  • Pay attention to the conditions of detention.
  • Check the participation of parents in exhibitions and competitions. There may be medals and prizes.
  • It’s good to buy a baby who was born as planned.

External signs:

  • At the age of 1.5 months, the ears may not be in a vertical position. This moment is considered a normal sign.
  • The eyes are slightly rounded, always dark in color.
  • The expression of the muzzle should resemble that of a fox.
  • In males, gender differences are determined at a given age.

It is impossible to determine who is better to choose, a corgi boy or a girl, based on temperament or character.

Be guided by your feelings and desires.

The only point is that during the stay there may be some differences in the maintenance of the bitch and the dog.

When the choice is made, complete the transfer of documents for the animal. It is very good if you conclude a purchase and sale agreement with the parties responsible, even if you got the dog for free.

You are given a veterinary passport with information about vaccinations and metrics.

Breed standards

As mentioned above, both cardigans and pembrokes have their own standards, which can be found in the following table.

Breed standards (table)

Parameter nameCardiganPembrokeVices
HeadIn terms of width and visual weight, everything depends on the gender of the individual. There should not be excessive lightness or weight. The expression of the muzzle should clearly indicate the sex of the animal. The transition of the frontal lobe to the muzzle is smooth. The head has the shape of a blunt wedge, the chewing muscles are well developed. The lips are of medium thickness and have no sagging It has a wedge shape and is similar to a fox. The shape of the dog's head should not resemble a wild animal. The transition of all features is smooth. The cheek area and under-eye area should have moderate fullness
TeethWith a correct bite, there are no gaps between the incisors located above and below. Mouth of moderate depth with a strong grip. Complete set with correct bite
Nasal cavityClassic shape - square, rounded nostrils, color only blackFrom the front it resembles a square, when viewed from above it resembles a rectangle. Only black paint allowed
EyesThe fit is quite close with an average height. Eyelids with full dark pigmentation. The color of the iris depends on the suit, but most often it is dark brown Medium size with a close fit. The color of the irises is harmonious with the main suit
EarsThey are large in size, have the shape of a triangle with a rounded end, and stand straight. An alert state can be identified by the ears drooping towards the muzzle. Large size, triangular in shape and rounded at the endFor cardigans:
insufficient ear size, lying down, pointed tips
TorsoIt has an elongated and stocky shape. The cervical region is muscular and of medium length. The withers are not pronounced; there is a harmonious transition into a smooth dorsal region. If you look at the dog from above, you will notice a narrowing of the body towards the croup. Elongated and squat in shape. The back is strong and muscular. The withers are well defined and clearly set above the elbows. For Pembrokes, the presence of a deep or too wide dorsal region
PawsThe limbs are distinguished by their strength and harmonious position. The hind legs have an elongated femur and strong joints. Sturdy and thickened. The elbow joint of the front legs is pulled back. Frontal examination shows the evenness of the hind legs
TailIt has a saber shape with a low reach. When relaxed, can touch the ground May be natural or cropped. The reach is average and quite long, can continue the vertebral line For cardigans, raising the tail above the dorsal vertebrae and throwing it over the back

Welsh Corgi price and how to buy correctly

Corgis are among the top 5 most expensive dogs in the world. Breeding Welsh Corgis is not an easy task.

You need to find a suitable pair. Owners often travel considerable distances in search of a suitable female or male dog.

The process of childbirth is also very difficult. As a result of a caesarean section, the mother often dies.

Feeding and vaccination require additional costs on the part of the breeder.

The pricing policy consists of the following points:

  • Minimum price: 20-25 thousand rubles The puppy is not for show due to the lack of documents or minor health problems.
  • Price from 30-40 thousand rubles The animal is provided with all documents, vaccinated and meets standards.
  • Price 55 thousand rubles and above Descendants of prize-winners of exhibitions and competitions. A healthy, elite puppy that meets the standards. Has a chance to follow in the footsteps of his parents.

A male dog will be slightly cheaper in price than a female dog. This is due to the prospects for breeding in the future.

When planning to purchase a Pembroke Corgi, it is worth determining for yourself the purpose of the purchase. Regardless of whether you choose an elite puppy or an ordinary one, you are acquiring a new family member, a devoted friend.

You buy emotions that cannot be measured in monetary terms.

Price issue

Corgis are quite expensive dogs. On average, the price can start from 15,000 rubles and reach quite large amounts. Here everything will depend on the puppy’s belonging to a particular class:

  • pet class (pet category) can cost 15 – 25,000 rubles. It is worth noting that the minimum cost level is indicated. Many owners charge extra money to prepare the necessary documents;
  • breed class (exhibition participants). They are more expensive pets, and the price here starts at 30,000 rubles;
  • show class (dogs with impeccable pedigree participating in breeding). The most expensive category of four-legged animals, purchasing such a pet will cost from 50,000 rubles.

Not all owners care about pedigree and breed standards. If the goal is simply to acquire a good dog for the soul, then a person can make his choice in favor of corgis sold by private breeders. But if you want to take your dog to international exhibitions in the future, then it is best to go to a kennel to get a puppy.

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