How to remove the smell of dog urine from a carpet, sofa, apartment

  • Removes odor and old urine stains
  • Potassium permangantsovka
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Iodine
  • Video
  • Puppies and adult dogs may leave puddles on carpet, upholstered furniture, or other surfaces; There is no point in scolding them for this. Getting rid of the smell of dog urine in an apartment is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In our article, we will share with you proven ways to eliminate unpleasant odors, and also tell you how to clean a dirty surface without harming it.

    A pet in the house is always happiness. Let this joy not be overshadowed by small troubles: they can be easily dealt with

    Preparatory stage

    Important! Before cleaning, you need to assess the scale of the work. Find all the stains that are on the carpet.

    Usually, after emptying, there are no visible marks left on the carpet. Therefore, you will have to identify “evil” places by smell, or... we offer several options for action:

    1. buy a UVA lamp (rental options are available);
    2. turn it on at night, walk over the entire surface of the carpet, illuminating every square meter with it;
    3. at one point an orange spot will become noticeable or a pronounced light green color will appear.

    Using a UV lamp you can reveal invisible stains.
    Since dogs are not very selective, there will most likely be traces among the room. Therefore, you immediately need to explore visible and easily accessible places.

    First you need to find all the stains that are on the carpet.

    Cleaning equipment

    For cleaning you will need everything that can draw moisture out of the carpet; these are professional products and equipment. So, how to clean a carpet from dog urine at home and what is needed for this?

    • Rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.
    • A bowl of warm water.
    • Rag, sponge, fiber.
    • Stain and odor remover.

    It is necessary to prepare cleaning products and rubber gloves.
    Remember! Do not add water to the puddle. This will only make the situation worse! An enlarged area will be much more difficult to treat and remove the smell of urine.

    It is strictly prohibited to dilute the stain with water.

    How to remove the smell of dog urine: use store-bought products

    Before you clean urine stains, check exactly how your chosen product works on a small piece of the product. This way you will avoid possible damage to the item.

    So, the following products can be found on sale today:

    • "Mister Muscle". Use it as directed in the instructions. Dilute the drug in water. Wet a brush in the liquid and rub it on the dirty area. Wash the area using clean water.

    Using store products

    • "Domestos". To prepare the mixture, dilute the product with water. Add fragrance oil. Apply the product to the stain and wait 30 minutes. Clean the area, check the room.
    • A product that can be purchased at any Zoosan pet store. The drug contains substances that can neutralize the smell of urine. Following the instructions, wash the surface with the product.

    Basic methods for eliminating carpet odors

    Efficiency and a gentle product are the key to quickly and safely cleaning the carpet from emptying. The “mark” of a pet is not just a spot, but a whole problem that requires a step-by-step solution. Initially, you need to pay attention to the removal of uric acid, then decomposed urea - thiols.

    The most important thing is prompt removal of the stain.

    Experience shows that fresh stains can be removed easily, without consequences or odor. The main thing is to immediately blot the area as thoroughly as possible so that the sputum is absorbed into another tissue. Veterinarians recommend that if the stain is still wet, cover it with special sand granules intended for dog litter, then wait until the moisture is absorbed into the structure and vacuum it. The following remedies will help those people who do not know how to clean dog urine from a carpet.

    You can cover the dirt with special sand and vacuum it.

    By special means

    We have put together a selection of professional products that have a stunning effect in ridding carpet hairiness of the unpleasant smell of urea and yellow stains.

    There are special products that effectively help with the smell of dog waste.

    Note! The means given in the table require compliance with the instructions. When cleaning, be sure to isolate children and animals from the room.

    "Vanish"Characterized by easy application, quick dislocation of odor. Sold in any convenient form: liquid, powder, gel.
    Odor killIn addition to the main effect of eliminating stains, it kills microbes and has a pronounced antifungal effect. When applied, the concentrated liquid is diluted with water.
    BleachingWell-known remedy. Contains whiteness, which neutralizes urea. For a more pronounced aroma, you can add any flavoring or conditioner.
    ZoosanProduced in gel form. Acts as a blocker of all odors that remain not only after urea, but also those that are absorbed naturally.
    Urine-off Cat & KittenAlmost completely removes dog odor. The composition crystallizes urine and completely absorbs it into its structure. After cleaning, just vacuum the areas.
    Odorgone GoldHas pronounced effectiveness. After application, a pleasant anise and mint aroma will remain.
    "Dezosan" from Zoo CleanCreated by a domestic manufacturer. It works like all the above substances. As a result, it remains pleasantly fragrant.

    Folk remedies

    Methods that are known to the people are not limited to household chemicals. For example, there is also a method of combating urea using alcohol and vodka. A liquid containing alcohol destroys urine molecules. The effectiveness of application is evident immediately. The smell and stains disappear before your eyes. It is recommended to apply the liquid through an aerosol container.

    You can clean the carpet not only with household chemicals, but also with folk remedies.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    A folk miracle recipe involves mixing 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide (0.5 tbsp) + 1 tsp. concentrated dishwashing detergent. In this case, it is better to choose one that is colorless, because its bright composition may appear on the carpet pile.

    Hydrogen peroxide should be mixed with detergent.

    After mixing the mixture, you need to act according to the algorithm:

    1. blot the stain with a dry napkin, paper towel or cloth, this is done by applying a towel and pressing it with your hands;
    2. the previously prepared mixture must be poured into a bottle with a dispenser, then sprayed onto the stain;
    3. rubbing is done from the edge of the stain using a toothbrush so that each particle of peroxide gets into the very depths of the carpet to the base;
    4. After complete drying, you need to vacuum it.

    It is important! Before using this method, test the effect of peroxide on an invisible piece of carpet to see what happens in the end. This will prevent the pile from fading.

    Potassium permanganate

    Note! Suitable for dark pile carpets only.

    Potassium permanganate is diluted in water. A weak solution allows you to quickly get rid of old stains. To do this, you need to apply the substance to the yellowness, wait until the permanganate is absorbed, and rub it on top with warm, clean water.

    A weak solution of potassium permanganate should be applied to the stain.

    Lemon acid

    This product is also suitable for eliminating unpleasant odors. The urea salt and ammonia present in the composition are corroded by the action of acid. The solution is made with water in a 1:1 ratio. You need to vigorously rub the product into the stain. Repeat the steps several times. You can increase the effect of the solution by adding salt, creating the consistency of a thick slurry.

    Citric acid works well against unpleasant odors.


    There's no way around the baking soda and water recipe to help get rid of urine from carpet. Take 1 tbsp of soda, dilute it in 0.5 liters of water. Pour the well mixed solution into a bottle or spray bottle. Spray the dispenser onto the stain. Afterwards, you need to wait for the mixture to dry completely and vacuum it.

    Regular baking soda with water will also help get rid of the stench.

    Preventive actions

    No owner is immune from a situation where a pet pees on the carpet. The dog may be marking its territory or have health problems that manifest itself in urine incontinence. Puppies are especially likely to leave puddles on carpets. It is easier to prevent such situations than to then think about how and how to remove an unpleasant stain from the carpet. Prevention measures:

    • When a puppy appears in a private home, it is recommended to remove all carpeting until the pet grows up and learns to go to the toilet only outside.
    • Provide regular and long walks for the dog in the fresh air.
    • Monitor your pet's health. Periodically appearing puddles of urine may indicate that the dog has problems with the genitourinary system.

    If your pet gets into the habit of marking its territory and no training methods produce a positive result, you will have to resort to a drastic measure - castration.

    To get rid of urine without leaving any traces, you need to wipe away stains immediately after they appear. Removing old puddles that have already been absorbed into the pile is quite problematic. For high-quality cleaning, it is recommended to use specialized products. If they are not at hand, improvised methods will be useful as an ambulance.

    How to deal with fresh urine stains

    Removing fresh urine stains requires simple steps. You need to proceed like this: soak the puddle of urine with a dry towel or napkin. Next, prepare soda or starch - you need it for dry cleaning of the pile. Mix the two ingredients and cover the stain. Leave for a certain period of time until the stain completely fades and the smell disappears. Afterwards, you need to vacuum it (preferably several times).

    A few simple steps will help get rid of a fresh stain.

    Rules for removing stains

    It is easier to remove liquid from a smooth floor. It is enough to collect urine with a rag and disinfect it with any means:

    • If the stain appears on a carpet or other fleecy surface, you need to blot the area with a dry paper towel folded in several layers. Change the towel until it remains dry.
    • Then a dry towel is placed in place and pressed with a weight. This will allow you to absorb the liquid that has managed to penetrate deeply.
    • If you initially mix urine with water, it will be much more difficult to remove the stain and smell.
    • At the last stage, the area should be disinfected and rinsed with clean water.

    Delicate carpet material and old stain: what to do?

    When the stain is already old, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. A professional dry cleaner offers a service where professionals can come to your home, or you can take the carpet to the laundromat.

    In some cases, it is better to use the services of cleaning companies.

    Pet stores offer liquid consistencies and special powders that get rid of old stains. Each product is used exclusively according to the instructions.

    Need to know! Not every type of carpet can be treated with products. Not all types of lint can be cleaned using chemical shampoos and detergents. These carpets include products made from delicate and natural materials.

    How not to damage the carpet

    Specific persistence - characteristic of dog urine. This is a kind of spoiled area that requires a delicate approach. Remember these precautions:

    • Hands must be protected with rubber gloves; the cleaning liquid must be sprayed only on the place where the stain is visible, so as not to damage the structure of the fabric;
    • Initially, before disinfection and treatment with the product, you need to do a test for the reaction of the carpet, done in an inconspicuous place.

    Note! If an adult dog wets a rug or runway, you should take it to the vet, especially if this has happened several times. Perhaps he's just sick.

    If your adult dog frequently shits on the carpet, you should consult your veterinarian.

    There is a certain kind of smell that repels dogs and makes them avoid the area. After cleaning, it is worth treating the stain by spraying with a mixture of essential oils of mint, cinnamon, and eucalyptus.

    Some essential oils will keep your dog away from the carpet.

    Tips and prohibitions

    Recommendations for removing unpleasant odors while ensuring gentle handling of carpet:

    1. The “mark” is cleaned only in the direction of the pile;
    2. use exclusively colorless soap;
    3. Water should be at room temperature; hot water should not be used.

    Now, you have been informed about how to get rid of dog urine smell on carpet at home. Not only dry cleaning can handle stubborn stains. Using the methods listed above, you will be able to find hidden stains and remove them using household chemicals. Naturally, carpet cleaning is a labor-intensive task and does not always bring the desired result.

    There are many ways to get rid of the smell of dog urine.

    When you don’t have the desire or time to tinker with the path, you should use the help of specialists from a cleaning company. Professional selection of equipment, as well as environmental products, is guaranteed to bring results in the form of cleanliness and complete odor neutralization.

    Products from a pet store

    There are also special ready-made products to combat the smell of dog urine. They cost more than homemade ones, but at the same time they work effectively.


    This anti-odor is distinguished by the presence of safe fragrances and surfactants in its composition. The product is available in containers of 0.5 and 1 liter. The advantage of dezosan is that its action is not based on masking the odor, but on the destruction of molecules that lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

    The spray combats both the smell of urine and traces of feces. Dezosan can even be used as a preventive measure. It is added to the tank of a washing vacuum cleaner when cleaning (once every two weeks will be enough) an apartment or house.

    Smart spray

    This product is intended not only to eliminate unpleasant odors, but also to correct the behavior of pets. Most often used by pet owners when there is a problem with training to a tray, bed or place to play.

    Attention! Each type of Smart Spray performs one specific function: eliminates dog and litter odors, protects furniture and other interior items from scratches, and also removes stains of biological origin.

    The product is available in the form of a ready-made solution in containers of 500 and 250 ml. Each bottle already has a sprayer for convenient application of the product. Before use, the bottle is shaken, and the liquid itself is distributed at a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface of the carpet.

    Odorgone Gold

    The composition of the product was developed by American specialists. At the moment, the product is packaged in Russia. The manufacturer focuses on the natural composition of the product, its hypoallergenicity, safety, high efficiency and biodegradability.

    The main active components of the liquid are plant extracts. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, the spray is sprayed in a small amount in the room where it is felt. The product works well even with old stains. Odorgone gold is available in bottles of 100 and 500 ml.

    Do you use special odor removal products?


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