What breed: 10 dogs from famous films and cartoons

What breed is Scooby Doo?

This is the hero of the cartoon of the same name, a fictional dog that speaks humanly. She is fictional for this reason - the artist consulted with breeders on the question of what a real Great Dane looks like. After that, he drew Scooby Doo in his own way. As a result, the character does not look exactly like a dog of this breed. In the cartoon, Scooby Doo is a brown dog with black spots, a playful, funny, but very timid dog. Great Danes are large black dogs. Their dignity is good manners, endurance, patience, calmness. There is at least 1 dog in the world that looks exactly like Scooby Doo. This is Presley, a Great Dane breed living in America. He is the same size, color and just as shy, according to the owner.


The role of this small dog is comedic roles, but in total pugs have 107 works, including “Men in Black”, “Crazy Job” and “The Secret Life of Pets”. The pug played one of the most famous roles in the comedy “Patrick”, where he helped his owner Sarah improve her personal life. In the film “Marie Antoinette” you can see several representatives of the breed, which the queen chose as pets.

These are the most popular dog breeds in cinema, each of which is smart, attractive and charismatic in its own way.

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What breed of dog is from the movie "Hachiko"

This film is based on a true story. The Akita Inu dog Hachiko was born in 1925. When Hachiko was 18 months old, his owner died. The dog was given to other people, but every day she came to the station at 4 o'clock for the train on which her beloved owner was supposed to arrive. Thanks to one student, the whole world learned about this dog. When Hachiko died, a day of mourning was declared in Japan. Since then, dogs of this breed have been popular not only in Japan. A statue of a dog, in memory of this story, stands outside Shibuya Station. In the film, Hachiko is a devoted and loyal friend. In real life, Akita Inu are also selflessly loyal to their owners and are their protectors. At the same time, they are gentle with children, adore family members and are calm with strangers. Dogs of this breed are not for a novice dog breeder; they require training and daily physical activity.


The dramatic film “Beginners” from Mike Mills was warmly received by critics. The plot is dedicated to the story of a son and father who admitted his homosexuality. One of the key characters is also a dog, in the film - Arthur, and in real life - Cosmo. She was even depicted on the poster for this film! To show the closeness between the owner and the dog, the trainer smeared the face of actor Christopher Plummer with fat, and the dog licked it off. Ewan McGregor was so impressed with the dog that he wanted to adopt it, but unfortunately his wife is allergic to pets. After filming, the dog stayed with the trainer.

What breed of dog is from the movie "The Mask"

Jack Russell Terrier Milo was initially not approved for the role in this film. The writers wanted to film a larger dog - a golden retriever. But then they decided that a Jack Russell Terrier would be better suited for the main character. Since then, the breed and Milo himself have become popular. The dog even starred in a TV show. In the film, he is a fearless, playful, positive dog. This breed has so much energy that it is dangerous to have them in an apartment - they can destroy everything. They need daily active, long walks, as well as training so that they are not aggressive and cocky with other dogs. If the owner copes with this character, he will receive a loyal and positive friend and family member.


Film: "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

Feature: knows how to wake up the owner with her paw

It’s hard to imagine Breakfast at Tiffany’s without the red cat with a robber’s face, whom Audrey Hepburn’s heroine simply called Cat. He was played by Orangey, one of the most famous cats in the film industry and the only feline to win two awards at the Patsy Awards (an equivalent of the Oscars for animals) - for Breakfast at Tiffany's and for his leading role in the film Rhubarb.

The creators of Breakfast at Tiffany's chose Orange from 25 applicants. According to the recollections of Orange's trainer and owner, Frank Inn, a real New York cat was needed for filming, and the well-fed red cat was perfect for this role. However, the actors who worked with him said that the cat was quite unbearable, often scratched and ran away from the set. Orangi lived for at least 16 years and presumably died of old age in the late 1960s.

What breed is Beethoven

In the film, Beethoven was played by the purebred St. Bernard, Chris, and in the sequel he played with puppies. He jumps out the window, steals food from the table and is constantly playing pranks. In life, the character of St. Bernards is balanced and patient, despite their impressive size. This is a family member, a nanny, a companion in joint leisure and games. It is better to get such a dog for those who have their own yard and house. These dogs were good at finding people in the mountains, where there is a lot of snow. The most famous of them, Barry, saved 40 people.


Film: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

Feature: loyal companion and experienced postman

On his 11th birthday, Harry received a snow-white polar owl from Hagrid, which the young wizard named Hedwig. She, like all owls in the Harry Potter universe, was responsible for delivering letters and parcels, which did not require any additional training. Hedwig always knew where the recipient was, for example, she flew to the Leaky Cauldron, where Harry fled, literally 5 minutes after his arrival. The snowy owl was a faithful, albeit silent friend of the wizard for six years. Rowling interpreted her death as the end of Harry's childhood.

It was easier for young Daniel Radcliffe to deal with smaller birds, so the role of Buckle was played by male polar owls, which are smaller in size than females. Bookley's most famous performer is a male named Gizmo. He performed one of the most difficult stunts during filming - delivering the Nimbus 2000 broom to Potter. Despite the fact that the broom was plastic and weighed less than the usual prey of snowy owls, it took trainers almost six months to train Gizmo.

What breed is the dog from the movie "Turner and Hooch"

Brisley, a Dogue de Bordeaux breed, starred in the film alongside Tom Hanks. According to some reports, there were two dogs: one played in the frame with the main character, the other performed tricks. Cinema, unfortunately, has created a negative image for dogs of this breed, using them as evil and aggressive characters. After the movie "Turner and Hooch" the breed became popular and loved. In life, these dogs have strong nerves and a good disposition. They do not require special care and are a little lazy. Friendly to all households: small children, cats and other dogs.


The tiny dog ​​has appeared in films 167 times. The most famous picture is “Legally Blonde”: many probably remember the Giant, assistant to the beauty Elle Woods. There is also the comedy Beverly Hills Babe. These curious, active dogs love to try something new, so many of the funny moments in the films are pure improvisation. They cannot be called exemplary script actors, but Chihuahuas look funny.

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The man did not turn off the tap at night, but was surprised the next morning when he walked into the kitchen

A dog digs a hole - to ill-wishers, and other signs about stray animals

What breed of dog is White Bim Black Ear

According to the plot of the film, a dog of the Scottish Setter breed was born with a “marriage”: instead of white, he has black ears. But this turned out to be the only drawback. Otherwise, the dog had all the qualities for its breed. Friendly, excellent hunter and easy to train. But Bima was played by an English Setter dog. After the film came out, many people got one for themselves. Dogs of this breed are easy to train, sociable, get along with everyone in the household, and adapt to their owner. Relationships with cats are difficult, since setters have a strong hunting instinct. Dogs are active, love active games in the air, and need regular long walks.


Film: "Friend"

Feature: wean people off drinking

The friend is a Newfoundland dog who speaks in the voice of Vasily Livanov. He has an amazing gift for weaning people off drinking. Alcoholic Kolyun (Sergei Shakurov) found a friend while wandering around the poultry market, begging money from buyers. Unexpectedly, he met a stranger who was ready to pay him 40 rubles on the condition that Kolyun would take his dog. Thus began the friendship of a huge black dog and a heavy drunkard.

The film was shot at the height of Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign. It was supposed to be a propaganda campaign about the dangers of vodka and beer, but director Leonid Kvinikhidze turned out to be a phantasmagoric parable about the relationship between a man and a dog, about self-sacrifice, friendship and betrayal. The friend was played by a Newfoundland named Yutgay, who, as members of the film crew said, could not stand drunk people, so the whole crew remained sober for several months.

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What breeds of dogs are in the film “Yolki Shaggy”

This film starred 2 dogs: Yoko, a purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Fammy, Pirate, a girl Aisa of the border collie breed. The dogs turned out to be so capable that the footage with their participation was filmed without computer graphics. They carried out all the commands and tricks, not paying attention to the fuss around them. The Border Collie breed is considered one of the smartest. It was used as a herding dog in Scotland. Looks after the children in the family well, guards the territory, and loves to run. The dog is trainable, smart, quick-witted. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed has the same abilities and good memory. Loves to train, follow commands, and interact with people.

Raising a puppy

Training should begin immediately after the pet arrives at home. The first training is carried out in the form of a game. Only after 10 months of age can you move on to serious studies.

The first training should take place in the form of a game

Before starting training, it is important to teach the puppy to interact with a person:

  1. Nickname training. At the initial stage, you can use tasty rewards to entice the puppy to the bowl. Then the owner simply calls the baby by name as he passes by. Over time, the pet will develop a strong association with a specific nickname.
  2. A bowl. The puppy should be fed in a specially designated area. No matter how much you would like to treat the baby from the table, you cannot feed him, otherwise the adult dog will beg for food.
  3. Walking on a leash. So that the first acquaintance with the collar does not frighten the puppy, you can invite him to play with a new object. Then, for several days in a row, a collar is put on the dog for a few minutes. Once she gets used to it, you can move on to using a leash.
  4. Walks. Every time the puppy relieves itself outside, it should be praised vigorously and even encouraged with treats. If the baby cannot decide on natural “get-togethers”, it is recommended to take your pet’s home diaper for a walk.

What breeds can be seen in the movie "A Dog's Life" parts 1 and 2

This film is about how people learn loyalty from dogs. The dogs that took part in the filming had their own history, each of them demonstrated all the best qualities - loyalty and sincere love for the owner. Bailey is a golden retriever, playful, restless, and smart. Ellie, a German shepherd named Shadow, is brave, strong, smart, and serves in the police. Toby is Milo's corgi, took part in all the children's pranks, loves children. According to the plot of the film, she falls in love with a dog that is several times larger than her - a wolfhound. Buddy - starring Bolt, a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a St. Bernard. A total of 3 dogs were involved. One played close-ups, the other performed stunts, the third - static scenes. In the film and in life, dogs of this breed are endlessly loyal to their owners. Molly is a Beagle/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix. An active dog who loves children. In the film, CJ became the girl's first dog. Giant - African Boerboel. It is given little time in the film, but is memorable due to its impressive size. At the same time, the dog is kind and always ready to help. Max is a Yorkshire Terrier. He was played by the girl Bell. Thanks to her active character, she got into this film. The dog is expressive, emotional, and gets along with everyone on the site. They also hired a stunt double to help in the quieter scenes, the boy Brie.

Captain, Screamer, Biter, Stinky, Caresser, Dunduk

Movie: "Mr. Popper's Penguins"

Feature: Charlie Chaplin movie lovers

Based on the classic 1930s children's book by American writers Richard and Florence Atwater, the film tells the story of Tom Popper, a successful businessman who inherits six sub-Antarctic penguins from his explorer father. After an unusual parcel, the children are more willing to come to visit their father, and the hero’s work fades into the background - keeping penguins turns out to be not so easy. The penguins turn Popper's house into an ice castle, arrange an uninvited visit to a social reception at the Guggenheim Museum, and make noise and destroy everything in their path. The only thing that can calm them down is watching films with Chaplin.

During pre-production, director Mark Waters decided that he would not create the penguins entirely using CGI, but would try to film as many scenes as possible with real animals. Filming took place at a film studio in New York, and involved eight live penguins, which were filmed by visual effects specialists on 18 cameras.

“Some actors are reluctant to take on films where they have to play with animals or children, but I really love that sincerity in real animals. Besides, it’s very difficult to be unhappy when you’re surrounded by penguins on the playground. They are 10 times cuter than puppies,” said Jim Carrey, who played Tom Popper. The penguins (though not in full force) even attended the film's premiere in Hollywood.

Which dog from the movie "Marley and Me"

This film is about the difficulties unprepared owners face when raising a puppy. Especially if he's like Marley - naughty, playful, full of energy. The main character, the dog Marley, was played by dogs of the Labrador Retriever breed. More precisely, there were 22 of them. All superlatives apply to this breed of dog - hardy, loyal, smart, friendly, fearless, positive. A true friend, protector and everyone's favorite.

What breeds can be seen in the cartoon “The Secret Life of Pets”

When creating cartoons, the characters are created by the artists. Many do not resemble their representatives in life, as is the case with Scooby Doo. Artists put character traits into a drawn character, while changing individual parts of the body and coloring. The goal is to convey the character's personality, not the exact type of dog of a given breed. We can only guess and determine affiliation based on characteristic features. Buddy the dachshund and Leonard the poodle are characters who really look like their prototypes. The dachshund only has a slightly different color. Gidget is a Pomeranian. The cartoon world transformed him - made his eyes bigger, his fur fluffier and longer, his legs shorter. Mel is a pug, his breed is recognizable by its characteristic face and color. The same fate of transformation befell the main characters - Max and Duke. Max is a Jack Russell Terrier, but Duke is a stray dog, most likely a Newfoundland cross. Pops is a basset hound and has distinctive, distinctive ears. The village guard dog Cowboy looks like a shepherd, although this is not reliably confirmed. Daisy, a Shih Tzu, is determined and brave, just like in life.

Movies about pets are funny and sad at the same time. But they demonstrate once again how strong the dog’s attachment and loyalty to the owner is. People should learn these qualities from them.


TV series: “Sabrina the Teenage Witch”

Feature: a man trapped in the body of a cat

Sabrina Spellman is a young witch, and the charismatic and power-hungry black cat Salem is her familiar. In fact, Salem is a former sorcerer who is sentenced to imprisonment in the guise of a cat by the witch council for trying to take over the world. Salem itself is over 500 years old and even has an adult daughter.

The series features an animatronic cat model, voiced by writer and actor Nick Bakay. The dialogue-free scenes featured four trained American Shorthair cats: Elvis, Lucy, Salem and Witch. Salem turned out to be more popular among viewers than Sabrina herself and other characters in the series. From 1998 to 2000, Salem won Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards for Favorite Animal Star. And even 17 years after the end of the series, he is quoted on social networks and screenshots of him are analyzed into memes.

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