Chesapeake Bay Retriever: breed standard, maintenance, care, training (+ photo)

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a little-known gun dog belonging to the section of pointing quadrupeds . The relatively low popularity is justified by compelling arguments. One of the main arguments is competition. Judge for yourself which breed can compete with the Labrador Retriever, which has been recognized more than once as the most popular breed in the world... and these dogs are similar.

This is interesting! In the homeland of the breed, in Maryland, the breed was recognized as an official symbol!

Maintenance and care

It is not advisable to bathe a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, except when the dog is splashing in a pond. It is undesirable to use shampoos or products with fragrances, since any negative effect on the lubrication of the coat will lead to damage to the coat. Regular brushing is required to ensure even distribution of oil throughout the dog's coat.

Many years of experience of responsible owners have developed a formula for dog health, and it lies in a daily examination, which is given 5-15 minutes. In the evening, after eating or before bed, it is necessary to inspect the dog’s body for scratching, hair loss, and the presence of parasites. The daily inspection includes an assessment of the condition of:

Eye – clean, good-natured look and normal eyelids, no redness, clouding, or discharge.

Ears – no pungent odor or plaque.

Teeth – no cracks or chips of teeth. In animals with a direct bite, the risk of tartar formation increases, so preventive cleaning is carried out once a month (or as prescribed by a doctor).

Claws – no cracks, delaminations, chips. Once every 2-3 weeks, the claws (if necessary) are cut.

The experience of owners shows that industrial feeding of adult dogs is more economical, despite the high prices of the products. However, there are a number of nuances to this statement. Natural feeding means buying quality products and regularly preparing food for your dog. Feeding the Chesapeake Retriever with table scraps or trimming will not work, or rather, this type of food will not leave the animal a chance to be healthy.

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Another important factor is the daily food intake. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers tend to eat whatever they give them and this can lead to a number of negative consequences. If you overfeed a puppy, you may not notice a problem, since the dog grows quickly and does not gain fat mass. As soon as active growth stops, the pet will begin to gain excess weight, and the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, accustomed to abundant feeding, will vehemently protest the diet. If you are unsure about the correctness of the diet, contact the breeder or veterinarian.

Even in puppyhood, Chessies look independent, but vulnerable. Cruelty to a dog is unacceptable. Dogs react sensitively even to the owner’s dissatisfaction. Chessies are active; when purchasing a dog, you need to provide the animal with the necessary physical activity. It is strictly forbidden for people who do not like hunting and do not intend to hunt to purchase a Chesapeake. The dog will get bored without hunting and turn the apartment into ruins.

Serious multifaceted education, providing the opportunity to express itself in the field or on a pond, will allow the dog to show its own unique abilities, and will surprise the pet with boundless gratitude.

Seeing a dog, it is not difficult to understand how to care for a Chesapeake Retriever. The dog does not grow a mass of thick, tangled fur; an impressive undercoat is noticeable, lubricated with sebum or fat, which prevents the fur from getting wet. Despite the specific coat, caring for the dog is not difficult. Enough:

  • Brush the dog daily or several times a week with a massage brush to rid the dog of old hair and evenly distribute sebum.
  • Frequent bathing with shampoo is contraindicated; such procedures are performed 3 times a year. The dog loves to rinse in water, try to provide a suitable opportunity.
  • Teeth remain snow-white.
  • The eyes are not streaming.
  • Ears are kept clean.
  • The claws grind down on their own.
  • Daily walks. A dog has a lot of energy, but if the dog is not used for hunting, if it is poorly walked and played little, destructive behavior is possible.

Seeing the dog, it is not difficult to understand how to care for the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The dog does not grow a mass of thick, tangled fur; an impressive undercoat is noticeable, lubricated with sebum or fat, which prevents the fur from getting wet. Despite the specific coat, caring for the dog is not difficult. Enough:

  • Brush the dog daily or several times a week with a massage brush to rid the dog of old hair and evenly distribute sebum.
  • Frequent bathing with shampoo is contraindicated; such procedures are performed 3 times a year. The dog loves to rinse in water, try to provide a suitable opportunity.
  • Teeth remain snow-white.
  • The eyes are not streaming.
  • Ears are kept clean.
  • The claws grind down on their own.
  • Daily walks. A dog has a lot of energy, but if the dog is not used for hunting, if it is poorly walked and played little, destructive behavior is possible.


The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a fairly rare breed and there is little information about its health. It is known that the average life expectancy of dogs ranges from 10–12 years and is significantly reduced if the conditions of keeping do not meet the needs. Hereditary diseases include:

  • Von Willebrand disease is a disease of the blood, or more precisely, the hematopoietic system, leading to unexpected bleeding from the mucous membranes. Unlike hemophilia, the disease is caused by a deficiency of the vWD blood factor. Danger of internal bleeding with fatal outcome. The disease is divided into three types depending on the root cause. In all three cases, diagnosis is made by blood testing.
  • Hip dysplasia is a disease that occurs due to improper development or natural wear and tear of the joints. Large and working dogs are more susceptible to diseases due to constant stress. Most doctors are confident that the occurrence of dysplasia is associated only with genetics, but the disease can manifest itself earlier or more clearly due to improper care and maintenance.

Note! In all well-known Chesapeake Bay Retriever kennels, puppies are sold with certificates confirming the absence of dysplasia from the producers.

For breed reasons, almost all setters and punters are prone to:

  • Retinal atrophy is a disease that occurs against the background of several processes associated with degeneration of eye tissue. The disease can occur due to improper care or due to heredity. Atrophy occurs covertly (slowly) or acutely (quickly), but in any case it leads to blindness. The disease is incurable, but its progression can be slowed with supportive care.
  • Cataract – develops in one or both eyes, does not always progress synchronously. It is believed that cataracts are a disease of older dogs, but in breeds with a predisposition, the disease can occur at a young age. Against the background of the disease, a change in the tissue of the lens occurs, which leads to its clouding. The disease is not treated conservatively, but is controlled by therapeutic support.
  • Glaucoma is a collective concept indicating increased intraocular pressure for a number of reasons. The most common cause of glaucoma is cataracts or a hereditary factor. The disease always affects both eyes, but most often, the pressure in one eye is greater than in the other.

Hunting dogs are at great risk of infestation by helminths and blood-sucking parasites when compared to city dogs that do not work in the wild. The fact is that the city is home to certain types of parasites that are vulnerable to the virgin substances of prophylactic agents.

Rare parasites may live in the forest, especially near water bodies, which cannot be removed using average means. The condition of the working dog must be constantly monitored; if you notice the following signs after deworming , then the dog is affected by worms, which are not affected by a wide range of drugs:

  • Lethargy, apathy, sudden changes in habits and tastes.
  • Persistent skin irritations.
  • Poor appetite, weight loss due to usual diet.
  • Regular constipation, diarrhea, vomiting or urge.
  • Intensive secretion of saliva.
  • Expanded stomach.
  • Growth retardation in puppies.
  • Presence of mucus, eggs or worms in the feces.

Contact a doctor and do not experiment by giving your dog medications from other brands; you will not correct the situation, but will only weaken your pet’s body even more. Similar advice applies to skin problems and itching of unknown origin.

Nova Scotian (toller)

The newest breed among Retrievers appeared in 1945 in Canada. Hunters needed a dog that could lure ducks to traps on the shore. From English “tolling” means luring a bird, which is where the name comes from. The standard was adopted in 1983.

This is the smallest dog among Retrievers. The height of the Nova Scotia Toller rarely exceeds 50 cm, and the maximum weight is 20 kg. Despite their size, animals do not like apartment life. They like a country house where they can walk in the yard.

The dogs look like foxes: a long rectangular body, a fluffy tail, a narrowed muzzle and a bright red color. White spots on the chest and head are characteristic. The coat is smooth, red, silky, consists of two layers: thick guard hair and soft, padded undercoat. The cover is waterproof.

Cheerful, active dog, devoted to family, non-aggressive. At home, Toller is calm, even melancholic. And in nature he is a real fidget. The retriever loves to play, hunt and run. He gets along with children, but does not like other pets. The dog is wary of strangers, so it can serve as a guard.

The dog cannot stand loneliness and cannot live in an enclosure. It is vital for an animal to be close to its owner and feel his love. The breed needs education, training and physical activity. Average cost of puppies: 60,000 rubles.

Description of Chesapeake

A brave, unpretentious, excellent swimmer, the dog has a calm character, pleasant and flexible. Can play the role of a watchman. When training, it needs a “steady hand.”

The dog is fully developed and loves to be the center of attention of a family leading an active lifestyle. Their character is protective and dominant, which on the one hand can be considered a blessing, but on the other hand can become a real problem for the owners. Therefore, it is not recommended for beginners to get such a dog, which requires a strong hand.

Training this breed of dog is a long and complex process. It must be consistent and correct so that the dog understands that he is not the boss, but the owner. A large dog loves to bark, growl and grumble, but you won’t be able to wean them off this, so don’t even try, because they were bred for protection, and will easily protect the owner and his property. If you do not want to see a “screamer” in your home, choose a quieter breed.

These are excellent watchdogs, but they need to be accustomed to society from an early age so that the dog does not grow up aggressive. They are fast and agile, athletically built. Daily training is mandatory for them. They love to play outdoors and in water. Water is their favorite pastime. In addition, this breed of dog needs constant mental stimulation, otherwise it turns into a bored animal, and this is bad news, because a bored dog can turn everything around into ruins, including an apartment. They are tolerant of other dogs, or rather indifferent.

But they have a special closeness with children. A well-trained dog understands perfectly what is expected of it, therefore it will be incredibly loving, faithful and devoted. They are very sensitive, so they always want to please their loved ones. This unique dog works in any conditions, be it a headwind, icy water, strong current, etc. At the same time, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever does the job easily and effectively almost until his last days. At one time, when hunting a bird, it can bring 10-20 ducks, and in a day the number can increase to a hundred. Those who are not familiar with this breed consider the dog to be aggressive. But, in reality, she never attacks first, although she does not leave aggression unpunished. An independent character is already evident in puppyhood. But the dog is, in fact, vulnerable and does not accept a harsh attitude. If the dog notices that his efforts are noticed by the owner, he will work with redoubled zeal.


One of the main expenses for owning a dog is buying food. How much money you need for food every month depends on the class of products. Cost of dry food per month:

  • Economy - 2000;
  • Premium - 3000;
  • Super premium - 3500;
  • Holistic - 4000.

If you add supplements used for encouragement and nutritional supplements to the main diet, you need to add another 30-50 rubles to the monthly amount spent on food. But these are averages. Small breed dogs are not able to eat a lot of food; their consumption will be 30% lower. If food allergies or gastrointestinal diseases develop, you need to switch to a hypoallergenic diet and costs will increase by 10-15%.

This problem of miscalculation is the inability to predict whether the selected type of food will suit the dog. Trying to combine food on your own in order to reduce the cost of your diet does not work. Feeding your pet human food is dangerous; the food is not 100% digestible. You will have to spend more money on diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.


Young dogs rarely get sick. There is almost no need to spend money on treatment if the animal is vaccinated. To understand approximately the costs of veterinary services, you need to find out their price:

  • Preventive examination - 300 rubles;
  • Sterilization - 1500 rubles (one-time).

The monthly budget for treatment cannot be calculated universally. But it is better to allocate at least $100 in advance for unplanned situations when emergency veterinary care is needed. But personal transport will solve the problem faster.

Often the package consists of the following types of services:

  • Prevention;
  • Elimination of parasites;
  • Removal of fleas and ticks;
  • Routine vaccinations;
  • Revaccinations;
  • Free appointments, examinations, consultations;
  • Discounts for calling a veterinary care team.

Chronic diseases in a pet are a reason to see a veterinarian. Healthy dogs with strong immunity do not need a subscription; they can undergo a preventive examination and vaccination once a year. A service subscription can be recommended for nursery breeders who have at least 5 animals in their care.


These beautiful dogs are similar in build to other retrievers. Their rough-looking coat is one of the characteristics of the breed. She helped and continues to help the Chessie in their difficult hunting task, saving the dog from cold and thorns, and its owner from a long and tedious cleaning procedure.

In terms of appearance standards typical of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, the following points should be noted:

  • Head. The Chessie's skull is wide. The shape of the head itself is round. Her foot point is moderately pronounced. The jaws are quite long and strong, which allows the dog to calmly carry fairly large birds without injury.
  • Frame. Must be well balanced, massive and very powerful for a dog of this size. At the same time, power should not reduce maneuverability and stability, which are also important when hunting.
  • Paws. Strong and resilient, medium length. The shoulders of the forelimbs are oblique and well turned out. They should not restrict the dog's movement. The hind legs, in turn, are not inferior to the front legs in muscles (otherwise, this is a defect). The distance between the hock and the ground should be medium.

So, everything is more or less clear with the constitution. Now we can move on to another point: the coat of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. More precisely, to its texture and color. The coat must be thick, but short, not exceeding 1.5 inches in length. The undercoat, according to the standard, even in puppies is very dense, so these dogs tolerate low temperatures and high humidity well (for obvious reasons).

And about the coat color. It should not be bright, otherwise the dog will stand out in a “working” environment. For this reason, the most common colors characteristic of purebred Chessies are the following:

  • tan-brown-tan;
  • brown;
  • chestnut;
  • dark blond;
  • the color of old grass or sedge reeds.

These camouflage colors look surprisingly beautiful in everyday life, and on a hunt they turn the dog into an ideal unnoticed hunter (in the photo “at work” they are not always immediately noticeable), capable of getting close enough to the prey and scaring it off exactly when needed.


The physique and temperament allow the Chesapeake Bay Retriever to work until a very old age. It is believed that representatives of the breed, with age, gain experience, that is, they become more valuable in terms of hunting. In hunting, dogs are careful with poultry . The quadruped has a fairly deep mouth to feed even large prey without crushing or damaging it.

Note! The Chesapeake Bay Retriever only finds and picks up the bird; the dogs have no interest in catching up and killing the prey.

Representatives of the breed are pleasant to use for work on the water. The benefits become obvious in winter, when water bodies are frozen. Thanks to lubrication, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever's coat remains completely dry or barely damp after being brushed off. Not with complete confidence, but we can still say that representatives of the breed are unique in this property and have no competition.

What to feed your Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The diet is made up of balanced healthy foods. A growing body requires increased levels of protein and calcium in food. Puppies need a lot of vitamins. As a rule, dogs are omnivores and do not pick at their food. If the portion is too large, the dog runs the risk of becoming picky and, as he matures, will begin to dig into his food.

Having chosen the type of food, they decide what to feed the pet. There are:

  1. Natural feeding. Portions are calculated based on the dog’s load, weight and height. Special calculators are known.
  2. Dry food. For a large dog, sometimes the best option is to provide adequate nutrition with the necessary vitamins.
  3. Mixed feeding. Natural food is given along with canned food. With such a diet, you need to give additional vitamins.

Before the hunt, reduce the portions so that the hungry dog ​​becomes more active. In winter or after staying in cold water, the portions are increased.

Rules of care

It is recommended to buy Chesapeake puppies only from licensed nurseries. Moreover, such organizations must have many years of experience in breeding pets and have a good reputation. In this case, you should not chase cheapness. You need to understand that buying a pet, especially a rare breed, is not a cheap pleasure.

At the nursery you should ask for documents for the pet you like. The puppy must have a veterinary passport with vaccination records. Before buying an animal, it is recommended to observe its behavior. A healthy dog ​​should be active, playful and mobile. If your furry baby has any psychological problems or unacceptable behavior patterns, this will become visible almost immediately.

In addition, you should ask nursery specialists to show the parents of the baby you like, since exterior and working qualities are inherited. It is also recommended to evaluate the conditions of keeping pets in the nursery. It should be light, clean, dry and warm.

It is recommended that a novice dog breeder seek advice from an experienced breeder. A professional will tell you which dog you can buy without any worries.

Caring for retrievers is the same as caring for other dogs.


Therefore, to clean your pet’s fur coat, use less water and liquid shampoos. The best remedy in this situation is dry shampoo, cleansing lotion or powder. The coat needs to be brushed weekly.

Important! Chesapeake wool has a specific odor and can cause allergies. The animal's ears are droopy and therefore require a lot of attention.

The auricle is close to the head, which prevents normal ventilation. Therefore, dirt and sulfur actively collect in it, which must be removed in time, otherwise an inflammatory process may develop

The animal's ears are droopy and therefore require a lot of attention. The auricle is close to the head, which prevents normal ventilation. Therefore, dirt and sulfur actively collect in it, which must be removed in time, otherwise an inflammatory process may develop.


Eyes should be examined regularly. Wipe off dirt and debris with a soft cloth soaked in boiled water. The movement should go from the top corner to the bottom.

Teeth require cleaning from childhood. The procedure must be carried out using special brushes and pastes, which can be found in a veterinary pharmacy. The frequency of manipulation is two to three times a week.

To prevent the formation of tartar, your pet should have chewers. If the animal eats only dry food, then brushing its teeth becomes less common, since solid particles of food independently remove plaque from the teeth.


If you previously had no idea about this dog breed, it is worth noting that it is quite independent. It is for this reason that during education and training you may encounter difficulties of a certain nature. In this case, the educational process should be carried out exclusively by the owner and no one else. If you don’t know how to raise such a dog, you can always get professional advice from a specialist. Preparatory courses must be taken, especially if you will use your pet for hunting. They do an excellent job with waterfowl. In this case, the dog’s loyalty to its owner must be instilled from puppyhood. For cooperation to be as fruitful as possible, the owner and dog must develop a trusting relationship. Do not forget that such a pet needs regular affection and attention. To ensure that your dog obeys and does everything you tell him, it is strongly recommended that you conduct classes in a playful manner. As a result of such training, everyone will be happy. The breed in question has an excellent memory, so they can easily learn even complex commands. The main thing is to praise your pet on time and pamper it with treats. If you notice that a dog begins to regularly show stubbornness during upbringing and training, you should know that these are the mistakes of the owner alone

Therefore, before getting such a pet, it is very important to know the characteristic features of the breed. It is for this same reason that you must have experience in raising dogs. If you can't handle it as a puppy, nothing good will come of it.

If you can't handle it as a puppy, nothing good will come of it.

Anatolian Shepherd - description of the breed and character of the dog

Advantages and disadvantages

The breed is ideal for those who hunt or simply lead an active lifestyle. Keeping a Flat Coated Retriever has positive aspects, but it can also present a number of difficulties.

Advantages of the breedFlaws
Endurance and energySlow maturation, remaining in puppyhood until 2 years of age, inability to cope with emotions
Loyalty to the owner, as well as family membersCannot be used as a guard dog
Ability to get along with other petsHigh activity, which can cause damage to furniture and things
Friendly attitude towards strangersNeed for long walks

General description of the breed, character

Short nameflat
Lifespan8–14 years
Heightfemale: 56–59 cm, male: 59–62 cm
Weightfemale: 25–32 kg, male: 27–36 kg
Woolstraight, long
Colorblack, liver, yellow
Characterloyal, optimistic, helpful, confident, friendly
Usagehunting, service (guide, customs), companion dog

The Flat-Coated Retriever looks like a stately handsome man, displaying a luxurious coat, a graceful neck and intelligent eyes. Moreover, the dog is not considered a pampered pet. The retriever is a serious working dog. They are found on the estates of the English provinces; their services are used by gamekeepers and hunters. An important difference between dogs is their obedient character and understanding.

Unlike other dogs in the group, the Flat-Coated Retriever is considered a universal dog. He combines high intelligence, endurance, excellent hunting sense and the ability to work on land and in water. The fantastic beauty of the Flat-Coated Retriever makes the dog a desirable participant in various exhibitions.

The modern Flat-Coated Retriever is a harmoniously built dog, an excellent companion and family pet. Hardy and unpretentious, able to get along with children. Flat-coated retrievers mature by the age of three, but remain cheerful, playful and cheerful for the rest of their lives.

Retriever dogs by nature are friends with keen eyesight and sensitive hearing. They are responsive, try to obey their owner, and are extremely playful at a young age. When training, it is better to adhere to a soft but firm influence on the animal.

Breed training

Puppies need to be socialized from the age of nine weeks. Classes should take place once or twice a week in special clubs. In addition, teach your baby to actively play with a ball and in water. All it takes is 15–20 minutes.

When the puppy reaches four months of age, begin obedience training. At the same time, train his endurance. As you walk, gradually increase the length of the route. By the age of six months, he should easily cover a kilometer.

Chesapeake has a good sense of a person's mood and character. Therefore, during training, there is no need to impose too much on the execution of a command or exercise. Strong pressure can lead to the animal simply ignoring the owner's orders. They need to be encouraged to act, to contact the owner.

Conduct training in an affectionate manner and reward your pet as much as possible for the action performed. It will be enough to stroke the dog’s sides in order to push him to the next action. And stroking the back and head will calm and subdue the animal.

The dog must obey the owner, obey him and follow him of his own free will, without a leash. It does not need to be used as a lasso or pacifier. The animal must independently want to be near the owner.

To train an animal to present game, use a special thrower that delivers discs for shooting at them with a gun. In this way, the dog develops a relationship: when a shot is fired, he needs to run after the prey.

Important! Don't focus on one exercise, alternate them. This will allow the animal to better remember the action and recall them independently. The training will take two to three years

The training will take two to three years.

General description and character

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a unique gundog bred to hunt waterfowl. Works great on water and on land. A working dog is able to start working even in difficult weather conditions. The dog sometimes has to break the ice to find or retrieve the bird. The animal is able to work against the wind, current, and stay in icy water for a long time.

The dog's characteristics allow him to work efficiently, easily and for a long time, almost until the end of his days. The Chesapeake's hunting grounds are teeming with waterfowl, which hunters shoot in large numbers. A dog was needed that could bring 10-20 ducks at a time. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is capable of delivering 100 ducks in a day.

A unique feature of the dog is considered to be webbed paws and a special structure of the eyes. The appearance of the Chesapeake allows the animal to hide in the natural landscape. Light, yellowish eyes, fur the color of dried grass. These factors allow the dog to merge with nature, remaining invisible during the hunt.

American breeders are trying to preserve the hunting properties of the dog; the Chesapeake is not found in families as a pet. The dog gathers fans of the breed, but some people do not like the specific oily smell of the fur and unusual orange-yellow eyes.

The Chesapeake is characterized by selfless devotion to the owner and family, and tolerance towards children. Dogs will not allow the aggression of strangers to go unpunished, although they are not the first to attack. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever dog breed is distinguished by its calm character. The dog is in no hurry to get into a fight, first understanding the situation. Gets along with people, impresses with devotion, innate hunting instinct and desire to curry favor with the owner. By standard the character is intelligent.

Many people who are not familiar with the breed consider Chesapeakes to be aggressive, which is not true. It’s just that hunting dogs have a highly developed protective instinct; pets need early socialization and careful conduct of OKD.

Historical reference

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is one of the representatives of the group of gun dogs. It is interesting that only this breed was bred in the USA and has several distinct breed characteristics. There is no information about the ancient representatives of the breed or its aboriginal origin, so it is believed that the Chesapeake Bay Retriever was obtained by mating retrievers and other hunting dogs.

This is interesting! The name of the breed comes from the place where it was bred - the coast of the Chesapeake Bay.

With the fog shrouding the history of the breed, the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are widely referenced in the literature on sporting and hunting dogs. The breeding trend for this breed arose out of necessity; hunters wanted duck dogs that could work in cold water. Several nurseries arose on the coast of the Chesapeake Bay and nearby islands, through whose efforts the population increased.

By the middle of the 19th century, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever was known in America and the world, but these dogs had not been seen with their own eyes. The interest was so strong that hunters came to the breed’s homeland to see the four-legged animals in action, and if they were lucky, to work with them.

During this period, nurseries showed the world the most famous producers and representatives of the breed. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers began appearing as guests at working trials and dog shows. The efficiency and harmonious physique did not leave experts indifferent and the breed had very good chances for development. Along with success, there was also a negative factor - the dogs emitted a strong odor, which made them undesirable guests in city apartments.

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers entered into an unequal fight with their blood competitors, the Retrievers. Today we see that the battle was lost, but perhaps it is for the better. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a very specific dog that must work, it occupies its niche, giving way to the “family unit” of Labrador Retrievers.

This is interesting! For unknown reasons, in one of the largest Chesapeake Bay Retriever kennels in the 20th century, all breeding records were destroyed.

Description of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever breed

Chesapeakes are very harmoniously built, they are strong animals, strong, tall and hardy. The standard strictly controls indicators such as height and body weight. The height of males varies from 58.4 to 66 cm, females - from 53.3 to 60.9 cm. Males should weigh 29.5-36.3 kg, females - 24.9-31.7 kg.

Dogs of this breed look quite powerful and maybe even a little heavy, but they are very dexterous, according to the standard, they should have good maneuverability and confident posture.

The standard contains the following description of representatives of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever breed:

  1. The head is large, the forehead is wide, and the transition from it to the muzzle is moderately expressed. In length - the back of the nose and the skull are almost the same, the facial area is quite wide, but gradually tapers towards the nose. At the end the muzzle is blunt, the lips are thin, with pigmentation, fit tightly to the teeth, and do not droop.
  2. The jaws are strong, with a full set of large, white teeth and a regular, scissor bite. If there are no other defects and the dog is correctly built, a straight, pincer bite is allowed.
  3. The lobe is small, rectangular in shape, and reacts very sensitively to everything.
  4. The eyes are medium in size, oval in shape, set wide apart, with an attentive, expressive gaze. The iris color varies from light yellow to orange-brown.
  5. The ears are medium in thickness, soft, small, descend along the skull, but do not press against it.
  6. The body of dogs is harmoniously developed, all its parts are proportional to each other. The neck widens closer to the withers and is well muscled. The line of the spinal column rises smoothly from the withers to the croup area.
  7. The back is shortened, of decent width, with developed muscles. The chest is wide, of good depth, oval in shape.
  8. Limbs. The front ones are strong, stable, set evenly, parallel to each other. The shoulders have a slope, the pasterns are located at an angle, and are not very long. The hind legs are longer and more powerful than the forelimbs, with strong bones, elongated hips and wide knee joints. Chesapeakes with dewclaws are often found, but working dogs must have them removed.
  9. The tail is long, thick at the base, but gradually tapering towards the end, externally heavy and thick. It either hangs down or rises to the line of the dorsal column. The shape is straight or saber-shaped, but never curled or thrown over the back.

Colors of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

These dogs, with a special passion for water, have an amazing coat. Their guard hair is hard, thick, and short, while the undercoat is dense and soft. The wool is coated with a special fat impregnation that prevents moisture from penetrating into the hair and onto the skin. Dogs practically never get wet.

In the area of ​​the muzzle and paws, their coat is straighter and shorter. In the area of ​​the shoulders, neck, back and lower back it may be a little wavy, but curls are not allowed. The presence of moderate feathering on the hips and in the tail area is allowed, but there is a condition - their length should not be more than 4.5 cm.

As for colors, they are as close as possible to natural shades. The palette includes brown tones, including a shade of “dried grass” - straw, light, dark color, “sedge” - from golden red to a shade of light strawberry. The standard allows for small white spots on the chest, limbs and abdomen.

Reproduction and lifespan

On the territory of the Russian Federation and the former countries of the Soviet Union, the Autumn breed is rare. There are no professional breeders here. Puppies should only be brought from abroad. There is no point in breeding it yourself - the trouble will not be worth it.

You should buy a baby only from nurseries with licensed activities, a good reputation and many years of breeding experience. You may find private breeders on the Internet whose prices will be lower, but in this case there is a high risk of getting a dog with hidden defects or not a pure breed.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies should be able to fetch a toy or ball from childhood. When choosing a dog, pay attention to the appearance of the parents - your pet will look like them. If in doubt, look for another option. When purchasing, ask for all documents, including a veterinary passport with vaccination marks.

Observe the baby’s behavior; he should be playful, active, and not fearful. Check your hearing and vision - drop your keys nearby and wave your hand in front of him. Before you take home the little one you like, consult with a professional. Chesapeakes live for about 10 years. The most typical diseases are joint dysplasia, retinal atrophy, and skin diseases.

Types and standard

The appearance of the Flat-Coated Retriever gives the impression of a harmoniously built, powerful and playful dog. Flats are recognized as dogs of medium height that retain the abilities of gun dogs. They demonstrate positivity and optimism by their own behavior, expressing a friendly attitude by wagging their tail. They are friendly to people and confident in themselves.

Dog handlers working with retrievers believe that dogs exhibit a good lower sense - it is important that the sense is low, and that the dog is not distracted by other birds. Dogs use the strength to carry game from long distances

Flats have excellent eyesight to see where game is falling. Water, even cold, will not be an obstacle to pulling out a fallen bird; a dog enters the water in the cold season; the hunting season often occurs in autumn and winter. To get a fallen bird, nothing can stop the dog: neither thickets, nor icy water. Flat knows how to bring a live shot bird to the hunter without damaging it along the way.

Description of the Flat-Coated Retriever breed is characterized by the following standards:

  • country – Great Britain;
  • height – 56-59 cm for females, 59-62 cm for males;
  • weight – 25-36 kg (the difference between males and females is insignificant);
  • body – deep, moderately wide chest;
  • the head is elongated, solid. The forehead is not clearly expressed. In accepted standards, the opposite is considered a major disadvantage. The muzzle should not be excessively lowered or, conversely, upturned;
  • eyes are slightly slanted. It is unacceptable for representatives of the breed to have slightly bulging round eyes;
  • eye color – as a rule, brown, a light brown shade is allowed;
  • paws – straight, slender and strong, muscles are developed;
  • The coat is straight, medium length, soft. The coat of fur grows completely only in adulthood. The coat is thick and dense;
  • color – liver (liver color), black;
  • jaws – long, strong;
  • bite – scissor-shaped, the closed upper and lower incisors form a zigzag without a gap;
  • ears are of medium length, close to the head and cheeks;
  • tail – straight, short. The dog does not raise its tail above the level of its back;
  • life expectancy – 8-10 years;
  • group – 8.

General appearance – active dog, fit, medium-sized, intelligent. It does not give the impression of a massive, heavy dog; rather, on the contrary, it looks powerful, at the same time light and swift. Flat wool is soft and has a special shine; it shines and shimmers in the sun and indoors.

Any deviation from the standard is considered a deficiency. If a dog shows physical or behavioral non-compliance with the standard, the individual is disqualified and not allowed to breed.

Flat genes sometimes give birth to yellow-colored dogs that are noticeable at dog shows. The color does not affect the character and working qualities, but the dogs are not allowed to be used for breeding.

What is the difference between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador?

Both breeds are hunting, gun breeds, designed for searching and carrying killed or wounded game. That’s why both Labradors and Goldens are excellent swimmers, love to fetch fetch objects, and can bring a chicken egg in their teeth without crushing it. Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever? Many dog ​​lovers mistakenly consider the Golden Retriever to be a long-haired version of the Labrador. This is wrong. Labrador is an independent breed, with its own standard of appearance and character traits, but since Labrador blood was actively used in the creation of the Golden, the two have some similarities:

  1. Both breeds are very friendly to people and dogs, do not show aggression, and avoid conflicts.
  2. Both breeds have an excellent sense of smell, which, coupled with their lack of aggression, makes them excellent rescuers and search engines.

But Labrador and Golden have many more differences than similarities:

  1. Labradors are a very old breed of dog, the Golden is the result of crossing several breeds.
  2. Coat length and color are the main visible differences. The Golden has long, light-colored hair, while the Labrador is short-haired and can be either fawn, chocolate or black.
  3. The Labrador's tail is "otter-like" and is raised cheerfully above the level of the back. The Golden Retriever's tail is more similar to that of a setter, resembling a "feather".
  4. The behavior of dogs of these two breeds also differs. Goldens are calmer, aristocratic, and are excellent nannies even for small children. Labradors have a certain simplicity and tactlessness, and in a fit of emotion they can drop a child or knock a shopping bag out of the owner’s hands.
  5. Labradors are more spontaneous in behavior, they are immensely active, and crave action. The Golden Retriever is more inclined to think about an action; he will carry out the owner’s order, but in his own way, more rationally.


The Golden Retriever is a large, harmonious, powerful dog. Fully formed by the second year of life, males reach 56-61 cm at the withers and weigh 29-42 kg, females 51-56 cm and weigh 25-37 kg.

The head is wide, the skull is slightly domed, proportional to the body, without sharp features. The stop is clearly pronounced, but not sharp. When viewed in profile, the narrow muzzle gradually becomes wider and smoothly passes from the muzzle to the forehead. At the same time, the parietal zone is pronounced and wide.

A nose that is black or brownish-black, a nose that is pink or has a significant lack of pigment is highly undesirable. Scissor bite. The eyes are large, widely spaced and with a friendly expression. Dark eye color is preferred, their expression is always confident, friendly and intelligent. The ears are medium in size, their lower edge begins approximately at eye level, and they hang down along the cheeks.

The main feature of the breed is its coat, shiny and luxurious, shimmering in different shades of gold. Thick and water-repellent, the double coat protects the dog from environmental influences during the hunt.

The straight or slightly wavy coat of the outer shirt lies close to the body, hard and elastic to the touch. The wool of the undershirt does not allow water to pass through and prevents the dog from getting wet during the hunt.

There is a mane around the neck, a small plume on the back of the front legs and on the underside of the body, and a clearly visible plume on the front of the neck, the back of the thigh and the underside of the tail. The hair on the head, paw pads and front legs is quite short.

The color of the coat should resemble gold or shades of gold. The only exceptions are for plumes, which may be lighter than the main color, and older dogs, whose coat may lighten or darken with age. Dogs of any other color, with visible dark or light spots, are discarded.

Despite the fact that this is a purebred breed, it is widespread throughout the world and different regions have developed their own types. There are: American Golden Retriever, English and Canadian.

Animal character, education and training

These dogs have very high performance, amazing endurance, fearlessness, balance and amazing ingenuity. Such dogs are characterized by individualism. They are never the first to show aggression towards their brothers, but the Chesapeake will not allow themselves to be offended.

Representatives of this breed are active and cheerful. Such pets are very loyal to their owner. To realize all of these qualities, these animals require socialization and training.

From the first days of his appearance in the house, the four-legged household member must be made clear who exactly is the owner, otherwise he will pretend to be the leader.

In the process of training your pet, you need to show patience and endurance. It is strictly not recommended to yell or resort to coercion if something doesn’t work out for the furry student the first time - these dogs learn commands slowly. To prevent a pet with an innate hunting instinct from trying to chase smaller animals during walks, the dog must first be taught the “near” command.

Choice at the nursery

Before going to the nursery, look at the reviews about it, and independently study the information about the breed you are interested in.

Ask about the health of the puppy and its parents. There are various diseases that are inherited, and there are breed-specific predispositions to certain pathologies. Make sure that the dog is in good health, examine the ears, eyes, fur, and feel the belly. Ask about vaccinations and parasite prevention. A professional breeder will readily provide the necessary information, recommend a good veterinarian, and give a list of suitable dog care products.

Pay attention to the dog's behavior; he may show distrust, but there should be no aggression or fear. A healthy dog ​​shows interest in toys and actively plays with his brothers and sisters

It is recommended to pick up puppies after they are 8 weeks old; during this period they are not very dependent on their mother and are able to adapt to a new environment.

Ask the breeder to show the parent dogs; if he refuses, then there are probably some problems with their health or behavior. The parents of the baby dog ​​must be mentally balanced, without signs of physical illness. Character is inherited, if you don’t like the behavior of adults, then don’t rush to buy.

Kennels provide the buyer with accompanying documents:

  • contract of sale;
  • acceptance certificate;
  • veterinary passport;
  • metric.

Please submit for review:

  • organization registration document;
  • act of mating;
  • parents' pedigrees;
  • certificates, diplomas, exhibition photographs, etc.

The amount of documentation in dog breeding institutions varies.

Professional sellers willingly provide information without leading questions, are interested in the future fate of their charges, ask for a telephone number for contact, give recommendations on care, feeding, education, assist in planning exhibition events, breed matings, and provide possible discounts on services and dog accessories.

Disadvantages and breed deviations of Curly

To disqualify a curly-haired retriever - there are inconsistencies in which the dog does not participate in exhibitions and breeding. If the discrepancies are not significant and do not represent serious deviations, the dog can participate in exhibitions and breeding. Most often, the curly-haired retriever has minor differences from the standard, which allows him, even without a show career or breeding, to live a full and long life with his owner.

  1. Various mental disorders, non-typical manifestations of aggression or increased cowardice;
  2. High growth;
  3. Overweight or underweight;
  4. Short shoulder;
  5. Long loin;
  6. Tail crease;
  7. Jaw distortion;
  8. Lack of incisors;
  9. Malocclusion;
  10. Narrow hip;
  11. Sagging back and lower back;
  12. Long neck;
  13. Large ears;
  14. Crooked limbs, twisted elbows;
  15. Unacceptable colors (white spots, gray color);
  16. Different eyes, eyes of a foreign color.

Each deviation is considered separately, the decision on its absence in breeding is made based on the complexity of the deviation in the exterior or psyche of the animal.

Standard and description of the breed's appearance

The curly-haired Curly can be easily recognized by his coat, a beautifully built dog, with well-developed muscles throughout the body, strong bones. Elegant, stately and bright representatives, they look harmonious and well.

  • Height for a male dog at the withers: from 64 to 68 cm, weighing 30 – 38 kg;
  • Females height: from 58 to 65 cm; weighing from 28 to 34 kg.

Girls are not always smaller and lighter; females of the “male type” are often encountered. The discrepancy in weight, as well as in height, can vary by 2 cm in both directions.

Exterior of a Curly Coated Retriever

Proportionally folded, movements are free and fast. There are no obvious violations of proportions or highlighting of individual parts of the body structure. Smooth, not skewed body, strong bones.

Head and muzzle: wedge-shaped skull, slightly elongated, obligatory condition, compliance with proportions in relation to the body. The length of the muzzle and the skull itself are the same. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not pronounced, smooth. The nose is straight and ends with a medium-sized nose. The jaw is strong, there are a full set of teeth, the fangs are large, white, and there is a scissor bite. The lips fit tightly without forming sagging or sagging.

The eyes are medium in size, oval, slightly narrowed towards the outer edge. Brown color, various shades: from dark brown to light amber.

The ears are not high set, small, in the shape of a triangle. Abundantly covered with hair, mobile, cartilage of medium hardness, elastic.

  • Body and body: the back line is straight, does not sag, well-developed muscles, strong. The loin is without sagging, medium, wide and strong. The chest is medium size, quite deep. The abdomen is tucked, the skin is dense and elastic. The neck is wide, strong, with good muscles. The shoulder is straight, not long, even.
  • Limbs, paws and tail: straight, even, strong, parallel, elbows not turned out. The paws are round, gathered into a dense ball, with strong dark claws. The thigh is wide, strong, forming even angles. The tail is medium-set, at the level of the back, saber-shaped, long, abundantly covered with hair, reaching the joints.

Colors and coat of Curly

The coat is rich, shiny, glossy. Pleasant to the touch, medium hardness, forms small, dense curls. The undercoat is well defined. It has water-repellent properties, reliably retains heat, and protects against overheating in hot weather.

In the area of ​​the limbs, muzzle, and head it is shorter. Fits tightly to elastic skin throughout the entire body. The coat is short-haired, dense.

Acceptable colors according to the standard can be:

  1. Brown (rich);
  2. Black (deep).

What to feed your pet

In order for your dog to always feel great, it is not enough to know how to care for a straight-coated retriever; you will need to feed the animal correctly. The owner is given the choice of feeding dry food or natural products.

When deciding to feed your Flat-Coated Retriever dry food, keep in mind that it is advisable to buy “premium” food. Their composition is properly balanced and contains the necessary vitamins and minerals. All you have to do is make sure that there is always clean water in your pet’s bowl.

Nutrition based on natural products will require careful selection of the menu. The diet of a Flat-Coated Retriever must include meat. It is advisable to feed dogs natural food with added vitamins. A natural diet includes dairy products, organ meats, vegetables, grains and fruits.

When feeding Flat-Coated Retriever puppies with natural products, keep in mind that the diet of a growing dog is somewhat different.

  1. During the period of active growth, the young individual receives food rich in calories and calcium.
  2. In the first months of life, the puppy drinks a sufficient amount of milk.
  3. Porridge is cooked in milk and meat broth.
  4. Meat should be present in the diet every day: beef or veal, cut into small pieces.
  5. Be sure to include fish in the menu. It is permissible to alternate fish days with meat days. It is advisable to give sea fish. If you want to treat your pet to a river catch, be sure to boil it before putting it in the dog’s bowl, and carefully remove small bones.

Purpose of dogs

Today's purpose of flat dogs is as a companion dog. They can often be found at dog show competitions and agility venues. Dogs can serve as guides for the visually impaired and be excellent nannies for small children.

But, nevertheless, the flat-coated remains a hunting dog at heart, remembering its purpose at the first opportunity.

Today, the Flat-Coated Retriever breed is used as police and customs working dogs only in European countries. In England, the Flat is still considered the best gun dog and is used in hunting waterfowl.

In our country, straight-coated retrievers are often kept as domestic companion dogs, and are extremely rarely used in canistherapy.

Features of caring for Curly

Like many smooth-haired representatives, Curly is not burdensome in care; it is enough to carry out the procedures regularly and carefully. The coat is odorless, the undercoat is not noticeably expressed, shedding occurs, like other breeds, 2 times a year.

Coat: brushing several times a week. During the molting period, comb out every day, use special slicker brushes or brushes for combing out during the molting period.

Increased attention is paid to the groin and abdomen areas. Bathing: infrequently, only when necessary, use dog shampoos and conditioners. After swimming in open water, rinse with running water.

Daily: wash paws after going outside, wipe off dust from fur in summer. The fur between the toes on the paws can be removed by yourself, trimmed with simple scissors yourself. Specialized haircuts from make-up artists are not required. Eyes: remove excess discharge yourself using a gauze napkin, use dog care lotion, septic herbal decoctions or weak tea leaves. Monitor mucous membranes (cleanliness), the nature of discharge, color and smell. Ears: clean 2 times a month, it is necessary to remove excess wax and monitor the overall condition of the ears: color, smell, is there any itching, check for parasites. Teeth: give solid food, chew on moss, specialized “sugar seeds”, which are designed to improve digestion and cleanse plaque. You can clean it yourself with a brush and special dog powder. Nails: trimmed as they grow, trained from an early age, trimmed with a nail clipper. Also, claws can become sharpened on their own, with sufficient physical activity and frequent walks over long distances on a hard surface (asphalt). Parasites: seasonal wool treatment, dewormers, tick treatment. Veterinarian: visit the doctor once every six months or a year to examine the animal. Mandatory vaccination according to age and schedule.

The curly-coated retriever requires regular grooming and all hygienic care measures, as well as sufficient physical activity and a balanced diet.


Like many other retrievers, the Chessie makes an excellent family dog. He is cheerful, cheerful, affectionate and simply adores children, allowing them a lot. In addition, retrievers rarely show aggression towards people. Everything here is decided by training.

In general, the retriever makes a good nanny. He is ready to protect his charges from anyone, and his rather impressive size and powerful muscles impress even the most cocky. In addition, a trained dog is good at driving away perceived enemies without causing excessive physical harm, which is very valuable today.

But if you don’t train him to restrain his protective instinct, then the aggressor can suffer very seriously, and the owner will have to pay the price, so early socialization is very important for the Chessie.

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are very intelligent dogs. This is expressed in everything. In the way they play, in the way they eat, and even in the way they sleep (snoring can be heard from them very rarely, and then, most likely, due to illness). Coupled with the above traits, you can get not only an excellent hunting companion, but also an excellent family dog.

Caring for this hunting breed is not at all difficult. Chessies do not have long hair or a vulnerable immune system, and the level of aggressiveness in these dogs is very low. However, there are a few things that anyone interested in owning a retriever should be aware of.


The Chesapeake Bay Retriever breed is not an ornamental or anything else with a delicate stomach, so fairly rough and nutritious food is what they need. Meat, fish and bones are all mandatory components of the diet. They should be given to the dog at least 2-3 times a month (preferably more regularly). Porridge and vegetables are also very useful for them.

On the other hand, there are foods that are unacceptable for Chessies. First of all, these are various sweets and exotic delicacies that their stomach simply does not know what to do with. If you want to pamper your pet, it is better to be generous with rabbit or chicken meat, from which he will be truly delighted.


Walking is literally vital for this breed. Moreover, the level of physical activity should be maximum. If the dog is kept in an apartment (which is highly undesirable), then a walk with it should last at least an hour and a half. On a bicycle this time may be a little shorter.

If the owners have a house on land with a fairly large yard, then the situation becomes somewhat easier. Of course, the area will still be too small, but in order to diversify and increase the load for the dog, you can equip a kind of obstacle course on which the Chesapeake Bay Retriever will happily jump.


Socialization, training and hunting training are required for a breed such as the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Moreover, training should begin while it is still a small puppy. Training an adult dog is much more difficult.

In this case, it is better to turn to specialists for training. The reason is that with chessie you need to carefully balance between the “carrot” and “stick” methods. They need to feel a firm hand, but these are vulnerable dogs, and it is not very difficult to leave them psychological trauma for life. So the ideal option would be to turn to dog handlers for recommendations and specialist services.


The dense skin of the Chessie is one of its main advantages, which fully manifest themselves during the hunt. Due to the lack of long hair, regular bathing and haircuts are not required. Unless the dog gets very dirty, but that's another story. Sometimes you need to comb it, but also no more than once a week.

The only thing: the skin of the Chesapeake Bay has a highly developed undercoat. To maintain it in normal condition, periodic treatment with sebum or fat is required. This will improve the waterproofness of the wool.


In general, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever is in good health. It easily tolerates low temperatures and humidity (which is understandable, given its purpose). But this does not mean that Chessies are invulnerable to disease.

At least once a year, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian for examination to make sure that there are no yet unnoticeable diseases. The rest of the time, you need to periodically check his ears, teeth, claws and eyes, which are the most vulnerable parts of any dog’s body. If there are abnormalities, it is again better to take your pet to the veterinarian.

History of the breed

The island of Newfoundland - no geographical region has given the world so many beautiful dogs as this small rocky piece of land off the coast of Canada. The Flat-Coated Retriever comes from the same region of the United Kingdom. The final appearance and character of the dog was formed in England.

There is a known version that flats were obtained from crossing Irish water spaniels with dark-colored Irish setters and Gordons. The breed exhibits features of collies, small Newfoundlands and, of course, Labradors.

The first flat dogs had wavy hair; at the first dog shows, the dogs were called wavy-haired retrievers. In the middle and end of the 19th century, retrievers were considered popular dogs among hunters; the first dogs with an unusual wavy coat attracted the interest of breed lovers.

The first retrievers had a drawback - the dogs' fur did not have sufficient density and did not protect the dog from water. Serious selection work was required, the result was the difference that dog handlers sought. The result was a dog with straight, thick hair, which gave the breed a new name.

The Flat-Coated Retriever was the favorite breed of English hunters at the end of the 19th century. Later, the dogs lost leadership to Labradors and Golden Retrievers. Despite their excellent performance characteristics, the dogs could not resist fashionable trends and trends. The Flat-Coated Retriever is undeservedly forgotten; for some unknown reason, it is ignored by hunters.

From the first day of their formation, flat retrievers became the favorite dogs of English huntsmen; they are distinguished by their hard work and ability to quickly detect and present a trophy.


The retriever comes from the USA and is a descendant of the small Newfoundland. The legend about the origin of the dog says that there was a shipwreck near Maryland on Chesapeake Bay in 1807. There were dogs on board the ship. Miraculously, some crew members managed to escape and sail home. When they left, they left two dogs for the residents of Maryland - a young male named Sailor and a female Canton. Dogs began to be used in duck hunting because of their love of water and a passionate desire to catch game.

Dr. James Stewart began breeding dogs by crossing a donated male dog with fawn coonhound females. This is how the unique color of the Chesapeake turned out. Subsequently, matings were carried out with Irish spaniels and retrievers of other species. The breed finally took shape only in the 19th century.

In 1918, the first Chesapeake Club was chartered. Today in the USA, representatives of the breed are very popular, but in Russia they have not yet taken root and are valued only by avid hunters.

Brief characteristics of the curly-haired retriever breed

  • Other possible names for the dog: Curly, Curly Retriever, Curly Retriever, Curly Coated Retriever.
  • Height of an adult dog: males 68 cm; females 63 cm.
  • Weight: 30-35 kg.
  • Characteristic color: black, brownish-reddish.
  • Coat length: shorthair.
  • Life expectancy: up to 14 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: Curly fur does not cause allergies, does not require haircuts, these dogs have a calm character.
  • Difficulties of the breed: complexity of the breed: may be timid and try to hide in front of a large number of people, for example, at a show; They can be stubborn.
  • Average price: 600-800 dollars.

Origin story

Retrievers appeared in the canine arena at the beginning of the 19th century, much later than setters and spaniels. Curleys were one of the first representatives of this family, which today is represented by almost a dozen breeds. They were able to quickly win love and recognition. There is not much exact information about the origin. On one line, the breed goes back to small Newfoundlands or St. John's dogs, on the other, to Irish water spaniels. Probably, setters, poodles, Labradors, and spaniels also took part in the formation of the Curly.

The Curly-Coated Retriever was first shown at an exhibition in 1860. The first Curly Club was created in England in 1896. And the first standard was published already in 1913. In the post-war period, there were almost no curlies left, but the breed was preserved. It was recognized by the Federation Cynologique Internationale in 1954 under the name Curly-Coated Retriever. Today it remains rare and few in number.

Chesapeake Energy Corporation Company Profile

Industry Oil & Gas Operations




Equity Type


Chesapeake Energy Corporation is an exploration and production company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties to produce oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) from underground reservoirs. It operates in one segment: Exploration and Production, engaged in finding and producing oil, natural gas and NGL. It has a diverse resource base of onshore the United States unconventional natural gas and liquids assets. The Company has interests in approximately 13,500 oil and natural gas wells. It has positions in resource plays of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas, the stacked pay in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and the Anadarko Basin in northwestern Oklahoma. Its natural gas resource plays are the northern Appalachian Basin in Pennsylvania and the Haynesville/Bossier Shales in northwestern Louisiana.

Read More


  1. Kohl, Sam; Catherine Coldstein (1984). The All Breed Dog Grooming Guide
    . New York: Arco Publishing, Inc. p. 88. ISBN 0-668-05573-1.
  2. Geeson, Eileen; Vetter, Barbara; Whitmore, Lia (2004). Ultimate Dog Grooming
    . New York: Firefly Books. p. 158. ISBN 1-55297-873-7.
  3. Horn, Janet; Dr. Daniel Horn (1994). The New Complete Chesapeake Bay Retriever
    . New York: Howell Book House. pp. 179–181. ISBN 0-87605-099-2.
  4. Lamb Free, James (1949). Training Your Retriever
    . New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc. p. 38.
  5. Horn, Janet; Dr. Daniel Horn (1994). The New Complete Chesapeake Bay Retriever
    . New York: Howell Book House. pp. 55–63. ISBN 0-87605-099-2.
  6. LaFond E, Breur GJ, Austin CC (2002). "Breed susceptibility for developmental orthopedic diseases in dogs." Am Anim Hosp Assoc
  7. LJohnson G.S.; Turrentine MA; Kraus, K. H. (1988). "Canine von Willebrand's disease". Veterinary Clinics of North America
    : 195–223.
  8. Gelatt KN, Whitley RD, Lavach JD, Barrie KP, Williams LW (1979). "Cataracts in Chesapeake Bay Retrievers." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
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