Beagle dog - breed description, standard, character, photo, care and training

Experts distinguish two varieties of beagle: English beagle and American beagle, which differ from each other only in size. The Beagle Harrier of French origin stands apart. Although some breeders claim that there are also mini beagles. What beagles are of different sizes, whether small beagles exist, and also how many colors dogs of this breed have, you will learn from this article.

Description of the breed - history

The Beagle was the favorite dog of wealthy merchants and aristocrats who hunted game. However, its origins go back much further than the 18th and 19th centuries. Back in Ancient Greece, there were the first mentions of a “small breed” for hunting. A little later, inspired by the Greeks, the ancient Romans began breeding the breed. Gradually, the ancestors of modern beagles migrated from them to Great Britain.

By crossing with native dogs, it was possible to develop new breeds that inherited hunting characteristics. This is how we got:

  • harriers;
  • Otterhounds;
  • Foxhounds, etc.

Interesting! There is a beautiful legend associated with the Beagle breed. It says that these dogs were faithful companions of the Knights of the Round Table. They accompanied brave warriors who went in search of the Holy Grail.

During the reign of Edward II, the breed was so popular that even miniature beagles were bred. Their height did not exceed 25 cm, and their weight did not exceed 8 kg. Due to their size, they received the funny nickname “Glove Beagles” - they fit in a glove. Mini representatives of the breed were easily transported in clothing pockets, in baskets on the sides of horses, which could hold up to 10 pairs.

Back in 1895, the breed was officially registered and the breed standard was approved: medium type - up to 33 cm at the withers, large type - up to 40 cm. The dog show in Birmingham became the starting point for the spread of beagles around the world.


For a long time, the English Beagle was used only as a hound for hares and rabbits. An excellent sense of smell allows him to pick up even a barely noticeable trail and follow it for hours.

But today, Beagle hunting dogs are more than hounds. First and foremost, they are companions and family favorites. They are also used:

  • in the rescue and search service;
  • at customs - thanks to their keen sense of smell, beagles can easily detect drugs, explosives and other illegal items;
  • in dog sports - agility, frisbee, freestyle;
  • Canistherapy – treatment of children with developmental delays with the help of dogs;
  • psychological therapy.

Testing of drugs, cosmetics and household products is most often carried out on beagles.

Breed characteristics

The Beagle has its own distinctive characteristics of the breed. The appearance of the dog is difficult to confuse with other species. According to the established FCl standard, they have the following description:

  1. The head is elongated, a powerful skull with a small tubercle. The skin on the forehead does not wrinkle, without folds.
  2. Powerful jaw with straight white teeth. The grip is not strong. The jaw has a scissor bite.
  3. Beagles have long ears that reach level with the nose when extended. The shape resembles a triangle with rounded corners. They fit close to the cheeks and are soft to the touch.
  4. Large, shallow-set eyes, without protrusion. They have two colors: brown or nut.
  5. The compact body with a wide chest is supported by small paws arranged in parallel.
  6. The tail does not curl and has thick fur, especially the tip.

The beagle's coat is thick and short, without undercoat, and has a water-repellent effect. The color can be in three colors: black, red, white. Representatives with a two-color color are rarely found, and even more rarely are pure white or black beagles.

Mottled color

Both 2-color and 3-color beagles often have small black or tan spots on a white background, they can be located far or close to each other. The spots appear at 6-8 weeks of a puppy's life and gradually become denser. True speckled puppies acquire this color as early as four days of age, this can be determined by the pigmentation on the paw pads - they are not pink, like other beagles.

Speckled dogs rarely appear in the show ring. This coloring is inherent in working beagles, and they do not take it as a defect in the breed.


One of the Beagle's character traits is his cheerfulness, good nature and curiosity. Not a single corner of the house or yard will remain unexplored by him. The animal gets real pleasure from learning everything new.

The friendliness of the breed allows it to easily get along with all family members. They are not aggressive towards other dogs, play easily with cats, and love children of any age. A beagle will always be happy to bring a ball thrown to him or play catch with his owner.

The desire to dominate is absent in the character of the animal. Therefore, he is highly trainable and quickly follows commands.

On a note! Their love and friendly attitude towards all people who come into the house makes them poor home guards.

Energetic beagles require a lot of freedom and space. In apartment conditions, they will feel constrained, unless the owner leads an active lifestyle. Walking or jogging in the early morning, going out into nature with the family, playing outside - the pet will keep you company in everything.

The breed is distinguished by its endurance. They can be active and mobile for a long time, run dozens of kilometers and rest in just a few minutes.

Breed standard

After the adoption of the main characteristics of the Beagle standard in 1895, they remained virtually unchanged. In 1957, some additions were made, by which the breed is still evaluated today.

Breed standard:

  1. The height at the withers of an adult animal is from 33 to 40 cm (41 cm is considered defective).
  2. The average weight can be from 8 to 18 kg.
  3. Males must be larger than females.
  4. Color with the presence of three color shades.

A defect is considered if the dog has such deviations in appearance as:

  • small or bulging eyes, too sharp muzzle;
  • the presence of an acute occipital protuberance;
  • non-typical tail shape or length;
  • poorly developed muscles.

A dog is culled if it shows aggressiveness, timidity, or is afraid of loud noises or the sound of a gun shot.


Dog breeders distinguish several variations of beagle color. Basic combinations can be:

  • bicolor – the main colors are two: white and red;
  • tricolor - three colors (white, black and red), which alternate with each other in a wide variety of variations and sizes, the tip of the tail is always white;
  • brown tricolor - chocolate color is the result of a change in the gene responsible for black coloring. All shade variations are possible: from sandy, nutty to dark chocolate.
  • gray tricolor - a combination of red, white and gray shades. Gray is often called blue because of the shimmer in bright light that makes a beagle appear blue.

There are also several other color variations of the beagle - spotted, speckled and mottled.

On a note! Pure white beagles are quite rare in color.

Blue tricolor

There is also another version of the tricolor color, the so-called weakened tricolor. The color weakening gene is responsible for the appearance of a blue tint - it looks more like gray, and also lightens the red to a light brown tone. At birth, puppies are gray and white.

The beagle's eyes are light blue, almost yellow, and its nose is dark gray, slate. At a younger age, this is sometimes the only sign by which they are distinguished from representatives of the classic tricolor.


The Beagle breed includes several subspecies. Cynologists identify several varieties, which we will consider in more detail.

American Beagle

In 1870, several Beagles from Britain were sent to America. They received the humorous nickname "little hounds from the South." Attempts by local breeders to change the original appearance of the beagle led to the emergence of a new subspecies.

They were distinguished by the presence of a lighter, angular head and tall stature. They never decided to call them a breed standard, so as not to violate the established parameters.

On a note! Many years later, American beagles filled the entire territory of America, so they have more numbers than the European subspecies.

French beagle harrier

To produce the French Beagle Harrier, two breeds were crossed in the 19th century: the Beagle and the Harrier. The peculiarity and purpose of both is hunting. Therefore, the resulting subspecies turned out to be exclusively hounds.

The weight of an adult beagle harrier reaches up to 20 kg, and the height is from 38 cm to 48 cm, which is significantly more than the accepted standard.

English beagle

The English Beagle is native to Great Britain. This is a true representative of his breed, whom everyone else looks up to. They have a similar build to the French Beagle, but the eyes are dark, hazel or brown.

Interesting! The English beagle was kept at court by Elizabeth II, who took them with her to hunt forest game.

European beagle

The subspecies differs from its relatives in its relatively small height and weight. European beagles are not used as hounds, although their hunting skills have not been lost. These are companion dogs, active, cheerful family members.

Estonian beagle

The Estonian Hound is often confused with the Beagle. Both breeds are similar to each other, they are difficult to distinguish from each other in puppyhood, but they belong to different breeds. Unscrupulous breeders sell pets, passing off one species as another.

The differences between breeds are in appearance, temperament and character.

Estonian hound and beagle - comparison, table

CharacteristicsBeagleEstonian hound
HeightFrom 33 to 40 cmFrom 42 to 52 cm
WeightFrom 8 to 18 kgFrom 12 to 25 kg
LimbsStraight, located parallel to each other.Dry, stringy and bony
PawsRound, with short nails.Oval, large nails.
EarsLength of ears to tip of nose.The length reaches only to the middle of the muzzle.

Mini or dwarf beagle

There is no separate subspecies of the mini beagle as such. The desire to have a small pet makes people turn to breeders who offer dwarf beagles for sale. According to them, the dog will not grow more than 20-30 cm in height.

However, height below standard means that such a puppy was discarded. He will not be allowed to participate in further breeding or at exhibitions.

Remember! The beagle's dwarf growth indicates physical developmental abnormalities.

Irish Kerry

The breed was bred in the 16th century in Ireland for hunting hares. The dog reaches a height of 55 cm and a weight of 27 kg.

The typical color is saddleback, but spotted and tricolor are also available.

Kerrys tolerate physical activity very well, they are fast and agile. They have excellent hunting skills, but easily serve as pets.

How long do they live?

The lifespan of a beagle dog depends on external factors and living conditions. Under good conditions, the animal will delight its owner for 11-14 years.

To maximize the lifespan of a pet, the owner must monitor its health, properly care for it, carry out hygiene measures and strengthen its immune system. Proper nutrition, daily walks - all this will allow the beagle to remain cheerful for many years.

When buying a dog from breeders, ask how old his parents and grandparents are. Genetic predisposition to longevity plays an important role when choosing a puppy.

What influences development

The correct formation of young individuals is determined by the presence of permanent teeth that have grown by the seven-month period. There should be exactly 42 molars. With slow development of teeth with fragile enamel, the question arises about insufficient supply of vitamins D, A, and certain minerals (phosphorus, calcium). In some representatives, delayed maturation is associated with helminth damage.

Important! Stopping weight gain and health problems are caused by the owner himself. Attempts to feed sweets, baked goods, smoked, and fatty foods lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Good living conditions for dogs include standard room temperature, walks in the fresh air, and sufficient attention to the puppy’s needs. Instead of the above junk food, it is better to offer your pet a small piece of hard cheese, apples or carrots as treats.

Feeding table

Maintenance and care

The Beagle does not require increased attention from the owner in terms of care. The dog is clean by nature and takes care of its external condition. It is enough to follow simple care recommendations and follow them:

  1. The pet's fur needs to be combed 1-2 times a week. To do this, use a comb with teeth that rotate. Wipe the surface of the wool with a damp soft cloth after walking outside.
  2. Bathe your dog when dirty or no more than once every 2-3 months. The wool is covered with a protective “film” that is not advisable to wash off. For bathing, use hypoallergenic dog shampoo or mild soap.
  3. Wipe paws and lower body with a damp cloth after walking outside.

Important! Make sure that there are no drafts in the room after bathing, otherwise the beagle will catch a cold.

It is also important to monitor the condition of your pet's eyes, ears, claws and teeth:

  • buy liquid from a pet store to wipe off eye discharge;
  • Cleaning the ears from dust, plaque, and earwax should be done every week with special cotton swabs;
  • Train your pet to use a nail clipper and a nail file. This will not only protect your floor and furniture from scratches, but will replace the dog’s necessary procedure of grinding its claws down on the asphalt;
  • It is recommended to brush your pet’s teeth at least 1-2 times a week using a finger brush, toothbrush or bandage.

The duration of walks on the street should be more than one hour. It is natural for beagles to run several kilometers to feel good.

Is it worth having a beagle in an apartment?

The Beagle is a freedom-loving breed. Keeping her on a leash or in a cramped apartment is not at all recommended. Out of boredom, a dog begins to howl, whine after its owner, or bark loudly. This is unlikely to please your neighbors on the floor.

In a private home, a beagle can be kept in an enclosure or behind a fence. But a dog’s friendliness and playfulness often makes it a full-fledged member of the family.

Beagle clothes

Dogs raised in apartment conditions have a delicate surface on their paws. To prevent them from injuring their pads on icy asphalt sprinkled with salt in winter, it is recommended to wear boots or ankle socks for your pets.

From the cold during street walks, you can buy a special overall for dogs at the veterinary store.

What to feed

The nutrition of a puppy and an adult dog must be correct and balanced. From birth, the owner must immediately decide what to feed the beagle: dry food, canned food or natural products.

Ready-made food is more convenient for the owner, since there is no need to cook anything. This option is suitable for a busy person. Dry food must be premium with a nutritional value of at least 350 Kcal, or super-premium - 450 Kcal.

The recommended daily intake for each age is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. The food is diluted in a bowl for the animal with fresh milk or warm water. After 2 hours, the remaining food should be removed from the bowl and washed.

Once a week, dry food can be replaced with natural food. The menu should include products such as:

  • meat, sea fish, bones, calf tails;
  • any vegetables, fruits;
  • offal;
  • cottage cheese, eggs, cheese;
  • for wool: fish oil, cod liver, vegetable oil.

On a note! This dog breed is prone to obesity, so excess food will be deposited in fat folds. With minimal activity, the pet can turn into a small fat man with short legs.

Small puppies need to be fed five times a day. An adult dog needs two meals a day.

Prohibited foods for beagles:

  • dough containing yeast;
  • River fish;
  • raw meat and eggs;
  • onions, garlic, legumes, mushrooms;
  • tubular bones;
  • any sweets: chocolate, sugar, candy.

The dog should have constant access to clean water in a bowl.

How many times a day to feed a beagle - table:

Age, monthsNumber of timesTotal feed weight, grams
8 months and more 22% of the dog's weight.


The Beagle breed differs from others in its excellent strong immunity. A sign of good health and well-being is an active, lively beagle with an excellent appetite. Any deviation from this norm should alert the owner.

What diseases can a dog develop:

  1. Ear disease - otitis media. The drooping condition of the ears promotes the entry and active reproduction of various bacteria and fungi.
  2. Eye disease – conjunctivitis, glaucoma, cataracts, “cherry eye”.
  3. Diabetes, chronic hepatitis, excess weight gain, heart disease.
  4. Diseases of the spine and intervertebral discs, deformation of the limbs.
  5. Dermatitis, hair loss or congenital absence of hair.

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to have your dog regularly examined by a veterinarian.

Mating and birth

When the female reaches the age of 8-12 months, her first estrus occurs. However, during this period she was not yet physically mature enough to reproduce. Breeders recommend breeding a female beagle no earlier than after two years of age.

How long does beagle dogs come into heat? Answer: three weeks, twice a year. Every 6 months there is a mating period.

One to two months before the planned mating, the dog needs to do the following:

  • treatment of wool against skin parasites, fleas, lice;
  • prevention against helminths;
  • comprehensive vaccination against infections and viruses.

10-12 days after ovulation, the female willingly agrees to mating. The bitch is brought to the male because he feels more relaxed on his territory.

How many beagle puppies does a dog bear? Answer: it takes 57-60 days for puppies to fully develop, after which birth occurs.

Price range

On average, dogs with a pedigree and intended for exhibitions will cost breeders ranging from 500 to 1000 US dollars (30-60 thousand rubles).

Puppies of the middle category will cost 10–30 thousand rubles.


Beagles have a temperament that is suitable for successful training and is an intelligent breed. He is obedient, active, and quickly remembers commands. You need to start training from 3 months of age. Keep classes short and simple, otherwise the puppy will quickly lose interest.

The Beagle can be stubborn and cunning. The owner must show persistence, consistency and consistency. A leash is a tool with which a dog learns obedience. Pull it back slightly if your pet is carried away by a cat or birds passing along the street.

On a note! You can subjugate a puppy to your will and reward for obedience by giving him something tasty.

Training examples:

  1. Put your dog on a collar and leash and run a few laps around the stadium with him. Try to keep him running next to your feet all the time.
  2. Give your dog the task of jumping over low barriers.
  3. Teach the commands “give me your paw”, “come to me”, “no” and others.
  4. Throw a ball or toy, encouraging your dog to bring it to you.

Never scold a beagle for poorly executed commands or disobedience. The dog must learn to trust you and not be afraid. This is how friendly relations are established between the owner and the pet.

On the hunt

Beagles have well-developed hunting qualities. They have an excellent sense of smell, endurance, and persistence (if they pick up a scent, they are not distracted by extraneous factors or a person). At the same time, they show obedience to the owner and work with him on the same team. The hunter will not have to run around looking for his assistant in the forest; the dog will not leave his feet without permission.

What does the beagle hunt?

  • ducks, wood grouse, pheasants, black grouse;
  • hares, wild boars, foxes;
  • roe deer, deer.

This breed can be trained on any animal or bird.

How to choose a puppy

Buying a puppy from strangers is not recommended. To get a pet, contact a kennel that breeds and sells dogs. This is the only way you can be sure that your future family member was kept in the right conditions and underwent all veterinary and preventive procedures.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Age from 1.5 to two months. A puppy at this age can already eat on its own, and does not depend on the excessive care of its mother.
  2. A healthy puppy is active, shows curiosity, can run up to a person’s hands, and enjoys playing with its brothers and sisters.
  3. A puppy that hides or sits in a corner and whines is not a good choice.
  4. The puppy must meet the accepted standard indicators if you plan to get offspring from it in the future or want to participate in animal shows.

Find out who the puppy's father is. It is important that he is not closely related to the bitch. Observe the mother's behavior in the enclosure. Know that she passed on most of her habits and manners to her offspring.

On a note! If you want to acquire a true friend and comrade, then rely on your instinct. You will love your puppy at first sight.

The price of a puppy in a kennel varies depending on age (the younger, the more expensive), gender (females are more expensive), and the purebred of the breed. The minimum cost is 15-20 thousand rubles, the maximum is 40-60 thousand rubles.

When purchasing, the breeder must provide a package of documents:

  • certificate with the date of birth of the puppy;
  • pedigree indicating one or two generations;
  • veterinary passport of vaccinations and physical condition;
  • an act of examining the puppy for the presence or absence of standard indicators.

If the puppy’s pedigree is not important to you, then its cost may be significantly lower.

Pros and cons of the breed

When making a conclusion about the Beagle breed, you can emphasize all the advantages and highlight its disadvantages. For convenience, let's create a table.

Cheerful companionStubbornness
Easy to care and maintainLikes to eat a lot, gets fat
Good immunity and healthRequires constant activity and walking
Virtually no sheddingNot suitable for pensioners, disabled people
No dog smell, cleanHas a tendency to otitis media
Suitable for children and active peopleFriendly with strangers, bad guard

Owner reviews

Almost all owners point to the fact that beagles have a cheerful disposition, they are active and energetic. They are always indispensable participants in various outdoor games, with the obligatory participation of children.

Beagles simply adore children and are ready to run and jump with them all day long. Despite this, many owners still do not leave beagles in the care of their children, since in some situations they may not listen to children. This is especially true if the dog picks up some interesting trail. In this case, the children are unlikely to be able to stop the animal that has decided to untangle this trail. Still, beagles have a well-developed hunter's instinct, and they don't mind going in search of adventure on their own.

These dogs are unpretentious, both in care and in nutrition. As most owners note, they will eat everything that is considered more or less edible and never refuse the food that is offered to them. Those who are unfamiliar with this breed note that this dog does not look as serious as, for example, foxhounds or Russian piebald hounds, although when hunting they simply show miracles of their capabilities. Hunters who use these dogs for their main purpose note that beagles work very seriously and with interest. At the same time, the animals are quite hardy and strong, and also have a delicate sense of smell. In addition, beagles cope well with their duties, working both individually and in a pack. If beagles are trained to work with poultry, they become indispensable gun dogs.

As a rule, most owners are happy with having this dog, although they point out the fact that this breed is not ideal in terms of obedience. To avoid incidents of disobedience, it is enough to start training and raising the animal in a timely manner. This is the only way to ensure that the dog follows all the commands of its owner.

Beagles are naturally kind, affectionate and playful dogs that form strong bonds with their owners. They easily become family dogs because they are great with children. Despite this, beagles still cope well with their duties as hunters today, since they have not lost their skills. Those who want to have this breed of dog at home as a pet should remember this, since without education and training a naughty dog ​​can grow up that will try to hunt all living things. The breed is smart and understanding, so it works well independently and in a pack environment against any animal. If a dog is taught to fetch game, then we can safely say that this is a universal breed of dog for hunting. Nowadays, beagles can easily be seen at exhibitions, which indicates the high popularity of these cute creatures with a charming appearance.

Similar breeds

There are several breeds in the world that are very similar in appearance to the beagle. They can be crossed with each other if you do not plan to perform at exhibitions.

What breeds are similar to beagles:

  1. Basset. Unlike beagles, they are difficult to train, as they are capricious and willful. They may refuse to follow the owner's command. If he is lonely, then furniture, sofas, things will be used. Barks loudly and loudly.
  2. Jack Russell. He treats strangers kindly, he is the life of the party, he loves children. He suffers greatly from loneliness; a nervous breakdown may occur from lack of attention.
  3. Basenji. Requires a lot of attention to himself and does not tolerate loneliness. Doesn't allow himself to be treated like a toy, shows character. May disobey orders.

The Beagle is an ideal breed for families with children. They will be happy to spend time with them, play, and will never bite. Caring for a dog is simple and does not require special conditions. If you follow all the recommendations and eat properly, your beagle will become a true member of the family for many years.

Cheerful stubborn man

The Beagle's character can be described in one word - restless. The dog is interested in everything, he sticks his curious nose in everywhere and participates in all matters.

Beagle puppies are especially active. You can’t take your eyes off them: it may seem that the kids are gnawing on the bones, but no, they are already eating up pieces of linoleum.

Even an adult or elderly dog ​​does not lose activity and passion for exploration. This is not a calm and reasonable setter. From the first to the last days of life, beagles remain puppies - playful and inquisitive.

Most of all, the English Beagle loves company: people or dogs - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to have someone to talk to and play with. The pet's character is open and good-natured. He is equally happy with the owners, guests and passers-by. Caution is needed: a stranger can lead the dog away by tempting him with a toy or treat.

The dog is good-natured and not vindictive. It is extremely rare for a pet to bite – due to a threat or lack of upbringing. He enjoys playing with children, participating in their games and pranks. So a beagle and a child are a great combination.

The dog’s character can be considered golden, if not for one “but”. The breed is wayward. Like all hounds, the beagle tends to make its own decisions and ignore human orders.

Another disadvantage of the breed is its tendency to wander. Having smelled an interesting smell, the pet will follow it to the ends of the earth. The animal is not let off the leash until the “Come to me” command is executed perfectly. However, this also does not always help. That's why missing ads with photos of beagles are so common.

An unpleasant character trait is that beagles cannot stand being alone. A puppy or an adult dog, left alone with himself, howls and whines and destroys the apartment. There are three ways out of this situation: do not leave your pet alone, exhaust it outside before leaving, or get a second dog.

The English Beagle is a lover of barking. It is the rolling velvety tenor with tints that hunters appreciate. But the line is a problem in the city. The neighbors are clearly not going to be happy with the almost 24-hour barking.

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