Mixed-breed puppies who took only the best from their parents

Mixed breed dogs: what are they?

One thing can be said for sure about mestizos - they are all different.
Character is very difficult to predict. The baby inherits some traits from his mother, some from his father, this is understandable, but exactly how their combination will manifest itself in the future is unknown. Crosses with dwarf breeds are often cowardly and nervous, or, on the contrary, cocky and aggressive, and mixed breeds of guard and watchdogs can be very difficult to train, poorly controlled or too stubborn. When buying a mixed breed, it is important to know who both of its parents are, and the puppy will be followed for some time observe

Most mixed breeds turn out to be very smart and intelligent dogs that are easy to train. For example, in the USA and Canada, it is often mixed breeds who become stars of agility and dog freestyle.

The fact that mestizos have very good health and good immunity is, of course, not an axiom, but, as a rule, this is true. Thanks to the mixing of genes, they do not carry with them hereditary diseases characteristic of the breed of their parents. Of course, this does not mean that the dog will not get sick. A mestizo, like any other living creature, needs to be looked after, fed properly and not to forget about disease prevention.

How to choose a good mixed breed puppy

If everything is more or less clear with color and coat, then with size things are more complicated. It is impossible to determine exactly what kind of dog a dog will grow up to be if the parents are unknown or are very different in size, like an elephant and a pug. Most formulas that are suitable for certain breeds of puppies do not work here. Only experienced dog breeders can determine the approximate size of an adult dog by assessing the weight, height and girth of the baby’s paws. If the parents are known, and even of similar dimensions, there is nothing to guess here, as they say, an apple from an apple tree.

Fortunately for those who are planning to adopt a mixed breed, a science called animal psychology has developed. Today, many tests have been developed for puppies that help determine inclinations, talents and dominant character traits. It is enough to select about 5-10 tests for the desired characteristics to find out whether a puppy is suitable specifically for your family or not. Of course, there are no guarantees or 100% results; much will also depend on the further education of the dog.

Choosing a good mixed breed is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is not to act under the influence of only emotions.

Central Asian Shepherd mix

Comparison of mixed breeds with purebred dogs

When observing this category of dogs, it was noticed that there is a pattern: the shortcomings of one of the widows are compensated by the advantages of the other. Metis, a non-purebred breed, has positive characteristics and negative points.

Undeniable advantages

The price of a small half-breed is low, and they are often given away for free. Owners are usually concerned about the health of such a pet. These puppies are distinguished by high physical and mental indicators at birth. Although this does not mean that a tailed friend does not need quality care and a balanced diet.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Half-breeds are easy to train. Also, the little mestizo is sensitive to the attitude of the family owners. For affection, care, quality food, toys, he pays with love and devotion no less than a purebred animal.


When purchasing a small mestizo, the future owner is likely to encounter problems. The most significant is the inability to predict the size of an adult dog. To roughly estimate how your pet will grow up, it is advisable to consider the breeds of its parents. If you observe a puppy's paws, you can determine approximately what size the pet will reach as an adult.

It is difficult to predict the character of a half-breed. Metis has simple, understandable habits, which is what most breeders love. It is difficult to cope only with half-breeds of formidable sporting breeds, but skillful training makes this animal obedient. When breeding purebred dogs, they are faced with the need to eradicate pet aggression. Among half-breeds, ill will is rare, but due effort is required when raising a dog of this species.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You should be careful if toy terriers appear in the house. They are characterized by aggression towards children. This situation is explained by the fact that representatives of the breed are jealous of the owner of the small members of the family, wanting to be the center of attention.

Types of crossbreeds

With a German Shepherd

Labrador and German Shepherd mixes, inheriting the best traits of their parents, are distinguished by a friendly and playful disposition, but at the same time they make very good guards.

The Labronemese sensitively guards a house or apartment, but is not characterized by increased aggressiveness or excessive vigilance.

Outwardly, such a dog may look like one of its parents, but its appearance will certainly contain exterior features of another breed. Typically, they have floppy ears, medium-length fur, and a saber-shaped tail.

With an East European Shepherd

They are similar to the previous type of mestizos, except that crosses of Labradors and “Easterns” are distinguished by their taller height and powerful physique.

Such mestizos are loyal, quite obedient and at the same time sociable. At the same time, they take their work seriously and are calmer.

With a Caucasian Shepherd

Such mixed breeds of Labrador and Caucasian, as a rule, look very large and powerful.

Their fur is quite long and thick, protecting them well from the cold.

These dogs have drooping ears, but can also be cropped. The color varies, and there may be white markings or a dark mask on the face.

It should be remembered that a crossbreed between a Labrador and a Caucasian Shepherd may have a difficult character: such a dog sometimes grows up willful, stubborn, overly distrustful of strangers and even malicious.

In order to avoid problems associated with negative character traits, a Labrador and Caucasian Shepherd dog mix needs early socialization and proper education and training.

At the same time, if you pay attention to such a pet and train it correctly, it can grow into an intelligent, moderately vigilant and brave dog.

Review of the most famous and interesting mestizos

Among the variety of mixed-breed dogs, there are several species that you can pay attention to when purchasing.

Dachshund and Chinese Crested (Crestoxy)

Crestoxy can be called one of the most exotic breeds. However, it cannot be called popular. Representatives of this breed also have an extremely large number of diseases.

German Shepherd + Chow Chow = Chow Chow

Chow chows are popular due to their attractive appearance. This is a very interesting mixed breed: a dog of this species looks like a cute bear. They are not very large in size and are suitable for home security. They are distinguished by their loyalty.

Labrador Retriever + Siberian Husky

The most memorable features of this representative are their incredibly beautiful eyes. It is the multi-colored irises and the structure of the face, coupled with the golden hue, that attract the attention of connoisseurs.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke + Dalmatian

It is not recommended to give birth to this type of mestizos, since the appearance may not be entirely harmonious. Dalmatian Corgis are distinguished by their extreme activity and sociability.

Note! The pet can be very active and love to move around. These are Pembroke genes.

Gobirien (Golden Retriever and Siberian Husky)

Very friendly individuals, most often having a golden hue to their fur. The pet will turn out to be harmonious and with an easy-going character.

Yorkshire Terrier + English Bulldog

Extremely popular due to its origin. Character in most cases is defined as very persistent and loyal.

Labrador - black Labrador and Great Dane

Thanks to its genes, it is considered an excellent dog suitable for guarding a private home. Despite the external seriousness, complaisance is also observed in individuals.

Pitsky - pit bull and husky

An unusual combination of blue eyes from a husky and a large face inherited from a pit bull. But absolute loyalty to the owner is captivating.

Sharpasset (basset hound and shar pei)

Metis is suitable for those who value consistency and calmness in pets. The look of this individual is kind and faithful.

English bulldog and shar pei

Of course, the protective abilities of a bulldog and the calmness of the face of a sharpei will appeal to some dog breeders. Suitable for lovers of small dogs.

Akita Inu + German Shepherd

After acquiring this dog, the geography of which is extremely vast, it is important to initially note its superiority, otherwise the pet will consider itself to be in charge.

Metis will turn out very beautiful and large

Descendant of Husky and Corgi

Their easy-going disposition and extremely curious appearance attract future owners. Horgas are small in stature and of medium build.

Cheagle (Chihuahua and Beagle)

The owner will be attracted by the intelligence and sweet look of the pet. The Cheagle is best suited for those looking for miniature dogs.

Golden Retriever + Dachshund = Golden Dachshund

The shade of the coat and miniature size attract the attention of female owners to a greater extent. A true representative of mixed breed small dogs.

Shih Tzu + Poodle = Thorn

A smaller version of the poodle, which will attract many future owners. The pet will be an excellent companion, an intelligent friend to lonely or elderly people.

Chocolate Labrador and Pitbull

There is a high probability that the dominant nature of the pit bull will prevail. But sometimes it also happens that the pet will be friendly and flexible.

Bullmatian (Bulldog and Dalmatian)

Representatives of this mixture are distinguished by their increased love for human attention. They quickly establish contact with both humans and other dogs.

Wesley - Corgi and Beagle

The main positive quality that distinguishes the variety is protection and fidelity. In addition, the crossbreed will have a balanced character and try to avoid conflicts.

The pet will have a small build

Husky + Labrador Retriever

The appearance of a mestizo turns out to be very attractive, and expressive eyes become a calling card. The pet turns out to be obedient and flexible.

Chowski (chow-chow and husky)

Dogs turn out to be extremely faithful and devoted, moreover, attractive.

Important! Most often, pets are small in size. The eyes of the Chauska deserve special attention.

American Cocker Spaniel + Shar Pei

A crossbreed between a southern ancestor from America and a spaniel looks harmless and cute. He is not suitable for the security service, but he can become a good comrade.

Alaskan Malamute + Husky = Alaskan Husky

The puppy looks not only noble, but also very respectable. They are bred specifically for it to protect the house, since its impressive size will scare away scammers and thieves.

Yorkshire Terrier + Poodle

A decorative dog that will appeal to female representatives. The coat is curly, the shades vary from golden to grayish.

German Shepherd + Siberian Husky

The strong-willed nature of the ancestors becomes the reason for the birth of a serious puppy and a good guard. Often the pet also inherits expressive eyes.

Poodle + Corgi = Corgipoo

This mixed breed is a mix of a poodle and a corgi. It becomes an excellent example of the mixing of blood of elite and beautiful breeds. The puppy will be curly-haired and small in size, like a corgi.

Labrador + poodle = labradoodle

The variety has become very popular due to its unusual name. That is why puppies began to be actively purchased.

German + Shar Pei

In terms of body structure, this mestizo is similar to a Shar Pei, while the color is more like a shepherd dog. The pet can be both calm and active in the German.

Metis and mongrel: main differences

Some are beginning to wonder why there are two different names for seemingly two identical types of dogs - mutts and mixed breeds. Both are born due to the mixing of blood of different breeds, but there are differences.

Among the important characteristics that help to distinguish whether a mongrel dog is a mixed breed or not, the following can be highlighted:

  • a crossbreed is special in that the ancestors can be traced and identified, they are representatives of specific breeds, with certain characteristics;
  • mongrels are obtained due to the mixing of different breeds, and in a chaotic order (the pedigree is impossible to trace).

Additional Information! If a mongrel is crossed with a purebred individual, for example with a husky, then the puppy, by definition, can be called a mestizo. From now on, the history of the clan can be traced, albeit partially. The price category for mestizos is often significantly lower than for purebred individuals

How to choose a good mixed breed puppy

Choosing a pet is an important and responsible procedure.
To choose a suitable dog that was born due to a mixture of blood, it is important to understand for what purpose it is needed. If for official use, you should opt for larger breeds. If the main need is to have a beautiful and cute dog, then cuter and smaller representatives will do.

Now the reader knows for sure that such a “mixed breed” breed does not exist. This term refers to dogs that are the result of crossing different purebred dogs. And it doesn’t matter whether this happened by accident or at the request of the owners. Mixed breed dogs (“matiz” is incorrect to say) inherit the characteristics of different parents, sometimes they turn out to be successful, cheerful and smart, and often suffer from various hereditary defects.

Why do people choose mixed breeds as pets?

There are several main reasons why dog ​​lovers buy mixed-bred huskies:

  1. Breed mixes are cheaper. This is where a person’s inherent desire to save money on buying a puppy comes into play.
  2. It is a misconception that half-breeds are easier to care for, while purebred dogs are difficult to maintain.
  3. The belief that the husky mix is ​​more fully consistent with the tasks assigned to a pet (protection, assistance in hunting).
  4. The desire to have an exotic (not like everyone else) pet. As a result of mixed crossings, puppies with an original exterior are obtained.
  5. Mixed-breed puppies are less sensitive to genetic pathologies that are inherent in their purebred parents. Mixed offspring are considered healthier.

Metis and crossbreeds: how to distinguish a purebred breed

When crossing a Toy Terrier with a Dachshund or Chihuahua, you can get different crosses of terrier breeds or mixed breeds. You can determine whether a dog is purebred by the following parameters:

Weight and size. The weight of an adult terrier is no more than 2.8 kg. He is approximately 25 cm in height. Taking into account the fact that the small stature inherent in these breeds, the dog should not look tired or lethargic and emaciated. When a toy terrier is healthy, it should be muscular, well-fed, with strong legs.


If you want to distinguish between a long-haired and a smooth-haired terrier, pay attention to the hair on the ears, which should be long and hanging. If you haven't seen such descriptions, you can be sure that this is just a crossbreed.


To recognize if it is a crossbreed, you need to know that in natural Toy Terriers it is red, all black, or with hints of red in color.

Tail. The tails of representatives of this breed range from 2 to 5 centimeters in length (docked) and about 10 centimeters (undocked).

Head. A long, thin, maybe even curved neck is a sign of a pure breed. For this reason, their head appears to be somewhat smaller than it actually is. The normal size of the muzzle is when it is the same size as the skull or a little longer. The ears should be thin and pointed. If this is not the case, any other shape may tell you that it is a crossbreed (for example, when the ears stick out).

Mixed chihuahua and dachshund

Another popular hybrid is the Chiweenie. This is a friendly pet that does not require complex care or serious physical activity. Get ready that the baby will love to bark, but this is by no means a sign of aggression. The mixed breed will get along with children, cats, other dogs and small pets. However, the center of his Universe will always be his adored owner, to whom the Chiweenie will give all his love and tenderness.

These are very obedient and easy to train dogs, which even a novice owner will be able to train. In order for your Chiweenie to grow up loving, playful and calm, be sure to take care of his timely socialization.

Photo of a cross between a dachshund and a chihuahua:

Video “Who is better - a mongrel or a purebred dog”

In the video, a training specialist talks about the peculiarities of raising mixed-breed and purebred dogs.

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Strangers, children and other pets in the house cause them discomfort and dissatisfaction. Intensive early socialization will correct the situation. When meeting family members and pets, Pomchis need the support of their owner. The puppy needs to be calmed, stroked or even picked up. It is preferable for the pet to gradually get used to its surroundings.

If the puppy is left alone for a long time, you can take a second dog, but the gender and breed must match. Pomchi, who grew up alone, strives to dominate those who are smaller and weaker and tries to get rid of competitors. Therefore, it is advisable not to take new pets when the dog is already an adult, as this can cause jealousy and worsening behavior.

Health and susceptibility to disease

Teeth are the Achilles heel of all decorators, so you should regularly check with your veterinarian for stone formation. Timely removal of tartar is the key to ensuring that your pet does not lose teeth at a young age.

You should also pay attention to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Chihuahuas and Spitz dogs are susceptible to heart disease, which is directly related to respiratory pathologies.

Chihuahuas and Spitz dogs are susceptible to heart disease, which is directly related to respiratory pathologies.

Pomchi dogs are also prone to cryptorchidism (males). Such individuals are subject to mandatory sterilization and are not suitable for breeding.

The breed has adopted the weather dependence of the Chihuahua, so it may not feel well when the weather changes. This should be taken into account if suddenly the dog was playing the day before, but today he constantly sleeps and refuses food.


Mestizos are not picky about food, they do not need special food, but homemade dishes with excess fat and spices will not bring any benefit. Chicken bones can hurt any dog's mouth. It is better for them to cook porridge with the addition of vegetables, meat and fish products. When creating a diet for your pet, you should take into account its age and weight, as well as physical activity. For active healthy growth of a puppy, its diet should consist of 30–40 percent protein, the presence of carbohydrates will provide energy.

The menu may include special food for dogs, they are completely balanced. But if the dog eats natural food, it is enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Run dogs: who are they, where did they come from?

Now no one knows for certain whether the fruit of love between the Chiwa and the Pomeranian is accidental, or whether these are deliberate experiments of breeders.
However, the fact remains that in 1998 the Pomchi was officially recognized as an independent breed. Metis belongs to the group of decorative dogs whose main function is to be a companion dog.

The popularity of decorative dogs is due to the fact that the animal has a compact size, which allows it to be kept even in small apartments, while having all the advantages of its larger relatives:

  • friendliness and loyalty;
  • people-oriented;
  • protective functions;
  • attractive appearance;
  • good health.

Founders of the breed

There is an expert opinion that breeders added pug blood to the blood of the European line of short-haired Chihuahuas during the restoration of the breed.

Hence the difference in appearance between Chihuahua dogs and their overseas counterparts. European Chihuahuas are more snub-nosed than Latin American Chihuahueños and have a slightly shorter body.

Considering the fact that all breeds have been established for quite a long time, and some are even among the oldest, it should be noted that the Pomchi has good genetics, good health and an extreme degree of human focus.

Options for purebred Chihuahua crosses

Despite their shortcomings, mestizos can take on the best traits of their parents.

The most popular partners for mating with a Chihuahua are:

Mixed breed with Spitz

The result of such a union was called pomchi.

The miniature dog has:

  • rounded ears;
  • wedge-shaped head with an elongated but not pointed muzzle;
  • large, but not bulging eyes with irises of dark shades;
  • muscular and compact body, not exceeding 20 cm in length and weighing no more than 4 kg;
  • a small tail curled into a ball;
  • 2 coat options: short, without undercoat, and long, with thick undercoat.

Mixed chihuahua and spitz

Among the characteristic features of pomcha are:

  1. Devotion. Loyalty is kept only to one owner. The animal experiences cooler feelings towards the rest.
  2. Playfulness. The pet will gladly support any activity. In games, the dog prefers to interact only with a person (preferably an adult). The pet will not get along with other pets, and small children can injure her.
  3. Distrust of strangers. When meeting for the first time, it is better not to irritate the dog. Wait for her to take the initiative.
  4. Mind. The Pomchi is easy to train and has excellent obedience.
  5. Loud voice. The loud barking came from the Pomeranian. This unpleasant feature can be easily corrected with training.
  6. Militant disposition. Do not let your pet off the leash while walking. The little animal will definitely get into a fight.

Yorkie mix

Breeders call these puppies Chorkies, noting that most of them were taken from Yorkies.

The resulting crossbreeds have:

  • small and slightly raised head;
  • small body weighing 2-4kg;
  • long and straight coat with golden or black colors.

A small amount of hair is observed only on the ears, tail and paws.

The dog does not like children's pranks and can stand up for itself, so a child who is playing may get hurt.

Mixed Chihuahua and Yorkie

Affection. The pet is sensitive to the owner's attention, so it cannot stand loneliness and can be jealous. Try to take your dog with you to avoid mental disorders. Cocky behavior. The small animal does not conduct a comparative analysis with its opponents, so it provokes a larger opponent without fear

IMPORTANT! The pet is not willing to be trained, so it will not be possible to wean it from its addiction. Try to minimize the risks and do not let him off the leash.

With Pekingese

Unlike Chorks, these representatives, called Pekachi, carry characteristic features from both parents:

  • miniature dimensions, rounded head and large wide ears, inherited from the Chihuahua;
  • thick undercoat and dense guard hairs inherited from the Pekingese.

Mixed Pekingese and Chihuahua
The character of the Pekachi is made up of training and care shown by the owner:

  • if neglected, dogs grow aggressive and loud, bully other animals and annoy neighbors with their loud barking;
  • with the right approach, the pet shows friendliness and affection, responds to commands and does not look for problems for itself and its owner.

With that terrier

The color and length of their coat depends on the parents. The coat can be either long or short, and among the colors black and tan are more common.

Like the other crossbred options discussed above, these puppies are:

  • not suitable for children;
  • afraid of loneliness;
  • jealous.

This is determined by upbringing and environment, so it is impossible to predict them in advance.

Mixed chihuahua and toy terrier

Undeniable advantages

The main advantages of Matiz dogs (as mestizos are sometimes jokingly called) include their amazing appearance - no one else on the dog playground will definitely have such a pet. Often one animal combines the best qualities of both parents. Some representatives of mestizos have good health, immunity, and ease of care.

Note! The opposite situation also happens: some mestizos inherit genetic diseases from both parents and are very weak.

These are unusual dogs, with a bright appearance, a specific character, ready to become true friends for many years. Funny crossbred dogs are a great option for those who want to become the owner of an original pet.

Corgi and chihuahua

Even smaller mestizos from already small parents. The dog can have long or short hair with a pleasant smoothness. The legs will be from a corgi, and far from the timid character from a Mexican parent. They are very selective in their tastes, and many problems can arise with food, since the dog will refuse a lot. These are very brave mestizos, often rushing into battle without good reason.

Nowadays it has become much more popular to own a mixture dog rather than a pure breed dog. It is considered fashionable and exotic

However, remember that corgis are not simple crossbreeds, their parents are terriers of all possible types, and it is not recommended to crossbreed with a husky and a shepherd unless you are prepared to pay particularly close attention to the health of the resulting puppies. They often get sick and have various medical “moments” that can never be ignored if you want to have a healthy pet.

You cannot mix corgis with terriers, and you should not buy such dogs. So the mestizos are not improving as a breed, but seem to be going backwards in a very unhealthy way (remember who the corgi’s parents are).

Always buy your future friend from real, experienced breeders, be sure to ask for documents, find out everything about the puppy’s parents

It doesn’t matter whether the parent is a purebred or a mongrel, it is important for you to know everything about what kind of mixed breed you have in order to provide him with proper care and nutrition. Whichever cross you prefer, you will gain a faithful friend who will make your life more significant and brighter

Labrador Husky

The first thing to say is that a Labrador Husky cannot be confused with a Siberian Retriever.

An adult Labrador Husky, without an owner and a collar on the street, can cause some to panic: in front of you is a wolf, often white or light in color, just like Akella from the fairy tale “Mowgli”.

And in fact, the Labrador Husky resembles a wolf much more than the Siberian Huskies themselves.

And in your relationship with him you need to be very careful: like any wolf, these huskies have the temperament of a leader, a boss.

For example, the lack of food in a dog’s bowl will be accompanied by a rather angry, dissatisfied growl.

From childhood, you must raise your puppy competently, demonstrating who is boss in the house. Then your mixed breed will grow up to be a good-natured dog and will not differ in character from cheerful huskies.

The wolf needs long walks and games, but what is important: on the street, do not let him run ahead of you - a formidable leader may awaken in him


There are hundreds of dog breeds on the planet. If you mix them together, you get thousands of types of mestizos. But there are not so many designer hybrids. Breeders try to prevent accidental matings. A hybrid created by a professional carries the improved qualities of its parents, sometimes resulting in interesting and strange species. Let's look at the descriptions of the most popular mestizos.

  • Labradoodle. A cross between a Labrador and a poodle became the first hybrid, the so-called designer breed, which was bred in 1988 specifically to improve working qualities. The Australian Guide Dog Society received an order from a blind woman whose husband suffered from a wool allergy. We needed a guide with hypoallergenic properties. Poodles have this kind of coat; they began to be crossed with Labrador retrievers, dogs with excellent guide qualities.

The result was a loyal, friendly mixed breed with hypoallergenic fur, endowed with high intelligence.

  • German Shar Pei. Outwardly, he looks like a Shar Pei, only large and with the color of a German Shepherd. The elongated muzzle may have folds, and the ears are erect. He took the best from his parents - intelligence, devotion, love for his family. A pet may be overly independent and not too trusting of strangers.
  • Basset drink. This mixed breed is a descendant of the Shar Pei and the Basset Hound. This is a very cute little animal with folded skin like a Shar Pei, small ears and beautiful eyes. Pets with character, a little willful, independent and smart. They have a keen charm and are wary of strangers.

  • Pomsky . The union of a Pomeranian and a Husky is called a Pomsky. The dogs turn out to be cute, with rich fur and beautiful colors. They are small in size and good for keeping in an apartment, provided they have sufficient walking. This is a cheerful dog who loves children and active games. He is smart and completely non-aggressive.

Because of the ease with which Pomskies are trained, they are often used for film productions. The cost of such a dog may exceed the price of its purebred parents.

  • Horgi. A very pretty mestizo. His parents were dogs of the Husky and Corgi breeds. The dog has a small stature, a balanced physique, a beautiful coat color and a peculiar blue iris. A savvy, inquisitive dog, playful and friendly. If he has nothing to do, he can make tunnels and cause a commotion in the house.

  • Siberian Retriever. We are talking about a cross between a golden Labrador retriever (golden) and a Siberian husky. With an equal set of genes from both parents, the puppy has a double fur color - chocolate with the addition of white. If the genes are folded differently, the coat color repeats the color of one of the parents. Mestizos have sky blue eyes. Dogs are excellent swimmers and unsurpassed hunters. They are smart, restless, one might say, too energetic. They need long walks with physical activity.

  • Labski. The parents of this mestizo are also Labrador and Husky. The dog's appearance is very impressive, since the Siberian genes prevail in the exterior, it looks like a wolf. Without good upbringing from puppyhood, it will be difficult to cope with a dog; he is savvy and has his own mind, wayward, with the pretensions of a leader. From childhood he will have to explain who is boss in the house.

During walking, the dog is prohibited from walking in front of the owner, and the manifestation of self-will is monitored. This kind of crossbreed is not for beginners.

  • Utonagan or Northern Inuit. Different breeds took part in the creation of this hybrid: German Shepherd, Malamute, Husky and others. The hybrid looks like a white wolf. He is handsome, hardy, very strong, and has Siberian health. Hereditary diseases have not been identified at all; he can live more than fifteen years.

  • Shepski. This is a Shepherd and Husky mix. Metis has good protective qualities, but does not know a sense of proportion. If it feels the slightest threat, it may attack. Shepski should not be left alone with children or guests. They are housed in enclosures; even cold winters will be comfortable for them. But dogs need a daily walk.

Mixed breeds are best kept by dog ​​handlers or experienced dog breeders.

  • Haskimo. The parents of the mixed breed were an Eskimo Spitz and a Husky. The Huskimo has a gentle, good-natured disposition, but the dog is overly curious and prone to mischief, to extinguish his energy, he needs daily walks of many hours.

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrids

Such hybrids, like any other animal, have inherent strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of mixed-breed dachshunds include the following qualities:

  • as a rule, most of the crossed hunting dogs have stable immunity to various diseases;
  • The life expectancy of mestizos in most cases will be higher than that of purebred individuals, this is due to genetic characteristics;
  • lactating bitches have a high level of milk production, so they will be able to feed more puppies;
  • dogs do not stand out for their high cost, therefore they are available to most breeders.

Among the disadvantages of hunting dachshund hybrids, the following should be noted.

  • In every case of crossing animals of two breeds, there is a risk of obtaining a completely unpredictable result. This applies not only to the exterior of the dog, even if it is small in size, but also to its behavioral qualities. Thus, an outwardly attractive dachshund can acquire a very aggressive disposition, especially when using an ordinary mongrel as a second animal.
  • There is also always a high probability that a mestizo will inherit from his even purebred parents not only the positive characteristics of the breed, but also the negative ones.

Pros and cons of mestizos

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of purebred dogs and compare them with mixed breeds, as shown in the table below.

Purebred dogsMétis
Puppies are similar to their parents in physical and moral qualitiesCalm and restrained in behavior.
Predictable in behaviorJust dogs without specific goals and objectives
Fulfills a specific purpose (watchdog, security or hunting) and cannot imagine life without it.They take root well. They can live in completely opposite conditions than their parents
You choose a pet for yourself and there is little chance of unpredictability of temperamentMost representatives do not have genetic diseases
Have no physical abnormalities
Reasonable cost, much lower than purebred
Instinctive and more proudUnpredictable temperament
Requires care and an active lifestyleDifficulty in determining sizes. They usually have a medium build, but there are also small and large ones.
Almost all purebreds have health problems, some more than others.Possibility of developing a genetic disease.
Quite expensiveConstantly monitor the upbringing, otherwise the dog may become spoiled and uncontrollable

Before choosing between a mestizo and a purebred, you should decide for yourself and your relatives a certain range of questions:

  • why do you need a dog?
  • what she should be able to do;
  • that I can give it;
  • how much space, time and money there is for it;
  • will it interfere with the household, and how will they treat the pet;
  • presence of children and elderly people who may suffer from changes in attention span.

Features in character and behavior

It is almost impossible to predict the behavior and character of mestizos.

In a general sense, they differ in many ways from their purebred parents, for example:

  1. Puppies are more energetic, loud and possibly independent than their parents. Or vice versa.
  2. Typically, mestizos are not prone to the need for strong physical or mental stress. Although, with your constant active activity, the dogs will adapt and get used to it.
  3. Character is greatly influenced by the past. These are previous owners who offended or abandoned, or were separated from the mother too early and other psychological traumas. All of these criteria can lead to aggression or withdrawal.
  4. Mixed breed puppies are quick-witted, have an inquisitive mind, and are more flexible in training because they are less proud and self-important.
  5. Also their peculiarity is that they must live strictly according to the rules. They need clear boundaries of what is permissible in order to become a good member of the family, and not a spoiled dictator of the situation.

Mixed Chihuahua and Mini Pinscher

Another amazing cross is the chipin. Like its parents, the puppy will be miniature, “pocket” size. Therefore, it is very small and fragile and requires only careful handling.

From the miniature pinscher, the mixed breed gets high intelligence: chipins learn very quickly and learn new commands. Unlike independent and willful Chihuahuas, they feel great in families with small children.

Chipins do not require special care: all you need to do is brush their short, stiff coat from time to time. Do not forget about the timely socialization of the mestizo so that he grows up as a friendly and good-natured creature.

Photo of a cross between a mini pinscher and a chihuahua:

Options for purebred Chihuahua crosses

Mixing Chihuahuas with other breeds leads to interesting results.

Despite their shortcomings, mestizos can take on the best traits of their parents.

The most popular partners for mating with a Chihuahua are:

  • Spitz;
  • Yorkies;
  • Pekingese;
  • toy terriers.

Mixed breed with Spitz

The result of such a union was called pomchi.

The miniature dog has:

  • rounded ears;
  • wedge-shaped head with an elongated but not pointed muzzle;
  • large, but not bulging eyes with irises of dark shades;
  • muscular and compact body, not exceeding 20 cm in length and weighing no more than 4 kg;
  • a small tail curled into a ball;
  • 2 coat options: short, without undercoat, and long, with thick undercoat.

Mixed chihuahua and spitz

Among the characteristic features of pomcha are:

  1. Devotion. Loyalty is kept only to one owner. The animal experiences cooler feelings towards the rest.
  2. Playfulness. The pet will gladly support any activity. In games, the dog prefers to interact only with a person (preferably an adult). The pet will not get along with other pets, and small children can injure her.
  3. Distrust of strangers. When meeting for the first time, it is better not to irritate the dog. Wait for her to take the initiative.
  4. Mind. The Pomchi is easy to train and has excellent obedience.
  5. Loud voice. The loud barking came from the Pomeranian. This unpleasant feature can be easily corrected with training.
  6. Militant disposition. Do not let your pet off the leash while walking. The little animal will definitely get into a fight.

Yorkie mix

Breeders call these puppies Chorkies, noting that most of them were taken from Yorkies.

The resulting crossbreeds have:

  • small and slightly raised head;
  • small body weighing 2-4kg;
  • long and straight coat with golden or black colors.

Some puppies bred between Chihuahuas and Yorkies are born hairless.

A small amount of hair is observed only on the ears, tail and paws.

The dog does not like children's pranks and can stand up for itself, so a child who is playing may get hurt.

Mixed Chihuahua and Yorkie

Chorks are different:

Affection. The pet is sensitive to the owner's attention, so it cannot stand loneliness and can be jealous. Try to take your dog with you to avoid mental disorders. Cocky behavior. The small animal does not conduct a comparative analysis with its opponents, so it provokes a larger opponent without fear

IMPORTANT! The pet is not willing to be trained, so it will not be possible to wean it from its addiction. Try to minimize the risks and do not let him off the leash.

With Pekingese

Unlike Chorks, these representatives, called Pekachi, carry characteristic features from both parents:

  • miniature dimensions, rounded head and large wide ears, inherited from the Chihuahua;
  • thick undercoat and dense guard hairs inherited from the Pekingese.

Mixed Pekingese and Chihuahua

The character of a pekachi is made up of training and care shown by the owner:

  • if neglected, dogs grow aggressive and loud, bully other animals and annoy neighbors with their loud barking;
  • with the right approach, the pet shows friendliness and affection, responds to commands and does not look for problems for itself and its owner.

With that terrier

Toy terrier mixed breeds are born fit and have thin legs.

The color and length of their coat depends on the parents. The coat can be either long or short, and among the colors black and tan are more common.

Like the other crossbred options discussed above, these puppies are:

  • not suitable for children;
  • afraid of loneliness;
  • jealous.

A dog can show cowardice and aggressiveness, as well as courage and good nature.

This is determined by upbringing and environment, so it is impossible to predict them in advance.

Mixed chihuahua and toy terrier

Husky mix with other breeds

There are currently about 30 types of Husky mix breeds. The list includes hybrids with German Shepherd, Alabai, Pug, Collie, Dalmatian, and Samoyed. The most popular designer Pomskies are a mix with Pomeranians. It is quite rare to cross Khasenies with Yorkies and Pekingese. This is explained not only by the large difference in the size of the animals, but also by the dissimilarity in temperament of representatives of the breeds.

With a mongrel

If a husky is kept unattended, it may spontaneously crossbreed with outbred mongrels. It is difficult to predict what the outcome of such a relationship will be. The appearance and character of the offspring depends on the two parents. The temperament of mestizos is unpredictable, but more often than not, they are independent, self-sufficient, hardy, have no defects in appearance and have good health. Pets can become quality guards and companions.

With alabai

The mixed breed of the Siberian Husky and Alabai is distinguished by its large size (up to 65 cm at the withers) and strong build. Dogs' fur is hard, thick and dense. From the Alabai they got a menacing expression on their muzzle, and from the Khasyats they got blue eyes. This combination looks impressive. The color of hybrids is any, the ears are drooping if they are not cropped at an early age. The dog is willful and strong, but thanks to the character of the Khasenys, the temperament of the mestizos is somewhat softened.

With a pug

These mestizos are not designer breeds, they are not specially bred, the name is hag, or hagski. A husky mix is ​​obtained by accident. The structure of the head and muzzle of the hybrid resembles a pug, and its height is slightly larger than that of a pug. The structure of the ears can be either hanging or erect, the eyes are brown or blue. The coat is short and thick, the tail is curled into a double ring. Like the Khasenysh, a cross with a pug has a light, playful character and a similar color.

With collie

The collie mix looks very attractive. They are distinguished by a beautiful, long, silky coat that needs to be carefully taken care of. The size of the dogs is comparable to a husky, the head is wider than that of a collie, the ears are erect, there is a fluffy collar around the neck, and feathers on the hind legs.

Blue eyes, inherited from the Khasenysh, give the look of mestizos a special expressiveness and unusualness. The character is friendly, benevolent, and it’s not scary to leave a child with such a dog. They adore children, play and protect them.

With a hound

Huskies mixed with hounds produce mixed-breed puppies that look like mongrels. At the same time, they have high-quality, thick wool, an attractive exterior and a mask on the face. The hybrid acquired hunting skills, but at the same time the dog remained independent and independent, like a hasyat.

With a Dalmatian

The Dalmatian mix is ​​light-boned and has powerful, slender and strong paws. Their fur is thick and smooth. The main color is white or gray with dark spots. The eyes are slanted, almond-shaped. The character of the mestizo is the same as that of his parents - calm and peaceful. There is also a peculiarity - the dog recognizes one owner and obeys only him; he can disobey other family members and treat them condescendingly.

With a Samoyed

Mixed Khasenys and Samoyeds are called Haskoeds. Their temperament is lively and sociable. The color of the long, thick coat is dominated by light, almost white shades. The eyes are like those of Hasyats - blue, brown or different colors. The tail is fluffy, ringed, thrown over the back. The exterior of the Haskoed is decorated with feathering on the limbs and neck, forming fluffy pants and a collar. A crossbreed with shorter hair may be born. Haskoeds are not aggressive, but they do not welcome strangers’ interest in them.

With a beagle

A mixed breed of husky and beagle is called bisky. When dogs are crossed, offspring are born that have a good-natured character and loyalty to the owner. The height at the withers of the hybrid is lower than that of adult cats, the chest is voluminous, the muscles are strong, the legs are widely spaced. Ears can be either hanging or erect, the color is varied. Bisky inherited the traits of two breeds - his mother's husky and his father's beagle. However, none of them prevails over the other.

With a chihuahua

If you cross the charming Khasenyshka and a miniature Chihuahua, you get medium-sized dogs. They are larger in size than sneezes, but do not reach the size of hasyats. The coat is soft, thick, slightly elongated, there are practically no restrictions on color. The dog's skull is convex, with a narrow muzzle.

Mestizos are energetic, cheerful, restless, they can become watchmen, but sometimes they show aggression towards children. The reason for this behavior is jealousy towards the owner. During training, attention should be paid to developing restraint and not showing too much emotion.

With a spaniel

A cross between a husky and a spaniel is one of the most unusual and rare. Metis combines the features of both breeds. Most often, the hybrid has the long hair of a spaniel and a black and white color like the Khasenysh. The character is affectionate and cheerful. The dog has a sharp mind, has the qualities of a hunting dog, he has an excellent scent, endurance and performance.

With Shiba Inu

If you manage to cross a Khasenysh and a charming Shiba Inu, you get a Shiba Husky - one of the most popular hybrids of the Siberian sled dog. You should get one if you have free time and a desire to seriously educate the animal. The Shiba Inu is difficult to train, does not like violations of personal space, and does not get along with children. Some of these qualities were inherited by the hybrid, so you need to work with it regularly and persistently.

Shiba is the owner of thick hair. The height of the mestizo is from 35 cm to 62 cm in height, weight - up to 30 kg.

With Akita Inu

Mixed races of Khasenysh and Japanese Akito Inu are called Haskits. They are larger than Siberian dogs, the average height at the withers is 65 cm. Outwardly they resemble an Akita, but with lighter and thinner bones and a smaller skull. They have a wedge-shaped muzzle and characteristic coloring from a husky. Eye color – blue or brown. The character of the mestizos from both parents remained goodwill, determination, stubbornness and love for children.

With corgi

The Corgi hybrid can easily be confused with the Khasenysh. He has looked like a puppy all his life. A baby with short legs and short height at the withers. The coat of the mestizos is black and white, the eyes are blue or different colors like those of the hasyats. Such a small and good-natured dog is convenient to keep in a city apartment. He is inquisitive, smart, and can become a friend for children and adults.

With a golden retriever

Such mixed breeds are called Siberian retrievers. The dogs are large, their height at the withers is 50-65 cm. The size and appearance of each of them depends on the genetic characteristics of the parents. One litter may contain puppies that resemble both their mother and father. In most cases, the color is brown or fawn, the paws, belly, chest are light, and on the face there is a white mask characteristic of a sled dog. Siberian retrievers are excellent swimmers and can be used for hunting. They are unpretentious to food and maintenance, friendly to people, conflicts with other pets are possible.

With a husky

The combination of two northern breeds is considered the most successful. Mestizos inherit the character of one parent and the appearance of the other. As a result, the crossbreed acquires the qualities inherent in hunting and sled dogs. It is better to keep animals in an enclosure, in a private house outside the city. Their disposition is friendly and calm. Loyal attitude towards children.

With an Alaskan Malamute

If you cross a Malamute and a Husky, you get an Alaskan dog whose exterior resembles a wolf. The body is large, the paws are powerful and strong, due to which they are used for transporting goods in the snow. The intelligence, good health, stable psyche, and strength of Alaskans give them the opportunity to participate in competitions and show high results as sled dogs.

With a German Shepherd

A cross between a Khasenysh and a German Shepherd is called a Shepsky. Half-breeds have short hair, look like Germans, blue eyes and their slanted cut give away Asian blood. Shepskis are excellent guards and live on the streets. It should be taken into account that they cannot be left alone with strangers; they show aggression whenever any action is taken in their direction. High intelligence, easy to train.

With Labrador

Labrador mix - Labski. Outwardly, they look like wolves, and the temperament of mestizos is quite complex and aggressive. Given this feature, you need to start raising and training Labskies as early as possible. The dog must accept the primacy and dominance of the owner and completely submit to him. Metis are used in official activities - to search for explosives and narcotic substances.

General information about mestizos

Mixed breeds and mongrels are mongrel dogs, but these animals are significantly different from each other. The ancestral line of mongrels cannot be traced, and mestizos have purebred parents. Their appearance reveals the features of their titled ancestors. Unfortunately, heredity does not give them the right to have documents or maintain a pedigree. And although some mestizos are allowed into exhibitions, they almost never win awards.

Researchers believe that in most cases, hybrids inherit all the best in physiology and character from their parents. They have strong immunity; genetic diseases typical of any breed are rarely transmitted to them. The psyche of such animals is more stable than, for example, that of aggressive breeds; they adapt more easily to a new environment and have an easy-going, sociable character.

The mestizos produced do not have to be paid for; they are handed over to “good hands.”

Important! Hybrids are produced purposefully, for example, the owner wants to have a small cute dog in the form of a lapdog, but with the watchdog qualities of a Doberman. The danger of such a union is that genes can develop unpredictably and the owner will receive a large shaggy dog ​​with the kindest character who will not even bark when a thief appears in the apartment


It is impossible to predict the behavioral line of mestizos; they can take traits from both parents. But they have every chance to receive the best from their ancestors. If outbreeding is carried out by professional breeders, in addition to conformation, they will also be interested in working capabilities. For example, you want to see a dog in your apartment that is not too big, but has protective qualities; for this purpose, poodles are mixed with guard dog breeds. Most often the result is an intelligent, loyal, medium-sized dog. She will not bark at guests, but she will not let a stranger out of the house. There are exceptions to the rules when a huge, kind-hearted person grows up in a cramped apartment. He won't bark even if all the things are taken out of the house.

In most cases, half-breeds are quite adequate dogs, not aggressive and sociable . But some hybrids require special upbringing. For example, crossbreeds of small breeds can be too timid or, on the contrary, do not know fear and bully large dogs. And mixed breeds of large guard dogs are difficult to train; they should be raised from childhood.

Each hybrid exhibits its own qualities characteristic of both breeds, namely:

  • if you mix huskies and corgis , the dogs will be kind, intelligent, they follow the owner’s commands well;
  • bloodhounds (a cross between a bloodhound and a Moscow watchdog) are hardy, intelligent, endowed with a keen sense of smell, they can serve as service and guard dogs;
  • Pitskies (pitbull and huskies) are infinitely loyal to their owner and kind, but they inherited a headstrong disposition from the husky, which can only be corrected by good upbringing;
  • Tolmatians are good-natured and cheerful, but if Dalmatian genes take over, mestizos may not be very smart or stubborn.

All character flaws of a half-breed can be corrected by persistent and correct education. It is more difficult to do this if the dog was adopted as an adult by unknown owners.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home - step-by-step instructions

In order to trim the Pekingese yourself, choose the right time when the pet is calm. You should not frighten your dog with tools. It is advisable to stroke it so that the animal relaxes and accepts the procedure as caress.

When the shaggy prankster is in a playful, high spirits, it is better to postpone the haircut for a while so as not to injure the pet.

Preparing the site and tools

Choose a comfortable, well-lit, elevated place, such as a table. It is recommended to cover the surface with a mat - regular or rubber - so that the dog's paws do not slip. This will make both the animal and the hairdresser more comfortable.

All tools for cutting a Pekingese should be at hand:

  • animal clipper (silent, not very vibrating, high quality);
  • a set of scissors (large, small, curved, thinning);
  • several types of combs (soft brush, slicker brush, comb with sparse long teeth);
  • nail clipper for nail care.

After each use, instruments are thoroughly washed, dried and disinfected.

Grooming an animal at home includes the following steps, compliance with which will facilitate the grooming procedure and help achieve the desired result:

  1. Comb the animal and remove any matted fur.
  2. Bathe with shampoo, being careful not to get water into your eyes and ears.
  3. Wipe with a towel and dry with a hairdryer.
  4. Brush the fur with a soft brush and treat the ears with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. It is recommended to trim your Pekingese using the area trimming method.

Haircut by region

Begin the procedure with the paws, cutting off the hair between the pads with curved scissors or a machine. Everything must be done slowly, carefully, so as not to injure the animal. Next, the claws are shortened with a special nail clipper.

The groin and tummy are shaved next, leaving at least 1.5 cm of hair. When starting on the body, start from the base of the tail and work against the fur along the back. Next they cut the sides. To do this, use a 22 mm nozzle.

The paws, neck, and chest are processed using curved scissors, removing all long hair sticking out to the sides. If the owner does not like the excessive fluffiness, it can be removed by thinning.

Fine hairs on the ears are removed. Interfering hairs on the head are lightly trimmed. A uniform smooth transition is made from head to neck.

The hair under the tail is cut off, leaving about 1 cm in length. The tail itself, at the owner’s request, can be left fluffy or shaved with the exception of the tassel at the end.

After cutting, it is advisable to rinse the Pekingese in the shower to remove the small hairs that have been clipped. You can wipe your pet with a soft towel soaked in herbal infusion. This will soothe the skin and have a bactericidal effect.

Washing and combing

The short-haired Pekingese also needs regular bathing and brushing. It is enough to wash the animal once a month, using a special shampoo and conditioner. After bathing, wrap the animal in a towel to absorb moisture from the fur.

Then be sure to dry it with warm air from a hairdryer, without bringing it too close, so as not to burn your pet. At the end of the procedure, you should comb the dog.

After spraying the fur with the product, they begin to comb the belly, back, sides, and paws. The tail is combed from base to tip.


Metis have different purposes. Decorative species live in apartment conditions, but many dogs are created for living in enclosures. They have guard, fighting or detective qualities. By creating hybrids, breeders achieve endurance and good adaptation of animals to the external climatic environment. Domestic dogs need walks in the fresh air, they should be played with, and exercised.

For lazy owners, there are types of small mestizos that do not need daily walking; they use a cat litter box or an absorbent diaper for the toilet.

Hybrids do not need to create special conditions of detention. They need their own corner with warm bedding and no drafts, clean bowls for food and water, and special toys designed for dogs. If the mestizo has long hair, it should be combed. Dogs need to be bathed when dirty. After walking outside, you need to check your pet for ticks, examine the eyes and ears in order to promptly rule out inflammation and suppuration. Dogs should have their teeth brushed periodically . If, while walking, your pet’s claws do not wear down naturally, they should be trimmed periodically.

As for health, mestizos rarely complain about it, since they have an enviable immunity and do without hereditary diseases. But this does not mean that the dog does not need hygienic care. Vaccinations and preventive examinations by a veterinarian are required for all dogs. Infectious diseases can be contracted through close contact with a sick animal, even if you have strong immunity.

With proper care, hybrids almost do not suffer from allergies and live longer than purebred dogs.

What are Labrador mixes?

A Labrador mix is ​​a dog created by crossing with any other breed. These animals do not have documents, they do not carry breeding value and do not participate in exhibitions, even if their parents have excellent pedigree.

Most often, mixed breeds are born due to accidental mating, when the owner simply did not keep track of the dog. However, some hybrids are purposefully bred in order to obtain a new variety and consolidate the desired qualities in it.

How to distinguish a Labrador from a mixed breed:

Examine the puppy carefully. Most likely, he will have some atypical characteristics that distinguish him from purebred individuals: light build, narrow head, too small or very large eyes, etc. You must first study the official standard to understand what the ideal dog looks like. Assess the quality of wool. The breed has a short, thick and coarse coat with a dense and soft undercoat. The color is exclusively monochromatic - black, chocolate or fawn. Watch the dog. If an animal is crossed with any fighting breed, it may be unbalanced and overly aggressive.

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