Wolfspitz (Keeshond) - description of a cute and beautiful breed of dog. Photos, maintenance, training, nutrition, price of puppies, coat care

For security:
For children:
Difficulty in care:

There is an assumption that the breed of these dogs was found back in the Stone Age, as a representative of the turf dog, so scientists consider this breed to be one of the most ancient of the existing ones. In the modern world, Wolfspitz (Keeshond) dogs appeared in the 16th century in Northern Europe.

In those days, Keeshonds served people as a guard dog (guarding the house, garden plots and livestock) and hunting dog. Keeshonds were also often taken by sailors with them on ships on sea voyages - hence another name for this breed - “barge dog”. With their loyalty to people, they earned their trust, which led to a gradual increase in their number.

The Wolfspitz (Keeshond) is native to the Netherlands and Germany. In the Netherlands these dogs are called Keeshond, in Germany - Wolfspitz. Currently, Wolfspitz dogs (Keeshonds) are very popular and widespread throughout the globe.

Brief history of origin

The Wolfspitz is descended from an extinct peat dog that lived during the Paleolithic era. For centuries, the breed was formed naturally, without human intervention. Its origin is connected with two countries - Germany and the Netherlands. In the first, the animals were called Wolfspitz, in the second, Keeshonds.

In 1880, the first standard was presented at an exhibition in Berlin, and 19 years later a breed club was organized. In the Netherlands, a club for Keeshond lovers appeared only in 1924. In the 90s of the 20th century, the FCI united the animals into one breed and classified them as a variety of German Spitz.

Origin of the Keeshond breed

The formation of the breed occurred simultaneously in Holland and Germany. Some researchers believe that the Dutch branch, nevertheless, originated from the German Wolfspitz.

Keeshond is translated from Dutch as “barge dog”. Sailors loved to take these dogs with them on voyages, where the dogs performed a security function. Wolfspitz is a very old breed. She participated in the breeding of such famous breeds as chow chow and husky.

Photo: Keeshond (Wolfspitz)

Owner reviews

My parents gave me a Keeshond puppy for my 16th birthday. I remember how happy I was then. Now my Larik is already 10 years old. He is a wonderful dog! My children are growing up under his watchful eye. He participates in all their games, despite his advanced age. We are together everywhere: Larry always goes with us even on vacation. He is a full-fledged member of the family.

Lena, 26 years old, Novosibirsk

I have been a breeder of German Wolfspitz dogs for 8 years now. Together with my husband, we are breeding these beautiful dogs. Our kids have scattered all over the world. A more grateful and responsive breed cannot be imagined. These dogs are smart, but simple-minded. They are easy to care for and have good health. This is a great option for a family dog.

Olga, 55 years old, Moscow

Photo: Keeshond

Interesting Facts

A few interesting facts will help you get to know this amazing breed better:

  1. For a long time, Wolfspitz guarded ships, which is why they were nicknamed barge dogs.
  2. The Spitz Keeshond was a symbol of the liberation movement in Holland. A dog of this breed named Case belonged to Cornelius De Kizlyar, the leader of the rebels against William of Orange.
  3. Wolfspitz is used in psychiatry to correct human behavior. Representatives of the breed radiate positivity, thanks to which they help relieve nervous tension and get out of a depressive state.

Character of the Keeshond (Wolfspitz)

Character (behavior) of the dog: the Keeshond Spitz is considered an ideal family dog ​​and a wonderful companion for its owners. Since ancient times, these dogs have been used as a watchman, as well as for guarding and herding livestock. A small group of Keeshonds will responsibly guard property and protect the herd from predatory animals. In addition, representatives of this breed are very attached to their home. By nature, they are welcoming and friendly, affectionate, loyal, and get along easily with pets. It is unlikely that there will be those who regret adopting a dog of this breed, since it practically does not cause problems. She is not characterized by aggression, anger, importunity and capriciousness. Wolfspitz puppies are active and inquisitive. There is probably not a place in the apartment that they have not explored. They will need to devote a lot of time and attention, engage and play with them, show love and affection. With sensitive, caring owners, the puppy will turn into a friendly, loving, devoted dog. The dog is wary of strangers, but without aggression. A description of the Keeshond would be incomplete without mentioning that this animal is very clean and, like cats, washes itself with its paw.

An active Wolfspitz (see photo) is active and energetic, loves walks and playing in the fresh air, enjoys swimming, bathing in the snow, and is easy to train, so there is no need to raise your voice or use physical force during training.

The Keeshond Wolf Spitz is sensitive and attentive to the mood of the owner and in difficult times can become a good psychologist for him. At the same time, he will never get bored, and if there is no need for him, the dog will calmly go back to his place.

An interesting fact is that the Wolfspitz dog breed is used in psychiatry to correct the behavior of sick people. Positive energy, cheerful, kind character of the Keeshond work wonders. Animals bring joy to patients with serious illnesses, instilling in them optimism and faith in the best and good. In America, German Spitz dogs are allowed to be in the psychiatrist’s office during an appointment, since with their presence they relieve stress from the patient and help the doctor find contact with the patient.

Based on the experience of many families raising this breed, the presence of sensitive, loyal, friendly dogs in the house unites all family members, and in case of conflicts helps to improve relationships between household members.

Wolfspitz price

One of the main disadvantages of the Wolfspitz is that its price is quite high. On average, the price for a Wolfspitz puppy is about 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The Wolfspitz Keeshond is the largest variety of German Spitz. Its height ranges from 43 to 55 cm with a weight of up to 30 kg. The animals have a strong, square body, abundant hair, thick undercoat, and a pointed fox-like muzzle.

Official description of the Wolfspitz Keeshond breed (ICF standard No. 97):

  1. The head is medium, wedge-shaped.
  2. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull. The proportion is 2 to 3.
  3. The nose is small and black.
  4. The lips fit tightly to the jaws. Pigmentation – black.
  5. The jaws are closed in a scissor bite, there are 42 teeth.
  6. The eyes are medium-sized, oval, slightly slanted. According to the descriptions of the owners, the look is attentive and intelligent. Eye color – dark brown.
  7. The ears are triangular and pointed.
  8. The neck is of medium length, slightly arched.
  9. The back and loins are short and strong.
  10. The chest is deep. The belly is tucked in.
  11. The tail sits high, carried over the back.
  12. Limbs straight and parallel.


Experts distinguish 2 intrabreed varieties:

  • Dutch Spitzkeeshond;
  • German Wolfspitz.

Dogs have common ancestors, but their breeding went in several independent directions. They look almost the same, but Keeshonds are slightly smaller (43-46 cm) and more compact. Their fur is more abundant and soft, and their muzzle is slightly wider.

The American Kennel Club recognizes the Keeshond as a separate breed. But in the ring, Wolfspitz and Keeshond dogs are judged according to the same standard adopted by the FCI, since experts consider these differences to be insignificant.

Color and coat type

Characteristics of the breed include a description of the coat. In Wolfspitz it is double:

  1. The awn is long and lush. The fur on the head, ears and paws is short and velvety. A collar is formed on the neck, and pants are formed on the hind legs.
  2. The undercoat is thick and soft, reminiscent of cotton wool.

The only color allowed is zone gray. Externally, the Wolfspitz dog resembles a wolf. The color of the coat can be anything from very dark to light blue.

Distinctive features

By the standards of dogs, Volspitzes are medium in size, but for the Spitz section they are the largest (up to 48 cm at the withers and weigh 15-20 kg). They have a strong build, the format is close to square. Another feature of the breed is its long fluffy coat with fine guard hairs, forming a gray-black pockmarked coat.

  • The head is small, wedge-shaped, the skull is convex, the frontal and occipital parts stand out.
  • The muzzle is straight, pointed, equal in length to the skull. The jaws are strong with a scissor bite and a full set of teeth. Cheekbones are flat.
  • The nose is small and black.
  • The eyes are set narrowly at stop level. Round, small, convex. A characteristic color feature is black glasses.
  • The ears are small, in the shape of an equilateral triangle, set high on hard cartilage.
  • The body is squat, elongated, but tends to be square. The topline slopes down to the croup, which is gently sloping. The loin is wide and strong. The belly is tucked in, the chest is voluminous and well descended. The neck is short, with prominent withers. The fur emphasizes the shape of the body.
  • The tail is thrown over the lower back.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel, not thick, but strong. The hind legs are extended beyond the line of the croup. The paws are round and small. The movements are springy.
  • The fur is long and fluffy. The undercoat is dense and short. The guard hair is straight.
  • Color grey, wolf or black with glasses and mask.


The German Wolfspitz Keeshond is energetic, temperamental, self-confident and independent. Loyal to his owner, whom he may even be jealous of. He is sociable, loves his family, is friendly with children, but is wary of strangers. An excellent watchman.

In childhood, the Wolfspitz is like a hurricane, but as it grows up, it becomes calmer, without losing its cheerful disposition.

Spitz have a great sense of a person and their mood. This quality is used by psychotherapists who have noticed that in their presence, patients make contact much easier.

Character and behavior

Owners of Keeshonds note their exceptional loyalty, ability to sense people’s moods and not impose themselves if the owner does not want it. The nature of the breed suggests a wary attitude towards strangers, which makes the Wolfspitz an excellent guard dog.

Keeshond dogs are friendly, active, and smart. They are easy to train, but in the absence of education they grow up wayward and selfish. Properly socialized Wolfspitz get along well with children and other pets and do not conflict with their relatives.


Initially, Keeshonds were used as guard dogs: herding livestock and catching rats and mice. The guarding qualities of Wolfspitz dogs are quite high; they have good hearing and a clear bark. With their voices, dogs report the approach of strangers and possible danger. Now the breed serves to accompany the owner, as a faithful and affectionate pet.

In addition to security activities, the Wolfspitz quickly masters sports sciences. This breed shows good results in dog racing and agility competitions. With proper intensive training, an intelligent wolf copes well with guard duty. Keeshond can also be trained to search for people or to work in the field of zootherapy.

Travel companion for energetic people

Wolfspitz is ideal for people leading an active lifestyle. Anyone can envy a dog's endurance. She can easily keep you company on a bike ride or morning jog. You can play alpine skiing and frisbee with your pet - games with a flying saucer. Many owners take part in agility with their pets - controlled obstacle course running.

Although they love to play for hours with children, it is not recommended for younger family members. Just like overly busy people. The dog needs a lot of attention, daily long walks, and various physical activities.

Forced loneliness and confined space negatively affect the animal’s psyche, driving it crazy and making it uncontrollable. In addition, in the absence of the owner, the pet will begin to entertain itself on its own, destroy the apartment and damage property.

Man and dog

The Wolfspitz is an ideal dog for those who do not like to sit still . It is suitable for athletes , as it can be used for freestyle, agility and Frisbee.

Wolfspitz will be happy to chat and walk at any time. Withstands significant loads, can accompany you while jogging or short cycling .

Despite his sociability and kindness, it is not recommended to own for children and busy individuals . They need various types of activities, socialization, and games with other animals to release their energy. Otherwise, the dog’s psyche may suffer, and the owner will have problems with an uncontrollable pet.

The standards indicate that the breed is suitable for guarding a home or commercial property. In practice, Keeshonds are often family favorites, that is, companions. With desire and specialized training , the innate distrust of strangers will help Wolfspitz dogs become real guards. They treat cats, birds, and other dogs without malice. They are not the first to get into fights and avoid conflicts.

It is important to know how a guard dog differs from a bodyguard, an escort, and the nuances of these functions. The watchman’s task is to indicate the presence of a trespasser and to sound a voice to warn the owners. Keeshonds are not intended for detention or active defense with attack.

How to choose the right puppy?

In Russia the breed is quite rare. Purebred Keeshond puppies are sold in reliable kennels registered with the FCI. A responsible breeder will definitely give a description of each baby and tell you which one to choose. In one litter, both first-class individuals and outright purebreds can be born.

Healthy Keeshond puppy:

  • curious;
  • moderately well-fed;
  • enjoys playing with his relatives.

The baby will definitely come out to meet a new person. Dull fur, inflamed skin, pus in the eyes, unpleasant odor, and a swollen belly are signs of illness.

In Moscow, purebred Keeshond puppies can be bought in the following nurseries:

  • "Daddy Line" https://daddy-line.ru;
  • “Hamesha star” & “Ksyushkin`s” https://keeshond-souz.jimdo.com.

Video review

It is difficult to convey all the beauty and charm of the breed in photographs and short films about Wolfspitz. But it is impossible not to notice the excessive activity of dogs, combined with obedience. And how beautiful fluffy wool looks, painted in different shades of gray. Wolfspitz is a breed of dog for friendship. They are loyal, obedient and energetic. An inquisitive Keeshond puppy instantly puts you at ease and makes you fall in love with his charming eyes. With proper, consistent training, you can get an intelligent, quick-witted Spitz, capable of understanding a person’s mood on an intuitive level.

Video “Wolf Spitz or Keeshond”

From this video you will learn everything about the Wolf Spitz breed.

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Newborn Keeshond puppies are in the care of their mother. At 5-6 weeks they begin to be fed with chopped meat, goat or cow milk, and vegetable purees. At 2 months, the diet is enriched with rice and buckwheat porridge, and egg yolk.

After moving to a new home, the Wolfspitz is fed the same foods that the breeder gave it. You can switch your dog to a high-quality dry or wet food for medium-sized puppies. With natural feeding, sea fish is introduced into the menu of a 3-month-old Keeshond.

At 4 months, teeth begin to change, so the amount of fermented milk products is increased to 50% of the total food. At this time, the dog can already eat offal - liver, lung, tripe. At six months, the Keeshond's diet is as close as possible to that of an adult, but the portions are slightly larger as it continues to grow.

The frequency of feeding a Wolfspitz per day depends on age:

  • 1-2 months – 6 times;
  • 2-3 months – 5 times;
  • 3-5 months – 4 times;
  • 5-8 months – 3 times.

9-month-old dogs are transferred to two meals a day.


Purebred Keeshonds are distinguished by good health and a long life span. This is due to the natural origin of the breed and the long history of its formation.

You can understand what hereditary diseases your pet may develop in the future by looking at the health of the Wolfspitz’s parents. A conscientious breeder will always provide such information about the ancestors of a Keeshond puppy. In old age, the Wolf Spitz is at greater risk of having a malfunction of the endocrine system. Poor diet and improper exercise can lead to the development of heart disease.

Proper prevention and regular check-ups with a veterinarian will help keep your pet healthy.


During the development of the breed, the German Spitz acquired an increased risk of developing certain diseases:

  • dysplasia and joint dislocations;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • cataract;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • hypothyroidism

In addition, the Keeshond Spitz is prone to Von Willebrand's, Cushing's and Addison's diseases.


Despite its good immunity, the Keeshond dog breed needs regular vaccinations. The first vaccinations are usually given by the breeder before the puppy goes to its new home.

At the age of 3 weeks, the dog receives anti-helminth medications, which are given again after 1.5-2 weeks. If the baby is healthy, after 10 days you can vaccinate your Wolfspitz against dangerous viruses and infections.

All Keeshond puppies must be vaccinated against:

  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • hepatitis A;
  • parainfluenza;
  • parvovirus;
  • leptospirosis.

Repeated vaccinations and dewormings are carried out annually according to the schedule established by the veterinarian.

Feeding pets

The issue of nutrition for Keeshonds is very important, since they are prone to obesity. Therefore, owners need to carefully monitor their pet’s diet. You can feed the animal with high-quality dry food intended for this type of dog. Feeding should be done twice a day. It is important to follow the instructions on the packaging to ensure you select the correct amount of food.

The issue of nutrition must be approached wisely. Experienced dog breeders recommend following simple rules:

  1. There should be a strict time interval between meals.
  2. After a meal, you should not leave the bowl; it is better to hide it away.
  3. But a container of water should always be ready so that the dog can quench his thirst.
  4. If you feed your dog prepared food, then you should not offer him food from your table.
  5. If the animal refuses to eat, then the reason must be identified. Because this can often be a sign of a disease.
  6. The dog should be accustomed to commands regarding food, so that during walks the food found does not become its food. At your command, the animal must throw the find.
  7. It is necessary to feed the dog in his absence.

How to feed a Keeshond

A few words about dog nutrition. In fact, choosing the right food for your pet is not at all difficult, given the huge abundance of food presented by various manufacturers. You can also feed your pet natural food, but in this case you should not rely on luck. Contact your veterinarian or the breeder from whom you purchased your Wolfspitz. Let the professionals create a diet for your pet.

Care and maintenance

A German Wolfspitz will require little care - minimal hygiene, balanced nutrition, regular walking. Dogs are adapted for living in an apartment. Thanks to their warm fur, they can live outdoors, but due to their strong attachment to their owner, it is preferable to keep them indoors.

The right diet

Wolfspitz are suitable for ready-made food for medium-sized dogs of the premium, superpremium or holistic classes.

Important. The Keeshond breed is prone to obesity, so the owner must strictly limit the portion size.

When feeding naturally, the diet includes:

  • lean meat and offal;
  • sea ​​fish (once a week);
  • porridge;
  • vegetables, fresh herbs;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken eggs (2 times a week).

Food from the human table is contraindicated for Wolfspitz.

Walking and physical activity

Wolfspitz dogs love to walk and are ready to accompany their owners even on long journeys. With a lack of movement, animals bark, howl, and chew things and furniture. The minimum duration of daily exercise is 1.5 hours.

Important. In the summer heat, a Keeshond can get heatstroke. Therefore, it is better to walk him in the early morning and late evening, when it is not so hot outside.

Training and education

The description of the breed indicates the high intelligence of the Wolfspitz. Immediately after the pet appears in the house, they begin to socialize it:

  • set a daily routine;
  • they are taught to treat strangers, relatives and other animals calmly;
  • clearly outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

At 3 months, the Keeshond is trained in a playful way. He is introduced to the basic commands:

  • "Sit!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Stand!";
  • "To me!";
  • "It is forbidden!";
  • "Ugh!";
  • "Place!".

At 8–9 months, it is advisable to send your Wolfspitz to OCD in order to get a perfectly trained and controllable pet. In the future, he can undergo a course of special training, for example, protective guard service.

Care and hygiene

Keeshonds are clean, their hair does not mat and does not form tangles. Dogs are brushed 2 times a week; during the shedding period, the procedure is carried out daily.

Swimming is required only in cases of heavy soiling. Wolfspitz dogs do not need a haircut. Eyes and ears are cleaned once a week, teeth – 2 times less often. The claws are shortened as they grow. Once a quarter, dogs are treated for worms and blood-sucking parasites.

Key points in training

Volspitz dogs are very smart, they need to develop their intelligence in order to fully contact their owner, listen to him and respond to all commands. Therefore, training begins from the first day of arrival in the house.

The dog is raised with strict rules: do not beg, do not whine, do not bite, do not spoil things, do not mark furniture, do not jump on beds, sleep in a designated place. Meals are strictly timed, walking is only in the morning and evening (for adult pets). The owner needs to prove his authority. Otherwise, the dog will sit on the neck and manipulate.

Depending on the purpose of getting a dog, the pet develops special skills. Most often, Keeskhonds are show or circus dogs. Before honing tricks, you need to learn the nickname and basic signal commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “voice”, “quiet”, “place”, “near”, “no”. When the pet remembers the verbal forms, they switch to sound forms (whistle, claps). The dog remembers the name during everyday communication.

If you have problems with training, it is better to immediately contact a canine specialist who will sort out mistakes in training.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

From basic commands to specialized training

Wolfspitz dogs are happy to please their owner, so they lend themselves well to education and training. Thanks to their natural intelligence, they quickly understand what is required of them and remember many commands. It is not necessary to test the dog’s nervous system and service qualities, but you can undergo special training with it for security service.

The only thing that a Wolfspitz owner may encounter is the animal’s distracted attention due to the desire to play or run. The dog will be able to concentrate on training if the training is carried out in the form of a game with elements of verbal and “tasty” praise.

Education and training

Dogs that have a “service” background are very amenable to education and training. They immediately understand what the owners want from them and quickly grasp the commands. But sometimes learning problems may arise, but this is by no means proof of a low mental level. This demonstrates the playful, active nature of the Keeshond. The German Wolfspitz simply has a very difficult time concentrating.

Therefore, the trainer should not conduct long training sessions. The priority should be short training sessions, preferably in a playful way and always mixed with praise and encouragement.

Keeshonds do not need serious physical activity, but active games, for example, frisbee, running, ball, are the key to their excellent mood, prevention of obesity and good physical shape.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

Small Wolfspitz dogs are vaccinated at 8–9 weeks against the most dangerous diseases:

  • carnivore plague;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza.

After 3-4 weeks, the vaccine is reintroduced with the addition of a rabies vaccine. Adult dogs are revaccinated annually.

During the selection process, Wolfspitz dogs acquired several typical pathologies. The breed description indicates a tendency to:

  • to epilepsy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • subluxation of the kneecap;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • blood clotting disorder.

With proper care, Wolfspitz dogs can live up to 16-17 years.


Keeshonds are distinguished by excellent health. But they are characterized by some hereditary diseases:

  • Hip dysplasia. In the early stages, the disease does not make itself felt, so owners very often are not aware of its presence. Since the disease is hereditary, breeders must take x-rays to rule out the disease. In the later stages of the disease, the dog experiences pain in the joints, limps and cannot even move.
  • Subluxation of the kneecap.
  • Hypothyroidism. Characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Von Willebranade disease, which causes a bleeding disorder.
  • Obesity.

For timely detection of diseases, it is necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian.


Spitz are not large, they do not need much space. Owners can carry out the mating themselves, but it is important to register with the nursery in order to receive certified puppies with documents and pedigree.

After puberty ( 8-10 months ), a period of complete physical development of the entire organism must pass. A girl is able to bear healthy offspring only at 2.5 years of age , at 3-4 estrus . The normal cycle is 2 heats per year with an interval of 6-9 months.

It is important for the owner to monitor the girl’s condition in order to track sexual heat based on symptoms. The best time for mating is 13-15 days from the beginning of the cycle. The discharge becomes lighter, the loop loosens, and the mood changes to playful or aggressive.

On the appointed day (after signing the certificates at the nursery), the owners bring the pets together on neutral territory, where the animals can communicate and get to know each other. Experienced females know when to allow mounting. If the girl resists, it is better to postpone mating.

When the male does the mounting, he needs to be held by the lower back, the bitch is held by the head and under the belly. You can't let go while your pets are in the castle. But even without this, the female can become pregnant. Fixative mating is carried out every other day. Pregnancy is monitored at a veterinary center or with tests (after 2 weeks).

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”


Before deciding on vaccination, consult with the breeder. He should explain when the deworming was carried out and what vaccinations the puppy received. He can also suggest a diagram of these procedures.

The first time deworming medications are given to the puppy is when he is three weeks old. This early age is explained by the fact that infection with helminths sometimes occurs in utero. This procedure is repeated at least 10-15 days later (10-15 days before vaccination).

Important! Select dewormers for small puppies with extreme caution.

Care must be taken when selecting vaccines for puppies

Vaccinations are carried out only on healthy animals. To make sure of this, the body temperature of the puppy or adult is measured two to three days before vaccination. She must:

  • be within the established values ​​(for a puppy up to 6 months – up to 39.3 degrees, for an adult dog 38.5; readings from 37.5 to 39 degrees are considered normal);
  • be stable throughout the day.

Mandatory vaccines include vaccinations against:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • carnivore plague;
  • parainfluenza;
  • leptospirosis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • rabies.

In modern veterinary practice, monovalent and polyvalent vaccines are used.

The first are aimed at creating immunity against one disease, others - against several at once.

The latter significantly reduce the time of vaccination, therefore reducing the risk of disease. The vaccination schedule is drawn up individually by the veterinarian.

Polyvalent vaccines speed up the procedure and reduce the risk of disease

Pros and cons of the breed

Beautiful appearanceHeavy shedding
Good learning abilityHigh activity
DevotionIntolerance of loneliness
Security potential
Good attitude towards children and other pets
Easy care

The Keeshond dog breed is an excellent companion: cheerful, smart and positive. He will become a faithful companion for a teenager or an active person who will be able to spend a lot of time with the pet, take it on hikes and travels.


Wolfspitz gets along well with his owner's family. The dog is friendly, loyal to even small children and tolerates almost everything from them. You can easily buy a puppy as a pet for a child, with whom he will play and have fun.

In case of danger, the Keeshond manifests itself as a true protector and is even capable of biting the offender.

When communicating with other dogs, the Keeshond Wolfspitz can be quarrelsome. But this does not apply to pets living with him in the same house. Proper upbringing from a very early age will allow the Wolf Spitz to coexist peacefully with cats, rodents and birds.


Want to cheer yourself up? Look at the representatives of the Keeshond breed, photos of dogs always convey a positive message. Pets with “smiling” faces are always in a good mood, demonstrating activity and love of life.

Interesting facts about the Wolfspitz breed

  • Previously, dogs were used not only to guard barges and ships. In unfavorable weather conditions and poor visibility, for example during fog, the ringing bark of the Keeshonds was used to determine where the ship was located. This made it possible to avoid a collision with him.

  • Despite the fact that the breed was formed in Germany and Holland, Wolfspitz are highly valued in America. Americans use dogs' excellent sense of smell in laboratories to identify odors, as well as in police search operations.

  • Keeshonds were one of the breeds that helped rescuers search for people after the terrorist attack in New York on September 11, 2001.

  • The Wolf Spitz in the photo is a gray cloud with fluffy fur. Thick hair with a luxurious undercoat allows dogs to withstand the cold well. They are suitable for keeping in the yard, provided that he is provided with constant communication with the owner. Keeshonds become very attached to him, and if there is no contact with the owner for a long time, they begin to suffer.

  • No matter how fluffy the appearance and long hair your pet Keeshond may have, it is not recommended to cut it. It's simply not accepted.

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