Cirneco del Etna (Sicilian Greyhound): description of the breed

The Cirneco del Etna or Sicilian Greyhound is an elegant, fine-boned, square-shaped dog with a pointed, elongated muzzle, disproportionately large ears and a mysterious look from slanted eyes. She lives side by side with humans for several thousand years and specializes in driving hares, rabbits and foxes into rugged terrain.

Let's find out what the Cirneco dell'Etna is and what the specifics of keeping the breed are.

History of the breed

The Sicilian Greyhound is considered one of the most ancient breeds, it has much in common with other Mediterranean canines, for example, the Podenco Canario, the Ibicenco Podenco or the Pharaoh Hound from Malta.

Sicilian Greyhound

Most linguists believe that "cirneko" comes from the Greek word "Kyrenaikos", which was the name of the ancient Syrian city. That is why there is an opinion that the breed comes from the Middle East, and was already brought to Sicily by Greek merchants from North Africa.

Note! The results of numerous genetic studies have shown that the Pharaoh Hound has virtually nothing in common with the greyhound.

Interesting Facts

Cirneco del Etna is a dog with a long history, shrouded in many myths and legends:

  1. The Sicilian Greyhound was considered sacred and for two millennia was associated with Mount Etna, from which it received its name. Local residents are sure that the dog appeared from drops of lava and therefore has a unique golden color.
  2. In ancient times, it was believed that the Sicilian greyhound was able to recognize the true intentions of people. It is likely that because of her special gift she was named cirneco. Translated from Latin, cernere means “to recognize, consider, see.”
  3. According to legend, the Cirneco dell'Etna guarded the temple built by the ruler of Syracuse, Dionysius the Elder, in honor of the god Ardanos. The dogs recognized thieves and criminals who were hiding their true intentions and attacked them.

Purpose of the breed

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The main purpose of the breed is hunting. The Cherneko de Letno dog successfully performs assigned tasks thanks to its vast experience, its innate abilities and developed instincts.

Over the past few decades, dogs have been bred for exhibitions and sporting competitions. It should be noted that the dogs show excellent results in field tests, and also perform well in agility and coursing competitions.

You can also have a Cirneco simply as a companion, friend and loyal family member, since the pet’s character will give the owner many positive emotions.


Sicilians are an excellent hunting breed, known for their active nature and friendly disposition. They are ready to support any game and love spending time with people. At the same time, Cirneco will not impose themselves if their company is unwelcome: they quickly recognize the changed mood of the owner.

This breed is child-friendly and does not show aggression towards strangers. Sicilians are not shy about expressing their feelings: they greet their owners by jumping and squealing with joy. If necessary, the dog's emotionality can be reduced through training. Cirnecos love to be in the company of dogs, especially if they are greyhounds. Unfortunately, their friendliness does not extend to other animals. If a Sicilian sees a small animal, he will rush to catch up with it, and, having caught up, he will not stand on ceremony with it.

With proper training, Cirnecos can live in the same territory as cats. Unfortunately, not all dogs are able to suppress the hunter's instincts, so it is better not to take risks.

Sicilians remember commands well and show excellent results in the agility and obedience categories. At the same time, in the heat of the chase, they react poorly to commands, so the hunter will have to take this feature into account. Cirnecos do not need a large territory and can live in a house or apartment. The only condition is a daily long walk and the opportunity to run without a leash. If the dog spends most of his time in the yard, the owner must take care of his safety. Greyhounds jump very high and easily fit into gaps.

Cirneco del Etna: description of the breed and character

Afghan Hound dog: description of the breed

Other common names for the breed are Sicilian Greyhound, Sicilian Greyhound, Cirneco dell'Etna and Sicilian Hound. Difficulties in care and maintenance: animals do not tolerate low temperatures and especially dampness; pets must be insulated for the winter. You should also carefully monitor the condition of your pet’s claws and trim them properly in a timely manner.

Cirneco white color

Brief characteristics of the breed:

  • Height ranges from 46 to 50 cm.
  • Life expectancy under good conditions ranges from 12-15 years.
  • Weight 10-12 kg.
  • The breed is short-haired, no more than 3 cm long, smooth and fits tightly to the skin.
  • The color is even, rich red. White and white with red tan colors are also acceptable in the breed. All shades of ocher and fawn are also allowed.

Pets of this breed have an independent and strong character. Despite this, they easily make contact with people and other animals and are very attached to their owners. An important factor when choosing a pet for the family is that the greyhound has a stable psyche and gets along well with children. This dog is exclusively domestic, despite his activity and need for games.

Note! Cirneco del Etna are not prone to loud barking and fuss. Despite their small size, they are not decorative breeds.

Origin of the breed

The Cirneco dell'Etna or Sicilian Greyhound is a very ancient breed of dog whose history goes back thousands of years. European scientists have studied many Mediterranean varieties of canines and found that the Sicilians descend from dogs brought from Egypt, whose antiquity is beyond doubt. These dogs were bred in the Nile Valley during the reign of the pharaohs and were used as hunting dogs. They sailed to the island on Phoenician ships.

Italians do not trust these studies and are confident that the Cirneco del Etna is an indigenous breed that appeared in Sicily several centuries ago. They believe that dogs came to Egypt with the Roman legions, and not vice versa. In addition, one cannot deny the obvious similarity of Cirneco with Egyptian dogs, images of which were carved on sarcophagi and bas-reliefs, and also left on frescoes. Sculptural groups were found with dogs very similar to pharaoh dogs and Sicilian greyhounds.

Another argument in favor of the Egyptian origin of Cirneco is its resemblance to the ruler of the underworld Anubis, traditionally depicted as a god with the head of a pointy-eared dog. Based on this, we can conclude that the Sicilian and Egyptian species are related to the jackal that lived in the upper Nile.

The first written mention of Cirneco dates back to 1653, associated with the name of the Italian naturalist Andre Sirino: he described the breed in his work De natura et solertia canum. Also known is the encyclopedia of Karl Vaughn Lynn (Sistema Naturae), who devoted a chapter to the Sicilians in his monumental publication. Despite being mentioned in scientific works, Cirneco was not popular among breeders of that time and was known only on the island. The purpose of this dog is to hunt hares, so the peasants did not attach importance to appearance and cared exclusively about working qualities.

The breed could have completely disappeared if not for the efforts of a fan of Sicilian greyhounds - Baroness Agatha Paterno Castello. She began working to restore the aboriginal dog population in 1934 and devoted 26 years to the task. The Baroness traveled all over the country in search of the best representatives of the species. In 1939, the Sicilian standard was approved, the breed was included in the register of the Italian Kennel Club, where it received the name Cirneco Dell'Etna.

During World War II, the Castello nursery experienced difficult times. Through superhuman efforts, the baroness managed to preserve the livestock, but after her death in 1958, no one needed the dogs, and the breed was on the verge of extinction. She was saved by veterinarian Francisco Scalarda, who managed to save several individuals from Agata Paterno’s nursery and brought the Sicilians out of the crisis. The Scalard branch received the prefix Taorminensis and gave rise to the modern Cirneco population. In 1989, the breed was registered with the World Canine Federation.

Hygiene and care

Russian greyhound dog: description of the hound breed

The pet is unpretentious in care and maintenance. The pet is smooth-haired, so brushing it with a special brush with stiff bristles is sufficient no more than once a week. The animals are clean and therefore do not have an unpleasant odor. They should be bathed rarely. For example, pets that take part in various exhibitions are bathed no more than once a month.

The animal's ears require close attention. It is important for dogs to clean their ears regularly, as secretions that accumulate in them can cause inflammation of the middle ear. You also need to trim your nails regularly.

Care and maintenance

Cirneco del Etna is a short-haired dog, formed in hot climates. It does not tolerate dampness and frost, so it cannot be placed outside.

Ideally, the Sicilian Greyhound should live in a private house with access to a fenced area. But with regular walking, the Cirneco del Etna adapts perfectly to apartment living.

On a note. Cirneco del Etna loves to roost on high ground and prefers to spend time not on his bed, but on the owner's chairs and sofas. To prevent the dog from lying on upholstered furniture, it is weaned from this habit from puppyhood.

Hygiene procedures

The short coat of the Cirneco del Etna does not require complex care. To remove dead skin particles and dead hairs, the dog is combed twice a week with a special brush with stiff bristles or treated with a rubber glove.

Bathe the Cirneco del Etna three times a year or in case of severe pollution. To do this, select gentle veterinary shampoos with a natural composition and marked “for short-haired breeds.” Frequent washing dries out your dog's skin and contributes to the development of eczema and other dermatological diseases.

The eyes of Cirneco del Etna are wiped in the morning with a piece of natural fabric moistened with chamomile infusion, unsweetened tea or settled boiled water.

If excessive lacrimation or purulent discharge is detected, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian so as not to miss the initial stage of allergies or ophthalmological diseases.

The Sicilian Greyhound is prone to ear infections and ear infections. For prevention, the ears of Cirneco del Etna are cleaned weekly with cotton swabs soaked in a special lotion, chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. If redness, copious or unpleasant-smelling discharge is detected, the dog is taken to the veterinarian.

The claws of the Cirneco del Etna usually wear down naturally. If they grow faster and interfere with the dog's gait, they are periodically cut with special clippers. All manipulations with a nail clipper are carried out as carefully as possible so as not to cause pain or frighten the animal.


The Sicilian Greyhound is an energetic hunting dog that requires high-quality nutrition. Cirneco del Etna is best fed with natural products, 70-80% of which is fresh raw meat. It can be lean, sinewy lamb, rabbit, poultry or beef.

Before putting the meat in a dog bowl, it is kept in the freezer for three days, defrosted and doused with boiling water.

Twice a week Cirneco dell'Etna can benefit from feeding by-products such as liver, tripe, kidneys and heart. Additionally, the Sicilian Greyhound is fed:

  • eggs;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • sour milk.

During the period of teeth change and increased growth, Cirneco del Etna should be given foods high in calcium. And twice a year, vitamin and mineral supplements are recommended for the dog.

Important! The Sicilian Greyhound should eat a balanced, but monotonous diet. A bowl of Cirneco del Etna should not contain river fish, fatty meat, sweets, sausages, smoked meats, pickles, mushrooms, exotic fruits or any dishes from the common table.

During long trips, the Sicilian Greyhound can be switched to dry food. Cirneco del Etna select high-quality premium or super-premium products from foreign manufacturers, such as Orijen, Carnilove, Acana or Belcando.

You cannot skimp on your dog’s nutrition by giving it budget food containing dyes, preservatives, corn, wheat, soy and other unnecessary ingredients.

Walking and exercise

The Sicilian Greyhound is an active dog that needs movement. To maintain muscle tone, physiological and mental health, she needs two daily walks for 1-1.5 hours.

Due to its developed hunting instinct, the Sicilian Greyhound is prone to escape. To prevent the dog from getting lost, it is allowed off the leash only in specialized areas or in fenced areas.

To give the Cirneco dell'Etna the opportunity to release pent-up energy, you can engage in coursing, agility, freestyle or flyball.

On a note. The short-haired Sicilian Greyhound does not tolerate rainy and frosty weather. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, walks with her are shortened, and before going outside, the Cirneco del Etna is insulated.

Training and education

Cirneco del Etna is an intellectually developed dog that remembers new information well. The process of raising her is complicated by the fact that she is often distracted by extraneous smells and irritants. In order for the Sicilian Greyhound to show interest in learning, activities should resemble play.

Cirneco del Etna will not tolerate physical punishment and will remember the insult for a long time. Therefore, during training, dogs should not be forced to follow commands. Only those who have a strong and principled character can achieve obedience from a cirneco.

Puberty and mating

Cirneco del Etna reaches sexual maturity at 7-11 months, but to obtain strong offspring it is not advisable to untie it before 2 years. By this age, the Sicilian Greyhound has time to fully develop and becomes capable of bearing and feeding healthy puppies.

Only purebred Cirneco del Etna with a stable nervous system, good pedigree and breed conformation are allowed for breeding.

Mating is carried out on the 10-13th day from the beginning of estrus and is repeated after 1-2 days for control. Mating is scheduled for the morning hours and preferably on the territory of the male.

During pregnancy, which lasts an average of 58-64 days, the expectant mother is placed on a special diet and limited in physical activity. Cirneco del Etna litters usually contain 4-6 puppies.

Caring for puppies

A Cirneco del Etna puppy from a certified nursery moves to the home of its new owners no earlier than it is 2-3 months old. Therefore, future owners have time to leisurely purchase everything that will make caring for their pet easier and make its life comfortable.

The “puppy dowry” kit includes:

  • bowls for water and food;
  • various toys;
  • bed with replaceable covers;
  • walking equipment;
  • hygienic cosmetics;
  • disposable diapers;
  • grooming tools.

On a note. At first, it is advisable to buy a cheap collar for a Cirneco puppy, since the baby is growing quickly. When the animal matures, it will be possible to choose high-quality, expensive ammunition for it.

The Cirneco puppy's resting place is located on a small hill and away from drafts or heat sources. To prevent a curious and active baby from getting into trouble, medicines, detergents, wires and breakable objects are hidden from him in advance.

To protect the Cirneco del Etna puppy from viruses and infections, until it has received all preventive vaccinations and completed quarantine, it is not allowed to walk or be allowed near other animals.


This is perhaps the only breed that needs a varied diet. Meat products should predominate in the diet, complemented by grains and vegetables. It is also recommended to regularly pamper your pet with raw fruits and offal.

How does the Sicilian Greyhound hunt?

Note! Ready-made industrial feeds are mainly used during training as a reward.

No genetic diseases have been documented in the Sicilian Greyhound. But it is important to know that dogs are predisposed to developing colds, as well as ear problems. Healthy representatives of the breed live on average from 12 to 15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cirneco is a dog breed that has a fairly extensive list of advantageous features, thanks to which it is so valued in its homeland:

  • unpretentious pets;
  • curious and easy to learn;
  • have an affectionate and affectionate character;
  • typical hunter's temper;
  • active and inquisitive until old age, so they need to devote a lot of time.

Another significant advantage is that dogs do not have an undercoat, therefore, the animals have no odor and the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction in household members is very small.

Despite a number of advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • hind toes dewclaws;
  • short dewlap and neck;
  • short muzzle;
  • divergence of the muzzle and skull.

Dogs can be touchy at times. If the owner has offended his pet, the latter may stop obeying and carry out even the most primitive commands.

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Who is the Sicilian dog suitable for?

The Sicilian Greyhound is suitable for apartment living. But it is important that the owner leads an active lifestyle. As practice shows, the breed is ideal for athletes and hunters. The pet should not be left alone at home for an extended period of time.

Sicilian greyhound puppy

Note! The dog is friendly, but with the appearance of children in the house, you should not count on its 100% obedience. Pets often become jealous, so breeders recommend holding off on purchasing a dog until your children are older.

In an apartment, the animal gets along with other pets, but on the street at any convenient time it can chase another dog or cat.


Raising Sicilian Greyhounds begins with early socialization. Puppies need to get used to dogs and strangers, so it is recommended that they go to parks and dog parks with them. Cirneco needs a firm and principled owner who can achieve unquestioning obedience from them. These dogs are easy to train, but are often stubborn. It is better to learn commands in a playful way, offering your pet a treat or toy as a reward for good behavior.

Sicilians cannot be forced! They will not tolerate physical punishment and will forever remember the insult.

Training should be varied, otherwise the pet will lose interest in training with the owner. You should not overload your dog with excessive activity; it is better to take him for a bike ride or a morning jog.

Choosing a puppy

You should choose the average puppy from the litter, not the largest and loudest or the smallest and quietest. The puppy should not have any signs of developing rickets. If the abdominal cavity is swollen, then you should definitely ask the owners when the dog was given antiparasitic drugs, and upon arrival at the new home, immediately carry out deworming.

The purchased puppy must already have the following documents:

  • parental health certificates;
  • pedigree;
  • birth certificate certified by the breed nursery;
  • brand and/or implanted chip;
  • veterinary passport indicating all vaccinations according to age.

At 2 months, puppies already look like they will look as adults.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

Dogs do not tolerate cold well, so they are not very common in Russia. However, in Moscow there is a National Breed Club where you can purchase a purebred puppy. The price of a dog ranges from 50-70 thousand rubles.

Sicilian greyhound mother

Nicknames and names

All purebred puppies have nicknames, but their owners give them pet names. Names, as a rule, do not appear in reporting and are used at the everyday level.

Suitable names for male dogs: Borat, Vaiden, Are, Kato, Lyman, Hesper or Wacker.

Nicknames for bitches: Besi, Nelda, Dixa, Lima, Brigita, Jassy, ​​Verity.

The Sicilian Greyhound breed has many advantages, thanks to which it is so highly valued in its homeland. The pet is unpretentious in caring for and raising, but it is better to have one for an active family.

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