Mexican hairless dog of the Xoloitzcuintle breed: standard, description, appearance

Mexican hairless dog Xoloitzcuintle: character and features

In our country, the Xoloitzcuintle is practically not found; its character and exotic appearance were valued by the Aztecs. Here's what you can say about the character of the breed:

  • Friendly, treats strangers with contempt, but is always kind and affectionate towards their owners.
  • Loves freedom.
  • He has a calm character, thanks to this he makes himself the best friend for a person.
  • Cheerful, very smart.
  • Xolo almost always attracts attention at exhibitions.
  • She loves to be praised and follows commands with pleasure.
  • Will become the protector of the whole family.
  • Needs daily communication with the owner, good company for your other pets, gets along quickly.
  • She is very affectionate to all family members, most of all to children.
  • When training a pet, the whole family must participate, then the puppy will grow up calm and sociable.
  • If only one person cares for the dog, she will become more attached to him than anyone else.
  • You should not get this dog if you do not have time, as this dog will demand your attention and cannot be alone.

Features of this breed:

  • It was first discovered in Mexico.
  • Recognized as the most unusual and ancient breed.
  • This breed was bred by the Aztecs and Indians.
  • When the Indian had joint pain, he took this dog with him to bed, used it as a heating pad, and it often helped.

If you really want to get a dog of this breed, then you should take two Xolos at once. They will entertain each other in your absence.

Scottish greyhound

This breed arose as a result of the evolutionary process of creating new breeds of animals. Nowadays, a hairless dog of this type is extremely rare. The animal has a gene called the “baldness gene.” It is born with hair and only a month later complete baldness occurs. The hairless dog has lost its exceptional importance due to the fact that hunting is not popular in Scotland.

Features of the Scottish Hairless Dog:

  • delicate and sensitive skin;
  • It is recommended to use overalls while walking due to the high likelihood of damaging the skin;
  • The dog is weak by nature.

Manchurian Hairless Dog

A unique breed that is almost never found even on the territory of its deposit. Residents of the Chinese industrial region of Manchuria call it “tai-tai.” This is a hairless dog with a tuft, which is a type of Chinese hairless dog. Experts in the field of cynology reject this dog as an independent breed. This is due to the fact that there are very few purebreds left.

Features of the Manchurian Hairless Dog:

  • animal for allergy sufferers;
  • positive and kind, loves to play with the owner and the rest of the family;
  • not characterized by the smell inherent in other dogs;
  • not susceptible to the appearance of blood-sucking representatives (for example, fleas);

Downy Xoloitzcuintle in wool: photo

It was said above that the Xoloitzcuintle breed has two varieties: hairless and with fur. These two species are similar in body structure and character. They get along well with others, especially with children, separating their toys from others. Here is a photo of dogs of this breed:


Xoloitzcuintle Xoloitzcuintle Xoloitzcuintle Xoloitzcuintle

It is worth noting:

  • When breeding this breed, the dogs were not always completely hairless.
  • Initially, pets with fur were not recognized as purebred animals, were disqualified from exhibitions and were prohibited from breeding.
  • They tried to breed them out.
  • By crossing hairless dogs with each other, breeders noted that litters produced puppies covered with hair—downy in their coats—since it is impossible to completely get rid of this gene.

Future owners of dogs of this breed should know:

  • Constant discussions around unrecognized dogs as individuals with fur led to a group of activists writing a petition to the cynological union.
  • A petition signed by breeders in many countries led to the recognition of this breed.

Features of this breed:

  • This is because it has no undercoat, so the dog does not shed.
  • The exception is the teenage period when the puppy's coat changes to that of an adult.
  • The coat is short and lies tightly to the body, completely covering the dog and without any unpleasant odor.
  • Another advantage is its smooth coat, no combing procedure and treatment with special creams to avoid sunburn.

Xolo downy tolerates car trips very well and loves to travel and walk with all family members.

Peruvian Inca Orchid

The Perunian Inca Orchid or Peruvian Hairless Orchid originated in ancient Peru, where they were kept as companion dogs. These dogs are usually very affectionate and protective of their family. They may become anxious if left alone. They need serious physical activity to exhaust them. Most of these dogs are completely hairless, although some have some hair on the head, paws and tip of the tail.

General characteristics

  • HEIGHT: 25 - 40 cm (small); 40-50 cm (medium); 50-60 cm (large)
  • WEIGHT: 3.5 – 7.5 kg (small); 7.5 – 11.5 kg (medium); 11.5 – 24 kg (large)
  • PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Long slender body; smooth skin can be black, brown, grey, pink or white

Mexican Xoloitzcuintle mini: sizes, photos

According to canine requirements, this unusual breed comes in different sizes: mini, medium and standard. The most popular is the mini standard, since its miniature dimensions - from 25 to 35 cm - allow you to take it with you everywhere. Here is a photo of this dog:

Xoloitzcuintle Xoloitzcuintle Xoloitzcuintle Xoloitzcuintle

  • Mexican Xoloitzcuintle bitches differ from cables in their size. They are slightly smaller, which is due to their reproductive functions.
  • The Xolo Mini's head is small and wedge-shaped.
  • Despite its small size, it has a strong jaw with a tight bite.
  • The tongue is usually pinkish, but may also contain black specks, which is typical for this breed.
  • The eyes, like those of a large dog, are almond-shaped, the color scheme varies depending on the skin tone.
  • The ears are bat-like and stand up when alert.
  • The Xolo especially attracts attention with its graceful and graceful neck.
  • Proportion and flexibility are emphasized by strong muscles.

When touched, the skin feels warm, smooth and soft, which requires additional care in the summer due to the lack of natural protection. Due to the lack of hair, this breed, even in extreme heat, occasionally breathes through its mouth, and sweat occurs through its paws.

Photo review

Xolo is a photogenic dog that inspires admiration. Elegance is in harmony with powerful, “masculine” breasts, “cute” ears - with a serious and attentive look. Photos of Xoloitzcuintle puppies and dogs make you fall in love with these pets at first sight.

Xoloitzcuintle dog breed: education and training

The Xoloitzcuintle is one of the new breeds that is gaining increasing popularity. However, few know how to raise them and whether they can be trained. Here are some tips:

  • There are no difficulties in raising this breed of dog.
  • Their character is quite calm, but it is necessary to pay attention to her behavior from the first days of her appearance in the family.
  • Xolo has a human mind and responds well to various training methods.
  • It can easily be taught various commands, such as: sit, lie down, give a paw.
  • By using praise and treats during training, you can speed up the process of perceiving the required commands.
  • Special attention should be paid to controlling your intonation when executing commands.
  • The voice should be calm, demanding and convincing.
  • Don't forget that puppies love to play, so it is recommended to practice some commands in a playful way.

From the first days of the puppy's birth, training must be carried out every day to obtain the intended results:

  • The first step is to gain your pet's trust.
  • Don't lie or tease, as this will discourage compliance.
  • This breed of dog allows you to train it at home.
  • However, if you do not have the basic knowledge for proper training, you can contact a specialist and invite him to a few classes, or you can do some training together.

A feature of this breed is its hostile attitude towards strangers. But if you approach her upbringing correctly, the Xolo will not show pronounced aggression towards others. Love and harmony will allow you to grow your pet into a devoted family friend.

Top nicknames

Due to the graceful appearance of the Xolo, soft, sonorous and short nicknames are suitable. You can consult a list of Mexican or Spanish names. It is important that the dog reacts positively to its nickname, so you should call your pet by it with praise, approval, and friendly “conversation.” It is best to avoid calling your name during punishment. The list of name options for Sholo is given in the table.

Table - Pet names

Nicknames for Xoloitzcuintle “boy”Nicknames for Xoloitzcuintle “girls”
— Miguel; — Diego; — Sebastian; — Migo; — Count; — Nestor; — Ricky; — Vasco; — Carlos; — Oscar — Olivia; — Hannah; - And I; - Haze; — Zara; — Pilar; - Naida; — Carla; — Martha; — Trini

Xoloitzcuintle: care and maintenance

Xoloitzcuintle is one of the oldest and rarest dog breeds. But at the same time it is the best option for apartments. Keeping representatives of the Mexican naked does not cause any particular difficulties:

  • Xolos are quite active dogs, but they need less regular physical activity than other breeds.
  • Some owners teach their pets to relieve themselves in a special tray without taking them outside.
  • The “naked people” perceive this absolutely normally.

Due to the lack of hair, the main care for such dogs is related to the skin:

  • Although it is elastic, dense and resistant to damage and insect bites, it still needs to be taken care of carefully.
  • Using shampoos, Xolos are washed as they become dirty.
  • After the bath procedure, be sure to rub oil-based moisturizers into the skin to avoid drying out.

Important to know: In winter, at temperatures below -10 degrees , during snowfall or strong winds, dogs must wear protective overalls lined with plush or fleece. In summer, it is necessary to lubricate animals with sunscreen to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

According to the standard, the ears of dogs of this breed should be vertically raised, but not cropped. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Starting from the age of three months, they are fixed in a raised state using a thin stick or a pen rod and an adhesive plaster.
  • The structure is left for 2 days, and then rest for a day.
  • The procedure is repeated until the full effect is achieved.

Treatment inside the ear and cleansing of the eyes is done weekly with cotton wool or a cotton cloth soaked in water. The claws of the Xtoloitzcuintle are trimmed as they grow. Due to incomplete dental formula, caring for this part of the body is especially important. For cleaning, use special brushes and anti-plaque sprays, and rawhide sticks.

Mexican Xoloitzcuintle dog: health and disease

Let's take a closer look at the health and diseases of the Mexican Xoloitzcuintle dog.

  • This dog breed is resistant to infectious diseases and has an enviable immunity.
  • But widespread “canine” ailments began to appear more and more often after the intervention of breeders in the development of the breed.

The following diseases occur in this breed:

  • The appearance of plaque on the skin with an unhealthy color and odor.
  • Weak cartilage (droopy ears effect).
  • Burns from direct sunlight.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Tooth loss (increases with age).
  • Dermatitis, eczema - most often caused by sunburn.
  • Joint dysplasia - dislocation of the kneecap.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis.
  • Colds - with hypothermia.

On average, the life expectancy of hairless Mexican dogs is from 15 to 20 years . This breed of dog thrives in any climate zone, but in cold areas it is required to wear insulated overalls to prevent it from catching a cold. The following should also be noted:

  • A feature of the Xoloitzcuintle's skin is its rapid regeneration from scratches and cuts.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the care of the skin and cartilage of large ears.
  • When playing outside, your dog can easily get scratches and cuts, which should be treated with antiseptic agents.
  • The puppy's ears should be glued so that they are stable by the time they are one year old.

Although the Mexican Xoloitzcuintle dog has a strong immune system, there is a chance that your pet will contract a dangerous infectious disease. To prevent this from happening, the dog must be vaccinated in a timely manner. Puppies from reputable sellers must be vaccinated according to schedule before being sold. This is indicated in the documents for the dog.

Xoloitzcuintle dogs: price of puppies in Russia

The Mexican hairless dog Xoloitzcuintle captivates many with its unusualness. How much do puppies of this breed cost in Russia?

  • Often the price depends on the “noble” blood and titles of the parents, the requirements of the breeder or online seller.
  • Naturally, puppies with a pedigree from specialized foreign nurseries will cost much more than a representative of the breed without documents purchased through an advertisement.
  • On average, the price for a xoloitzcuintle is 40-50 thousand rubles . Although there are cheaper options - about 3 thousand . But there is no guarantee that a puppy purchased “on occasion” will have the appropriate appearance.

It is worth remembering: There is a mini-version of this breed (read above in the text). This does not affect the price in any way, but it can be confusing when purchasing.

Starting from 30,000 rubles, you can count on a pet that has all the necessary documents (metrics, veterinary passport), as well as a brand and a microchip. Although, if a representative of this breed is purchased not for exhibitions, but for friendship, it is also quite possible to choose a cheaper option.

How to choose a pet

The Xolo dog is quite rare. Those interested in purchasing one will have to contact professional breeders. In Russia, there are Xoloitzcuintle nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in Ukraine - in Kyiv. In small towns it is unlikely that you will be able to find those who breed this breed.

To buy a good puppy, you need to talk to the breeder, find out more about the parents, their achievements and awards, and look at the documents. Most likely, you will have to book your dog in advance. Puppies are transferred to new families at the age of 3-4 months, a couple of weeks after revaccination against distemper, leptospirosis and intestinal infections.

The appearance of small Xoloitzcuintle puppies is a little off-putting. The baby's body is knocked down, the limbs are short, the skin is covered with folds. Such data should not confuse the buyer, since the physique will change with age, and wrinkles will smooth out.

When choosing a dog, it is better to pay attention to the animal’s temperament. It is worth giving preference to an active, playful and inquisitive puppy.

Where are the Xoloitzcuintle nurseries located?

The Xolo breed requires a careful approach to choosing a puppy. In order to choose the right purebred pet, you need to contact specialists who are professional breeders and have a veterinary or canine education. They will competently talk about this breed, habits, health, character and lifestyle.

Kinich Ahau nursery is one of the best in Russia:

  • This organization has all the necessary certificates and is registered with the International Canine Association.
  • She has many World and European champions in her collection.
  • Pets are winners of major exhibitions and receive excellent reviews from respected experts, demonstrating the beauty and grace of beautiful Xolos.

The RND HAIRLESS nursery is a monobreed and breeds standard size xolos:

  • This is a family-type kennel, that is, all dogs live permanently with their owners at home.
  • They prepare for each litter very responsibly and thoroughly. All pets must have a full range of vaccinations, branding and specialized documents.


  • Engaged in breeding miniature and medium-sized Xolos.
  • All dogs have excellent grades and titles, promising for breeding.
  • The main goal of the kennel is to produce beautiful, healthy dogs with adequate mental health.
  • Dogs and puppies of the kennel successfully perform at exhibitions, including special breed exhibitions, often taking the lead. They are worthy competition among the leading representatives of this ancient breed.

Remember: Choosing a pet is a responsible step, and therefore this procedure should be taken very seriously. A puppy is not a toy; it needs careful care, proper upbringing, health care and responsibility for its life in our world.


Despite the difficulties in caring for naked animals, these creatures are gaining popularity all over the world and in Russia in particular. This is due to a number of advantages of such animals: they do not need to be cut in special salons, they do not shed and cannot cause allergies in humans with their fur. In addition, there are quite a few such breeds. Therefore, everyone can easily find a pet without fur to their liking. Which variety do you like best? Perhaps this is a Chinese Hairless Crested or an American Terrier?

Xoloitzcuintle dog: reviews from owners

The Xoloitzcuintle breed formed independently without human intervention, which is why these dogs are classified as primitive breeds. Such dogs are distinguished by good health, rarely have genetic diseases and are long-lived.

Here are reviews from the owners of these dogs:

  • Artem, 24 years old My Alejandro is wonderful. He doesn't shed at all, is friends with everyone, playful, loyal, obedient. I always take it with me on trips, on vacation, and when I go shopping. When I lie down on the sofa after work, he will quietly lie down next to me. The only negative about it is allergies, which appear on the dog’s skin in the form of rashes. It took me a long time to select food for him.
  • Nikita, 20 years old When my sister gave me a puppy, I immediately named him Baloo. He has a wonderful assortment in his wardrobe, and we constantly dress for walks in similar looks. Baloo is very smart, loyal, not picky about food, you can even talk to him, tell him about your experiences, and he looks straight at me with a knowing look and starts licking me.
  • Nikolay, 48 years old I’ll tell you from my experience, I love dogs, but I didn’t get them for only one reason, that’s because they shed. But my son was once looking up dog breeds on the Internet, and I saw this miracle. The decision was immediate and I bought a Xolo dog. And now Rose is a favorite pet not only for our entire family, but also for our neighbors. If you are eager to have a pet that will constantly delight you, welcome you home, lift your spirits and create comfort in your home, then buy a Xoloitzcuintle, you will not regret it.
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