Long-haired German Shepherd: impressive appearance and high intelligence

Legendary breed. Today there are over 30 thousand Alsatian Shepherd breeders in the world.

The long-haired German Shepherd is gaining popularity among dog lovers. A beautiful and bright representative of the breed - the star of special breed exhibitions. But in every barrel of honey, as you know, there is a fly in the ointment. And the beauty of German blood is no exception.


There are not so many versions about the origin of long-haired representatives of the breed. Speaking of this, it is worth touching on the topic of the origin of the German Shepherd.

It all started at the end of the 19th century. In Germany there lived a cavalryman named Max von Stephanitz. He was passionate about genetics and dreamed of breeding an exceptional breed. So that she has excellent working qualities, is obedient and beautiful at the same time.

It is assumed that the gene for long hair appeared in BUT as a result of a mutation

In the early spring of 1899, von Stephanitz and his accomplice Arthur Mayer went to a dog show. There he took a liking to a male named Hector. This was the canine ideal in the mind of a cavalryman. Max spent a long time begging the dog's owner to sell the dog. He agreed, and the deal became the starting point for the creation of a new breed.

In the same year, von Stefanitz approved the Union of German Shepherd Lovers and breeding work began to boil.

The male purchased by the young cavalryman was standard. Even professionals cannot answer where the gene for long hair came from. The German Longhair may have originated from a genetic mutation.


Longhaired German Shepherd owners emphasize intelligence, friendliness, and loyalty in their dogs.

Marina: “This is my first experience of purchasing a puppy. I'm glad I chose such a fluffy German Shepherd. This smartest creature follows me everywhere. I am attached to him with all my soul. There is simply no better breed.”

Oleg: “We have a private house and when choosing a dog breed for protection, we read a lot of literature and reviews, because we have small children. As a result, I bought a long-haired German Shepherd and did not regret it at all. It guards well and does not have the habit of barking for no reason. He even manages to tolerate the cat.”

Matvey: “My shepherd has no flaws. A lot of wool is not a problem. It is necessary to look after her. I read about hysteria and instability. Excuse me, but have you tried taking care of a pet? Like a child, he requires education and training. If you don’t have time for a dog of this breed, then you shouldn’t get one. And if you are not lazy and spend enough time communicating with your dog, you will grow up to be a wonderful representative of shepherd dogs.”

Standard, description of appearance and color

According to the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), the breed standard for the long-haired Alsatian Shepherd is no different from the description of a regular short-haired animal. Only the types of wool differ.

Apart from the length of the coat, long-haired BUTs are no different from short-haired ones.


Dry and large with a convex forehead and a noticeable transition to the muzzle. The eyes are dark brown, the nose is large and black. The jaws are powerful and have a scissor bite.


The description of the breed provides for a powerful neck without dewlap. The withers are pronounced. The back is long and strong. The croup is sloping and goes into the base of the tail. The chest is powerful and round. The stomach is taut.

Front limbs

Straight, parallel to each other, well developed. The feet are round, with hard pads and dark nails.

Hind limbs

Powerful thighs approximately the same length as the lower legs. Paws are collected, rounded. Hard pads, dark claws.


Acceptable are black and red, saddleback and black representatives of the breed. Black Alsatian dogs can be tinged with red or deep brown.

A black mask on the face is acceptable. The brighter it is, the higher the dog is valued.

Long-haired German Shepherd with a black mask on his face


Thick and long with dense undercoat.

Size and weight

The minimum height of a male dog is 60 centimeters. Weight - 35-45 kilograms. The minimum height of a female is 55 centimeters. Weight 32-42 kilograms.

Long-haired DO needs to be combed 3-4 times a week

The best names for a long-haired German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a respectable breed, so it needs an appropriate nickname. Large service dogs are often given nicknames related to history, mythology, astrology and aristocracy.

Table: popular nicknames for the German Shepherd

  • Rex;
  • Mars;
  • Zeus;
  • Caesar;
  • Kurt;
  • Graph;
  • Lord;
  • Adolf;
  • Gray;
  • Alex
  • Alpha;
  • Wendy;
  • Sherry;
  • Hera;
  • Athena;
  • Gerda;
  • Kira;
  • Ada;
  • Daisy;
  • Chelsea

You should not give your shepherd a name that is consonant with commands, or call him names that are too long and difficult to pronounce.

Distinctive features and character

The long-haired shepherd entered the breed standard eight years ago. Before this, it was considered a tribal marriage. Puppies were sold without a pedigree.

In March 2010, Germany decided to include long-haired Alsatian dogs in the standard. This is due to their frequent birth rate and the demand for such puppies, even though they could not be bred and exhibited.

Most fluffy German Shepherds have a rather unbalanced psyche. This manifests itself both in the direction of a crazy temperament and inhibition. The first dogs are typical cholerics. They undergo excitation processes very quickly, but there is trouble with inhibition. For the second, the opposite is true.

If such a choleric person appears at home, then you will have to deal with him especially long and carefully. Representatives of the breed are not always obedient; their energy is in full swing. You need to be given the opportunity to throw it away. Long walks with physical activity will help with this. These dogs need to be exhausted with training and walks, otherwise the owner’s apartment will suffer.

The shepherd's energy must be channeled into a peaceful channel, otherwise the owner's property will suffer.

At home, “long dogs” are sociable and sweet dogs. Family members are loved, or create the appearance of love. If a dog is phlegmatic, it is indifferent to the caresses of its owner. Choleric in mood: either he comes to caress, or he can growl.

It is trainable, but not as easy as a standard German Shepherd. Long-haired dogs have a very difficult flaw to correct: if this dog is afraid of something once, then it is very difficult to wean it from being afraid of this irritant. As a child, a puppy was frightened by a bush that moved sharply in the wind. An adult dog, approaching the bushes, will try to growl at them.

Attitude towards people, children and other pets

Shaggy German Shepherds have a very unique character. It is among representatives of this type that one encounters evil-cowardly animals. They can swoop down on a person, barking menacingly at him, but as soon as he swings at a dog, the dog switches to hysterical notes in his voice. There is no need to experiment, of course. Not all dogs will tolerate this. Others will go on the attack, which is why it is not very advisable to engage in ZKS with long-haired choleric people. These dogs are crazy. They pretend to obey their master. But at a critical moment they may not listen, which in the city can lead to catastrophic consequences. A dog that knows its strength and knows how to bite well is a killing machine.

In general, the attitude towards strangers is wary.

Children are tolerated, but may snap if the child has caused discomfort to their four-legged friend.

They treat cats loyally and play with them. They get along with other dogs, but with some reserve. Rodents such as rats and hamsters are not welcome. They are quite capable of knocking down a cage and strangling a defenseless pet.

Only long-haired cats are calm, the reaction to other pets can be unpredictable

Security qualities

If desired, you can make a stunning guard out of a fluffy German Shepherd. This is the highlight of the representatives of the breed. They are not kept in apartments, but in enclosures. And their security qualities are very well developed.

Life expectancy and health

Lokhmach is prone to inappropriate behavior. This is the most important disease found among representatives of the type.

Hip dysplasia can easily be classified as a physical ailment. The hind legs of shepherd dogs are a weak point.

The gastrointestinal tract and the manifestation of allergies are another health drawback.

Due to poor nutrition, weeping sores on the skin may appear. The hair at the base of the coat sticks together and acquires a white-yellow coating, reminiscent of dandruff. A bad-smelling sore will appear under the hair.

Shepherds with long hair are prone to ear infections.

A German Shepherd lives 10-14 years.


They are born with wavy fur. By the age of one month it will already become clear that this puppy is “fluff”. There are no other changes in appearance.

You can buy a long-haired German Shepherd puppy from a kennel. There are quite a lot of breeders of this breed in Russia.

The main disadvantage of long-haired dogs is their unbalanced psyche.

Buy a pet at the age of 2.5 months. Other breeders sell puppies when they are 30-35 days old. This is not entirely correct; such a dog does not receive sufficient socialization among its brothers and sisters, which in the future will lead to problems in communicating with other animals.


Properly selected balanced food is the key to your pet’s health.

The long-haired German Shepherd needs a large amount of protein and carbohydrates with a minimum amount of fat. Both natural food and dry food are suitable.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You should choose one way of eating.

With natural feeding, the dog’s diet must include: lean boiled meat and dairy products, cereals, seasonal fruits, chicken eggs can be given 2 times a week. Fish is useful for such dogs. The consumption of foods fortified with calcium should be limited.

It is prohibited to give your dog:

  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • sweet;
  • flour;
  • roast;
  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • oatmeal;
  • salty, spicy and pickled dishes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • tubular bones.

Puppies should be given sugar bones to strengthen their jaw muscles. Their use also helps in the fight against plaque.

It is better to choose premium or super premium ready-made food for long-haired German Shepherds. When using dry food, be sure to ensure there is sufficient water available.

The number of feedings per day is determined by the age of the dog.

Experts recommend adhering to the following daily diet plan:

  • in the first 2 months of life – 6 times;
  • to 3 – 5;
  • from 3 to 6 the number of feedings is 4;
  • from 6 to 1 year, the puppy is transferred to three meals a day;
  • later the dog is considered an adult, food intake is reduced to 2 times.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You need to feed your shepherd regularly, at the same time. The temperature of the dish is average. Bowls should be on a stand and positioned at the height of the dog's chest. This is important for the formation of correct posture.

Training and education

2-3 days after the puppy moves to a new home, you need to gradually begin raising it. Raising a pet means refusing to indulge his whims, firmly and clearly holding your line. It must be done as the owner needs it. If the owner teaches the pet to go to the toilet for a diaper in one place, the puppy must understand this.

Long-haired HOs are slightly less trainable than standard HOs

It is forbidden to climb onto a chair, bite the owner’s arms and legs, or beg for a tasty piece next to the table. And it should always be like this. Today they drove me away from the table, tomorrow they gave me something tasty. Long-haired Alsatian dogs are not mentally very good, lack of consistency will make it even worse.

Training begins with such simple exercises as getting used to the owner’s hands. It's all about play and treats.

Maintenance, care and feeding

Long-haired shepherd dogs are show class. There are almost no long breeds among working breeders. The best keeping for a ring star is a spacious enclosure on the site of a country house. Living in an apartment is torture for her. Both the dog and the owner suffer. The first one is under pressure from the walls; it is difficult for her to be in a confined space. The owner suffers from the destructive actions that the pet inflicts, trashing the apartment.

Everyday care for your pet includes examining the ears, eyes and mouth. Be sure to brush your dog three to four times a week. During molting, you have to scratch your pet daily.

The breed standard was adopted only in 2010; previously, shepherd dogs with long hair were considered a defect

Every day the dog should walk for at least two hours at a time. An adult shepherd dog is walked twice a day. Walking at a brisk pace is beneficial for the hind legs and strengthening the muscles. The dog walks in front of the owner on a tight leash. Among breed lovers this is called “pull”. This is how dogs walk at shows.

Mental classes are held four to five times a week, 20 minutes each. If the dog stops using his head, this is called backing. In just a few days, a pet can forget everything that happened before. To maintain memory, training is done regularly. Both with a dog handler and on walks.

Feeding consists of two types. Natural or dry food. Shepherd dogs are prone to allergies, so you need to choose holistic food for them. There is no opportunity to feed expensive food, and holistic food is not cheap, home-cooked food has not been canceled:

  • boiled beef or turkey;
  • buckwheat, rice, barley;
  • vegetables;
  • apples, pears, cherries, plums, strawberries;
  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • crackers made from wheat bread in the form of a delicacy.

There should not be any sausages, sausages, sweets, smoked meats or oatmeal in the animal’s diet.

Diseases typical for the breed

Despite the endurance and strength of German Shepherds, they are prone to various diseases.

To prevent many diseases, you need to carefully monitor your dog’s health and visit a veterinarian promptly.

Table: diseases and their prevention

DiseaseDescription of the diseaseTreatmentRequired vaccinations
Elbow and hip dysplasiaAn incurable disease that can lead to partial or complete destruction of a dog's jointsFor dysplasia in dogs, treatment with medications includes prescribing medications to regenerate joints and reduce pain.Vaccinations are given against the following diseases:
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parvovirus infection;
  • arboviral enteritis;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • carnivore plague;
  • parainfluenza

Adults are dewormed once every three months.

ArthritisInflammation of the joints, mainly older dogs are susceptible to the diseaseTreatment is carried out using medications prescribed by a veterinarian, special exercises and physical procedures.
Degenerative myelopathyA disease leading to paralysis of the hind limbsTreatment includes physical exercise, dietary nutrition with the addition of vitamins to the diet to strengthen muscles
VolvulusIncreased accumulation of gases and feces in the intestinesWhen there is a volvulus, the owner cannot help his pet with practically anything - his main function is to move the dog to the veterinary clinic
EpilepsyA nervous system disorder accompanied by sudden attacks of tremors or seizuresEpilepsy is incurable, but with the help of special medications it is possible to minimize the risk of developing seizures
Rectal fistulaInflammation of the anal gland, which is caused by infectionDrug therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs
CataractClouding of the lens of the eye (the disease develops mainly in older dogs)The intensity and need for therapy is determined by a specialist
AllergyAn abnormally increased reaction of the body to some foreign substance that has entered it by any meansThe appropriate medicine can relieve itching and other symptoms for a short period of time, but effective treatment requires a diet
CardiomyopathyPathology of the heart muscle, in which blood circulation slows downThe disease as such has no cure. It is only possible to alleviate the clinical symptoms of heart failure and increase life expectancy

Many long-term patients are sensitive to medications. Before giving your dog medication, it is highly recommended that you consult with your doctor.

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