West Highland White Terrier - the breed of dog from the Caesar advertisement

What breed of dog is in the Cesar food commercial?

  • West Highland White Terrier advertises CESAR commercial small dog food. With her appearance she attracts a large number of buyers of this food and attracts attention, and in fact the dog is lovely and her activity is also pleasing.
  • Caesar food is advertised for a dog of the West Highland White Terrier breed. The dog is very beautiful and, like a real terrier, is very devoted to its owner and can always protect her. And what a devoted and loving look she has, it’s simply captivating. I immediately liked this advertisement thanks to the dog.
  • The dog food advertisement featured a small dog with white fur and small, kind eyes. The breed is extremely loyal to humans; they are excellent loyal protectors. The name of the breed is: West Highland White Terrier.
  • In an advertisement for Caesar food, there really is a cute little white dog running around with a smart look. And she also looks very devoted. Cutie. This dog belongs to the breed with the very long and clever name of the West Highland White Terrier. Like this, below is one of the representatives of this breed:

    Very sweet.

  • The cutest white dog from an advertisement for dog food quot; Caesarquot; belongs to the West Highland White Terrier breed. At first glance it may seem that this is a decorative dog, but this is not so. This breed was bred in Scotland for hunting. This is a hunting dog. By nature, dogs of this breed are lively, playful and very brave. If necessary, they can intercede and protect the owner.
  • This dog was bred in Scotland and is not at all as harmless as in advertising - it is a hunter and hunts animals such as fox and badger. E size is not just for pampering at home, she was bred specially small to get prey out of holes. Well, this breed is called beautifully in Scottish:
  • A very cute dog of the West Highland White Terrier breed. Such a cute dog can be a faithful friend for a child, but it requires special care. But the dog will thank you for this with its devotion and cheerful character. The dog looks like a big cat.
  • In an advertisement for dog food quot; Caesarquot; we see a white, smart dog that is very active and devoted to its owner. These dogs really are like that. They love to interfere, especially love hunting, and are very devoted to their owners. This breed is called the West Highland White Terrier.
  • The breed of the small white dog that is being filmed for the Caesar commercial is called the West Highland White Terrier. In appearance it is white and fluffy, but by nature it is very brave and will protect its owner in case of danger. Photo of the dog:
  • The marketers, of course, have done well once again, because they have chosen an incredibly charming and cute breed of dog for food advertising, which looks less like a pet and more like a soft toy. The name of the breed, by the way, is also unusual in sound, I would even say fabulous, namely

>Characteristics of Dogo Argentino dogs with reviews and photos

4/5 (1)

History of the origin of the breed

The Dogo Argentino, or as the Argentines call it, the white angel of death, is a young, artificially bred breed. It appeared thanks to the young ambitious 18-year-old Argentinean Antonio Nores Martinez. He dreamed of breeding a new breed of dog that would help him become a great hunter.

Having read the relevant literature, he and his younger brother in 1925 began breeding a fast, brave, strong hunting dog that could easily get along in ordinary families.

The base breed was the now extinct Cordoba fighting dog (Perro Pelea de Cordobes), which was already a mixture of the muscular Spanish mastiff, as well as the broad-chested English bulldog and bull terrier. For further development of the breed the following were taken:

  • the Dogue de Bordeaux, which made the dog even more powerful;
  • a boxer who conveyed his poise;
  • Irish Wolfhound, which added speed to the breed;
  • an English pointer who endowed her with an impeccable keen sense of smell;
  • Great Dane, which increased the dog's height;
  • Great Pyrenees dog, firmly fixed in white.

Three years later, the first attempts were made to introduce a breed standard. But only after almost 30 years the breed was stabilized as much as possible. Unfortunately, Antonio did not live to see this moment. In 1954 he was killed while hunting.

Further work was continued by his younger brother Augustine. His diplomatic activities contributed to the fact that these dogs quickly began to gain popularity, first in Argentina, then abroad. He simply gave puppies to foreign ambassadors and diplomats, who took them to their homeland.

In 1964, the breed was approved by the Argentine Kennel Federation, and in 1973, the Dogo Argentino was officially recognized by the FCI. This breed is considered the only recognized dog breed in Argentina. The people of Argentina are so proud of these dogs that they consider them a national treasure and even immortalized them in a monument.

At the moment, in addition to its homeland, Argentine is confidently gaining popularity in many European countries. The breed achieved its greatest success in Italy, France, Germany and Holland.

Character of the Dogo Argentino breed

Harmoniously built, with prominent muscles, the dogs are endowed with a calm and balanced character. They are equally devoted to all family members, but they show special treatment to children. As a rule, these dogs are not prone to causeless aggression.

They are quite calm and friendly towards people. But, like other large breeds, they require early socialization, i.e. communication with the outside world. Other pets may be perceived as prey.

Argentinos love to interact with their owners. They do not single out one person, but faithfully and devotedly serve all members of their family.

However, from the very beginning it is necessary to firmly indicate what place the dog occupies in the family hierarchy, since a family for them is a pack. For the same reason, you should be careful when taking an adult, which is difficult to adapt to a new system of subordination.

Despite their strength and power, these dogs are very sensitive and vulnerable. They can hardly bear any insults from their owners and do not forget them for a long time. Dogs are not vindictive and are not prone to revenge. It will be quite difficult to regain the trust and affection of your pet. If you do not specifically instill anger, then this is a kind, patient and peace-loving breed.

It must be borne in mind that if the owner is in even the slightest danger, Argentines always make their own decisions. You may not even have time to notice how your defender will attack a potential threat. When constantly spending time in an enclosure or on a leash without human attention, dogs become aggressive and difficult to control.

Exterior Features

The dog breed from the Caesar advertisement is distinguished by its relatively small size. The maximum height of adults is only 26-28 centimeters. Despite all their external diminutiveness, West Highland White Terriers have a fairly dense build. One of the features of these animals is the disproportion of the head and body.

The dog's body is covered with hard five-centimeter long hair with a short, dense and soft undercoat, more like fur. Interestingly, the breed of dog from the Caesar advertisement is distinguished by its exclusively white coat.

How to choose a puppy

You need to adopt a puppy at three months of age. By this time, the babies will have fully grown stronger and will have adopted all the necessary initial skills from their mother. It is also at this age that some possible health and behavioral problems become visible.

When choosing a future pet, pay attention to the living conditions of the mother and puppies. This must be a clean and dry area. Puppies must be well-groomed and well-fed, but not overfed, with eyes free of discharge and clean ears. Check for irritation and rashes on exposed skin.

The Dogo Argentino is a dog with developed muscles, so puppies already at this age have the makings of a future athlete. This is primarily a working breed. After observing the behavior, choose an active, curious and strong baby.

Purebred puppies should be white or have one small spot around one eye. You should not purchase a puppy from dubious sellers who cannot confirm the purity of the breed. Any impurity can negatively affect the behavior and character of the dog.

It would be ideal to go to a special nursery, where they will help you choose a puppy for its intended purpose: for further breeding, a show class representative or a guard and companion for the family and home. This choice may determine how much a Dogo Argentino is worth.

Dog in advertising Caesar

Many people are interested in what breed of dog was filmed in the advertisement for Caesar food. The creators of the videos chose a charming creature that looks like a plush toy - a representative of the West Highland White Terrier.

These dogs are born artists and are distinguished by their rare intelligence. But they are also characterized by stubbornness, so the person working with them must have patience and unquestioned authority.

The West Highland White Terrier is a small dog with fluffy snow-white fur, no more than 30 cm tall. Due to its miniature size, it is perfect for a city apartment.

You can read about other small breed dogs here: https://kot-pes.com/malenkie-sobachki-porody-opisanie-foto/

These pets were bred in Scotland in the 19th century specifically for hunting. Their small size and agility made it possible to drive prey such as foxes and badgers out of their holes. Although now the breed is more used as a decorative dog, the dog is highly active, loves to run and play, and has a cheerful character.

West Highland White Terriers are courageous, intelligent, and very loyal to their owners. They are great defenders. They are wonderful friends and companions for children over 10 years old.

The article https://kot-pes.com/porody-sobak-kompanonov/ will tell you about other companion dogs

Thanks to its adorable appearance, the dog is a pleasure to look at. It is no coincidence that after the advertisement was released, sales of Caesar food went up sharply.

If you want to look at other beautiful dog breeds, we recommend that you read the article https://kot-pes.com/samye-krasivye-sobaki-v-mire-parad-dostoinstva-roskoshi-i-umileniya/

In Russia, these dogs are considered quite rare. But their popularity is growing even despite the high price (about 40 thousand rubles for a show-class puppy).


What breed of dog is in the pedigree advertisement? The dog from the food commercial. What breed of dog from the food commercial is Cesar? What breed of dog is in the Cesar food commercial? West Highland

Dog names

All purebred puppies from the kennel or from breeders already have registered pedigree names included in the puppy card. But they do not always suit new owners, who often give their pets pet names or nicknames.

It is better to choose a nickname for your pet that is simple, easy to pronounce and remember. For example, an Argentino male can be called Adar, Wald, Grand, Dinar, Cover, Lord, Noris, Roy, Egri, Yasher and so on. For more flexible bitches, names such as Brenta, Bella, Grace, Madeline, Nera, Polly, Teza, Holly, Sheila, Emmy and others are suitable.

Dogo Argentinos are one of the very easy breeds to care for. Their short, smooth coat needs to be brushed once a week or with a special glove, removing dead skin particles. Such a dog is bathed once or twice a year or when it is very dirty. Periodically treat the fur against fleas.

If you live in an area where there are a lot of ticks, it is better to take preventive measures several times from spring to autumn. This can be a collar treated with a special solution, a subcutaneous or cutaneous vaccine, or sprays.

All these remedies do not always prevent bites, but they minimize possible complications to which purebred dogs are often susceptible. You should also keep your pet's ears clean.

All short-haired dog breeds are not intended to be kept outside during the cold season. When bringing a dog into a private home, without being able to take it into the premises, it is necessary to ensure that it has an insulated booth in a spacious enclosure, protected from wind and rain.

Argentines can be kept in apartments, remembering that they need a long daily walk. You should only walk your dog in crowded places wearing a muzzle and a leash, and instead of a regular collar, it is better to use a harness or a collar-clipper.

Quelle est la race de chien de la publicité alimentaire Cesar?

West Highland - White Terrier fait la publicité de la nourriture industrielle pour les petits chiens CESAR. Elle attire un grand nombre d'acheteurs de cette nourriture avec son apparence et attire l'attention, et en fait le chien est très heureux et très actif.

La nourriture de Cesar est annoncée par le chien de West Highland White Terrier. Le chien est très beau et comme un vrai terrier est très dévoué à sa maîtresse et peut toujours la protéger. Et quel regard dévoué et aimant elle a, fascine juste, j'ai immédiatement aimé cette annonce grâce au chien.

Un chien de petite taille, avec des cheveux blancs, avec de petits yeux aimables, a été tiré dans la publicité de nourriture pour chien. La race est extrêmement dévouée à l'homme, ce sont d'excellents défenseurs dévots. Il est appelé la race comme suit: West Highland White Terrier.

Dans la publicité de la nourriture de César, un chien blanc mignon avec un regard intelligent court vraiment. Et pourtant elle a l'air très fidèle. Cutie. Ce chien appartient à la race avec un nom très long et intelligent West Highland White Terrier. Ici et là, d'en bas un des représentants de cette race est représenté:

Le chien blanc le plus cher de la publicité de nourriture pour chien “César”; se réfère à la race West Highland White Terrier. À première vue, il peut sembler que c'est un chien décoratif, mais ce n'est pas le cas. Cette race a été mise en évidence en Écosse pour la chasse. C'est un chien de chasse. Selon la nature du chien de cette race, les lézards sont enjoués et très courageux. Si nécessaire, ils peuvent intercéder et protéger l'hôte.

Ce chien est élevé en Ecosse et pas aussi inoffensif que dans la publicité - c'est un chasseur et des proies sur des animaux comme le renard et le blaireau. E taille n'est pas seulement pour se faire dorloter à la maison, il est élevé spécialement petit pour obtenir la proie des trous. Eh bien, cette race est appelée Scottishly beautiful:

Race de chien très sympathique West Highland White Terrier. Un chien si gentil peut être un vrai ami pour l'enfant, mais le soin d'elle exige un special. Mais le chien pour cela va remercier le dévouement et le caractère joyeux. Le chien ressemble à un gros chat.

Dans la publicité de nourriture pour chiens “César”; on voit un chien blanc intelligent, très actif et dévoué à sa maîtresse. Ces chiens sont vraiment tellement. Ils aiment interferer, surtout comme la chasse, très dévoués à leurs maîtres. Cette race est appelée West Highland White Terrier.

La race d'un petit chien blanc, qui est retiré pour la publicité par César, s'appelle West Highland White Terrier. En apparence - blanc et moelleux, mais de caractère très courageux et protéger son maître en cas de danger. Photo du chien:

Les commerçants, bien sûr, encore une fois, parce qu'ils ont ramassé une race incroyablement charmante et douce de chien pour la publicité, ce qui est plus comme un animal de compagnie, mais un jouet en peluche. En passant, le nom de la race est également inhabituel dans le sondage, je dirais même fabuleux, à savoir


Modern PR specialists have to come up with new “tricks” to attract potential consumers. That's why you can often see pets in many videos. After reading today's article, you will find out what breed of dog is featured in the Caesar commercial.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

For the first few days, the puppy should be given the food to which it was initially accustomed. These recommendations should be given by the previous owners. Then gradually transfer to a new diet. A puppy up to six months old should eat small meals four to five times a day. From 11 months and older, dogs are fed twice a day.

A dog's balanced diet consists of one third of meat or offal, sea fish or chicken. It is also beneficial to provide fresh vegetables. A small amount of butter or vegetable oil is added to grated carrots for better absorption. You can also use ready-made food.

Smoked meats are completely excluded from the diet, and you also need to be extremely careful with sweets. Portions should be moderately sufficient. If the dog is not full, after eating it vigorously licks the bowl. Next time you should add a little more.

If after 20 minutes from the start of feeding there is food left, the bowl is taken away, and the next time, accordingly, it is filled less. During the hot season, dogs of all breeds experience decreased appetite.

You cannot feed your dog from the floor; bowls with food and water should be at chest level. A special stand is used for this. Speaking of water. It should always be freely available.

Behavior and character

Each representative of this breed has all the traits inherent in this group of animals. They have a very developed sense of ownership, aggression towards other dogs, wariness towards strangers and a desire for independence. These miniature white terriers love to bark loudly. To raise a balanced animal, it is necessary to educate and socialize your pet from an early age.

West Highland White Terriers are quite jumpy and can easily leave the confines of their yard. If there is a truly impenetrable fence in front of them, then these cunning dogs will escape by digging under the fence.

Proteins – 9.0g, fats – 4.5g, ash – 2.0g, fiber – 0.5g, moisture – 80g

Caesar in packs, 100g each, is produced in Stupino Moscow region. In the same place as the usual canned food Pedigree and Whiskas.

Pieces of imitation meat, elastic, molded, 1-2 types + jelly.

The smell is sharper than pedigree in spiders.

It’s hard to even say what it smells like, I wouldn’t say it’s very pleasant. What does it have to do with the Pedigree beef, I caught the smell of beef, and in Caesar my nose only recognized the smell of paprika and tomato in the food of lamb with vegetables and chicken with vegetables.

After a night in the refrigerator (transferred to a glass jar), the smell becomes worse and stronger. The lamb with vegetables turned out to be the most persistent; the smell of paprika and tomato was still felt in it.

It tasted better than the previous Caesar in lamister. Apparently because there was no strong smell of spices. But there was no overjoy.

The manufacturer assures that there are no preservatives, dyes, or artificial flavors.

Canned food is complete, feeding standards are 12-1 pouch per kg of dog weight per day.

Guaranteed analysis is the same everywhere

Proteins – 9.0g, fats – 4.5g, ash – 2.0g, fiber – 0.5g, moisture – 80g

Vitamins and minerals:

vitamin A – at least 150 IU, vitamin E – at least 1.2 mg.

The composition is basically the same. Main skeleton:

meat and offal at least 40%, vegetables (minimum 4%), cereals, fiber, vitamins, minerals.

Lamb contains at least 4% lamb. Beef contains at least 26% beef, chicken contains at least 26% chicken. In beef and rabbit, at least 20.5% beef, 5.5% rabbit, instead of vegetables, at least 4% spinach

Lamb with vegetables

Beef with vegetables

Chicken with green vegetables

Beef rabbit spinach (sauce is really greenish)

Left Pedigree Right Caesar Beef

Average price 27-25 rubles per 100g

As with the previous Caesar, IMHO the price is very high. Moreover, it is produced here.

It differs (IMHO) from pedigree : it has a sharper smell, a more attractive jelly and a little more nutritional value.

Pedigri has 7g protein, 4g and 70kcal per 100g

From eating experimental poodle

he didn’t die, he didn’t become hairy, and in fact, he didn’t get any hair from the spider who was bought for the sake of science either))

The only thing I didn’t like was the smell from the mouth; after feeding, the “aroma” lasts for another 30 minutes.

If I fed my dogs similar canned food, I would definitely take Pedigree, is there any point in overpaying for Caesar?

Let's take one of the most popular foods of this brand and try to understand its composition. So, “Lamb with vegetables” pouches. It contains:



We live with a purebred Argentinean named Michael, he is already 2.5 years old. One can only envy his noble calm. We taught ourselves. I remembered everything quickly and easily. It’s true that he carries out all commands with aristocratic slowness and grace. He is very gentle and careful with our children. No problems with grooming, but he needs long walks. Sometimes we have a hard time getting home. In winter we walk less or wear a sweater. Doesn't shed. It’s true that you often have to wipe away the drool. And he eats a lot.


Great dog. Loyal, smart, obedient. Excellent temperament. To those who consider this breed aggressive, I want to say that without education, sometimes people are many times worse and angrier than dogs. Awesome physique, which is clearly visible through the short hair. He will never bark unless necessary. And if you have a voice, then you need to pay attention to it. I scared away the thieves a couple of times, and even managed to tear the pants of one. We live in our own house. In the summer he lives on the street, and in the winter with us in the house. The dog is great!

Share with us your observations and experiences regarding the Dogo Argentino. Any advice on raising and maintaining this breed will be very useful to us.

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Assortment of canned food for dogs Caesar and customer opinion. Video about how dogs eat Caesar food. Overview of components and product price.

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